Ontario Reporter, 31 Jul 1852, p. 3

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wq*w««wpýu* Ciy prs ua large portion ~ p of 4inaititenane. , pon the « bediret*b Éiotte'to cacb e,"Mriday ben 4ates; the t fths th iaty, which su- çitaae wur.wllllgtIo do. Me trust tW4-*«'PttMdi1etmme af i tbqis ture W'ilI eh àýrveetju',iee being 4ône- te iý tbe ffl(«rqA« ?cpie Who amre oleted wWàbtW,*" f ~ergai. The liberdl andkgflU td e n b o fom te Crutr to wbich 41y muage, eveil M*ugihe~ ,rwer to accrue more tp our <crowd- e at4 "o teir petcefut villages; and l1o* para lony to> interferc W1th ýrd m wtitwlich ur social iqqireveme TMlb in tl'oinNot. tis ir eporteI i o od autlibçty" that (u"de-have been larg%,y subseribed bypar- "'à ýd6 l'r t., sd more~r- cilty in retaiiul Optar g!tp an ppendage tCfraII t 4é fray theexEpepwSCS t4 ie o ppoiiitiop (vain Obihtwn. This ac., coucts for the large .x"pu o, Mid ad %oeby lb... cekÉbrattd wothieÉ, and plmqm tU h& e aater ina proler ,l>e. O-(nly,£an;y thte great patrictir Financer, .w"r«q for jpf, abomorg for wdid g4d, sud rid4aZ MAi break siek pao., baek lotI forih rmceOshawa to Tb li,-fo Irtbf lair- bm, oub-buefry.%j,~ tcrd eons in Toono -ýery-woqndoer if -1te wt-vkey draak At the. Brook .ieetiît- lan*r direct 9r4rs, pot Io Iluuake <em4drunk:' i4 paid (rom tbisfund 1 Iturilli certainlybe a et- 641 th bllpmoaed for nynet le thefr sastrt ù.,Toroutc.. Tx4Tpý>X.%L .L.TO -A. Jwo~-> the 16thikaç., a splendid gold watrih wà- PM-ed inp%'IV W wnte J. ni-TOr sol:Q.e hpthe Agrkcu*tual Society et Wliitby, Su at tpu>oont f réspeot te tlieut gentie- Maua for laiiifaithful and valtabteservices for ILk lut (ourteeun yt.a.-s aS ecretary te the socaety. -Au excellent ikner waia Frepired at Mr. $"Wt.:Iotri, *here lte preýjCntft- 1u0 toco lacte aud was .UendecI by the kWst influetial members of the isrekty._- aWm. GRDoN ~sQ., rcMde t1th Sn- ciety',filied the chair, agdJ. 1!ÂMPruuîr tictdme roupier. Afterajprtaper d~ciNon of thneuiay gond thiga thiit ceovred thef board, lb. Cliainman roft andin a verv (e- lie". adrreiu prreýcnted Mr. rit.*en witlî a rick sud ehegaut patent lever wath.-ý Mr. RitmatakaêwIedred the h*n,.r done Juta ina a very appro-priate speerh. le al- Inded te thé bencfits of Agr-ieulitir-tiele ities-t@ the praaperity of thia seele*.Ity, and 'its future pros5p-ets. le spaI-e of lhi, w séruices villa usch delicay ni feeling,and jaod leste, anad Canclutld luy «ny ing Iliat lac Lad doe wbat lie coula). -net what lie woutd ; anddin thanking thora for titis val- sale preseat, viienever lie l'onked irpon it. i wuld remind him that in whatever win* bu oiudpromôte tlinteaîresîsof the Agri- eulluval Society Li searviceài were ils due. Ou* y auaamional Jught. dîtion ta 'm 1 Xul;~27. Tb TéNewbury Port JfsaM af to.dy i cêntaii sthe follovrin 'llie U. ~StC f te &W, at ~fr4phaaid~s1~ p ar n, at e Ucten, have bcer ordured Ioo eGif ai the .1,t. Liawranre, ro ttrîle toti o kf l Ainerian geainen. ILi. .aid troi Eatwouà titat th, e aoon-i erLw&cr.aîclv aeizedbhy ýthe 2N~rttfan crried into tSt. .els,.as<nt fthe tiane of ber Meizuc ofl'4rand Unwixi The Cap,? taini4(e ba.e ayh s t44ruaoOt tfor bait wi l à te Enlii <asy4e va.s iming thtere. Thuecase %--; i ctried i t theb Ad,.-ceK miralaty Colirt a St., I; trge ndi beiovees r on>à r th $a ez4 E.t4t an snon ai îh.ey ar-e enviiioed tha h Wtt îi- $ ~ a ~ucî. 6eproteeteil. Mr. wilf <rre~mtin raz uee eaig n$r çorrep Ut arNhfield uniltiteo flîneçs ip set. j yresa.,d Meaas; IeorI.~aDiffis.cf tlefi and will. give haiatntuat t>s6,{?a iIiNiensîr wtiotà oA.nersoea., qzp4alIoi Th nelgence, 0-f ilts ring, r*,vieIw'knaa hue.1lsll 1k, ~s e~pr~ss 16 THE OBIP TVEGtTAOLO opinion, t6at. lier ticte li icOo L9, à ASIC PIN DE ~ gM'zour1uh PAINESTRYR have the tounnage 1* fi) o r eu-port, br fi ih w. n ira.àaji1o~tîI by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B1*Jt on aeatefre < lsîvcievery irinti,IBums, Eutokén 'Beaxis, 176e 'Sbuthern M'ilfia «i td e f ChiUtaiais, Comst, LEryÏ4pc1as, FCfýpîi rerer eut' t~ dut frtte~1e1ea es, '~ yez, Salia h eui. 5&'urvy.,,Vcçry, ere, twe f.- wmu'ês bs -rint tb weemk - !~~'iJ7I.- ville, rvp0r$iî~lat,- 'anals'smaklpg j strenuou% r ctrWtiu ak th~ Ie exigan lf. ?IWI'1UL EhltAT t*w ow n theii.' eGrande, find' îII.I.lhe bati1Or lotét nil R.eîley fý'r 11W 1Vlm , Pti ' hIf reh e ceral Ava t tanf iU~)~ Vtl 1 : . t)., 196 1 ll*ery14*v Yo*, a fr.w- 'lion almgsi rntirely an ibis tTem.'D.1Jbar n'! ýýo Orcaq,-Jiiv 6. F4evtu;try is a Cer1ain care. w twarr ftts5inje <or- P fe"frou Fr-ri. Stnit'A k a N;tate, 1 lin4 i îet, litternalor LExttrnii, andai.e<qi' ub»- tirat~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e 2QOuln' 4ntcý n 1er d il awliehaie froqa.usaafy faund in.cot-, SO inen. Tlrt0 baUh cpotieledifoii ilr rwuif i ilt.s Mary-ni-b' iio-.o - Tih., ieeloary tàpefl s*a(à r prpt*gai ris lie uîei, as et will flot ofiyî le ivetwee wooil whn met with ai acriaient Qonljlthesatti I..rnaryLsal*'Wle<tan î orthernti $ii>tti on Stu<rtIIy, ssbli-1o uiatu.I ; f -nî. ne~4neas( gittin la âTe 6ot' f hiti arpa anp'tiaîed 0.1 t'Muîeîva. sfm;ýîd eonriîttlîon iilIutheofprirrt. hi! is 'Là a wcroMt..t<ns~NO. IMIOIWÇ -Té X . seaa rig{t t Jeu.,J" dhm qrelurned. lL4is~ i as beca rdrded La te gilf î.rc :tyurlicleeaohaUi ri- ofth 16 . îLawrence. -are..i 1.111ytVfitttPliià ta I lIplWtedit tiif-rt CONS IJM PTI ON If f l;2V~'- aLr('a " 'er-y tow's uair Eve'yedvknwu iaflntean!îUeas. *etm-fisI'cn rurmuhf gafa(ar. Nosnre rpw1aei.4 în~se~ard m~rsa~oinriltual. ta-tl*4't~ autt.r ay longer wilh l'itn or iV.ukfl¶ ~.,wIl 00f. t'S rqwrra ( o l halntarea m r ofis I.er.1%fii - 0 ..î '. îa Iebo 'i bsC tteipatr lhein aitilen icpauîeorha*iehtii ltia *< t'Idî..ma .t j.. l ttàO. 141 .uîîiPmà u ~the irpat dis- %ettkàï, ilêsatid. !e alrit f tl Cotmi* iv cloîtat' tkiw> !iopn. F!oýýtrai 4 u-ilh curiitt hrfor lheto51 rim i.ei-uitri lie ftrIr lia awuiW(afl ViIÏdaaLeztei Cauton-Mf o(f Th' nw. tnpml Iticrlfnarc ~Liri'iiitc - rei Caën ,of Rheuni.iî,m, .Lamne soUcssy 1 ('q~uork& Bothr. Jon a * 3uw sWe t-ea, vLime of bil .buainto Spial Yotk~i wiro iti rti-m nsl !)!h., 'rfç'I l'ClrÏptài41lS, C0oiUS, etiçsTai>rprn T4~W~OEKy n pp)lyi1 goJ a- e»avin (01 a llbrew Plus- TYPE FOUPi'DRYli. 129 'nUCiE S T R 1,ET, RT EXTERMINATOR. Four J)oors below Wil iain Street. 1-1' iirbucribers are prk!p-aredl to fùrjiialu îbar wtl-taitwnaisuprer rBock ati - I> Mpîîeiv>C, Orrnmele, fBasa s . fl&c., uranuo equa- ( aiy ii ilidtoility, ud 1l'4h'ù;Ill rrpration is W'airrtcd l xtcrmif-atr, moe 4crral miuri --Tlr lbnfinmi Ruts îand Mirewmrapcererusoti2s dirreiMc, Pres î, ChsesCompoing- ayd to leave neofliu*v* eî.,nçhon lte pre.Misc Sticks Stani, Casc Fur. frily saie in519y ptleî andi et al l tr i, s,t wb iy MUtaI sud WoodI Typn,-S;$ (tom oft e ondies, and 4eêrSr Cfo là' t#bquu.ed ia Pstng O Ufi.ýc, at ?helIoet pî&cvs f), b 1 or aproVed j I"r« QId Typc i ceiveij ai 9 eent# C61RTELYOU & (GlFFING. P.G,Ci*vTFLYeU, 09 tle IPfifltOçf% r &Ch., gotieflts the parema-e or him f irwj.1 tbs abnawe, inctuMnq thi# Nowt, thre.e (impp.1*(ote Spt. le, 1l&M2, and "snding a copy al b. soir, Int ~, il e pait4fer h t t aterials on fugrchbo iinZ tour abus.i the amiunI el 1hcii'biIl. th OF UNV".PATWERP JAmauT. AILil #l 4or** t.egr' mîi thc CA30 wi«n erdenai-y treei 4rttrit q~. Caution - ýBcwarc of 'Cintnerfeits. Irhq extruoîdlnsryi 1'xtertnator flas exc diuçbririra snd iT<rtprà Ia nqtuir&f* . mxinatua', andliake no lýrA1loI4ers addl J0$t!NSTON". Rochés li it e United$Statesa ,Witf-meel i-b hpronrj THJ.' BOVE )41 WIIOLhISALE ,Or X.Duber-'. >f~1 Store ýwi thin hh.imit of thei TIJONT T iiR91j-r lierBijrufItsf fl liea TBe*e flestb othI.fne usa ratpidly end on, nd w>t thon the epmmon Split 3oar-1La [Ne. 14.5bC Aup1le BR.1, Aa FOR SALE !'IN,"1 T 'l'Subsêiberoffefs for 11Iousc, with every neeskshryj corraut andi "FoLteire.7e trme"kcý., appily te 1J: < OBT. Ju.Te inesu, t %c " $Fi -itlIIT I PROVINCIL tMUT1uA$. il lJvIsruàxm C"I foi',..pa,- 1. A lIGYr», DIRECTOU. . ¶fr. CAIi r idenl.ys. J. SJ1os Rosu, W.G owcs. -.JC. Noiqa-s 1jf ATxV. )" .Ia~t ýi. GÙu;wl, J. ~ ~ ~ i G.t Wow,1..r auor risK15~ W 0OjI LIQ, Offt 4K-Ce Stre.TÇiRD. t Risin FJ~ia, adit is pl Dliiy -ll Toronto,I The undée ni thte above o 'ailli( lt- 14 and mode, Lie aet suif the sai41lie prêvi4etf J,. r. Loi. i EDWA&ItD G. 01 i ,-'~ Z "Ii-

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