Ontario Reporter, 5 Jun 1852, p. 4

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5 00 aa* w in u lMcIf. Tu t s a gmOV rl1 T%YTVà ),N>T AIl jiogcornruityIav,;*m A"ù he t1egPos wre wVJofLe,s thesie mmD :x zTEef'sA>çsstwei «dýpmtmedItoü VVS frthe. ipa1lpos~0P eof eayn'< Ile:Z0I1'm of hesmal kes ss 0 peurnca Site. endID4of£cCing ot % -,b0Ut'the 1.00M DUM- iHUSafi&UAoL ikte Vl ULàaGlxofturïit, x~, >~ ,@Ubh1pSWII. le~'*CoUW of Optfio, md t wii rqu e U lae aswalSUMof Xillu Thwuà meveoHuntd MW£khtY meetofauch "-n ueand thelaecttref is lia *.W Crek, i'cewo inluTw.o:>r Yare trams tWe Sv.bth ay et Tbe rou in owel's ree, C-eenbOdSeptemhtr,- 18s 2,,s (olo%5, that late u-»Y iii Û14l tat t rquimoneini Wih X£660, in tht e rne 852. 1pb«uept.-The Mamrnleth Masa- 166.Se 4"(P.T. aru, iz anu ed- fer Ex. 1657.tilu bibicet@n ii lhe rown of 'Wbitbr on the 2Stb 1 8». vIii ri 16 1$00. boo iust.-$ee .Advertisement nee« weck. - 496 .: -1961. b5Uett my bjdged ofby the fiettht' 462 4 ~ 1863.tc atathdto ene Co(r. "4441864. ____426 1865. ---J- -- 4 si 1866 MARREDI,1867. In <inct* at S. Paul'rChurch. 'in te:ot.4 169. Bal inL yt i 4. .G J lI. HAMP II ,1870. JRO ,(*0to Êoti, u jateM., oeIy daugli- 3 81 *AMtI wlerrit t he amoiunt of ruteble property oni ter a Owlis Gerge allEÀqisire.tolîdCnuny olOntario a amaunts inte so f Ot the 2»& insL.by lise Ue. V. P. Nlà%erhnct- jemilion Pur mi aeui i ty.iu hou-Th 1ýr M4. A. Mr. JamusBale. aII'O 11ipsârsiet oguî. vnkusr4 xjudiiefd~U ,uthw 4hoite Townabap 0ci hi f« the Y.fut gj Loi d Onet4ts~iîand j£itbt buts- La dred an'd ïiltv-on)e, andl t wiitl requre the sever.J1 DIED. rite inthe, poine iîwntioid il, I, lstýd'thmJIbere. Io biîneted îmrkeJ A <unt ul (ning porto( Iis fWhilty, ugte ie rd init., .Nlar<ret cidrott ly.L.a % U'Qll l ucS îateable proprnly ai a spe- Fo daiotë ofjn5p irliraIvIUYE$q,, tri ber 27thh eut raitte erthse PRY limnt cli sa»l i»teet, su. l Pr i the cret0ifon f s smtir uidit ttiepayaient of C - the prncipal ci .eh lo1n, eccordiuiç 19 ;kscre-' TOWlNTO A0 T. qui-ettrîenta ni iue atet e l andiUt v litily-se voetIle - s~~~~lerift <0Of thse Uppar ÇL'ada lus~p<Cro Corrctcl ejr~l7 or ~ Ptri*. fions KIl f 184V. ai s n-le'd 1y Ille Vpper Ç.a-A àsl ~uuîiçpai :lpçraliusî'6 Lawi meu4tnt Msy, 13, 1852. Ac oi 1851. s 'd Il 1- l Be et îherietn tfl db>'thse Pros'ibiotlal A 'idsrbri. 196 Ibs. 17 6 1te 20 nieýpcîul oiucil 0< tieC <4Uyugt ( isai<, 'Qaksse..pe 6~I 96». 5 te176 lut-'1lsstil ti st msy lie 1s ta ad for 'F( 4>atn l. pr bb 196bs 1 0 ti 17 the Vrvnona#l Wurdeti of tise sast Provitiüînal i NVbt, lper btih. OQilis3 3 te 3 6 MurliciMil euiil, to #aile iy way eoftlaneaiap Bt3àMy per bush. 4Slbe, 2 6 to 2 -9 rate ef ,îiterest nul ercecding dix per-cecluîm lier tUy~ pe bi.isI, SJbs 2 te 2 6 auium, ironrs an>' villson "fr 1*z3sis~, bo4y cni po- <tli, per borse. 341».,- 2 43 to i 2 '67 lit orpottice.M hu îîu ie t'.. ltig t0a aace -bc Li ,a% per butai. 601h. 2 1-4 6te 1279«J iithe- <Iitld 'i ~idcel'stu 1ro eaisii et Psï, pr bl4i 61bs <2 6<ýto 9a s'urri u01turie>' 1.4>1 eceedinç in ithe lZItitoes, per buidiel 3 6 te 4 0) wbi»I the u'rn qal' -Six'rhienatid P,>lruîda, and tufL itf per-lb, 0 4--t* 0-6 cauSCtse e lime tn hapale lat1 he bse tltie 4h.Û'per 10011., 2o0 Oto 2.5 0 l>iciîiii uaqeelts LdPo'lsniS Pork, per 1OOllis. 0)0, t6- e6 3 2n.-Thamt i sl arvi rnmiv be nluuin 1-:l endL J,BýÃ", pef 10011)S, 2 6 1te 37 6 for 1e sais 'îieusa Waden b10-ise or direct X, ttn,' perlb. O 4. e .h0 >mnie' fd IIsurnitor .um ut1 mor%îote- ç- îin the M bote 14àmb per qtarter. , Jte the gl sui ScTnoUýîndiù ouîîti , a 1115V eruo or it.ek per lb, Q 4 teO 4 pîui.uidv'rw'lI -~siur 'l airree lis F irkin uuer,plier 1b, - ) eo t 'M ' uîe hcinelsa fsPu 3linu i if4otf i.itxsigned hAshe' <Cee, per lb. (1 3 b o 4 provî>tioriâl wr4eii ani Po.i»ll itar lAd,1er14 >411 10 O ." andi madent il ip and, rn in. îtt tn snd ;paya- 'AppI.a, per hualse, 3 0 tu 4 o ltai sueh ;ts'rio>ds et s [1,4licît'vita "Okey#, tac», 3 O te Ille thtifil Irvsrss ari le)sh"a'ldem eepdit grîi<'d alwalulys risSfss, ~titisauSdewi -Geebe, cuchi, 1 > 16 " tires % iiltl aladmie ;uayatsle au>' sooure rth.u -uk <)st, rpar i 6 t 2 G hia BOv.Lsw provi'tes fui'raioutg mcsey tis' theïl ,i S p,,r 1 tô 2 < .dfshiss dezn, o ste o 3s- isait ise on*t-r , tc i tbertutes qsailI digsvrai a ie Oiif f tid ?rovisior;al '3traw, pêr tons, 25 Io 27 <fi~ Jrr uts ."nhua îSpzuu u lày, per toln. 3 o l. 145 O eultaiv terv> tear atter thse stenie are lusýued. ulre Wood, iler cord, 12 G t 6 3 4b To iljlmTut('it hlhtuîdPus.' Wvool rrlb. I1 t)tori 1 fin niî nrdtlh ! pae id e,,salc%isi uwm ti- U i.. do per 1001bl 15 Q to .17 the6 tis ijulym-ui . oi est " tut- l ia- nf iSep, -et t4 r is. a a ut -ux T lsos; !fd 1>ound I~vryodyknwsia0lltlnIttee'~~Itr>uî'wlseuse pald irnott1ebandsoiet aid 1'svtsiuriai s&aIrn0 and progrtYf5ii i4O it15Iv. tisaI 4trre Treleasîti', aiail ha applicuI îow.urda dreftiylethe cs «i ware of il, thse lIbesrr a masolls of dcer#, ezpleofsu of creehitt a Court Hottr. andi <Juel <os th.u .a s1,rnaxixule <or <ciîançe(reni$hasteIo i uid.tesu»d Ciewty ut Ontario, nildei purr-haîis;a se jaminte»..ÂniA,/14i410. and in a;t ew 4asyOr thser4*for.1 ~ iM us'. . ii lpOfet ast>' Cuump- ti.-riit this peial raie ermiered irstro l tion. For al trols lad %Mit1sceutgbor 114114 '-nurvS. hedaie berétoausscxd, Malkett A,#hetit ba rois- qlaint, w, woîtultreitalethse adverliseiitnit ont tise. rd, je% -d at al4 octei caver atiaboe .al olser. 'attgeeittis pi peri Jlinil'ChiscmICExtract ralelforttse yearalein intititW5l, up4ilittitr-t- -d0<êL6it.ryad ti»#P'whitil l a<ui4 e a ,bie ioperty inthisaid CountylitUustlariu,i th ie te.ftrn. eore 1er te$Aifut iie, àf paps. tl~J14ts ii tiittS5 1s.wad Ctuti.-AI ilte aboe amsiarkles are f1id45s ivd tise uitertib tieironu-tails iregaud ; aosl li .useeUl$ltr. 9 Johsnut.,. New tise roc..eds et stuh speciait raie shalh hl.eafpiifd %~?v>isAil nrieas mIgti leit i,<t". - oily te thit puyiwrit andsatisitu uits rii uith de* yoîeitariatdtitttte w t revu u aUfo 1 estidU 1) NO. 64.-ý--BY-I.A1Vili the whsoia cf furh dbnicts al îsthse intezeetý 7'u> prctttltt Lit~ý e oe f kSpùrI4UWu5 Ltiuor, lsh...Tisat ibis By-Law abo on Sl oe and lotie effeeloi, ons Un allaSer these Seelisl l~O5d clayof Sept-Ir e r -uL.-e ea-our Lt-A o- tse- 44 td di di 1864, 498 'hdi*iat on the -arnaieê Lut vwll b. 1-60 * .- 20 2 50 M 3 00 ~ ~.2 40 3 50 28 5 W si g 400 EXTRA- IWIUCXZtN?.O11reëeýpt 'of cash, wéwill forward, by MiI orEx-, ms, Boks ovt1ereâ froin thé fillOwing list, the abe e tu, and freee f .xpense! 110ow is tbe time fort10o zesidig in diS. t paru o@fthe coutr, w1->iTaretut tu ti fntyo a bookitore, to purebase thbir ,ki tgrealyfftduced pri., - List of l3ook,with bookselim spile. ata lied: -Doyils Ready P ëeckonsr ; new and mnproved édition from new plates. 25, unlay's Gi ftrae, 6W axter's Saintes Rest, obin!s Produce Iiêckoner; show. ing the vale of diflevet kiwis of Grain, pouod or bushel, 12nie,, 75~ mc Voung Ma&wI Book, 75 habe' resury of Knoowcdge. 10 ~martn&'s1{îsoef the French.- otvltti f 1$0; witb steel portrait. 1i00, ,wler's Phrenelogy;p'Vêd, situa- trated and applied. W t ctse i W> ýmbc's conbi.itution of Maný 1 00 ooreCs Laia IHookh. A beautifol edition. Steel plate, 1 W> ,Gift Bocok for V(otag Ladies; by Dr. Alcott. Wiiti plate, 1 00) LGift lBook for ,Youftg Mens; by Or..iAkott. With plate, 1 on> -xsBook of Martyrs, I 25 ,ives of the Wýeileys, 1 25 iim 1roress; with Notes and lite of the Author. With plates, 1 25 Âfe of Christ and bis -ipostles;- by Rev. John Fleetwood, D.P. ,i 25 ife of Dr. Iudson, the head of the 1-lissionnry Enterpise; by J. Cie- Menit. 400 pp.,with portrait, 1I25 of~in tise thre Mrs. Judions; .ýarn a aore witb tbrec portraits, 400 rp i 25 .jf,aPd ESWsoetD.r.IFrantlin,with YIfe Lifî- of Jolin 0Quý;tàcy Adams; le i.I.Sward. i2:1 *hù A ieri can Fruit Culturutti by 3ohin .1. 'rîîomaq. i12V IalviWone.n of thse Bible, Hend1e yN îNapoleon andU bs Maril'- as. Iihtqrated, -i 2. 'h Ille cf ÉEmpresa .Toseplise. tlrst wifecnf NaPoleon ý; l'P.C. Reid- - l, with 'eeI portrait, 1 2. Tndiin- captivitiex; or life ini the Wiogwam; l i Smuel G'. Drake, 1 2 Thle Missionary Offering; dedicated to Or, Judt.on,i2 Thle Life 0uf Gencral Zaçhary Tay-. 1cr; by il. Montgemery. i Lfe ofZen. &,0*tt; by NMansfield, i1 The Geoerals of the last NVar ,*itb Greaillritaim n -- ly Joo.S. Jeakins, i 2 Popular ?otts, i2me, nest clotis, Burna' " 1-25 i2~5 lbKirk Whlte,$si, dé 125 .Milton'ls di dé i125 Covpe rts di i" .1 25 Coek & Hlowitt's id 1in2 'ruppertafi I e5 Waordswortb's si i125 Catnsbellts s i 1' i26ý Freingut's Ezloieg Tpediti*h - tirougis rej siaulCxlîferafia, -4,i25 Thse Lif. t fetierael Andrew Jack- sot; b>' J. S. J.sikisis. Steel> pcrfrait. i 25 Lires tof James Mldiseuiandl ante Menroe -,by J. Q.Adam. Wîth potats. i2 YugsScuensce of, Goreruitet. new & improveul edition, enIarge4. i 2.5 O1regets * its Ristor>', Condition andu Prospectsq. B>' er. Gustavus Portrait, 1 25 Thse SâurtCap> of gpsvkhiàiDraps te tse. werld 12t»o except C a~ltfma. te x s v .. t0 gir. their _gadd mnd'- state. O~'u trtt~d aitOuer risk if ini iiesenee gr tise Postinaster andu cuinher *nd dates of ties aute retaineti. il;. be6ks kept 6r seldl'y us of uf Simmo1-' rai tendency- N.R.-Age*iUwantd toseiX tiée *ve IBooks te wËôoM LÂa0Gaý1Ot1gi' WIll be AU SertIfMSdd <be G<drtSt Postp adto' GEO. H. DE1fBy &'CO- Publi.gs S Bu"*al, i.Y.j Lsmdon,4p. 2 di18wU .,, - 7. I4UTICE TOURVEYOR., T HEF, MtMtt:pALC01.tçcltof the Towm-}l 31%t *#- oI Ma? t recette TENDER;S for £statiluisi tishe Beunlis- <r>' Liniesand G<oernin; puintietf this TcwSlIhp, -andi placinc priper 8tone Monsument$ thertotpIn S laceidaniewil thetIa Act et parliausint nithse Provitice. forthuaI pui-r send pre4lded< ptrtletilars repetJtltch esab - tost. muy l'e bud b>' eppt>in'hn; tets rMiPtthe lewest.Tender ssi oobe astepteut ul" t55ewist Tenders lo be Seaiesi andS aý'dt5isedt othe Towua- slisp Clerk. lisci er fth Gounti 8> ie tHECTOR EATQN, 2nuqssAip Vrk. pekknlne. A.pril 2t,85 22j341n WTERN Ë S bscRAbE COMPANY snd tie surrrcsndii Tewnibips, 1htsahoi bas ben dîaty appnîitted Arcu? bytise Wem st suraunce Company, atel>' orfanIse4 bin"orett. te taire Rioka ag irtFre on lte nost reuealtbteev. Aise. partiesuwsbiu e a.undiresnttnersttv ii. Veolnie5sl et money thave now aun ppcttitt t ais> aMounut ee'Oed n e HIfs Bs&mesont Ten Peuris tper Mire. nfilnly i>Fve tuer cent or Teu tnuuute s e re qure-1 to,bc-piid dtswn.I'spouaait'ttatiedrdnuwl pi>' off tIse reUer part ouf tiese tock suhaerhbed, u utes th e (C or pan >'s ioulsi exteu ui their pera.- taons teLift teai ne lîîsiutatie. But souild it b. <oud iecessar>'t luseu In a futiiler per ret.t sgt 0 tise Stuek siîtbieriMle,sixty day.' notice wili be given p1reioîu te tise date et pty-n-lst. Ait %lsidi hs resperi ls'i« ribrd. iLtru;.April 22.,1$5t 3-tf. - -PtO S-LP E C' î 1 IAU.LO--AM4ERIC AN MAGAIZIN E 25 i ~0 Ris Stsek et wbleisW. ruWhfi 1Iibeil îbeir .nu1mler ntfa Xonihly Peîodi. al urider tise titfi.etfise A.NGL -AMERIC NIMAGAZINE" Eseis Number Witt ceutlAin90 Pagtu rnal eC1- 'o. wîtls rdouble celtrfits, aud n imaereus illust - t 1o 0s. Frice 155. per n ram , p itt iui udva e, and sent la'Inai triaan>' part et1IBriltihorth 'trica or tise UiJtedS Stats. l pro1iuuaed te pîîub1ih in rach issue mnt -01 Lad noe orîiinal-pa pas ion aihjecsu consected mii BILi-ish1 AMERiCA,aereuly exeldilig plary ole t viigttutlu rticlùsof a.donoetluati"hi csar*ctfr. Selies otis bst4,wiitingo ius the leadissg 1ritiahperialth wdli b e pted,hhspeci. Or rive utS>' aucli as bave ref.etese te lthe w.lfre an'd quille oteoresU t ftIss colonihes. A rareui d iuest of 'f H1.CU RRENT £V INT5 i OF Tk1lý WUIRLJ), C1ENTIFIC DSCVE- buù RIS, COMMERJ.At. NEW, MUSICAL w. lN'l£LLIUi4<E. ouS ait Maltera of geuerai in. bue tereit, derhved <rom lise Most recet infsormiation, alate 1 Ji il&10aiseudteos4 ojusbiuallses etf1510. GRAPtîtj> nutÉ11NN2T MElN U, GRAT BRITAIN Ar4D iRïLAN>i.groisn.Alfred thse Grat a tIeprrsem. is adejBtcut j 1 tise hault m ateiie. tli i a i n os 1 Aua iliàpurposeu win i bi s p blc tina - lioutl anuS net a tec4 woik' ittlla inchblsnti advo<site ail queutions affc.ctitJTHuK'COMM. INTF,RESL.SOF OUWCQLONtI.S AS .AN INTWRflAL PORTION OF THE BRIITISHI uexeice-ni aaveral ytr is nsupplytise readir'; public of Cnda wihbostrial publ114- tions of the UiteIId $ta es-,on'viceo the ptojectorY, to forr im rie tepry l tol uaeple- esenil r i ibutht*u4kintand ptseaiphts îtrem tise.fer wIséin tisa i. icaisre jî.Fp ted: und ielui! t hsutlIb.eoete "p e..t ýw l Yourea-sui -u D4lto bit beg J).C. tcold allp&ticufarattention to 51 7i.tln '1054i 0d Whïtb,7, APT,,,.;Wp j0jac.

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