Ontario Reporter, 24 Jul 1852, p. 2

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-... ~ - ,.~. ~. :~ .-.~' .~. Natal lMÏt nt St«e te n On Tua' pghta rednisoccus- C, r ina Stoukpot, 14veea tise..loee lses .f b4db Cstb*haca aid Eè&fishProtQïstu al emabttffld b>' part>'s"ÃŽt aidqurveis, : anisiag out ef-tvoanat discusius as to the tel sçist-ot the former te continue thei ro-Su cosmm. 'pue tisir 9"08asoh ie lL. - ebasterGué"t ,cfWdmalagives a S sM-oseial. accolant et ils engin, front ali vnlc tme ext ttbeibi tlilst prl "Sanda>'w m eae ntiversar>' ai taie iu 1r ai procession oi sif tise Roman Catbalic r scisa atneeéti wtlstaie tare. chiapets Ch ini Stockpsort. , The receat royal proclama- nu Itou agaluit Imais Catisolic processionsît bail ieen mificis ducusset, and ,taie liss ce Orangentenand éthier Protestants,î cantend- w' ed tisat taie proceslsion ouglit net taise ai-- woed. 1Vadiaisrespectable resden ta oai n Stockport; appremisuie Ibat if tise praces- 1t asteck place, it moudaid t tasaie seri.-rv «us bs>aci of tise pendu, aplietit v $&dIer. cilci coougbsléle kom 'maether di the'astiovtls saouL JFvsibit- Il, ioder Pl tiepaeaaits pst l 1aion. Thse suit- jOCt, ,me d» ek, uai.brauglit niVer - tisa *olice ef tise ,Mayas- 1ail »c baraga i t =uitels; bat, (lmis vialever cause, Do odrvetgi von teforbi4 taie praeàsion, sai l tteck place. .Prevbausi>, aowvpr, -tb* Lev, Rndalpai Fritb,'ef 'îlbieCathiolic cispel; Edgeley, senior psfrat lu Sta .ciport,- maited on Mr. Sadlen, 'anti gave tise mut soleumi s iôuraaces tisat nosy'snlolsor garai siouid appear in taie procession beyoud wmat istiý beeadisa for asuitersaries, or an>- tisagIlit cautt icaiedeemed aa deflauce ai tise proclamation. ,W beil became knamu -b tiatticProcession moulti sot be-preventei, b Cartvyfeeliaoe mag lwaer clames van gis atbiscboating tIse>' meul t, st aie stoppd-and taie Protestants decla-0 ring tttueir procession 'ugaitte be pùt deanà. iTise procession, isoerer, titi take9 place on Sunaafaternoon, anti, en taie mholed pasel off quiedy, .IL starteti about tira e'ciock fronet -ie Catholie cisapel at Etige- le', wmmcli is a suburaiai taie tom.', eearP lise raima>' station anti procceded dtomu Eti-e yard streetL, asestise %Vatesloo-voatit doms Cliurciigate snd Park street, tireugîs Warrenastèèeet, tup I-eaton-laae, up tai Welllngton-road Sautai, anti se retumniug 'n »tétahe Roman Catioliecheapel, Etge. le>'. It mas iseaieti by tic priestâ, antia nusisber ai Irishi laborers, malkiag six a-t breast. Taiere mes-e no bannera. 'Tise pristatidid n ua mceanical vestmnents, but appeared inl ordînar>' attire. Evea ilic. girls haadkerchiefq or relis, irbicai ae'b us- al>' mare an these occasions, mere laid ast8dsse anti taie>' oui>'maie wite- iracks, anti littie crosses auspeudeti round. taie uck b>'iai- bans. Tise anly -badges or symbols tuai luaitbe aupposed ta cotavene taie pro-1 .c Lmmsion, mere a ball ati cross, anti a eti édoire. Ne bs-cdoaitihe pence accus-ced; amd ere. Sanda>' eveniug, miticailas atea 4isarbedin luStockport b>' nais>' bramîs agat thse 1"i population, mho are saiti toe <icite_ 14,000 in taie bas-au g a, -pasuet ever mitai-mare tisasn %al tranquillaty. Ou Monda>' atternoon îafortnation reschie th ae pulu..ai a rMtib us gd asu Irhsaman, b6 ot i n uliqualr,lad b cen hghtitn s the liquor vapîta of Laie Bisbopr Biul public ýlaisseasdt iat expressions bant been useti bainlg relation te taie procession ai taie pre- -viocis day,sud te " Papes-y" anti Praote*tan- ta.['iscre mer. reports mIsa ai otb.r tibsturbancos, particularly iu tise ligheate, sent lu ta tise police autharities, tiseugis, an t1wir arriva at the spots hndicateti, tise suai> li-st separateti. During tihe misle ai Tue*- 'day everytbîng remai tranquil ; but tise Bey. Ms. Foster prist oai St. Micaiae's Inàmo mÉ qaiCEAie Chap1,4lu lb. Par, cail- pans. VMhieispar.ty cnsmcnced itis ira>' Mv. Sailoer vausablo' etier tison or suis- sequcatly, te . Rsn.le immediateiy gsot t.dptberîouseasasat constables, -andt wss pocni&gp itb i t eaie spot, meb 3 informýtbqae isbed amitisaitic rotbro iisd ieb a" t.. huik iy ti police anti I.. - %V* id <bst'a coaltieva- $MW r sshL;ipu e ntise dire-l bon o Hig-amtwWà edto * neigh- Ios«boo piSpily inMibiteil b> tient ai Petty-Cosw,t mir.grccu rom, (vii tiema, as . td h, o uabeMa suisbur saad.t tke upper endl of thie rilti cal>' me or <v eep- itedoib _c ais,) sud ex. mouadeti, gome, . despem-teiy. Taie nanti. la666.-Taie Machiester Eaie i publsliers ?p extrp edition, andi gives th -aiane o( tise' dead mais as Bas-ne>' M'Ca.1 Taie .l'aminter corcaborates the-statemn tait in tise' procession 1cm 'emùblents ai truket hind more worn, and tint evertli .wIculate4 <o excite opposition, or likel>' i aiecoosid a s ofensive dispa>', mas ot Iiously' lat>rd éned, . - -eaccouaI goes e th e '>)4#J$ j4statedti tht pre paraiawwuen~d teget ap a isainpst ession', in 'fidiculeofethe Catheie &belQl SI& ieo Mr Fits mas actuahi>' mad and ý; theslsu.racession di - otuvitîe theféellega !6 proJectors expec <ail. , Fu seMi neacm e ieard thi Ne&w nvvaaaam EXTENS IVE i 'n riit îthe Stoeeof C. G Anderd 4ý4nY se ana waids mut be gu4tasnteeslequaltescpt Hanses and Lot, I Building Lot, Hautisome Bugcgy Mare, 5 yeas s ad, Gooti Hanse, 7 yeais olsi, (fst traoter,) Bssggy, nyne' iv, Double MN'sçon,ne, Hors. Car:, aDm, Cuter, Single W gon, (Iran sxlts,> Set Bapu>' H arneas, nevi,- Seï; Sinagle Haines, set Cat i ariasse, Double'Savret Gun & Mkgn ae Sinile Ohhln1 G fin, New'plotagts, - Pair Hiarrow$s, neir, Wniting Data, 2 Lever W,tches, faeds.& jevv- etie.. nw.1 2& If' 20 17 la 1w, mok-W »w dispeusil, 1Beqwvmg, a intuàt.ioe tuit a sinsarattiaik W bec. bPei, (QSr théicou' -roie,) tkè lwsse r4at tailusor, and Ç.und tbh t ii fuvatture id becs, drftged'eut, brakea îp, and sane fiL &et ve'tô. Tise riotem ad dlo ate empt.d le . foroeo pen a large Iran sale ipposed tb coatiia variaus artiecos ail- wv usei iii 'tbe 'services .-of taie cbapei. II af il ver mere pieti up inside taie ebapel. r'aiëes. e letged ini.'afel>' at tise Police- [fice. Taie pôlice trrived in tiinC ta ap- )rend several nien anlaie very nct of )ra#ioltsaod destrovisrg fuvaiture in taie hapet. ýQuiet maïsipedl>'restoreti, and a um ber «fmen andi yoatba, wmaie cccknooa to have taken part insmofitiiese pro- eedings, aýpprce»d,4ed. 1%-any ' a htaes. verel selverci>' wocuntdei; and freon four iaècki b Lhq,6rnine tili flbonfts mrsedical me.'« 4vere *m orô' 1ési;ý en'gtagéd in -dressing uder maaads andi buta. Proceeding ta fisc- ate mh# tise, reportersabave gl »,ancti from oaier.lthais titi police attbrstes, thse Giiar- dian coatiýn és '-.After thie police bad dis- tsried î #cpeUit he*itilgate, ÏilIrisail a .raWyOmoct b4y,.trcsat0ti 'towards Rocli-roir, the iower end of 'h'c open$ spon St. Xýes qdks-e/ -At te.corner ai tki.row'aWsitise sqaùe, -stends a large 1 touse, tihe reaidence of Mc. Grahtami, sîr-ý o , cwe believe, lbns i sanie vs>'ina- curred tWb~atréd oefjbê-RomnCatiolics.' 11bey taasied 4this'gouse mitai volleys <it stones And4 bjiékhatsi tmtised ntosth Ie amwermindame, *nd'tiseservant mas recciveti a- seveve waougd la tis forêesed irom a atonle, oin t "ili, Iraié Ct lbeuse beloagring ta Mtr. White*,$iÉ4çtory alte saffereti consideva- ~1c îijür. Tte mob Ibén taruedti ieir-at- Lacli upoistise Sunday-scisoi casnecteti mitai !St. 'Jits' Cti~J, *bici stands opposite ta fwv.: Gra'ban s aiodse'. on taie aller saste if tise Square, and taie y lbid broke %omne af tise wiosq i4be building,wmaientaie> vire oVes-lakes if> t nglsii, misa attacked anti dro've tliem' Up BÃ"ck-ra, and taiejs seesu ta bave proceedL in vetmhiitiou ta Edgeley. i the i Romas 1Calbalic Capel asid bretsiouse tbereï ant ience te St. Mi- icbhael's- Catill capel ise Park, wirbc h taie>' aiso scked, as already stated. Figaità 6.1w...' anali bodies of bath factin# con- t inueti for sane beurs siterwards. lis taies figliti, oe e ieas iseen t"ene anti iL is ual impro)bablée t t ierzvery severe injuri ua'tersutaatefatally.Zitetmez dcv..' and tircive a'ciat-kt a party ai police succceeded lui cspturiug a atout, atisietic, Young Iristaman, Ddrai> Scarles-ý,abaut tmcaty-iasîr or tmeaty. ýfive YearsaofI gç, Wwu massid te bave m ouaded tire. or fosur mea mitai a pitcliark. Wbea appreheundet, isomeves-, aie lad receiv- cd a severe fracture ai taie akul and tior injuries; nd, s aie mas evideutl>' dying, ait vins vemovetifirnmLhe aLter prisaners, and placeti in s rtoani beloi taie Court Bouae, wvaere aie expireti about a quarter aidant twa o'elock o. Wedncsay- marning. Ana. ter cau. is of 0, Ver>'.distreshing uature.- ALneaiprt êf th~e, evening a man usamet JmsOien, sblcisprinter, as ,cltiged b>' s an ler eita asait taie police.- lie enteredth ae ceilar ila Dock i3rook-street, maies. a figlitvins, going on. Beiug imite- dimiely asaiced mitai atones anti kâs, hie strack at bis. bandimitai a siekie, or reapini booak, azsd'çZmpl>tely sevèred irontais rigli aat taie wisoleof tb. forefin-rer. The Ipour juass mettdirect to taie-Stockport ]lnsuary misere Ibaisband wuasdreseti, ant i etisesm. turnset'il tatise cçliar,,misicis lie fouati deseit. cd. On Ioe sg bout lie pleket usp bit, fin gos-, miertet aifallea bebinth ae door.- Hie is its gleat distreê, as aie s1nid us it is ti ver>' finger aie -tist ucedet inluhistratie.as aie mas ais-aid hé caoulti mark no mare. T( sdd ta bis sufferinçs, aeie ta arricd sman OOjIDoulsle CsdHaigW, 0 0 1 ILepine Wsteb, 10 0 Il We né*r;iw Dm a0 6 Bigle 's patenst hurna, 1 t> 1Fuif~5 ,0 0 12 Msrfins'O Wa tXesc 0 o 3 Steet5padi 0 0 24 StetYlOrb, 0 0 1 Parioursiave, 10 0 6 sa kHaisemeidCasm, O 0 6 Tbirtyr hoar Bras Cise 0 ( . 5 tran leuie5, tbll aisîsa 0 oj 33 Tes 'Frays ans iristiTio 0 u 400 otiter Pfizes vali 0 0 550 Prizes....................0 Tot Tise above List smounîing ta 550 Pruesislitse dramn on a simple plan; the iserei -Tickets-put lesta a Wlteel No. 1, conrespouullslç taoheOie rcket# saisi, and 32M WW [!Çt N. 21 510 o ise esiip. heing manimed tilh tthie mriano'aisvs thateaïcli russbter bas an equal chsance, es a peiols chiosei th ie ss6t wmît att.f drîmuig frasuWtsts- No. i a nantiere Tiicket, iben <rOnl Wbit.lI Nb. 2 will b. mil tel l telatqot caris aunmer, misother a Pre os*iait', wiciti i-aie chec retpectaie menïcisais (sotm iose present halioktgTickets'êt lise ifs». ofJmawi ain *t ffsi coaslets of'a LoTr of LAgs, goi maijelis Ççre«e4 »aro*o'yBs icUst taie unsier part .1viica is filiet up as a »Nterctanl's S$hop - lt, rev W v.Si 32c2iisLsl ii tlusrosgl reiair Atca tabie24wll$ 1., Wood 9W ti26sae18 excellent-Wi miti hnsm iump on tise prcmses, ada nmeo ts<res wilt couspsîse'ane Ptie. TVser seul U 3200 Tiekets at ONa DOLLAR cadi. Deaw ing 10 o'clock, iaSl, tpreci-se/g. Attl or aay ai tise ahove Prizts ma>' be seen on applirafittit10 Whitby, 14tb .uly,,1852. TYPE -FO 'UN,-RY" AND PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE9 29 8PRUCE ST'REIBT# Four Doors belôw William Stireet. T"E Sbscnben re prepared to furnieh Newspae V»r rint Types in' fontu from 30 Ib. in 200ti.Aise, Ormnientat Types, Ureek. lHe- brw, 14auie, Ornatuents, Brasa KRide, &c.. manu- (âdturetl ander their own supervision, ot mea!ts quai ta any ii i tii couistry. ati finiohgwt iitir rnSt acurte manner. The alio furnisai Presses, Chases, Composing- 1Sticks, Stands, Cases, Fur- niture, &c. Notai B.d Wood Types, from othpr Fotandi", anti evcry ai-cle reqiiied in a Prîjtin;9 Olfree, sithtae Ioweut pricecs, for cai or ap vetipiper. Otti Type receivediat 9cents la= ionùexehange for new., CORTELYOU & GIFFING. P.G.COIr!Lyou, ni the laie firm of Go. Bruce k Co., soucits thie patronse of bis triendu. Pninten. s&M Ptèbl ishers of Newspaperd insertint: thie abnve,încludlÇnq this Note, tbree timps,before Smpt. lot, 1852, andi sendinq a copy oif aie@*me to tis,m sillihaepaid for itL li raterisls on purcha iing' Jour times thie amont o f taicir bill. 15. Pat .COJTZLYOtY.1 WILLIAM H. GIVruto. STHE R. C. vi CPOMPOSITE ~ Lotigé -of Freï.andi acce tet Ma" n htby, watt eeld SIt tae Loi.;e 9*4».1.Mt Trai'# OTZL. On WEUN?.S 1)AY taie 28t ist., at SEVENÇ- oetoek P40 . M. THUE REPORTER- WnrrSr, 5ATURDAY, JUL.Y 24, 1832- Tboe eo !.etIug-Defeat of 2the Oshawa Clque. Pablic.opiniO'U la gradtilly as4umting the right direction tin aur County affaire, The intelligence of' the rear Townships con no longer aie decéeived by tbe designing Mr. Gibbs. 'rbese Townshtipas were taie anly felds in wbicb taie ileeve of -Oshxawa antd taie intriguîng coterie that ,urround 1dm, had hoped ta plant taie secilà af discontent wit h any chance of adyasstage owving ýo their rentatenets front a daily contact wtb tise actuating motives af thase interested ini pro- leugipg the Period when the. County ai On- tiàsh b ave the management of bier aira affairs. Tae North W grdually becoiniog alive te taei ltter bolloitteaof principle in- volved je the. r.trogresiveetaprseas wel as afi lae parties engaged lu carrying it out. People, art gettig leas ciiarmed Wih taie farce taeoie aethey examine. and:beome acquaiuted taie actors. Wba ,ar e they, and what great public impravenet, or social or« political refort, ,or intt.Uc<tual achievemneut bave tbey- ever had tbeir nairies conuected wth t Wbat bas,¶thter or ony of thena ever douefo the people of tlis section of tii Votted Countieu, or any eth.er section, tbat cas iniluce thesu now to"yieid au Ii11i- cit 0u611iece in tbeir assertions,, or trub;t te the purity or diiteretedeuts of tbir' sé-1 tivesIlWatbis therbere frouies- trente corner ofthle Tewnsiiip of Wbitby, to g4onand mile,anId dnce apire44 aIp%; GREAT BA Eeore's one mai orf TH'E -u6àerber in, kird PaktqAeFtiso: Se PHiLLI?, AutrIalis, wÃŽ1l Dwellmg Houti. andiloiin tion On ontir(ôthON'INTi If flOtpevu3 apedo TrERU<fl-£100de~nj ltiur years. Now il the timn such as may neyer accur eV Wha:by. July 23,1852. NOTICE 0FCO-Pi TH['HEbu""'%'% iseetol4 tise BIAVILLI Ikaa.s T. 1BAILEy, mi lief liy thse Fimi of DAUT 'helic Sbscibera la n tise public lot past tars, w lanity l torms 115m lsat h buoiness, anti'eiptoyi'd ar m.rkmnea, they istenita sf Bileow , ille Yellos and thie camai-nonRED W. tIiemotifti tant they M-Pi satsgfation tn those risaitg ortiers; andi fhey hope, hy1 attentino tabssînea, Itai Bo-*avil le, Jane 4,18 att ta 'ploye pzopelty.P tise poaver ro'%viunps ai shiut for t1lemscives, and of their Count>' hutinj penses as -lest they Mnay ----------- mras a -Sig nal fmiuse. AiLers-peading sa ach timec-pnomaigatiag tise grosetit faine- lsoods and exaggeratiaus mitai regard ta teax. maieiciîlthte meat elffective meipan -a tiera- gaga.u eau use'-misrepnesientinr taie Ps-an- sional %lnrden--îalduis, out taiehait ai Beave-ton- ns taie site of ans isaginar>' nevi Caut Tais-panis roade ta Oshaainaanti othes- absurdtitie-thLiy cotdt only master a ist;dned andt venty votes- (goati anti Isad) misa mena miliso' te %et thseis-faces an"ainst a dîrstan ifront -Laits taeie nost cuînberscitse anti expansive union afCountiecla anIal Canar- dat X'ist- proportionts îis beirs te tise wrlile of lte rate-payers, ire are ut prescat unable tù'state, bat me tbinktbe resaIt, mi- ter tairee eki' bard toih, la sQtirientl>' ha- uiiatt. 'riTas entienitiie las-ce in'fhavrai. To the Editor ef lita Olitario Repart cr: Gibsla Brook. bil. ÉDITOIf: Aller tise urduous struggle cf Mv. Gibbi, Townii lecrie ai Osisimailtrying ta ilefemt lhie ps-ecdiags of thecIPravisianal Cous cil ii ths rel»a aeCui uli Vsg ynd ç,5oqi ig himmseif tease muets rdicule. ant i liàUràce, mouiti vou Dot laeiatriu ex- f nom tbe Reeves anti Deputie" ai Lie ne*s Caunt>'. Sanie cruel vag lias even ailtteti tisat had 'Ml. Gibsis srceeded in olttaming taie office ai Tresutres-that aie, multi nom aie ativocntiug Lie appropriation as eitrenu- ousl>' as lie la apipoiitg IL. This-tii>, rben taie question 0ohbaildinsg taieneir Court hlouseilaTaronto (mmiciiis nom Seing erecteti) mas fifsst introduceti in Jane 1851, McI. Giblbs voed mitli taie yecas, andtihae re- solutionmas aaly cars-led b>'taie cnsting, vote ai tise Warden. This question ln- volves tise expentilture ai ucari>' sevea thiou- saiiii pouatia, anti yet Mn. -Gibbs usîleita- tiagh>' supportet IL, thougit ae viel -knevi nuL tirent>' tas-payera lu Gnaas-laCount>' (except taie ReesanmatiDepaties) laidtaie lgateat kuomîcige ai taie rpscioi, anti fus-Lier, maien iL mas praposeti b>' I'I. Gouiti- ta taihe plans anti estimates aie submittedto taie Cmeisci at ils Januar>' session, 1852; M-.ý Gibsisopposed ti Iasd roteti ini ivour ofproceeding at ance un the ereetioeacitai. buiding s e, il ai vote m us given w tbin ' :tlsirt>-si% leêurs aller tise iraI resalution1 was passeti ay, the catinsg vote ai tise War- - make politicai, capital out ai the defeat oh 1 sias their girliera an tant celcitratet ieldît by sai Lise Canadian Mitiia, and taie vegulan troaps Ij< ndî darnagthse laât war. -Th'ils is soimembat tie Col] 1cooleat" mavemeut me even heard ai, but thzre la naiising tee cool for Jonathan o av A 'a-Jars. Ilomever, if aie speatis saie -ai is g "capital" antong the Canadians lic l, mcl- ai came ta al îtisaIaie eau tank. for ails Presji- -. G dential' electca. useý On Wednesduy minoh'ng Iast a lire oc- cm curred is Riclimonti Street, Toronto, wsici %u ifestroyeti several nevm buildngs belenging ta 0 Mr. Andrems, anti a brick bouse ou Cisurcl; dis Street isa belougiag to taie saine gentie- go( mnan. A bremer>' an Stauley Street vas an aima burneti. Wc have net iseartiofai au insarance. --- Difficuties arc-appveiseaded betveea te -tit Britishi-and A.iercan Governteuts misaiexl regard toee- contsruction put b>' the for- tel jmer on tise treat>' oi '1818, relative to the OP-,je uns- t 1sbb, and being thet' firit orne wlscb ho wusqueuti> wiîî bave tep oe d t. rineveai wlwiltheb0 ,r T)'IT , *er burdened'wtb, gave him much trouble five more towardsthe Caunty tae.s, dt 8b.o<> R Y i'ad, uneasineas; bowever, thie idea vas car- 'ricJo0'*i [j~>jj ~ 1ed out and'apl o.ndtescwht l ie irault have doue'bad justice and equity lne r -e. Nudayhbe'f' the people af Brockp:Wms stili infavotir been aceede tu t tise iseir Cou;îty. onIedytetfdivision anîd aftèv holding the. meetings 1asaane feature ini car Couty ai- Currene>, ail ss àbefare ,tated, and, haviug, we prestime,ati. phe ee r> maniu thie Townshsip Whoa .ecd wvu faire and shoulêl becloely ooked alLer, for l hint present, thie whole nusuber car 150 vas match aiso the warthy Recre of Oshaa- wVenMay re a ..'I. polled for no division, eut ofa aopt 500 votes woalti-be Treaaurer-and subseriber oi twomo euti<od,and SOoatIi iincpaty 1ss stry sti uadred dollars tawarda taie faad for bribin" animal.- is iroff 3aei o a a1'Cabbage .Leai' in ()aswa miilcall it, aie ecwiea l 3 0O0Oi is selcome teanudtif h. ont> bas anc or tira taie Government, is tresponaibie. __ esa 5 g morecois thait sanie, inciuding taie idea, taie -------f--k-n- r>i 5 ôoiriends of the Countytniay saaely calculate TcsalSrp.emigratel troi 1, 4 in o !n the appropriation being aie. Unforti,- Thesbill a!lla 0 7 6 nie for his Inordship,, by sure accident. 1 ariasur.Ut- CaliIed 1sroa ul 1 Z b Mestrs. Goîsîti ond Emers mas pnssIng tit t art br it 2 j)0 aya, %Ybo, ut taie salicitat i c f some f1riends, 'The la Stobcm aetectains tihe 'rAnial wi a 1.5,0 consented ta expiai Msatters, snd ebtaining farinai proclamaLiquicaliing LParliament ta- su otc 3 0 ýO permnission front à1r. GJibais, tli orne home- sn oto 'j 4 10 Omtetubaî0tdt uLcatytal rtigther, for thea âci. VÀC , î it.% £sii an Ardunealle, vr eltbqater,t) 17 :6md f tst6'i oteatl al ihg out te Asaeric rois, 2 what isatibouts previousi> stated -1 but titis taie 1lth aifA.gutzat.eIthilte oc [ued at 500 0 «,,:55iiy cliecked, for as son as cîther * ths reaeised bis did nôt suit Gibibs, aiepromptly raised aeat oo t ut *1t-Athe New bit e !fr Downo ,tai £800 0-,O anat, iraen auchai a aout wa* raisel Itbat I ut.f is WinCutir e c W leie being 2200 n#'sn- diagrace nibtherplforthe wyddsrceaycomnt rtnii idivionisstheir ativantag )o ilips lato a simîltar tae iviiizntion. :Ir. Micheli ai >lancbiestcr, Ti /.C ntf t nml number on theen, sa, isa attenspted ta speak but withatst successTGoe, of u ay, o tepreseniti>eS Rii;and 1 tirwn atp wirh beymor ta weI taleti as tw what mae 'oaitaie Graud.Jury of thse Recorder'# CoutMr-amli dra ascIi p4'heh itducng into cks! soli menasted t>y required iron tiseir master, andi obeyed ast cames oeut wî:h à strengi and conclusive ar- resides, the g istg. Taie tirsi Prize rreidily as taie slave -ai tise'Souths docs »ie I'm--- ap -oorm, 42.c2-1 feet, driver. >gaenqsamt>glIeauolte eCSSy . iory'FRÃ".r Hores, Tiss eade-d thie meetin-,' andi anetbat 1-1ii ltawng ;a#oie Jail in Tor&nte, and ita utt1 my fi. it>erý is as gi haia mn. t e amiievi7 o plcein iI %taie campetiti( Th'e wvioh, of wbîch' a1& m oî rrtokpaes intinelliate trectieul1 We bave no roem te no- ai anohier s.' 'ronsaap bu, icJ ego ytt atto ttlgtLie tais importamt tler ait preseat, fu,,tber s sueed by la commece -oaius by titis tiemontisîration exciteti anti fer- menteti b> ihiba, fortaie pehpn of titis thas attie expeni.e of taie btuildiing, te- secondt priai cahdty 1ada iufo oet' ailnir-tgether mitai taie mail araund- tihe Jail, miii rbîca Beand LNDERSON. py, a"i intelligence, a.4ini.an>' ater Part Of ~not tal1 short; if 't dries not ece.ed, FIE- t sda a 15S. the Caunt>'. Before clobing, tîtougit l'an>1 1E1 TI 1%SND POUNDS! QI I moelngh hn1inedd iei j HO SAIN PInom f A Te eal JALTA i N ! ti~esoer two questions wblch: if il ià me bave repeated , again and agin, taie:ti tt la N ! inyour pawer, yatsmiii aie kinti enau,,is to >Ca:tnty buildings of Ontario sust go on, oro aasn br AusttaHla 1 anaser. I , wilî lave ta pa>' as ioucai if not more, teou, I * Is this taiesaane Gibbs mita subucribetiI der taý leave b> taie two hundred dollars ta induce thie Gavera- fr urs1nr tivrd tiea ecmorreer- eptemb>er toi POwrment to'nante ()sbawa taie CouaityTow'foia largéeentaaahane, as miii 1erect aur aira. cI girelaon î-e11 bis Iwo Alory ýi tis1tis e saine ie bbs mhoat one Limeadctda i HTY-A GUt, advocateti bis daims ta'tihe office aof i rthe uEL1ïQtott LÀw.-Taie anuuuemeit1 r hy> private $*le. Pravisional 'rresusrerî ai thse veto ai taie Newr Brunawick Liquar andtiltie rentainder in l5 it trac tisat Gibbs »votet in favour aofa, > is mera arrmutapara Oir Engl le orà tea bh cai 0,tise isetyCourt Rouie in Torcoi, la . a m yte'Ipea oeaetapah a*in' ra. ta have been premature. A despateai front 'courte ta liait' M<ES- KE!NNEDY. la iL a faet tisat tmenty tisausanti pounsisi thei seat cf Govecunment, ta taie .Editor ofeecqii seÏ3not oaigp. 15-.3t has been.added on taie assesmeat aofIrock tise Temperan=eTtlegraphi at St. Jouas, ý paragrapha3 for Cou t>Rpu pos s annotinces on tae beat. authorit> t iat t at ! u der Lae tt aRNftHP araiitcary veto dîd net take place, but-aon j1toit 1 ist n. t ticPrro fare carried on ati rck PhJly13.itise contrar>' tiat taie bill mtilbc cani.m: ,tcfrb IIie TrBY, l . .b>' her -MNajebty's Gavernmnent. Meta s~ol~~ie o n In repli th ie above, we assure aur cor- - -._______ Lords a IJST. BAILEY. reaýpoîndeat as mceli as ail otisers interested. NEwW TSÀT.-WNe Ibave been shown a I 1 arn indu LIANi ROW. iat taie Mr. Ghibbainludedti aosts dn specimen af .nesv wbeat rihei by J. 'ilar- ta sa r *ctrning thanks ta tîcal iadividuai irba subseribedtw io bundredti in Esq., of taie firm of J. asti J. ?4lartin iT h'ai zenl wtuitt taike thi3%ppor- dollars, ns au ndtuement-a tviu, tai e C. or titis rToa,on hus farin on taie 3rd- wiicai Foult îssmter cf contptent ( rieta tetace thse Untinty btuilings cocessin. Th' tItis compacid b Tir.fatrctae in Onithawa. Not a %eord ivas taere in th isebu, cf taie speeses caliedth ae I"Golden assent te mm v Earthenware, heading ai saiti suascription about reierring drp," ani a large1r i-ad paumper berry it anti I trust, ae ante iate taie question ta tise peaiple, miiether tIse>'y i e> iîlci eme ii. Taie ge. beable ato iethe iiter 1rereive1 tray (mntis iem with s vere îa faveur ai division, or witether osd- 1 yielti ai tithis grain te taie acre suait be ancea that tk pttnctuiality anti strîct serit a coainuance of aira shouidcth i ae Cassi>'yTaira, but if thec abundant. 'taie rbeat crop in-' fuis mc4tian jfnicadi> ds1 .~ & ' Gverumersi could bc epursuatietior botîght, ÃŽj nowcoànai.lcre.i ont ai un-er, anti tise 1mabientet là î-ly. Mr, ;ibiia as millirqg ta cantrilsite bih aperation.s aiftise lurvest wmiibaiepretty taie principa -_-siare, anti ioulti aaquebtionably tise ail ile gencral antiei' front tiuring theie uet eek. tfirsuly estal ~~ ')~~ influence in' susiaining taie teciionoftai On Ysnge.stret andtt tae ie et aiTorotao, ductaa 'thtowne is equet-tinuistce oft Ttschaea nlitesit Goverument. Lte larmùes-s ,vealreatiy caznece-d tiseir i oeen cui u - . ~ Secontil>, IL wai reporteti and genevnlly mietbivs..directed. taie Northt may taien be ievedti tisititis saute Ms-. (Gibsiwias arsa, TsoJbwl i ra a tLîd' far iI bear alone tise ta% an applicant for Pravioinai Treasurer, anti[d e ey1li fti nraeasaese-icicr ig anti <ounly-cx- ver>' active .5ame tivelve nontlss siuice in"misa can mauster a stsfflcieacy ai taie stapie ai tecestetir lm t V sdaffesence ai But thse atte:nptI obtaining reccmmenitations for saiti office, Califarn4 ia mii e thtere. Tai.e abject -<s ta Taie aiec 2 4 2 1

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