tROP INVIEWEST],ý-,ma S-rAs.1zà - - rdsty, to killyoung Crgmer.s¶Jo is under . Fr~it ut &mrle Exitage, w tetabail for the"' 0 iot eIm .a eos daugin- tht he, ereaI crop of the WestfflaStates ter.i ________ Look-t i.1 b. abu nrdant tlis year. WV'are in-. Tii £ ILAWnq4u.-Tbe Cobourg Star >m s fo#edb7 . iaxmawEaq, m lay§,. tha t ou ibi, Engineer tepre- foied y J TU Prit, Eq.,whohamestnigthe gronUa lailron.4 Coutraçtorst jutt returned to Whitby -from bis Western Meurs. Peyto & Joeksoa o! London, aiC mortyc toint' tb.t ln u aiug tirosgis Ilinois tlic companitd b>' Mr. Keefer arrivoil tbis Wns:Tb Mba aet bail already commenced in (Tuesday) mvuug Tn e' or m tdofer tb upo» by tht membtr of the Cant>,the t iluit quarter, aud pronnisedi an abundinkt 4Vardon of lise Uà iW dConnies, tht Mayo Dr ylield. 'lime stravr did not ,ppear so lon gand several other gentlemes, Mr. Itos P as thà nt of ont C.nadian mheatn.t etiil>, expressed i hlusseli ini pleaed milli tht front Aînc; thet facility it aflorded fortht but tht oar wR& equailly as large and plump. onstroction cf a road , andl the prospect1 of TC '['bat coulntry is not sa mcli adapted r.or ils paying. atW wheat es Canada. The Corn crop, was.W. have moeh pleasure in being able te v#,ry dw 51.5W .1181.LUVIS 5 1ci most luxuriant, and tint bremdtb cader culi- valions supaseilanythiug lho bail met with in bis traveis. Hanwiltotm, Jul>' 13, 7 Th.à t Ail pasad o99 quieti>' atthe whiarf, As tb. Orangemien ment peaceatbl>' wà lk- io g frotu ttu boat, s OitIirole rubhed forward- and tried la dcemol',in lb.drum. Tine per- sots earrying il resisteil, and tht Catholtc stabbed a mnunamsel Campbiell, of il{aiilr ton, i nutIse abdomen. #bvealsois wereý then fired ai'-the aggressors, and it ia reporth ed tisat one or more are <mottait'loy lei Everythiug nom is% qui IL. elillson oen thse ýe betwee~ thse tesamea' Amases'i n d thIý R'r7uIier and 'SOLiveS BUFFALO, Jul>' 13. B>' a nespatcb (rom Clerelandt, me lear» tisai a collision tooli place isetireen tîhe steami- or Anrica sud the proptîler Oswego, lie» abouit i7 miles below- that part, about 11'2 o'çloc t * iglt. Tht .qmedieam-ssgoing ai lier usinali sped, and' thntniglit masver>' clrk, min the collision occurred. The pasi;eugers sud nuost af tht cren' on bath boats muere in bel: tbe %bocki was ver>' vio- lent, and te propeller immediafely setticil anil tuk ii5'ninutes. (wing tathe dark- nets f téai li tgl, and thse.condition of the Nteamer, she mas unable ta render iuuch nL%- istnce, and frona 151ta 20 lires more lot: Partieulars as otahe amsof thiç drocrned -not yet &ascertaited Éliîe MAeiea wat, mnuch -drimageci, and mmeditely returned to Cleeanid. where isIe lies in a batcred con- dition. Nu cause -allier lia» %taled above s asgui for the accident. Lins bà ein der contract a avet>' short The ternis of construction mre are led to believ mi lie highl7 fimvoun'able. la, prising theo iack Une a fortsiight Rince, me diii Rot intudic yto a>'titshould be butit in prforenee to tho Front LUne. Thot wnȔld e*u Amalbecu"Argentât ute iii Lam. There is a report ini îown, as me go ta press, that a tiglit ook place with sornc sai- lors in tise French Villag e lIsat ight, in wiich hortie kDives and otier deadi>' mca- pous mere,(rosI>' useil.Sevcral 'menail' wmn, are sil Io have becu m6*undcd and ont of whon, so tise report goos, ia since deail. Tht. parties more AI.L D B.U NK i For Cod'» sale, if'not (or man's, give us the Main LaW at once, anil stop t!bisate il tg surel>' ime tinat Wouit l>'Fatisers adôptid carne ster b obreak up lisenumr- -ousnesta of iniquit>, inuIbis infarous lbeal-' t>'. $hamte bw(le mêla wiso grateil licen- ces fa such dons. T roll, il la horrible.- Kingston Argus. ___ DlïwIioND DIJST* Wialotu bas prwnso useil L a culing nlounil uithout attracting attention, that the gnodt lady wotild be actuali>' etnbarrassed il umai' nrtal chrinceil ta Inn» bis Iîead a lier lirasunnia Oof aiheicsaddest thinv-4 about huma» nature Lx, tiait a mari aay -guide aItiers in thet ili of lite igitout walking ini ilt inu- welf ; that lie mat lie & plaI, andc yet a citât-, awiy. b:ciec,e h nal a club, il is a n ocean iit is open ta the cock-boat as the îigat.-r One mn» carrnes acros it a Ireîglitaga nf ingots;i another-may filish there lor ber- i nev nter wronîcr withle he lives for: Ilý acupisa ny oEZRoA »JS",bo 'p..'lq Iv , ( Bc*'rz*als CoamsaU,) hore in*y miii >r uat t.t ir friend, q iltl wo mnuy A'-, à em withs acili, abchoiùi Stock of Goods, GroSrioi,,Hardware,,, Varnish, &c. &c. !y Wduld particuiorty invite attention to the- inir srtlcles, which *111 h. <oiindelsoap-onl ltrà rable, as hey-bave. b« eensotoil with M, Greyj 4WIWM Cotovns, Shirtinf, 'eed,Jiroad CWiot, &tMt du BONNRaTs, -'11-ÀTS, lIAT-ND~CLOTHING rouis, Suignars, Toliacau.Q riice, Vinogar, A complote aamrrnoot of Caoczitty. lkemmme ruisnTuiiï snd TmN W.Att, nil an eneflestva- lic2 a>i nher artreles which th. pubt c ieml InSd uiîf( mivery chep. Att tritid.4 ni Pincueaein bpêyasett.ut- ter,Ecîrs, Slieep1Slins, Pâper Rago, aity thing that ntu. larmrn.r bave. tooffer. jAMgI-qS SITI. nuter's Corners, April 23, 185L. 2I SuljýpsnerStokraof cern 'out theirpret ol f DRY GOGOSI C LOT H 1NS,1BROCERIESt BOOTS a&mitObc. C Té b. tetdy for their 8sol M ,IpO8rTIONS bave' determined (o tell at Prices verv mucb vte- d(ieed. ltrions hâviri; a (1W sPore »rIIâv.will AInd -a sapendfid investtnent Pelrttit at t4 Ontaurio Homue, Lae 'Rfed Store, . _.14 1.FlOMPsON, PtARSOl k Co. Whi by, Jan .21, 1952. 42- TII1E LALST CALL. FIE Ii: ub.criber has reveived posi1îve imatruce T liq~hio 1-ral proteieais ivmailAt 811per- ot, mriboi li sth oateo't he' late PEERa prcojLr, Esqsie, unleïs paymrent is mode inÎÎïs dialely.9?1Là M Withy. 9h 11):il FlUE St.cttc this m rlnýiniiy j~Ui Trhe secocînts receiced onTuesdny nîglit îî; tc -1losopIrer wîio innîlaesJJoa 4 'ofI~surane~all a sisof tîfe rnt l1ainlton. rohî14-Prock iiiaa s noble im-t- th1n School l3oc we deeply rttret ta sà v rare confirineil ly lo %rt"e sh h tori. F'Si~~ o ' tue a thei b Maili -nd, mpoll tie niglit 1 ive na b iioe ater ini a fluwiiî ýof tihe 'welftli, it appe art%, aceardista tothie ~moumu etd 'adcu iî Spdaoi trt evrrlpermonsi, io wcre lnére forcé andt more lralth, titan in4 a sut- 9tb July, 18M2. cinie oBprfienor t:poi alie so, witrc liiPo(), VrYyrdritotaheicbottorn. svrybr.ritelf- 'Vutake ihe folIawrvitg Iemaleeducation sgermrally a jgautlv I ricelouirit trin Ilie pnper .iur-t nanede of 1gw - - bwdy ettiug, ivich cuembccr.sanid f5 p -occurrenct-N of ftl(:following nrit mtId a.hdc ic cwl touhtt b & -1 ihae Cty autiorities, feariing rot on the ou t, n.1riva of theite aramu, !à ware ini a stron.i, 1s lo t e vasions when callied upion Io do wh'ili y,91b joi body of sirciîal Cdinbtables, ini addition tô a gond thing. nor .excuses wlcie you are re- thét' cityifi~d raltronîl police. Thesc inen Inoached lut-i doing a badl anc. . were là kenchiarge af. by Ald. 'Moore, and Invective and pcr3onality prove uîamhîinge, - inaîrlchl own ta the-Bay. Upon landing, an ejîlier side, but a lanrentable want of UicL party proc, 'ee4 i pir.oioi but aoti aste and ood ar,utncuît wthuut colorît or m u p usaines stret; lime rrors of the -,ood'are ofim r ery WC_ regret ta have taIo ,hawever, thar dificultt W eradicatf. frint being fÇoundeil0.1 M.nnny of ilsenti were armidweih< vins and luots tamîl views ofai ty 'O' I" pis-taIs. Tlwy bail nat Proccedeclmorc We m1qi do a very ýrdagto nd tint On WEDINES titan a coîipi.e -loack:, befare cane.- tortes bc a gond tunt but wre cannot do a -very t Ui P were tlirown, but -nt iIUS point noa disturb. one' and nat lie an ill inan. At9 oni the 5rh, a ance înak place. Pi'ocediing onvard, they 19S tjin uî.gt a reaclheil ibthecorner oai Mulberrystreet, A.Waahington correspondent writés te soid. wlrere a large crowd was congrag-ateil, a thie JaltinorJ S&n.-"e bas 'éacb)e4 inan from which steppeil forwarrîl mukiekeil here (rom %Vienna, (Austrin) n bat Mlr. A the druin that wns carried by one of tite îîulsenan. bas met witlî a cool reception In front of Jewé pnrty. Soine,ietones were tb.rowa alitche y Coutit Buon. Insteail of returnin ta mi0 enme saine lime, iiiiiediately acter whicu m f'1 tea niteil States, li wll probably bc ana- d' msCotAtti -ber ofh shots wrere fireil--fron» six te eight loyed as a clerk ila the .rnaral Cbancery, érièîsr office; at1 -.-andi a inra naned Frarney %IcPbît1ips, ft 0 - resuxra. bA former vocation of1 sîi-4>ditor 1). P. 'S., Linda iinoulder, in the ennploy of ',Nebers. Mel- of theo Autriaa Olirvrer. Gkreat me», <Corners; ailMt.', tQueenmton & Co., was siot in the groin, "h ,- t8uop enaa diplomnatie aIt itis.. avkboio tht bail passinig outIetkï bi ak, sud lie azents ta ithe lUnited 'I-îates "V9 expiredi nistataneouily ; about the sanie Tîx)i lOM-irn h evFi*1plem momnent, James Cusnpbell, a Cooper, who TiWn TQM-Drn the heavyFou tt pr ins e'arri.ed thec>druna, rectiveil Iwo Msi rom a thîtnder stcion Frui Eni) st lw-- eairà b>' inerest. For ait dîrk or large life ma tIr. abdomen. lie the tStreetsviile 1UvLew two bouses in that worit, 'one fiftb Wirsinnnedaiely carrned into Minnis' Tay- neiçbborhood werg unroofed. A. Younîg mitimal hl'ngit cr' and the wotnds were dhessed b>' Dra. man residing in '17mfalgar ws struck b>' and a Mor4s<get Bates and- tobert ilun ter, but ut the limé fe electrie fluid; but is recoveriagf.. AR- T Ten i we snw the poor manslie was suipsring- lhe otiierma ins the township of Etobicoe Wtti.. resuîie and dg most.elcrutiating agoziy, and the Doctors stiiick b>' tht ightanu and instantl> kil- - The. lots onwc seem ýteto atertamu bout le hope of bis re- led. - - uentbail ir coteE'."Exnc Rg UIOT.-A. riot was ezpeet met¶d ngdi If the precedisno ceoc»t lie correct, ta take place at Bytoira On Monda>"- at, TOWMJs ip which vie féar i il li bc Çeund te -bel, lite< boeweeithe Orangemaen, andl Catholies. Lou £'4oe.1Im co»asuftination ofthie Orange demnostration With a view'to theo preservation of the pub>- 19 i which took plae' ia thi# city ca n ay lic peace, 120 smen ea(tthe201h IR4gIie1I 13 ÃŽ "I4ol e *bt Fid*à the h d been despatched to Bytowu,the expeni- 2N i S" tit nIklippareýt6 ~8(1~,ses ecowscted with wiue precaution will' os i .tescIt els.whene. The uffair ml! have to puy the sin 1 be wth by the authMoI ,ad o inda>' ,u .takntt revet a 0trreee behne- POscro u uiug-o idaJ .aachy collisan.--Daiiy Coa*Matéka S5COVnfc rm n 1P1 b T4nU 't ¶ie % 'ol acrouaunrsItt 1mo Ca t _faochostcr 'is *r Si dl 1etpt es. X, R y. la-tf. ant$ of the 11owmlijni (hoHnOr ated blok rtiaiFiestians \IE DICINES, J'efarnresDyc &ds cia" *etr1i.S L lr À it. of3-if.1 3ALE 0F I LOTS OF LI NDSAYà <iDAY the 291b lt>'next, 11k [R3ýS laid out on lot NO. ttf 19 i thelb. ibConcesAn af the Tfonof Lindsay, ýNîl l e AUOTION,, rett'e- Hôtel, inda.'Pl'ans et. tse l ui y niext ai lthe office )urni, 1,,q., Gbb4itirg; ai Roliert .,peterboro'; i» the Caîmnty Re lh. oftIet af.l~)eatne, Raiml, vy Ho. VtsnEsq. Peîérvj! Jewett's o art Ferry, ;snd mi's H'ntolwaI Uituitsandt *~ pt~tnraaMd tht publie! to i i.UP Sai~ tockc of .~re q~j .-COU] AU5f' "ILIED Yflt)Nijf iri iOfl pà ygwt of' oua White Crape&EFxhibition ShawlO s w Mlin Dr U essesIl inO 1V Mugln DrmsPounds, ta Silk'&a Satin Parasols, meuof ue FI rint i Tweiq Zebra Tweeds, Spnile Sunnimer Clotins, Aneritas Cottmon, Ptices a4siade loimertinnboyi' Whnlçaale Store mitinin the limits of lb. CamaI> Toma. THIOMAS tDOW. TO BUILDERS... T Subscriberesetuy ifolm;par. any quantît>' Of In Bundiet .fth naLet' These Lath witt 1-e lound'iehe*eapuv.esub.mrt Aend w m ropidiy Isidion, and mît çOve bette stsfctioltî' îid cg tbon Itse emumonSpitI Boarl Latis herei@(@tO Igii o»n saii "eo . sandieiU ROBERT WIGMOREJI car the y7E N o. 14. Snb Con. Plekerius, dred and 0 1 me ÃstotTomr'PS'à 5Untel. rates i-t Appiy to R. 1a. LÀ*baoî, Wlthy. ' e so aRn Pieirorinmic, lune 1,1,832. v>30 . Bl- r0 HOUE &LOT thte cresr FOR SALE IN' WHITBY., tti1 o - .n>lions Act e TIE. SbscrberofTers. for Sale a ILOte aa i Houir., witb overyr neceflary arran4eeit l or Bea it th conmfort andi convedncncc. For psrtie4niW s 0 IcPC terni ,&c, appl 1 _____. lePo 1<OT. XRTMO t.., ov Whryun I.i5. ,. 1.3n i ,t0.#U~~~tlw ~eetO»YA snud Ht! RD uni 3i'lttA Wu HRIIT tncir the Film nae.ti0lne4l, ai Ilua %V Wa îr, bas tuisday dissolved by wiiaie the -a Mutual crjectca uitethe sui P.uualA HURD. iërnvioiou&îi1 J. WIGHIT *ipa ! PrincoýAilbot,JuM 71852, ' 11 2c.Tn (vtir,là ,said P P.S.-Tso bstineu ii i e continib"d bh>' ut. nonwr WRIGH.- $ln)% or ailm 151.NTED for CoMmnon Sictool. SrtloubM.7. provîslosoUý WHiITRY VILLrsnLa Qllalitieil-'MAs.: Provigional d't t etiîn i e» I o moral character mand their bis Bt sue*kj imbity ta g<vr « ~&. theo sa id lPifi HUtGit FRASER ora.ProaêWatsi J3S. WALWE.tfirà sabsll n PROVINCIAL, MUTUM.LANP GEtMERAL S¶Ts I.VITItANCE 4 OeWYA»iV. licpayalei roato. 4r - ýTt CAPITAL-,...UO~. ' aoia r the ilrst p2 . G. PBaitmi. i .. iq ROBu,84). exprt$1qjt %V. ATKiu%,0i< WxMGooorItAM<i. 191 S CO'MANY effets bosutonre anI- te' s Rorne OUilte, (iureStreet,' 'oio4tl>,itd at râtes 1.or the its oeverilA l ens.atnn The Muttma Desr&sei d fuj fee an ami>' anc- isk, andl beilig con4itne l eta cZ.sIf" buildns, it fri etrienetoed fbe uait sale mand th e , eir arumers. ietx' sqmuProp. -arDol>Srtinentl itide <emd; bent,,ir10ât Riui inl Fire. Lite, Marine, Iffland and (km mlftbe ho h and its op.rklcns heing &oairtiutnntd wlbiii ro. cdent limita, thet sitentidn o! the Putilicis ,-cotii.d- ýT deic alieil theneto. ' and laitsel 4eîtly D WARt iG. O'BEN>' atnê eigft Taronto, Oct. 14 1431. The undmtsptid hliyls1 of thîeabove eoav, ti. liais la partiedârotisog.î WI,21 ield. &ion Oa Ir 401 b42 4M5 429 'm, à 9" Mi * 4," -t'.