Ontario Reporter, 26 Jun 1852, p. 1

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i t, ?tJBLISIIED BVEflY SATURDAY INORNIN.? TEN SEIILLINGS PER ASNUM-tiN DVÂNCE. "Z aa ms, szdthlak ao4mghusms auiJt.rmat t.ue"-Tcrer4t.. k -~ TWELVE $1IIL4NGS A» IX 11PffCE AT THE ICND OF THE TZAR VOL, 8# WIIT B'Y, C AN A4DA NU# Il. uvay lie eoný4tilt.'d daily for anydistase affecting the - EETit onGUMS, Artiiriial Trectî Istrteti on aoid Plate or Pivot, * Fro .5lt rIotO en/ire ssei. -Oficuover Mit. Laî'Sroaacoruerof KiwIN suad Sîcxeom Str.-els. Oshtawa; Nov,.lis, 1831. 30-lt. 7De Devi4 Tu-cor GjAýVSATK u tii rscsaz & MiRT, Ttiaczrv ÇoLLEo, IIUla.lMi'SI 5A -4, SuaO£ON, Norwood Ott. Ot0Ii 'earo NOTARVY PUBLIC, - Coinmiasiuuer of the 1fourt of Qnrens tenrh. 1Cemrryancc-, J)raug'h1smn, ISSUE.R Or MARIUAGfl LCLUNSLS ANI) Office necar théî (ourt Ilotse, Villagü of C.-MI.'24fr -L. C. TIIOMNAS, A ND Comisioliwir of Qi.ecn'.s For 1i:î!îi5g l!fisiasi ls. Becwl1 1$rrokiiî 'nt (4 Iet() 2 2 if' H. J. MCOFL Attorno y ana Cosnelor-at-Law, SOLI I0t-NUl A NC 1 tY, &c. & ' JI!MTB Y. C A "l A 9) A W k.5 S, tl-0frkuc' tel)stmi s over the w ci « lerei l oe. flR4)CIZ.STrPFT, WIIITIY. INSURANCE OFFICE@ J :VIrSWALLCICbegs bt tinate Ilt ie an las heeti uppoitîrcd Age'nt for te PROVINI' ~~i 8-l' iî IL & ltNII [fN: CIli d' \Y. anîd that ise iç pr'ptr.'l in take rimks at the ordiary rate$. in ItheMtrt l 'oII:TAi & M.4aitNa W!î'rtî, i I_$!îtctshr. 151. 21 .Cf 111e. 35, King Sret Tàronto, wvai 'nv? c Vw !IMPORMIS OF BRITISH! IlA1IJFA0' PURES, WftllIEAND RiETAIL. Whitsy vilage, jup, 18,50. A 1, 1 0 il'N 'làNID)«1, DEILUII IN TE 1V.' 1111W U , RICE, PIPER1 Il 1 N , \LS c., M IAvC'rU 111-R OF SOLI'. 1î'PPE F. A N 1 (fe. .Pots eli? JPeerl .lshets. Whitly VilliZel ,711s June, 1850. 8 Advîîrc 0 'oiizninrnlt of ASIICA Io r >ubcribes is5peparedti b matie T'~DVLN ANE onCAS OT0 AND - JtOlWlT FL.LAWDER. Port.%Vhitby, li Augt, 18501 Io WillsKE YI I ISKEY 50 IAfR1171M PORTIDoVas £ lsa ka>' l'or Sale. very loi, by JlOIN MARTIN & #,'. Port Witiby. M*ay 31, l'ut, 7-L SCAIIIO1O'. ALVUNDEII TIIlflPXONoFIropree eXdecel*hr aeoffmodaIions for frareilers. Gooti - tabling for iformes. il Wt[fTBY IlODLTP, InF1ýM C01,118,, ANDI TRUIJ4 TH' tbp'* a of4týo otsove articles, whicishée wliratli cheap for - ROBERT GARTSIIORE. WITB Y VILLA.2GE.'- -'Allordlers inIhis tint proml)tly execustei. J. F OST E 11 LADIES' A Ni), OifLSMIrw' TUR CELEDRATED COMSTOCKI MEDICINES & CIIEMIC-AL, PREPALIATION, welknowu iu Canada, bave beau htmeftutiy counterfeited antd disiributti'-lu Canaila, lîy tise very Winshos, oremr tbeîr own 0aigî1ltures, lisve adnlitti Ihat Dr. JLuclys S. COsîîTnCx Of N'ew York, la the on:y 1ropiaelor. 'l'iseartsicles are 1lrt-The GItET PAIN .EXTR.fCTOR, «!oranei,) curinq ail Biurns, and ail Exteruai 2nd-BALA( W" COLUMBI, for Staying anti e Retforing lise llimn liair. 3rd-IJlt'.p NJrRVE If BONT LLIINT, and IINDIl)N VGiJ~ EEXR, a cire (or ailliilalmems 4th-MrN.fl'It',sOIL, tb cotre ail Degif Persans. St-f-Y'LINIMENT, a weil knowu çore l'or th ises~, &cr. &c.' 6sis-DIR. 8POIJIN, S SC I 1E4D.qéCHE RIEMED Y. 7111i-MO TIIER'S RELIEF, for ail ýWrtàsen au tise Fà.miiy vWay. t%l-L N L EyVS GREA*T WrlSRIN INJIAN I.VCI-.For Coidsanaîd tteurjis fteelingo uatd p' re'sîv, e-r.- 2, For Asittitra, LiterC tia mntid i1iouis atl'ecîlons. 3. For Dîarriesq, IndJigstion atari L"11 of Appetite. 4. Fnr CotIivetieas ils femalessud glialcs,a a' -tal voua compteain log lhilisu.mi*m, kr. Tise &reat lotntl are. it il; not 'bail 0lake, ue ver aises praisi, antd ne. vir lenves 0'se costivc. ~tta-Di. ih îro.oM; P)INK S I'RUT' for ail r~t Cula r, Catatiini lt sont. lOs-KLMToKY , . MF/E(om 11lih->fI lJ. 1 O w - 4&iTPAqIS »oe 1s.es lsus, X5irI' t, lie , ,a;& .4 ie. r r'fly a. a s ia At! t ile U-t--o. e l ezv-iibei1 ira ai'fiýi .7.11 Q-l !Lt'8Drurs teoe Enquire for the Sitssttr~ ~I~'t-edi'r s 1îh sey fth il aiotlt afid *4 , w e itei -.rm, -sI' tie îtres-eîîted lr ia act.s o'~te.xeaw If - ~Ce ji ?-~ j - s"'-, a. 2~., r~ .1 VsiI 's il. GEBPIIIIE, Di lt G G I ST, %V'ho iittppoîlntid Wholesaal i.-r!C \%. C. S\EET'$ (C1l'EIiL3RAT'JED Farîity illdiciuies. 1IIAMTOCIIIXESE 13ALSAM c tuRrIS$ore Ttitroal sad Stonrari, Coivss, colds. C holiePain$a, NWlaOO-pitag Cotigi, crou.p or Rutile, ý&C. SWVEET'S F.XMITLY CURfATIVE LI NIMENT. Curce» ait Paistal! Ctamnps. !%umhneps, Agite in tise Face, Ners'ous fleati and Toolt Ache, Catla-qi S W'E E 1T ' S NFALLII3LE EYE WATEIt, CiareaSt ore, Iriasmetior Weak Eye». It comasî weii recomusended. Try i. TTE KING OP, JL, eures al 1 tierafed$oreo, Chilbtaiuta, &.. andtisl infattible for many externat difteaffe, 'n>'il; youwil nul regret 1't. T5fi UILY ÛUYEIWQALLED MED'gCINC. SWNEUET'S CE~Ln'BRATKED BL.ACK OILS FOM 1{OLSE 8 &,CATTLE~!! Tise biset andi cheapeatmedirine Li, *antisl welli recomnedtIy gentleme ruaour own Coln- try. Ail itai hiavé uïmeti speak meili of lt. par testimnonissa, eaftfora pmphltf.Thse oiwn terti fleate le fro*m E- W. SiepbeusonEsq., Mayor of Si. Caliherisues, Canasda Wet- Mas.W. C. $wtzr urasPuaLic.-...lbave for many>'years useil swet' Blaçk Oiiaa lor ose, anti raneiafely recomsmeud lt to dtépublie qi-a liras rate priaparatiols for 3ratches, els, cals, brulsee. ipraîs, -andi larst, acres 04cit i[nda. If hs thught mubof ilu bie couantry, a44 lii. demanid las anereis*l 1 ha li.sei an ipo atioas Ipr tiar*e.,,buthfie prsf.reswe 1 çivt s 'ttnglyto ils. celetoratd Black Oitx, manti'fàctred b>' W C. Swee, Reitsle, N ~.~ 'ossl4- dvié erery hors. offuer to keep a bof t tl healov. Oua on band,focr itç timely use wils ave îime aadmoney. Yoa'rarespectluily, 1-W SPF N(fN.ý 93-Po Sal byTvc.Su;ton,; Bowmanvilte ; V'. Hahs. Voit 14.oPe;-Dr. 24suâ1e, Cobourg'; .MLyNeweastle; W, J -Suttos, Osiawa; antd Whfai uRetgit b>' - Anguit 22,.185f. JUS", k- uwJIEWHATSI NEW HTI T1Fý lIE liahitantg of whitisy sud uig b- bourbooti are ind'ormed tbat t bitSuWriiier1 bon noWlo band ita 3Iw 0 inlrgtock, con-ý laînnai th ie New Styles ini1101.1oaîaî, amaCasC andi Am camiesel A rfS. Aloo, tise cie bratcê Kosth t1HIat, now in saseisgreat dernauti. Gentiessiia visitiuig iis qat Empoî i, witl se. thse grestestal art- ment in Canad.i' Toronto, ipril 1l»t, 1852. jolIN AT GOLt'DN Lr 62-.1 ]NOTICE LLP-rsous ludtibedtio (lie Estâte of tisé late Peter Per-y e are lacreby> noltitidtisat antat tise>' malte Ilni»-< latte pay;in>t of lteir respectivc Dt.htsi, Ièegsalproceeduà,'s milii Se lakc»ti tigain.4 ltit. SJ. V. RANI, .t,qent of thte '.-Ccutors. WhiLbY'. 20îb D.ec., 1851. 31-tf. 0 ýJT&RIO M -A lBJJE WORKS, WOLFENgDEN & On., 1ANUFACTUflF'S andi DEALERS in VIlonumrnlL. Tombh Monts & Otite Monts, Wh7iifte, Grcrit,Jlc 4. VariegatcdàMarilJe, Centre Teben, Stand-TIops, Chimney-Pieces. Sinked, Sod ihs h,!SUf)iia Paint siones, &c, Every varie!), of LVARBLU WOIM done in a lup.rir tyle. of the Esat Nat.etlal, and Ni- ,& Co. îI o gayt1stal tbey favi' . 1. roinecelitt) iîhany noftî-r Ellsmnn h 1 nig>rt their Ma1rlb e fron) t'le isell 1atried Il1,llîd quatile, Vermoùnt. 1uis. I io,3akanVIllgAet WIIITlBY AGENCY OF Tif£ - "fVesieru" .qsurance Comnpany. IIO.Nlk OFFIE..JORONT0. capital-£f 100,000, INç SiIlIrs orTENPOIU'.>S I ACIL Tif-s lNOIPANy hovirig 'Peeld'ly ()r!tlzet1, r inrk fil~e tetn'is or i# Chaitt r, piir n W 0ise POLICIES a ~t LO$S tri~ AG ' FIPE, uiq'in I<}AL o PIztS lN' l*.O;'Iýý1TY o&'cll kinti, oti as fatrc'e ;v' 0 i q1er icaponsile Companigm., Thse ÃŽ)! ciP,ý l eff ÏUen compose the Boti ilof Di.-Pc'o's, ilîî~ . raçF are a aulieioent 4!uaip0ti.ee that thé- !,4-44 ~facjtotf t he Company %vilb ie odcied oit the muai botnoral er pi irci- Issue C. C*Umor, Hrs2b MitTer, TF rn ~nrtia i M. 1. Hayl, G*otrgë Miellie, jWrn. tieriderrQn, Juuies Beaty. Rice Lewis, and' John iUoweud, Egquiit. Isaac C. Gilmaor,- -- -- ----Présudent. Thomiîg, Ilîàwo b,,- ------ --Vîeo-Pieient. Robt. £,ca.on, 1>q. > Sec. and Treas. The underxi4'ned havqtg'b-een appointMt Agent ot the above Company, wili a4ve persotial aMen- lion to parties desirous offýcîîlotrn. F~ire, Lite, and Gen'i inaurance Agent. February 5, 1852. 4-f -T'ÃŽ Soscriersbaviag beeu ajspolnted Aftna ist eConrvof vlta1N, Y. are premat-ti o recer-e ïr- )cations for Irîsurassde Prom iofe bige.c 0 d~'oie above Isuittstion, and tihe to% , ateç a' "iemlumn,'we aie epnvitictd thi *Upeîlior tei~~a<e n'aw offe1e( or Instar. anice bIobe Iuba;);tats or the New Goun:y of Ontlario. TBOMPSOASON & Co, Ontario Route, Wbitby, Nov. ý12, î851. SIf whieh thry are eisableil tu offer on ver a dvana- geous lemns tb theïi corsaspendents, atî the trade, P1I:ESfl TEAS- 270 packages Young Ryson, ompising Rome 60 psackgesl4snkay, 30 packes*Wd ie e 25 boe uéodr 1 *sveT70#eioe Laguira Çoft., 6,bap 1Rio, 18 bas$#& ioYsilqo, 10 Matta Java. oA(< Il p ekas asso@4 TobP'cji,% si#, W le à cloutny ,f Alatralla Tise folloin 1etewritca 1frosaAue- (ruia and d#ted Melbournec, 3anuary.laI, 1852, imspubliid uthse Londoni 7ime of tise l9tb uit :-ý, Ia ml%>ou 1sspjala isev itbY uld rretn rsea t>' alilei; 1 cansot $cee it i auy otser ligist. Stil hI ie natter lsa vz et qtSe<ot. 8,Sëe are sanguinetè tisIail wilI be w.,IIemot sec b*îwýThe gûld fields are inazisaustalet. Laatueaglt sate- ment was a de 14t two minaiad joat arrn- ved fron Gibbs' LÂnd wi(tiste intelligence tisat nets grolti fields were discovered there, wicb leavortise MuiAlexande&'flelds ai. together in tiese ; tisaItise>' hià broughinlu£10,O0 m %orth cf gol4, and ilere wax aa uwppl for the isole mord,. Witi t tese fada befora us, Sow cas flic place ie o'thenmise tbaftrunacti 'f hi< ks (ô he doue for, labour 1 Suppose1IOQe 090 labourem rt nue ott er dsring lte nekt year, wmît au>'of tbenLremain las (le cil>' or farma, at ï few shiîllinugs',a-meek. viten (bhey enu go; to tse gotd 'fieldis andi Csake their $50 a-daY'?Il t idle to 'sup- pose il. I canurat gel a pair of bo*otmatie or mandet in lc Mebotirme, if I > ere to giva auy mone>' tisatmiglit bc asked, 1 gel My breud li>Collitiagot3 b>' aufferance. The' baker mii l ot undeablvi to aupp1y, se reg- illart>'. bitwilldo lthe hast lie c 1a. pa> >s a-bird Cor irater, ai 30s tgr, a single itorp-ioatl of mooti. It lawitla diftlcsdty a tir au atihoobtajidfat le',cargst tad 1i f- 'bi<uns. 1I caunol 5l an>'pricege a mas us chop thac mooti, anti I tiunk mysetffortsa- -nI TfIc prevail on flc l.. eu ( work for Ili'-an-btir. Thea judge s ser-ý vatas are ail gené; beekiLs put dama bhs car- nagle,,ant i»ison$ dean the-kaivej an~d :h etii 1 Iawilure you. îÎÏ f rue,-sâ Lise>' wisccl soir afiictet fatiser about-in ans invaliti chair, luI tins state lie goeq te bis court of a day. l'ise men from, tise golti fields are rollasg in grolti, anti so perfectl>' reekiess of if,- tisaItise anecdotes bold or tiaem are Ral ont>' aràtsinfi but astouing.,, i)ne mas put a £5 note hetwfen, lie peces, of la cti and butter.,anti ate i is as a s$ai"- wili. Anofter rotli t o £5 notes auto a «inRll ball, anti slto;lnved il as a pli.- Anotiter ment imb a coufectioue-r's te eaýý a (cm tarts, put dovm a XJr' note, anti moulti flot nccepltise changre. Thcy seste bave, no idea of tise value of, molno', sud t.lce tarir losses anti robisries %as coinplacently as phiosaPlser;, merlyrcmarkiag. 6"Well, thiere ix pleut>' iore." This iras the re- mark of a man aIt the batik mien lie sati beeu rubbeti f a ck for £149, anti bai isad beau rasitet before liecalleti aboutit. wossitioui>' sutilce fur a certain nusuber cf forlutiale digger.ç, or if (bey more ia tbdir natulre exisaustaitîr, IshsOUlti,,ay>fitiItIshe misforftîses of (bis îplace motild bli ihited- ouI>' te time-that il moulti le, in faet, ciii> a question of time;, but th ise 1.4* are un- limiltdinl exteut andi iinexisaiible ln tbzir treasisres. WleaIhope, is (tberetisat wt'-, siait haie labour, gooi, misoesème, trotaon abIe priceti labour,,livre? Itis matiness f0 sappose if. The prices ofail tltings, rci&- sanies as irait as luxunfes, iili nevergo domn axuii, anti boeire wskiqalit haliving in th2s Moist expen ive place in fllaco th e midet of ail, Use reokîcs v aÉaboùdâ fromasil parts of tise morli. 'te mercliant, tise trar. der, misle-sale anti retail, îviti do veijt we1lh liacause lie makes lis profite comsmejmrte willi tisestate of tiigs around liisp Ibut itk is this assmitia a settlcti tifined isseosne mise will sufer. Ilomever, fim iis iimalte 'unifest ail tisan sd la 12 iaontls tisse ire shall sec tise resuit, or tihe. probable vo-, suit, of ail tbis wossderful chUUe. h t illt be fthe rua of .Adelaide. I1,2 - pople a t-' vivedl bere on 'Saturdayr and tmday fro- titat Place; eigist abi-loada wre on tls.ir raani12 mOre loading aI the port.- Syie'peolare ceÃ"intgI loIat re Plvrs9 in-kure, adLpland 1 'Aomever, I do qeIwisar isa lt sýtat"g fomr thefr bedi met biniou the- SItars, when he. faced about, and descendia tO tise roomn, le turned, and jbrW ax a ra- piti glance - Usd eisof the di tesed group ha as quicklr aff#ied a razor o0 (ha left %ide Or bis ueck> taating .ho Il~ ais, a thse saine ics&nt, ïCIaimu,,g, 14Remember 1 die Ifinocent."- Th>is act and thi!5 cicara- tion wvas qrepeated îhree tirnsc4 larapid suc- éegsiots. On eumination of thé wounds after deatls by>' Sueon in atteusdance, >éerated woun 4thé ç~p ssoe as Ivo.s believk d>4,je4sea o1ý6 tlxpistol, $ ,Jjl, t heo'Ã"lc rc teaded,r- teature sWho îira ibe cause of these, distressing ce1ngequ l en& es çofsItis" th~e wg vaabwoIl>.ustrfte and withosu ti~Içat~c Ocf Jrrovocations on the parf oet r. SïDili. 'The coroner being calied, au iPqueat was held spos Uhe ibody, anda verdict rendvlred b> the juajy, (bat thse de. ceawA Icame to b_ýfttby lus own band whljl in a atate of miental aberration. Tf lie Buflalo Express;aftor to pying the foregoing aays_ 'ie womau above referred (o, wax a mirs. Tole. 'flic iuhabitsants of th~e Villae after learuilsglber peridy, ros»en imcs, Pro- prevallcd throiuisout thse villia,,aeyesterday, and i syct diflicuit te foreteil tIhe rewIuk(if tbis base andti ihuman conduet. Ordîuary h4asgiug would bc a lixtuar>' (o suds wretch- AND SIR, J. PL'4KE'GTON. (Froiî t'L on4mctn e) Tisa folloiug elatter foruns part of a cor- i-espotiente.betmeesi ths e l6ssinSecreta- q> andtiLIsp -agents, of thse Jrit'sit North1 .Acerica>nl Co!opsaie. Mt reference to tise g reat Canaia'truu1 line of railira>. IL:!* hitlierto uupubiislsed: - Il Norlev".ý tMotel, Loistin, Ma> 1. lé "bure-AIt theinervewîitti wiieitise lieu. Mr. Chandler, of Niew trunsmick, anti isyseif marc Iaenedayisbossoured b>' lie E arl of D)erby , ne vwet given to uniders(asd b>' bis Lordsiti(bt>he"woîiltiexamine fise variou-5 papers ous tiesutjecof tise Brilai. *Ainuicadls .rtailwaye and hti tLe oulki 5se us again afler tise ar-rivai cf Mr. llawve, of Novra Sectia. 1 left bis Lordslsip in tise, confident hope tisat 1 stioulti receiVe au ear- 4>' commpunication oflithe inteulloas of lier grossI ineosasiisience, J déîçrpuiQA to tasl. p My n> dcPRGture (rai Englanustif ttise 22ad imal. 1 muI, byoircier, bc Psi4t'tIed (o' sa fimtýNr. Ilowe's; atiirt1'4aàtiare snc çffeot. miavrron Uic -question of rote- 1 te:q1X que ~yet rised Jby Iler Majesly'â 'e.o ve rnmnt if a fial *8 rrao'emcntmore- agrectl ta, 'v.lt4we's presence (p 'asjust soune detaisa.% tiste mode of conitrueling the êwork would be . bpowlassl; but-yaï ti Lgaqre .of ý-Xova Cofaalias Passed M acî rlçoqste by Use City' o f1t. Jaisa Mn low 'old' nàct hon a poiitiun f ) eua- 'er ilito-an>' uc, *àqri4inebtis and, crins if Is.were, as Mr. Candler ssd1f moul isea ion, uhiesa 'olia ruula, y base oh-I unadeê credit 0of Nona &otia, and New TIse Colonial Bruswlk iad slsowa re 41Wýec tannot aiwif tolose thse opportu- 'Lbey-. PâWd À4 nitr' of .ffectiag suds an important objeeL -venues tpyý CO us, wisicls wfll alçsrd comimunication be- il mi&, t be nec'i tveen Hlifax and thse wqtstern Irontier of tio' QÇf t4crailr Canada. Iamu ccsvinced ubatIler àMajuc,-s- uritY, ais it ty's Goversgint,jif unable to meet our wisb- thse snecessary e3 isy erniiing us, the aid !potaneosisly of- i£nglans4, dlse feredby t 0f atc Goveruswent, would re- gqliwrnIè e s gr'et extreanelt>' tisa ie bould lose:îbL op- s ts14 r o portanity. çf,-effrting otlser desirable sar- 'fTeasory,ù1 I ran(rementA;, andi tisaItlsey. wili net deem complet. seurit ,me impgrtunate oriiunrea»on4b1c inreepect- of (Le rnilwayi iuU11y, jspi'for anauaswer, after belin de- rai prpvaunces, ' iayçýna4X, svea, !ei;ssin 1ýigland. l o' eëéd iM sow usts Iev h counÊy by tieseteamr 0 daWajà thIe 94 mat., and 1 cantaot lpotai W>'effect adso iuëb eci tse, amugnements wtsieis ut.bc carried onlt tisat ail Chat ren wvliether tie negotiaticta with lier Mie-tise precise line LtGoverument succeeds or fails, in less way, becmse I a, wieek. 1 tihereÇore mtassrespectfully irerê cnisii4ly requât f yu, ir, that you tiay gve mec abpted f r -a a i.l.ausweirby tise 151h inst ;andYIMt ùt ~iswaas Moie tdcU-tisat if Iler ALjaty' Goverument art irations, aid uisal, eier from want ol tiase, ortfrom tihe line wnswidî tisa secessity -of consulting I>arliamxent, te possible. Undi corne to a tiecision -1j* (bat Canada with- gentlemen mase draws from th-- presesis negotiation ; and ibisý country in s tat 1 shah i eemi it an>" duty te enter int o shiould speedily ~arrangernents, irici, it confirmeti as 1 be- clusion. Tisas hiere tluef milfise, b> tise Goverzsmenî andi iMr. Iliacs, w Legisiature, ili put it out of powier of (lie fie ithtie Caw Province te~ negotiate on tise present basis; Hon. M4r. Chua 1 mustr isiso obqerve fisat ais> conviction is, proprietor and p (bat there is but ôte mode of gecurin- thse wick. coisstruetisu of the favourite military road, We ture not whichis l by the Insperial Goverament un- correpozsdence dertaking 1t at tiat own, expense. jeet betwecsn ti "I cassuot concitada tiss latter withoutl onil Office, hi expres.sing my dieep rep-Tet ChtisI se utIle d for, and musi confidence bas been maitsted b>' Rer Mn- flamant, Butv je.sty',s Goyernment i-,l ?r. "Chandler andi coluann, a' reine inys;el', being, as we arc, mirnr confldentiai Mr. Hlincks to' ativisgers cf tise Croira. 1 have reasn to of Lay', wisea beliave that at th's lime forciga suiltience is (bis anegotiation tut woaic 10 provenu: Use aceomnplisismant of under Lord i> tIse geut nationial cbject whichs me have i l swbich liai 1tw hae reamn outabeliaev(bat Mr. Urey. A moart is nl comîmunication milS parties aelua- adi fcd- b>' motives of tt most -anti-Britisis Ge cfsaracter. Communications bave licou le matie te the Colonial Offlpe on tIhe stibjecet Ar of titis rallia>' hostile Itiste vietrs of tise m Goverasmeals sund Le-Sistatureis of'lis. Ilree cit provinces of Canada, Ži uva 'co ansd Newr i tiruwsmick4 supporteti as thaie vnoms are b>' tIi thie (ueeuls able repres-enlativos in tisose se Proî4ncei. No commsunication of Ilsose l -papers, thse' etisîtice of uwhSich1oui>' kaow ai. b>' current rumior, lias beet made (ô us. -I Our~ positioni bas iseen isn ne way rero ,mzet Cc not bul express iny'calt witlisldhtu- of confidence 'laf'q nt'.î_ôn-or tiucee4totfr - nteresta ofetIse Queen'às er- tIl 411 bava tise houer to'be, Sir yoer nios-. ha; obediet %âV&anl,- - - - PAU<Ia qcl s-aa loveinor and Le4iawume *t alacrity -in proniotiug it.- ics $edgiig tbeir voIe tr& Ilie jolerest of such a ]ou »a esésary Io' raise for the execua mread; btt inadcltiGu tW thi W*Us O<1ViOmSsJdesim t f at eïsji-.aI sould he Mra'od in XBrttish (ýGvrkîest we Us m"et irate of mgcrea tô the w con±srators fth oa. Illive ihû-s offered a, third and ityi, 48diffl to theproce& wod, térvn«ofthe uye- sê o I4 ad oece ,n a 4to be 4eiermùpe4 was e o be MdopteJ Éor the rail- Itbe VIO!iols$ Goreipue uxoust ect te ine bel; Le, wihlt the BritisIdGoern- e ifluenced My aiilitary ,con- ithereforo soaghftte, arry le f ti .Amerwapn frontier as 1er these circuaistances tw& - appointeil te corne over tu the confident hope. that they ry bring (bis maUer (o, a con- ep gentlemen sueothe 11o13. Wh*o fUls a hig i n4terw-Io1. sadian Governîneat, and, the Lndier, a consi*terable landed public servant in New e&uus- yet in possession of the tvbole- ewluclsîook plc tsub- ore prar- ianotiser i h aset est tisat Thae1 JAMES RJERU2 W I o-aYla. 1 ---7 acz- 1

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