A correspondent of the Boston lierald tells the foIowin.; good nsory : A <car month3a ao, as Brother Inaall, of Swempscott, wtt. travellimg ihrougb 4aa Western part of the îttf'ëfo New York, bo feil in with a&DIrshu wo bad latell mi. l biscowitrye #l» wu in quat< a brotber that 'Camne ou be"ebsu d sut- led ina mre of the digglupgin a t batli. -P.lwa to atbletîc mau; A ta-m claîholic, sud b.d neyer uees be inteu o f a Protestant church. It wua a pleasant Sabbatb uuorabg that Breeber Imlails met * Pst, Who iaquired ithe road t imcer-ou *Ingitils à a a good poamae. He tolil Pet -fe was goinÈ te churchbhinmelf, sud W. vited bis aew madeaqui tauc t -ore uncompany .tiither,-bsPlac fdestina- lion heing a imal let iee i t-houe near by. 'rhere was a ret revival Ibere * at that timo, and Que or tb deacens (Who, by the way, was very imail in stature) iava- ted Brother 1- te taùe a seat ia bus p.ýw. lie acceputbeinitation sd vaikei in, followed by Par, wiii> ooked in vain to finld the eitar, &c. After h. vas seated be turned tb Brother 1-, ad inaswhia- per which. could bc beard ail arounid, inqui- "Sure andi isn't this a heretie eburcbV' "ItUýia " saiti Ingalis, '"if yen 0,Poa loci word Ãbe>' wil put y ou ont irunediate. 64Divîi a word vili 1 apçak aetal i al$" r9pleti Pat. The, meeting iras opened witb proyer by bbc ý,paitr. p'at eyeang hlm very eioseJr, witen audulenly an old gentleman, wb. vw" sýtandin- in thse pew directly in front of Pal shuj-'glory." -1His-s--tt ye-divil," rejuined Pat with Wbi loud wblper, *bleh ara, board b>* tbe maniter, 4"b. dacect, aBd don't naku, a blackguard of yourself." The parson gcrew mortensdomr fer vent in tbë de-odins. Presentiylb. eýdeaeon uttereti on audible groan. '"HI".st, y. blackg-uard, bave y# ne damey ati ail"nid Pat, at i m ne moment gl vint lb. deacca a punc inlthibm riha, which'causd bin to ucaa,;rly lame lii, equilibriuin. The uluisier stoppi d, andl extending bus bandfi à snppl cating utanner, smai144Brethern, ve mfue b. d tirhed in ibis va>'; vili soine one pot tbaitue onot 1" Yet. w r reeence," Shouteil Fat, 6"I wil 'an& auîtsng the action taibheword b.c coliared the deaconand te tb. utter ber. ror antid aihe th te pastor,'Brotber Igiiandi t1Se boie congregation, 1W himb theouglà the ai-le. aud witb a treniendou; kick, a poteriori, as the logi- cians bave it, lhe landet i in th îe* vestibule oft îe c chc l3rothoer ingali mizzled. It fa net pro- bable thai Le seenthe 4tis erlor of a country ehyhsince. EPIrA PlMe MEc-e lies &a=-b W.t * - Wile htif. iren(otvir vu-tea À ilani usa s-:UC41for lie under Ilu aext stoue. An miiter vas seen te busb, lat week rhen an apple aromà n. tô fihotas b gave a y ete ofr mUrer for oine fruit a à koti hm 4 tadrwnobra#s. & Love fishows b>' kintiactions,ud Dot b>' fi pech A fitte cbfld bearing a sermon, sud Ob- terving the minist ry r'vebseent ina bis * word, and gusuaë, erie'i nt, -4 bother, whv don't-tbe people letîhbe mac eut of the Tu'Ic Ça-lzur Us£ orQà A BCîuOu.- befiu:§ ai if ai lait, Proriti nce vas revers- tag thle order of tlaiapg, and that aeucefoath t ecapital1 - spi,; 1TuÀ L RIG.AoIIUS CIDll.--ý-We Icarn from ni-uOnontaga couet> paper, that ou Wednesday Dighlulai, MIS. -DZgia, of OCiero tow»alap, n&fier aIl ber~ fmf'bd gene te bcd,' let 'erxeif -down lin the wvilt, fravltag 4 cotoe ddresà sed te 1er - uabsail, tatlng svhei-e ber body couid ILe fouad, and £hat .1>. Jelieved ber spirit apult -orne baek tp sattia and take care ofi ber cbilti. lier determination t t hudtf t l b mortai cofl, la uspeetatien of an ianproeed -*condition, was so dertberate, ibat abe bail *two or tbrec dayà -before pnrcbaned ber Srae clothes. A -few dayà aln, as a bull va, nishitg i a furiou3 manner through thc strets of' Caen, a soidier beloasging te ýthe fourtb- Canbiners, tood ceip'ageo-p.lOy i th. middle oftble strseet tO nop tbe nial.- 'lbb.mo- ment the buillcame vithi n reacbh. seized it by the luras, sud by à ýQualk aà digo- M MI 4U08 ~BOOKS 11 IIE u 'dermpnd bam opened a new 13Boo1z E in WTB Y VIL- LAGE. ene îleert- pi'IMr. 11=1LGlVR. 1(i i l 13S DRUG STOKEZ, areah.enda bat ep- omq cepstaaîty oitp)kl-a. <vcod andpé el soted stckofYANCY GOOD, ad m k414M IN*,ýWh"cbue *W ul sit-ýy 1mw teseuh, or ae4 ,&rsllemoms ha id, olas.$¶ý LEACH & PAIJLS CsEL'P.ltTEtD 11ORSE sud CAT- C.. TLE MEDICIYE4., recotnuended' to lb. publie by ibm Olfcers oftibm Provin- cial Aiticultural Amelatioo, pnd a uet noumber ef otber gentemen,,foi' a E . JAE .Gzîiu, Drugçs, Wlaiîby, and KOSSUTH- RATS!1 KO7 ls su i TI ATIIs! AN Extnsivesurpi> bat' just arrivee, dlays are dancereiia. TIIOMI'SON, PEARSON CO0. Whlby,MsAy 12,1052.. -f CAUTION. A LL rte *reheL forbaiIpurebasing IrtsLevsoK, on ibme , fMarck Ilut, for £o 13o. a31-2,J., au the «Id -Nte Iola evr-pud. ALEXANDER %IcDONtL.- Wbitby, Jonc 17, 1852. *10-3t. PORT WHITÊY BAKERY. end Me.countray a at a-geýt1ho buasCostanîtY B,'cad, Plot Bread, Boston Crack-1 e rs, Butter Crackers, end aIl hinaof c Ri cXrR a, wlth à varlety CAKS Party Cakes and -Weddiwg Cakes Mail W. enter amil0on thmeshrteal noice. Al»o a *ad"sy e1 Candte-WXoL ÂLEPD RITaIL. fi'itli a Large Stock of Groceries JAMES EATES. Whuty, Dc 1,1851.36 TO COOPERS, MILLERS, AND OTHERS. TEStbscrilwrs lhave on bonnd and iac<oY14k1Lot ko.? , Lthte mhcon. Pickerin.g. large quaatiy of' FLOUS. BARILEL STAVES, orssperior qiiality. whieh the>. ara prepand got seil very low for-cash or apprved «eit.' H ARtRISON & ASSMOIE. Pickering, May 22,12852. 53e 'IE Sio'lrîcnerob.'g le-avc inta:11the- SPRING -STOCK 0F GOS c"stttit, Dry Goode, Groceries', Crockery, Hardware, &e., AIl Or whlcb have recrnti>' bute, purebaseil on the mn.: silvtaps atérmi; adthey are dotermi n. mdndoCtoibe undersolti b>y hannst teim ae. N. B.-Th*y ais dailyexpeetinga mzcasontvM SuposilrWu [lx cv sud a lurge sllppiLoi' Pl JOHN NIARtiýN à Co. Port Whitby, 13th xev. 145c. tf Plaster fioi- sale by JOHN MAItTIN & Co. 1 ,OO o uiowsIEECI and M PE 2,000 Cort&SteamBoaI WVood. For Sle liy JOHN MARTIN. Port WhietbyM2 3,152 5f MiE NEW, ANDJ Fil" ilILicUSEI W'L mve Liad5a>' for Po-.r er. e aisinteriedicte LandUnaos. ev,1ry 31losp*vl, WXoc, 1 ' .41vTangl. fainAir Slosaxxîo, on Eb'rl#tf tà ftîSb m ssPeteihorouteh arrivigg au Port Pary in limie ta take the Stage te neet lb.I.dmtral for Toronto. WIaire Poprrt Peri>' .sry Tumsala. Tittrtepi and'$a:urdn Mrin;, on ibe a rilaslor the Sta;t- (romi Fert Wbuhby; arrivisag la lime to take tbe Stage for Pmerhoiout;Ic.- For Frmfgbî. or ?amgsq. ap,illIntibm Captala om board. or te the offici-et Cï>nvoix & Ievx, Port Whtb ,. mrgec aur <h.- sut h. samfi, ani s a pelil to hlm. & t~VVS0 3~uking. l infu rn o idm be Ladl#s hé b etoms ,v8»pfor Ibe aboya busines WATCIImAKIKG à JEWELJY SIP, iUm.00a 0e3332, 2Ncio Doors belon'Mr. &hofel's Store. mss. Ksy havie8s.rved ber apprenuice- ship-to the Mfiliinarybusnes, on.e Oftthe prinipabusse ahetr Eugland, bepm Ibi ie>'vii b.enaledte gîve tuen witb Ibeir patronage. n/e Lttai Fasldonconsat4u on hand. MR$. ZAY AND MRS. DUCIAiNAN W OIUD reý«tfI1y annonace te the VLatHietthatthey have prT-ureil the servi- ces 01 mou# th m S kîlifut worlera lainhe- Stlaw bonnet busines (tnttb. (City of Torento. #0 that they atm eaabled <o dean id aller huma Doatis t bothNeareat Style o fuashi Wlaftby, Miarch 27, 1852.' 50-tf. ici$# à oSe$$ BESte lufeamber Primants »d Cas- tomera t astth ba h a. eninned Smw la tht' Ibo lg e fbuswines atb# New $bophbilt by ,brs. Bais, h in mWiaueo. wheue ahheples Ioter a-atacoitlauacu oet hoir patrosae. Clesoand tummil la liâm newait anti ate style. 77me LattiS Pads aoualways on Lend. Wbulby, 4arb im,1852. 514tf Miss Ross begs furtber to acquaint tbe Li.Ladies ef Whitby and vtcily.îthat ah. has. takten loto Partnership in Ibm abeve lin., Là Meoftdue-C*!of London, England. rom wo ho esente athe pea theLadies will del ive ever>' satisfaction,* la the aupmrior styles of finish e eaay tittsnb a Cop, Domets, &c. Misa Govîsoo bas just iee-ired the Lattesi Vahons (rom Lonilon, lu sshich th. attention et lb. Ladies ii ina-itMti *Whithy, Aprit 10, 183t. 4-tf. STORE TO RENT. -ro Rent la lb. Town, et Whltby for one, 1ora teintof ymuas. be Building laid>' eccu- pied b>' R. E. Pet ry, anti useil»sas geoti-al store.' Tepremise beingCatboroia;h impair, location (uambl,ad ;hithy the <(.buity Town of the eew Oittyoelri, superier inducements tt litea inteadtni te parsue a mareanttife hinesa. JOHN HAMt FERRY. Whitby 11th ýAicil 1852. T. bha ift - lRte:ofCALrotiçÂ, LArm, formerly owaeil by Citti. CL-,oitC andi hirei sail Clarke as Breweém, has,#nd ite JOHfN D. -FOISTER, tise one antlleideà ifaai t- salti Brvtwery atnd th iti. da men sait! FOitTJL mb Partamrshiip. Tberefoic, the Fin eot $kerWdan ô&Foaler wouiti reapeaifsily mntimate te. the public that beiesg deirous of -Extending -tieir Business, thoey ai spaort- n")rosi la thepreparation of <le-r' neer, te make it deservin; the bigla esieem b- ha@ eveîiseen noedi, and is prepareti to pay Li;b- est puice.-Il Cash toreood Merehintable Bartley, delivereeie iesBretvery. Atod- wupl alteadeil te. Adiesa SHilRIDAN & OSTE, WHITBY BREIVERY. T. eellr.IDANV, 4 4. D. POSTER. Whitby. 28th Feb., 1852. 46-tf. ONTARIO HUE (LATE RAYS.) TH Ir Su.crhers bavea. ts-i heahmve Premttea j ail are now.preparii t il in* a eperier.stylef1 4 aceoniadidatien of ihe Publie, lîy-lar*. inprot-ý nata in 0>0fittin; amti urntebre. A Ibe, h>'crin- largemtid fits bset lveii.'s ii uithe- Sibliuese-- e-resmo"ltion. soas<opiace il en an eqlat ont for couventsaeeAnd eomfort, f-ih any other flote; in t<bus New Cniy. Hia, r end Tables isil i.lvmyt, be. buppfir withth ibt bhat can he proeureti ii hé ;M-slçet end evqry attentiontpale is n 1w.t-vlî.cau nity tIsai ea pesalblv iniiathein ftat cW.à 'oa-l- Whltby, 1g.3, 1851. - -a FIATS! eelved tbe e, CoJiNLEROP KJNo & CHufRCI STREETS, jî<~ll~C~1?f0TE -TOROwrTOê Have on lsand the Largest, -theC Ckapest, and thé ýBcst Motetof IN CANADA WEST. WIIOLESALE AN DRET-AIL. W bave now receiveil our complet. assortment ef NzW SRiG& Subiusii Gons, VVwhkch, upon inapacttnn, oui eostomprs ani la d tati be composel oi' ibe Neweat tand mait iiFat- omable matalials, adin lgenu vatiety. fHavmng been at-terfet i thi ;ipat care, ant i mperted dire-ct trein tht besi Biish, fmrmach, ad American Markets, by euirselveo, tre ena confidently iiîbmat thefn te tht Inspection efkioumi uOms anti the publin, as hein; ihe mosrtasbxionale, ciuialm, aerviccabie Sa Chesp aasrtinent-otRmaii-Maile Clothing anti Dry Goodi in Canauda WVest. * Tp-oi ,t allitfs lBranchies, 'cxccatted wittkTas£i nommasNGI TUREED ON Tac SK0RrEs T NOTICE. READV»MADE OLOTHINGQ %l'.Bow lolnc1à as De Cbeck'd do Do Black Alpars de Do Russel Cead do Do ?rine"m do rdo Do Caniada ýTace cia De Breai l Coth do Do C.asf mer. cdu giya ena IRolland i do nr Cbeck'd die do Do %tnleokin do Do Twcete do Do Broad Clath do Do Ruséell cent de ,%l'n# Btark Ctoth Veste, Do Blac-k satin do Do 1PeAUC Satin de Do Rtollandl do Do Frane>' do Do> Vetiret do De M &ile#at do Do Baruthea do tien'. Clath Caps, IM" isPais tram 't 't 'i 'i 't 't 4 1-2 u 0 .6 4 4 1-2 t' 101.2 1 Salin FI; Boy'.$ omir>'Vi-sts. Do Si1k de Do Satin doe Do Cinti do Do Tareede cie Do Cassimnere ti. Mem's maieskia T: usera, Du -Lnco Diti du Do Cierckti do Do Ciiîtroy do Do Satiuîctm do Do C.sstiierea do DBiSî Itkakîgi dua Do Doeskin d i Boy'. Disili dit Do C'beck'ti do Do Mtedu ) t, DOCi teada Tacetie die Do 'asji'me s e do Strîlitiett'O miîa Redi Flanliel Shi, to. Latier Shirît and Draweri, t Ç, Bl1a (ck -(u 1d( noam. td 41t-2 ~' 4 41-2 .t 4 41-2 4 21-». 4 Il-. 26 New- style Bflincau Coatç, ln ail rlt.lia. DR«Y GOODS. Maasin Ot-Léiae. .yard alite. (nom <0 Priais. fast colora do do 0 IletvyGinrhams. ido do 0 4 -jieudi& Beatnet Riblions, 0 ïiraw Bonnets, t 1 Giovea, lIoipry. Rihitas, Laces, vdginzm. Arti Srial Fiowers. Sibot, Ciseck'd, anti Pluin Alparas, Table Lstiens. Qeailîs, Conterpanes. BW Tick. anti T6ers. Crapesanmud Materiasfor 3iournitt't. tnfants' Robcsi 1Caps and Frock Doiles, .101 -2 71 :-2 7 1-2 7 1-2 3 p artory Unb'aa, tram White da IStripei Shie fil), ,Cisîtars Wrp.' 'I j ' tii,S' S it, - cpproaf. tl Mieîlts,Net:., t Collars. il ke- i Eînge-,. Gimpm,ri.nuip jBareze D.iiiý,e-s. niI Silk Warp Éïlfaas. mo second Prace. BUJRGEIS$ & LEISHIMAN, vol.3 I.] Corner- of King 4- Chtu rei, Sfreets j ini»j.'hi Court li-t se, 'Toronto 1 ARDWAR 1 arig&iLkrnt 44, KJNGSTPREL-Tl TORiONTO -I V TanuconofWU1 Cusomrs ha bulur.cuvng isThe locatio)n 's av,irale for carryiocs on ai, UPUZmG Socs or' XRÀ 'AR1 Xtruue Isîîne,,angt i'f trieami eet opeattie By venjous Vesseit (rouisea, viz;-Loril Georgetau:etrrtigecai. Bmtick, Arne c-epperi si. Aidrew, Niaçiera Is.n.PERRy. ( atbet inc, Ze-piyr, andi ses-crai otera rm Le'ver-I W/ltby MJetNos-.,181 pool anti Leaitea; *so iijetew day: he wilt1bave tronap(etea ssonimeaît' Heur>' and SitelflllatdI 'IKS:D iS BRC * (erW or Sale, mat i cc-t a owas any iLIK t ho Trade T. IHAWORTH- Toronto, May Und i 1851 -&8 t! WHlEAT! WHEAT! 1 TlHE- Stib&cribmît will pay tise biglacat pr ce iii cahforatPR WHITBY Harbor, oa or before the lO:b day ci Octal>.: né-XI. e le la aI.o prepueoti ta >SMLEAa>vaNEcs on Wbeat, Flour anud Lumber, consignet ta New Yoik or Ntontreait. C*si for an>' quanîîty of BAIiLEY anci OATS$. JAMES WALLACE. Wbiîhy, 2tst August, 1851. 19-tf « IMPORTANT 'areFarier à Stage Fropricteri QESW.. MERCHANVS OELEDAED GAGIG OIL as *$usImm noutls e ue" À4PP1letM"ma« ~jx uncgtntagor îddleof Jsit ntix (ar Illrer Peesfirift:,) uliai-r- Iut ti i - sale a' tlir c IU$ NAI RC YARÃŽ)%'iti lVitry Iy LLLAt ~003te 30,03"8ockIl a COM- mon Brlckî, tf Farst rate Q'iliaty, oaci ai a Lboa Paire. Pair- iesaboii ut îldtinithe 1 bbc VîitVge."re theBrut-ta laîIlY as chiai-pton butici wiîia Brick aj rTufber. For (uter partuc"Iamis appiy (a W-11, GAIGF. or JAMI-S WALLACE. 100 Cornt fl Dy IlrMLocK CR "t'ofnWanteîl a!thbec1BRICK YAaa,I .,fia: alui -Cash wilie palîî. ja . 82.4-f EXECUIFOj75ffTIW7- %LL Peinsonsi asving daims or demnads tan the Et-âe-au Pk;t- lPUittiV, laie o! nie Towaaihupoat WuVIIr,,libmheCounty ai Yoiua. ipýe-eesd, are reqlssteci f,>thsjitb to sendthie par- le-ularti thereelt [0mte Execiors, foîr ismir tonbl-- lereionnflleelematAudt ait per-soamainlii-bec !0 the Ettre are atte reqtseeto pay sucs itebis aet<ee xecueors. M1ARY FERRY, Ecuvama.' R. 1i.-.ExPc'-yoag. J. il. PR CARLTO'1'irUNDEftOINT-l For tise i-lre qÉ Foinderi. Spit liai. . Hof-bosasct fHors-aati consraieetjd cFeveni!0; Vertt. Woundî- Bruhien g.h. i- Fea.dstdBek.Crace lIe H tal S'cr-ti-lee. Cslut, Kiek:,S, oeîis 1 ui Catiticîn,-Fittil the cimi- of J. Carlton Ceani. ,çlodçors thse wrapper, tr facvr: by CSuto'u lciro# Meetiiites. CARL'rON'S I-BN CU - For the cure of Rnr-ln. li Spavia, hit So:a'iti, wînlitals, anti Splies-a certain ncemrdy, CA tL.TON'S CONDITION 1>0W- DFftS FOR, iLORSESi AN]) CATTLE. Th chnîesa rit wenihe-r aoA ~m>,wilth#b îhsnge ai tist- atel fe-i, hav'- a venr cîsat efic, -apnts tthe-btondi anti aititit s luiddaof honses. Il i. eSt lis-at- cl eteetertutr.nittn to namuro I th Caot'4f a9, *l41r7l.r nIOie- tItillA nf the- hot I'ti rsairhavé - i,n hnilîet - aî'twhe-if nrai a- go.idrîtit> l eeîin1,etise Yello-wwtIr, lieuve- -"Nor .13>ta., ail ri't hir-h îi lis- prerirnis- tly git'ili cmie ao'fIItJPà p XWlt"ig,andtit ai utan- 'tinoe-m, wbeeil onu syutaptotlla of %dite-att' apppe- if iletl in timne. Tht-v Inùri(y iseip oati, renne-o tdl iitleMMatsCaUiîî (-erl t thIe Skli. es.ie- ho. waie-r. ani i1îîiarratt e ih tl- botve-asilî *lie-rn doJsmire, work witb thé stitee (-td. Tb. si-tain of thse-"- otritîs ine dire-ct i îpnailtht- Act- -relire 91laasîis. nîil lirrcfsre havé- thmËaimeel-- t'Poîîtct e ora,.-ti iegx. te Ar.an( iict.t lerlilves o'aanimnal-ait li, al i ni§insg fro1,01)or prscn 1,'rMerml)Pr .îatt fnorUî;' Cedtwi)ow fera, and tantre-no îthert. C.IILTON'S NE [WVE-AND JlONT-- LiNJLNTFOEL 1-JOIlSES, ttitî for thse cuitdirait 1.Ãases aif main or heaSt ta -q'e-extc-rnîd appiit-atanuîg4, atti for constracte Canllîan's otil-,Is r houie, andi raffle are- pro- effsre-'l tra4m tht- ne-ripe- of a very co-lo!is afi( nt Farnlc-î. auti wtili ew-tr, ninety-11afse- limes oeil o) 'tac h-înglri.io t. cy or tt-abiove rn;lîi.ii' tacitebc-cilte, tijOîli(runors, Ilives y-me tge pi; ritotant "i 'iir, wltht mou aoike- t itide- ritit te-ea fi«01 thae =rme oai. CarlUi'2ýoîaastock on the- rralte per of eu ertateie. e-vér ti.qc;it;: ertectwiatI-raklea'cs Wormta rua bath atiulî»an"d Chiiflit. It catinot banna thse mcn. tielicote iilant irior taaaeeîad'uintit1eVen uIit i Feîlthymot otit alsm<tdtrotty ait kini it Wuolrrn.- TPhe cosI, -25 ris. pee b-rttie, poest itithir es t-sth on ail, andetall paiesais' ae n -soit lieaaritin- e-xpoor tis-1M îvle-s oet iic-ir chittirea teioe .telI j etrayenartf cd i. Wiirnu- "Look for tht nane o caituk Brtmdlacr, prop. itorsi an th- ss-sapper of ecurti butie. TOTVIEOLI) AND YOUNG!! n"0! Ye Red Ilecads and CGret!!!1- PHIENOMýEN'\ON- IN CtiIEMNISTIY Il' ECAST INDIA flAIR DYE Coloars thre flair, and us-I i/i ire Sk-in. Trbla Dyttny be appiiltiLe baie ove: nie:: bbc fietigbt tirojiagitti- irtlabeân RsorQ;;Lra' 1i4ta toa Dock Bion'n,aatf#y re-peam:esK ses-con- 'ruit. ita s litrht Je- t 3ark, Aoy persanma)e t a-refore. wit aI 'he lenst'çaatalibte t rnsblc, lrep h i hp i r aary diar k tabatte or pe ite-ct black i; autlh a po4i t i ve"satra nrcetba t iii. Dye, iufa ppl iî e '[îie srîm urili :îot retour st,. By an ereasional applis'aîaoi- perva m s:tn-rey'swill neyer be kesn o bas-- -ar-y hair. Dir-acîluss camplete with thet article l COUGIIS .AND coNesuMflOy' 1tbe lis operation la milti. yet efficaridu; i Ioneno! D the pbkegm hi hcea se, Ixaueci dalIully, le- cre' the aylivimi au J,,jasedti wcutr by expiectoration>. and proJuiciia d 24ih gi1Chang n llehabreaIthillganiprof rheut, alid thicq. zatertheitIvery haut rncdirétLinen r undi the inventiom, of kitid andi aorfitmingfrieflds a pr atid nurses, ibave (.siltlto '-ive pile suallest velw et to th ii. cu;fptWie sufferer, Ore ;Wh ponrs abave beeti decelved ,epeiltin lbuyimuCd medîicines wbicb-wC!6c i Ltu be infaiiibiecucrrx, z but whieh havre ptovet oiy palliatives, but ibis < medicine i,% i% nef only a pallialive but cu-re fur aI. Y «cruted hsattg. Lt coiltainl i natelcieraousl Dru; andi one trial %Vwi i)Çve to autonii»tiliu! efcaybe, ter ma ca a %se iotlif Sor eetiificies tin urinsi con.!Ca 01nmpliin and i tl ieu* of the Ifiig, sit" as SpIUîini of bloud, 0a(Uglia, p.dn n he Me de and ckvut, n~t#c 4. 4, bé e About IOp i Iôt nrclU u el ptrîium-on ci by tais medicinie, roam unime ai île faià I)Portaori. CIe-gytmen arc4 (l ercbants. have hen sent lusloiZ this modicine, bt- t he pniiratiebn of ibeni botta wr ton inuth lilte Q£aackery. [Writt 'how ibenfi te an)- pe aocllan il aiunr office.] This medicine wi ll spcak lý"ori .lieant cnol &,,i ili iio wnl a vous wbere- er i 4i i , j C<utln.-Thli nwltine la pti ln à e alarge Imottior, aut you musti trl dthe nameeut comduc4 ï BriMlir, Propritiors, Newr Yo. 4. on ithé silendid ed A lapper armin theibuil.Ailordera mussi lie tri aîtireued tf Camnstock 4- Brotlwr, No. 9, John St.,.fi Ne-w Yoi k. ple 1RÉunemtier andi neycir buy il unless yeufn id Ille p flame on the wrapper. CA UTIO0N lie-aire of a dn;ruaCtouterfel of th, .ar CHERRWY 4-LUNGIVORT, ~anii he .WNO Qt COJIPUL and CARiLl'OYIS OUNDER1 n OIN'7IIIK-NTail IlNG BOSE CURE-offe-r- mi (>r sl uthe Dfila;Store-. anI j!refiemnhe.r ats ilieer lvlxCtoe ur*ie n l7uilby. ,niy afWiax L.A14u. ailiiiDry>CGýod5aie, and, avoid the cornu' îewrict lit you wouM hi cuo.I Ies % Fu diate ri Sar C(m ïtise îtseumfatîe-s lýià s beevasurpei s taneczark ol 'i' farts lit to ny per, Cautiùn--N -irnite sittrature- cri-, en lite arr ON oral>' la>', t' er n Barclay c -layi eaclea81 ats >tore-, Wve, MÀ91 ? P F a ' ei R E, P E nY. do a P-. aefrn bliaat J yIg (- 1 -Y e cn zE xecuimtor la mite- Dr. ComiT ,#-ttement oflte sl'ove Eslteeandîtut tr ise a ea-Phiicasophy Pioered <o relins-e.anti celles 'al debta ad de. at-I ktsow tbanda ducs <o the sanie, 'MIARY PERRY. Use Dr. WhihyOtSe~ I8~.R. E. PERRY. "nire af De whiÉb, lot Sept-t185. tiles like 7--- ----- --- --- -abizzine ni proacbioge imat o me I~AT8!! mia iOtu4ec, i, vi n onseitit 1te acted tf X4 Ii tr, ritue er tal 1 [ i 1