Ontario Reporter, 1 May 1852, p. 2

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G;oqrnuet deuy îhat ti, Lî cottsinicive -bser ?rienda of lte millistry ccvi drali*t .1 e,11 iïIIte lie liee<iircd wiit lte tille of t'ren Coquisess, cd teite ai- loveud le travi titroi,lit id ron4xds dite way front ýanîlwieiî.to ,Ge erich oce itis wit rVs slite did lamt fal! Verily, ve lie*na perversec geccratioit. andi uacer a ,,Mnvptq,-t$.te a cui-suri, glance ut Icur C"';%Lsti ;t¶rtihs, lie tyoutLl cert4iialy put .î4waï 'tvery rcwarka lel peuple-~ qM0Aorilspotiaea--wIîoýe wlsee affir aïcd conducte4uon Very s>na W1&e #ftep wondere4 cf tlIeif il docsi, pot ,oççu4r ta spine o f -otir futfuiicon- L>t'por iie ,tisaI tit practice cf tryicg ths iri tà of a Governiscettî ly.-suel it tIle psdtr ats a lte appointimenî of mcmi te liltle, tventypOU111s oifiie., or tise appesetient ef litac Vil 1sges' lte bnorm of cxit toas liecckltcila(e4 le retive>' a Very ucwor- tiy.t1dcf ÇanadLas tassnnsiiandt le aqtaver>' pemiu4us influencece lte wf. W I4 errtausty 4>es c :ý . _â liîh t ese litile a.ppinlients arci s-iewef'bý, tih people, or rallier hy lte presti, as thig c ef abet ~for wlicit an adisistra-1 til s4uteChoâcl)! %":.c-1de' beIic-vc îlsre are, gt tcn mien in 17ppr Cacadawibo esreire straws wttetiter Col. Prince, or ('ol. Gugry., cras,>' ptlntrCol. or lbnrrixmtr i leir NMaje.,- dt psses ct sCro#e Cesuisel nt $'attdwieisamd (Godericlis; anti to manke politi- cal .eapital out sof .culisiallail terai sreul- 1I islilss it:j- hs Canada" as a very nar- ,tMspssi»rttiolI rîitcd ip sente 9f -thse 1110st;in-- pýrtudtt1.i tati offiices in lite Provinice woii tî,1 iccidtetpcttical c, otent5m, ccii i wi ti i unet like ise jrliisçiplc incae Spervaneet bt t ti4 ae allcf cctexnand- 4- R ploIicýal influrence, yet asssiie ta 4c apoîrîtil -were ,coiupetelkt t b tu e (Itetiisr'1tr ,andti 'Gppolsif~ti'r 11 héIlsttiet telIsave resiîlteil lfrin cUts.. of whii elt vignorant, stndvhsicis coult not lussl'be staik we tcek 1c0 notice cf tlsovsle nterm.Tliseapîîintieet of (Col. Vil's'icc sflylcvCounset is ccly a 1f.wo- ïrl'ks airpointtiint; ài nay be CIle Of lionoi, buit ntsmreîly il la net oneof procit, a4 is rfolle k1owc lo boUs Col. IPrinre nl r.Nnsnst MI l $at is recily tec. ayte ite sait1oe ditis subject lssisipi>' titià, t s iere 1 genter- ally no criisissai bw,inesson iis Fcircs1,c ai siobeiy i, anicvit bcbsent as Crcwn Çéltusset eail , llu Gevurcesrit, Lknoicgn John Plrire te) be a sort of It:if-acti-itl pro- dmstioa iiipolitiis-a real gvuinc iind(Ien- cn-l ontf a oi icgics, auJ/te men Canadiaus Euterprbe. 'lisefallowingç lett'r fervisisel topie for a fcv v.orlt6 cf remark- 'lite statenscel of %(),Ir corresponuent ï in erer itle lise ststsser i vici Amîsri- cdo speenialorsb f-ve ;scked uit produre of ait kinsh. iinCaniada, durisi lhit atvinter ta bo resold th e it -iied States ,aI a large a dvance, et truc. A large buisiitess Isab been doute by inta. parties, 4rid grent profit* re-1 -atiz<d., Jknoeu soiuse invizicit-g juantt>' fbtmticr as-beugh'tI bore fer (Ilt. Per lb, ced oud in Ncw Yoî-k -fer 25 cetaý. Jlut ,tisetanse cf Dur People tsubmtllag bt " 1oiâ ica *net as, yeur correspondent aile- Xen rst cf enterprize, but aant of facifi. lies for carryag cenlte rapidly iecreaming buâ.ss oflime couentry,'. Scor"irof tise par- ties viWho I4, Iheir preducc tealte Ytnkec boyers at, ibeir ove trices, did sealiecais tlws qd lpIIMesil b t'O mae, could Dot ittale -1s trult 'in 'nada, do est of tise-lu *Stecet, mand t tIschreItons-e quittly of t b sai is moru ecu bac ancsd Ae lb.the ci cmniiie-F t4eba .0 e 9 orprit ý truc along ' rsLmseiIver%, 0 t euise i ie or;a tise fo iner o hi iscite Tero »- ijls ciple 1bZol j% ad the le of IL.5 fihi d Whoitde-t tire'aie 7rS b v g op ,fin, latitude ilu iway; tise'latter cuse tbey ieft lea bu thlie1 as they fascîed lte>' ert dsoverd.-Youtrî, &c.1 Tise> aîtemplud, ounlte sanie ocasion, te! WILLS'ÂMlFRSR. 1si silîp, o cie uenstreetTitbust ere inable le do se. I T ie aid 8ecslon Ukurchnto lE< Ontie iatcftise 2d instant, tise Tbe ~tsii Sanse busrgiars succeçedin iisni rai- eu- traraceicto lb. sbep cf Mr. (J ea, Ctethier, At a mceting cfofr elinelnPreai- on King Street, mmd cooli>' packeti up dlots tery of lte Ibe 1nited Pfebytep'anCÇitvcis anti siik, and thicer articles, te tise value cf of Ua"àÎ,béld ie Eraiebsa on tfie ibit.p » mabont £400, visicis tii.>'carrieti off viis a'cômlinitteut vas npl;olted le dray up _i ifttathe" urîirsèbae beco 4 nd ithse ccla isoOL%, for tise ie- Imittel b>' tise sain-pates, tiser. casitobe s1t' inepelll' c b.Uited Pt>eby as keife vlmwi t cr~iatnit.ilitin thse bouttdsof dite Pretbyler>', stoenfr M. Jamnes Egn's lstop, omthe 'lt-ie preent conjonctuire cf 'olitico-ec- a,-tiis of tise 21itin rstant,,vas (ouedinM'N clesiastical affaire :.sd lte folloving .15 re- apfica'ls sbep lte snerning artte r it vas rois- comsneuded b>' te cpmmittee ta lie rend ini bed.G'd,îis. lte V. P. Conircgaticcs,-and circuLated Frot4 du huron s-widily as pessibie tirougi.thtie imedim cof tisbc esppravse .editesm> citeuse, b puiblîhit i. N&Iacrduc * DEMI IIRT5IF.I-x We do net pre-j autlne, ie cuir ecclebicalical citarater, le due, My ea ti :Cetinics'furtiser thse tale ta dur Leýgiâiators anti Wutkra i ii .usbJocî cf tliti-,settlemnent, Kincardinèt, Jet inallers; but ive dîlee ph.nAtzialb;tic- tee describe lthe sud, wltièb u i'>' Mgced, mu>'liseir ieits te legisiate or rule in lbhesa-_ cou part cf il, peritapq, viiil e cexcccd- jcreti provtncee cf ci eiin c es rd by acy il- lhe Province. Along lte adopted conryis'> obvionssl>' ce tie ce c f Lake, sacti prevasis frcm a titird la ont- a grecat criais in tise Iit.ry cf lise. Ecde- ball'f h cf lit urconcessice, some cf it l ca>' iiytical f otismunitles visicit iare been in- andi annilmixeil (viicli makes lte best soit corporaleti andd cocititute'i\ Nationl Insti- ln tise wved), anti tise oeia l ca>more.,sîiffttistiene b>Isrlincnlany, e»aetanLs, anti tÇwàards te smci-free andlnotre towards WviseS tare tIiseir functienatrietisippodet, t he cnt. Tiere atre verv 1ev sîcîtes te e grealer or icss estent, by lise publice.prop- be'seccu astrwieret-î'y biistheérlim o es>'of lte. cutry -ive %woulti aIttiîs laine tise fire *sote" esiis i ni!lime tns.- set votst.ary citurclsanen, publiel>' a554t anti Wooed i. always usedin sder by,~ses, a Ola elr ur firut belief in tise, 'oluntarv liofthaI tones are ver>' scarce-so 16oe ptlnctipJe: -mnd ltaIlite cisureiscf Chrstlis sere front1 sten>'reties aresel fret frointDot viitie tisejurlsdicticon cf aey civilRu eue greit ii, vwbisitinsente plates tieh les' te incie lavas milier fe1r or arainst t upagreat eulî cf the farfi 'ers time ta la-I eitier le catabuisit or te tolera" te It. e bour. Ou parla cf tiesehlore tisýe is invultlJecfras ciixeits cf Cantada,- greitt ba-ike,,o lise shcre wc'ited cuit romun rit. vit n Jll is4e country' vio hlcîth ie tune ta tilne, pro troucf Voluitta rPrindiigybhakso Col)ie in religtun. andi pleilgi lime sicatï brokec uap by the (rsI sdivaut- oir vord te ive ouir civlilr nlent s10 rest cdt eut b> tise sterie sruqicienî te. buult a uthile lucre i. a vesttge.cf State-Clurciiui I1 City. s"isl5ithe lc andt. (Wmt, te a>' ler la cf te ver>' *W'have assuretil>'abucîhan'levidi-isce in 1 (rst usportane for-lienlist abu ir. .J'a lthie listory cf aeCtrcs ,ltaI, ie ev- Western catintriesi feles anti agite i. a --relitt ur nation visere*,iflmbasgel a legiriretlUe- pJaguc. -Ag-rac deai cf (Xistada W'est. i tu use'rhe iegI 1- n> c andt itarticularly (tise Western *-*tate%, cru ii elgos tsellh &îa> y very an'cli subecl te t is, W anti ua>dies' cause cf aIl religicusiPerssecuiensi-"'tIae fvesaVer>' ofliesifolev, ani cl ucd'rcqauec reat ohstacle in thse va>' cf national ic- 1>' to'eah 'cli But titis place iseing hies>eti provemenîs andth ie progres Of lte gospel, wits tise pure air' of tht .Lake elcdi# tise cnecaerc c 0-ulgoeu 1e Ifan ta, thse Nonll,, md ef greal uep'lt-p1eî. anti tisleJe-lzdstîgtodcsuertici ty cf pure ales', andi bcing fre t lac botis ty sartias> anti opp)re-ssioin. lias net State-, exl resues cf lient and ccld, it iii likel> i' âJtîcîumn d tîtitise people of Canada ln- i'ostiituo as etecfli rte iMcst scllby parts ocfîta C htircitin eant iwisnters, anud tius le- t ise venid, le a setlement cf 1 5M00 s'.grsdiedth ie viJe caluseny ltaI ve Dissenters; ire -Iscil se ar as knous a, but cite dentils1dissenut freintise Citturcis cf (bn Uw is a icee IStis JuI>' lat, to-day' 7 seousîl, aw]net l -I tate Curcltisen bren for ver>' nany îta& perace lied leî coisequece cf colti ta- ýe.u', aemcml veiicuis qtestîo ioawh liich: Le in l clilu-bed, ad uheost d-d et ssite the -itoittesand asti ouernors cf cr country caeiii. J kii)no s itek bed jîst nov h'ase tai te do 1 'Wns uDt stale-Citurei-, i eitîser tiîd 1 kcev an>' -ta it i * ti aa, ite heprianar>' cause of tihe troubles viticit ....e, except a 1ew rcnof broL-en 'Louce iu 1837, anrseite couintry 1 lm net visicit siteusîinet 6e reekoeci as cîving teta lcCunei stili lise leadingr topiecof lte M'listtuiii ne> 'ise. lhis la more ltaitecitmntetery riectien o c Jmb's'*sof -cth.sai. 1 raites'rup ocf ait>'yplace in Paniaineut 1 lindicoutl an? tre' Wtve Northlit esiij. As to ils celti and-i1ct »hott> oit!, lie'olorntar>'principle le s'eu-, u h i' eil sore îtemprmi - ttwan ui'plare 1 g',&JU, wisl, ý'tat-chitrdhitsi e se etitr . SLis ou on tîm continentl. t. bicie u lise îlong as il existq,.titan'a great resatiesi te îru-t'lsu anti afinosut surnundeti b>'a greal e us' isliticians antiuera in (tise geeramenl ý islancti srt, cf 100 cules in circusefereece, jcf lie conetr>' 1 VenU>', litee cuilnot: ,anti ~iu'e il ory ecuua sae, viti a few I e, as cîtizens r ieî ecvtb'ai , 1imles -cf lté Lake,Tro,ut i.kepî off about îa aationadpetitices tath ie Lemgl'aue, ta 1 mntîls cn,-r iiite fail. titan le -somie ina- maie il moeanti mcse vexation's te ominrt- c~~~s~ 's'cifuts Southt, anti WC hardi>' lems, utel!tise ceuets'y'a prepent>' us eclirel>' i have snlow anti colti ecugis for gecîl idon.,rescueilcuit'cf -tise tant!. cf lEelesiastica, Sfor t Vi o nofb,-and aamn.lithe codl air cf j anti ail reljtiiuscommiib'a stre piaeeti'"n tise t~ar sslite stimumer atmncspliere WCi.1 an equini feein eu. 'lisrnuependence cf Ia inni, eerey ntorolg, lisrigoly a Cook~- I be> are at ibei> le legmlie -t-eomita-â ilisg store, mii timrefore, tlie, se.- g o'ul velI as tisedtes'.. WCdeuteusce 1ths minI ~ ~ w nih-t oare as s iar'.n as neettl e.suniptiothe b.riglit b> Ouir 'owcve 1 ru- 'l'lic irxI saiy cacue. Iis ' par ona tise '7Iiters.to compel al hdi duereet sècticb of Deremuber,cearlier lisan ai-t ye'r. Ou itie treJgieis in la e counIry>' le suaJîpos'an> let Decembur'Itient 3 lileb uip the. laite one o aoe-eof lue sctions tron thse puib. i Sitese l9 prfcelsk' ti eather -betog- isp-lic property -of lte counry, as a a Vosiqin- Ian>' fiac, for 1 id t liclbegie m hatisI un.Ijst"ceto-tise.vitedimient, met! a vioient j toe , ivdraers. lBcat*and -vhesselîs vereu1-iaterferecel'titis cp-religins çconsciences. preaciiig cue' wruen1 vil Mua- bly mect in Jue for thebdeipateb or besi enm ;con.4*equendy, lte __ 1ouse sisould bli be3iegeil at the commntcetent or the 8&à-C praying for thse -r.-invctmect or thse Clergy Uueserveg a" Uectoq: fends in ýtIi , G^ vernmiecït, for the educatien cf lb. risieg generatien in Ccaada. lIn conclusion, .c wouild bretheril, con- jure yen >y ai l tâ t saere4 aiu.ILpaticik, -andiy,'-I f i iii'ýrests bu cii a 41reg- 0ens Ilibesty-t? go aIttie work of e .' A7 he oswtrYý'b PÇoM#ermt oflte -han&s oC eeklcstrstt; andlJet clur ltXilars sec and ,r I'êit Âyou poss isre alp t,,011 of thse spirit and energy of the Old CoQvcna4tters. andi Pwitans of l»ritaint,-i-nd tisatyouwili flot mtibttit, cabiiy, te tb it uhrt cor Rame, or of -LEegland, or acy ollier 'Chure.- "Wlsatsoever tlîy snd findétista edo, do it wîtli tliy migit." 1 t iiipropoeilte -lseld meetings in. lite Congregsrlion tuader- the Presbytcry's in- spiection, ce ame week diy.s, about thse tseginning eof April, wisen ltz above maife%- te îil be, reail. Tite linisters of lte Presbiytery et Ta.. reutoa ae rcspeelfully reminded lit, .ir- cordisig te tise f#W of $ye ltecalilce- ien for fle 'n#iai d1>Irettiytery Fonds sisculil bçi aie during lte current montiti. 'TreNew York paper e ctain aiteuntP of scveral very serieus fleeritevaices arts (if lte States. lit Virginia te owes of Worthington, Eairrnoîset, iliverile an& Newport, were isundateil, andi many, lheuses wVere sweptf. ï orc titan ,ferty heurss %verC twcn te fint put ïairncwmî. Tihe risc ian lte Nleriinac7 and Concerd b»%s been vert great, and wax iecrmainr ai tise ~ ~ ~ I ia ccutî e lllere, a suisirit cf TLoweIl, céarly ail thé lieuses arc sur- routidéby ywater ta lte depit cof foure te rive feçt. l'e Centerville, frein .iaty ta one lsssrdred f.îsniies Itave been driven frointeirc houses-soine ie bot-and théir cattle lsrsve beo-n sveti by swimitlig. lJt LoweiI, uile Midilîcsev, iBooth, Mamacitusetts, pres- cou and l~awrence is have bec-ri obligeti ta swilpend inork,lte yar d* being ovcrfiown -and ini seme oftbem thse svaWr reacites%. thse taciîery in tise lower recuis. Cî!~îs*r?'A rit21. Th'le River ià riitgaI lite rate cf four incites ans hpîr, and is, s;ow twenty-,cve fect hi low tise frcsitet of 832. Ni\eW O1LY.AlX-l, Apiril 20. BtltAYIÇG OF TU&~ STEAMER POCM10.N- TA.'lcstt amer 'Pacaiscetas' frsu ,;rkacstLï bouie.!ta titis port wjit 2,260 bales cf coîton, îcek (re ois Friday at, anil burned tealte waters ýedge jenmJalfa heur. Te perbons were citiser burneti or drowited. At 1'itt>bni-gl i te watcr began ta recedte onitlite 20titinstant. .It bailrçacised vitale threc fret of tise loil cof 18.i12. 'Te damt- cgc was estimatei at cet lesa titan $400,. 00fre l the wgrul ciothe b ouses ltu tise upper pat cf tise 'Thec National Thseatre, i3cstcn, 'a large wcodec building plastereti, vas deistroyed by Aire on thse 22 instant. Expimolo' f thse ladstene. Bylte following despateit, dated at Car- reIten, Ky., .&pril d, P. M., il viii lie been tisaI a steamboat exiplosion, amcml as dreatifel in iUs censequences as lte <,ne that occurreti ait. Louis onthlie sanie day, ias bappenci on lte Ohio river; Tise Madison and Cinciettatî pacitet Red- aste puswd titis plac' , and -viies about <Cotor onr ceCvuci 971 2 of theyesr'a aiseu-c'î " o on decacous>utfbacj SI Lambt on atcousiî cf tax don laut year, 1 0 "foi listes tcvied durits; tise 115 o yens', " frein lise Ctly Tretut'r - pjm heV i axweaa4.,AJ4 1 -.1 ams, tastoeyinrui8 'rtreafipt. udur lte year, '584 4 Balandce inth, 3.123 1671-2 Total asecunt, - £"82 0(I11-2 Tise -Cterk 'a bill for'sunduies.? 18 ~. Tîinmting, fte. lices. taxes, deputatiumît u 1-15 Torocte, &C. TcnHii, insamctrnt, icI. ciand 12 6 furntulre, 5 i)42 VCunty Treofssurer, 11781041. onseceuc¶Ã"adsî 8 salaries and;perceatae eomiicets, 62ý 6 4 Allowaucres te CounelIcss, 23 110,( Total payments durisi lte yens', 1517,4 A Balance due by te Tressorerou 4 .1-2- the 3151 Decembes', 185 1, LIAlii5itTIF.sq To TUSE -OWNgltlt'. Jeel Shaw, Tcwnslssp Colleclu)r,>56t7 on acceunt el cdu taxes, 1.5 oas acécusl or ai- reur oftaxes on 11:1 4 1 i,2 cnas ietisenls pal'dIo le1851, for 1851, 1 Arrusays relurceti ' M'n 1851 by the- 'Towr.sbip Col- lèetor, u'e'itied l'y Ilirc, agd f.12 5 31-2 thm coiseuy Trea- suie e.rollr tiers, lit 2 ;Ë2tt13 7 ro Robert Daciels, Contracter, ' fos' buiisiljte TbcrnliaI3, pay'able esttise 1.1 cf Aligusa, }105 Otô 1852, ilis igiiescit frein the lau Aupàat, 1851,j b>' the Towluiie 88 191 lte future interestï of titis branesi otftCana- dine trade, but beleegs te lte enlerpria Of 0"i pe ii.;W1 he1h1e5i 4iWili - sýupport for'isc jtrotection it a4crds lhlitnl. teir coseiion ; not fer îlékiÃ"o~<lç liseir Irade. Tise (,cversstns, cnt scd a generous and parental part insteppiPg ii te tise eupperî cf our fiehle cnd endangeIedý forwardere, tbreatciied as they -were by tbe powerfsi liccs cf railrcail ef teir ceigbbcrs, la§ -theirdut>' wimthetdanger Lts-, tuhu -titeir aîleifflonsle to thensources proeemu, all'ording adtitienahgpas 145 -theis pe s tesit'tablishmtient 'c cheap rat C -'or rý Usr te>' !ene mental it bringias; aboîst, antisaccui our enterprisiîtg ship-evnersa neabu cf lite ricit traule ef 1ite Wlb>'o iup chtier c nieals cf comunication as lise -euiit Ic M arie -Canal, 5o Our miscatliropie côltemporaieis, vhem ve nMay' ieetion i te Rùsgstl muet liuss up scineotter glan- e m tise' cuIIîîbiliiy Of one Cuciaduan Go 1Jin te rinmoval cf.lbe tug,-beatsi. ied liathNIha iisîr>' are as vide-a lise ifitqrcsts 'Of lte country.. ne, avere ta'SS. WIKITBY FAit. Oitc 'ctlsay Lmt Itise Agicui for tua 'rorvnslsip %iras lielul aI Ils- vas;yer)>' largel>' altendeti."lTit clouh Fic- len> &Yas{p1 favojrable andth ie road.s tolperabl>' gooti, Det- n Wïii-,tanding ttc usunsusal latcetus cf lte pre- the -sent springf, viicit enabieti mac>' frein a diS- as st tance b attcnt. Tise sîisoaf herses titi jmageiricent, aieong -viicis tise cele.bratetco ONJ Clyde teovetiiajsi an',md appear-Imen i d îo bc conmois ise,,t lie 'vas desticeti fer roin thte fisst prize, ant i shich, urut Mr.Wi- ' i cn's torw-, MBwrJan, and a splendid Ibret ru >'ear odl cf Mn. WaldeJl, IBucqsisaMns. li %rere about lte ist l pecussens cf dratiglfin Trrasutres' tedale, i terse tisaI ae notieS on tise Blance un Teui- 1 iihîp Treassse' ' ohrhrssvr rucul> &1d 1 s 1w.,-G-iiG41-2 h'10â .rgcaly1 18511, - but for gnace anti elegacce - ; cnitla ardly be siarpased esiy 1832Apîl22-Dsetoxeatirs',£242 8 1-2 R IOBERT WlARl D .eaeîe.-A mon- tlie catIle, tise show JASErSMUI, ~sinaller lisailvve expectet!, va. J-teacli;22n1A pnil, 1852: ian ,tiYs' _anh W 01 1 7 L D IC A Y A N » ' a n noS. B U C 1lA1 Y eN f yen - % ' m . D cw , E q a, '~yO7LPeaPcffyl<tnwrcel th ou-h but. tventï-titreeusen cils of onle ci sesi(sk u iergu ute thbe ordinar>' size ef bulls..Ti Stsaw Iteanet business (romte ity o' f ITounte, l'a tisaI tise>'aia enabied to clean andi alîci sttmasi of fine stock. a VLit. bt tis yo Bonnets bIomise Yewesb Style of Fiaslstoiî c ie uias bei p Wîtiitisy Aprit 28,1852, 3-tf. Imc'aaldtsssle fI T1'HE REIORT EI . 'are col efait aIaile WklITBY $ATURDAY, Tte p61 l $s of gpoi cattle, bu - ~~ frra4th oftl Ieon, stmaiglit 0 -st~~lttsfine esiseular ai Muet naise appears ta b. cil Atamging a, ar& wtbof(isesÉý,lsrt laix certai pe4sil nw sregard te i n oil~iIU remaie steps about lo be takeirry lte Gorent, .i'e e ýt.eùrg »nrli in, removm thlier Tu- boots on tise St. tiuée ,n iktilei, and à 'r buuily ivement ire toaies, elova mos'

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