Ontario Reporter, 15 May 1852, p. 3

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min; eist of 1i.Egli b UflA? PISa At ParscoTw.-.oa 8.t- D ueractaing asNafti Do t W" *te ;the e tenive warchoaases o0f&d dowaa tht river,,ted fo . f@ a' iigbt R1ooker and erg» in Preston, mu or#. d~a ver the ving datm; weefw h 10117t Iftn a*, wet' consuuaed by rre*.-.waer atthis taueof the year rma oves a Tke6ilingW» Lrg bt crLuatey tn- betseulie tiree or lotir f(att deep, and ~s .l4I.v*lur bt ortuaelyCO..some uinety f(attor msu i e ngh.I t*ed At thet tku. Of the *,accident ouly ousequente of tilis interruption the' mater 100 bills po"as, 150 4>Lotfir ais 80Ofb overllowed both idesof Little 1.ak, Nok.Tw lmis lbout £2ý500, put of1 deti:royed <h. road sut he mest aide te a ~u1 ~ ~ i~ 85ÎI8~. onsidrble etent, ,d covertiag the WWb * cverd b inumae. pit ob f Mssr. botHarper, Pet., $huyafler titis miaca ail was thou1çhtand tétr-al othera into th, bcd of a deep to4 boui .(daaPr, ithé <tbera fired aneth a ltlit asevcrai de!ep slaît ehs i d ïer wrh..of<tke same ina wlieh ma' tirougla <hemn. Onthe eag Ïsde Sait ai»o bWoed to tht greund. road te Keene in readcred cuite àéps«sble, !and trava'Iler iree eomptllj te rnab. acon -Âgmakm otber ire sr.m as soupdeti Jsiderable detour, througb the grouadu -of aud ,the Dompamlus hai <êI.le,, lbthescene IJudge liait-. Ater tbtse iriA shahhve! of <thi pratos flor thbe 4jnx reenîîy Jubsided, these roadu i b. qtil te pasua' oceuittihy tt lluk f per Cnad , tit epertsive repat;rà miii have litai occoiedby he kek f UperCandamade.,a«d beerai bridTeîreplaeed.' The wh.h wus ops tinaala<a. Tht Yankee fIlorirtg mils of Mesuro. UoJgtr snd Wtt- Piuo itesKmSOgdeaubrg camae over anithare Iotia tionomquit. idie, in couse- WWWUkehere §to areVier nighorig ,queteof the baclc mater hein a hgi.. w<sk.d e bercr <o sié t'ie neigibosin. Cumân tvmt"tnedwit detrutio.w;ries of.1ail the. marebouses 5 oi fet$ ahdsaite. shorgt te rivtr bave bttu flooded, and the .Weav a. ot beird theam iouait oflhe total large quatnttis otf our aitored in ttheb"s loua. I haen remoyed into tents coastructed for thé ipatrpo#e, andinto aeighbuýturing uhedsansd! FiRx AT Bts'IÂLo.-C)u the auoraitng of t Ies,<t tome cxpeaas. and ronsiderable the llth lit., thtesgl.-strcet' ýTheatre titk. Mr. Moway«s extensi-e fouand!u wa& dicôvrrd o b onfire an beore!'hiesop i. altse fooded. and mucb in- teM acoere teb. o Ir, sd hfer jureit, ais ba s erl ntirely stoppcd. A1 tht eniness eould la. got on tht spot theiNi aai part of the temporary apper morbu tof, webst extensive preaases were past savin« ,%Ir. l1alI"% dasmau carricit away, wbieh 2~O iaw'uee'.-4ss $30.00. ~ i-thogi' or 11(11e eonSqeneet inita tl a' ses seions nco nruaiec 10 the owners of htstA.d Lita -%t4te.%(Cunutess or Landmit- lte Liro ,aw Milla adjoining that part or the fehat) is nom perforing in that city, and dam. -rTe breachahin.oëceasiened so atrong gare~~~~~~~~ atonltt <a arrent latwren two milis (bjat sw Io~ carat Ise got into ti'ew, and they art con- lfr i Jesaty sh c ecnsuininer rii eqtently quite icile. A Conuiderahle r' tiron of r. Den'tofl i*5 a icdstroytu, and' tuis ypar ýsaanouceit for irelanit. $bc -1eet-icaoiM.Lntca' ot vii entuk nt 1ri2sîol for %W'atei'ford. and cçpeniive Prrcautiorss mere ncceurtry te1 b. çoiducted hv (thetluke ofI )tevonsltîre -preventc iirteliief. At lit:Seby a ! li~~~~~~~~~~ » rvt a.ataîe*sî'go d ~l idanaaae ha.%bern drdonc, anda < .sarparut of 'Ur. d , stbili frrtiter U) for e fem dars, whtn site vmifi set out foi. ascrn alva>' by timlber, eai-ly in lire the far fazned Laketa of Killarny. Thencesaua ______ to 'Dularin, and huIt a hevtie an t Drawiug rOreSUA Steànsero. Ito ta the Castle, andit rfler reiuaili ga Tise $avanahi Steamer, of 3." tons, ment fem days miii -proceit nuvia guto ajfruii ,Ncw York to Liverpool in 261 dajahal Holyh.ad, ani :tece direct b Bah.iinral. î1811);',but it iras nOttll i183'% i t Ait waî, se.soazly pro o t ablih tStearn Cent- Itrr&<~'~cp~.-jcolorez!i mnan tvmoitenrunicsa.iisa betieen i te lEasteru ad e 'haitf ret , .cî'.ks pabt lcerareigl i jterra continents. %Iany proptesýied the.lai' <Lis tma mastalut- up t- t 'n too iture of suc)t an enterprize in stron5 langirage. thistow, %as tk-pm o to he oro t l'c quantat>' or co.duthant.woau l crequir'. p~IlroêOhamaat onda' niitttgeî e e for suci a svoyage was leaaked tapon as§ an' «"t ber son atdiugar.i.n on thte r'. f frurmouutabîe ,barrier ta the ppseaecution oni .'id chbarge or' infantcide. 'Ile crime i.% sait the undetakn,,, auai the ail but universnl te bave betta &>mmittard in Oshama mh r% Ti, thât tle specuLatioawould Dot pay.i tho miiiol' coure jîuw-ver,' gays Chambers in -a recerat re'. th ami>' brioop. The trial wb vat' c ai lfte different Oeasa Ste.ai toies cOrne Off <b. > t~ . 'Aiiait titis, ileiaking xitpop'yig Fratt Accien tla Toaeat,. alit the catculations ci'pilo,4ophert anJ th, -specudatinns of mercitaubt, haeu 'W. aacerel>' regret to ba:ve te record a workmn t ere enga-eld at l3ristthl in con, mtlIcw adafi ciet hc c tuLP ag t adtui b atlld h [curred about 11 e'riock on te moran-of Ur-eai We mtrn wiz-b s at onte ad .SLCurde a sb, at the acte store buildinton; foeer Net tii. que!itinast rest. 'Flac M:i Yosge-strect l'or SMe"s Ra.oss, Mitçhel & of' practice dit net %saiae the doulns of tlr< Co. At thse Iotir xlamiad. eue the 1'ardï of snnof th*eor-. capnt M as supplicit tea a ia>- the seariding, et tite enbt side of t<bi61- bai erit estent, aud tht public looked oit in dlag, umapped. asaunder, and two tme, n. Inatnexpectlti Ol'fthe. rPelt. nmaed Thooiig r1i* - sudn Eplwaizu The GrwieatlYrstnas fiaitd in 1 S38,1 1Xfugbes, wbp were mun n rre pro'. and announced te( sai on bher firet- vorag-e on ctpcated t h rtn.Tb- rt f ' ýthre 8&h ofApril. irom 1838 te 184 site m.-ieci they 1.11 vas about tbit (ct:te matie- thirty-fire, outmard aud titt'fVe taataaito mli c>' <cyfil mas a boe, on thet inetitiasrd vroes-ta aln tofeter a bottéiu of miihi veret tickl1y -S ter quarter of a MlL o f anilin a l !îý11i of; br-oket, brick;,a«d tIscu.= me ee'it iIa eather. 'Th1e ouI>'accident lit becM ber blo*dwbicb Ilbid irpurted ont frm t h. mounaàdudrrng %att ervice mai 1'Ios& of a bhpwPrt or the uufortunste uSea'. Ieras ai- 1lintonàua i;ualie a whale-to bho,fem4r a'., sa; Jtiueho4Il%& nk-uan bsu'lari-ght le W ther -a deeper bleir ha" aini, miii a (air were broken ; and bis face, ladi, anti body 1bewadwa>' on ber rigbt course, anti a."ainst a 1 wes-. dreadfully brui"ddanid diafriurci.-.head inarntisd sa.Thse avrage tac Hlughies, slthoragb apparetti>'more eut adsteained .rach way' mas marl 900 sailesj iaintea- wat tsàkca un afiro &.Asuts '.Ai-dlit onte of tb vaes mas nearly u 8uio unie 01i 'Court, i rmnrd Io the 187 a uri wi the j COB3OLUGTWEEDS 1 -risoner bateme by tbe oat» it wm Sted hIc eonfrSaeaamildin e lin bis defence that b. IÉd picked tbema up,1WhiehSC@it ttxfatje da. on- Dandasstrcct. T190MA D»OW. After. a sêort conultatio, tt jw7rc-, Whitbyi 31ay 6, 1852. tumeil averdict .of Uuilty. TUZDÂ Mr Ui. ONSUMPTIQNHI! Ptict ve. Arkland. This vrasau action Io recrver the amouat of au o to"t n em am .V7 o tre« o nsd1*...h ho ruaninm ane 84 1. Bi&kptao.j wr fithet np am aaum so(l botl n hi cty 1hed ren int des theua udnexpuu~m oreaç<,I .&1 i (hhlawa, andi wu -in th abtof puui.g % Miffl~' tion f9 e 4in a week, ili mi, i rteedof ty, Cbsn"p. up at the plaintift's whea in Toato. th lin, ?or tail,:rouhktd with eouithor lijebm. plaintif iras alio in the habit of endo'aing plint, wc would rejet italthe ad vert.enent onthe notes for the ticîadant. The defeadant otui'leIt tis. prot i d4r<>n's Chemilml Litract fr-equen:lIy sent SumS of mooey W rthe. Dur- _of s Cherry and Lnaçwan," irbic is i. iié o be a. pose of retriere-wau otsgsmeo wie e" f olor tllis awga1 dirnse. ri CWim.-Ali of lte above anmed artkeles are the deleadatit coutends bis sot bora(pLaeda Výýrh ootgw<k & tratheý9 John lt., New to Mos credit. .1 let ter wu sproduced e.- Yorls,té whom a&U ordue sMost 1,. dl red. Iroidcn-tereceipt of(£20 froua deltfen-_____ dit, The miaule ainount in dispute hein; ouir £32,. 'rfitfo wV ."' Di j le TUA1 fo- 3c hfto forplaintif. eldle; for d>Inadtn' . C -1 %out J TR C fr12Tht ,ip o eiish o netpi ana C.1Bell;e for ddieadadttaYaakogh- DiiilrsaIsg Leu etlure. as eila h ialit ' u t u a tefl i it;pon ate fti 31 'atDcembvr, proord and 1lashad inaaceordanc. 'ssibie 'kt &I5th1 At an carl>' heur on the 15tb lait., he ali 109, sec. 14-4. broke out at tOi) Catharura. streel, New I Vont,,o umqaed beloir as a bo anui shc £ .. Istore, andt-tde uppea- part as tbe dwetliaaofl' Caîh framt Joel ShamT wasltip Mn. l'itililp Coigara, policemran. of ta the f Cola#l ate cnpt 207 10 2 f DI'.riet. Su rapid wa the dames that do. on ararfia5a0# fS't neari>' tbe w'ile l'ami>' of Mr. C. mure j d. nacoat lbek 981I coasaamed in îte devaunla;eeent. M5, "Lamb onacrousir of iwiie 'athanine, itri daugliter Sa jatte4 laxdue ua ear, t4 Iantd .ýWy E, anîd àon James 4K'. mene lurn'.4 nar:'e uii<te a.d to deauti. Ty r hli,-,chliiren cacaped "fr uaref lltlrg he~ I tsc atlv sari i v'a-S besidles timili aoflte ' aincltmictolv enataoite.'lIa addition t10F! flom la oasTrensrer) t hei, a %onnreid4 la intihe uMpr *tor>', jtaxefsc,2 - me <ta na . a unret Lonit, wira nA s ft re lebtaroyed. Mr. Coîga as a tahe urne of'01 5aetlial orfireriu, 3 l tire di-,a5et- ut the police offce, sait o4v Ttlrenpsdair ieyta,5i J anrive bornte ta mitanisthe saf fecta Or'; Balance lili te Trcasarir'à T tediater. ba*dson thre 3w :De.,i8,2'67 :ui r, 1 A t LIe PÀÎsize"70ef t 1 c uî Lotl'.taai£82011- 4tedCea otaf Laaark anti lLeiàfew, heit - Ttl mut 38 1- it t -ihon 22611) tit., 1P,obert Taoeéwaa J coavicie'Iaif te wlmui nawer of a Fr-ch ela 'it eîeg'bih for saaua, 18 16 4 Canadian namcdt ?ratra, residang in tbte t plia:ing, &C. tomn-.sitip of' Bromir. Kaat Neege Iaeideasral exPOiufflOn sctn Esq., eoaaatdîhepocctia . Da j bt axes, 6IitPatl Io 19 1510 CON, JIr., Esf;., conducteilthe deferce.-, TonlHail, ipitalm.rt.ai ndi î ,Vreprnial plea set lip wmus <bat of iasan.i'. (unure' - it> t Mr-Daoamiea vr'feia i ountyreaturer, 150 11) 41-2 -.pataatic adalaesas te the Jury on bebal' of Sr<)n accl antored, '- 884 ' - 1 0jýh ýoc. b ul eie o a bSalarisnd 6aeoffrr,42 6 4 0arrta andi returnet i wthi a verdict of! AII-...ali a eCoancallord. 23 10 u1 1t"TVi7. - 'ale 'mas bscnteéued tO bel-'- baugeit on te ruIaof June rteut. - Totral payments dmsing lte year, 517 41 7 Batiser due by the 1. asttrttan 8 1 'l Kiaagtora N.,. saïs, thât a gentte'. mu tiaaaad Garrtt. of $im iuai dzulat, re'. TJIT'K cently sent homne to Engiasit 81 ccee t loelIaw, Toin l ier,>W.ÇH of his ovir production fer ove year, la>' mblh on accotant ot raci a a..., 17 t he bandsasn1;e .ajnj of £129- 13s 94 relu. CoutvT,-mru&tr, sive of reiglt, comaraisnr, &c, mas ,'caiized! on accouaI f a0J1 osar 01setaxe#eon t-i i - Il2 onthe cprsisiu t ley "n,'.I of Waterloo iselii den, Chartes Aharcu Cowaeil - appMitd cm a site fer a Coui aitjOuraatd Io tht A NEwW4ê -i-w fSuali .-Jl. Treamrer, sand ClerIr. Thto' kit. to reot andt Jail; pli; 7NE QuZ5TION. th in tii CuAPA 69 12 5, 31-2 ~fLt., 0< evmr Thet haase COF LIAit

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