Ontario Reporter, 24 Apr 1852, p. 4

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.bte scrved lhit iii sc aint way a SUtiýpet-'1 Ji li ' ~'Tâ 1 W -OB The iei- nicof~bâerIiestô pay for their paier e rwpbla, id inian~tuy 1ln*tanesIlile 1pro- vurb i i i.n wesital.i truiju, 'Tîltrearc Il>Stevnteleu, Whto in Liis as wcl 8% in £VUFI ather intnceSý, are punietnial; anad Were l. a hot for titis ntoble class, the I'rauuu wouidbe wpabc,to iintaio ipa pnito». JIJJ1am sUb.Jclib ýr Who ititaluiy aeglcct.a tOu~ tiV uisrp iijillets injury hsýyonaI witat~he smagîNs... Ohct %vitbreg.r t~ titis amatter r'i trie ne'wepapter pj)iprtor of whatever of reai orîfrtieiongstolut ettreteiyfhy ~pot; it r. raira luk cif- rômts fur thl. ,1 o ocivy lest succ 'sfu sud~ ~~ toa ear u it. treduceslt jrtu tql%,ria'sadritig uniant Ut. talîces ~ ii~ in 01.t i r ln,-ayuenît prialiqîie ouid cnlmuld tu i lare jo~s~ In tif.ý yecar 1718, Mis rvrl Ili bl lifa iu lb y. ii'>.ntlbrcîtier of*the elbaeiM. 1Prererat, M. 1). int tile fa- çtltky l tin , ivas utiifcwtaînaitly sujwnk éd n an fin Aibi, iro>ev 1 r~'ia r jiiaton, Along witiîa> .4iî , M.Prevorot 1usd 10111t11 ai 4îi ncineymandi elfvlC. lu th:u de.su4a4cèndsbîàozu liv:ie *l<ted iieiiif bu Ille %,welruy, and trehita't i isilàatisrlne ini a ïNaner itiwhia eotjiritcly lprove4 l l rhi n iitpobt.r. L'le ri.Varoy agale it fcd by Ille IVrinchman, te> reconi>ed ànid ctsbmruwd qer o tbteas4 brcýtil>ern iiIle àeaeio cdr., NF. Pre-rroi iwas coîi(tltced 9atg îe vicry's lioliuse, who iurnlihe-l Il,à *ith a u hecoliforîs of'life. tilt a slîip hotuni Jýr ranreIc aaied nt the iNs;iitta. telore bis deptureine ft b1i s dý, tlia'ircrur I5al$#l idm with jpree th, ati ga -ialiâa a lncia anoatcyý es WAa aee l'syor carri yng 11 .le nil~e of Dettiigemu fis 1513, onie of ,iÎ Ëitg"s it--baving hbis horme lled tjt(ë-r waï so ntapglted amn, ite sei- 'Oamî lu. wuks ulnabie t10 axtricatde M~1t 1i1, lii'lie wi u i hlu> (4itiîîa, on withIli îipflfil %s.bV.1 iLa lt ontl îpi YÀ, 9f fr.t'J'lie, Frrn'h soldivr, 1lia:ain, witlî mit Idilili'îf, imade tii la i ofMat- sir lite 4raiiton r p id1mi as Pl I)ibtîr, andl-not ouly pajarcd -slire, bt freed hitfront laf, aarusitatn- Ife r a mde a j lf i' the 'îli aiQO1 m' >ho iaiv 'mmrarV41 e11.Ilet tua, w rea*ebte l ooijiuu amtn<dote as illinstrn- i ive of tlite Fa ni' oUMaon and t- r. tdacyto produce reciproM lfeidlnis ni IindawcS monn% axacat of ailIcoltatries, . t anal ojllOnats-iA $t'oitiNl geautliînutiinl Ille batile oU ïistzn'iî, and w s nicya . i'rwriae, along cimah ou- unar of lis coin- panîntîsIii arVin. Ai W)011 aý it %waý,kutoiri taIt. waaàaMamOua. ll1 ir viaseal frount co5attWuWiib wau inrved 0 îe babies -ýOf lic' tp pr~aw~ îiais saeaîmastu, nid t 1 ')uGtiamr ni war About tbree montha' ailler Ile mia~euuua exrhrnnge of pui - onçib lookc place, andth ie Mc ouiiuoic.r wias i.rest4ed b>' li i.tesae-ruliy wilit a purns, of >hty ducat.% it uiefrîmy bite cxqpcugt of iti- Lord Iaay aita tS2>ie cOtt Il uo Vebllnan, anl wh rs h.teal ra4 a -ÇU~ randl LiJe niol' ndl w#êsunflhîi4 d u(;l 4c {afraterra!i y ki te folo*fg ircrtnes-' h 'idd4idabrnteas gowas walkiuug wîti thse Ln)d, flac 1'ca i, li t mquutto dit.du of twenlir-ftr Ihouni vàw,r z oiris itre eliait ii ýCeIri, cniribh u4iOitt1 A, gph1rnai1, nofte inmue of t'pper, had be a evut*al tilie.4 fjhvoifrrnita mpirited oo,4aia b.ïraig te circumtalceto a riýielia, and nt te mamé tine dbsicivii thâtdlho liad nevergien W4bisorse - a 1111,1 "Ittml4 replied his friend, 'y@i sItoffld ca11i liini1 Ppper casIuer."- 5$aitl aminid mian, f4 Whieu f was yoinrg, I WaiN por ; iwin OId becaxne riclu; but in at Condition on~i4iit~ VJei lic facuitsof enjoymt %vûwtre briglit$ À Itudmot dieo axnanzs vIaa4be n"tLqua - the fitculici iwere goita.". Oitr liame is like ir netW7y. Wh7en %vi of *,îma11aaccotant ;, ihen wre-break a a Ly iJknêosini the morning, te rest ofthliiori fue ir importanct, in otir eyes. 1 urn aliys lueavy and attaid wiuen 1 liaié a cotai1," aid KuiYjOetlenýnnto whscli Ida» Nvilkes rpicd ' oulhave bcuentaf- fict,, too, inite, saine way theu tlweaty tycar$tçi u ny 'certain aoveg" J1. IL. Ir¶aabii, teîiî~dey kitowit autitor l.aite, "-.The Quadeoouî,' nal other pirmieni and iý,Ily colored -novc1m, wa% or- iiahieli bob c E sco i Ministî' Oit the 81h A DiuttAiman bûiiug caliedal pon for a toast, id-Ilà ibato do ierW a l ight, hfrti anal a1î inmt tiihe able ni Bunker fi -m lïott 1ioî amnnu'"-Pau.sad \'oeircroîus h id 'uter erluption, won ualed J1 ,Swise a uç ly -prauella NwOUla1à.'do il NOTICE. r ltfiy arii rty îrsoa1 1'rauiiî pir- i a Il 2oteor fMand jpayaublebeyIsle Io VON1,11I 5lFADI) ENý, r lb ar, tor. ibcues mo1 19, ; d h. , atti.i uc îi2li, 1,l die the ef Lttbyo i~'rary w>1b3 au tae noi teceir- cal v'ul tic lrml aTC Oatk%%oo4,ýJai. 25, 18.e243-f. Lk.~hr i an kdorxcuîcaub on te bacLbo ût 1utieiQ1ta,f110.3d1.- lÂý. Farmner, Farrier à stage Fopletort GEO. W -IIHANT'rS as the mati rsi bs>Loensla pplim Mus "They cmat lZep Kous wtUot fXL IpOrleaice or More thosai Ifeen eau SettiAltl"i, a. i-taiMoreliata (irc.brate arG-t91 i, ortt versai t'amll>' Embroc"s ilou5wIlcure nut uétCs, ail te- bis$Js aach as 8ym.rius.. 'maey.'Win 1>pou Evil, (3iflusuu, Ck Be (f of anl kixudq, Freati Wocnsh, fiprInl Brulse, FWa buat, Sitfut, Sana Cracks, $traima, Larnemaes, Youndm*rcYt, Oratubes or Grems, IMawugo Rheuinali&um, Bibea of Aaltah4 ZttMl eaI 1OÎ- gong tiunfd Nerroara Afotioita, Frobl Dites, Boita, Corta, Wliitlowas. liaurmsa amd Sealdua, Chillhlains, Chapped I lana1î Oa. 0 .cous- inactions cf te ,Mustcl, Srliu cksi of tic Joiata, Cakwd BretaaE4 dx- 4w &z. QREÂT IMPOITION AND FP4TYDI 4IUeaftir, sti sm a cona.q uereith i. &uhmalemonlig giSLL îlro mu tuuLbls oeuaa-aLb eupldlcy of désigaig popsimtatiton autelsfor (tas ummuwumrp(Z sou, deipsîalust klti miss aÂuu taiaaSIatuiakh%> oh* d.popslaitllof 4t Isoal utitisatlrultswiekw s#ce tais-a éyla arepatioit, irchi t lÏta cuumr4 15 sislcon eaand. joasas bis ou icsml e u»a Qr ti pes, &d cuslma u lar. iMua & possto Ytp ImitatiiO 'S i on in vaLVEs a. zç uns poO issue- - -ati e ---- .e -_ .%.it - - 12____ .-_ j B andte i da laew id.T"P x t ,woul4, xreaIeclfqIiy intimat b Ithepublc.that, being 4esavoui' of JExtewiig their Bueines, ley *111sprt n in t ithe prepration of/the DOern., t>trtla1koit &.osrtvin-theb higib teelin kv wbica bu. evq 1,ouzi ntetd, anit a. pnpmltepay bigla- elliprioe -inCah for good Mercuntablc Barley, dtiverel nt ai eir lretwery. Ail orders promiptly atteÜde toi A dd! eu.s ~lIEUJJN &FOST'Bf, WHItI3,Y JREWERY. Tu s$UER11AN, WIsi:hy, 2tGih Fidi., 185 2. 46-1f. VALLABLE - PROPERTY IN PICKERIN#G FOR, SAE)L îN W1UBYa Coarnnodiouï BRiCK ~Cottage -vih Bock Kiteheai, StaI.dct a Uood WeiI <of %Wair, and ubhý.r cneiec For feirtiîet parikulalirg, apply IoM». J ames Wal- Ilace, %Vlitl. j tity cç. 19. 185, 3-1 fONT AIiJO1 H0 VS, (LATE RY. SIl) .suitrbâCffrfha e leaset hpa'ore Premifes. T i ai ae nw rirrimlt,"iia it itpeior style foi .coimdtoiut te tuai Vuli, sy latre inspaot.e- maois lauIlle fuin; i-andi Ipruiture. Algo, by en- lirgemrenbs anadfiuprnvententil thebbcSahhlius ae- C..!mmcblablon, 8u ai 10 plâce lb onit t qisal fo.u inc for reitieuaceaitti cd omfort, wtthi any otia<r Blté fnuthbis New C'nuîiy%. Ili- Bar italIbalià -ill uwaym te supplfed atitialihe bivctaicasatei bc OUIe1 il; flise 51 mte, anud ei'cly euttefflioul' Pai o t r i rlittg commu- :siay ibat camaifflosilv unake iheit i fret omformble and atbllre. Wtutby Aug2, J8à1. 1- L I'4ortIf of Change TiESsscilerg., thlie WHITOY WDOLEt FACTORY, are abill ail,ir'poatiealy lu r.xecmie aIl ord"rsu irbich ltear nuatueissasu Mîbueig muay fai-or abserr T1hrir acale ni jprie" will e te tri f,s: Wcioti f*pom unacln àrabu icatcd litsao aipeî, the mavuractculefe imueludEmaîg Warp, 2î. per yam.r.Ï Spîn1nhi-suauate, 7 1-1xl per lb,. do, Dîîurbe and Twteb. 1Wpevi"~uud. Spsnniit; -antid VavwjFI.ntsuiat, luciudiig War S. Gd.' Pryr i'd.- ôUlt CAR wii i'nba eto otPeu-ry cier>' ither îreqk, tcçefr- iit;n autal tt.i jilg bsN; ooi andl Cloth4 per Sîrant- er Wffltnrb1Wmi lf inte ati otitvi;ailiota. telion- rver'î Poit, tad 3VKfrlmon'a Store, Linalsa>', rail- .ngcac etitiay tut S, 'rmieueî's- Taimnery, Prince Altier:, andRut. Lumud & Ccu.'s, Port PerstV, LvhEre tro! us crata is' ai efatdretumued cn;ein ;woav weeksâ. No) extra çharg(e for lanadrearriagse or, frcighb oïl the boat. TJhe tir ou' iWfit and lthe lavv of ln" ve irewil to-be ic ulaieby, auA-(.t rc ie g~snine al te Itaudh et ur Ç,ietid!ianda3 utolie'. Short Fsettloaueuîu are said te1 lueikeprorittters of iastiutg irieoihp. Ver>' Jeairalte, ast w, are adirocambes ut lioarors4al 1acace anud ud BOWER_ .1PM AN. FrL AN, AAN, & Co0. %VltîhyA'u. 23, 151, 19 if IIATS! IIATS!!1IJIATS !! 'HZSD * 0SUcI BEL llihvi ng janft re- , c~eieMepring alen i.4gliub, Vreitband American Sîtiiaist, îasvieâ lbç t ,1igapetothe çPuiuie Io cati amnd exitinnefor bhernse1ve#,i s le. crîai slré lthen t liehaî lsoutin uoue lucher ihubro- duecaed imîto Itle Marrte. Aiâ afaut'ca6es «$Loualun iltark andl Drala Ilc a v u ir J S E F 1 R ) G E $ -Torolub*~îiid J9IIR5ý1 foi3he HA njfrlo %i MS. V 0attiS - rýh. rtifhie T ~wnaut7 ~4Itaagmlor s!Sir $çk«~- - I1-U~ t-, elatrus cigafrisi WB{O LE SAL E novr reccived otan complete assc nno.a inluution. Our aimtonntvafti A-Ih. = baao.suit of R y-Mad.clthl,; auMI DrY <insusuisAa Ws. Tailori*zg# in att'it,'trspc*èsï' execftlr(lI NOURMisn DO19 'o jl£ RmETDIOTI 9EADY MAECLOTI4INC Poç 13 a k Mpara > do Dit KanMe4it tord du -Deprimcetuado > do Do Csal sTweed. a110 Do Brocad Cblb do0 DPO Ca;intere de 0Clseck'dl do- do I)o lalinlesLiat do VO Twere <1 1 do Do 1Broaal-Cluuh ado Do Ruiaefl Cotai do ~W ' lark Clth V ot, Do Blocmk stint dn Doq F.tnicy'Satin do .j» 110l1anumi do Do Falicy du Do Velrci do Do .Narâeiillus du Do Buraura do Sen*tClothCap, lIn' 's do [rom 4 4 i-2,ilo' aayVîs ý (i 5t)0811 k do 44 Io0 de D ati i id 12 O j olla do Id il., Do Tireedo do 44 17 f6 Dr) Caîaurner<cto $4 3<>() c n 'àMolesl.iu Isloasero, 0-2i Do Ltuen :il (l " 4 41.2 -P1o Check'd do 54 0 ei Do Ct>rdliroy do di 6 3 V a tfiiti do< le 10- 0 , Do Cafimeres (Io W 6 P o Bilckbslai t do 89 Do Doo.kin do " 7 5 By', D;î11 do t' S 9 Vu ('buucked dem " 3 4 oand cc o " 4 4 1-2 Do Cutfniere do 'Do 7weedle do 8' 2 6 , Rcd Fiatinet Shigts, il j1 1 -2 Cder Shirts andi Draweo, Satin H-ats, Black and ,romn been curoe liêop.aatheuf- te éîysleoiai -i produciiu<a dAl, e-,t. , his 't 4 41-21 t. 2 6 4t 4 1-21 peroin haive besut tierciv métlia4îîeg wbeh were Sa but whfauli a huu proved c rasedirine i , 1* alO iy ap anl, one trial iP -flprove fi terbt.I un ally aç*el ionier rsmlii.,n and it i diicaa, ed lhy tais mfedici Clrrgyuiset andl tii inqdicutil t ton FItch like (I cbrri eiiifa 2 1-2 31.1 h 41-2 R 4 142 6 !d nove; buy i il unlemis ym(m4flf nd nI " nerer liLy the j L . xrai ht il Dr: teulet u iyou ~ Wo STo owavers 0 C A rtLTO N", ID'R Mats un DeLpines, yard uvule,' front O ntsdfaadoo-orIdo ,d 0, Hoavy 'Gbatams, do do ' 0 Sîileudid loatmet 1<ibbio#s, O StrairBonntsb, 1 G!oves, Vusiery Ribtbotus, Lace, Edi ,AtiialFbW ena Orape. and-,>ateriatl'o %orntg lisSnt 'itubes, CaP$s ana l ock XoIi. Y OODS. 111 -2 FuaclIor>' Cotent, Iront 7 1:2 NVtalmte 4do. 7 1-22 Strirx-d Shiuîirl;l d 7 1ý-2 Cutiout Warp, J 3 Lailie' St y, d cap Front,', Mosmlinis, Neits, Cobiti.Silta, 'Sains, &c., Oreta.Cabourgs, IDtLaiueil, Sit5k Warp .Alpacas. M~o Second Price. BURtGESS & 1LEL8HMAN5 rul.-l.] Corner ")tif 1 4 hurk&cesj Mnnj e CYourt JuJouse, T<ronto. H ARDWÀ1LE. 44, KI NG STItEET,, TORlONTO. 13LET inuthttcTowLni Xf T3Y ~Cusonterabls hirciigbi cuudi X~. It A Y. spfIUNG SOK TThe location isi. avouarable for carryine on *in <yvro e seaufrnisenu, viz,:-Lorsl Gseorge unetiue buuâig cs.,rai. i xclitp M.t 5,jiic, siéCrolbpci', St. Amdrtîw. Niagara, J I PERR1I. C'4sciraiZopyr uasdsevcra oliserfitrous lavrs ?ibI o. 8 pttal andl Loaaloi; anti inma f a I uyàlie mil bay~e t conîpiebo aàsotrmnnl b lleary andm Shelf Bard-1' " ire reatdy for Sale, and4 ai pricci as lowams a"yin COMIMERCIAL R1OTEL tite 2rade.T. >HAWORTH. VIL G OI'3 R I . teonto, Nay 22uial8à 181. ____________________~i[11-ESU BSCRIBER yetturns titanks WHÉFAT! WILEAT!! for u te -iibeu'utisupport îue lias# tcei- rei sitce ho çom'mcn ite otl Sa&ad, (for- DE 11S'îluacrilueu tii psy the bigittprice i in mcd> 'okplt y àMs. IWNTER), ai C&ANlLE'S j C~h f rCORNERS, and topes y strict attenstion to 4màl-ý »0000 DushOI ~ ah o lue faroieat it a routmiuance of'lte Pa- ofU Good FALL , iEAT, dalivera.d at PORT trotiage bierto colmlcrre<l. - WHITIY iHarbor, otu or tefore te 10;la day etl1- Tliur isîtitiiiibed wititi thebesb Lt4q,antd Qetoluer nvxt.le Tublie'upplieti us iîb the ioç$4b1lsba îile i as lopreplared al Wmmi &Dv-AwcEs on camaite Pr ocurei.G Whsit, . Flur and Lumber, . G00 D $TA WLB N ami ta ïbady iiosieigu fidàtwé4ce 'oNgli a 'v Vmro ontreat. -Casifor Every c,uuuo t uWk -TiýavellerT5 rori- .sny quusmuiy uorIiARLEY esad AT$. - uzotc.. TAGE- dai*toàand front Port tait- JAME~S WALLACE. - -QMASOOIIY. Wiibyl 21#t Auguit, 1831. 194tf. P. S.-Vutrria4c i tteniâiie on te Boat. ____________________________ laeliur, iuue, Ghl'l5i 38 m.t FRLIFFr AND) MARINE -INSURANCE. ?)1ýy Q.OODs, k HlaedwgoeWlestae& ,Subsorilmer 'comtintc-. o iseue po- ~'nm .;i flt onta l, l , be fIaVtda Tlliic:e for tise .ollOWtioin 1resîpimsibe 'ont- eo. WaljacesCushStre L1PE, cEnD. roit Lmud$ Ori~CoALI osi-mt ~New yI utîc'sCot, al MatfJlUS ý, - AuÎ Foliota. -in F(lrses. 'It OINT- 1 -

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