l'ho Iurnln;o te ofi ÃŽtiySu lelan- withn fivemimuteafter the l"aes beôke hib6s Jhn AW., o et ýFt er t o- - - ckoly Ls ot Lîfe. put, tLat it was aha$oued,and the steamer's ous yinjiirel. 3ame3ý, J the clerk W.cuon.fen le~l'ed was turned 'Marst et b ac of! fhe, mejwas ln4ie wier, f m i a We ondnsefron te New York tbi lfW in order to run- h1rohor% lu- Pe Éfrrov ec g ofis lite. Me. Jessup IYes, an accounit of the -terrible calaiiy ncesit ffý thistinteement, 1 t t artM.st à ates'-bat hé à dno record 'of theoýnames of the. burùin,, of the.-»Se".ryClay, that moment iwaï ully-apatrn. '4 leiy *ère if theq>assenger d- rhe~~bt i h eoccurr*d on the. Hudcson River, on Wed- the. whel ltüuses wn~ppeIV W 1 ýthe- en- booi7decume b, mmd ýÃney41 the office, nesd alst, and of whic bour rendors have gners lied leen d*en fronthe"ro 0 ýad W, ' hy coi - siro ad a intelligence. Trhe loss of lite hedvshigelcent, tannei! by à stifi mander oeth(e henry Cay,.ùas on board, i5 most dîstressiog, and to judge freon the South ivind, was swoepitig rapidly'tewards laberi 'g under a sevore illness. ln bis et- descriptions, the scenes of-suffering and the after saloon, where-she groater numbor forts te save otiiens. after tb. ire broke eut, .*pradtul anicty, betweien the choice. e a ef tic pâssengtrs wore located. -The. domse bwAa.in tii. water, a long éime ; whem ta- deatti frein burwî,g or one frein droîivni volume et emolce, tee, was blown directly' ken eut, lie was uttable te spoak, Lt is-fear- 'wre ofthe imînst icartrendinrg description. af:, laden wii burning cinders, and subject- ed tint lbe will mot recover., The princi- 11% a ppearei te b.e some. confusion on ing hdito imminent, danger ëf suffocation. pal pilot et the ill-fated steamer had his wife board tbe ll-fated steaînboa, bât'on the lu the meantiine,. the despaining* abriek.4 for in the wbcel-house, wberc she romaine! un- lother bandl much individual courage was help scemed té be redoubled. Lt *ai in- til the ves,-el struck, when b. ,caught holp Imanit e.Itn e cienent lirerail% in stinctively seen (bat, as. the steamer would of beradum duenhesr.Apl- .Ntw York, lu censequence ef the disaster, strike the shore bow on, there being no coin- ter, named Edward Cooper, residing'at -and thc <celings ot bereaved faunies will înunicâtion freinaftt-te torward, even ie Memphis, Tenn., wus overboard, aud'being inet bc, seftened by the -reflecton, that great approacli te the i{iver's bauk gave but little an excellent swimmer, lie rcscued several irckfessnemi was apparent, on tlie part et hope te tbe belpimsswomuenmnd ebudren whe femelesm, 1and dieu saved hiimselt. An ini- LLe person -in couuunand of the Ilenry Clauy, -were astern. An! thore they stood-the dent wortby of note occurro! at-tha turne et ,L esçainJurace; The verdict et thp Coro- yotungan! -the old-battdimg, inchi by inch, the panic.' K galladt young man, nmre! ne uy a e etbe eev! c wt i lmsensuga'thosand deathi E!wards, Who -wxa on the tnfi'rail, att, ob- ,Cordimg te the Titn es, the steamers Icienmy in the terrible struggl fr lite, until the vas- serving a young, lady ln grent danger frein *CIay and the ýIrntei, left,,Albainy nit sel struck, leaving thôse who'were aft some the. ire, exclairncd 44W-'dlyu osItb m 'l o'elock on Weducsday morniaîg for Xciv 50 or 300 teet (roin the shore. At Ibis jute (lie water, an!' mn te .rîsk cf being York,, the latter a liait: nhend, ecdi ime, it-ix estimated , there were nearly 300 drowned, or will yo e buLrme! te deatb 'IL 'crowded withh jaseugers,-tme forime'r hav- persona Lud!led togetlier ou the atter guards, The female accepte! 'tb. noble offer, and inç hctween four or ive hua.*îlrc.l on board. beaitating in 1 agemy or terroir wbetber te botb were save!. James fSmiey, a ressi- 41. ta stated that teie boatâ cemirneilced ta- meetdeathhy Ãœthe tlanw or the fleud-thcse dent cf New -York, ia 1*lieved te hasve cing frein tic start.-the bouts bl~~~ droa!tul altirnatives,ý apparcntly, being tlie gene on board tiie'l{enry Clay' at Altany,J 'et course, te rival lîues. Al L e landiîgs onl>' bitter choie.. The. place wiierc Uc t-he - werc missed, in flic eagerness of the- race, steamer struck is on the. river bank, two and N EW A OV ER' until Hudson was réaclied. huere the, Ar- a hait miles bel-os Yenkers. No -boats mensla made the lan!ing firs, anil the Iki- were te bc lia! tiere, et amy description. U R *ry Clay _w&% oblige! te wait until het ri- TIh9 .érme«Ùa bore rnpidly dewn, and sent c _ _ ýr-al' departure, bellore asue coudgeL te the out ber.beau, as aimd a iiumterof sailing aeck. ?Tie Arm<rnia, of course, aguin got vessels which were ner; butâti leat a quar- 1, $the start, taking IL wet chaniiel efthLie ter of aunliour lapsed after the-IJClay struck,R OR i 1 riverIler ceiiîpetitor telloiveil onuthe ere amyasitstance came. lu the mîcantinie, w~iPCTF LYb- eantnet *emst aide ef the rver--ie ciannelà beim the panic-'it4ickeP untertunates ha! nearîy n' .TU L estanon t for moine diat n 'c, by a gray 1l,4. ail been force" cier thîe stero jutte i water. ,krn, n fcrsr1<wsi.,im i Whathe bonts reamlie! the 1lower cendîof where many et thema sustaîne! themsqetrc5 this flat, tlicy were aiout abreat oetcr by swimming, or by tic -ai! ef a few floating- eother, each htriî ilig tu nake the ncict laa- boards, untul rescue! freinmibeir poritous con- frnhi emrSp nPot.uîbycdC d<ing (Kin ~4on, we ,hotilil suppobe t! t,>be ditin. Qîhers clung to' tic guards ofthte freun the Escript ioîî) ah a! ef the i,er. vessel wiuli the energy et desperation.- 'eflicC h qt Thcne,dr»&î, iLwihI bue en,'ý waK nearest, rudder al steeîing gear turnialie! tempora:- (te shore on wicla ingà toù, îi i iuîated. r>' sifttô e thers. A nuniber succec!d 4.' 7>.1Of H I-n L.eCly, heirever, crowded ber su lirdI i getting behl! eflie braces on tie under ( on ro * that (bey cause in co1llision, an!ditan sid.e l;y %ide etfLt.eguards. Several ladies threw, Where, ÃŽlu addi-iom I o tise esiirreS * mfri= bot, h side foi, somîme distanîce, thse wicelbousweof the end et a. ster lime overboard, let (lien,- utfNew, in :îcaruî"îué a î1îuîf4,îrcuii n, nsd- selves dotin lente the water, an! sustaisîrd Dry Gouds, Grocer-ieq, Iavy and er~&bii &îînii'. .1i î'sae.iers, 'vitiit tiie îcns>lvc-,b>' iL until ai! reache! thein, for-'iur~ rg r -- uy iieÀ.bk unratel>' before the lime, whmeh was on lire, Lp'-,Du uîî-î 'aif I.~'; ~.i -~ ~e ýl ad bccoint-Loq wek teostipporttbhem. But AIo bcbleiIVSli a t r, ~ ~ ~ j, .5 l f us' îz1y o ain pedfrantically juto the ira- Whby ViliageT , zAp;st, 152. iazardouî ý, 'u. W&\V i.'sî sk V u ~ ia ter, tnd ,iaîk te rise ne more. A gentlemnan ceili'ioiî, l,:f ldl.ii.1i, d i rh i î t." îiras l'uniard,'and who goL un sturesnooýj âw moierai ladicî fiLiied. ail iauy o a-~~~fier the iusscl %trutck, says Liatnt ot oe utf .gave cipr-es.-,i o Luthi -a ani o-miot- -à uinler of ladis-senie mmli ciildren is>(li\ff \,.0S 'EO L -crie% au! teans. It as lîropear tu sate hlie chein aras -wbou, ýhe sai juump froneinGUic - r 4bat Cajit. 'follimami sas coutiud te lus arboard sîde, were saved. lie expresses -i duties cf the above- Institution miii roin hl sicknui,-amti!di! net asýumu it oi- ithe.o ictien tb>tL seue firty or suxt>'lit-es 1* retumed On !IOND,&Y the 30th Au- imnd» at ail. 'Aiso, tint 1'lumiîs . 'ulli'tr, aut least, were loslý. 'e mi we could ad] glu' ii"*- .Yvuua Gentlemen at-e prepared for Commercui a )râuits &r-. aiso t commenci,;1 eueeofth cOmnet-s ofthte bout, was 011 buard. tiat but liLtle reliance ceuld b. place! 00 Ltegl or Mediral stûilics, sud tot euaîuring ieé We are tel d UI tafter the colli,,Ioîa, tour gea- bis stat-cmeuuts but et al these witf hoL-r [Jnveraity. timnmn eteperîois wjmî, wceu i re converse!, lie "-ecied te ca sLmet i JAMES I1O0DGSON. ,comamand, sttitn,-,tliecc.aîeruatioâ oftie jmîuot lhkely te9bc wiî-inee. Wc eard Prindyad. ,ladies, au! roeft3tratui4t4lg aîtalnîL fluti'- of but eue penson whe is supimee!Itebave For lerime f Titilîi, Board, &c. pey Quarter, lui rtsk te wirhmeluVie ïadnere'e bet'luf beec» hume! te deati ;-one child, me are IPPIY -0th ie Prineipet. suljected, mm-I begg t!,:,it tic rite siould itel!, w.ss sceu, te fali ueneatli tie daines, in Wbilb, A;uî7h 82 7w etame.- At lis linus, thc bratiiiuthei viciaul- the aftîr saloi. ' A 2Nr. WVay, et Welli- rt oryet ii ugincu' n 1 hou 'r rocuuuwa SNovîmle, Oioi, mas rîînomg LIse .passeaers.-- great Llt iL lad h -comme aot up > lien Lie Chu>' l4nst stnimck lie aiainasimerîs-, T'H E REPO RTER . te pasfrein uee l ort fie vuscl i tie procure! a raft' et acirenal leoseiboards, nia-I . 'otie . ias act ira,,i uteiaï anm ci- neturîte! Le save isimite. 'Theucdrewning HTY brRA '*, ii&USr -7, 1852.f deace oft ti-e hazardu tfrt whiý:i 'icre creatmnes abeut Lins, in tlucir à stnugge e h aeSem otDsue being made to secure a tru,îkess victory, at safety, breke up hs raft, au! cmîled hi The lte-ta Hu at D iaer tiw espena.e< lftiucceufucrt, if Dut Lie lires, tu abandoln iL. '1'bc buses. ýoanls su3tainei - of ail eu boardl. 'l'li reiueisstrainces irere quiLe a nuimber of the sîtferers ahove watrr lI another columm we niefl as'tucu-I nnayaiêag. 11me reply was, chat tie b- t.aut lil -help camne. Mr. Way e uue Ucgreti msgetting ales2g er>' iveilau! tLhat fier. ste~amer'# guard agaîn, and jnstaiucd bis w lana et the burnmmg or Lie -steamer !Hrmry, %mas tue dan-rec t bu a Tscieu fi le an!dLire Qtler ladies entailies$Mal beu ats , hicli caugiit ire inracînc r itb the, race accordiily rst: ',île fs'rycamne Up. 1efore Lb. Etigitier ( ils. Jacobk»enaucn onrsbeien ian Clay succuî 4 1uL., in cr ' ru idîî c/îimlhncnan,) wascompele to eave bis posgt, mn!New York, muni uesulted in the bs of cowctuou a~ ~ ~ ti. ~l-u',tUa sue w5J- liuarra'4 ,dtic valve propeni>', an! left the. coerpeûta lt.dru a -,.î Lit o.'! r.tas kt Ciifle d in AfulÃ"pesti*a. 'l'h. nugffl. hetweu 10-aa"à 100 tives. &oni- vuaa, a '0uur. is0la 'le wafoked wmcli ntil the. Vebsel stuct-ev.eo 11 uteavs Le ê..di ebl, *bc .îmimg oekouihoud te t'w jass-LCmcie> tpe ihacah rm u nti ie x dto. At about a quasr fer c tl urb tuian!d des business at No. 69 Pai sortha ts bou en e rseea 1'ussi o aobPndor earmisli- th0 ec. -o'lockjust arter psai;tic village et yen- stfréè. Sic haël midi ber a ittie bey ', eThse ciaractei'oîUrne oppositlosu.i keM, tihtéslligcry 0j'.. vire b'iresennl- mas rescue!, mdwhoo puteens moamn ed frein th. coue of LiÃŽe vessel. A glance for the fond mthier se rudel>' instcee!frin. The questien et tic comiparativ-e expen- ne temards (ho ongînae-roin aioe,.a coltsssd wenetiiui>' heart-renie, A resîdeutseetb.m'Cun>otOanii of smoele poarnu up frontoretthe iaatcls- et hiîç, nasse AdausLî rtmy, iras auwatsn>w t r t fao wth, os Aunatsimutaeosl, icflmms e bo.Lard, mmd, bis wd sudando n. clii. AilfoM a snpi*t fatre ofurCoanto e! froisthe fo luolear thse bolIer rouns; ani tre. Of Liieta jipe! iatoe le ater te-(o- n rmnn etr norCut sa bss bas n. inue mi cuis' riccit' gehor Ti. huà had m s eoted mliv., question, ad shoul! ho discusse! mti cool- 'et the.machlsu.ry mas envelepe! in aici Lbt neari>' ezlausted. Th'i'L li! ias foun! mess and!, candeur, mhjclu me are Seen>' te i «otting off ail commmuiratlea hetweem for: deadswason fter, sud brouuglut te the Deot sybsntbe oei h ward n! att. A WVestern steasubeat Cap- efthLIe Hudson Bivr RaiIres!, umre it was aybsmtbo oebyL.oppesi-.~ talin e wvas on boir! expresse! lu is - recegaize! at eveonîmg by die father, (Mnýj. tie, - n Vletion that tan, reiii, or sorne otbur highlj Marra>').- The. body'o f tii. motier lia! Thsis ID ot J0seh l, stirpnislusgfer IL ci-- iallUsnable matter muust Lavre heen in use net beeu fouin! ulen we left.. Sle teabout J in Lhe-boiler-rome fr fuel, as moe4--evesa ire <set ive juches nblu t , thit>,yur demtly requre! :sounethin4 more tiaot'di- luat.! as vas ere$ty parýet thse vess.oI moar o e g, andix tired*inotIas a<ambergsnlma ur>'moans to force, theïr oIitrageoastmate.-as the msohimer>', by the umusuîl ires ofe'f Uic ,back bonnet,, light iltee, <sahad on "mente 5and confessions dom thethroats ofi e day,.'..coubd met b>' mn>' posiblity, have ig- ber person a gold matoIs and chais, orne dia-'as- intellilgent commuait' thesere wbat aite! aud rais.! a dese , al of fiaîncin tihe lond ring, ou. medding ring, and anotiiorcul etbdo.by<amrsuags , <gu secons i mid apse4 afteth.1 c irst geld ring. 'l'ie.body et& tstloobâdrmwat. cu Dtb oeb amrflig marin, antd beforo cotmmunication fore ammd l11 nem wu. taIsen out of the waer dead. sat*entsof <acto,a, s atuuedb> btui- ait Ihall k..* É. rit rA..'..The - s -,of. a Mn A we dl éi... %nà -szf * - . - U .and, up te a lat. heur last Weg1t, ho 1w! mot been hoard of. There are maiiy men and woinen iîMig ytbeiie ,xo.W on board orfthéRe.- Cie toxe *m., ad asa large lot of aeo b- t 5 enfOUd iibthift owinew-& . thO, ;9F* «, he inidnight trainsob thlHdn fit il. road, weItlhihe-q I &d itiold 1par- ticulars of fthe cilamit : s the tide fi out, the forwiard psit of tbe@*reck *as left high anai dry, .ad alge'bedy of mec wera, employed in searcb*ug thie stern of the ves- sel, and aiso thie river witb grapples, for otil- ers Who doubtiess feu 1eictlms te the dreiid- ful'disaster. Wben tbo train left the place wbete the steamer lies, there had been twenty-feur dead bodies recovered, many of which Lad not l>een recognizcd. 'The Co- roner eftb é Coisnty was present. l3y lL 1 irect in, i ge in c he ofeaçeyatch - 1dk 1- red, -t!-thi kna __sh D *i~s plaec stc a> #t~,tacflgeetn 1tci nmaaked. 'I'Lî'msenab" es b. )ceu tiuiiLy teo et fift'mien, mie mere t( emnaiu mitls dici until iaerus. -hLe 9rapples mere te bc proper>' appreclate 'aids! j.et' tise princi' kept in use during (lic mole miglat. lire Ple%, qihîi atesu!nd spesitlotu et tii tus reaclues our neaders, * prehab>' scieral cncrnut-s cf Lie e0ui. - othen bodies mili have been recorere!.-d,_____ S in ce th e ab o re neco un t m s ii ty ie i e T o I& gE ditor-v /' (le O, sJ ' Rq rl . - lean LIant sîxty-seven. bodies'have been ne- 'Un. Esi'uî-n 'ur japer cf Lhe 3u-! corere!. One mas etfMsEIilizabeth 111-'in'i.t. (uiru tÃŽ%a itILr treili Josephu GonuI1u< main, et Canada, 'ren mort pensons anc isq., Wanden efthfi Proî'isional MAuu)ise- knomn te bce bit. This makes flic known Pal Ceuncil otfi11cCeant>' et Octaneu, i losn se tan 73 ! -Lt is belmered 100 luîîmnan >ývhich thse irierunkcs Inentlienscvele beinngs bave penisie!. ain4d I couatiter, uiiwarm'aitable eatictunes, C= ipon ris>'contiut as a Illimuben e te:ul' ITIS EMENTSà 'ciai Ceuncsil oet LicUnitedl Cotintie.s 0 n¶rr1f~u~'r' nrk, Uîlanlo sîrl l'us-. - With yeu O ur s -mîi1 !esiru ho repiV El)STORE, suî0ileOF flhe remarks mauil la>' ..tol. 1 was-b tiruit te sa>'fiat miti the contest ai, I. L la V 1) î1-#l pe., 'oîng on intetuouito On fr luis custemers an! Lhe iniabuitantâ otf\Vlitluy.jj, 1srîou ar oi ;t o Isat JAir. Goul! infonmi is reaticni luit the ('olmit>' et Ontarioe1-holtis 8.50acres o. j Count>' lands uel!, an! near>' as îîîuîl - . moeu inpsiid ts-shicu, itfuitouzileî. m0mMerialBeuildings in Wtsiby llage, &0 the -- uituhil ou s-epaatniox-i, taîlite u(oai, andm! tu rn, thmaï; '- iam .nuuiry lbt, flii îered Storef InVi'in Cuities' Couaird puisse! a ni-arr a 7 ~* ftion orering AIl Uisland to bc sold, i, -anda îI .Y g Streets, tc D'cel-aile n synire uetsn nis uld iande, b li ts eetrd eut a large asksoniment >uthu-an ubep-tltissa- s.oia y- Y4m w-ispà sre!te rai-.s -d She«"lfJa)-diware, Boots -Soe J£20n) Le1rs->'tue saisne debt4" an! tic'> ~ ~ ~ f accuses nie "Ciaigasutd ope'i- J Y f the'ÇouoLy cf Ontareotrouai satin; lier 1laii it Leuver Priccs (lana flven, fj fiu bale arh~ Ian liu tnoice! a hnili for tfilil t-f.fplirpose. Ilad licai! Lhe £2000 iras lu bie ra:Xed teju>'a apart et saiild dbt, andl muot yct tongotten tic, strenuesus oppoýqt;on. joà ]y I>'scli upart thicetas iwonlllbcmlîlpaý-s anti uajssjt risreprcscsuîations nmade tii .1 cdfe > isefnelaeutssni~o' (;eiernen atticfineet ic ia-t ~ t motus ofthe ti{ci ty prepent>' as couMl! t (;oernen, a te ttn ortir frstl)o,îo-sol! " uvitîtia«-Oee yLsr" fiu> ilait fiîs .âitîit te unnproethe shîppinýrtuadilitieset teof gi-her miii Lhe sîsuritics alreai>01' c iikîs %i'llitby andi ph;nk er gra iel rltla iîghe iothîl ha e benc1orrect.'flie Isun:.k J of ntaio hoaals bcmad aairrof tiî'a t ira! to tic nor5la b )essdb!c tlicerean scttI-n- attn osce lcCui>'po-r. yk Le reaci a goildmraîket aL aill sasons cf the in thicCounty cof Ustanlu ba i-s seil~r year, an!dirhici corne witia an ancet betifî., silicae theelia-,,t et Janîl-r>', an!iliuiât t1r knockea inte Lte ne-it century__ 'luuen thuisIwiricet « bIleaboie dt il ili pri-el-n >bie preîpsuîieon iras fi-at made -asiri (>liîmst Fipaîtfi-omnittnds naisu!i ' mute-ite etrhc'uit> npropent). ' l i'i l' i'roiLo City', Lie af-ii'ii stood ou an equal footing uriti Witly. ->1' ie £4ŽtJ->M ahîre refi'rr'd -10. -tic noa! shoul! bc made b>' ail mens," Gtr olfl ili dutle. rccslluct tltat i an! as a naturil con3equence Il Port $y -den- (u-înî~it esl htt.a'/ i y ('ouà I.i'îiprojuerta-, iîitlu4ig jethne laniniy;,în~ Lain iras tMe b-hur an!d(shaiwa ivas t/se LcC'nyn' uuioii ' 1. a atd. . tl Towsn Ltu bcLiaetermnaus cf tise gresit Xuw- Isze/J; li.- ili aiabo recolleilo-sd ulien, Simcec ,»an- it-u-on Rea!.11 Nol deri>' baschanye! luis aimti u, ie ota tooer a! isu>'discouun! fsitO' cil iras just oai tiL point cf anu~1silîçsi liai c iscen pt-dît cithîeât s..llisi.. ami>'cmbj than a msiddle route -vaa thseMo-si feuiable, propunt>' î Onutario, an! aIs-oa iiiut an>, ï cenvealt-ut, cheapeat au! slietst. Bjut nu, iuitet assesanlemit. Ile %Viil rccecr qasce n tà "lane u aba-.a iiena adesir iras çe-ix1s;'ssltlt tic Cous- is Ue, (an tie>' manethe! roi ur ai, t>'propent>' shoulil1 n*îtue fonce! into a sale, bu tists ni-,t bchealioure!, te make tihe Illme ce&latt, requinre!noue, thse iahal:itan<s sîu t1 ' tmi rbkI rstogi ula- tack, were sot. desireos oracx eusCua ent Sulgrould -Le realized te pu>' the miel. wîates.as!silje un wÃWiu io~în mitpqïéCouo$liouse -deh t rtout zeimg an>'eut, freut, ai havimK - enldievee tnt fthe:ciL>' of To'ronto, bludeclared 4 îk suddnlydiasevre!tisit."mcl! lie safer for Lite Caunt>' of (3ntaro,f a great public rosit comnecting tic LakeIlte(bat alilier tanà b Le.!!Le sol!, Laa thit svould bce an mrparahble njury tue wic uil "an asscasment, runsauusgthi-i twvency ' t ctent r.y and particularly to tisose Townshsip,"ya-s, sieul! be levioti en tic rateabls isrogts iditiset-c! w-s t pas-p l "urouemi>.ofttie Visias!Couaties L0 pa>' thue detit. Nemwit4qtandinig ie cprorisg- lrvely sirig Upoitiona 4F Cr it"tn(otisat "ens et Statute anutliori'zng the settiertint effauct, aud wltieb peilas it ÃŽa wcll knomm "b>'antuitration ofeth(le proportion of tie ci mani' if net a mnjorîey-of instances, con- "dasts ef uslionsetf Couatie' olepl > taine! th lie entical :Ignuatures that finaL ".lî'nionr Coaties on septiration."f wen infaourof heroa-frinOsiawa- sMi. <oui! kuema ver>' mcii tiat Lie te;- 'entlui avonof ue rad-founce! sale efth(le ol! Court leus. iras madei 5ecomdly, for a rentre lia., aAi latitl>', at a sacnifice o et eeral bundrecL,4, prebail>'y agamiat tic proposition aitogethen, neta e ot lesa (in £1000 ppsusds, an! tint tee, it moisi! heaieht soone eec mo)re tisan à b ecause- lie -.rus cet wliling tb. Coinmis- t woul thnL lies ar fat-, tha ar ïVll ioners should bave Urne e tu aket.hle mneat I rou! Lens Tses. n'e acs (aL re dlof ut. 13>'a neforence tu page 14 of he i'fr knowm Liroîgis t-lis section or coumnry, an! minutes et thc Unit.d Ceuaties' Couccil tonr! oftcn ia-i Lien suibjecta eft muidsamusement 1Janua>' Iat, it miii Le secu Liat-' Mr. Goal! 1 au %fie offiseis of the 1lfiesie celiaps'--vote! "ny" ilat I veto! "ye _" on iseo. descrit d,d J, suam er as longe taiok s-a Liaf&uv4.-bd the appearrnc*ofrwatcl pg ir p in whic bW failed, sub iiri èt fifty 'poundi t wa rdâ ibt- builciiol 'of béing a mnarfyr t* uis déiuntry -appealei thbrh the press to bis lblitical riendî- mhowed off hl> ânepoints, and 1 bai the sa gaeity ot' ref tih,- tu bisý stable before he-wa kickwd tlwe. :Sensible te tteeIlut. This5 is the -character of the opposition s fà r, and Ille kiti! <of material the friends In the County.liavÉe te eontend witb. Theî 'sbl:tmes iare bclnà ,bu'eugft Io V'iewy, tlii id ir rS U'nt, men en the. nole, and! mmclipetitiomsi rere as 4atnettienlly app#site as- !q is rror W.e miii:, werc Wbsgoiuliued, COIloar me iftvestiptoaftso 1 Lcse enthies froua (bat im. to tiui, and wý'IemQ1t nirc!>'a sinigle ,ecojttiaurp.place thotinmas ridienloms a llght i mu(le present C&,ae. -- Ffrsat LIai uld. i iër ti >' rie ,,! get-S b ;is cyca open, a snd a o w um i to rils ro u n ir] ask-s le h a v e; th é C eu utyti e 1I preper(y in o 'FA RI10) ji,prc . lIfe 0 Wetap th iillin ' Lit e u ited C ou nities shoul! Inse ' ? lIS (i I d£Ã30 te £1000" t»' a forre! sale et ene mnvelte i'sse».-çx)J item - oft pre5îrty Iitgzq t' i t~Ue C ouiî-y ()f tIat uppeane! in t Yadc, but la rnet -willinff due>' aluuld carry of td i "'i'Isee p'e omut alarlln"emet -mIc1i le b>' lis ou na C t terc e ! uj o thf e C o uin c il m ie t he Ci i. o - r c n o e m stim ulation of' tiat plan is lk l ' to affect hiIe ! ini tice del' t i s e- C ou ? nt y o f O at ar i o f - - ' e 4 1q i * l e C i t y ' o f K i n g .a ro n , beem eiideavreno 1 am n e t accu sed v hl njufstice toivar! te) prO cutre a respO- the C eunt>' et O ntari, lu fluce titua ization n evr< .'J been amli e t t he a s-s e :s s m e n t r e lis . ' u e e t n i a n i e s e t f g n t e Le ,_perfor m ain c e o ft ftI t d t >' di ! n t expr ess d river eft the w i dm an! ad ne igt toexcpress au>' opinion on ilie about, Bomnan the mc tua i va l ue o f p r o r >' ini an >' en t e i s u in ~ Tcmvnbhip, but euuiy onpfIle comprabout theiun v a llie cf p r o p e r t nt >' lu e m elu T i n s' ip a s c o i n - i v illa g e -s . S a y s t hse p a r e i l Av t he t i f i r T i n i pm.' ' s t e n , - a re e a c l u 'Statute prliibitï an>' diiniition ln tie a-- a taven. a tore, 1 gregte sseanuet i ti (lu-ce(3entia ; ris-t nmli; an! i nd iL wvas not desiabe te increase il t2', rotta 7.5 seUls te fInt rotlil render tieC Uonties hiale for a nt thIiik (bat. mc a nge r 5h a ne eti tich e i'no v mic al ra te fo r me s a>' i-t at l c nu Lumaic ilslumss purposes ; Ille ei>'cller- fprogIprots1.ýlagei 1u t -e t î m a r i t e î i n î i isi t i c a m n o u t t c f b t I i' n i m a s o - t k e s i o.f m i hjo ,e i -a ie ! d is if r u - i b i r e ~ t m r p e r i e n a1 ý t e l > ' l o i r.fi r s in v o i c u ar r n t e r li i a t m e l a e- B a y i i > ' t r i iûo ne u i o ludaîce t1w a c tio a tlke n y h .- :cm i r> . S n usuel eonuusuttee, (an! wivii caiti asaproe! timgO5s, as tise i by Ile C euacil), as ow ist l outc a Ccir thiin. Of tic caculatieus a has! apoll the. ssess- AgSil, Mr. JW ment rlis subintteé! te us. Thle Temnaluiip of tlîè'teeaity of ti o t W / t r r s ra 0l s re sînent la un , in . tlist iw irish te m i Cludnin g tililis a nid £li firma î b - tt, ~ t T m h le 1in , ..atasaver-agé of -£à 105,Os.7,d. We s (lever elnfJ5 aL c e- i k ri g-i £ 5 9.2 1 ;, h u the rl i & à front tor u iis n Ont.wric, ik lat ark- etof Y 'u am, mand a in t a s c eu ia n re ' m n. l i > in JY frk ma s î L e in e d iv sti gg i raie ! a t, £ 6 t l 1 î, an !d 'aig lon, n t- lfrr e L a re noth ivîlitaahn-'ile Tttttctios toftJ er ent ry an!d2ribal¶l' n ( s u - c o d u n - ~ N J r G o a l d i r s r i l e -i L 1 n e ; ,f b t- a r s ( o t i s e t J . 1 . i r e ~ t o î ' e v n - h u p r l a c i t a n a j b o r e t h e i r r e u 4 e r s ; pro ýeî:ae.aî- i sand î-:u , la ab---ut osu L par !sue tigc Il ren Leni i~ m lt i I i t i '. ~ 7 i r a e î it £ ~ e r c r e - - n us i n e u r r e u d e r . fns tile accutr,-wuige ii(harjire teunul sff'truCtire thtan mec jnŽr acre 011 'n î ?'saLy. Vbndcan! mpkyiuý a t YrI; ris îa £;ltlt'11 .3- 3, a! Kinig. tic sort aiso tlird -'mg-su --I l,{iinbar Thsi- s ddei C o is l w u ir d u tiî .s r t i. . ; U'- c 1 jd l i n d v e- o f a - r c s e t b 1 beliuî'c tisha erisile ticequalîzedIia p yth;3 1 Men1 it wil bis foundth le iatisin<aaî m ~oe arc rute'! co in pauati V 1>'lo uer t'lua iii ci anti P eelon di.] Lhi- prop iet Tiiere ta one snovc seiotis charge LeT1as' eoft twsin mui uriiaLonsply, iL tisa "ot mu a,! it ris eport oïi tihs-e asitr!s"but as ensl ails- lu ya/ r>'votes ttuî3 yean' I 1 iart ouV it1.ca - assiseI- wtzr,,n ,silci for (J'i /c, a n ed -, t Ui>' ' t'lie col iç0N4iddr Jt »y tri2- tlà is aà o itufor tt a>L sunqîii cir~ -.But arluee usthae cvi "nitric or tri dencL, f il he noet b een proinîceti, an!llu tuni - Iclsd/ageMn.Gouet e pintte itr a'I eitor eofUice111 îsita I"vr are.or mevoe eerurnî; andISi i ~rfi it Youw/,(J oll 1e Icr cva'r' f s-i it I nwd - a/a- ut Cocuseiil Or we 0'u t f itat mu . dl b e Ou -;c d ~ 1 -CI/ o fa b f i 0uin g ilh e (M Wsa urrnI Of itie desi're to 'na»lle err- I1 fav-in r o i.tpus'èlofM cf /e<sCosnir t0 5e aVe ygur repul t/tec.innseaisI ijÈry o f any oispor-' tai. u bu -u' 50 r il îî orthli>' minld haate? YoO tiuerc5~lalQn aers- qnoe , i!to anettue.r (ainle asnd respcet te h. oaiit o pu~cGsanle seniaus, 4I o îyreinaiusput reqacast tisat has irill recencile in> condac in tio -se in sances w iti the ab tîre accu sýa- s n~ q s t 1n lien. 1 iroul! respeçtftîly suggfest te »,>' a 13d i o ve worly- ceuseir (hut the aesct lime lue irItes s id-ca '. pcali, Spe for Lte especial purpose eof SusLauinius hiîil-: a-e~i ec tefas tuet! Wrden et t'ic CratyyoD i OnI. ritho i» ee- ter-Wo~jry t mtaciu ,bc, after ýforty- yoe 1»f h conlusionitegs toMeIapoog aotac- .'ig T sncîs b To CosycusEspi bly croîrdas!ut In rvpl> te oit, rtanu Tiserai, mv. ris to e ho atui iu apiu amareida- '1110L m lýý