Ontario Reporter, 31 Jul 1852, p. 4

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love lmtera are the hroney anda ager 1aO~ lettere contailing remittances are Z;.ppe- m= i~Cr bas reacbed anr great claIe of éréto.W. sa* soe brnt t lotothe oppr ofri offe-mzi1 the qo r âay, and n es a t:IWOtmige 'st u o-- es in a place in a grocery window laU.1- Cd ~ 1 overnmoct Jara.t" HO11w much te publià tus death Il, Uid à Cuetomer at the Suft offce, -New York. ', our sillitng." IlWhy, I paid out but twe tijillinge Ille last tune I publialred one." "iThat wasa-common deati, but' tbe s ýi-tclyd3/regiettod." go"lil telt yen wbat," eaid the aopliiant, Ilyour executors wMl îivver be put te ibat epense.l \VbO lias the Lest thue of it, the. Pope gor the !Sutan --- the man witb no wife, or the *ne with two hundred and fifty.,, Tii. papers publisi thc mariage -of Mr. J. Stratage te Mliss Elizabeth Strane.- This eemething swinge, certaùsdy, buti il is probable thse nezt imnportatý evenLj in the auily will 6e a Uttie atrnge To diseover Iow mauay i1die meu tieare i a place, all tbat's ncceaaary as to set twol Mis dobb tita.ys, tbe firet u.. a colt tekeve encircled ber wast, tie feU aU if the wam in a pavillion of raisbows, the window slle of whici WCa' composed of ÀEOlia. Druke nessexpel% reaoa-drowns the. ineft.or-destroyei§ eauty-diuiii<5 es h strnFt---nflmi- te blod-.caume ter- nal, internaI, and incuable weudta-4s -à witcb t te senee, a devil te the mio, atiief Iote pure-the beggar's compnio-tbe ciudren's sorrew ;--an"ake u PUs weak anda wiae man a foo-ks worseei a but; ed Mi binma iauùrdrerwbo driêa to oticrs good heal th, and rob osuef obis Th ii.II.eof a bacielor ks asisMlof bectav- oimee as thé- son e of! ght ; werver h. gec e i. hconsidcr ' d as coeuejetr or ratier a coimon lbIespigI, thenauelves cf Iis kIedàea Indigu ce,aUd iuiplicity, as free> as (bqey tii téeet meephcre. Tien isaotainothdw dàh. uo)eok potsbina as the bubauad of ber daugbter, prevtded li er more tlafMIex- pectatiens shah be disappiatèdelewbere. Ile 15 considered a resqirce agatuat al cous- t4sigencie, of tbis kiwi; and Ibis. the wldowur, tee, tic> regard bin asa one provi- dentially ' inibasa tu tte te meet ticir con- dition ; bebidetafile, thc littie lbildren .oi the whole neighbourboed look te 'Mm nis n sOt of tommon une cle ;tihey rua te taeet bitnas aule walks i they gather rouind lias clbir ai'lec-uts, cdirai liss kiees., finger lb locks, pick eut bis boeatopias, and gét bie watcll.oLof bis poc4et tê. tlieir ~m, and tien tii.>' want to know wlien le v, geing t» tke an<otier ride lu hà caPng,-a#, wheu, bc il% geilig again t. !4ra. B"e'a t f" s'o, or M rs. -ilberta confcctionary.' le with bcncroicnsc tînt incita lue dew eit tie tender plantp insteati of feeliog-buauaef agnoyed, àe*giia icfl,a -kiss, and a promuise fgpeacbaWm4fov alI ;andihe wilkeep th&a poietoe ; ho is tise oui> hein&in authe venid wbo Jkçep~ s s womtaeiâS t eucdrea. iailid :;L Maierof Newton show tat bthic eu ,o a soap buffle ut at particular point ta tie 2,500,0OOlt part of an inch, and Ilsalt tis bia ail tise quantitics of walet a es ematia'Ili -a% tlie \edite-rraean'; th ultimate moitiras- les formuitsg water mnut, of course, bave less ditniasions t basai is tli<knees.-,Wu cani boit gold seib ti# t a leur ff t im, but thte -2812,0UQQtb part or an lnch ini thicknese. An outiceofo gold. by vria'. drawiaag, inay be di- vided ilbto 32,O00,OOO,0O0Ofarts,,au asIcc part wih li 11Pesasse 8ilthse c 4trp *0~-4 qualittes of- tIi witl . A aulump Or,- Suger wiII sWet6elaor the-80OOO'dup* feriisiag I-af-u-pinir of' an ud if the p oint ()f a ltieie le irsetein lone of illes. drops lb will bring away a film of MoistSi'e with-~ -out less.eniag the apparent site of the drop, perceptibly taweet, and contaig, tiorefore, ai portion o! the 8O,OOtIapatote lumap tee miaute 10 embiante, &Adyelt thre arc Probabi ,' ultlnaate moslectahes of defined fig. ýt1... wUUildtr. Igavages Otir mts. LEACH & PAUTLB te tie publie -by tie Officerse9( tib e 'vW ciii Âgricultural Aaociatonj sud -I,.gfat simer of otier geallemen, 1W Slêlby J»tmMS i. Gaicoi, DrUgMst, Wbitby,aad MAxar Reuuu;soN, Brooklin. Wistbyr, May 28,1852. 7_1f. $9$SUTH, FATS1 KOýý-SUTII RàATS!' delays are da"gT;rm. WbtyMéSON , PEASON àCO CAUTION-. Wîbyl BAKERY. bto e b.rotied by t b4e ba-seity a vasl urles to order, mka n he atwat ObtinuuS. ,amu Candlg5#-Wo&.gMz% £Sà ET» L fit~ a 4ge Stpt* of Groceries.' tJAMES BATES. Wh4by, Dec. 19, 18m. . TO -COOPERSe MILLIERS, AND OTEERS. SttbwM'erV, have.ou h1aUid sud PeFeIy, on Lt o.70 n tba,9h ii'cering of s 'upcraor wi hlareprepr.d to oeili very l10w Ur eabb W aprfdcWiL. H AfiRISON A PÀMOJÉ. Picering, May 22, 183t. -o J,00tohu ,r~y (ood*ý, eroeua*es,4etoc1oesy, Hardware, &c., AI o whlch laaV6ece h. i' eyA-*"n tii mnàt'adv~ata#eoum tpr r *, asduhe ar0etermsn- edumioh ou wdgrsnid by ny homme ln the trade. N..-Tqyare lyepetia cs aronf very 8 rsior -Wutsyad aj'Sasppiy ofre -i*and to,èL for- Dla.-kitl5fbe. lPort Wlùily, 13. a, 1832. P1»tér r aalétby JOUN M.4u3.iN & Co, Cors EEC ad MÂPLE, For Ut ah> ATI' PortWhVidby,Mal 18,1952. 5-ftl' iE NEW N'a»)A10T A4M 11 TE.4 mE Mits. KA illip to tise rnineipal tu 'ape tat the rith 1 r, Sec. iprent ce- mse of the aEnglad, Ito give ANAS ce> te the 2%e .LatcstPt Fshièi maojon 1semd. Whitky, Xanb 25,IM 81 miei nnsbepfuntier te acquokut lte L&d« f tbibyandviint.tWieb (ge at un4Wpinty St veiUe b Late of tMe City of Lmdoes, ngkend, rom. Whao"exeprence s ehepes the Ladies wifl der ive every aatisfaction, in the supeiot styles of 4cush M eveatwia1e, eb e 4-i alto"' Have 't, -~IN CANADA WEST. WHQLES ALE AND RÉ'T, iNl Wçn! e uwrceived our -omplete assortment of ?NrM Smp jv wbch, upon inswpection, envcustome ri wiII fibd te be compoed of otbatisI,4u4fl r#yaiet.Ra ving bten eeIccted with gret bfm-t» ZT Ir, lPreub,ýand An*ran lmarkets, oire wýl.ek tote isCio g1 oef our qnatef rs d the public, au being the moit lashil ad cbeap àm0tmt5ilai RWV yMade Clothing and Dry doodi in Canada T.itlorintgy in ailt rMkeees MOUANIGS uf M On TUP SHORTI READYADE LOTHINO Men'sjîewsa Holilani Cousa, frmma4 41i-2 'o Fancy Vesti, [rom DWo Cýlaeè' do Id 5 O DSiIk ,.do DoBaeApaa do 10 0 Do Satin do a D6 R CI, rare COnt do di 12 ta Do-Clotê.do Do PÎias.ssdo do di 12 6 D-T*Wpe do Do CanadaTwoede' do, il1 6 Do Cassîmere do De 9road'CIbtb do - 30 0 O Mai', Meleakn Trousers, Deoïnia(esre do " 25 O Do Linaui)rIi do ~Oe ro% nIRollandi do " 4 41-2 Do Check'd d(la DO Chck'dd40 -do " 5'0 'DoeÇýwd1roy do j uiein :do " 'a4a3 'Do&Stiaaett doe Do Tweed. do " 10 -0-- De CaWmereà do Do Btad4CWeb do " 17 6 De Buclsidn <do Do Reueti cm e'do- 89 Do Desuicu d biens a c"tiVO5tS, 7 6,1- OY'4DrO>do DoWEtak4.tin do "D8 9 <'Sa<kid do Do Facy satin do- " Do M*4%okiti do DoP tu do 3 4 Do Canada TçW.edo j» , Vaey -do, di 4 4 1-1 Do Cauiai.t do- Do Veliet do De Tweie. do Ne MaMeile do White. Sbirîa, Linen Fronts, Do Berathea do Srpd~ Mon'. CIOI6 Capet 2 6 1FeP'ansrhitte, soNde do' 1 10 1-.2 Under Stifri, and Di awcrs', M nsPairis.SaLin Unis, BIat«k ,and Dr New Style DusinOSi Co*ts5 l8a l Materlals. DRY GOODS. Mus'ai eUnsayard Wide, frOs. 0 10 1-2 ;F*cîtoy stoim PntIaeOOSdo do O71 Wlie do - IlavGiagamdo doe O712 Ispd Sbirting, Spiwdid BMonneRi*bboaw, " O714 Cotton Warp, straw Bonnst, 44 1 3 La*lî«,' ays, GI i.iy.Rbbmo. Lfl, -- Shawiu, 1ienturhieîs andi Neck41e, Ed Y"-, =e z riJoWe'w- ajpFont>, Mulinaos, Std plk',tI1ain f pcaCiuaSIu an,&C., Table Lifiens, QiItif, lorpan"s> C-eoes, DeLainte, B.d Tic k, snd Teweia iFrpgeGiipa,-Trimmana, Crape nd Materlto for )1urni, Bar14c Dresses, InIuf~ obsCas udFroek Bodies, $11k Iarp Alpatus. A, 41-21 4 0 41-21 4-142 4,4 20 4 21-2 3 1-2 41-2 4 1-2 ô .Vo Second Prwe, BURGESS &LlIMN V01.3-1.1 Conter Pf Kintg 4- CtrctSlrcets, iining -t/te Court oseTrot. Il AURD W A R E. jp 44,ICNG TUETTORNT. TO L"ST, ln tbe Town orf W1ILTBY,l 11ESubcrî~r eg teiaiurmlit I the Oarril;agnd Ulackamiîh $hop laieîy T listheitecuiti bas 1ocpcupied b> N. RA y. Cuatomerï st e qrciv iThe location la favnurable for cryn na opa=a O TOQCI V UO4aIr extensaive husinpu,,niî«l fl O xtellent openarag Dy Varionas 'cssela rolliseu, Gi:Lod<eorge lto un eiterp9isillg mecbonlie. Bentiçk, Mise cropper, St,. Andrew, Nifagavra - J. fi, FRRY. Uatesie,. hrawsveral etbersfrosu Liver- W7a (Lbi,1dlOt o., 1 1to poolanud tont cu and-in aiew &ay be will have., Arnj co unt semnt of lcsxvy and- SiseitlBard ware xça*1r foi'r , and ut Prices u1% $ asEI3ICin nttsoe TT.io-t 2n 81 HAW RT . IT. 'IJAT 1 WIEAT!!1 IIY, i TIcasletberill paythe hi;liest prace i tbhday ai liO.L3 Wl. avty quauiityoÇd>" jWbithy,2lst .A woald respectfnlatimate to lite pilule t: being deulreau of, Extendin.g tlzeir Dusinens, aI>ywill spO Àen'5 coat in the preipartt of M te mt'ke it deserving thse high citera Fm. evatr brten ,iot,<. anad le preprerd te plafl ep ifiaÇais for çond delveied et tbeirBr.wery. Mil ordu'ri pronq 8HÉimi»lÂx & POSTER, YVARDS To Ownersoffand-De CÂRLTO1NV8 FOU" Fom thecaare otFonnder4 Horses, and centracted andi P BtùW»eul,,the Flesh, Galied1 *scritches, Cote, Nioke, &e.. tcarul".-Fiod the . m sWokonýh. wrapper,or nevo Medicines. CARTT(N'S RTNC Tha chances g lime cor, ir used i tne wate, and i1W them ta do moire, notion of these po eretive glands, an upon theflors',t num aioal-a[ i a liad tate of the Remember and ad do-r,,and take *s pared 1rn ii he roady tor or Fir»I tiesab ,ireO to futI? a5 Suor1 L;e ot 100 COas ACE. WCWD Wanc4 ut la j9~.cauh wvji lbe paitl Wbitby, May8, Ji - EXECWV( COD 1) 44f. t- 3.~flÇ ~owi b., 1852. M'hltby, rature; pro*_» 1 - 1*1 1 "

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