Ontario Reporter, 10 Jul 1852, p. 4

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I Y2Ti~T~ï. Dick.e ligbii&express tran" mpeed,. ttwar& .the.terrii precipice and awsy wmt.Ws szecu"oer to uioke a friendly frtir at fst ý'anmaa. lipeubis ce- ing 'Leuw fortr WÂrnnD.-.t !$1'Oe ed tbe im for the 6 umqI.rcutertl. ou the 'àa&v f en>: amq 1 s loM thei $stef0 #é n"t a kterto fitt% 4 ris ofa da. m»k* th tréê ~ rcepe il- gved aà aîeQ ofmiic et. TaXfrt, lretà ýWiÏ'viter covr tem losell te exelude t&e air, pisé. tiien beside the . Ire for 24 wherat 15 mbeld have a fine frotb on tae e. Atab) - onfui of tbe 1iddýwI We slïavese tble south, when they wlsh te 4e ere on euiceh otl*r, sayï -'Go loig bd(l, p.i niga; o coald'w fetch fifty yo *iàh te re-faites the ole..baudIes of knives mnd îfoitumJm oyur emoiî of titon îqbrick ust sndrois, melteti tge- tber. Seat«grers wîderstand this re- À godleti ofr weak eyesaid to be : ê¶IPMof laudauman ad ice drp o in aW n.gla.s e wate, pplied tbe - timsday, u wrm ath eyes oubeur it. A4aragus is frongly'recommended in aflections of the cirsai nd luugs. DDnxUI4.i zIlrt iiitr. iSir#, "ud llerytb.ees, the lawryr,to an unwiiling >eit, 4e yen sky upen your oatb, kins diattbe PlinUft'O.reputation 's bad 11' Ïaurdthe Mg, mmrey putWgtbê'qes- tie t-kép iseyeï open. 4q1diduit my k w*Ïgood, I reekon.' 1'Sir 11 mid Fiêry- faces, 'asir-T; upon your oati--s*ind, upon yeur eath-yum"y that Pltkn sar e, a yillmn, athîef.' '-Ybussysol wu ? p. -reply.1. laçea't you "aid sol' 'Wby, yen vemad k, sud hpkint, 'wbat's the use of iMyrtepeing it? ' Pkr.!' tbundered ~'ir7<Ai., ' chrgeYenupon yomw oatb. 'do yen or do yeunôntsamy Flit4linss ioe t ' 4No, sir,' wusthe coutieus reply 9W., 'neyer mid Plimukios utole ubins,,but I do say, 1w'a ua waofiMd- ,Md t/uap imat mbody M1Il'& r, said Fieryfacea, 'you oaa retire;' muidle Court Oumiolînor )Ioumlqlsg.-4 Bla k, tathe -aigu cf mourniug,' ays Rmbelaim l because it a the celor of darkuuest, wblcb fkmelan- eboly, and the. opposite te wite, 'hich le' the clor tir ligbt, of je>', mnd ef bappinesa.' Theéearry poetsa mmertedthbat soufs after det,weut jto a drk and gioeuny empire. Probably, it is in coasnsce wth this ides tbat thiiinagied black waa iiihe ot cou- puiIelelr for mournln. The Chinese end- iii. Siamese ichoose white, coaceivig thât the. dead becama. bent.ficent genil.lu Torkey, imurtlpg i. couposed of bige or vlet; ini Ethiepia, e grey;mmd at the time of the. invasion of Ferai b ht S8 nara the. iahabitanta of that ceuntry wore it ef uimoiloo. A4mn t the 3Japam, white ix the sip of meuruimg, mand black of rejoie- àq. In Cutile, anou*isg vesftmeuts were foÏw4ery o! wbito serge. Tii. Peruians çlotlopd tlusmulvess in bwn, and their wbole f"ly, &M dail their animals were abaved. la Lydia, the. menwoe (calai.babilîients duniâg the W otint, of tieir mounmmg. Se4li bai! a cord of wo foraeord iu a gromm"fraud, but retailiug_ Snded ougmruJ' PORT WHITBY BAKERYO THE-undroined isbs t benotited by Bread, Pilot Bread, Boston Crack-; ers, Butter Crac/cen, andi ali k1indsof CR.* CKR , with a variety bi CAKES sucb ai TA CAKES akPONGE, 10OC CAE, GINGER miD BRANDY BRAIS?, PIES k TARTS '.Paty Çkan& Wo<1ditag Cakes m~adetir*randion lbheaboaest ulce. Ais», CtuUde,-WiotzsÀL& A»D RITAIt,, Wfith a Large Stock of Groceries. JIAM4ES ATES. WVbitby, De. 19, 1851, 36. TO COOPER%, MILLERIS, AND OTHERSO TUE 8ubscribers have on bond and Tare eoodtanty Mawifaçturine .ttbheir stare 'F«tryon ot o. 7, li the MCou. piek.ricgi a Iarpjuantity o1 SFLOUE. BARREL STAVES, orfasuper!or Uasit7. whitb thev are pr.parad to tell very low or a r ed credit. PfkrnHARRISON CpASSMORE.. PikrnMay 22, 1852. 6-3.8u rJllIE Subsoribera beg leave la caulb h ettentiofl of th i1r fMende andeto tmers to tbsir 81>RING STOCK-OF GOODS9 COOZITIIK;orc Dry Goods, Grocories, Crockery, Hardware, e#co,, .4Iof wbfrh bave rece.tly be ocae qthe mout êdvantageous trnis; and tlhe> ari detmh eti fot Io h. undersctd by snyr bouge it titradie. N.B.-Tbey are daily expecting a caieo ocfey Saperlor %Wullzus. and a la"ge apply cflPea liwend Cn eAL f« BlSakemiibo, JOHl TN &Cc. Port Whitby, 13Ui May, 1&52, 5.4L -Pieuter, for sale by JORN MARTIN& C) WOOD. 1,000 Cci 33 EECII and I!P For Sait ÃŽ,y &TN Port Wibfs 13, 1852, ~ t AND~ 12 AI AT AILlNG STgiEEft H*uael Cnîsz1O.>, MAlS-r, WILL letve Lindsay for Port Perry. calliitnt a:ntermedias:e Landînm . very MeBÂY, WtSDSjYandi FazflAT %oàxlxo, on1 the. arrI4Il of the Sza£e <rom Pet*rborotch li riving at Port Perry in time to e the.stage i tO meet the4ddsaiof or Toronto. Wil Ie*vf Port Perry every Tuesda7, Tbtursday and Saturday bMornng, en tbe arrivaior ii te S« froua Port Wbftby; arrlving ltin te e t ake the. Stage for Peterborough. For Frcijb* or Pasaap, ap,$y to the. Captaiui oni board. or toe offce o f CoTTor & Rowz, Part Whitby. Port Perry, My7, 1852.4tf NOTICE si cred, wider teutye ad tlgi.« MeDougail-Mékchr is ffday VIIUOL?:» m trrtumi coneuit.> My, ê' MPS BUCflAMAN, J4E' reupeotfuliy te iformn die Ladies 1bavepnd a Shop for the above businesiq in the Rooms cver MXr.. Wti nsosi'. WATCN*AKING & EWELBY SHOP, ýxt tIIe glan of the ttatcl, PHJ TBi P Tue Doors bclàiw r. Schoftdd'rs Sor. Mits. KAY having served'i ber apprentice- ship te the Miiaybsnsin oee ethte principal libuses oe! Manciiester, Engliand, bepeS thet they wili b.e enabled te give' satisfaction- te ail these wýVbe may faVorý ttem %vith their patronage. TUa. Latest Fasldoeu cnsazly -on lh<t>d. MR&. KAY AND 'î.I UCIIANAIN WN017LI) rospectSulty mn nouince te the Laîlies, that îbey have prmuei lte servi- ces i ol eue etIhe ruesu#ki]fut worktri in the, stloaw bonnet iuihteu a rm thie City cfTouante. se6 thaltahey aie uiabIed te dean anti alter Strawr Bonnets tte Newest Style cf Paauhioli Wb$tby, Muarcli 27, 1852. 50-tf;. JBEGIS te infoeiber Fricutis andi Cus- tomers tua: she bas conimencei anew ln the aboir, lime cr business lint e "Smop bIilt by bua, Bites. in maet Windsor. wluiere iiho hepes Io escelve a centiuuane et their patronage.0 Ciesued sud tarued in the u*wem aud neales! style. 27 aetFashum alwoYSon -hand. -Whiîhy, Marcb 25, 18'52 M ERY &CRISfMKING. 3~1g!; -a ss ber;s furtber te acquaint the Ladie of Wîtýyanti vicinity, that she, bas taken ie Partnerahip in thi. alo.. lune, Late of thte Giyof London, Englande, roma Who"eexperience she h he -Lbbadies Wil derive evrry sîatsfacîiou, ini the superior styles ef finie eveiy article, such as blite GoWiuos bas just iePeived the Latest Pa.huonf rom London, go svhîch the attention of the Ladies i. liviteti. WhiLby, Apuil10r, 1852.4tf ANDU DRESS-IYAKINC., T 'mi ms aLoste cettirin thauiis te- the Ladies efiht by and viciuuly, for the. patronagethey have heretelere roeived, anti ie4 telunfolmîthsm ba t hey bave slioMOvEl> te the heus Tir Doors South et the. Wlrare tbey inteut to pmy strict tentiuu t eeer aidr that cb.y may b. faverred witb. Ilr Cleaned anud epaire, ail kindsocl Millinery tie.. D5Cti".AKINIG ii theLatest styles ef Fathien.' ii chepueemand deepzîch. <Whitby, April 1, 1852. 51i 3-m> STORE TO RIENT. T0Rent in the-Town of Whîtby for oe or teincfveis lte Biilding lately.ocu- pidby R. E, Pe;ry, auid used asa geuernl store. Tipreuises beingin thoreugh repiair, location, favearabte, and i bth le Chu:ty Townetofbthe rew Couny, orrs, superîind teuctmeuiît ttuoe intnduig to puiue a mratl uies JOHN IÃŽAM PERRY. Wiitby Mtb pril 1852. ' hserhant'late o! C.Allrotxtâ hsvinic purebaseti te Brewery lu Ibis Yzt.. LAGICI fermerly obwnýed'by CtCtA L anKS d laireul saîi Clarke ai Brewver, bas seld te JOHEN D.ý-FOSTER, tbe one usudivideti hall of mid Brewety, sud Ibis day takeui saiti Femva lutte Partnersbip.. Therefere, the Firua et Sheridan E ose wýuld respectfuululnattétte Iipeblic liaI. SI I.- ý - 1 w !. . mom ' 1" - -- - ýl - 1 - ' > 1 Men9s BicZn IloJlund CôAts, Do Cbcck'"I (Ie Do lck uIaa do Do ltiiuîsetl tcrd do De Princesi do do De Ciaada Twccde udo Deoia Itînet lo de Do <1 euure do Dcv', flru% nlîlalt il,> d i Chrckedduo -do Do Mockskin do De Tîvu.edu (la De BreontiCloth rde Do llmsselt ('cr4f de MNens BlIack Clouh vcgts, Do Black Satin 'le De Fauwry sati z do lo' tnllanti do lDa Velvet do Do Mume i~il 1" do Do p31rathéa do NIen*, Coth uCàps, Bov's do -Men'" Pari (rom j' j' P). 4 1-2 6 " 2 G " I îoî-~ Iley's Foncy e., 1)0 salin do Do Clot10qh ln DO Tweecc<e do ,,r() Casujumere tir) àImen's >Molekin Trousers, Do Lutciî Drll du Dc C ece 'd, do l)o Ccudiirey do Don satiruct d(1 Do ('Ias*imerel do lDe Bnckskiui do Un Dpsin dJj I3nY,'s fDrillIl DO (hc't do DOe Canadau rweedc do Do Cià ý-imere do Ried plantoel Shirts, UýnderShirts anti Draiweri;l if " 4 '1 (J (J .1 41-2 41-2 41-2 41-2 Satin I-lats, Black, and Drab. Nelw StyI l ustlîess coatms 1 tl Mlnfaq DRY G00Jfl3., Musin DpLpijues, yard wide, troui0 10 <)1-2 Fnctory Coîe Print, tast colorg du da " 712 W t tonc 'Ir n flciv>' Gînirhaws, do -du tg 7 1-2 Stripeti Shiuiing, . Spieuditi Bo net R b bnsi, 84 - 7 1 -2 Coton gap Strawv Bonct$, " I - ais tzs G leves, Hlosirry, Ribons, Laces,. Shavis, ilanjkrheatiNc.is £diimem, Aliilcial Fglemers, CpadNc-ii Shet Chek'ê, ani Pîdn ipaas. ap ronts, M'îîlîns, Neîts, shot' hecd, nd lai AlaeýsCoususS, Silk3, Satins,&. Table Liuni, Qili.i.Couuiterpmu.cs, ,Orleanus, ourDeies Red Tick, and Towëls, . ieLOinp5 rimmnp Crapes and Mai riaIs fer Menrning, DBae( ress eso1i, mi, ftstï' Robes, Câps anti Fxeck BDodues, Silk Warp Apc O41-2 41 1-21 B3URGESS&LEHM , vel..-1. Coner .Kcg 4 Chu /t ree.jo~ingthe Coert IIau.tTorio. 1 ARDWARE 44, KINÇ-, STRESET, TORO-NTO. ~~'LTi ieTm !WITY '1? ISîss~ î',, to nfura -t th euptin he. T n ecelof emuIngT Tlutoes hth sreceiviugbi - Tc loca'-tion i i favourable fer carryinq; on an' 13> varitus Vessais frein mcm , viz:-Lerd George te a en rterprising mnecîsic., seutick, Amlfne Cropper; St. Anrijew, Niagara, H ERY (Jatherine, Zcphyr, asud acerai oothera 1-LQr IWutb,1c po l auLeeit; an ii a îewdyxewlhestv.15 JH.P R. a eplt ssertmrent cf &tealy andi Sbelf Bard- IDIK RCsIRfV maerayfor Sale, andt at prices as loir as any mn OH uS BRICK T. IHAWORTH. WIEAT! WIIEAT!! T HE subscnhber wili puy the bîghi'st price il) CattI for 2000 ushels of-OGod ivertIYKdat PORT W HITBY, Harbor, on or before the 1Ut day ol October îwxi. He ÃŽ* al*o preptred to mKrAue~ cdY Wheat, Plour and Lumber, cansigned Io Ne~w Yoi k or Muoireai, CÀsn for auiy q uantii t.(BARLEY andi Ã"ATS., JAMES WALLACE. Wîhy, 21lst A ugust, 1851. 194tf. Farmer, KMP ORTAUT 'aMler& Stage Proprieor. flY~~ ~~ thleinm rntddle 9f Ju nnxt, Saîle aut tc heITBY &ONTrARIO BIC[K YARDS in WnernITY VII.LACa 200#000 te 330,000 61Stock" & Gm. mon Bricks, ~tFiust rtle Qusaiit>', Uni] t a Low Price.. Par- les !about buiilding inithe Vîillage-, wherelhje Brirkm ire to b. drswui only a sihort diitance, tvill 11usd il Cily as CheHip le huiffiti mut Brick as l'imber. For ftuttuier particulais spply te W .GAIGE or JAMES WALLACE. 100 GO D ?.R IIE'MLQCX COiaD WOos, Wenti laI (le flcx.YAaDs, for which Wbsrby, ,May 8, 1852. 4-tf- - EXECUrroRS A LL Pemsns laving and th.' andi nurs 7-r Herses, ant rùrntracteul and F'everiA li . Bruinsa i. the Flesh, Galied BJacks. Crack &rilchun is, Kicks, ieonflises. Cauiin.-Fiiid the mime of . Cari itecrn ithe wrapper, or neverhIuy Carîte For the cure et rnzi-Bone, BleouKl Spai Spsviiu, Windgalls, mand Spiit-a certaù CARtLTON'S .CONDITION J)ER$FOR UOR % The changes et weaîhratif seidseeon, change eoft se sind féect iave a ver>' gue upon* the bloti suesinueuis luidaet ofuomi aI lbe1e.hîuuietheyrMe an -Agsistan)t1 te tbrow off au>'disorder et lbe fluids cf t'hat ina v have been imhibesf, and wvhich, tenedIoil. will iesuitrinlte Yeflow wateu, WVortnnl, Bott, &C..,ail of wbich w'ill be p by giviuig one et thesýe powderps, andtil limne Cure, whien aIny ynptonisofl(liseuse if ticd in lime. They puurify th. blocti ailinlmacuaudfvslse the mlii th. wstér,and invigoraîç lb. whele body, Ihein te do more werk mi the saine fec action of those poirders loi direct upen al cretiVe galnrdsj, sud therefore bave thée eu upenh he Hersche Dx,île Âsmandait-l4 oul anlimal-aIl disPaesêi ain g frei or a bad,1teof"e the blod, are epeediu!yeure<l anam-,rsd aàk for CasnII'nu's CO(hii dors, anti take ne otheri. CARLTON"' ioeIWE ;'AND LINIMEINT F3OU IORSJ andf rrthe cetetfail diseases eninsuar ib requîirp externI-mu application, andi for ce eirds amt nd -ekç,strengthennm wek limb also user! for .cprains, êrui, aMeg1s lemores oi ail kinduý on hjrsem Crn'sarticles for. 1ereem nucattie pareri f rrn tlie reripe-of a ver>' celumbraed pmrrier, arelw%,il[cuire, oiflety-nine lime eue b'uud(red, au y orutic aheve ceniplaints bave heren aUxd b>'farnl-siu ivery-mea, si pr'ieters anti ethers, wîrb-the meust markpe cdded sucesa. i- C4UTIO.-Snn.ecanti e gecoinetum flad the natuuuof.. Cartion gaiuuock on t per ef each aritcle. *COM$TOCR'S VLErMIFU( tout Com- on's HOer1di cmmple all.anfi expiisir 1estro> naine c NOTICE. dlaims or« leunis cE' gt/cir Bwuiness, IcOst li the preporation of 1, îtesea'vin; lie high cuteenu bWU M m >qwqm e 7T COUNFUIOF XE4<2ÇG,,& CURlCJHSTREETSp JOINING THEI COUR~T IOUSE, Have on hand t/ce'Largest, t/ce Ckeapest, anid thce Beat <ssortment of IN C'ANADA' WEST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tyijI ha4enow received cuir coinupcte assortuaut cf Naw SPnirro & SM u GOO dm, 'w hch, "Pup insPectîou, uir customers wîl flu t t be compose t e Newest sud meut Fasb- onable matez ls, and iili girat varielv. Hlavinsî ben sjdéfcted with great care, anti importeti direct frein the besî fBritish, Frenchx, and Auaerican M arkets, by ourselves, %we eau contldently stibrnit îhefm tu the Ingpecuion et ur cluFtomnels andi the publitc. as leigth t itashieuuable, durable, serviceable muid chemp eairtinent ef Ready-Maled Clàthing and DIry Geods le Canada West. ;y lun«,1»ail its Branchese exectted twti Tast, e NODURNINGS F'URMSHED ON9 THE SRORTEST NVOTION.. READY-YADE CLOTHINO pernnsa vae been duceived repeatedly iL'buWlfl< medicines which were saiti to- br 4nfallble cure@, but which have proved ouitlr pêtliitiv.s,,bu:t tais mrvie jiignetenly a palistivet but ours for 14- ccruted lunrq. It:ceutaina ne tieI*terioius Drugig aund ene trial wili prove itzuteuiàhlu# efficacy be- ter thauzany asertioesor eertificas In cirini4 tcn- suOmpti'on mud al, disleasî0' the leings, such as SpOitinc cf blold,(""u Ikw, pain i li ik ide and d k s4 t , n f g " 71w a t, 4 C . ~ About 1)(9) ef almoqý mira<.ukeus cures p.-rforro- ed by tais 'nedirdhe, (rom îueme of 1he firat Dectors, Clergymen mund Merchants, have been sent uis tor this m!dicinc,- but the publication ef' them look& ten unuch 1ke QuiaCkery, fwitll how Ihe o ean y persen culliug nt our ofice.] This medicine wi li ipeak feritse!fmnd enough in lts own faveu: whcre- ever itlà s Lied. ,Cttuliun.-Tbin medicine is plut uip in a large hoty e, sud yen mustI (md th#,name i. e Co rc iltuther, Proprietars, New Yoek, on lte aptendid a rapper around the tottle,. Alil orters mnust b. addre,sd te Camutoek If Brother, No, 9, John St.,9 New York. 1 Rèmember anti never buy it unless you id the1 naine on the wrapper. C A.TJ T 10ON. Ifew;re of a ifruug(roug COURa&rfrit ofth#,- CHERRY Ir LUVG~IVGRT, andth ie JIINO COJIDUL aud X4RL TON'S F'OU.'Vlr,, 01N7fPJ4Tau<1 RIG BONE CUEcier- et] for Sale at the Druug Storc, andi roember andi uîever lizy thesae ar'kcles iu Whlby, only oet W;. LA îN. t him Dry Geetit store, and avoidth te couic- terleit as you weould Poisoir. To Owmers of and Dealors in ZIorsrs. ~CA[tLVON'S FO1IJNDER OI1N T- au tdb& .fWIt4respsecfflly intlrnteto the dhe 0 hjtb. nd surrouading caou047, tha 11 bpiýpè1Itoexecube ail orders lntr*4q4. Gyea~Imp~u.n Say, Mu t hohm a" introt.edtobfrn. WoolCardto!,21-2d. p.rib., csh down;i; l cbsrged on bonk, Bd. per lb. dlOth Drcssing, a siin i ar .jstablis/- ,nens, clone uin aU ita branc)wa. The Soh.prib.r woultl Say, thut hc intendete commence Manufacurfig imrmcdiatoly. PeWin wshing their Wolmnf21rdwl d elI cive i acati Sýpm=nzgdonc them Poundif required. C. J1. WILSON &CC>. Brooklin, M~ay 5,182. 446w. 1 c

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