Ontario Reporter, 17 Jul 1852, p. 4

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-- - ~ - V.1 R~1r A icni ScNn. - The fgooiipg nicl' ecene recently ocure wý fOrkoý of JTustice bot th@ Jui and a iJ)utel, wi6,ess al tbé trroê rat Judge-wbat's yow Mtiyq iapromg. WlItnes.-I pe no se'û, uteh. Min. W , i*r my 'be cail 1an 1àre yo u 7Aii isthé,cm'die! Trien there wssgurll~ps ws~ tihe Judge, Jury adstliancé joineil. The Witnes.a was inerrogatmd no furtber about his native language. Unitedl Statea. IlANCGIIG JUDG.-COtlnciilof ýGr2dy, oni a late trt î léIr~adM iho. eoifret- cd. êlsbv. ur fs eeUm Juilge; ho was known by thse ame ofHuing Juilge, and myÎàsi~#r*im'"tWobed î fear but ionce mand <th ~ drtgti ueattion of .The Begprm Oper,"1 wben Macbethi g«ta eprlve 1 0UJt ws the urne J udge betwer"ebe u"4 rÇag efollrwing pame c me at table. -44 'ls d 'tise Jsdge, 9Ui thse bung e( tr>Ode , m' lo,"I r ieplld try î s"Ue M1r. Cu'&a, "6il1a sure <O ile bun W*isen a Du"i) mail servant wisies to go to a d »c nd hbw no win of ber own, she !siçeavali4 for - cta c -l au weaw ~ bre#a -eceives doubJi qit'to down gouraeIL, '4 waysp ~~~tb hyé.~i7u "1 lial s0u4ieCtu4y, I mugiset out, CUY f y"guenayou hab doeIlCo1 îbecass! i'. ail thse way clonba AGermawriter-obseres, iea latc a~ uus e 1 e m&bcoaito f (O at 1r îsi, ilat tluri «Oarisscarty et tlieve~ ii n #-g 1usd that <bey are obhidto ofe r a readfrtwer recoery. Amomgtishe euricaatieu in a lite L)uhiin PaPer, arc Monson- tise iatis of an misiors W sat bird t As l?at hm ensteaingl1 A rOck robin. W. have- confinel tise au- thoin 'f the aboya i abeu cp. A g,;'nOcman vise did motumt te ilis tni':ttrrY a"te u pwkt bok:4 JMuai emarued vhm 1Içes.te tovs.. Ps<oT~'rla...-b àre9m0u«fer protece- tion agaimtî b4gmn. îtmà, e>.d yourba- by betore ousg <o led -vitbgrecs a ples., 1 t illi beawst.o behlw beferem iegi, andl 'tui-a s ure, thimg <at cas'î lue atoppeil bW (are mortfigs. .LUxeE ýFIo*egL.-rTbet'.la pit lum te jalaimAloef Sumatn, thse cimumfeu'ence ef wvhose fulI>' .4pam d overusiuefr- utLletatu>uaka~etohal ine pSus. lhe Piatlseram Wp U * ow'sorn, cd, t'se akoi egat e hloamoiu la cmpu. ted to b. filiten pouads. Ta,'. Bzrzrrr 0 .DRIUN.-ri ir, îthe Nçv. York butter. thus vrites tu tise ed.to ef ibeUg.# york Courr :- The beneft 1bve derived hm nthse puo-" as an adrertWsagmeuw aV, ta lieyond ta>' pover ta estimaten, aunilIamc weill tsaicd (rom cure- fui observation iatil-ezperiuaae,- t4t aiver- timtng t is e .i~asuof arcem ciau ve braggh sof ames' 2X au whonmi¶ 5y.zOnCEI VllçeofBaoozsowouk. r.epesfully intumototo tise Ï6 thaiýpfîqpl'e Ititit1IWoo't fi*n a dittance, ty wming a fMW bote, <an hae uhtir Roll§ Io takeho onwitis hem';nd le would ay fsther, intrusled to hlm.-. Wool Cam rde f2 1-2d. pçr lb., cash dowyn il cbarged-mi book, 3d. per lb. ClsJà Dressing, astuiailgar Esta&lish _*iws, dnc v xl fubrandies. TW. Selucriber vwouId samy, oat lue intens .to emTsêer MNnufert imioMgstsel fet'suonm wi5hui; ther 'sO1 jcgthaisared wW do wellI 10 qiv. w1m*a aU Spinnttg dmneby the Pound if required. C. J. WILSON& CO. Brooktlo, May 5, IM.46w PORT WITYBAKERY. mcd the country <t large,,tistbas liacoustantly onbhaaD, Bread, Pilot Bftad, Biostont Crack- ers, Butter Crackers, on 'alklndu ofCR,.tCK1zx 0, with e Vriety li Cu 4,J ig #d made ta ordur, amdohith#i$hoelaont c .Aia,1 i wwityof, C!a"ee-'Wflor»LE AND v~RMrIL, W aLarge Stock of Groceries. WlsUbyl De. 19, 1831, TO COOPERS, ýMIL4lS, AND OTRERS.' 'lE uboibers bave m b1,ud and 4ft tombatl, mcanesdg at thir &aee P"tM #mL« o. 7, in tise StisCon. Paekerioq, ar quaity oi FWOUIL BÂRBEL. 8TÀVES, ofa4 upeuler quhty wfb Lisci are prepaw dt. adI tar 0wifr eeiora*pprve redi Plintrc, May ,185 6-3m, II>RING STOCK 0F GOODIS a c s r I. - iii innrq & Urrs~ 3Unking. M., kAYhMA.BCAN , î rWapect9feêUnly to mfon iel de ofWitby, sud viinsty, tiat ti)eMY- lIave ottenettla sbop for t1ue abol# issusleatu ti b tise Om aer 'WATCHMAK1NS h Éy$HP Tua, Doors belote Mr. Schofeldss,'Store. MR S. K'% y vsaring served ber appresiîice- sluip to the Millina 'bu<ines, in ne of tihe principal bouses of Maiclueàtes'! Englarid, hopes tbat thte-i wililube enabled ta gsre satisfactioni W ail tluaaiewho;,ay fas'or Ilser withthem patronage. ViT/e Latest Fashioni erntan4l, on lbond. E MRS. KAT AND -NIRS. BUÙIIANAN jjOULD respectfuiiy unnanfce to the 'te", t tis tise>' liss proeuued lb. servi- ce# 0 cruoe d(ofof ie tUst oti woraken in tise Stlaw40fl botbuiwaraa f'rom tise Cîtyr cf Torotot, w t tisS bey aie enabW ea iems ccdlallerStraw' Somme4* ts . <Ie vet styledof-lE" Wftl7ty, Masrci27t lSf2. 50-tf. to ineoon ber Erienils andl Cus. tomtoat !4lue ascotnencedassew in i bc &bore lins or lseineuin tb«,N.w $bop mltb Mrm. Bates u. hmWïad..,. wlere aise licpe té îscesve a couutuaet. pi urit roffap. Cl1dandmd toarsed in tise cewest' md neatestsîyle T7c Lated rFadiomu alwa!p on Itand. Whitisy, marris 23, 182. 51 -f f 4 RYhDRmSMAINS M¶i§$ 908% ber% further toa usquint tbe L»d« o Witfy a mc laaity. ibiase bos iakenr ioto partuuerbip tla tIse <boss une,. LWe of tMe Citi- of LMdnr Ynand. Dry' Goodo, Groceries, Crockery, I rom vire LaiswI -Hardware, &c., deive verysatisfaction, in tis uperiorstyles of Alu of wlih bave recentl>' ieijiurcbaaedMu tise nise idiantageceuterme; AM l tie>' ct-edetermiri- eut mi: Iobe udeu'eod l'y auyboasse fu tise Irade. N. 8,.u-TWieyare daiiy expecting à ncrgof vry Wispitier Wnus ena ale,, upply of pîo 1movan ud COÂL for Biarkamirbs. JOHN àMARTiNJC.. Porit W<ihs', y131h Mmy. 1852. 'I-tf. Planter for saleby JOHN MARTIN a Co. .WOO1I). 10(K) col ia I3EECVI »dilMAPLE, i 24M0 Carili Steam Boat Wood. -For Sale h b>i' . ý- >rsa Gowsn<ss lbma just uee-ired tise Laisat Vahuse <rouiLouloutgo whieh <lie attention of tise Ladie4 la lrsviied. %Wlinliy April 10, 1832. 4-tf. DRIES$-MAKINC. T îFMIlsefCgLtOisrreturn iwnks ta patronage tie>'hatpe iseretoleo. receleerl, mcd Iue to usfcim tiseWthismi tiey whavfe l4OUIi»<o Isa houseTv. DOMruSoutsel tire MeuaBotr Illand Cnats, D)o Check'd lis ,Do BlackAipaea do 1 In Russell Cord du Do Princf.'aad do Doa Caamda Tteede (Io Do Brouid Clolli so Do camuimere' (Io Busyle Brownr HôtImne 4t» Dri Ghec'r o do Do Molesteun do Do 'rweetie do Do Brad Clis edo DosRsil Csf -d Mrln'osB1l'ack Claîli '<'ats, Dô 'Blark Satin j d'O Do Funcy Satin dlo 13e ifisiland, do Do Fan<y do. Do '<'cvet -do Do, Mmrfeiliêa do Do Baraibea do Meri' cClati caps, au' do rId 0. 4 1-2 il 2 f 6 Boy'a Fane>',l'est«, Do Nilk do Do Satin do Do Clotis tir) Do :rweede do Do Cusaunuerels, linLann DilI do DO Csc5J do DO COrdfrro>' do DO Sathrrit do DO .Caeimrocs da' In fluickbkip 'do Dom1)oeskjn ý d 1 Bloy,», Drill d4s Do Clucck'd- do DoeNterekin: do DO Cu ti'a Tweede do lIn cassarmer, do Do Tw'f-i're- ("o Wlite $ShJit, Lituen Fronlt., Red uhFlariatilSfltubs are ~srnd l>ralvcrq, from a' 4 21 "a 4 41-2 I41-2 11-2 41-2 Men's Paris Sahinî Ilats, Blé ck amiDî'ab. New Style Businrata Coflt.ç, Fn 'ait Xatf»îîs DR llea'ir DeLmires, yard wirle, (rom Pririts, fait colora do do $à O Hlesvy <ingbame, #1o do fi a Spieudid BorsretRiblon, di O Strav Bonneta, - "di1 Glovea. lotiery, Riblion, Laces, Edgintca Atlicoiî Fiawprs, Siso. (Check'd, anid Plain Ai1paras. Table Linenu, Qnia, Cosuierpanei, SMd Tick. usnnlTowels. Crapetanami Mterlals fan Moufnriu. Infante' Robes, Cape and Froek- Bodies, vot.3-1.J y GOO-DS. 101-2j Whr!o, Cottons, rn 7 1-2 Srïpeit Shuftnîm'f' 71-2 Cition Il'srp, f 3 déiheaS'y Sh~ I~ hlrdercr1,î.andl Ycck-tipi, C ap Front., Nftjgfins, Netts, t nihirs, S5ilk4satin#, &C., (Meas. Ciýurfj'DeJ.,atnfau, Fri Gms5Tinrr, Bu ,Irc(' Dresses. 511k Wasrp Alp*casre .'ro SecondI Price. BLUGESS-& LEISHMAIN, Corner of King 4- Chzcrch. at)C'tjannl/u ourtlse, TorontO. 414, KING STRt ET, TOIRONTO. rOLT nîu TW Çw-rî- Sul"erier ta rforin1l'OSI tire Oarrfa1geaul Elama hpla0 '~Cuatomer tisai lie ial recesvi nt bisTire location is fa"urs,, iracrryiruv o n an By~~~ ~~ vaiu e.î rmeviz:-Lorf G eorge Io itn euiftriri.aiiîg nmecianic. Bcrtick, Anne £'ropper, st, Andrese, Niairara,I >'UF1>. pol'4 OMathserinie, Zephyr, mid evéral others ftom Liver-. I l lort 1fNov., 151 pooissdLndoc essin a ew days bewill have I- - - - - - arcompiete useautmentotnirai>' and Siseifl-Iasuil-I [C SI S :R tiare reunî>' for Suie, mndat pricesv low las nu> in tise llràue. 'r. HAWORTII. J3t' hbeginnit, or nis.rhls- f .trrne-if. TrutM ay 2nîl 1131. 8If. (we.ua*iser n muurr)t là, iitlaisyi>f 's;ue ut fti e WRITf3Y &<X'I1 II '.i iiu: ù uxy VIl'LfgE WHE AT! WHEAT!! DsOOta 3)0,003; 1 'Stock~ Om HE, Stubserilet me'il puytise igbhestpsut'e lusmO Bricks, COUGH08 4ND coxisumpnIQ thse phjqm n ivbl crema <c m loeg.ddlieulty, iee hieves thse <omuçi and masiotsnature to expel (rom the iystem ail dised malter by expectofmiti, producin< dol4titdaglattrmtIng ,c cliest, auil ii, m(ter tise very bWat siiel mren and thse iiv entionsof kinui and -uortôWiog ftendd and nurses, bave <siled ta gisie . mallfest îellel m BUJ E"Ï EISIM AN, CORERF iN &CHRî TRZBTS, JOINIe THE COtfT IUSE TOR O 67, Have on ha44.the, Lark'ptï lte, Cheapean<d lte Bcst'a8sortMent of 1-N, CANADA WEST. WHIO0L ES A LE ANXD RET,ýA IL. Eýmh or receive. urc mpltesortment of NEw Spnt.?iG & S çx<ui GÃ"OD.q, IV~bseupon~npecîso, Our Cti!omp-rs will f(md t. le"cýumposedofithue NeWeuî mud moa Faus- orsabletnimferimts, and in grent variety. 11aving been splectclVwith great rare, and imported dirrct (rom lie beat llrjtlsfr Frenlb and American Markete, by aorselvei, we canrs onfident ty sutismit thurm ta is imapctn i u, <stoletsaoamithse publlier, ras binz thee mot lainable, dulalule, sorvtceable thend to171 otrunaiIaJ.de Clothing and Dry Goodi in Canada WVet IIIOUIMGS- FUeeNSHEN o THE SHORTEST NOTICE. READY-IIDE cÃŽ:THINC pcraos- bave bren decrived r eptiateely ine bui, mediines wbich ivere xsud 1*,lia, ln.1fmdible cure». ,but wviicis bave provcd 01sf>' palliatives$, but ubim tredic'riP la rnt onhya pahtiat'rve brui cure for vi. ceriuted lurire. It colitains nu ,deletoerioua Dru4a and onse trial wiiI prove its aidorui4int; e% eemy lie- ter thail CyagriinO cstlcme i urs Co<n- cimpimn and ail dioesesof thee hurzo. il Il as esltig of blaud, Comghi,, parnlu in -te vide anmd About1ffl» tf almat miraut scures perform- ed b>' hais rediirrr, lrom aneeuf tise flaistl)uctors. tJtergymnep.andl Merrisn, bave becn ment us lor ts mnedicune, hsut the puhlèâtin ni tbetm fooks too mucis hike Qiackery. LniIl aisow hhem ta any puiror clliug uit.our office,] Tissredicine wil 0p or itAe!f'and enougi ritaowrrlaveur wbere- CustIo.-'sinmo-dis'inla là et ip ion a mrke isoitti, anud yon, must (md tiserianme of Comsfuck 4 J)rosare Proprietorâ, New Yorkc, on thse sjslerdid îi nipper arouind tise bule. Ail ordets mua:tuîe adulregsed t', Carmat ock *4 llier, No. 9, John SC, New Vos k. lierriurber and neter buy'lt uniess yéu i;'d àtise name on thse wrapïsei. CAU;TION. ll.unof a dau;erout Crwairfntotha' ie CHERRY 4 LUNGWORT, aM tireJ(UNO COJIDI.L*and C4RILTON' S FOL1INDER OJNTI!If£Nleaid JNC ONE CURE, ofl'er-' cri lir Sale at lise Drri< Store. and remerr'bor and never hum>' theee articles ii MUby,, onty ofi'Wsr. LA rNo,ýat his Dry Goodaatoire, and avoiri the corro. terteit. as yosu wourld Possox., loO wn7?Crs ofan1d Dca/crs uinJgr's CAR1'UN' FONDEt.OINT-1 Hormes, arnd contracteul uryef Feverish Fen't, Wiound> Broiiesiià the Flesis, GalIed Backa. Ctmcked ledst -Scr'trhe-, Cital. Kicktt, 3w., on Fllous L~aUio-Fîudtise Damre nif.J, Carlom Cons- çlockm'u ire wrapr, or rcver luuy C4usorsei Fer tise uiré of Jlinzr-Bone, Blond Spavirr.1301n1' Spavii, 1Windrzais, and Split--a certain remedy. CARLTRN'$ CONDITION J'OW- DEIS'FOR HORSE8 AND CATTLE. ,rhi- rhan- eni weather anid cearon. witi h h ruac if i se manI feed, irave a vibry great eft'eci tupour tise blond antiaintrossfluid nf hornes. It le i tisesu'chrisutrithe>'requmiire a esa uteb nature, ltr turv nffrny diaorder of tise liid* oni'the body tâit mav bave bren imisiisedj,and wich, ifunet al- leirleid to.,wjI ieutî lunlise Yellow water, Heaves Worm,, otts, &r.- aiofIwhiris wiit ise preventer' liv OOtiirnuotf tieeepowifera, arxel t<i i utan> hue suefvsru al'sytnptournoio(rdispose appeau., if îîsed in ttij-. Tise>' prurif>' tissublond, remove ail idrfl.umina:iounel fever, looscru ths in. deagleï tise water, arnt] iîioaelewisle bndy s-nmblira tre'm tc rc, nrru' rrk tilts 0tiseearre fced. Tise artinnrsoftisese p'wder. idirert isuponailtiese S- cretiîvi' lacelJ, rand lhbsri'ore have îtis ame cUire upoiri e Ilorse.îise Ox, tise Asxadail sI leriivuar- nut it urnal-ad isLeae.* arisiuîgfrsunor produclur a 1ii-i lirof tise blnait,are fepe'uiy uredt iy tisem-. liparensbrpr.1tîîul ik for il*rrltiuas Corudi!ion Ploua- ders, andi lake no ulheru. CAI'ON'$ 'NERVE A'ND B<)NE LENIENT -FOR HORSIC$, arte for tise care oif ast isimens.eeti man or lieasstisa'ý reiuuire trteîa appticatiiu, uand for conitracte', corda arrnrusrjleu, ,brengsilens.s .ceklimi.., iad I alsu e or vi trarins, bruit. suiddle gails, su.elî eIre'. "nre' cet al l iff4on homges. Cistlinnln sarticles fur boises rrnd roule are pie- pareil froint lie rerirw- of a ver>' cete-brute El rih Fanrier, arri sieul ire,riîurty-rriieptlimes mnui one is'inslrerl, ary oftishe above ironipIsaj#i Tise> haive been iser! iy frrmeis. lives-y.men,,ame Pro- pnietssr*rasnd oisers,,*rîh the matit mmrkedl miii de clu, tIOy-N nrrecris1t'a sensuinme unIrsyos rus the orme tuf J. Carlton %7milock on the ffltî' pe' of 'ascliaricle. C70 M S1'fOC K'S -VE RMI% 1F rG r This il tise tnostextrnmordinau y rem.edv for lf'urma. ever susei; i 'T<riyeai ats ,4oinis froir delicate iiriainta ratii.ret adulftarusî surtft ils bis compleft-I V ot oumiî t nlrle*<y ai kinde tif¶Vrrrt Tise rost. 25 <ta. Per bouler, plos t il iiin rietis< f ail, ansi ail pa réutfs ho arewrilhouu h are wanton% uxoiçtrtliresof ier ciitîers lat» tse ieii s cstroyera.p( ynuiiir. ,rr Lo Jok for the' l'înéeof rpmatorck4. Brutker, proprietoirs, ou ti wrapîrer *teaeb boulte. thse ebjîdren 0o'r et]. For Fem,,,grlssd à>We- DR. LARZETTE'S JtlNO COIRDAt FI- creatie Elîzir, prescsibed î* an effects*l îuinra tivemn cellesufpebility,tlp5len<y.,ôi>r8fC1I and ail rregulgrittea cfnature, Lt l il &JI ts n proieffleaîz li, :Notoirp'n Grest Restnretlive, »priq.1 fi màa ceflain cure f0ur&murî3l emiamia"i, Genseral Debulit>', Gleet, 14â L. eos cftise Geniui Wbtes. As an Mm'~3th sedicinle )tà t Z ald. Af noa eetrar îeuued fo r il 0n»0;ptontHiu ' los4uis o f MuacualrZef. i ye Pbysicul Lamiluilte? Feriale Wealioeaa,Deuili- ty, &c. 1h tainwerrnted tapleaxe the mer in iny of thse above cornplaîtta nd et ipricuess value la tisose withi0ut 0ffipiTi"z. Caution to be carefullq yead and re A ounterfeit of Ihîm ceaebraftee J0ieCordial Ikas berr asued, bvthe lb. niner ol Ls eVine DS 1Mv Jud#uurontise wrapper, and thse çeawe Wrapper, Co>xnTrir.cx& Bao'rsu». No. 9 John st., f<. Tarlk, iTm-et ockIV"7tre r nd nL,, tixwarrant- cd ta usure ally af. tof Rlunuimatsa M, oî-o- tracied Cordr' usrudN merle, m SuiS onif arnh enir Weak Lirob, andi enables tlose w ho are crlp- PIe to wîlk aigaiti. Ccrnstock & Broilisers, J>î- prletors, New aolmid olue gerinir.e witboutr. tiseir Drnme on thse wra-pper. TOOTWJ--ýCIE. D.KLESDRO)PS. for the. cure, of Ttwai- ache. Ilit ýwitb roridencetirai we <an reroni- rnend it as mn nrufaliblp cire inu aIlt ai. wiîisquî GARLON'SL1NTETF Or THE PILES, &c. 11wprt-is pacce in Dur eou"1T b ty an muemse nmîmoe0% iOviuipasnd farsili-a. it avti mca: rer1ainhy for thse cure of thse PILES, andi&Lac ex- tensi vuly and ec$.rlsially as tn buflle r-tduiy un- iris where îts elferlt. art- witneQsed FxTtervally, în the rolnwinuL, complainta z aFor Dropy-Uretig extrmordinary aWmrpdbor SutIIu<s-cduîngtheni in a few houris. Jiieum* inaA rteor Chrorule, giving mime- diate easw. Ro-r ir h'at-Ry Gautreus, Ulcers. or Cold&. Croup rand Wkcopiuug Cougk-Exernily <and or'er tiseelles.. .411 Jiruivs, -Sprsinff ad Buris-Guring in a fe<w houri. Sares anud UZcer-Wbfether isisor et tont standing. am lever soies. lIs ojeration sîporuaduitanmud chuffrp:ri. in relax- î,ighîress or' the cbraI b>' relaxatinn of ile paris. hais beensusrprliiq beyomsd concept ion. Tsrn. mon reniark oit hisoe wlmo bave uîmed ît in tise Pie, la - It meSs like ,a crarm.!' il àla anted go flease an>'y per"orsthsat iilt try itl. C'amdou-Nrer bi i unlest ynu Ibithe fait *imile sIgnature ni' Unmrstorck & iliser. proprio' tors, un lise wrapper 0 tise 4ellurne artlicle, Cusîion.-A Il *('tise above nmcd articles are ç*o1 only isy Corrrack & Brothier, 2 St. Prier'x l'lace, dir#'rtiylis re1ar ci thse Astor Ilouse, lie- iseen Barrluy<nid Yeey.1St;., onir door frorn Bar- rtytj arum! 1e Btock f rom iDroadzay, New York, un sebom ail orderà, muti le direu'ted.- Fur $aLOrieto hy John Mri&Co.. Part Wiiîy muid Port Pterry, and Wmu. NichaIs, Brook-- lin. Soit! osui,in Wldlby, liy Wma.Laing, stais DRY Gour)s 5mi. Remember, admuidli> y mi his Store, il you wzsb file Cesussinu.l- Ins fulSa'. it W x L ia'x Dry Gord Store. CAUTION. FX Rf-slo! tire abos' e md arirlel aeXTR. Ã"sllsmwa liv Jamez-2Laing, bis Part Hoper, by iMorris Hsly; in ownanull , . Rarrisn & Go. ; mu Xewcaa:le, by cKslun& lurt-r alaân, l'y orir Agent in £t'ery Touwn in Ca- nada.* ErrqrirTefor Cmitîek & Pflrorlrs Alma. mac for 18512, wblch w'it be ivuen zratis t ail, Remnemier and irerer buy Gmt-lione, Hcrse iledi- rifles titrlea tise full naarie of thse ?bprietiyr on huis wrapî,er, J. CÀaotron oata'roci. Bewareaswi neyer bioy t'unenorfind hie iamve oui thé. wrape,, as tise> bave or laie berri exeupslvelyeorîtst ru7ey dare rint put ins the fusIll rame or ear i lie- lîard, ands lirid tisefil Il ruane.

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