I I s ý,à j dd mghtyea*y. Get tbem u m*r meti'7ow ur ett ifyou e happy; ý t .y, hope euv't ,tten te rope of tiheaung=as. qà Mv.nnm u imanuffmrbr; idalge lpe My b clled ilijuce. of joy' y""at ojest ; but let-the. ajonc~, euh jokiIg often deatroyi% she jovi.. the social cirele. Lines kindles tito Are of Mr.uâ- ph A À "aslways arals morrt thaqn a L. Love the ladies, look heftwre, yoa ý b. catngaappligeieept in 0. Order ia heat-etbs lirat law; obey P. Purme tpla pinha th -or ?robitY aBd;' petin phictico what~ you will give la pre- cpt. Q Qrre-1 uit, quibbile nul,htet, fond of »sking qtwstioyng, or nddicted to que- l les. IR. Ran ruina resp ectaility, treounce, roee end renoy'aie. $. b-kek amlvatin; oh y e aimnera 1bh- tomec saints and you are »aMe. T. Taire tin. by the foreloek ; try te tais 4evr moment te account. U,. Union unites with unity; in the whole u Wýi5slttison,'; lie ye theroore 11niPd*Cý igesalie of!unisn. V. %'ýnitY hus no conneoeien wiîb valorý -emember th«.*-1_ W. Women and win. bring want mand woe' d- wretchedues.a, wben wickediy iu- 'ta xeriionu acconipliu 'ztraorujî- Y.Yedte no tyrant; yeoman and ltaeir yoke.frellowti are lords of the soit. Z. Zig-maglg, ja claamcterlatk ofa Dy ;talce a straijzht course tir ugbIlifemadl zoalousl>' pursuie il. &- & mind yoar owu busines, &lot of1,1- osaloney &C. xisiict 'rewperance ',%an, -whse -wifr lied (sLnted'aflor bui;a brokea stin set, weaLIto the doctcir, sud lu sin muid, meau- Aureti tone, . e lhi.ifi eu lias coce çrclpaitlc 'eu ad.y(itd dickdiis yoor'doubta, air,' sasid the doc- tr-i a ae,1i a caa fike titi one sc. Pie~ ~ t orepo sWorth tircaty scuples o! A ooutq p.dagogue hmdtwopupls, to Osç 4 whomus asavery Waf, adtot tîçà rvcy erep< One mornihap- ene ttthes boys wero verylt,sand were edwto sçeount for il. -Y ou iutbve Icard the bell, boy iwhy 1'i'lense sir,' muid lte favorite. 61- yas a ofremuula' tinat 1 wae goin, t. Califoray, sud 1 thotigit the achool-belI was the. stoamboat beiti1s;as lui i.'- ileery velf', sir'fsi f te -master, giad r f a preteuf toý excesm No favrite ; 'andti ow Please 4r, r eu sir,1 aad tbe por zoti -boy-' P iva wns saLua' f0 5 Tomi *t %vas tho sa boy, *bo bcing asklç4 the net day, if hi, ýfather was a Clsii- tian aswered, 'No, sir, hes a Dutob- FILE YOUR NVMPPR.-IAI preservo muid file your newfflpi ra. Oflen- l uies you will bave occa%îoi Io refer Ié- someeêlmg you bare red, matté a Bri ar aîtrily filed away. pyu wil1 know were t o adnd ilaplu. And year- * hence, wb4 uljqurciW be en nti women-e«,,obaimeof uewsp0 . "tth wu takeitinthfgyith aâof-pr cil4o4, wi11 be' a lslablemmd ailot ut in Canada. '$oroubo, April lot, 1851. JOHN sAL1! .ïo$ii-7fr E.A B TrÃŽEH'Subscriber olfers for Sale sbopst 1I25.Acres cf Good L6,di hejIn cm od'f the Southblaof Lot Ne. 1$, ta tlI uCON. iWACK, S0 Aruo'0 whlic are Cléared and usMIar a gond mtale of ulti- ration. On tha preomises (bora is a goo Lot NOIYSE, doughtalIedand brmed inside end)oet, wilh a Pump at the door, a Fraune Barn, W.- Thorea a mra1l rng Springo elwuatr und F«oi kolmrs'eply te the Proprîetor onth MICHAÉL rA!ALLY, xFOR SA'LE r " ITi A Co mmodiona COTTAGE and Gjuuu'zi ,cotaildug a Quiarter or un Acre, sîtumted lu thea VIllage of Whitb7 Also, %vilIl bp Sol7 Chap, a large quanuity of Ornamental and Fruit- Trees, GrafIed & Baddied. CuxmM<Ts oîasati - ApplytIo JAIeIFS COLEMIA. Whit by, A prt 1, 1<852. 61-sin. N.D..-AII dehta due to-the &îb#eriher ar e requesît l i e paîd bef*reo the Fini aI Y or :hy wrill hegivçn fnto th nili1of an 'Auoney (or colcctic.n. -NOTICE. j Ihey forbid nny Prson frou lut cbsnga o*o tü payable by me to DONAkLD MýcFAIDEN, or hear, fo the sum ol' £11 14o. ;A.. daied -Auvor 231h, lltl, dueîtbe, ibîbldxy of Februar>', 185.2, as I havelhot rectiv- ed value lor4he sanie. - A. A. AJHLN Oakw.,ood, Jan, 25,18521 43-If. P.S.-T4ere is un indoraomeuit on the lactof, of the Note, of 11là . 3d, IMP'ORTANT? Vamer, Farrier £Stage FroprWtorê «EU. -W.' MERCIIANT'8 GELE3RATM) GÂRGUNGO OU fleaa i " a 15 T* a 5 or 0V saiema Ms *0oam ïermmhmo ulzsulA~i i um Wr "T*y mi E.p gvm w1b4it vernI Faail mbroca"tln cm morsms ons, amt nw bols 40 am Evl sluCrmckaeea i, Gallea Of au hidFebWoumdu, Spuans. Suissu, F-s tAla iLfaaljsd Crak& . lnélsmeuo Founda"s4 P.é, cracis0s or 0re.ang -auaFti d f ousa fféctionsý Frm WJlte BoUm. Ce - hiioi urus aid "A Cbhlhaius Ohpped Haudg4CrzipaCou- bractons o!f tW. Muscle4S wollIngs, Wekaoe o!t of g saI CakatiBromut, . &C4. ii GREAT IMPO8ITON ANiD FRÂ1YDI Obs ttbus beem dn e hhmul in the euum 4e Sr bet tsoeuuuy-Uiecepldly <orSIs ptitmi uma n"? i wItbo Wn=o m s c m E s m w a a u i i w z s i 4 Woitd fteiptlully latIt .the psublic that. beiug desi ow of Ext ending th&irBuines th.y seAU @pusarem, em in th*preparai«m of their lbi., 6omke t Mervins th. .6gb .stem by w~hlcb bés ever bnsaoted, sud if prsphred tu pà yhjilgb est price in Cuuh fer gond Merehantable Barley, delivered at tbeïr Brew.ry. All ordm promppUy itt#adedto. Addiesa SHERIDAN & OSTER, WHITBY NREWERT. J. D. JtQISTE R. Whhhty, 26â ub,83.46-îL ONTARIO IIOIJSE, (LATE RAYS.) Met Inthelb4tting and (urniture. Alo, hy en- largemelntand ioIprovemenla in thestablitig se- C!Im»@diti0fl, go uI o place it on an equat (OO6in tor conv*en.anod omfortt.Wlhh any other Motil in Ibis XNew Côpty. Ii, Sur and Tible. yl niwayp b. upplied wth the beat that <an ho procured inithe Ku ket, and every attention païint the travelling commu- uit>' Ihat-an pouah lv make thu,feel toinforabi am ai home. ,i ERYAN &'CO. P.S.-Rtdrgà ssoaur WhitAAug. 23ýSlui. 1- lr.rfl efChange1 TUSE Sabscribers, of the. WNITY WOOLENFACT oyiY aes stillfst tfr postà ruady tuexecute ait aidies, whlcb thev -nmmu us uomers may lavr ribein wiîh, Tbo sW ci pof e* Ãilbe au$,lpws:- Woolioiý«k (rbsicted nto aitiuet, lie mauufiauters including Warp, 21. per yard. Spin à nhl e7 1-2d per lb. ' 'b;n. wisteddo.la. per Pound. Sîng n;sd tWvtgagFlsl, lcluding War~1a OPsjiCAR witl hPut Port Ferr' <viry other vwe-i, rerciv- ingasnd despatcbiug 'bol arr ibilotu per $ussrn- er Won<LSPSZ, titi thé,close of aj~îîu in verfs Point, sud M'innon's Store, toidsay, e4lî- ,ne «.Ch W at 8. Tannbella Tansiery, Pîiuce muie.,Fd*R. Lund &Co PortI>erry, % bore wool and c<bib may Lie left, andl returned once ini lwo weeka,. No extra ch.arge for lad cax-riage or TL awo rtan1d the. sw of love we wiah ho bo roied by, anid rereive the sanie ut the bands of t oi, (rieniâà ansd custoniara. Sb.-ar: .sîîleentnî am «M to be tbepromntgpreof laiting triendoitîp, Very desirable, as we are advocatea cianiversal peace anid order. 140WERMAN, FLAXAGAN, & Co. H*ATS 1 NI!SI11 MATS1! 1 '1111P, U»1U;ISIER lnvinaust re- cived!heSpin;s&tyleof Engllsh, Frenth,and Ameru<an Satin Hals, invitsibe attention o.f the Public 1 o -cmil anud examine foi tbemulve, au he fan adsure f hem lheeu elanone baler mioro- luced into tht Market. AWs.à afew cases of - London Blak and l)rmb Oemver Bats. JOSEPH ROGERS Toronto, lune, 2,r 1951. f .ijot bs gven on the Inustrumnt before the Pupil ,is acquhtnted with a notes coostuned inithe. finÊs nd sases;>aler wt1cb, athe ill t-bare One $%hilflng C'y, par Leumsora Twenty Stillibge for 1j Lassonts, paid in mâtines. Oipposite teGamma, Sc&Sl. Whitby, Nov. 15, 1851.3- A LLperons1jaingclailufiagainsl W}IOLESALE A enable aîulmfm, ami An gret vauiety. Ilaviat heut (rom thb nt Brliih, Frnch, endi Anuuyim Market Io the ino pection of our cnsfémeyi and the public, as muid <'hap amiotaiento01 RmIy Made Vlothfng mand L lutIi ,ing/ E n ail «E uB*rne lgOIIRNINGs RMM ON READYmMADE Mele'îDown lilland Cati, Do Chock'd do Do lalck Alpara do Do Princesrdo do Do Canada Twtd. do Do Brosut CloTb .do 1»o Casainieo do- "ar<rmn llalhed rI' P Clieck'd do do De Moleskia do Do Twed do DO Broad Cloîh <do Do Rufteîî Colit do Sena Bîack Clouh Vesta, Do Black Satin do DO Fsncy Satin do Do lland do Do vaI4cy do Do Vevet do Do marseille, tlp DO Barathea doý ,Mon', Clotb CAps, lm én's Paris- iand na <S. Dl (romi 4 41-2 D oy'Fancy Veste, 50 1.1.8ck Io10 IDo Winu 4 12 6 - Do Clotb do " 12 0 fDuoTweede do " 17 0 Do Cuiere de 30)0 >leu'» bMoleshis Trouies, 2,> 0 ,Du Lnen Drill do " 4 4 1-2 Dtý Check'd do 3 0 Do Cordiiro>' do a a Do Sneuî ' do, " 10-0.- DuoCsoimeret do 17 6 LIQBuekslsin do " 8-9 Do Doeakin do 7 76 50Il Drill do 8 0- DChek'ld do " 8 9 Do Mnleu'kin do 4~ 3 4 Do Canada Tweve do 4 41-2 Do Cassirnere do Do Twre c .do White Sbirs, Linon Fionie, SUS sped <(o 2' 26O m.Flattuel Sbis li, 1 101i-2 Under Shirts and Drawes, Sati B ats, Black and thm ï, 41-2 0 0 4 1-2 -4 4 41-2 Di-ab New Style Businéo ess oatn,Inal Materials. MusIu DpL»ines, yard wide, fûom O Printu, faut colort do do ô Hoav>'Gingliais, do do 0 bplendid Bonnet 1ibbonu, 0 Straw Bonnetsi Gwoet, flosiery, Rilibons, Laces, FEdglngs.Atlificial Flowerd,' shah, cheek'd, muid Plain Alpacas, Table Linons, Q,îilts, Cogunrpanea, Bcd TAck. and Toýwela. Cnîpes and Maucriala for Nlournilig. laîmita' Robeos, Caps and Frock Bodies, Y G0OOD S.* 301-2 Pactor>' Lbîtont froni O 2 1-2 71-2, White do49 0312 1-2 $urfpheltinc, "4 O0 31-2 7 '1-2 Cotton Wvarp, s 4 4 1-21 3 Ladies' &seys, " 26 Sbawîar), Matkerehjitrrsand Neck.tieso ca p Front$, bMuaiiius, Neils, Collars, Sitha, Sý&atins, &C., iOrleans Cobourps, DeLaines, PrFince*,GmsTlunn, SllrlVarp.Alpacas. ./Yo Second iPrice. A. ' 1BURGESS & LEISHi1IAN, vol.-1.] Corner qîKiîng 4- Ckurcli 8&rcets, joi>dng Mie Court Jiguse, Tor<rnio Hl ARDWARE. ,rrn~ 44e KING $TREE't, TORONTO. 'Sliscuilxcr b:g@ Ici ifor I lais the0 4lT, h SV*IPÃŽU 8TOGE 01? KAUVAEtz extensive buuineus BY VtitoaiYegselà (romu se., iz-.Lordt George to an eltetprising Sentichr, Aunne Cropper, St. Auidrew, Niaçara,,'- CdMein., Zerbpi dsyç,i ral otbprs roun Laver- I flb5, 1lo m pool and Lon on; and in as.fem- days 6e wil» baver a oIt uorret(tev ati Siteif Mmd-1 _çvre reati> for Salp, and uit prices us ow as anyin COMME] the Trade.l' RAOIT. VILLAG] 1Toranto, NMay2Ud 1831. 8f U}E1 :,ý.,WHf.AT WR AT 1f»r the lube: WHEAT WHEA 1! ed since lie comn H1E S#abscnbei wiII psy thse hlgheat lance inu edy epby Mr. TCash for CREÀ$ n 20 000 lh elnouse"to he favored 'ýf,,Good F.LL WIIRAT, delivred ai P'ORT T a stri WISifBY Harbor, unor o e b QIdya thie Table qplied Octoher uvxt. . cati b. procured. Heois also prepared Io mAirz ADviaucts on G O 0 'p Whoatt Flur Lumb.r, andt a steMt gost eonsignad ta Newv YorkiroMn(r.l. 1'ÀSI for Every at!eoiyïue ami>' qaitity cf BARLEY and OAT& fottable, STAGE JAMES WALLACE, yk .-Cr ag Whitby, 21sf Au-,uat .3851. - 19-IL P.8.-Carrial FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE D RY~ INSURANCE.&1 ,r E.Subseribeu continues to 'Lue <o- et aiI, fCas liCiei for the Iollowiosg respunsihlq Cin C(ommerciia been ct as well ai *liop,atiouisfnild, ye the phlqin wbicb-ceatem flores the cougAh and asil tbe my-iteniail diseamdi r producing a dclightfuliai piest auj liAs, aller tbe sud L. inventions cf 1cm and nurses, bave failed to 0 thie Commmeptfve umfer TIUSAieDS or boin ave beau docelu' <ndcnswblch noe ai but tebich have proved o -Medic-ine la is neoui on a p ccrÂtld JluW< (,t colii ton mueh bottle, aud 700 mnaut (nid the name 0f(C Brtter, *'roprietorâ, New Yorkc, on ti &rapper larouadlte boulie. Ail orIer addremed tho Caasiock If Brai ber, No. 9 New York,. Reeniber andi seurr boy it unless yg narne 0on ie wrapper. . C A 1'U T 0 N cever . I)LY L% tc,at1 herleit asY To Oie c A R[4' thse Two CA] cie7T Uer . nd 8. F. touto,who selAi rfilt bi ý l -ý 7 --- ý- l ý i Il -c- , i mi ý 1 1