Ontario Reporter, 26 Jun 1852, p. 4

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.4. r -uilcientl0mbtsg Who tOOk'i1P theses of e physielen, andi pretendeîit knowledge of tbsfeOig*' it led to islit a yutsg aneflZ MP le i. 'OIùss euil Irid bard, f*ëltli purse atnt po t,Tlookd at bis iflfr, and' fztaly gave vent-têtbe fblowio*, SUliMe f opnion: 1. thisk b.s a gone-felir.'- do net say tbnt.' 'Ves,' returnet lýoiumi, lifting hs is bati ,usd eym lbeavenward nt tise sanie tnn, yes' 1 dosays; thre ait ay oe, net eat, et Si mte; bels got an attack of euhlfûtin l , Iliilest froidis.' 4'Wleré ' et-led tte . nrtIea'V'ire. 4 lu les bt frottis, anti be can't be cureti %vit-hut s'orne trouble and agatL dciiiof yiig..! Yeu see bis *~bêe'. pletary sys- < teni s hderangeti, fustly, bis vol popui' us pr"i'sn' on hisadvaiorem ; tlirdly andi lastly, bis sear -ribs are in a conctissei state, and lie aiu't ot etsy oney, consequentiy lie An Irisisman beng uskod wbyylie lefi lbis country' for America, replieti, atiwasn't fer want, I bad plenty of thsatïat home.. 'Why la John ]3igger'a boy larger tisu W-, father T-becaui,-lie sas:n 1jit ig- gerr IrN-IÂlÇ 711BRIAGE PloiSt .-A young Iadian, failing 1 in is aittentions te a yolin,ç sqiravr, e madie compiaissi te an olt che( who appointet a lenring or trial. -The~ la- dy laid lier case befoire thse jutiges, anti ex- Uicnd h nature of the promise madie ber. ulany littie 6'unclefinabe steaiieii asd pse seiits, a 1uneh of féatbers, anid. Mv*t* yards - of reti flannel. This vat the The faithlse swain deniedth ie 'undefina- b-e itattentions' ini toto. lie lad visiteti ber fatliîers wigwam for tihe purpôse Cf passing awar' tine, iw"s net couvenient te liant; * anti satng-en the fratiies andi flannel frow friend!y motves, anti nothing furtier. : 1)uring ùthe latter part of tise defence the. yeuug squaw fainteti. Thz 1îea jvu.scotsdered invalid$-, anth iel oflacner 'Mas sentencedt t gi-e thse lady Ila yellmo ét'elier, a broacis tiat iras dassging freni lbi noaeandi a dezen cootns-. Tise sentence wai ne sooner concludeti tisaisthse squawr sprang upon bier feet.aisd clappusg lier bands, caclaimed. mmli joe 'noir tre l ready for another aireet- 'Motlerseui e for Uic docter. ' ýWiyl li on' £Caei-,etitatmnsin tse parleiri is going te. (ise, lie saiti be motîltiif aiter Janievotild not mQýFry bii-4-nd Jane--saisI A. gent wide ioîjsg uîasared for a pair of boot.s, eb-wrveti, -Mak-c e o te c>ver tii .eIf.' 6'llcaen !, exciaime th ie as- toastied aanise, bttrieyingr bis cuetomer (rossi Iea to tefoot.,4'I have net leatiser XVIy are. ladies, dresses about tIle trait lirke a general imetting 1 iBecause tiser. is a ga1Yri' t4ere. L. nd oftenthnnes a great sisal of base ohs! huais, - 131u-FLIS ay1, ise Lawr as ceriaini> n profe.4-nn, for ilsh fiâ it is amytliag but a l'ratticc! Tat UE ra~1tsrnt.~baa vniser hi, nh:-k or 1'ariiAnt, lie alaimys - calk, onut. for the- twri-"Pns ytbst tbey ý1'cffs oWIi1 il Fhsrged onbook, Sd. per lb. CIO& e 1is i, asiû imilar .Ptabisz-, mesU,,domn ailit, randsms. The, uaerwould aay, tisai bo inienda te emoent#Isejii diogfliDhiedîstol. oiln m-iaisnq lhtir ivool nnrctured wili de veute ,Civ hIde a caît.ý $pinniag dotnc by t/w Pound if requircd. C. J. WILSON & CO. Brooklu, May 5, 1852. 4W. PORT WHITBY BAKERY. T'IF, "isi e5 Vi1e nottetiby aind tise cuî'ntq rrssrge, 1naL ne 'w* C"olsaty on hid, Jlread(, Pilot Bï-ead, B ostmi Crack- otpd al kindof Q24 CKE11 , is a virlet>' ni rA5wcçc auctis lu CAKESI40fUt, 4 n~S PON GE Iumm l a l- ,CAUES, AOCIk CAMESGINGER BRAD Party Càloes and Weddtne Cakes made tborier, anuqthe i tes ot iiotteo. AlSO- CaMdklis-WOLMILE AND RETAÏL, IJ'itlr a Large Stock of GroceikS'. JA'MES BATES. Whtisy, De. 19,1951. . TO COOPERSI MILLERS, AND OTHEIRS.' ! Fectory, on Loti'?..7, iktise mticon. pîekeùUff, Ia large qualtily et 1FLOUR BARREL STAVËS,' 1 seo a superier Ualisy, wib they are jpreýpared tei se ery loir e çub o,.pmirved credit. HARRISON& ASO . Pickeuing, Mlay 22,18à2. 6-3mî. 30111 N&ARTMIL &00. 1 Tl' ubscrbers hg len e al tise SPRING STOMO F GOODS, t congoTtnaor0 Dry Goodu,ý Grôcerico, Crockery, Hardware, &é.' Allo( whieh have, recetty iseen purebuaetion thse mnost advaatageoua terms.; and tliey ar*e <leermi- cd not to be ,sisfrrald by au>' iouae in tise trade. N.1.--They are tiaity expetin;- a cargôo f verY Suprior Wrnstav sad a large suppl>' ef Pià Iaoq snd VAL for Slag-kamitha. JOHN NIARTFN & Ce., Port Wtitby, lSl3tïaY. 1852. '-tf. Pls rfoIr Sale b>' I ,01 Trisc îr>t T'rlnp(.ranre Scclint a ' i nra.,o C ar a.-,ita ihicover>' ha knewn, tçnaî 4 Port fortoLd i r eu.aiy oet CLuina2sav a>, inii - thse year 16 e.TuL Self-love is i once theç weot delicate andi ILse etnaetis 'ne oâr0 senlitiiats a> suer. eisnthiwill mouad 4 ut itinctluiio na01 eat iik lit. - Lcxsennt ta-1c gvernineni conigra- T tinaent at Bl-fas, mas found dead sittiug rlg6i, at hiiwnsesise, ol%-sa < terilgon, HItli ut. - - tiidy ! WOOD. emnDs BEECT and APE 2,0Y) Cmrots ateart Bsat Wood. Fer Sale b1»' NMARIN. 1KW% IND PIlSMTSILING iTAIER Pcrry4 TinDors bthtow Mi IN C¶ANADÂ- WEST. LESALE AND RETAIL, WE bave1 -Juof~~kts M-irKA-f baviiag serveil lier apprentice- 5ir 0 lheMillin7 b;ç«vcein on cee orthe, hoie that tbey w11 Vate iablcd o give " ali l fies. irismay favor T/w F,~ Pas/dons consantly On hand. eMUS. KAY 'AND M1181- BUCHANAN QUVTLD rectefvllY announce te ti 117itm t~is hat hey bave procrured the -servi- ces cft ôoC 11w be nât à altl Iw&rkerw in -the $tta ai onëit bufiness (rom ithe City or Tooo, @0s hat tbey aie enabiei te eli.s and alter Straw Jopueta fo the Neireai Style cf Faabion IN APPINTIClE WANTED ionse-ý A S. IAY B C A NAN , Whiiby June5, 1M3.8-. iMILtINEAYA 93ES-MÂKIWe J3EG'S. to inforni ber Friends andi Cas- tomer a ta se hacoemmencesl anew îk thse above lin.eof biisineaa in-thse Nemr Shep lmilt by bita. Bate, in Est Windsor. wirer. b ise to rs-ceivre a coltinuance out tieir patrona;e. Clielana tursediiiu tise nest ansi ieatest style. TUw Lacst Faions alimys o hand. Whitby, (arch 25, 1852. 31-tf. MIWNERYI & RESS MAONS. MissRogsbeoes furtiser to acquaint the Lais Wihituy and %vîcitity.thatub ah s tiken itoPartnersbîp in tise abov. lime, Late of M/e City of Londoen, Eisgland, rorrwhose experienre se hopea thse Ladies wilI detive every aatisraction, ini the superior styles of finias of every article, auch s s Id rit owîucza bas jtstteeired the Lateat Visboa (roms Lou4on, tg which the attention of the. Ladies la inuiteti. Wlithy, Aprit 10, 1852.4tf Patronge they 'sase tserctolorp reçeireul, anl beg te infeinstes at ihey bave 421VED tg tis te hs, Two e Dorr$osst et ubc commeill hldincp, lBrrk Strect, lYhtby. Where tbs.y inten<ltO.pay$taietatt.ente t every Orler t th&ey 4sl -(svora 1wih. Clnnecl and ,epuilîil4*,ll kiàdeotf>Viilnuety due. DUk1SwJIA1 in he;bLatest styles of Faqbion, uitli elîepureaawideopateh. WMliyTAprl$ 1, 1852. 51 3-M STORE TO RENT. "11 PiLent Wlithe Towas ofWbýiitlsy for onel ~Sari~, Menla B on u lellanti Coati, Do BlàékA ar do DO Blck AI do Do, Prineas de do Doe Canada Twred (Id Do Oroi Cio1th do Do Ctlesimpre (do On IlGiù%sn, Roland to Do Mnieakits Do Tavemle e Do Broati Clotis do Do Russell Cbiul -do -Men'a' Black Cicli ItesMs,- Do mXat-k Satin do De Fancy Satin de .Dolo itand do De Fane>' de Do Velvet de Do Marreillea do Do Iharathen do MNens e<Yoth Lisp,- I;>.iti de, lM 1 ,'s Paris reiv.eti Our Complete assostuent oetIl p Orinour custousers seJig ild to he CO French, and Ameriran Mrîketa, by ouri ,centoersa nd-the publie, a bein- tise )f Readv-maje Closingrand DryGereu iit «Il it,1Bran~ches) %GB FUINI8RIEDON THE< Goo ,~ u ,c, Tast e ever it l12ti i'.v Caut/i.-Thiqi,«l'J%' *lie, sud yen ' I -, ef * B'derPrpri'c, ew ic e rapper arosud t)pP o -f atdresaed U Cst d'4 J.0;. New York. nem-emuber and neyer bioy il ria me on Lise irapper, ileirarse!a à dan revë, clE ~ JR1'yf4rL U '.GWO fR'j il for $te aitise never 'it.>' tise. Lii,.r:-athisry tenleit asYeu ire For tt ure et (rom 5' -'J Il - 's 's 'i a s' s' s' s' s' READYUIADE -O'LOTHINC 4'1-2 6 61 9 4 4 1_2 s' 2 6 Satin, H New R~tylc Bm,4iness Coal DRY GC Printa, tati MOr Heavy Ginghlami Spicuditi Bonnet fa Strass' eners,,. Glorea, Ibciieryt R' HKdiilrs», Aril ceat sent, check'd4, irnd TableLi ssis, Qfilt Bcd Tick, anad ToiW cropm anti Materig tn<t' Robes, cap vei.3-1.] I3oy'sg Fancy Ves, Do silk do Do Satin do'l Do Cloths« de DorT*eede do Meus ~rIleainTreusers, Du L'tieranDffli de Do Ched'ýd do De Cordgiroy tic Do Satinget de Do Ciissisueres do De Bueliskin sde Do Deeakin. dl fil 66 0# de 44 J,. - 9 0 o- 0 o 6 O 0 6 3 9 s, 'j yard ide, frem 0 10 1-2 fFssctsiiY:atton,tam O 21-2 de do 5 0 712 Whitei do - 0 O31-2 <te do 0 O7 12 Striped Stshiriig," 0 4 1-2 bisons, " 07 1-2 Cottoni Warp, ' 4 4 1-2 1 I3 Ladvies' taî 2 6 tlsbena, Lce, hawtm, ifmd rehssrod Nnck-tiea, Flowets, i Ca p Frontz, M'siis, s~s F lair Alpaca, }Colar"'ikr $.aras , Ita, CounInerpaneaý ChCaba ourezs, D. aines, Nts, FraeGimxp; ri ,,,i rs iai for btoinuinz. IBrirDresSeS. ps awi Frock Bodies, 511k Warp Alpacas. - $coud Price. B3URGESS &LISMN Corner of King 4- Charcit Sirc",join tie cQrt Buse, Toronto. *WUrms, hout tise c nre , il if us.ed in -it ail iu6.smual tis e ater, an thentu s1stn action of tis se poiserE oe sausiuu a- nati sixit Re-rnembt der,#,xand. HARDWARE andak~ih~4ni 44, KING STRIEET, TOWLNtO. - - ordç lpT% LIT1 in the Town of WtIrr11Y, atac T Estîbscihen begq te înforrn 1w, eeep lge diacksml-tbisop lately- Cusaoiera that he isreceiving bis Ti~eais afavoîstable for eai-rin- n nu aoe BW8fft~ TOC 0W hED AIW extnsiv hrsineaad suerzau exceilenî JopensngFa l*y varions Vesacîs (roui sea, viz:-Lord George; te au egiterPriilg meeeic. on-eefi Bentick, Aune Cropper, St, Anslrew, NW*gaa, IJ.H. PERILY. have ViheinJh it b il, 1Jl aINV., 1851, Po ~gpriait wasre reai1y sfor.8asauyu Bnd ItKpr!iB!s a-»1! BwJas8 - 1in -~ ~~T Hosnu Os 5.1AWORTH, ~BY thse beg«inning or Mîidleeof Ju nskétersa r di h istlt la WHf'-XT! WHEAT qf YRJ!1 T'F ' suibascnbet, 1 ay p'thse îsgiast prre ii'n ,O)Gt 20,000 ihela -)f Fittrate s of G" iFALIi WHSAT, Jetivered at PORT 'leabnui huils WHITBY llatlsorf.on or beferetise 10*1hdayci ire- te Se <rai October ineat. - ully as Chomp SlIe is alâo prstparcti to mAiçzAP ýiçesou -For-t'urtser Whçiat,,Flour and Lrnaber, - consigned Iolew irYoîk oc. v1c>0reai. haîSIfer aiy .qnataulty of TIARLEVr .- .100 Cut .Affectiouse, likr sprbjg 'i'o..gls the siot frozen ls. 'beaut rbicis-ek beau-it tako ihappy,- buit for aneiuuer mil neyer seck ini ALTEU AIS0R srnprovenseni ote eis lherebv yl s rnjnry toêtla hes ks j ,bip here acce o.~ ,tdl sgr-n4rfu ,n&sep lwV ï< eeMcDoug( b rn t. 1r u1ioî trub*miw Ftnn(. jIw 1 - mikaq

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