Ontario Reporter, 26 Jun 1852, p. 3

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kCutomer Whe rSc ienifilc Expeliment, enîlîlfi by theP Ilr.U1the MTLPODFAN VEATr- WALKJtEQHEAD DOW uIDS, lasexilepinbthe vis of N5W York and Pla- dolplais greutsr jntqett arild uriasity thon any tinq whïkh ba iwpi 1rotarhî be*fre thupublie durmf be ast2Jyearu: 1 ethe diecovery lot the S gnelicîno âreiific invention Lua crea*.d hall Ille cxcitcment prodocati by Ibis most Cxtrordinary acliaevem.,,î,'andi evei a suc- CeusIW e.,cioiiiti»of' PerpealuiMotion coulaf trarc.ty cailse a .rf-àfer commotaoliithen licbvn- tfie %oid. AI 1 clames, alaîsgts, tind ail j>aniàof #uicçty bave 4ýckpi lu %hie.ifltis peyfoi monte, wbwever ijhabas(ten ebhue andi the cvma jdd safac4#a vti ic4ci y Ilite Iastinnalole sauences 'Wiko bave sotiteneti Praftnsor Me (ormiicJi'bs ep- rqgentim. g~ uiflekaîîîly pro% e ILat tno bba4ow of deceplhm bas beà ta aruauqted. 72tcû i 1 titw xiii jas frnmn~wfth auftoittund lnifiiunt EQUEST1RIAN TROUPE! A-tii taienied, anf-ti v e e ently îta. SIIZ UIiM4IC ORIiI Fnhracijjg in Uthe F~ ai ~ of il rr a il t he m u et y m îa î ti c r Tegetier wlh,2a iviti anti truthaftairepfrcsnîa- l 1io, wlîh fipJt<Oîui-ie Cooiharncî-1. >f-iaic, dçi ne-y ititi Bri iliin;eArcessaorieë, id an ifii*ea.seiy iii- leresiut<ie 3I1udramalic IiWfrical Ieilb(ciaiiite exbibitimn or whh.uawîs (IXT Y LA DIS mosi Popltlauuîse Of thIbti que.îai;autil J#lsttionit. Art sili appeai, i i oîd.r bfo iyiil effpet 1tolah varurw p$ornuclà nroclT... lit lhe course of t eraae u r.PAZLANI> wililiirdic ii Fine sfid ýf Traincd H1oý.vx 4- PontLes, .Noiintt. Capari". tied atitdCoerlumed ln a st e of any hJorrpi in titis Cc)ttuîry, 1lir a ioirii; arilsiniilim rf rit.îi Commues Mtr. ?eîlaa*i 1»;tîxiit ti Eusîlî Top Tli reanifulEtjî tîlnne ilapear in a va- rit îy 0f E1;laasgtuuaJ ic, j&îvl urnwiev.d lv ui' nberiat n te pro- femiar.'iwy a..î,nî(te, Thé ('clu rrinai rli.MD 3 OJS:LIE SIIflhiW OOD, TieGet )nc-îe Mr rlL WMLL. EI'ZMa. DLEr i ,Rig PE The J[ %itlr' fi $ tnioflth-r. fOirit Ma4s&112'J. iJLrMa. 1, BN , 4.$4 PKNTLANaI), Waîan a b0<,foht-îie fuU any ti rrrt TJ - v Oceaad 'e Srt.nesof Eqr 1tlgliaj'rr y li i iei nu 1 l i h~i 1 it % e i m 1,.vi nP;tr o N riy .lftraur 04 dLvein;'1b Prrierrrae im#teh icinc wiai ni rutlany 1..miv mll-odiica lo ol wlirh o lbe l oitiorrsny whapairu h the flE E 1 NU itinwli b airByriimarriy Iiusmi naleui in thet~ ~emaarîg ndy memtefrmincaleuîrv a gran brat <eajadi1Erug, iSpetaerofin ofiait onihe Jcfracsaniaoniii -R~ti E st'Iln DY-MYVDE ,:CLQTIING, 1011841qMrmentw f b rund a good hssortet or Costir vestg& Vantalon.siltabu. for Swa0er. Kossnith flaft. -Juil received a fresitrprtly Ã"f &H linds of Eati fur D.Cbsm i -eddrtfx Ni oi. ae o iT=adTlhen-At-i ot P.T. BA RN UWS CYRA*i%',DCOLOSSAL SJîIE Ilarge,,ît Travelîn4r EXHIBITION in the Worfll being a comblinalion of al c lthe opular andi unexceptîboable aints ïeneiith of the ag.e-cetar;ed anditia- proreti for tlie $ea.son of 1852. A TeaAl o f en Elepta nts i/l draw tie greeat Car of Juageaud of Raby r!.epbaltl only on c yelu olti, andi but 3i feet higb. wil crarry upon lais back aroundti th interior of Ilie immense l'aviliion the Liliiution GENERAL TOM TIIUM'l'bche l1agnifkcent Cortege comfprises -10Hread9 en h aîIo fExhbto a%&e n iaereé untit it is capabe*o acoBxbibi5,0 -icaor t on T e eeîn- of 1iv-iDg9 itiBat includes th.z ano,,t spiendid speimrnn ever Exiibited in Amneraca. Amonr many otlters wiil bc fomad S ix BEIUTIrUL LIDU frali hfroin114d, na ttive fioréit. f~~ -40WED Bj~ URMESE 1BULL ft-om the I-Iand of Ceylon-, worshippedthefIcb>' the PagazNatvs nircent> ae [r m ûa dlatrous Tiii Me. poavosaead M NON 1'TEEROR PL TGIt E PL-' poigosieadferocity. A MAGNIFICI [NT ItOYIA 1 i largetî naw evo»r caplurot aite. f NNANT IL sL....> ix s moatbs of age, the finit one ever bora in' -America, &C., &Cý, &C'y TIIIC DIOVE of EBLEPIANTS were cptre iithe Jungles of Central Ceyiou, by Messrs. S. B. Juxts andl C;o. NLX-rTEr, asstdb>'.260 niaivee, after a put-suit cf 1 iat-e months and four alays ini the Jun -les. TIlaey were hlnaliy entra ppet anti .weured inm Jan Indian Kraal or Tm.ap, of enet-mous dimensieu;s 'anti prodigijots strenglia, wbere tlîey wvere trub(lued.-Thec (I Elephztut accompanies its Dain, and wias weanèd on its pas- jsage from n Jdui. A NATrIVE CEV . oN C-îîîiw, of lîi.rlacaste iii lds aivn country, h3charge af th e l .I planu>, iaa'riw accam paiffied ( e 'r n è I n P. T.-,B ARIN U ]N Propriétor cf te Arnernie-an useum, New Yýork, bas the lienor ta aniou.icc, tuat en- eourageci by thc brilli-int silcccss wlaicia-hw; atteaideti ail lais vaious efforts for the amuse- mnat of the public, h! lis heen led to fWorn hL ofîr*ue' anzg a vast Uavctiin" Whîilh comprises a ogreater varie> ty r ~iaand Mra re rtrardinary novelties, O=a nay travelliIiugeXhibition in thie wo.ld. -1'very featuîrç of titis mËamm4et 4blisbtneut le efa pêecuiar antiintereitin- rnatue ns1 tbh hole iý proluced upon a iaLeclei niagnitia-le. 'nie îravehhine prapiernalia cf the A menicau Museumn, as iL catersi eacb fown, is pt-eeded l e a gorgeous CdR OFJUGGERA-q.I, jDratan b>' 'l'en lîaaL superbir capaaisoneJ, hein-~ an aceur4te model of iat terrible en gane cf adolatrous saciti fisitetianal tecorateti ain ail <the extravagncVf <lie[lin St stle. Followang (latis monsfer vehicle, is a long procession of costi>' cages andl car-. natS thie whole forming a spectacle of more tban Oriental.epItidor. 'l'hai! exhibition will take place withiin a inaguiicient Variegateti Pavilhion, comosei cf Amern*agg of water-.proof fabrie. The real, getwqme, origin:al sîfreireti GESTOMT IlUJM B Tr ah e to L" xibition, anal wll appear iuntihI bit, performances as givera before the prinrÀpil crowaed hataals ai Europe, ineliading S0ngs, Dancèes, Grecîan Statues, and i s admlired persontiýns af Napotenaal dFrederick <the Grent.Ti1<1eGara twn t>' f care of age, we oi <l> fiteen pouams, andi is but îwen)ty-eiibt cli., higi. Alo engageal, * iw~-- JIN LLIS, s xectte lis s <itardinary te TmC as the. a oo i Te sat. .C r" *ors the g r .1u a W DO .I4 One ycar's (Vaod etit for ulw Distillery, ik a Tnmâî co<aIJ hàte fortheii value on time. Apply ta N. &IH. OWELL. TO: BUILDERS, TuB r..Siibseriber ffrepetfiuI1iaf onmpar- ý tis Bi!deç.ihat li s pr.paîed te suppty inyrjuantiy of B* iun des of t/w su l Legt. ,Tbtie Luthi will I-e fouri cheaptr,can le mnre rupjdlY laid on. and i wll .cive hbtler * usfsîtiot 5No, 14. 5ih Con. Pickering, n'cm~ 1 mi~le £a( afToma's How Appiy 1 R. iH. L*%wvpag, NWaby. frii the vs, HOUSE&LOT esl FOR SALEý IN WHLTBY. .îu Provil TU~Sqbscriber offers for '.-;aie a Lot, ani an on w içb la ereced a Nyw ,Dw ÉLLIxo bic «u Houle, wuîh every neceesary arrangement forth & Act of aticipau S1 ac. MiOBT. GAR1MHORE.U W"hu:by, June 1 9, RM2. 10-3n. T o p r ven t the Sa le Of S p v U u s L qu oM 3 r -Tb he E i enacted by the Municipality of the T a'easurer'*idis BTonship ar Whitby, 'That froin and lie Il rîpemerl& after the pasin-9 Of tbis IÏY-Law, no persn of sepen*ber in th witin the imita f tiis munipaitv shahliec eigt burd al4 a lowed to s eII,Vende or rtail aie, b eerwke, the wlaiàaey, mm, brandy, or ay allier spiritu- Treasur.r, shall bi nis liq u o r at o r k .p a ;&js(le rimUe r clo! e cti for vending the 5amâe without a icense Iae the tid Coaiy Ur and obtained frora the proper auatlority for li-fo.Thtt t'14t urpose. cedu achreto *ni .&nd ny person Voating or oTending e, evfd and colle against,,the afresaiti provision hah, for ris flor the yeartSi able propertyin the every sueh oû'ftnee, forfeit au>' aura in the porp.e of paymng discretion *of<lie maoli'ites before WbOM Pountis atal lthelitt the offence may bce trieti, ual more f lai te the rmmtsdot mue] Sura of' fie pound% together tith costs, Uoêly to thlb. m bentuireo, snd tei ,%ucb fine aad coes reeoverable before any fl the . whoof ;mi wo or. mo.e ->utrate, Jwitices of the therron salostsau. -Pea e, on, lhe atb of one credible witnesq 7k-.Tbat tir âther thrn the infrinant, anad in deiat of andi lke effect oit, psyment a warrant of distrees shali iitsatd ihtued against lhe goods andi ebatteis cf-lte Persan C or persons so cauvicedi or thegdcani sd erediintef ciitels wtii the house tie olfenc wu eea~ committeti, whether tiii person or persoais 1W "fg pnn Wowi or saut, and sale titereo "ahI be madie, 124_t__ O and ino Lg dsand chatte1sabc foünd. QlOi ta: stsyteflanoncffine andi eosts, thi oTuer or ol'eders tabe comitte to 1912 te caMinon gao for an>' time ual exeedig - twety days unes. te fine andl cost-qlie Isle sooner paiti. sucli fine recoverable uuder tbus 1811 4 By-Law, oeue noiety 10 le paidto te 1kin-.1764 44 fomer or proecutr, andt h le ollr t6l' b ïIIiî paid aver ta the Tre-asurer witlb tweity 1710 4 days alter lte receipt lirereof. W Be it irter enacteti, b>' t e authority 1 reujeI;~y Pas" a Il ut», andi at a cm 'liE ;îpau <..orpora- i Ihe Upper Ca- I ~V smnenalmenl ovlsionsi Ma- F atiaria, J 5'1~IIto anti (or îa îao gqw n or j fm-

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