LinzatiLry-WeIibav le M leauef A ret«r!ïdCalifornià n tg' Ohbftintat On INonda,' lat, taIrié. (lie aExpre!ss Stage" uf the saine firin, aa un its waa io Whitby, filler i vtit pasuengers, one outhIe fore wiîeels broke down a litile beyond, Drôoklmn, enujtyîng tose avthin on thie rond aide, bat fortianately dumrIng jnry bu nu une a»y furiber titan a triglît, avit bbce exception of,, Mr. Gu 'oftrutthe village out Mar- chester, Reaeir, avlo receiveti surne ijury, bu Iix irand iand aip mi, wiae are Irappy bu gay k hot hO eeriuusas avas expected. Again, on WVednrueaIay atternoon lait, the- coach firot alîuded lu met aitir a secondi ac- cident in urning te corner ut Brock ani Main strectîs, oppobite lte hlo ut r. G;eo.. Smith. »There awere ise'ennpas-, in clipping the follewlng>from the. Cobourg Fou gizybeaî, o!f Star. Among the. Tory >P.*.or te ro.wcigbing upwards eor 200 Po vfîee, thcre is 00e periodical at ieast, i TRO TOMA generorîs ta injure a distingaisbed publiecOOTOM R servant, altliougit polticalty opposed, et Correctcd czprculyrfori thieexpease uofbrai 1,andi justice. 'The Star r bas donc bonor ta itseif, anti it is 'ta e lîîbrci 96ls.1 bupeti thut others of the respectable deugs Oatuteaili er bbl 1961be 18 uf tlhe uppoltion Preas bu which the Star Wheat, lper bush. 601bo '3 b clngswillsoon outof mre same i Brlcy pet bush. 481bs, 2 beloge, illsoun ou ut ore batue i lier busirel. 5Ghbs, 2 notling more, follow its elflmple, Oata. per bush. 34'lbs, "MnI. HINCKS AND TuE , D". McON'AB lPeaâ, lier bti.,h. tiOlta, 2 ConR»E5Pu,E%)FYïCr-We some time ugo Potatücs, per bushel 3 inforraed cor rentiers titat re, iîad not pub- e0~~ b lisectheti' Correspontience ubove elludedtaL, Jeef per 1OOlba, 22 accutring M;%r. llinckiq ut selling bis influence 1Park, lier lOOlbs, 201 wiîSr C Menf lta effeeL Lthe liberation Baconî, per, lOlbs, 321 of Dorigal C. MNINa who aras iînpriaonie i Mutun, lier Ilb, O for libel, for tlie sinmple reacun liantae diti Toamb pier quarter, 12 nl believe it i lanthat arty aarfare wonlul Pork per lb, 0 nnt jiastif,' an allark ripun nîy man'a privte lrsrButlter, lier lb, 0O Cliaracler, minhIesilt a Minisher ot the Fîrkin Butter, lier lb, O Crownu. Proin an article recently publiait- Cheese, pierIli, ()O cd in tihe Qupb.e(.?zdtc, we fanti itithle Lard, pier Ill, >O biaî,emnî t f tNai brns toutLtlie taIse. Apples, lper btrsiel, -31 frna Ilîegfirtîng lu end. AccurdingltahitTurkev;, ceei, 34 raal iovr, sbuwing, lie first ried <o sel] CoGe enrcl, 1i Mr, Ilinefis tl r. Vaaehîtart, andi then I)uckm, Per pair Mr. V'aniua;r1 lu Mr. llincks. 'e muet Fo wl1, du0 sincerel,' hope tllat Mr. Ijinckis ailI indiel Eggtlier duzen, 0 MN ab for forgery, aaï lanve hiini ment u $ti-»v, pier ton, 25 Le 'ntirthr only fat abodle for msod a ,liper ton, 35 a coaulmnmae scoutiîdrel.' Pare %ond. lier corti, 12 %Vaaul piér lb. A M(lsnewaîîaper 1,ublialret in thùcPlea- 1Iides, dIopler Il3lbs 0O 4gand Jromtantic little vllage of Osinavta, aieothère are~ *jIag.aties pictursqrre, end laoucr's phd ure-skev' Ilim he lus avur<hyprfsinliuror- elor lu. anothrlifittis ivec i lu ta'tolluav- ing clr'gantîoanuier: "le docs nuL reqîlire au,' sitcliîpuiTs lu hiing 1dirî to notice in*Iis profession, asire» ha iorgrr nnezer of sengers un boardi, seren of wlîum were on I tients nIMP 11/an ire con. fiîsd liie if, the top, and inl turuing, tie kirig-bolt gave- attenld." %V(11, arc rin't wuîirîur ati l, ai- wny, upNettin; ite Stage ntb-the. dcc ut ,%Ir. tougia ave regret bthe tact. Ourr iigitand Smith. Dy,'tiisupelt tIWO vere irjureti - dry" luavu as thc rernz ricl>calil Dr. ucu utilmukli, aJ a emau, ntile bcpresent linie, we arc iatpr to %av. sencr gr eigbly, wbiose naitte we titi îlot learn. iha îiltb:Lraeib'lt oir Dr. Allaion ria% aitbis wayi'ITorontotu, b uiiaably- liecalîiay.' Ttbis n mark ut god attend a rueetitig uoflte lNdical floard, butconones nnnanlmbui;tr by' bavimg Isiic Ider diîlucahcd by tiis cuiluinîts of iris own Iews;îaj'irtr lu lîj oav'n d- accident, ilI bcre reeteti [romratatendinc.vnae ustr'l> vitiIe<ni ia Hiei face andtiglie side outliIcad isealso con- ageI ill l(. lirefîd.ý(atte> cideabi' colrîau,'. D. Clrk vec p aica ieturned Lto thadiantage utftîuîhing 1,' at tihe ecent-utfite accident, tantihy hli, ie r' laan valuaible aidIrle avunti ut tire twê asei t npwown. '11Ebe E ditur îaairig Pas- gers avere propetrhy attcltiedti .- lr. Alla- ei<rugrsrleiî ulsutnrcorlr y-ru tiratabout Rr;soi inerable t Lu peak eon ver,' gene-rouirtel rerrerates tire driver f()f th ire c I l ie Cru1îa-. InTri î fIl l ie Peler Larkuat, aviieau riered iandi, 1exreine ~laienes orut le t' evr, 'erlilrri. iteuti,'banid, troin ail biaise, a.% tire aridetit idi a Mate of utxruriancie, iariIrle bartests trihi was urrv oinz n crconanes tat llilitbe' nrlIiired in at tl!1na: a itie. BlirIltth, waspireyowit;lcirnamtanesliatuiglu Wht appears lu lur sotn, flua' grerît staple happeri at anybtione. Titus carde a ftrinLa uofut -or Ii!taiini'ri being B"'ye. In rassirag accidents <bat, we hope, avilil neer ialoun Ltre ro;à dý severi graitr fir'i:l. orut f ler aosis uceur la' Whitby. There are n" are groaaing Blye, wbicb uaviuu toho lit hîgi four 5<t a an raning dail'ou te No-utern irice It alivavu naintans in ire Kingctoi rout, ad utîtIllepreentwe av arkctî, it a muacîr licter payirug crop irail roue, nt nuil ir prsen ie b'enover Wiet~a. A gouti de: rlu Pesa iirve aisu iteard of au accideýnt uccurring lu art,'ut tciwen rr oellier ivit tlr!'usual quanltv thein. uf (ats. If W heat b c oavu at ail, it rrbu', -~---, ce on new landi, lar frur» te ps onru Ti ii J AIL D<Coca- blT h e tit ravel ler. 'irIe Il1;y Cropî uilstn- architectural dea r tht Ilese l3uîIttngq Ic.,ntfnlsy lItl.actvin ki' .reaîlv imprua cd tireur. Potatues ar-e presented un tIse 1ru.visiunal Councîi b>'y P . t J itrefri ue arlprni. Frcderick Cumbierlandi Esq, of Turontoe' aei n a avidthe, irtr tule uit IpromilI anti accejited -b,' tiat boely are beautiful, tûlly Irro'e te aerage ot past years.---_ anti aieriembdied itn brick anti aone avilliVII9 be a credit luIrle Counîr nt'Oritario. litle FirE.-About eleacna u'clock. on r-a-ur- Jai iý% Lu be 80) w 40) ufQueeton istalt,day niïpirt la-t a fire lruke eut-in lte rear wiîli rouuA iruat., and tige Courtt îoue i, orT3 ta ivrr, un Xongcejtratet, talacit tîirraliened Io u ire nrtflin, lifs ur'qhîie. te bi buiïlt crirtusu aa'iliraaexîndn, 11,4r,111 O C A! :urid tl li ' atuses mc-.r.. heri 'à largei'ples te main body>, wavitra large ;rurtruirue-co 'nh r ali,îiedl auli udn lion i11-Lire centre surroautated Iy a cupulo is1renph t thie conflagratiun. Eurtunately- or dame; te aviole te ibe boitot-wigwtu te trgt as cala», utlerwise il wouud bct bric ani (lîmecLoe, nd bth uiling mrpossible bu caidulate lte rmrount ut da- brik ad Ouo 4on, nd ort Buldiým ma,,e avîiir avoutti baavebeen dunc. As if routed avitin, &ira i aas aviîli litegrtaest dificulty that th e buildin> :aiVctraStreet avere saveti. On S'aborda,' laxiIris Lortâiaiti, te aeulioiivcuag4vb ut, Tuitunto, ('ount De Cibavtarboir-*ît C. Bislrop of*int,, ntD bab .tire siightest Enýaterl,' breeze. Mr. A. , II- îîeli, arrireti in -te tearer;4Admra1 at Smith, (irocer, avas a sufl'erer to the Itltount Por W*itbe wercbc a.%waic-du*o I ofsoute five bundratd dollars. - He bad rnu Por Witb, viereit aaisavu»J uonb> anuance. Tht. firemen tidtIer-dut,' nu- alarg andi respectable assemblage Of hix bi,'. -BeVs istdblîi ae insuareti. lite diock, headeti b,' te Rev. Mr. Pronit, avihojcause at tire tre ,originatiag in te-stables eacorleti binai o the. Roman Catholiec hurcli e ave ai.nut ieard, but it ought te be en- in Osirnaa.avier.. irmediaela'Iron is arli. jbiei n1-~zic val lirepreacheti an elegant sermon. On iii. Sanda,' folloaing be alonristered the. sacremntuao! couflrnaatiun tb a large aUr-ý ber anti in tite atteritoon spoke ta hie people ou tii. sabjeet et tempcrance., We learai ltat'over oee itindreti rec eived lte pletige at hie bande. Tite procession as il pass et throuiglr W'iitby maade an impusang appear- -e re ean bte,,ptocediragso! a meeting in, Mýr., Ta,'lor's, ward'lt>aIttaet genttlemnan bus bee n uaiimonaiy-suel.aiod b,'te Wb Mocf biseomtiusels ag I8s ie impudent ând bere-fac.d isterfereuce of Faewell and- Gis of Oà mtwa andi liteir plieà tt11e arinsuent, Micbell. -An eqital,' important part of te preceedainge aillilb. foundt l cossiel in a resolin to do aiva, witb thte "~rd , stiem. TWs ie a grievace it is ,becmiag moreobaoxueuse e.., day, sud te - IlIt vbiclt Parliamént -b.d to pmride 1a sIaue lanlte hzmprveil Mmnic'pat Act lu '1wpeople-to et ri o twitb.r"ter Iac.J-y 7LrougIu tir;,systintebwa j«iméaW byésuy, tà wahips wi"ttbottie rosuhly 'eijwog ils ultimate e<Secte tOn à M#Yim" cspq>-it te EA i' TaAVE.LLIIaG.---It is coutlail ed lu make thet- entire raoning tinte, froru Newv York to Chiîcago, di6tance about 1,- 073 miles, in '43 btouts. acfie. C0â MKETS. thse Patriot. ne, 2,152 d' 6 'ta 0 te 9 tob 4 tu 6 to 4 to 6 te 6 te 6to 4to .5to to o ta> o to 0 to 0 ta 0oto 0 t'à 0 te C ON S IM PT TON1 0t 20 ~3 10 2-3 2 9 25 0 26 3 37 -6 0 9 0 4 O 7j 06 4 0 46 2 0 2 6 2 6 0 .6 27 6 45 0 16 3 17 6 E very tiory k lonvs if a flaîîerilngtdibeg.e. Ion- inences andi o~e~ U fiduiithst hefore Uri i a warc ol il, the, lunga art&s ms f ulceri, lier: a tîJexpos,,ure norccha tge hum heboat i d, a. its~a infl1amyn.rlion, and i n a few daya or w,eke, il id n.i thore.die!iof hasly L'onsrmp. lion. For afl trolubi. td wîh eough or linq cura. i lit e lto:.iit relti o hm 1advertiaement on the 0 .n,*l ..j' t lJo0 hemacrai Extrmet o.f 1ýcirv i! a i :wrà rt." whch Je isud :o br a :era:i:cre lot Ilssawfui disease, 'clion.-A Iloibirabave. name tiles are toid orily irv Coraitwk & Broither, 9 John t.,4Ncw York, lu whcm a1l ordera innat b. direcied. I4EAGII & I>AUL'S (j1:I:ii~Al'I.D IR.SE and CA'T- TIAl' i 'N ~,recoininendect to îtho publie by th11w Ofikers of the Provin- cia ArzicutraiA*soiaon, onti a great of utr t oer gentlemen, for $ale by J,& mlrs 1l. < lRl Druggist, Whilby, andi M.4în< BuBîSsoX, Jirooklin. NOTICE. .10111 Whitc, resçpecîfully an- t îiourice lu lie publie of Whitby and i1ler lrfrîtm country', that 1 have on bleý a luig;e ý4upply of CAOBAGE PLANTS, CAUWFLOWER, ikofla, &c, und wiJI conrtinue tohave durang the stamon. 1'riee a* low as possi ble. \Whiîby, Ma>' -Z9, 1832. 7-t AUCTONEER I11 GEOIWE ;Mc(GILL, 1Lktud Mjc- tior, begs tu arquaint the public tht hel, 1,omw vrepare I b i.ntlrrake al business in hie unte, iradqsrono h ma no4tt ers Appty at the Il"Reporter 011e," ,wheu otti;1 GEORGE McGlLL, Whlihy June 20th18 t52. 14 -ly. BO0OKS! BOOKSH * , îîpîrhorî.-ntd baç openet a new BOJiOK SOIPin WXVIii]B YVIL-. LAGE, one 'loor Elî t Mihir, »EI GER-, itl'IS DRUG STORE, where ho jatenda kerp- mag constantly on harbil a gond anad weii aelecîatd s*tuck ci BOOKCS, STA i'ONARY, FANCY wili *en v ry iow for caieh, or ready pa.' Aril.tion ha id, obtain.d on short notice. D. S. bSTARU. Whiîby 21iet. Sune 1852. 1-y LOSTO 0N or abouthe 5th of June instant, a Note ilà fer or of gym. Robinzoa of £1. 15.. currerre, madie ty Robert Morrow. The flotter ýiil1 conter a favor, by caalng lte sare witithlite Subuiiker. WILLIA M ROBINSON., Wliilay, June 25 185Z.1-1 KOSSUrET RATS1 ,I.N Eltensvë suply bas just arrived, TI*OMPSON, PEARSON'& CO. hibMay 12,41862.,51! TO SCHOIILTEACHERSU IN OT1CE ts bereby given tiaîlt4 PART- itSJhzKIP btbet ei ti ween P. A. 'IIANTIOforf mmo Iîhol. cglonNo7, 11RD esud JOS»uJK WRIGHT,unadeîb. Firm W ANTO fr CMMO ScoolSerionNio7,ut Muai, & Wa'IaiI, bas titis day dissov.dby SWîîîr.ay YsttAnt, a Qealifled MAIt.t mtata tConfent. Tz,%cîsa. Nobneced applyi,'maes 'ealn Pro. .A U- duc te'lirmoiale ase u ornal eharscer andt ieir J. W- fRIGHT abihil,' hoRASrER, &c aPrince Albert, 3June 7, 1852.10 JAS. WALLACiE. tismxz.l1 -' P,e-Tbubsin.,, aili haeooliaiaadl'y X; Whitlîy, June 9, 18b2. 9-'if. WRIGHIT. 'OF Té be Rentedý-ý TOCETIIER . fl SPARATE.Lv, rpîu' rU mjnd PI!ÀtiUsry situated ini p x ow, LtN.15, andt frmerlykoowxn as the N3rougham 1P1iu, caPale ai going to workim rmedîalely, andi Wcll ariapflot for an Oalmeai cknrern. The PitilIy is inr gooti order. and la' e e:rotgh for 30 UMh' oe Vaity. The Waî r i. nilofcient 10 iverage grinding 100 B,'uhel f' Whttla ç1th mamne lime. Ther fi. a FA RM swarhrd, wîth about, IOO Acres cieuret, which wouldbe blott rentôtu bilu t 1 good Tenan. Crolm s othebgroutud wooid bd suid nt a Vaittatîon. oe Year's Wood cut for the DweilierY,1 wbk<1 at Ten-tnt couid have for the value on lrd. A ppiy to N. & Il. IIOWELL. Pirkcring, May 17, 1852. 64n TO BUILDEIS, 1 i. Subscrribqr rcapecttulyinForwrpar- lien Bluilig, thair heid prepsred 10 uppiy aury quanrir v of In Iundlets of i£hc usual Length&. The6e Lath aWitt i-e lounni nhcap)cr, con ie mr rapitît, laid on, and ailI aive tretler satistacîiun thon mhe commuai Split BoarI1 Laîli hercltore in noBEP.T wiGmORF., 5Nu. 14. 51h Con.' Pickerinag, 1 m tite East utf'I'hompsn'u Ibide. Pat'cn.rang. Jonc 16,1l832. 10-34o. HOUSlïE & LOT FOR SALE IN WHITBY.ý 'IIHE Subseriber offers for Sale n Lot, on wlieli ie retedi a Ntw Dw £aLLrMO Bouse. avit eser,' neecuary arrrrra<enl 1cr eonnlorî antd corrveiiiice. For particuaas as to tnrnu, &c., apply ho ILOBT. GARTSHORE. WVliitly, June 19,18M2. 10-3srm. NO. 64.-BY-LAW To prevent tie sale of S,'riritucaq ",qur zeù,houîLiccase. E i ncelby <the Murticipalit, o!fltme BTowship of Whilby, rrhet froinansd atter the pussing o! titis 13y-Laaune pmao wibhiu tIhe limits o!fttis bManic'ipaiiîv u8talibe allowred tb sel, vend,or reaie, beer, wine, aviitke,', ram, brandy, 'or an,' other epiîntu.. ou.u iqurs;1 or.keep a aouse ut enîertaiauuont for 'rending te same -, ititijt a licen se bW 'anti obtainted frumth ie proper amaitrity fer thtt prpose. A ntinu person violatin; or oïeuding, against te atoresait provision iriai, fer ever,' suciroffence, -forfeit any Som nt 4i<le discretien of, lte aalrates before aviom- te offence ina,'6e Irreti, eut more tin the suru of fave poundut togetiter aviti costs, %ucit fine and coabts receverable betore an," ovo or miore, iagimtrates, Justices -e lte Peace, 'un Lie catit of oae credibe i..iutess other titan, the informant, urnd'in del'ault of puyntba avarrant ut distes, shail is3ee ag'ainst lte gois and chattela or the personý or eentvtctei, 'or the ods and cita ttlis aithir>lte boue thte, oflence was cemmitted, wvietiter thre person or peettons là kneava or not, anti sae titereof shall b. madie, and if nogoda andi clattels eau be round te satisty tie fuil amotunt etf fie sud casts,7 the ofiender or ullenders ,to 6e cooemitfrd to te eomrnon gol for aîny lune not, excoedin- baent, dys uniese lite fine and cosI e b sooner. puid, snob fine vscoverable onder titis By-L&wf, ont mioîet,' te ie paid to thme in- former.or proeeetor, and theit. her ýa e paiti over ltirte Treasuurer wikbma tirent,' days aller te receapt thereof. Be it furtite nated, b,' the autirouty' aforeaid, t hat By-Law No 62 shaRbat and te sarne , ibereb,' rept-aled. I. T. 11arimn, -Ierk. "r ~ Pissed Ma,' 22,1,. 741.. " 01 be ut limyearm <gH.Subecriber w ould cal! thS attention of 'i ricustomers and lbe public tu, bie vnried Stock of .7rew Goeds Consisting in Part of White Cmpe& Exhibition Shawls Mousliu de Lainte IMuslin Dresses, Siik & Satin Parasols, Printa, Zebra Tweeds$ Susumer ClotiS, American Cottonis, &aC. , &C. rriccs aa- liadc lower ti an au,' Weloe, Store witltin the limits of te Costy Trowo. THIOMAS DOW. n ôpeet t lg the saWsen of xg11m- par' off titi Ponts sî inte atessb iereOa seiefou.aint ; spd, tinIM lte thre proceedeof sncb upecilazt.e, appli*dt i oua 0LU $Oiely Ibulbe payalpent 4M utig(a.îion of! eude.. Iet orid benture,suth. nerettreoaau afiSmaiti, un- a&Ceo01he S! li the wble ol C cli ebentresad thit xîuasee given p t thereon as aleeid shah b. psittiii fuit, - Allit vii 7tb.-TbaLttis Jj'-Law *sIt couic into frceê and ake effect on, frot» &uM aftei lte Sevcoh> tbtid<u dayof 8eptembeiti1he year ofour Lird on. îhou- saeatcgtiundrett andi flfty-two, snd nul ne!ote. 9SQIED UL ,AI Referte t l in lte (ereging By-Law, andi forpi- lut part leiment' G.iT 198 o! a penny in tIhe £ inI £669 trt v W to provide for TeWtI lm2 46 t 1853, 642, WaaNs;n'C Ma, r 1872 - 154 62 'i'a 1818- " 1854, 624 185 di ' 18 55,~ r _ a -l' ' 154t JO, re~ ~7 Cox. Wî ý 1 1 ABY-LAW Tor y. tm uy OfLan tesuIs £6 O O and i Z -st ,o M nr mb e soi h of Twel rrtg fdseetion fa court J*un m ' awd - aol in COJNT YOfONTA RIO.ý WJ EEASit t. eqe 'die«4 tto .81, biy way of Lon, thé tim nof eS i luvà n> Îfs 1 f roeuring à Site, and oet eeîtU & .LT q Rouetz and G<boLi. n te u i. z oqz Wurv,0 In lthe CoMy of Onti,,and ti il iI Tquir the 'arn of Sine Thousand 8ev., Rutirél Mi1k115'y Poriridt, go te raised sa aperisi rta -for Il py ment o! snch "on antei Uc teicet tbkrof, with Sn Twerny leirs (rora thé Srnnth ttaîof 1 Septemibcr, 1852, sfolIots, tll t o e»y- £M l inte Tsar '185* 642 Il Il 1858.,' 6 88 i"l 856 490 " leu18. 46 " 1«3162. 444 " " J864 421 " as 1860. 4M " " 1866. e72 " " 808. 354 " " 1869. 1 3W6 " 1870. 218 " " 1871. Andi lbait Mount of rattalîle propeal, ini th adCoupy 01 Ontario sai o thef Uic rt» t Oi llin-ou r lidred snd FUiy-pntr&Thou. âganrl Seven hundred & ixy Pounds sedvidue for th. yearof ont Loid One Ibonsand i Jtbî n- dm1d sudPif ey-one, and it wi Il requir. the arvei - ratas in thetindon nd nte-chdj e to tnnexcri markcd A (andloi mimg parn o i tis' By-LAw), uron sucb rsteable poperty à ma tape- cial rate for the psvmnenî ut siti leterest, snoi £>r the ceiluon or a 4ining fend for lthe psyune»t pi lté priteipat oi-inchloan, 4ufdit i, î he à m' qwirernenîontibeone itundredandevnîy.iewnh %eetion or the Upiîcr £Misda IHUaicipl Corpora- lions, Ac t fl49. ae'ùisdW ed«L>y the VppcrCe-t. nada MNuniciptCorpoWudl'87"atrediaw Aet of 1831. snamn Bo il therefore enlee byUathfovitional, Mii- fflcipal Cbuneil of the County.of Ontauio, 1ilt.-_That il shals nd vrsy he iéwfutotand (ar the Prpvsssoaf Warden o! lie ssid Pro4onai 'l .Munscpsi Côupcit, ltermiUwse yW or loa, t s rare ofj inleresu not excecding six per erîura pet anntumrirfrotuny pernon or persane, body e CoTÇ rate or pulic, Whto MAY bc wliig lo arvmwe iti same uapop Ihe <redit o! 11w debrturegetseiare. 'r n iojîed , s asU l m o f W o n q l ot e a ted i nt a I th é O whole tit. tum t fSix Thonsarti K>inds, sud to- qu' -mause lthe aame tlieh paiti into lthe bandi t fîhe Provitiouut Traawrero i the sait! frovlsional Mu- icipai Coùaecii. hai 2i.-That il athaill nd rua,' bolawful lu and for theuli Proa'ieiodal Wmrden ta cause or ditect hI1 anY nuaibeortdebourei Io bc made out i t rsncb h t surna Qr auraofS raoney net execilin'g inthe whole mes» t îThoumanti Pountis,s an,' pmon or eolor, l udv corpoiateor poliîc, èitalagredru dvaer n 01 ttecTl t suckidebetrlore;1vlbich hall ne isoueti under thie coramon seat of lie said Proi(isiotiai MunicipalCotincii,and sgneil ly ute Provisionnl Wsrdcn and Provisiônal teri, elle! mode out in surit mansier andi tort» sud paya- it. mt such, period oeu eedinqg lwersty yeart,ss thesasd Prnvaional Warrien fha 1id4eg experieni ; pruvîrleti aiways neretlirlees, lthai 1Me sali deben- aites *hall not h madie payable any sooner titan bis 13v-Law pruviaes or i s lng rmotte, fortheir 3dmî. ýr% h nèetoiihdbnue llC herd.-Tiest theirtre ô on sait! âebentnresa Te payabe, a heb.olifento! lel nid Jrbrsn érbeand rer a heve atl ame iiof te *aaî 6eya su cit mr e ared eu"c , be1ig -iwtaîth rt of tre lid unePt 5ais Thousand Punîls, a-hall b6 psid allthh. nid Provi- u îonalTreasrer'. utfilein fasetasd every ynri, th tiait puymer: lgb.crmade en lth e ceath day (Spîcia r ye'aroi our Lord one îhoumn riht beadre a mcd gfty-tbwer. J' 5tl.-That lthe murr» of.Six Tborisend Pounda chen no prd iota the banai 01 tkq " mw!vitkm 1and 'reasrirer, asbà l 4 a*M1î o 4,ugwll e u CxpcnWsa et eectisig a Coo't f nd GaoIfor coi he said CoannyuofOntario, andâet puriog a site -Ri3 '~ < ~ As Boneto, -Paraso., IM Stock etf-,DomtrsicDry Ci"d 36 inch JHa 't her M i ro;wrtion.,, STO CI Consi8ting inpart a'hieh avare &i upoed. is $pdîe iartwar & rckryiveyconq iti.ed -fer,(tmo.,Vt.ycd The extensive, patronage outi-i as inereues.tIur, nxiety Jo:attsh We caiasure out friesai l i igh ciaracer, anti til deerve lita' Ste wu hure openei an Entablishbru Anti trt [ren&,let Ontario Houi Juit Arriv .fresh st(ppy Of 'OFFEZ RICE id te et