Ontario Reporter, 10 Jul 1852, p. 1

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Lt ~** ~ F. ~tit ta PUI34dSIID EVEWIY SA.TURDAYiMOlNING. TUS $1%ILL[II VER AN àJi- AVAiNCF.. aa nuta, anm t"lakotbite#waz iaaifroreat t. moe- Trme. WITBY, CAUNADA fat y be cun..ult.ýd -lai ly for a) daseueaffectinc the ArIfiealTe1b ntrirtcd on tiold P loie orilivot, Froo,4 Oie lafn ire Sett. QLc vr~andl.Svm;'s S'turner o! Oohnwa, X«v. Itî. IS51. 3-l De. David Tucker Norwnýod, Ot. 25tb.l1. _2'8-iy NOTARY P UB LIC, Comînhsiofler of tht court of Qucns oeh. ISSIJER or MýXAîIA IENSES AND_ Acc*,u-NANr. 0l1ire near. îhi- Court 11ause, Village of M A?<lIlTiRTownshîip ohflA , . . rrl4NIAS (Jommiincr of Qures Bel For takiez Affidaits. Broiffklrn. Sept. M, 1850. 22 tf LAW oFFIOfl. 81-J.9 MACDGI4ELL Attorn v andi onolin.S &c:. . &c WJH ITBI Y. t:Orii-e up catair over the.' Cbr.quered ïl tir,'. lRCK-SrtlEET, WII!TI3V. INSURANCE OFFICE. \JAMMS A ÇA CIF 'czt10Ilifilliate ta ebas ucti~n appo11tî.e g.î for the PRDIVNMUe LMl l"L & JW.NI:IL lI and lthot hé e îprpparf)l alck î i at he (nri Ttet,tii e lte i»rt, Ilft giil&TARYW.N lAii 1.raoches of .aiCompatny. V.hîthv. t tepvrdierJM. 21-tf. ýWORKNIA N B RO THFR S & Co No. 86, KlgStreet, Toronto. L. IL. SChIOFIELIJ & Co, BRITISH MDANUFÂOTURES, AD D i>ELiU119Ii WllOLE3.ALE AUD lETIIL. Wlitby Village, Jute, 18fl. CAIIPtlETO-N LY NDE, WHOL-s-ALE AND RETAIL RANGlNGS,&e, e MANrFACTF 0F OLE,. VPPER. AND) IIARNEsýS LEATIIER, &,. Cath pid fnr HIles and Skint. iWkeat, Oua$, pots -and Pearl .1sks. Whîtby V, illaire, 7tt Juin'. l1Sf-(» S T FIF, Subscriber ipt prepaied to make AIWANCEtS IN CA-.il naaPOT 'Alf! JP2AIIL ASIlES ciftivneîlta o Notreal. ItOBEAIT H. LAWDER. Pot Wiby 1sf Augnabt, 1950. 14 W91ISKEY 1 WHISKEY!1 .500 BAItÈELS lPORTDO RWha JO" MARTIN8 C0, D#ULD MINNIS, Prupitto. SCA.RBORO'. ALEILDRI TIIIPSUON, Proprlieot exeslltrat accemmedatioes for travelltrs. Gôo 8tabüiog for Horst. I1 W1H4IT BY SADi B RY IAERS, COLLkR, AD ?IEU. bF#'bter h b onssntly ta hamd the j.RAmibvarticlît, whidht c il setliLeap for etth or credit. RO-BRT OÂITSKORE. Whibl, lune l71h.1850.8 in Âho4. s hliné prouiptly executeti. Ap'ai 19,alsb o a an EXTRAURDlNAIIY DEVELOPIENTS. Tilt CýLBTItATtD -COMSTOCK M1EDICINES & CHEmICAL PREPARATION, 80 well known-in Canada, bave heen abametully counsterfeîted and, distributed ini Canada, byllie ver>' persans, Who, aver Ibear own Agtsaturet, lhave admnitedihtuaiDr. Lutcavis S. ComzTncIC of Newv York, is the on.y Proprietar. Tiies.' article-s ire lat-The GREAT PAIN EXTRACTOR, (Connela;.) euring ail Burnis,andall External l'assis andI Soie#. OnII.L F COLUM3J4, for Staying and Reetoriîîg the lf îman-Uiir. 3rd-UE IW SER VE _I ONELIMET and IN1DLIN J:JGET4BLE ELJXIB, a Crt.foir nul I-bi-iîatitma 4ih.-IPM4R'S L, Zu <"arc all Peaf Persans. âttî-J11V'LINIMENT, a weIl knowra cure for ibe Piles &C. &C.- 6th-P R. N 1 0 ls, $S;1 C'K IIEI.4CHle 7th-MO VIER'S RÊEEF, for ail Wamera in thiîr, mly wss1'. Sh-L0YNG1, E Ê' SGIZEAT lWESTE.RN INDU1~I d. IE 1-.Fur Cold»sand fe-rerisit feelings anti pjevi-iitirîg fevers,- 2. For Aâthinua, Liver Cotîpaint iand Filîuasi affeciioris. 3. For Diatihcra, lndigesîiien ati Loïso a Appeitie. 4. l'or Costîveios in fennal-s antimia lsandinervous conîpiainta. 5. For Stornaih atlitiaî, »ybpepsia, l'ut-i. Rheumnatism, &c. The ireïst points are, ii la flot badl a lale, neyer givre ain, and nre- vivl.aveseii tnt.motve. 9th-Dlt. JMIITJOLOMIEI'S J7iVK SYRUF for ail ('outlex or Cnsumpllon. 1 (J1h-KO LN$T0l'O K'S ERJMIFGE (Worm -KiIfr) for ichilaren or raowrî pesots. 11 th-NR9 . B R W N'N8GRE T PIN KILLIiR.-'ôoîatdîianiai h 'îa tiian-ova.r- ml 11that su rhappil>' sida p14tl in use interialy as i.rops to liai akins, andi yet peritaîrri suat- ivonduerts whPin ap1îlirectrimally as-a Wasîî or batha b>' riction. Ailthe l1emeiex are fuliyeitibcd in l'ampli- tas, to lu- cîren Ioaail %,410o<st a . .GDMRRZDS Druglr . Errqirfr the GEN1CR.L FAMILY IIIRECTORY ke..1itni-:î aîn,',t thet. rntiel 4.1 nsimsg thei. b>- whliehl t rîirîaary Sickies rnay lac iîri-nteil or seehy ý,retnoveai, tititou l1h.' .xpeny f- the Famîl Iiysicand tiSeveui- Ia:îgerous Diiteabs Cored, E vo.ry<arnil y ïsidt, a re rutlly ptest-e 1lîii.book.- la nef-i isait liianv îriedîluswanied-nutlî2aS ln tit partîrniar article iindicaît-4 yti vit,-curîlaiuýt. ald aLaaiii ml tale rtIc±ireniedy mn>aiwfuaya ba- Ih-cl. W. L-. 'E JAMES 11. GBRW1E, Da IJGGIST y M5ain Street, Whilby Vigagi-, Who is apýoii.ted Wholesale & Ietail X,-1 W.' C. S4-'WEET'S CELE BRATED - Ftanily iMudicines. IIIVATO CIIINXESE ýBALSÂM.ý CIR SoSre Thinat and Stornacit, Coughs, c o'ld¶, Clolic Pains, Whooping Cou.,h, Crouap or Ratite, &c. .ý*>NELET'S FAMIY CURATIVE LINILMENT. Cures ail Pains!! Ciamps Nunibne##, Agite ini the Fare, Nervoufi Headiandt bth Ache, Catw-qu Quinsy, &c. .S W EET 'S -NFALLIBLE EYE WATER, Cures Sorq, Intlarned or Weak Eyes. It tomes Weil recommended. Try st. -TuIE RIXG 0F QIL-S, Cures «Il Ulcerated Srs hiban,&c., endi. infalfible for many externat diseafes. Try it, you will flot regret it. Tif u ONLY ummiqUALLEi) MKDXCI!NE. SWEET'S CrELEBPt.ATED BLACK 0ILtS FOR. ÎIORSES &-CATTLE!! The Wte nd rheapest meédirine known, and is -Well recommende by gentlemen of net own corin- try. Ail iba baveutsed il peak well of h. For tesîime2niali, cmli for a pmpbtet. Tue Iollowuagi cetiicate i. from E. W.,StepbesenionEq., Mayor of st. Catitarînes, Canada Wemi. Ma. W. £. SwZxar *$»a eses PCIL.-l balve for mati> years used Sweet9à laek oils for Herses, and aniafely rcommndit tothe Public as a firsi rate pre1sration for eratchez, ¶alls, ento, britim, dp n ita n fact,s$ores of ai l ifris. it is to bt m fdin lit bi contry, andl the 4eàand mla 1 r 1 i~.~ bave used mani>'pr.paratioslfor borts, but the preference 1 give unheitatioldeto 1the celebrated BlackkOib', maoutaçtured by e C. sweet, Rochexw#, N. Y. I woild adviie .very bouse ownertIo keep a boule of the sbove Otbeon hem, is tîmely use wil save time and mne.>'. NEW RATSI ! fflîîNEW BATS 1 ¶'IE nhabitantt oh Whitby and neigit- bourbood are arforfmed thattibois Silscribper tas no1w 10 land bis Now Spriug UtOek. cton- lainr.g ail the NeW St les an lPOLI5l, FuesCit and AMEMtcAN FIHA'S. Also, te -elebratcd Ko-isith fIat, now li ain ach gîetdemanti. Genitlemn vsiing tbis flat Finpoium, will see te greateat amsot- nient in Canada. JOHN SALT GOLON lRAT. Torante, .pril lati 52. 5-m NOTICE. 4e LI, Persons Indý,bted ta the Estate af 2> le late PCter Perrye are hereby n0ified that tPnîIessthey mniaktnilic- difîte p(tffflent cf their respective Pehfis, Leg-al 1roccedÎng.s will bc taken again ithean. J.V. IIAM, Age,~nt of the .Izecutors. wlaîth>, 2Oîhs De-C., 1851. 34-tf -- ONTABIO MA RUEL WOIRKS, WOLENDEN -St00., 31ANTACURER an DEA ERSin 1 V/i ile. ,rcr-n, Blvc 4- Variegaietd Marblef, (' entre Talles, Staiad-Top%, Chimney.Pieres,- Saifji' Sxat ati, Stnîtils, paint $!ome, &C. FE't.rv variaI>' aofIVARE!WORK donc In a Oupetiri- Ftyle. of the Seat llatenhalo andi N.B.-. & o. tz lu a li tlt-y lave i-. '-onnictionwi¶h mv uither Etibliçbment,ari ttley import tlheii M arVe from tht weillfameti Rutlanti 7,os. lWilsn.x Marlcitain Village, Apent. Se-ptv'rnliier 10f. 551. 21-If WII'1ITI3Y AGENCY Or TUE 11OME OFFIC~E.... .TORONTO. Capital-£ 10,000, Il.%-SU Aftt.S OP Tr,%-.Pol:xnS :ACII. TIII COMANY having beîi duly orrani7ed, Fcrding te îlw 'erms of iii Charter, la preparéd tb iseue POLICIES acaist LOSS or DA24IAGE by FlRE, lipon IfEAL or I>ERSONAL PROPERýTY of ail kinds, on as favorable termâ as other responaibie Companies. The following gentlemn compote the Board cf Dîrectora, whose nâmes are a sufficient îtuaantee- thai tbe business tianasactions of the Comnpany will lie canducted on the mon thonorable pinea- Vples, via-. $,sac C. Gilm9ri i ugit Miller, Thomas -iawrtb, M. P. Haya, George Miciie, Win. 1lenderson, James Beatv, lRice Lewis, andl ýobn Howcuit, Esquires. lsaac C. Gilînor,- -- -- -- --Preident. Thomas Haworth,- -- -- ---Vice-President. Robt. Stanton, Esq.-------- Sec. and-Treas. The undersign e-4 haviiig been appointeul Agent of the above Campany, will uve persotiat atten- lion Io parties desiroua aiofeeinc Indurance. JAS. WALLACE, Pire, Lufe, and GeWl I nsurance Agent. February 5, 1852.- 43-tf. Insurauco1. Imuraaco! THLB Substrihers' haviug heen appouated Agents for the Etna !osiirance Company or! title, .T are prepard tu receive appiicaliovtu for 1rsuraince. Froan toc bigb ebaracter of te abcve Inntiuion, anad tbe low rates of Fremium, we are ronvjuctd Ibat supef icri acilities are now offe-re<i for lomur- anceto tte libabitants of the New Ceuni>'- a( Ontario.-, .THOMPSON, PEARSON &o Ontario -House, Whitby, Nov. 12, 1851. 31-tf. rIE SUBSCZIIBEPLS are now ne Ceavin &ore, thW fipriogmaupply of GRO. beliere not. I wlll tell nDes, if I may se ternii tes. In tite rude -1 )f life, we conte home v* ýhçlter cf quiet conifo le me, after the bardl an .1 say tepbarp ire anc eURugeto. ,COuMODO, 'W a that 1 titre sha tuedt anxuiety. Nly »m11 t)Iobicg ri» * rchîild. Andi I feu a tht cause of My eom~tr tie Of the perfect 5001 wi a mipti mullieti by to feel. [Appulause.'] -b myself cf tuat iaip d therefore l say-,ý< The Babe aztd tl& rget.me-uaot. -.Mr. -!n_4s~31,Y the bta A babe, Who, like Ise operîho; uai, Gresv <airer dey i<l>,vuc Matie friendshu i Uil.h îLe vinggawers, hope tý Amid bisannPtýy. nicatio And thauti Juil Mîî't a ce gents plant Gover Disploy'd is cýora brigl; tli ae Yet watt the Mcck *Èoçeî.Me-ntthv Hetîook bis cheif tirbt. _ onyc Fromn te-aei îihbqe, ment. île cutlt i§isfaetî*l.cem, and be Weîî plea.4ed ils iawl)r lip-4 10 kise, Hinck Andl geually elaap adi tem. $0, wh, en ta dreafflelêreui be sant.- bers oi For s#n, on i tra qem ne That danlan; friend, Flargeî-me.aict, oit Waa on ba bosM laid. oat - upon il And when, besidtthe motherea coucd, eîd ou, Wta weepetb for bis salie, -h Somne vision ai bas l-aivenl>' joy -h Dalla mîditiglai darîkuesi break, formee H. canaeth %vith a cherub $amile, bore G in garmnenta of ie, biet, frnl Anti wi-aretb a Forget-me,-niol *füllv d Upan lis iiil-as bréaat. hope t ________-that t flOUSE 0F ( C fM0NS. ing thte .June 7th, 185.2 - wer fi TItIF. IITISII AMEIICAK UAILWAY. ter the Sic 1-1. Vernn wiaîed'to ask the Colonial no cou Sccretary, slîether the Icîter addrcascd ta men fio hum on Mayl it, by the IHonounable Mr. learnet I-lincks, andi whicla ivas publithed, in the cidenti Timtes of May' 3lst, ls uuthértic; and, if it owingy is, whetlier lic is able We giv.e to the bouse I truai an>' infornin or txp4nation -oh the cii- te cnt cumistances uander wh'ch iL %aw~itteir? occiar 'ir J. 1'aking«tara-1 cari assure the bion. non tu baronet, Who LInS pu Ibis ucIvtion 10tme. dayac that bo far froîn having art>' objection te an- niî-ed. swer iî, I he! grenu>' inuiebte to thlimfor sure i: having, afforded me an epportuîaity oh giving [n con tht explanation lac bat requi,î,eul. 'Thetc- quent t ter te irîich te lion. harouet lins adncrted ed, it i is foundel n ttirely utpon a isitakc. I have tiI the ne knowiedee boivthe letter touad ifs way Hinck intc public prrits, and I inust sa>', 1 tbirik t1tin ni have icaiton ta express aticaît -surprise Éitat MXayi sucit a lcîter, formng parn ef a senica cf cor- pertuti respandence. .cbauld have heen inscited iin sent *i tce riewspapc-is of this counit, î witbout an>' ohfaui of the documeints ilat preceded or follewed tia ; a it. (1 Ilear, lîcar,' froni ttc utinsterial ofir-ial bcnclîes.) "'lic natumal resuit of the inser- niceate thon ohf ucli a leuci r itae papens, vwiîbout lu lthe an>' cxplanation ohfwlia t pieceded, or folloiy- ion, p cd it, bas beepte moit erroneous laîheten- any p. ces bave heen drawn, and that very wrong W inh impressions have gaintd curcncy wi.h irt- goveri tard to, thic ircunîstnces, wich preceded iobleui and hollowed lthe Writirig cf that letîci-. It any a appeara to, me titat the complaints; against toule ihe conduet af tht gorernment are thice ia tbese number. The fîrsL complant is, that the consid deputatian îvhiclî cain ecr Itibscountry, tbcmf. hrom Canada on the subject of the proposed ibsould railway weie left for senen treeke trithont for a ant> anbwer. It is next complaincd, that on Lb wben an answer was gi veil, it was Dot coin- interv munîcatcd cificiali>' te the gentlemen n-ho that c, foimeti the deputation to ibis counît-y, but iras i were receuviib>' them tbreugit a private channel. own p Thei third complaint la, thart th gentlemen te bùat w came here as a deputatiori tram the are ex provinces of Canada and New Brunswick àppeal and confidence to wbb eair position in I thin teir owri country entitled them. Now, if prebsi tce bouse will favour une iitit theîr iodul- wbieh gence for a ver>' few moments, I1think I1shah must i Lie able tô- shew how far these complaînra that '.I are wil founded. Witb regard to the firat oh, tth complaint, that the gentlemen forining- te fectly deputation trere left or seveai ieeks itlout avowi an answer from tce goveraoment, 1 must ben uacor permission torefer w dates. Mr. lmcks prersi anrived int tbis country>, a3 a delegate for Limes Canada, about. the naitidle of March.. Di- saine i Hincku wrote the letter te *hich ý'O riourable baronet han refred, and ini arly part of that leUter MIr. Ilincks Mr. Roebuc alltQdig to tbe interyiew of the pire- ne. Cýftbe' IaY '1--le'ït Kiloàhgp in the confident t n hehe tbat 1 sbçuld receire n eaeîy commit 4i?çwa Dn of the intentions of Uer M1ajestyfelyfý riment.' £ Mr. Iliaeks tJ>en ,goos on hiifrDo" that' tbe arriYaà of AMr. Howe could do ti>womào, o effcct on the question of route-the ty O.fr #bOse 1 Me raised by att Majeety'. Gavern- tremible. Tbel Mýr. }Iowe had not tenved, bonor of the 1 Bdid not corne, .and. ibà lett fMr. happinces of mi àyof the 1t ofMàay, wstefiàin- Moherwi' on 1 received that the twpý ,- ié ý h rf the depaitation considereêa i r, ié d .f MNr. Howe Unimportnt b tth.ne- to tht,àpif ton., Iitmediately-proceeded to act imore, it ty liîmation, and at tit Cabinet Cottacil ioto the arua o l the followitag Saturday, the 8th May fais to yoiil1 b matter baing previously, of course, MlI tiieir influi dthe subject of conaversation a*m*nz geotie iafluenc ;overament-the whole question wae mad business «~ ly brougbt, before the Cabinei, wuas' nook and 31 liscussed, and wos finally decided. I Wben 1 betak te statement I have mado will prove V'erç, andi j maj bere wlas no preLext wlatever for say- dsputes of tht aL the deputation was left without an- me bomte, kno, fom any fauit of Eer MaIjesty's Go- personal molicÎt int. It bas been comlained that, ai- resta upon a 60 cCabinet bad dceided tbWquestion, foj tne and Our innication wa8 made te the Lgeatie- ILeartymn iin orxning the deputatioti, but that they neit day, becat I the decision of the Governmnent in- genfle peuce 1 ely through-a, private source. Now, tics is unable t to the great pressure of busmness-and-Sir, I cainiot rn e the bouse «i41 make altowance,,for hie benefit! an arrous presure of busine,%s that did (Cheers.) ini the office te which 1 -have the ho-- 0be, atlacbed"(hear, hearj-.eevenal 2lapsced after the Cabiàet Coaneil ar- at thrir decision, hefore 1 was at lei- F'r<>tiiTel" Iprepare a despatch on flic subject. June. Lieute asequence of that delay, and of soue- Dragoti, aný delayfi after the despateh iras driught- skirmisb with 1 naý flot finaliy wnitten Îor seoulingiun Of the latter1 20tb of Maty. 1- sbould say thit Mr. hôrsesa nd fot e4 bad' previôusiy intimatedIL i men- éovered- The tt to leave Engtand untUl the 27th of bat! murdered and beddt nuL go util a mnuch later eider' brother à j.on the 2Oth of irIay the dpatcîi m their re-captur, , the Covernors Vf the three colonies The mon. iii mnda, New Brunswick, and Noya Seo-to thte e-ecutii and on teane day, by m 'y direction, the revoIûtioni, LI tc f "ht despateb were cGflhinut- der CarVjal. ed wo Mr. 1Ilncksaud Mr. J* Amricaer- Smeautirne I hall madie no coinmuriica- and George N) publie or private, upon this subject to Fords la-te col~ Lrty; and if eitber'of these ýeutJemeji (romJ. F " àdimetlyascertained the dicision of the~ Constili aý&t lment, .1 cannot say bow they got the AilJs, with nation. 1 tcertain1y -was Dotthroigh girtct lài et of mine. (11car, bear.) I1iiow namned' othq to the third subject of compiat-that in order'ýÏd, de gentlemen were ot treated Imwth the the'coasclàtiô eëratiop tw which their position entfled nefit of nest . 1-sould be extreinely orry if it or two friend, dbe thought that the goveromnett were ments Mr.1 Smoment open to sue b an imputation. uiant ut Gen, je arrivai Of îMI-. incks I bad "vral citiztuii of BI riews with hixn, andi 1 extended to him et5igy. utey and bospitality wbieh I1 toug-it A -orso due to bis dia«tia,-ui-4bed station in, bis wrtng rspOi r 1mc. h ave but oldthatlIought thriti flui ir resiecdbsietter. Thee cèinl* h sriu gpressi ons la tht±letter whieh hareýthe Iuidiaiti, from i rance of having beeu wniUce eu 4r et8t: feeinsof irritation-expresios weh On VUteht i ik are not, orne out by theKacwts- - ex- 'Lw afamü~y t ins which I read with..regrêt, and XiIles3; rode à I tan not belp tbuukiag 14r. HM seki afev' lngyto te fat that the espt Mnwhnt lose ltters weré-written in a tone ver.killiti& the mot respectful, I bave no hesitation tLn eidrt îcg to the Hue, my fee-ling, that If 1 ZrL- W01c1 30 ittlea A etI5 Awg.st 2t, 185. VTOL, 81 WES~T, TJl YY Y 182 i-0 ý7j-,re' russi- o!- irwe have dates te the l8Ui riant Hlaven, 0f tht second d fLfeen meut, have b.d a te Camancbes, in wbicht ici-e killed , înd tblnty-eiàb ur captive ébIIdren wte e - cheildi-en Say tbat the Indias their father anti mother, and and 5ister, tiret day. before re. îýsortant4item of atws relates wit t Ial~tmroo, of four ol à>s iecently ,aken in arme un- ý woofth 'nuber more Ç)ôg aTexian. Wmd rowns -t

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