~kttby. t 20 svary Idied be, M that p Plehdé eftliaelr Wboliromadistaet- *1411 b 1k,o wahla w bjets ciaalan h4dSoi 1Rolle 10 Q' à laie home wihh fu; aindh ; Ù htat th bet titueit 4 'oia#1d <Iil - lieidtoblza.Woo Cardd fo21-2d. paîlb., cashdown; û charged on bok, 3d. perth. nid an ra ge4 Cloth Drrurngas in iinilar Xstms/&- ýupu&n ldtoIera. ment, done i t, i k'-Z*cww/ws di!tUa-à '$top, The Sa.s'à ciber Wouid 9Ysayt ai ejtendi ta rqMarad the fa. co ment a îragftte a*. p.onu ta a gYP cve hiia rall. I urehi* a " Spa'tinng donc by thme PcUnd if reqîdired. 4aiU n , 'ta>' - -- 1C. J. WILSON & C O). bur BoiiiMa ,I>K 46w botr t sbIk ~LIVGT0!< AND bm Saane 01 "meptb at wi.eelipm tient 1 tqý. i" am u e 1 aa t by wiow. pioumal be sur;- ad roc ap of i .. one; .'I1 riWrIdl >mta4ers ananivars ricy à amt6of Qeorgint. Site kedinmy ewhçèr, ferthe utE i~d 4-,trtýfaâ4f le«ers frotta ber ',an i âeCDIid reaâ ibsa, ea ewrttg otaide ail the ýý orur btîr s avq.bt MAI 1, ât is, hia jraee bus sa locg w&Y poopIp .tbêaltoe4batbhe býýe gvn hiaseif awsq' itutis- q4iwrpotiti«e krpcted 04 ukaquumedfriwds of the à ý ifor!iÃo'nfamily in their qllwte te eQUvey ta hlmi a coni- 4ge of thiýconsequeiice» of the bc ki a*-talien iqIa isuppo. ùme ;bat dit knght Arthur itt hli Ito the tesc of ec*teiand& not te made fik' eitcherft. - t m'ut ex. bferSnti 'va râ . aW, t w i- lucw ,ehlch we1 meama, mu XM à h'MuS IMANAN, of . v sudL vrinity, à tatbe 'av" e ned a SÈ op for the above b isit .sm WAT~IMAIN & -JEWELRY SHOPi %A t4 C '99nOf 14C tW4,wIi, JJHI TBDP- Two Doon bdouiM. hftI s tor. -Miis ,% Y bsving servetl ber appïentice- bhip ta the illÃŽibary bulineas, in one af the Prniplhouseq of Mancheater, England, bop&s tatLthey wil be eabled Io gife oÙo4Ùo toail liase Who wayfavor themwithtbéi paropage. Jfl.-KA WD MRS. DCIIANÀ?4 IW~OULI) repeetfully annotince to the iLattit, tjyjt tlaev have procuied the mmr.i ,m# iOeof, thé lmrf skitliui wnkrlt nt i he Sitaw nniiit b$ titi î heCity of l'orontl jo bat-4hey ate cflabftte dcin id nlalter Straw B& bs ,1e! efti ,Yle of Pssbiaio1u 'itbntMarcb 27, 185-2. 504tf and il *Io ýeUn1ryit 14lrge, tittbhabas conoimnlly un had, Brcad,_PiI14 JBread, Bostoit Crack-. - ers, Btter Craickers, and ai ins of CR4 CKE 8, vrith a v&zaety .mEACAKESjuui k SPON JUM CAKE%, GINGER BREAD, W34vi.fz8 Dites8,-PIS & TARTS ,4Party Cakés and Weddttîg Cakes made Io otter, i4w4 on the obhurteat oiticc. Alaoi À vaTlw1)ofi<1 Cadi 11Vo.0L 4 ND RETAtL1 1i ilth a-Large Sto:k of Grocenies. JAMEFS BATER. ¶Vhthy, Dec. 19,18-51. 6 PEPOIRTANT Fta' arrier A Stage repritbr., fi CMO;iUW . *Pi"d, i kUifMillinery dote. gllt"-XAIW9 Jln th Laes: tyhs af Fabowt bpssnd, dopalch. , 3ti STORE TO RENT. Rent ii tb,1'own of Wbitby for one,1 or aterm of years, Ubs JuilWin<i ately accu-l Sidby R. E. PeiTry. und use4as a geuxerai store. jeprequies being in thoîrogh rpair, location, (avoturable, and Whhby h4 Con;ty Towni ofthe rivw Cutiy, oif-e, îspëerior iduemià nt thèse lin*nding ta u, Imt. a renflaite business.' JOHN HAM1 FERRY. LA W bw its wvorkingu nm the Stale ut >Maine, and its applica- h:lity ta the PROVINCE O ANADA Liberal ftngeeitewili hb*ad th opk- sellers und Thalmrsgenerally, in Cana~da Laiand Wesut, who %wilt plese (urwustd thir ç'rdeo Sun f fuaperance, No~rth imer.teai,. Hamil- ton C<utcdian, Yiaçarait MaU, Kinguton lVlîig and Presci4t lkjriph ill pleau einlgrît hit4i urnes. O'NTAÉIO CNAI% vmiN? FA -CTOB-Y. THE Sbscfibers larc - Mltltîaiiîring adcoualantly keep aon tand! ail reade foepusnçîiln WxL&. lhe Ûhsla Pump lathe b«taWhepet,a rtmost du-.ab!e Pumplinte World, thrit i i çj conectted wifh iteri-n treezinc op, bual ays ready. By tuniIp^ a5cilran , ay clild eght yeart nId.,ea n ipmp 'It asi, N,'i-The Plompi sand) Oiains are al ntanafac- iured b,' expenicuceti worlcmcu iae.-î rnm tte lai-pst CItain Vaimp Vaciory in'itiqet INew York The aboya Pumtaup, art- pmeferred toail ot- eris, therever itcry have bc.-n tried, ,.1nyix-mon MWia;çIo pli.-h;se, teIl do aVI-l o ii aailte Forto a il seconue iu apçraliut. RAI. & %cKPRJCiIE Gcdvaunized Pump Chains, Whkale e nd RetâiL Wfittby Village, Apiil R, 1952. 5-2-if Oest Steel Boes an« Ray FPrko. Oit SALE, 100 doz. C" Steel Hof ad lty Frsma mNayin:'si bebt Cast i tel,expereaatT for' lheeSubscriie,. T ' ast. Junc7h1i T heridane tâte Of CALWFoiSu&, 'T* h1tvinit PUrC1ased lte Bietarîriastitis 'ViL- LAr.r., tl>rt1erly owiwd liy Cite . xL.an ad hired saitiC reaï Bfeter, asâaeld ta JOHN D. FOT~ttse nue tndvldud hail ci seid Bîewery, ad this day Isiren saiiFutsvza hum Sheridan JVF eP teoitit respeiltnliy i'niimate ta lte pusblici isaI ibes'vdesliaru&j of -imte)t;rliO h 10eer, ta make iftaevu the hligil eà leum by et price rit Cash for <oaii (Merrh a t able Bfé atteudtd ta. Atdtea.: 1%HITBY IIREWERY* T. SHtl:RIDAtN, y thyaj¶re 1IN ýCÀNAOA WEST. WHOTLÊSÀLE .ANDUET~AIL. ,wr, have now reeeived oar<ompleta assrtment o'Nw Spà xGWýS uxurcuGooD., Y! wht~b, uon nspe ,caolQÛasorners %will fld to e e om~poied of the peut -nd Most Fash.- otable matits an5 sd Ibgrea at ~iet'V. avlna bau sulected wlth ficaéanimotdirt tram ilie'bail British, French, snd AmerieuaMarkf4ig, b,' irelem wecrn ui dipntlti ir 1ec ta hîopeçion of ureu.jtolistad the piblic, ta beinzg tii. Mos t îbnedaey int blm and eap esotmenttof Read4->Ms4ae Ciothing and 1)ry Ooodi in Canada %Vat,. TaUlottflg. lit all tts Branches, coected tth ITaule ~pruNG OffIfED0 TRDE3RTEST lNOTICE. REA5Y,1ADE CLOTING Mjeu's Bîowail Iolland n4 ats, Do Clirckd - do Do Black Alpaf n do Do Russeli Cord 9du Do ~ Princffl do dé, PO Cana4aTted 40d Do iBailatit do Do Gaasiaert do Boy'i 1i'nIoln 10 Do Check'd do do Do .ltafl do Do TwMlue do >o Broati (lotIt do Do Rumsil Lbrdi do, men's 3taek Cloth vernis ~IjuBta&k'sà lin do Do Fanqy Sia do Do Rollandi dé Do I 'snry doi ,Do Veivet do Do Marbelles do Do Ilurathea do Men'. C'loth L'pa, Bov's do M ýen's .-Paris. (loint 4 -4i-2 Boy's Faucy Veite, f - ,-ý5 0 Do sîIk do id 10 0 Do Satin' do 12 f6 Do Clatit tu 126 G P*Twe4.do " 17 6 Do lCaasîeresl# 30 O0 I sen's Molvskin Trow*erm, '2b O0 I-Dû LintenDrti) do 441;2 t'Do Check'd do 50 i Do Corýdgroy dù 3 »o Satitiet do 0 O DO Cuimtrez do 176 oli ichkkit d 89 iD Doekin a 6t B oy'f Drjili d 8 9 DO C'heck'd do S9 iDo Ntà lesklsgi do 34 DO Callada Tweede do 4 4MO-2 Do (ý.usmele to Dorwaeslc do Whte Sh irts, LWnýn Fiowâis 2 1ed Flaînnel Stîlati, l'oi i 0 - lder Shirts aud Drawers, S$atin at, lak ra riant 4 1-2 '4 4 ' New Style Budnis Cont.i) li ailMaterialq. Prilou, fast .-o1ýr& lleavy Uiu-;iîams, (Haes bai r', Shol, Cbecc'd, andl Table Lin uQail lied Tic k. fndTi'ot C-rafesaûb tiMii vol.3-1.J DRY GOOD1S. yard wMal, fitm010 1-2 racioty Cott, tram O 2 do do .4 - 0 71-2 white do .4 - »-0 3- do do id (1 71-2 ISlnapdSlirtîng,. { ýb4 ît, ' O 7 1-2,1 Cotton '.Vsp, . l4~ libbono, Laces, IStwliandkurchiefi ani Mrýcktîieî, j FCap sFroti , uxlinfi,Nelis, î~?~uuteîpaneuOreans.,Cobouac, DLiît lWaunl*t riat*Gicnip:thirlingo, Ip aud Pnock I3Odieu Isik %Warp Alpacas. wV Scond Price.b eIURGESS&iISMAN corner of Kitg 4. C clik ýStreets. joi&tù1é MeCourt -iloue, 'l'aiont 4BHGES& LJI 1 o HARDWARE 1& 1 1 Il 'tt»'V" 'N T>tXTT'd CXLUT(Jn tk CItTT:I Stîbsaibor bgw t10 VL inluthe Towen cf WUIT]3Y, aist crbe 1ie Caritiage and 2lacksmtUolieyI~ 7Coliomeru taha la sreceivin; 1bis h5)oceu pied ht X. R --iy.C Th~e locati o lu avoanatt)e for canryiumç on an Parit, 1182K STOC CI"KABDW NE Iexterisive hsraudfeuexceileiat apeuig Farr Sy iaius Vessis ( ram sas, viz !--Lord George I aiepraiauncaue *,ont Untiek, Anecycl'aîper; Si. Anidrew. Niagaravav , ~~* Ie tà atharîne, zqlqr, aud severaî l osttom Liver'- vi îîue., la, Nova. ,1851. nt pool and Landon; sud iii a fe dayi i will bave -____ re a complfe au#ortmejtn f ltavy and Slaif Eafd-Ice wure reuslyloirSales, aud at prlceasslowsetaniu COM M A IA IIOTEL, the l'rde. 1%.JJAWORT11 VlL L A Gr 0F0f? E, OftL 14. leru Toronto, NMa>' 22nd 1851, '81f.Lts 1J3t. euti bntu 1VH~AT 1VII~A i Mfoar lte hberul suîpport lieo 1anSrect-i- Th WHE-T 1 HEA ! v ir lire te rom ; enceci in the onid Slsuti (for- ee HuE SnmW<-gi ezili pay t1wh fgÃŽest pric. Iu mari,' k-pi b,' Mn. ULYNTFER»,ai C 3ÀN1DLE'S7 otl jCash for' co«4mFi.,Rn nd 0ahof y Fct îatientipoi i dsi- *11 20 000 EUAhelu ittsinb'e a Voiei lt arolutinua"ce- 4fthe pu-Int- s of GoOd FALL' kK1. livnetld at PORT, tronaze bitherto conierreti. - The1 MITEY flibporuu oTht-eîte~~s1y~~IeBur is tîuis5hed -dwils tte btLtiqmois, aud nil,e Oc4nItar iauxt. thetcabe çui)iiied with the chuiccs euabt huitiexpx ÃŽle la atis.repised a MAZ pDVAXES' nu a1atipracur-eti.-, 1- ti Whoat, -Flur and Lumber,, anda a le4osteîursa4ixda»V(. W2 conuiCned in oNew Yviakor';Icalrëal. CA 1 bvfor Ery~naiirm~er~vîé~<n-. atia çuantity of B41LEY risd QATS. fortiable. STAS*1Eaylidir U&ratbrtWhi- JAMES IVÂLLA'K4 . by. HOS~)~$G~1Y Whiby,,lst Aaiglst, ý5t. . 194t. Il. S,-.Carri ceintptlendaic ou' Uie Bout,. -ff - Àc -- - - toeia of me thIBI 38 p. PH e al( Ur JXR r~.roccries, P., (îf k,'leiltr rme- lad itek Éd à the >p1egm which tesM C %6 5Ub lffctt1 e- J lieves 2h,. co la na tu~re oe t rDIi b '4torati, M~j 'hiuuss hh,, Qfaser v the rbs tadilet l iet loitC Quugn,tiet4# pem~ni have been ie eed repe$ftetiYIn lse t>l& medcincpwhich weresaid tu- bfîfdl0 e-crr bui wbicb have oyded but,' Bli5.tIi,4but tis f medirine iii fano,' s apalliative but cur foii- i crute4 lngs. il <ntamins * deletei'u*e 1> gsf adoetia iti prove i,*ant sihiuwge1fl.iye-, ter tnan sny asserlt or ce ni tcls inttrin; ,COU-. sumtptioî'n sd ait diseafflof thé. laiç, such as; spZtin fq boos-, Co,1hs, 3m s in the *"4.and~ chîi. rng -mi'es, 4ef . - bout IOVÃ" of aimnit-iriaetdpi cui'eï;perforru-. cd by tais miediie, ram tomye of Ie fit Doctorsl Clergymen and NMerchants, have been sent usi for titis cmo.dieîne, Itut ibe publication of them looka ta( numch like Quackery. [will.Abow them taoany p11r8on calig ut oui olifice.] Tià i meicine wif siteak ioritscW*nd enougit in itsown favaaî where- ever il li t ied. L'atsio.-Tbis medeine is put up inuaalarge buotflp,. ud yaa mauLt findthettnaine oi Camstock 4r Bruther, Proprietoroi, Nelw Yark., on mie splendid4 a rapper aroand thé honte. Ail ordera musitle1 adldre#scd to Catnstoik 4. Brother,ýNo, 9, John St.,i New York. Remtember and nevâr buyit unleus yoa 6r.d the name on the wrapper. Beweêrte af a iinerane CoUnIterfeit of te CIJERR Y 4.LUNVGtiWORT, aud tht J(JNQ -CORDIAL and C4J1LTON!IS8 OJJNDJEJ OLVTMEPNTaid RING BOXE CURE,-off.ir- ed for Sale ai ih. ,Dt.îg Storer. aMd eitiiberasud jiever bt.y thés. aricles iu Wkltby, gnly of Win: LAix c, at is Dry Gyoods store,and avoid te cotia teriéit as you woald PozioN. To Ozc>els co and Dealers «z ass CiE.L.TON'S FOJNDEr, ,OINT-, F~or the ecure oai Pottnder, Spîi Iloof.Iloo. b@tiid Horses. anti cartracted sand Fevetish ?cî4, Woituds *Braisies iit the F'lcah, GalltIMBe.q. Crtcked lets, fier'irchc, C'uts, Kick-$s, c., o 118. Caution.-Fid the nana. b)f J. Cariton cota- stockc»n lte rapper, orunever bay Curitcu.î'Èlorje M'ines. Forlte cure of Ringy4orie, BIÃ"bdi Spavin, bene 1) Spavii. WIindgalis, and Spliit-a certaiun.reu5dy. CARLroNs CONDITION POW- UIERS FOR IIORSl-' A X CATTLIE. The changesoI weatber anti sason, w,.th the chang-et ai se sa titfed, have a very' <leat cfiecI apou ta blond aun à inuotis fluids of borises. Il s t titese cb.îtges they requitean aiâS tant tu nature 2ta throw ot'ati dii-order ni te iftids of thte body 2ttîat May havee lnaen irnbibed,and whlch.ifnot ut- :2tetlîded ta, wilt tesult. in lhe Yellow tester, flenwes, 2Worms, PUots,&c.,aitlofwich wiIl be preveiteil 2by givlnai nanof th..'sa potedels. sud wil! ai puy tiait! cure, wbei ti v ynîptomsof dielta appeair- if used ini titi. Tite,'pan,' lithe blond, reutove ailufluumartnaadlever, lansen theskiui, cdanis (hm tester, and î,aviacarate ithe whoIlW ny,etiaingfi tepita (do mrore wnrlc titi tihe maune fepd, The action of item. potedera s à diie.; uipanpilte né. apon lthe Iloriethe Ox, the Asâ.aud ail lerlaivei- ounimial-ait disensies ariiig tram or pmodacing -1 n aittnie cf iii.- t;,iodUre*ped(ily eared b,' $hem. Reernher anti ajkfor ÇCurWmn's Ceitd ilion Foie- c 4 14