Ontario Reporter, 26 Jun 1852, p. 2

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f-d tO ýantclater Politicians tItan to a 31w- people amti ischarged to preserve the union andi in- day from th, Qtem ' ' oijosabroat.- on their us Frwe ~ rber fron, tmre capressions in that port. iNr.Hnrs lttcr that tIhe opposition to hoala, and 1 tbis project %ça%, in bis opinion, of ni nature ding Yankee whch it wnuid bc disgraceful to a»>' of Ifer Lynich law. YuJ st' ubjecti to àvow, anti the sulject thewolattier require.s full uxplanason. sy paîlay li Prom oS.IlrIti a-crarhty of lb. Jopuegor - loward Amtica S lion.Asc B>' the bark Lureka, atrrireti (rom Can- but qaate pai tort 0o1 Tuestia>, wu have the. bolowing rt nCm statemnent. of cruel treatineut b>' the Ja- yo1ng ladyu panes. toward t pwrecked American son- iCoug70th Metn, anti the murder of one'of the unfor. iero>agbutsi uate -men taken at-St. lena onte ( ou - - i moicsago : -tos rate, il "MURïT rW£LLS, an-American citizen, the iidy's cc born in the State of INe-York, lateca-hýg re peritet ou board th int:iritan rbaliog shîp inîo Larnrnce, tof ]ougbkeepsic, Cap. BA&KrR, ugnir stas tint the said -Ttsst±l (Latwenoe) was suneveybnta * terketi on the 28tlz of May', 1846, b>' run-aerIl o ,in oen a rref of r'ocks; in the dead otf the tagoniat, wbl night, about 300 mile% off tbe coait of Ja- 10' the lady,, pandurnvet tbckwenther. Ail ban&~ treatmnent. 1 eb> ti.whle o gotng tot tbree boite we;-e maimend, b tewoc0 etlgi the sbii's ;omnpany, vwie took ivii ttu ton>ail fo te of their cloflhîng. &c., that coulti powibly ebedo hoê got et, as the vess i l fust going t arûe n suecesç, tae sea maki - a -breacls over lber.- ueOOn an P tI'huy hon male obr.st of thrir way for ut O~ the Nsanti of Japtii. During the niubî Ufie ,bontes eprntel, ani two cf t1em lavonev-, A Ca" wi beeil seen sence. ig in that P, 'à Our boat (WVelli,'%> arrived ini safet>', înterested re afier tSeen dtsyb' pass!age. >On the moment fore the Poli ocf arriv ai, tbp-ntii'ces tock possession of à1ll nm Front o"if us, our boat andtifects, and wc were "piuu,» Ma4 thruit lto a ion cage, made mmilar te der warrant) lbose in which wil beasîs aore kcpt for ex- in lis roth Iibiti, whcre ive ucre confined i ani baîf waia it ia a starî'ed for d<'crn 7mon1thX aala lhaif; af- to a young 1er wlieb lwe wm're ranaported ta a »uteb .%Ilclllelî Ju settiegnendon thé- contvlierc uc were in J3erkelyj agnin put in prison by the Japalese for tira judge obst -montiii more. was, nt) dcv -At tb.e e-4iration of tis conineinent, 'rhe latter p we tert' broijghtbt hfore thec ciefb amiid".j,ý. wluid t ilaied. for 1alrifrua tu appt oaci> (lair land(.-- pre sentirag il, ý%Ve tollit ent i vre >Ii ipreckci, ,which At thaia moln tlaq ey aold iid tJîstecn te, nnd tilpon ne terrnu. andi, but foi Mo"uld thev grat t ls our liberation. Tla'y haveîudv * hrcatened to eut otY our I ratis,'.breause icy swas, te con thlougiat iv rere 1llZi,11, % Isoin they Ihâte; youn, tman, but« ihen vw.' iold thin w -e vere Americans. ,th IVC n a thev isajil notbing mire, except te ask us oif dirtine 1%rIant reliiln lire wer*e. 1'Upqou' cihn- t M uwa them iewoeiîas.or 1a i vl it iuirowh tic u ing Ileimage efouar Saviaour, auJ d ire v c 1 u of bat! tt traaaped rcuh t eirrqucst, tita y vainby wolid bhve mas.crci us on <lue %pot. WVWe wth t a. 1 were thon detaiaucd on.shore, ii uri o, r atcinctthU a couple cf dss>. mo., uen they aurait working« ut t board a I3ttelu siip, bound te Batavia, ptire hiad bc it-lieie we rrvUp1,çebe,1847-eva î luiabout to ta get a passage home. MIppearer '1%ý %VhWile we wer. in Japtin, ili prison, one fair Muât luai of Dur eomrades, Triea. 'WILL1AMS, erudea- noarel b~î vored (ô nuake li' escapc,.-but wa.t eaughît th, wouied - -anti taken hock to prison lan a dying stite, to concludei ow'ng 10 ireullda iDfliete i n i i>soei rot. Tiia dd igy iealion; there lwasa aâiboïièr >us iro, l' bedwihbled profuâe!>'. 'thle Vour of the, pibtol'ý (chlosv layetiabout six houri, "JTle nI eicarelesiess brougit- a coffinu,into wbiela thbey- ompeleJ buitng,. and uas L*tolactite ceapse, mien they took it baj lIot as< * t va l W l at %V 'cf w lth it, W C vould D r. 'Jrn i;o r 'l'ie ame ofthoase saved (,om file cUrnatiîCCs wreek- zrc Gu:. ilowr». second mate ; -Gt~c Tiio6 'LAt seanten, (ince murdereul) TatUM 'WVLLI4AmN1, soan ; PETES WIL- Ll.%,eamen; auany SprEçts ; emen i Mllutv$yWra.LS, carpcater. The St, C 4.6,e bardof eveal L*ngibseaueninstant ,ays. lâÂn bi lere.lu coaificnoiaat sintilar t, te or- $ Ille Mi ;1200 ei Sun- d% were tding ai niainl b. sien- reg, antid Mr tlat h -muci el. tl riy aniuing tW tic bystantiers lonfaI tb the participants, occur. bridge, Mass., on gùnady. À M, acoalifanieti by lier second ig ion,'1 vu , ridin; tal.tly estret it l at place, ulien a ia buyIloie up st a taeaen jme romlu is velikie, seizeti =npanion by tbehbreat, anti de- itant satisfacétion f0(io hu>for ti to ride eut uts lias lady,'- ti" young man deurreti at sueli il>' tfratnent, -hercupon libui reewhipped b>'-bis lufuriateil au-j o deelareti that lie vasenguageti and would not stand an>' sucb Thue lady seeing lieu anatters inateti tie"upeaae.a affair by tho carria, eof~ ber ineiede. ual who vas wlaipped departeti ot, mmutterin- deep clirses upon< the fortunate poasesor Of tise Il tectaring that bc would insti-, Woecedings. bhiclu exciteti ceusiderabje feel - portion of thecity 'wbere ibese eside, camne on for hearing be- lice Maçisîrate yestertiny more- itiie evitience, it appearet hall giaire (t.4e party blrougut ap un- , pwliohat beon rcently rat aer, ia II. $tats, Ihatbrourbt' pistol, uluicli ho 'vas ethibiting' omp;anion of lais', by came I idge, at the bouse cf lis latuer,i NL'ct. Wble (hum erigagcd, -rved Io Mn-maire (batthfle pstai It, loadeti, as it liai a cap on it.j )cmaibtedt te cozutrar>', sayIUai ilacir biné (the ira>' 01it."an, t, JuuIdge put It sliglty asite.- Lut the piste! vas dusebhar¶e&~ r tiais motion, would doub ecss' 'cd deatia on the spot. s il itenfts entered theseite of thse abn1out niz inclue, ligluer than îad pnaaied airoîsgb in naloIIg wuvrd tlie gi-cuait. 1.tise hall.j ifwrauJsfoa>d, aso Pase.d' tIWO oiu f a pjasîit;red w ,tzincc bail a -sumed wti m u 1- 1iautentioïa, [roni[tie previcus in- Mâ-agiiirc, Io Jttdge, to go oul but thus vas ýeiplained, b>' th hat the>' wcre belti campanions, the sanme business, andti iat Ma-. en collectiag luis (cols, anti be-I loave, for thue,,te £J eo iliat Jutige statet hat t. af Ie becn accidental, as Iluere vras betsveen. (hem. 2'laciemotter of 1 iau profesueti lerseif tanablei wlueluer the ;ct was intentional c wrI 3Iagistrate rcsnarkcd, Mitzuire deciared ii gnorance~ 's lîeiag loatiet) on thse extrems c f brinzinit aivy, anti ex- Id prcsentwgn - apistol uhltie b cerî.aiued to be -'unioaded;: but , iaavlng repos tedt tlat t(luecase nu (avorablp, astier ail the cir- Mlnguire vas aimitteitdIo bail. Catui mrifth .iurizal, of the 17tb' BOKS1BOOKS 11 ¶01E unde;wgu aopened à na BOOKS TREIs> WUIITBY VIL- Ri E'S DRUG #T0Rebfl é intw4ko.p. 000DB, and ATi ,4DllU wiho wiU souv.qw*tr.yp. clos st .o ;1=04700 onshort notice. 'D.STAR i. LQST.O ONor about tb i th of June instant, a .oie in avpr f Wi. Robinson et £1. 1h. clorrcney uisôp byit*orm Morr.w. The A Onrý wil conter a favot, bW I.aying thesaww.wait1àibe» WILLIAM ROBINSON4. Whtly, Joint25 ISILltSt îi h# Lu*p 8-ooms at oc atp- THE E PORT ER. WITY, sATU1tRI4r%, WI#1 5, 18*2. The Provisional counel piet in the Free Church#au te Town of Wbitby cm- Thura- day lait. nuin embers bcbg preéeat andi procecedtIto bosine.. A By.Law wu pagsed *ppoiting Wm. Paxton E-sq- of iteaci EroftuoalI Treasorer. The coaitté appointeti to draft an adi- dres3 to the Gorerament recooemending parties for appointment to the. several Count>' ofiez matie a report in aý.vMr respeefful andi appropriate atidres o the Governer mn Cotseil and reommneude4 the folloin;, geudlemea Vie: PFer Hhl Sheriff Ezîu Auu EmDq ; for Registrar*. J. HIAMS Prita Esq.; for iuâge ZÂ&ccucEus BUaNttKmEaq. and for Clerk of the Pea-ce CHruE .TED-ju'aa, Esq. This report wau, on after considera*io, and on the puati i #at tisere wu o t tdse ourtsy extended to the Xtortberp' TownsIùpithte ecomilton idations for office amended bly substituuing the tiame u( the wortlty Ueeve of Thormh, Cu&s. Rou8NSuOui. inte place of E. Axxras Esq., fer h:g;h Shet4g. Nfr. Robinson rose and wilh great &dlicauy deciined ait-orting the reCOzwsentiatio aà iho uns Dot, andi would noL have ît iaid, 4i came tbure to seek of- fice. Thte resolution of aznçndmtent uns put and ver>' properi>' carrieti as 'a tribut£ of respect to ibe Northz andi to the gentleman- 1>' Rev of ThoraJ.I. W. are inforuied [influcaca Mi' 1avor of the ppoettent of Mr. T he Bulding CWotmtte. reported ire separat* mites for the Budlinieg and . afer severai ballotine tise Coaed chois. e t a 01 IviJ.'lB Mr. Fartas àt lsta! tiat "Noa)q 1 on b>'" the coui bis banda in te Lawirî for ntioa that if Il>.>4 ltLe,as tbe lau tel front Mr. Taylor' wa essar>' oaths, the oee bo &et asde. flered Mlr. micliell ucre <al it *ouliti mack of toc eltiser cf tbeni,. neitbi hýodene front insuat, to la Mr, Taylori,.wwj' naetiatiy lkft ffile cOtt of wbiei be was <bait itself, andi proceeed Plickering to bliaut n ulicedfMr ayrd w stlgal electeti but to the credit af Iliat ward I&c m~d 55m« fini a an*44ulig to seil bm- self, as ho liad dtie., <o Oshawa intea'ference anti dictation. Hlinm th te iarcter rf, the 7ppleand -be returnetichapfatlen to Torontto witiste snelauclilytinformataon to Gibbs anti Fareireil tasi it iras to go, flue garne vas up, foi tuer. mas not a man in tise trt ward (o second tlu,' aovement of Oih- aira, agaaistteir (avaurite representatire. Mr. Micel! i mmediat.ly left thea Co'incil Board at Toronto for bis ,"»cetm'a a.ades"', ia the Norti Ward andi returneti no moe aithough, -the Couneil reanetiun session three timys aftrwnrds%. In te last despach of Mr. Gibubs teO Cawa, it ia saiti the iuird itte noté, ai we are neyer araju sUbse6crlers, tinued hoen et$. ' But organiza tme> bl se leas. are lcemctl iret mac>'0 aran tli mae nthene-at ione time vas sppporteti, vo leliere, t] aid t mk te nenwspapers. ,tie mglt probubi>' upon thse services of MrEdtr-oleveiaIn70 cd atoreqisilon ~sue of (the l2tk June, yeit' -atitiel a nueb impudence for ilobb*s American, loch hbu bcen pickt ierwoùt4 tise atempt tioro luours by au iageniousLontion Mecl >hant iap a . relater" ki." N ow tlis is qoauethtug ; but kit - -d. --Mr. Micbell lu,- byauaEnglislier ! andi bow iffle noise mmîte enedcatonit* k nthe %worldcompareti vitb ttib(te O edcaten eat blatze aade b>' Mr. Heblus, wbei rina to uake care cf pieketi rattaahsLôtek. Now v muare4 te tihe lirst yard of ti> Nlr. Braài*is lock, thse irole princi ip a rate-palyer who of its construction witlu the aneat dis' cd na e o t! th t ue drawing of al its parts, andi a deta wd make oth tbat . J.ar -.1 What makes te be os f -Mr. Mica. léas efl la thitransaction(lie re glarig la - (ai the fact 'bat hh ai repeutedly urgedti he treusuashipý on Mr- Taylor av>.inait that gera- -tle'man«'sý inclination, and %va,. the Iaat man Who onùglit.te bavfexerteti hinseif te geL a comptaint against laimt liadti luse gentle- meu searchedlb. Municipal Lawu efull, CI tluey >vould bave roundi that the statiate lita- ~" its complaints cf titis baud te sua weeks afterro electlon, otherwiie tuey c atonot b. entertain- Imca edt. -_- -and Nsuqumon ]Roud. The, wlole _gtuoto5am. maluau&th Ue tDos Couatt>'à%ôsv cf iuiI lide'Osbawa btuis .Frem7al, and iLs cite buntired i sporters. b>' la flue village of Olaa, dons1net jnyot'e yen a partie.of principle or butor,ý (as tlu'ay for have'ainittcetimae after time tluat if Oshawra anal %vas 0e Cotant>' town', W11Y of CoVrýe, sn-y tii.>", ire ould vote for IL) but as don. for-ci the express purpnse of drawing off, the atten- "i lion of tlue îihabitanttfrein tluç£1,O()Qtax u af thse grent 4NOaquoa road. Let uts, sava the publie in th diii work itue E V. page 182 I836, lIn lt-bs ion of Bramai in languaie ; a theý moet p vacwa.; terier iv star pari il lhiq 1 lenst, ti feat vas4 tis ar tic n beE me~ pY4' ,Now wil ~cn yearà: foi, tfrIt ti cdl, anti saj ifBria Slock an 181 , ?timnt :Vr. 1-lebus aftcr pnying - t tcn Tibitsa anou sA taulifty heurs. 1 amn glati si oite - f our Towa Reevea I thue improremnetLseof our count Facts anti Sorapa. hiîro Caazcraas Cti~ ',z.- , p er Sucae, îe b' (lue Pathedt (at nt thle receaut e,;r rainto ~ ~ '4s ' Oia1o*a pa.sed recoan-' ding- a furtler surve>' of public ands, fboues 1 bat alterutate lots of 150 aerac nla ann>'t ma be g'ivrn toar-tu:d settle!rs4, iitt a weba >5INT I of the ut tdu Aennej unde -oý

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