Ontario Reporter, 1 May 1852, p. 3

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de lais en-I a ,privai. IPeut *ses; Ii ai a isstai [or many yearm previotis Cowas f, p te 100. -z.ege wus a, etter féeltusg ln the. narke forbreai1stugoi andi i any casesa ligl Uadae hd bein mude. -POR~T WURU. I!'ew pebple natm diistnce bave an>' juw conception or thse immsaense fertile, coUntry trave»tl nortli t' tgaeat C'entre heu froanPort Whitb>' îbrcugb te a ,>rgeov B3ay, on Lak e 1 , urI. A shorst vdeby >' *tg te Port-Pers-yonauLake Scugnog, >will giivî spta.iea of wIt, t tis-prodasetive reniojuil debtineif te bpcome. - fotted *itit bus- andtirvin- villages from Wiiby te the ahovéi ternuis of thte Seugog nasiaieai fteha î4ndsny, i, country pros-cutisevery fentdreoef agriçuikuiruf pro!s-periy. Jllus- aeu reerntl> breuiglat us- ouite Port rerry, but left il$ Do-tiniel'or iakin" tiioqe corrct obervmtions lb'at the tra<le or tltat. itil-i laeùurtiood l4sreallY srititlioti-ta, lui mi ie ivll refer lu muore i liinut4-sly biercafter. Wé * Cannet, lao*eyor, refratin from neticisîg thte cites>!sive stÀ-aiti aw saut, at the f attee élace, belono~ng re.spcctiva,îy ta MnI. 1P.x. ros, tIee viterpribiug Iteeve of Ilteli, anil Ma. '-AXUr»L IlILL. Tiese imil lit are ver>' extensive snd gearedi iti thtie nost -oinp!ete mstmlie) meCevr saw., TISe fegs aree upplicil inahasdaauro b>'tihe great tianfer rçgiozi of Lakte Sugo-, and lia au inxeniouas £(atrivance't. tte Millf cor n PlAXTCt<x, are Slud eut oftboi raft anti laaulcd Up b>' tnactlinery ioa thte illilf, wifure the saw spoedify couvert tltein mis> boas-is.- TIse aggregate production cf ibestire aîu:î aleste, we re i' nfoned, -aiuiits te abot 12OFOOO fect per (day i rolglioust til ycar. - 'l'îe ,4te:)ter lV(xA1na!, ;àt Port Porry. i: rapidi>' prepaniimg for lieir saiiner itu-snes.s anst lis, Lakle, %sile u relia, -Part i'er1ý and ilPrinice Aiwr, ill nwsin as'aanetituir Tcfegrjîfaieailvics-froua 't. Jolins, N B., Stle it.(at intelligence fias bes>n'rtiveîl from iEaairaiid iltiMr. lliaack- lia' lîemi * ver>' siiccct.afaiinj»oitailiang lise co-opera.-- * tien of thse Biiti-li goiverninent i nid f thé~ isropossed Erp'uandti mericainraîlfay, #J woira resla eïproise féoi: Ill rillst-V lbitilivI 'y lbriliS ç li te biefore [pagli.t In t'Ii 1.ani ais-o IsîcfI4îýeattelfer million for anu extintýinorf hie. raulv.wi iiugm tjper Cassada te IHamilton. Kwna.t.' lii, ;L11 ti fe go. $"copiemil f wear Iiiin, tintni on'- for Iletueu-c .naine iti'>' lîcar, bt bn açeetiat cf tise ligçlutt»11s-. gant ant i ~y sinirner CeeVerisag tlie y orit te tihe lîcai. 'lli breati rIbboîîn anti brigli i liuckle fook tintrally sty.iii.. eitlemnss have n ne leto'aUiI10 ho Vronto aftertfwmn. Ms-. D. Cr-awfor-tftitis Towsî bas just openod omut-aan iwanee assortine ut of ltnt, of» erer>' algrea f finienesb.- 1--S' rc" 'N KINGSTON--- iQ *stone cuttersbhave îtrurican l~sg tonw-e.es(-. quènetce of tige etnpioyers laaving itired ismLt crè<f êdcen-vs wtt mirt i'ed the trade in tuet Peuitentiar>'. No arceounts of an>' as-- rangement iaMsbeen matie bave floun couintry' anta'4 the Couuacil rna4e.elective, thse prvwseIl ln. entlman wuld rcsmp. TR LI1 ar, 18e2. w woledont, f Irmon ivoL4pMç 1K t b be erd prisoner You s-,m not Mlr. $MkeltOui, to wieili primerc n, *ver aiiswered. Witamentiten' presentea ta PListol ut biln1 andi dold,m tls$tif be nt- yt t(,nipted to escape, lie ivould blow bis rains dOut. Prisoner made~ an nttempt, te i'un, n we tm i net; aknocLce itim dow iv~1e got 11 -knocked liim down witdi a.tick; i.e get upf and ru injte tisestred; wisness followed bim, a'ud broughit ta the ground a Ltird time, wwen he cracitedfr snercy; iwitn mssthena gýt lite assitanice of anothier-watcitman' ewivlo went and i aforuasod Ar. 'Skeltonu, -whit wiu.lbrosiglitt tue prisoner ever to tbr, str hr h gomids were fÇound, ns stateil by -Mr. skelton. Jn answwcr to Nome ques- ain in sakec ilna, lie saitino persols wiL* alolgwiîlî iw; it D ame was W~îl- tr bop;ètitt be d »juast cogne frint)Ohio.- île was thon taken to Ile -Station ItoUe.owiîerC liree g v is aDame nsý 4psis ra-i 1vDa,, sw9or-Keeips a eloîla on K S treet. On l'riday - nornin,, 1îs4 servant ma ii emne into bis roolni, anti 'tatoti that te stort, hall been robitei.- WVitnet. founi sone p.'rson itaeeteretifront tite kitluoin window, andi carricti away a ton- side ruble quartify of rvady-asadc cdethiing. &c. n. ýtiàda)-witns.%receiveti infor-* benr -dby Mr. To ilJ3tu, ini a a beionging to Mr., aeiel itng went anad foutidtisatitil entaiaaed it-s satin i vts, ten i7air> - or trois,er,' 'everal ~ditcoatit, iaandkgrcýlief%. &r., &C., al of * wbîclaitoaîce >rvlcoglizcd su hein-,lis Pro- perty wiici lac vained 'ut abolit £10O. On 5Sunday soniê, wititaess iras taken dom to thé< l>oNve $tatioenIubc, wIlcrewisîs lei pieîrlisiner witb tivo coats on 14i01. wv. lswere aftIMJwdtnems 14 properf y. Pra- s )ter Itati i iîis pkeas Soute g'wso-k &r., iwll-elu wiJtneesi.4 akb certain arc lis, altlit)ljIî llicwotld slot like tla -,Wear tt teai. On al1ùusnno itn-e>s tiijthse day after the rob)bersy, iÏe folinîl a fiat1 an nid coat and a agekie, wîaicfli ad been kft belinâlb tliv roisers..'l'le kni(e ias sitlc& ea*sîi identifivd ansCthe propérty of Mr. dEgala. %vitQb&' store w5LI bru)kvî4!ini a few siglat% stateméot.ita nreî*rarl toa the Iaidisig or it .Mr. .aaîsIgi.sos.Lv~ i Quîeen.-Mareet. Ons'I 'liirhday moraaimîg Ist j lis. storé masiî roken mb, cariy in thse aorn- 1au,, nws i tise ceot' sof fill ilu, a iargg hlin kîftogetfier miiia istsîter of Otites' smal sisgtalas, sîway. 'LlS ii aîfe prodaured Lt -tige mie' tvittes-Iïln, ,andi wlich i mas bse- qtienlly fonii ,tf Mrý. 1eas Tho î prisciner wsas committed to abide lais- trial ai tte approacbin- Assi4zes. ARRWAL OPFTJ.IFRANUVY. IN wY 1 ta, Aprif 27, The 'steamuer Fkld, arriveil about 9 o'elock, .t. mi., to-ila>, wlUiSo ilr davis' fater tcv.. ('ottnwas i i) atlter bettc,*er inanil tind priecà uvtned otuad-iaticcil (i. The cotton market efo.wd slilty i favor of thi: sellers. Thie fate.s-t rrt'-ï froin ltJe iverpool grain starkctt iowesid sirialf supplies an&~ firin pric's-. 'rite Fritn/dîtt brings 97 11s-1serc, a valtiabie cargro of Frencht voodsa4't, '00i prtami., Tf iepoliticid ste s4is flot The ssbpNigaaarrvei a t iÀVer- pobl fmoutBostauon tfLie 12t1 iust. $1850 for ld mesu and aastw c u . Butter 28 4 aïo anti item. Thse Dea«b nth, enignt Accounutscore ne afvoinaal patt4 or the sufteribgs or thern, i'uncl destrth of guiman potatôes, frein Posuo, W estp babia , esY ý 1 das el, ' Jerlansitz, &C. In Po.mthem rt -regular bande of robbers ii veaî ci b>' banper, go lth$ > #valry am obiirsItopatroL.the rds te ,rotaraveflnfroma*ak .IVu. Ail t [ ithfie . lo fdte D. C. -tefld<l cal!, course lias neal>' been fi ad teastrairand thse j W' W 0St4M WM b W W ' hfllW W bark of tees for food.- jlaNatirmberg ' a motitor bau irowméd lie- (me daugliters, aW*d J F Y VW H I 5>I* titon bers-clf, -in ais~pair, nt tise appreacis of starvâtien. Tai te neiglibomînhocil efDaat-- ' --- iec, the faif ire of tise patate crep baa- n-? TI~~1~ dutci several lanalownes ite titratheis- atten-IUIISrNU N I te the, seo-caffd eitussiae -potato, wntitt u4 isi uit prememît cullivated hler. ; it L sa"idlta.tta infrttu tlt@ -,,Caistomers antitsedtAb iJm4of tbe, M vof"I conitan frantlirty Ite lharty-six prts-centrtbtll)4"baveus te<ivedfpefSflWa (9riA.1 t~f8au*a sp)ore sacchiarine inmalter tits» iscet rool. If - u ntrO I PII truce ibis mould tw. morlis lte attention.e ofII1Ifh fE te icompnitabomiîut ta inantifsîetsre becirootf 1 £1181 inaau iiIrelaaui. -AtlareDono pmnsng hau Iumaunse Stockot S~R ynA ALCCU R~C~ PRINC AND SUIUIRER? o0us, - most lieartrendiny 'ac ident. O n the even- tWtchmut toraei u>tt ei0 ing of Wédnes-iay last, tise 11111e, teene ar ' ) A ~ ('tptain >~e'is in ('rainabe, swelien l'y Ladies' Plùia e FiburedDlack SaluJi, 'ik, Oiental 4- ./lpaca Capes. flie meent Igonss ur4,t ts beia nîd imdsirpt awa>' .11r. $lacare-r*s Saw 'MIilliMs.I " searer, andtia sin asn ed iattLing.î B O ILJ8<AND) S I1IIO E S iu.tuut y.descrip~ tio #,tr4lted tit, Vc-iblmc, beî g imanufactitredl imml>' ihpne~, %il': .ef tunme- amui> a b4 Mi and seýYersmlheâ af cattle, and]1 quallod (fir tbt.a s am iy ailly alit a consilderabf e aapou»ýLef otber aii - escdh --,t;e iiis-.L-l- imet h it ý I WOn tuéa e j We caisSuex lps ie ienr sîippo.-ý,d tlii foc, pris-Iei. "'ie rad X til. i4i c er, andm ri sl eve fic vueti support iilteaucso uiber auîy be*toeil. *Ke buve aise te me are tPI, i; guillical fort>' feot adeep anad *laif, w. bave'.prned duEas t l s(,eIvî wido,. sîai theficlilf fsosai miich fliecn P1 1TT~ q lake fuîtes-iÙ%L t î~eiml ia -deptb et s-xtv LC J..Ltk ..s 1.I BJ.4iI.. feet. R aIppaiîvery forttnaitly at i Arintin ioua fiienats witt tind l i e ulteier a(lvanutage tri pationzize macîvis orfte luicildrraclietiVramkfurt initie la Oilpta Ille gateis cfr Ibepond îterc.-Ilad i a,uvn gfen mwfalla ne s-rin. Ontario",flouse, laie lRed Store ho. I.' (ksx,ul ia Iw n'a'fi i ter'te.. I>lajiciltt-al f rieî â.fvoius- iitla an arta- - Ccl oma t iti:is-t utieliotl or pjreva'nhîng <fie jtvie fti*isnssect. A corne,"poaident of thii i' rrcaI i Irvrci ays tfae [et ra>' i-,tI put bot fiasw sudl IN-, ina'a -v e»tsefet mater. ani s in aind alînir te î.tlta iadutil clear, mhtenta -illi bc nearf y as- rfatr sO -prisa; istr. le Ilin fa large syringe conIainillai neanfy tira quarts; tlie itrasacist of lte trecst. IL fou on tIhe trees- lia' nain.. île braugiat dom na ishoir- cal of CUaterpiliiassrïuvina ment casif> desi- tubdwil lc fiot ;alwaysperforascdthis wend e É' nti t esubject. ppe S'Iys ài, ltee il lu tise buil, b>'remeuiagte ('aterpaillar iaruvrfounil oua lie trees, deoe- sitei in 46 rings" near thee ndis oethlie sinaf- 1er- brancebe. Il.Lt aitit tee tise mes-t s-a- soGn ttie ray"of <oing the bsnesetTetuaf- 1>',lfor if ail (lu*? be reuuoved and buraod, ats tey sitouldti hmiee can Cates.pifiars coine fresm ? It saso a muli asier mat- tes- tian soie have imagined. At titis 3 M- s-on froim the smlunking ofthtie mood, lte "rin,'S " are eeinparativel>' Ion." on (lie tivigs,anui miti -a tus-s ie f eJuers ay cati bi broken or puIled off ver>' readl..- j fmi titis way onte mart muan it ii ear- a doxea trocs in à diay.à-(Muirg St<r. MARRIflD Ai WVitiy, thse 22nd u .1., by te Rer. Jamsas T' Byrne,-Mr. wilulaomitison te Mmisa Srab ,At thse saie place, te 28th tilt., by the Re.. James T* Ilyruie, Mr-. Milto Fre c e Miss 31ary But"n. Cil E AD 1OOQD$ r[WiiiE, ,'i teuode-mnz bis d Jiast .srrlved direet frein 'New York, .1firesi -.êupp!g of that .splcndid 2s. 6d. and .3-. 9dl. Tea, COFFEE, l [CE4, -TOBACCO, SUGARSe, &C.g FORIL J AT TIhEIR STORES IN WHITBY *CPRINOEALBERT. CuÉrecteil exjsw&uly for tliPlid Fleur, per bs-I. 193 ibis. 17 9 ta -'0 (iatineal, per bblI96lbs 15 O to 17 -J6 Witt tpes-bt 601WiOls-3, O te 3 . Barley-. per bus-la, 'tSfbis 2 4 to 2 41 lepet bui',e IGbs, 2 3 te 2 - 6 ats, per bus-la. 34.1fis, 1 46 ta i 1 Pets, pes- bussit. 6Oise 2ý 3 te -2 fi Potatees, per bus-bel 3 3 àte 13 6 lIkef-per lb, O 3 teO '04J Beef pes- 1001b4, 20 O le 2. '0 Pork, per lOQiibs-. 20 0 te 2Q6 3 l3aco»t ,per loolbs-, 'u) 6 le 37 6 Mutten, pus-lb, t)4 te 0 - 4 L4lhprqaato, Ote 4 d = bkp 0 - -'O4- te-O 4] Fresld3uitie4mper lbt, 1 O te 2 larkin Buter,penilb, 0 6 leo0- 8 Cbee.w, per lb, 0 3' te 0-r -1 Lardilier b, O 41,to O 5ý ipples,:p<r buisbel, 3, 0it- 4,.01 '3 to 4 9 G;eeset, U - 4 6, t 20 Ducks-, per pair 1 6 te 26 JOWlS,-do -1 Il te -,- -*ggs, per dozen, . 00 tcô iay, pçr ton, 25 0 o127 (j l y , e r t o n , 3 0 t 4 ' '0 ue ooed.per tord, 12 f6 tu 163 Wotl per lbs. 1i0tg i3 -Sbeep>okins,.sla1gitered,3 , b tîq' '5Q ffiee dpe 100bs71-0to 1 6 LOOK AT THISIR TrI"" -ýlbses-a'ber moulil ber to auînounice '- le h,%AinF-4f BftOOKLIN and sairmotattaf in aigbolao thaitecibs cornlteed tusi. nels. inite 11 LINçEUV L1<E. Strass andl Tituem ats s*pslnedetib. oi.tés notice. lu lime Nemesit ati notutmaas ilsei andl ona te cea"ts~ tersass. 511k Beonnets_51K! -Clmiadin thue netcsu mannes- - MIRANDA 1rekiin, A prif 2o, 1852, thte Pst Pamipi hsaasy te kie' PROVINC'E 0 Libeîal arhan-esneaausm WcsS, âmil te ii ps Iase t" wet Wowi 1 .11ef4 ' Wbâ%s t Iig' Sept., f 8~;I, »~IUhîmrti us.tx S.um, Texos-~o. I - 2-3w. rrss ~Enkin~. 2 Look1 ~ roca Towna Dry The, creasse. Thê greateait distnmtt irevalsl against al new %chesaes, Californit and .&îm-1 trafian gold cetapanies îneladed. The eahrfrthse present se s u unusualfrJ inl. Wmter pass--eil o-er witfi scarcelyI any froit, bust fur the pias.t tw or tbreej monttis there ama beea n n eteuIy wind preý scarcel to thse *1 lýl

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