Ontario Reporter, 24 Jul 1852, p. 1

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~Iit 's- Outati PUBLISIIED IVzY ÂTaAYMOman, T 0"SHLLNG 'VOL. 8, WIIIT"BY, CANADA -WJSTt JULY 24, 18520 ~ ~ T.? YCiRTL 1800 miles iii len-&th, from Port-,srniatoi whle ee ftt.eudbrl omrd LN13D SIX PEINCE TitiCELEBRAT&D ~usgun ~ rnî~tCOMSTOCK I4EDICINES I)rtitCIEMICA.L PREPAlAT( tDay bcOfluited îiy for any disae affiectingthe eQO welf known hn Canada, hava 'aaeffrlly countesteited analdltributt rTI I oR (un UAIS, Canada, by thre very peronnh wbe. ovur theis 5rIIllTcth ileaied00fn Gd Pate o0f lIVOI, aiîgtatuIna, fav~e idmitteal tInt Dr. 1luct Fronoe t au 2etntire &Itt. CQMSrTocuc of New York, la the ou*y Pîopri Olleovr M. LIW's Tua.coiteo(Kiato TIw's.articles ore and Si mc,,aStr jet$. lt-Tre GRE47' p411f XTR4CI O.ohswa, N«. l. ,18511.>î. (Conne.la.) rurin; al Bismn,and aItEt, fPains and Soîe%. »sDv4Tucktr 2ra-B4MgOk' COlUM'JLfo S$Yt Ugkb 5 MI '%.DCIIÏr & AXiT14 urIV SY R.soir;tir finIsiir.- -coot, ut lt rsct%,SUGES, 3rd-JIE WM' NER VZ if BONII LINÃŽIf AND AcnrcHIflsansd INDUS NVI tETABfE ELI NORWOO, laxaW. a ente #nr ait Rireaîtimai, - N@~@.Ot.4#th 1851 28-ÃŽV 4th.MNKIIR'S VIL, to cir ail Deat Peri, btli-s-IiYS* LINIMENT, a weil kr.own i~nm>nfieromthe (Pie*, &c. &e. *WU inia n Poujoill, 6th-DIR. S P0 JEN'R SICKC JIE4ID.Ii IM.VF DY. NO TiiRY P UILIC9 7th--.4OTIIEWtS RELIEF, for ail Womr Vinlnsme . i. Cnr c ~ueim lenIt Sh LONG ,EYPIS GREAT7 WEST Cem cawer, Draugrhtsmafl, INDIN PNfE. For Cold 15SUFIS 0 F MARRtAUiE [ACNSES À.ND fe.eri6h feeings a nd prevenînî feve ACCQUTANL.2,Fur AvithmaTi vi(optainiti 6 OMnemeartue ourtUou'e, Vllag ol ffe<itioii5, 3. For DiarrSlîer, Indigi Offce eartheCout Ioüwp 'VilageOf and L iApietîte. 4. For Contiv MAr;2ciisTra,-Townsbtp of liÂCll, in rimafe* nd aletp.andnervaousetiflpi C. W. i. Foi StornacirifftiiiflSDyspeptia, C~~~ W* ~~Rieumritirn, c. Tr tra ea L C. FIOMAS, inot badIo t take. "nver gircal pain, a# L. C. HOMA tverrIf-av a ns, coetive. C O VE AS ER9,h-»R.13.fftT1IOL0ML W 8PINK SI A NiD ].smffas oier of Qaicces Reclr Fer ta%~ing Aflidaviba, LAW oF1'KOfl. N'.je MfiCDONIE.Lo Aturna? andConueliratLav &C C. C. il/U II Y. LrOiIcC ts $taira swer re eim'rsiStore. grér$Itl#sY -'i Law INSURANCE OFFICE. JAÂMES WALLAC E hcvp te intimnat tuat Ihe bas lecuapimtsl gIfor tise eIoviiiciUL, MI ijk ENEI-1 %UL l.%AIE anal ttat ire la prepres to take rialis aI the orditary rates, in thre MUTUL. iaCiTàa I iAftII.l branches of' saisi Comatsny- WORKMAN BitOT"II'IS& Co Ne. 36 Ring Srei t Toironto, L. IL. 'CROIOPEL1> & Cor., * IMPOItTERS OF BRITISH MA&UFAO'rURtS, WIIOLE%%LE AND RETAIL. C AIt .;E T0 N L Y SDE, WIIOLEI'ALE AND Ri-ýTAlL I4ÂNIFACTURFR OF SOlLE. IMPiER, ANE Cash paid *for If ides a'nd NSkins. W/ieu t Oat,, Pot# and! Pearl .4s/es. whib ilar. 7h Juine.1 A50, damcs 01 on Uon'itdso!Aes Il PI - t 1 tt il. - fI Sbsriber' 's pmeusred 0malte .Tl AI)VAuNCrsID;CASU es11 POT AINI PALASHES conmçis£ne4 te 'Montrfal. IfflIIERT Il. LAWDER. Port Wiriiby, lit A usua, 1850. 1 key for Se, .very Io-W.by JOHIîN NMARITIN &Ç(). Port Wiitby, !.May 31,11851- .eetlit .seomodatiens for travelters. Gooti 5tabing frrHores, i NV li IT B Y SADOLE, IlIEXSI. OLLAI, AND TRUNE flVisUb.,nhisn -bas ,eondatln0 onm'bandl tirs eahrLud ROBERT GART$HORE. -ALgX. PRINGLE. WIIETB8Y VJLL..GE.' Âllordesrs ini bis lino promptly exectrted, - TA# lustgt Fuekosealwyduon Aand. J. POSTER.. -I id ini fOwn us S. ietor. 11OR, ter»al Ic andl 'ENT. IXIRi ncure 'ERNY lat andl "rs.- gestion irentcai are, il ni ne- VYRUP iqti-OLM 1OCI'SVJIIMIFUGe£(Worm Ktr)for etl.dren or co' .per6onî. SIi- R . DR(0I N' S GREAfTPAIN! KILLER.-N~o medicitie ihaî bec sraover- Cd thal r hailpt!y ..tapt.-d in use interwahiy as 4 .ropsin te tctakv n, :,n<l yet Petot ri uc wotdIrs when à9p.tied e.ternall!I as a wà or bath by rca. Ail ire temeilie# are filyderiibed ini Pampb- ets tQ hp i(terlaratti o. i ai G E NERA L YF1 -M1L Y DI R F. TOR Y Showitte hRrî)edics isi-ich ery fanity-shotitil l'y wisici, ait arîlîmaîy Sicknexii may ire ;.reveuted otr sv-ediI îrr.wdwujltl lhtte expt.aste of tire Famtiy i>ysr.ia Srr &i.ii) atigecrouà Diàeaieà ta refel la i lr':îîri sv iccar-y is arted-bcth as Ia the 1aiiculâr aras :e #nirîlated l'y i? ecompiairI. iii!î whlsno; rie suds rernedy rîsay aiways bo- z-a il & 54~ ~ c c,- -, ,rs*~s c ,~ 9~. *-~ v.-.,. NEW RATS IeN!M S Tl r.E 1n'laabitants of whitby and ' ih- bruir bnci!art iffnmed lhst tho 1SubteriiS bolunowtolaandt bis MI rn soc.cn tainî. mil thre New Styleils Vgr.. 1,Ftt and A m tacmi fi A T S -AIse, thre elebratetl Kotqiilth fat, nntw in aneh creat dWinfd- Gentleton.'flslil ibig Hat Empoi 'rm. widl g*s tha exteam sot- ment in Canida. 11 JOW¶IraL Trrto, April lrI, 1852. GoLDIa FHAT. 52-1 m. NOTICE. LL I'ersons ndebted te thre Estate of Athe late Peter PCrry, arc bereby nôt-ified that unleas tire> make immne- dînte paymenf of their respective Debts, Legal procceodings a l b. taken agaist tem.J. V. IAM, Agent of thse Ezecutors. Wbitiry, 2tb Dec., 1851-. 34- tf N T A 131 WOLFENDEN k. CO., l AINtJEACTURERS and DEALERS iv .T lOîIIIIIîtîa1. Tuitb Gins rave Ina Whitc, (irccn, Blitc 4- 'Varie7ated iMarbie.' C'en r e Tti Starrii.Tops. ChimîIey.Pierefi. Sirlia. Scda Siaht, Sunt DiaIs, Paint Swoes, &c.i Everv vrsiîeiy out4AIMLE VJOEM done ma Rupatri r -9 ylo.tPf tire Bot XateriaL, andi Teti;s Liheial, N-8-.x & ('. 14g tn Say iral they I anc ce connertn wilhrî ry utlie ~ ter u, nd the-y impurt IIcii Maille troin thtae vi fa..nralRutia:sd 7'hos. Wilson. MarIkhr>r Vilage, Agent. W'JIITBY AGENCY or 715< Wester-n" As5surance Comnpany. RI iMLOFFICL-... .TOr,,ONTO. *Capital - £100,000, INis ttmnc. or 'rr'r ovsDI rAmit. - 2 ~ r1'IIIS COMP'NY hrrviiîg etr du c " ,lJl~ ' ~ S o Orgailkd, ;' CIrn5ing te ltoetelfma cf ils f.,.,, ak Chiater, as prepare-d tine SPOLICI ES azainat rC V\y LOSS or DA NI CEi, y PIIW.E, on }REAL or o rti~ e ~ ~ PERSONA L VIOPER'rY or ail kinJàs. on as JAMES11. (B.RlE . .favorablte Frma as otier retponsibfe Companies. r The folem in~g eniemen compose tire loid of 1) RlUt G l~I ST, DirectorL-, twrsê osmesaree a sicnt ruiaaiktee iliain Street, lltVhffy villagte, i %V. C. SVS EET1S CE LEBPItATIi.1 F"nnnlv ldime. IIIVATO CIIINES,2E BALSA,%M C 1JUES Soie Tirrnat tard StamAc-irCo'igir Coltis, Chelik ,trWhoii <s;r m or Rattie, l&c. ;'T'S FA ILY CIJ r.ATIVLE LINIMENT. cure,à alPains!: clamps. ,imres re tire Fare Nervous (tees! auss Toti. Ache, Cataqia Qiinsy, laC. ý s WV E El S -- NFALLrI3.IJI EYE WATEPn, cumea.Soire, trubameal or Wenrk Eyt-t. Il cormez weUi recommetiltt. Tt y it. TUE KING 0F 0IL.-;, C'utes ail LUlceraies! Soer, Chiibtaitus, l&c.. anditiâ înrSallilpIe for masoy externat diiacases. Try it; yauWi ot lregret t. TItIE O.aLY UNEQUALLEJI MEDI<tC. SWEET'S CEI.EBnIA!*LD BLACK OILS FOR IIORSES & CATI LE!! Tihe hast and cuheapeât rredieine knoutt, andl Is weil recommentied by teitlenaerrf <u. own con- tmy. Al iraI have used it'epeak %eweti oS it. Foi testirnoniata. cati fer a pamiphlet. Tire folo4s'inx, certificate is f'o F.. WQ .»" 'n.,FqMayor ofSt. Caiherinces, C.ru..W.at ma. W. C. SWEZT AM& i... COLIC.-I bava for ma*ny yeama 'oi e weelm ltiOlîs for iHommes andl Cari ath y recornmerd it te tie publicasas fùs rate preparatieul fer scratches, palls, cista, irrui'aea ap raina, anal.in act, %ores of ail kinals, It i. tirougir! mas' bof in this country, andi Mnc demana la incrmaant. 1 have lumafan>'pmrparaiona for brosea. bu!t ire preference 1 çive urrhetalii;i ta theeelebrated Bak O011, maituSaeiured b>' sweel, Roahenter, N.-Y. 1 wouti 4aavise cicry berre osener Io keep a botleof iheairove Oit..e baud, for is timels uie will sa" t ime anal merey. Yoursress c tai l, E. W. STEPHENSOIN. LI For Mae b>' T. C. Sutteir< Bowaanvilfe C. Hughres, Port Hope; Dr, Prindbe, Coteitrg -0. bleCo>', Newcautle; W.,J. Sutoa, Oshana;,an Wbonae k RtsýlbyJAMES I0; GEREIE, Wbltby Village. Anug a29,6l 9y r, I al i. Lovel al . ou.hà.,eu auysann Sit glowilig on the bow and lace, »I en 'round the ib: .ib.uliaf ton», la citelira; eacb et4mlpme., ý 1I Wheu ruse aund lily on the <beai, 'Neath, .oitly dioàon; tubs ~blusidt Ansd clustel in ',cuind iiaq'asubat 4p<Si New rharma te po<imhad#atuuWftend. And lovcty, ton, wiiau know l'wis" là 'round the Iofty bmow .twltid Wben genius' aeiItbe oa#4 Vsstul And reawoam liîbg anad PiaWn's ,0et And wîtb uplite4#&"tg*, fun, Pointa onward Io a Ierîy nua. But lovelier far is bloeming youth, When mtek devotion tl thtsie go Wben 'tound lbh brow wreaths 1 ving truth minad wir'h P"ii of riet>y. IVbea <yen tn youth'a fuîreat bowwa The patb of duty'a brav.1y Uoed Tbrieco bleaswba nlla'.t*,# gbois Rememelb- h.izCrenirb~ d Port Oshawa, .W, May '29', 1852. Ladon nd 1the hM&U 1M& The Âictic brigs furtlaer ae&=O"tcf the îimnefflmovaiaut la Eatgtaad for Au.-- tralha. , The scenes iii àNew. 1 on h-a 1â49,ý (la the dieoqVery c asoia. aeii s..ondoa il 84, *ith bisdtlereace, tbut the gold-seekingi eusIgaiou .theri ila a(;o- vermainnt atir. Týhe aBritish Parliamten- Look the subjrct l. a W at ce. 'be dis tant colony is to be filled Up withaa active, efltel'plibfg and wefl-diatriutedpopulation un der Governtneut patronage. Proviâion ià madle for the eirirant belore ieavingLIn. don dock: lits conifort is earid for duing the long paSSage; bis home secureai te Lia on afrving out. IHere it .was dittferet.- 1 he Isthmus sud Pacifie M~ail routes were farmeai out. by the Gortrn metao ammott, contractors and steamthip owners, and the gbld-seeker handed over to thair tender merdies, to ha cbarged diaeuuost axorbitani fares, ani te, be crowded, without regard ta comffrt, and and, transferred, witbout refer. ence te pemsnal convenienca', froià steamef te, the end of the journey.* White te ii.s in" vesseis were stffered to ba litera11 packard at our wbarves un rea4les Violatiot of tbe passogeri aws of Coupais, and seul out for a four or six months voyage1 roua Cape Horn, itblont raference to meawortbi verioifor Australia mumber oer y2,00 weekil. Regular fines of both eailing an stcam-packetâ buve bean. bruught incoser vice. <I bardemanai fortonnage ia enori oub, and bas estendard te veusls oftti U aited:S tates. WeV' heard yestrday c one or more charters of the British Govrt ment of chips owaed in this port, on tari regardard as quite a " wind fait" ta the pu tieb on titis aide. Two of tha hast Ne,« sYork -and Liverpool propeifars, thes man noîb (Great Britaiit andi the Saiah SandI have been îransferred, te.A.ustralian aervicg anîd both ware filling up-tue Grca Br 1tazm near!y ful-on the saing0 of the Art Il tic. Witt lie ondtcd r the Most honorable piii .1'ire tonnage engaged ut Liverpool alone pirs. vu :- js couatea i 10,000 tons, iudepaudeat ci Isjac C. Girnur, Ilnrt illiter, âtaian ; asuong otber refflso, the RMp Vaii Trhomias Ht-auortir, . Haye, W&kle&Unlited tStates frgale buili hip(.1 GeorgpNciit-, Wn. ller.ierson, James àBeatv, lice Lewis, and 2,000 tons hurden. Tha Australias L'aci- johniiwul qnra fie Stean Navigation Company' are pre. lsasac C. Gluor,- -- -- - - -- Peidert. paring for dbe kanamta conneatton, vith a rîimaMbvàuoiîr, - -- - - - -- Ve-Plesdent- inatof Cuardars, on tireAtLautiesida. Rvbi. Stanten, Etq-- -- -- -- Sec. andl Tutus. ' re clas of imirrais leamrlg Great Bri Thre ursdlersiàrned haviraz bek-r ap;peinteil Agent tain is iver>' muc il ofthe erder et out .ov nt tire abeve Cumrry utly, give ;efienai allen- emigrathurisorne >'ears-sitrate W Càli(6wàra ionn tu parliebt isous of .ff.-clifss Iniruice. It numbers, besidas, thet ondivar>' labons JAS. WALLACE, Fire, Life, andi Ces.'! 1,suraîseArtent. and artizun, mai>' repotableitdsmes Febrvamy 5, 18-52. 43-ff. Wreil te -do la tihe wenld, coufideial elerk ______ .)nmercbatars offices, sudi he meus of met 1DSuVBIIcO! IiniuraiiCS -chants, ailt a habcdiitributed, net coui>'ta il Staiscrirers having been tippeintei golaldigns but te mercantile purmiits,1 Agets for the tihe risinÃŽ tovus of the Colon>', t agrias Etna lusuraînce compn1y of Utra, N. Y., ture, vool growinog 8e are prepar-i to rceivearIîuiîratienm for Jî.surance. Fromfine bis;icliaactet oi the al-ove Institution. XVe do oi mev o y owadvauturers &Ã" sud rire Iow rates of' Pseriumn, we are couviiîcad this coutry votilal ha neceivea ini Australi tibat upe ior lac 1 it ies are now ofi'erini fer tilr;i but iht experinrent is tW bc triaiS. &Yi suce toe ilnirtanls nt tire New Couaîy e a agevsasof fttspnt r o Ontario.trtlreee, u fti o ,aeny TIIOMPSON.', PEARSON'ý & Ce. tue vu>', filleai vitlivie Yankees." Tbg OntrovIo. vilS report on ariva,;and if a bonest lm Wliiby, 2,181., ~ '~' c>' s te bc tunrain a qick va>', ispa ____ ___-Governmental diurimintLsinuteries,: ï '1111E SUI3SCRIBEIIS naeerow te bumabernoisrg out i ûUbe.eiê O CERIES, compriin; rire usuat aaaautîrert, anal viticit thry art enairled tu offer on vel y advar,îa- geous lermu 1to eir correspondsents, andl th. lraui genm ly. FRESSI TEAS : 276 paigaYu;iysoli, cerplilng meut - etra inre, 60 packages Twasrkay, 30 packagesaisortedb ltack- Tuas, COFFEE: - 45 baga vevysupanior Laguira Cofea, bu0 iags Rie, - 18 bats8t. Domningo, 10 matts Java.. FOBACCO: -200 psekagem munits! Tobaseco, i l ', ',Us W,&.ke. - SIGARS: yi e baches rince r itunkin moree 800 mies mrde. Wroi sto in-n mlic8mieso m re. Line, ws toKini- mouon the month, ie ethe'drtoa of ý. F.on Dwightb, q, oerftheergetionomd' entrpisg Conîraclmwr. Wua«gi. WaIr ene., f Cbug , reiôm ,ot th lern Tnznk LfCebourg id Ceenomerandq. o Truck UanAeand Bt iMoartearErq.-o th ankrctz apre at i gandin. of wnldi nid di. igbt msectabdit wIuqreideti Tii. foliowing are tu ii.stnces et the (*vaad Truck LUne and :ributasiems inCana- da, in addition te the Âmeriema lines. l- ame ý vder celtrue t W b inopertioD b port Smata b lnuton Hiaiton tW T«Oro rorouto t1» K.ngssoob>'Piston, Ki ua to Moatroal, MontranJtoteQuebec, 142 S48 210 190 200 Trante to Dmrrhe& Lùamy ur,95, Toronte to Goal ph& GoWder'subl 130 Iziluite tBu8lIop 70. cation coulai b. affroi4 of tItan, The. chapli.inl a lttar, affrmd ubat dring .kt nina years of bis -tomeion wtitli ta prison there ad ne mt b... more tuas twe or three copuicL& who Iïâ receivad a colle- giata edacatioa, ad nut more thai double diat atabe *hg batS tintbeuen heea of an acaalmoy. Of_ sbtlire buadred con- ,r&ctc dbins rupote was mot ome that he coutd.WuIW LI(thù"iêZuafor the Prim tIbarI~ 4,209 parsons an- a. of I SS9Could aitithar r ras wfft 85 oula read and write unperfribly. '0(f4,70 abandon. el (arnales lu Paris, *1él y ct d igu their camas weilli, 1,7ýQ wrptaë ver>' badly ; 'uie cnsideral>ly ab oia bal'tihe number co uld uot write at ailOf 8,103 persons of thesa mase ami' inLondon, oui> four batS rettied -m upernor education ; 80 ceid read and write welI, 1,237 couid ruad uwrite ipefectily,and-6,773, nmore titan tbreî-'ourtba efthtie wbble, coulai ' - er read mor write at mli. 11ev nob ci Isrdmi b> sXaîM.. B3rantfIord toe ~incoe analDover, 3 eites-fron Aimont, jul>' 20d, as r(allows qa r Port Dorer toalPont Burvell, 45 "b« ofethe moit outrageos seenes occar-".day andl Port Burwell te Ingersoll, 35 real lieate-day 1 aven vatsued. A man revolutisc Port Stanley W Lnouen, 27 by the came of Wesley Huibert, wbu for aven>' a London to Windsor. 120 soemre bas beau Iaboriu ,uder a aliet hat a ge r -. mental deracrament, and w bai beau iun- mes of ev LUnas, 1597 prisone Itef inl the cotanty jail for an as- an mme Miles nov ln operatien, 8M0 saulî upon oneeof bis uaig1bens,. hai but li D - just returmed, wbau ha agulu commenced pose our Total miles, 2,437 Lis atineks b>' tbreateaimg to shoot suvral of the gr CiAnTAL INvzSTED. et' bis ueigbbons. A warrant was procured of lire, -ti For Liuesnew ineperatiou, 8130,000 forbis urrest, when tia couatabia, vith a cycles ti Ditto n progesa, 10,000 pome of Men, rapaireai te bis tesideunce.-beiv -Ou arriving tuera andS aemaunnr im ~t tose at $290,000 [sorreuder, lia prepred tW defeud bimself by edai SC5i Tise lmvestment iinttbese mew linos cannot takimg one or two pitols ad a muiket, nre.star>' ia but py a bandome i&terest,whl be npub..-paildealt e ha ambar of a acat log-busee our ie lic wid, ha vasl>' accommodated, ad put locate nea udemis astoft tiis village, wbare the i _ Canada at least on ase quai footing seuL the ha forinerl>'resided, and iiumediateljrtirot ty' t :States for transmimslou of intelligence, and one ofth ie t4eu dead on tihe spot, trom thuiti p iu ail the important cities, tevas, and vill nes' chamber window, b>' the naine ef Jaceb l Vm 'siittin a' momnemt's distance of aucli oer. Milf.~ As seon aï thre newm reached theia ni Who woul d hae iragusal k two years ago1 vilae, tisa elizeni istened ate smce, sud isaw Tb, .- firedte liusue,i-nd wbaabe made bis ap- adî h Om -u toi o w -s ecr -m z e aea , t he *56- th Tisa a te vaft A 5atI~er tbrougb 5he botSd.y . H iad net expirsai afren dU come from, as deaisivaly %tU s wetea1 eft the sceue:.but the wouads vare eotssuei àt laat, as wisîl ha seau frei tire followisg mortal. Hae b.d fired gaverai sigst at the objects teitimen>' of Mr. $ilva ut tise axaminatiosi citizens bera etisa Lamas aroea in (rom 302,vW le phaMeplàa ou the ", L. TI. cme, il. bis hiding place. It vas trul>' oie o et tII.q viii tï rccolltrcted, terminateal b>'tise cita- most affecting sîghts thai eould ha iasa'ied cl"se airen being renanded althie cuitoai>'of MNI. -witueesed b>' nearly tvo htrndred inliaLi.O()a Morshe ug iodtstbtecoli C.tants. Il a body of Millis côuid not b. oh- m a isierfere vith tme prescut. cusody'eof ite taiea ill be va scureal, as be tlaratsued lavw, (sf citilalreu, upon tise uusuppored testisson>'ofi o take tise liras of au>' who dare ta Sp- Dalton% the witnass alona.Ile bad evidentl>' par- proacis te taise ut mvay, paS soasqueutl>'th co tati vit tar custoal>'te lis brotber-iut-law reamrea lst aw as vor %wisIIuTII b- tiug ar (M. balaza), and mai1 A coud ha showsa fore Hulbet could ha ecuyéu Mingi feaes 4tdinst suàt tue citdraru wera net cared for accor- a large famil>' ta o mr bis Ioms, and 1lut ai- ,3j -ding te the original agreement between vit- bn' erge h sfrant lcmta *nais and tue parents of tha chuIdren, the 0 ittedelbscaer" nin -Court vould met interfère. .ý R.enrentiiilra swon-I am acquaiatei BA.TTU O? WWBIM MN.OO. aitea w ith thear imprents; tue>' lire la-tht village "Y, of cf Jacota in thes Z>tataetf lalvador; su In'tdisgreant battle tie r.Eeircbai 246 sevaral <1849,1vaupasing throtlgh thtevillage of a' n the fielad; tire IaSii,156 ; and furaiU Jacota, anal sase tht chlldn; I asked the. dia Pnussiaams, 104. Totall1.5106. Ti re ert mosiser if she veulai give tusema eme, teoim f tesePlecça lezc"a4avr'in tqe take tises. ava>'for, a Geild lima ed- ettire limaStisaitisaeolde4t soldiers Wlima i utti ucate ieux; site told mcJ oufd bave ht aar,-d aietu e ùeath e atiionr tv&w mec thein ftler, vire vas mvi>'ut tht tisse;masIPi$e Àtrsê*ln atr atirvads m Ure fth, mtS eter te- tii. guipers coula i isear Aotliagth"t va *getber ;tbe>' gave, these iulr. enoMe, mt -,a1 edm.Tbe . e.1il 1 M ru aUY vrsteqpapc, o take tism on espot eèe drI theS -fiit Q tt.0 ii erGaW1àta.eduat te Il déeemine<I 10oie;,f tisa Pesde r tumbrjPs sz 0o4d,thkoW' idtid Sbning them a t is country ta educate tdem, the slarti i)ItO, r4 s kte kbUais"issbia; in cousaeqttce et a quai- liei.t a i plces. Ti <iec&W-catI r- 1 bail çvà tte Briuishr Ministerat #jra. noosu$e of tis aw.fi 4Uprba t.be1iaI iadu, 1 vas arrested inad put in confinemnt; euhado e ~ 5o~r.fd ii batS sotbiag ta do Witlthdaebilairen ; lIm'tUl_ COP1 tTtlU.. tuaIt ino Mr. AddisonaSd anotbehmeti- fhall h 1e stnife neau formatS a parnarmbip ivitis ny brother- alamm ala of « ba tn-lasv, tWtaie tua cbildre a te nres a dTi 'lite laissai o Tbi lRn'O la? ezbibit tdem, and tiare tht proaeeds; Isaw &e ia.Egàai a4nuf )-ped C- ptprntlutin 185l;a5 U 1 aOifhn- am $bt Au4 v c ,re v dviera tht>' vere > dyAema deild -ean tu !pý w Ù-"$4a thiaït ' dg Y, et sue befora tha zutséities ïtise, sand !$b 9tal414 4 ,n tisat tise>' batS beau toitS thaÏ Ilia soltithes - 1 miade mujiif hable butors tiseugû a âiers tat Ifilmd osé"e'a ai#944M~B ! tboe, »d amWtrs us la4 ' 4-~.s2 ia ns-- M s imo, bd SWa cep>' the, fo11swingfvom the Ciucin- umù Cnuusedd of *late dte:- siAi ii tbeamer BIu. Frukln puaed tbe towm ofM e ia licSU, Indiarsua, on Trhuita>' lat, on ats way ta Lo uivhILe, with tue Sareai retuains of Heuy Clay on Boatirai .one young ldererestaitsng .gbe alffereut Statas f iL: en , tod in emspicuous valseon îth e ' in front <if thi e aSf " d t itiua abat bidl acsm.xUd. MI sve on, wee alresseflnluVirgm wite, nue exeepteai wa robard in decp hua-,y' moursisg, ad rapresea>ted Kertucky, and occpitS the centre of tue lin-. Mev tecbmgfy beàiilful the sceme, andl shat prida--.samd pride, she mutbve feit as in tuat galazyof beanty bmie foud hersailft' Ir repreaautative of thal state wbnre brosil lad, trois oua extrema te tue other; aras bedeed witb tani. 'lie vwole scene s enedereil more expressivly soemu by tisa de t<il>' slece tbat uivzensallyprevail- ail ou board thea steanuaarad on shoar, as tbt esseS lo teil soam esl>'b>, bearico-is prcescharge ouward. taitz bat.ra- W.m4.ap ofCreatta- Wmtawm fi r amIu .'uCiv a t Lu>'1 cultumt are Saup niia liii JUST ILECEIVE-D, Jm%Dtgrzhemî.hî uEit t fhsrry1 JESI.GERRIl t«W Men really Delieve ttat tney on a whirlinc ictob-e =d th2.t each 1 1 1

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