1JNCH & of the Coutl>of 'CÂN, ury iîing isut ta New endiFauhiomabia la O1NS1 RDWERS, l HfLAcS IUY, SLWS, Pards , 8- éce 4ô 'bat L be found on axarninalon, tw be the chuapal and hs ýrà , Twreeds, Vestinp., Flikmnels, PriaIs, Ging-, Shining, Faetor>' Coton, ýColten Tam, il large and him.. Ort coiere., OIYT4ADE0 CLOTIIING. s-Juat received a fresha supphy of &a ilkindi .1Umtsfor I-direto ur T<eiv York, a large lot ni' Te*# "d Toluecoi, AI.., a itenermU w h4ch Wit ic hltnnd goteie ebe&f sîtîcle foi the .aont>y otablim cer ino GRAND COLOSSA-L MUSEJNI& MENA GERJE! TJ1-IE largeml Travelling rXrf-I3rËrI(>N in thé Worhd, bcing a combination cf iii Jtiease et. ?palar atI unexccptîouible anlu.4eoiLts of'tht' age--eniargd andI im. proied for lie -,'a4on of 1$52. ATe*am or Ten I,,ekpliîzî iswll draie , reat, Gar of Juggernata ont>' one ycar oid. andi but 31 (ces bigili, wihl curry hpn is bacec iround tic interier er tii. immense Pariliion the' Llliîition GENZ RAL TOM I IUMi3. Thi. Magnificet Cortege comprises 110 hune m0 nd 90 men. "Th' Parillien, of )-Exhibition bau been en- lgred- unuil il i% capable of accommod:kting 15.000 spectaloro at once. -Tise collection af living Wiid ileas inciades the mot splendid sper.irens ever Ezibited la Arnerica. Asong Mayuait> ters mli b. :foanti SII BEAL'TIPUL LhONs frcn.kfon tiseir naeive forest. A S.'CRED BUJMESE BULL frirte a < sda of Ccyloa , morhippai therel b>' tise laa ati nmd treenti>à ae. frein an Idolatre>us Temple.1 A MONS'ERý WII ITEr, OR POLAR-,BEAR 1--Of prodigeous site and ferecit>'. A MAGNIFICIENT ROYAL TIGELI-The lirgest one ever captured aive. AN 1INFAl*TILE CAMEL-Only six mnisof age, tbe frit one ever bora in THE DROVE of EL.EP]IAN- TS wncre capitured in Ibe Jungles of Centrai Ceyien. by ,Ncssrs. S. 1B. 3uvcu nnd Gto. NtTTRa, assitedby 260 natives, afler a parsuil of t emetis and four tIys luîet he Jangloe Thcy mere (mal>' enttappedand-iiared ta an Indian Kraal or Trmp, of enormu im lîensions andi prodigieus strength, ubere lie>' wemre sulidueti. The Caif Eheptat laccipanies 118 Damn, anti masmeetion ils pas- sage (rom Inda. A NATIVE CEYLON CH-IEF, of highi caste in bis omit ceunIr>', bas carge or thé. Elephaïnts, having actompanieti Ibm frein Ceyion. P. T. BARNUMI Proprielor of the Ameiran i3lau.;m, Now Yorkt, bas thie bonor le. anoeunce, liaI en- eouragedth >'le bnlimt Isaccessi inhcibzss altendeti ail bis virions effort% for the amuse- iment cf lie publie, tic lia been led te (crin tic project of erganiziag a railtsuavelling MU:SDu1u or'WONDDS, Wbicb comprises a grenIer vrnI>'cof attractions, ant more extraordicar>' nevelies, thWi an>' travelling eilbblion la tbe morîd. Ever>' feature of Ibis m5nsmoth estabiubent la ùc«a pecilwarand'fiiterctiag nature, and-ti btie hl. la produceti upois a giga oucl f magnitude. The travelling parapbcrnalim of lie American Museumn, as it"eters caci toma, i3 precceed yt > h.gorgeons CAR0F JLGGERX4UT,. Drauisb>'Ten Elephants iuperil>' caparisoned, iieing an mcurate model of 1t engin. cf iM>arous sacrifice, fiisiietianti decoratet in laahle extravaganceg *do. style. Folieming Ibis moaister veicle, la a long procession of costl>' ci riages, the. mole forming a spetmcle of more tha Oriental aptendor. Tbe mil taIt. place mithia a niagnificient Vaiegateti Paruion, composed of Asi ofwatcr.proof fîbrie. 'rie reai, genamne, original satahdltti ENST(YT M TlHIlMB a~e h atachd t tLs xltibition-4an i ppearinal bis perforinance% s "vl alirwedhads of Eiurope, inclaiditag, Song%, Pinces, Grecian 9titIC dumt personaîlons of Napoicen anti Frederick the Great. Thetilttle Gent ty jears of sge, meigis ont>' flfteca poanda, andI is but Imeal>'-eigisb luches h -2r ag'raII r r r -1 MR. rhile tcecutei Commer lune 7, 1832. - W, umdarsfà ndlng Ibo bu- lmfngt f br. nown b>' applyin te, LItES McGAU ciii Hotoi, Port Whitby. bal terrible ap of a voeo f maul of confidence in Mr. of the -m'n- Taylor, tue firm mindeti and ti rli'eput>' ~e m a-Beeve of Pickering, by Mr. IMiceel. -This lerica flaga bas been ittempleti»as miib. seen beloin, btis.a -Most miserait. (allure, as Mr. Micl iminelf, altbough se great an eaemy îbfè .Ie of II casting voles" without "an SPPM 1to aes, and b ite people, decideti iy bis casting vote lta irailu isten- Mr.Ta>'lor ba! iest tie confidence cf Pieker. ighs. Aise iag, of uief pariculary, and isfehlom con. spmtlcrin Osbawatueaable Mr.Gibbsams tiserefore il iras bis dut>' tois constituas cnl amd 6'iig reign. Mr. Mitchell, b>' bis casting rote and arroin, furher,"Ilmost cordily agreecaIl th bus. erforsamces, icspisself is -tue cours e b pursueti, mmd .plodgel the Coacil 44to, use-ai l aieal neasai [I AL leipowrv 6*"Ssi in là isendeavoums theb eili- C8:yubnagSb.bMunicipal immu of lhe coin s s s HIECTOP. BEÂTOM. Pickenig, May a ilt, 1852. To Mu - T. N. GIBBS, Rene of OsIsam. eve BY-LAW NO. 58. By-Law to fagW4atu MeMtngs 0tb.&lwd Be it enacted by tbe Municipallty of th. uaited Townships of Reach and Scugog, and the sarne is bereby enfacted b>' lb. au- thority aforesaid-That aIl denoo$Wtions of Christians nma> bave t1he oppolity o holding regular appointaient% in the 'Iowi Hall, upon th. conditions proposed in lbe prayer of the petition present cd by a Cern. mitte. (rom the inbabitants of the village of Maucbeiter being br tbem dul>' coinplied witb, as in case of their failing, then by any other. that ma>' require th. use of thé smc wbich conditions are te dean en, put/ina propet order the mid Town Hall prevr ous tu lbbe lding of eacb meeting., And bc it furtber enuctPd,-Tbat ill( re- galar appointmnents made as aforesaid. sl alU mt-b. iaterfered wilb ofiener thon on bc e:pîrmtioln 01 erer>' second awointmn, by any Societ>', or appoimtment, notice whreef shall be given te the Township Clerk by those desiring the us. thereof, wben ao oc-1 curpied or under appointient, wbicb notice the said Clerl shallgi'eor cause te bc given when deliverig the. k.y prevnnste the com- mencemnent of the imeetinx tu bc hast lwld b>' tii. Society lhaving a regular appointment -And be it furtber enactedi.-Tbnt no regu- lar appointint t e ls aiaforesalîl, shah cor- cap>' more thon -one Isaf of the. $abbath once in two weeékq, but ai other appointnicnts mn'b. made whose period of righi. te the Ha ll oni>' last dt*ing the Urne requircd for sncb meeting; andI an>' peran commit- ting an>' depradation- or offence b>' way of damage or otherwise in the sid Hll during the. lime of aiv>'sncb meeting or at any other trne within o. on tb. prmi'.es enchobîng tihe Town Hall, shallbb iable te a fine net eli- ceeding- 5v. pounds includin- the cobts of prosecution, *upon complaint %eing made tu the. Town Reeve or an>' Justice of the Pcaî'e actiutg: nand for the Coutity-; sncb' penalty ma>' r.erciicd, if net worthitbt paid, by distres. ntusleof tb. ofindles geodsa md chattels. amd n caue no sufficietit distres ca b. fuund to satisfy tlb.saime, in- that case it sballbc la wfui for lb. Toýwn Reeve, Jus- tice or Justices te commit the offender toe the Commoit Giol for mot more thon lwenty, tImys unlesa thc penalty and vostsbe sonner paid. SAndI bc it further enacted as aforesid- Thot the Person te wborn the k.>' of tbe sid Town Hall shall at an>' lita. ereafter be delivered by the Ten Cierk, shal bel hiable te ali the fines and costs as aforesaid in eas'c of damnage or injur>' being donc or commiitted, by or lthrough bis or ber neghi- gence or defaulttth ulbnd preinises during tbe ltie elapsing betineecNbi or ber receiv- ing mach k.>' andtb tii.lme of re-dehiverng lb. uaine bte eTownship Clerk. Azd b. it furtb"eeaateâ,--Tbut h shah b. the dut>'. of the Township Clerk te deii- ver the key le aIl parties applying for the saine subjeet te Ibis Iy-Law. Passd 28th May'. 1852. THOmAS PAXTON,î Town Ree. DAvID MITCHtLL, Town Clerk;' 9-1lin THE REPORTER. WHITBY, SATURDÂY, RUNE 12, 1852. Picering Couiicil. The qpeial errand of lb.he,.ev of 'Pick. ering, to bobaina for "further instructions" alhuded- tein our last, our readers will be led te behieve b y tbe concurrence of subsequent circumastmces bas been a. prett>' correct sur- mise, and motwithsianding amy attempt liat mga> b. made . e iti a difeérect'cohoring, of bis Oath u U'V ýIt à * UNleuïice of dut>' on tbeii*j"ar,,andpêfecdly ibmd- aisent witb lb.ew "491 ýuad'bnis mot perbape, anotber manipaa" body ia the province but irbultI (eel inulted b>' mach a Proposition. It is a higb-banded step lbat notbing eau justifr. mmd De on. but a man reduced te :eckhessneas by lb. mter hoe.- lesaneas of bis case, coulti dictate. lb be- lrays a pitiable and degrading ignorance of th. poeners vest.ed ia municipal bodies te attempt mch s resolution, and a mis.s'mble SUtle of mioratit>" on lb. part of tbose in Osba whobobld it p aà triufpb. jIf h MWUoiecpl Comnil of Pickering had p$sed a resohution ponti'ig Out amd condemning lb. illegal courseof their Reeve in mith- drawing (roi lb.Provisiontl Couneil witb lb. iciro iaterrtpting public business, and insîructing binto return te bis airera dut> and vote against (if the>' sair fil) the ap- propriationsIbm lb.y iroulibave been-c- ing consisentir with the. municipal taaindd disustain'ng " the.dignit>' of their mm con-< stitution ; but. b>' raleverâmasMr. Micheil succoeded in pullîng lie ireol over the oezs of t«o Of the. Council, lie bau man- îged te place Iat lbedy' il a hmmiiating po. sillon in tbe eyes o(everyrligbt binkg min. We nom proceed 10 publisb lb. reselutions as requested, merel>' further remarking, ltaI as Wieli meIgbtr. Mictil on bis ema res- ponsibihit>', md, mli cool impaiden-3ce, bave aked Mr. Taylor 10 resiga, as carry a re- solution te lbat cflect b>' bis own casting vote; Nfr. Taylor, bowever, ix a gentleman with sufficient phuck ta Itreat, lbe tool of Gibbs and INll, and bis reseution, mih SuCra andi eonten>t. Copy of Reo4tions pawsd 6y7 Piï& ering ilunicipcd Councd at a meting hdd at Brouglz4m on 1lomday, May 31$t, 1852. Monct b>' Truman P. White. %Vberca til i uextreme regret tint tuis Council bas learned that at th. first meeting of lb. Provisonal Council of the (Cebuty of Ontario, Ibeir interest tlserein bas been rendered neutral b>' its representatives veting directl>' opposite ta eacb, other, and that tee on a malter involving tice ependi- tulre of thousanda of poundsanmd fasteningal bgavy burden on th. people for at least twet>'y years ta cerne-, tierefore, tbis Coun- cil déem it a dut>' mlîcts tic>' 0we te beir representatives (Reeve an Deut> 'Reeve) te tîeir constituetîts, lthe public and them- selves, tle apeik Ibeir sentiments% wii refer- ence te thes. maltera in sucb a wiy as net to bcrisunderstood. W. believe it to b. Lb. dut>' of a represestatire le blWeonstitu- enta te re#ieo, ihen bis concienca mi Dont alhew bim te vote in accerdance *ilb Ibeir known ihs The refusai of lie Prorisional Gouncil tb grant an appeal te the people on the appro- priation, if' sucti refusai bad been caruiet b>' a mojerit>' me mould regard as an, arbitrar>' itretch ef powner, but wien il reqnfred lb. doublerote of one mant t carrymeak 4ýmea- sure me consitier Iit-,nise a4patlain the catîreme; tb. people being the. parties -mosl deepi>' concermcd , me bold 'il te b. the dut> 'of ahi Municipal bodies in mat- tera of great moment te have mn unequivo- cal capressieîn of the people in reference tiereto. The eipression of tie people of Ibis T1ownship astertimed t theLb.seet aWrd meetings beld in lune hast rendered it be- yond a deubt that a large majorit>' are tIvefers mil be ages liver- mmd irtmuet ei j,oni -This îlaisa cia-net tie cousim rould y can poseti bcavyai appt>' on Ltheiabi angnelt Janir> it basbet try in ýtiens of Hercules whe son destrc>'ing the in vio b>' the dispis>'of a tbe n .Broui je "bs MRO lOies a catile, hormes, and- ai -kinds of [aras produce., ar j et igianing toe b. pprecimLed: in a feir 01th lb.lcalities of Ibis rising Province. Tuat wbicb bas been caabibed for a feir >'cars back la Pickernag, il noir beginning te bc genermll' kaown, and found te b. ex- ceedingl>' advan gous; it is behd amîGreen- wood. (formcrly Norwood) andt aIes place once in ever>' Ibre. mon.ts, riz --thc irai Wedncsday of March, lune, September and December. Tt *as. finit cemmcnced about tire. jears mgo b>' Mr. Sterling, ad bas bitherto in a rat mensure lice carried on andi ils meetings always advertised b>' hum. It hasso far beea taken unarîbhe patronage of tie Picecring Townsbip Agri. euilanal Societ>' as Ibis, liat lie Society' are le bave il publiabeti in the. Toronto Almtnac and i lat Ieir cira iandbils--lbtaIlte inembers of tbc Society' arc le do ail in ticir peiner toe etourage il, b>' having Iheir stock la as good order as possible for tbe diffierent day. of lie Fair, andto 1 bring il ferward' #bhere, se tint buyers ma>' be encouraged b>' fanding stock suitmbie for their purposes, and aI once la a congregaed44taç, eadti> drive off. At tics. Fuira not ont>' are ali kinds of lire stock mitI, but ail kinda of pro.- dace, baller, ceseu,mo, &c.. &c. Tiose inhe manufacture machines, impiementa of haliantir> and dair>' alcaih, aIse attend mih their goods andi find themn o off ver>' freel>'. W. consider Ibat th~e estm¶îhihrtenlor mach marta of merchandize in a neiv counIry' lîke tii is mati5t beneficiat, ia se far as il brIngâ lte people loogelier in a social capacit>' inhere tii.> interchange good feelings. good wisbes, andI a great demI of gooti knomhcedgc. Trbey cran dispose of mhat tic>' bave le sdil near Ibeir omit door, antI parchase inhat th.y ivant irithoat an>' Ion g Iournc>' mmd miere tise>' bave a choice.cf articles offered for Ibeir parvins.. '[bat tic people of P'ickering and sur- roandngTIomnsbips, are fuît>' sppreciating the value cf Ibis excellent Fair, mas Most evidenîl>' manifested on Wedaesdy cf'hast week, thc 2ndtfuae mt., mica lb. hait meeting took place. Tiere ma% a ver>' great concearse of people assemnbied, andI a great deal of gond b usiness wm donc. thie show cf herses mis raîber limited in aumber, but tic)s. mere of gond quahil>. real>' being, animal* cf value. A (ce ft hoe stad bots- 'es mhich coutd manage~ in their fixed rounds te b. tier, mer. present. We ebserved tie Gre>Xv Waae, l3acephalus,thie Royal Canadian, and orne other crack heres.- UTe winter being 50 severe mmd long con- tinued, tie borncd cattie un gooti order mere fcm in number, nitbougb a gooti mmm>' ere in a ver>' Itîiig Condition mmd b.d lil te appearne of laing on fat ver>' fait. W.' believe most>' ai of liaI chassmere solt.- W. sai Me4sirs. GoultI & ClerIt (rom To- rente buying activel>;';Mr. GonitI parlicu- ar>', seemed ver>' iinely-we sain iim bu>' s lot of four or à ve (romn Mr. Green andi screral otiers. XIr. Lymran mmd Mr. Ilnmehison froi Toronto. merc oreseal sud Ibat land ofLibberty, vbose nam' stand is Mr. Munlie, mua ise anim4ls of tint kinti: me sair aj 'hiVertdte ib> ' Mr- John1 mmîc iiv as sud b. paid about a piece. Tii. saine gentleman h, tire. score (nons Mr. Green, of, antI ver>' superior breeti, bcw ed- timt day. Our neigisiers f? tie Laies, haro been ceasideml ers in Canada of late.- Nom il bear in mind lc tIys of our P- fini there lie yery boul Stock> tbem.Ievea in one day inapplie r oudd tic country formceekm. Mr. Reesor (rom lNlrkiîrn, mere present buYiÇg w001, bOti bartpr. Aiso,selcrsoffanningip harrows, herse raes; grain Cr ulenails, pais, cbunn,siik ba mare ef ahi kinds--evein matel tbougi itis a nostpintific an, prodacen in a Cil>' dam>', w. mel ool>' as an impleiment, andi reput tuer thce oe cow n md ImeIve syblein. A great quanlity ot irere oIti in the aflernoan ir liese more of varions kinde thé cU fte couait>'. W. are informe tbtiDotn 1 1 ý-.1 - of Cotton & Romw lin phacimg on L Sicugoge lb. boe steamer, phylng reguhi between Port Perry and Linday>. 1 crowrded Stageps îrriving dai>' at Wtt from tic former place sufficientl>' allatt I and the extremel>' loir (ire at present est lished, offers an additions] inducement traveîhers (from Peterboro, mmd tuat seci 9f ceuntr>', to efefr Ibis route ta Tero, On Saturds>' hast, lie Wccdmtan mmd, trip te Fenchon Falls, baving passedt br te Lock aI Lindsay', and titence 10 B caygeon. She rrired at Lindsa>'lte i inorning, bmving madc the. retumn trip Ifive houri. Tic Leeksata Bobcayg were net large cnough le admit ber, ot' mise ihe moultI have lravellcd Ibrougi romanlie chain of inlandimkes, wboe mail matera mere neyer before ruffled b>' aste er, til ithin ameen milÈvof Potenbors As soen a-;aswing bridge cals be ret on ltLock at Lindsuay, it s the inteti of ber enterpisinj owmm 10 tocontinue Woedman reeaar1>' on Ibis rote tbre to Fenelon Falts aid Bobetygeon. Ti ia larg, ameuna of lumber, aboiges,î nmnuficturcd aI liese places, amd wmen a ready- fîcilit>' is ufforded for- bringing commodit>' to tb. American nmarket b>' of P>ort Perry mmd Wiitby 'Ibe busines thal vaitl lumber country, aided b>' lie muense water pomer, miii soon quadruple presenl amount. We have receivéad mn mile amd iml tant Ictter from tii. balented -WîýVrdez Ibis CeunI>', toaching the course he puri [n lhe teccat criai,, andth le grosrnisre sentalionsý put forth in a handblll b>' G and Michell Le deceive the people. deals iii bis subject as on. mieun stands il, andI in sacb a manner as mili n a lasttng impression on tb. public mimd regard telte motives of tbese tire gcr men, completel>' doing' ara>', as wih] ".en, witb-nhh doubla mate the accessit an immediate separation. Tt arriveti hale for. Ibis number, bat mili appear in neat. *OSHAWA. An inhabitant of Oshima, undertlicsil turc of Wachman, comphains te us of Corporation n-5 a great grienan-ce. Couneil bave abandoned making lie ne sary improrements on King-street, afteý curring the expense of a murve>', &c., ami pendimg lbe mon.>' on the Nonquon R Mlthougii they sec liaI lic taxes are à ]