sba*~~afrluisjust :iearueâ bat 'itmbhieitliti bus rfeervd freui thie ro- TasiousV Coudty Cle-k, ilie tntper ndt -ltion to leêy tbI inirt instahthent, as pet 13y- Law, for the etèetion a( of esntybuildings. ~Ille aYs that- bow insteaci o f the mere tax '6,' the Court Hlseu in Tôreuto, tbey ivili have to foiîk ov& for the Counaty buildings 'et. tisbe .td i"Dry Corneérs,1'notwitIatand. ling ahi iat bal) becu a"id âud doue by ()sha- wa to preveuit it. Ile appeals te tihe sy- Patliy of other munieipalitiest, if they do net thtunk iti"rather teugb!" We eertainly do; -ansd our adviee, therefore, to 46"&ridabd bear i îîj," i-; the.mont pblsspbicnl that w'eecau tender. le, dra wsanme 'consola il'on, l1mw- ever, froni the distant hope Ilsat tihe 3yLaw in qeto nayet be follind iiie*#ysi by Ille Ii lughst legal authority in Tor-'Ib Ti% Lig-h legal! autherity um1 'rrouto-aila une of the principals in tihi intert!s.t of Oh#-s wie 1presunue, the gntleiman in tie îeedy coat and i iexpresileks, wîo 4é qtri" at thieex- peuNse ef one of the me>î lscîiîmvuaiit hiokiti; ceuntcnanca'a in alQ1îwa se ls aowtst-- sita thatesty wiulitbe blaithiropic iite-iiiori1 of §etting his uvgîorîon tbe rîgln rack1 sit#s regarâ (ô tiseir tittes te -ijir property. .ae! a6ice tosis a -1drinki" andth iis 'bigbmt t muîhoity in 'Turenitotlwil itier. taite to prove the proce<rdivgJa cf tii or usoy otiier Mtiiçiptaltîy perfectly ilk-gal for t lia-ce rouinds! ' Go it, gêntfmn'ýn. 5(IIOOL GRANT. Apponhiouumlrentet te Lgaai- eolGctt 4*r ll%5'J Uitkî t t epIOa iLitlsus If tiuly-g#>COîîl secrt im of CIiitimcui'chu)ol Ac-t- ald paya Vatit !4e a J uly intai 'rah ear, eslrnheilylt U tiiSu peul Z)teuidtî 1v i y, Couusly of OOu-arlo. %Vbitbvr, -.9v) 1. l4 s 5 Reeb *$97-- 7 2 613-1 Brc,3518 6-J 12 63 1-2 L'xhritco, -1P49 45 G Io Z>I M aka & lsa, 140i3 ?1 I -1146 2 2 12O 7 -- )1j t$toll. 020 î) 2,> dieorrî'ns, IilS1I Il3- Seuu%,4 1. 8 4 34 Total 30)6 6o15 2 il 3-1 clie"i op-rtîun ii fi, Id ol -. h ~a 1i,-1., ci h ort \VWtîîy. IC r -ati lion: a drîtt'. rn aru nit i s i m t obîu îtt - si-ien r(ti1îei-ly nuîîr.cot5t ittht:rate:- cf 'U liri',aitiilaouc. \eaelttiiî~~ aequaitct tIatise racti p'hctîrif emtacr l~tmiay"t -> ~/~it'rinck'ipti a&rrïV, iva C iori-t t 411:00 e tît-ýir r'a- tive mtnts l,;let-i t tabe a> iît miv,t-ui-- -are kb lm art>ing 111t( linmol ntI --.S-ii, ni~I eng~age thse ritletiîtft hie farmillîa - itita':. A ofi'tirta et cir lc lmi are i-qaoî'ied W lias e a1ipesred inTi io- 1mente. In Rca'sarit i tai t Ir'irrri--i aud over îwenly dcathlsta dav 'are reportc-il. la Buffalo the- citizecn> are lesting for- thte couintry in gm-at -alarira. 1here i-% ge-îiîr- al>' morte pa1itîh:detî eed be OU.thetIi air picarance of comrii i lmmer Cho .incs-r th-e thr link il wofiitlbe ada i-'alî!c fri'- the preper, a-therities. aurh mte1e cIr and IX-puty Ea-eves of aîunicip4liiieS, wiîett tiseme are nio I3ards of Ileattia, - te a4crti eat-r>' pecatstînary meastîs'e te pre-veià thie brreait îi ciase. NEW ~cE-renew Iiidng ert'tîd tbis summer i Wiiby b> M-r. R. 1'. Pur.. r>', on thie corner of Brode aind Kiîsg-strpets ba4 beera 4ery neaily fanisiied and fitteti up, -and hy way Ã"t orna Menit, -cli'cke'rea'l, whicls -gsle~s it a lit-el>' andi lrilliaut aîsfoýearauie- i1%s. Robert -hattier hbu just opened -et ant 1miîsr.n!a stock ef goods i tii new prens- ises-Sueli a stock as cannet fail le -drasv -purcitasers. Tise extensi-te assortmnsîts. and ehImp rate- at -which-eed,% eaun oir hi- pstrcbased in Whitby, il ben.innin;r te at- tract the attention of buyers, fr rn eaery quarter, and the.' sbave tnoney b>' te jour- ,Ai~tptallinrg ou 1Suuiay, ýMoutiay last wu* cet -ebrated b>' the celeretlppulation of Tqronto witb gi-fat soletuîya tnani vrersgr of threir emaneipation (rom lavery in the J3ritisil dominous, A procession of tihe .olored popua4hsou, a sermon, a duai' nec, sacd a oiree in -'the evening, wvouud upi thse proceedingi of an auniverery -wbiel eVer>' eolored 3rit isis subject has reason to be proiud of. Yau N 1't ImiLTýo.4-The stsbles of Week's Uotet hi. 11aiift*rwerc- burnatd -np Wedmresda>' last, togetiier witb about 25 bsorffl,- tihe 4 Buss," buggies, havines.,- &c. -Aamong tihe ses were nexcellent t.wms*ld 0 'lysafew 4eys before by Mr.1B. D3ryaof Wbitby. abateci. The. Coroner', Jury'asucabted at! E Y I P Ë t9- o'clock this imorning, but no verdict haý b" nrendelrqld. N e,% York, Auuat 2-4 P. M. Warrants:were imried, to-day agaiu it !rîîomnai 'Colgiè!, W.illiam.Radford, and, Ciçitain, the owncrs ; Jokii Ger- mnan, the J! nýinecr;ý John L. Jemspp, the clerk, and Edward Huribut, the pilot, Wh($ were arrested, ani the two. first gave baiR to $1,000 eacli, to appear, wben catied R LIEF IN TEN vLUTSC tE on. f INÂFA PL D-YSISU8tED Th lJj itmost activity is exhibiteda t Our BY TM GREATI FOR. Navy Yard. A1 large fuunhv o. hads ION-RMEDY-. were at work -on il the, llhip sthat ean be inadescn-wrthy.DR.IJOcoôKt,'. mriaýbitton, Augubt 2 PUIE SI0l The ieus 'wlJ ajouu tii te 3h u- For the Cure of cougtb.,Colds, Mtilma, Bion- gU~t 1o'tonAîîgst hitis, Plmronary ConsI!mption, aud ait Affic- rimon, ii'ust i lions of %bc Breaut and Luusap. The Àmic;à arln- Sûcrrle, cr 1:0104 las1,nfawr 1),13~OlrSTNRo bren seize tindtateninte4rN. Y., sole plopi etor for- th ii. hiid Starea Prince Edîwar'l Nunds, for alled4ed viola- 'n ott ot u(iet tion of the ýfisfiîory irt.aly. PURCIIAM5E L O-COCK'S« - SAVMliA, (F FEMeVAL L W[.11 PERS. For A .'eîlaincure for Men4ii Sprenîî or Slip- IE )t&derrf1'-hf31-i! fls pro- Paiiîful Mnîuto,;Anireîtbca, or Partial (ilîm C-iî-îr aîî'* tiiiy ..uî tl îiy-faioe 11001 - , u ie>rï;Lcaic,rtb i.,F7w , A litai, Jhits, an 1 4Sli0 or ~ ai~ t-Fein4t.aitîes. UNÉ NDRED ACRES C F LAND, TL(AVGTE} n t' eh i-il i :Sati t. 1-1 tet ýl tî- i r.1i'ezî C'irt*il'ai w>for cul: M AGI C PAIN DESTROYER, uaT,î. c. îveu ýltv i ovt. ýh h, wiih iMuetant utoîd b JAME}S J(>IlZSiON, Rocbes- meliI Shafis amiii 4i.a iia, af tCi l Uin the btai fe1.r, N. 1. Sole 1iopnli. Foi the cure tatA 4tite mtatnrr " l îiîda eof îtrihe y.» r otllcI. iii the It"C. and 11< h>l. A1,aionS >ithe bkin, Theris a oJ d a,î îrvkîiod, lcrîilsBoketi J3rea-î a, C()'jý TA ci Mi1-101 Is -, Soex, ai n>!, Slrt Raseu. uvy, lo'i ly S4.twvtrs Huc. 0e &~ 111e rraro~,. ie,&c Ail ie biaiîllin aieni e t 1?,.t .Ig iî l t been eereçd%%'ilbin Ile. 11q tf, tipt. Tlea P E,1IEPL$ a la;Ke iqîmlsitîvof [mooi n he.lâdj. srid any qiîaiiwtîtu .~be obîîà i#ý4i i feDLUU iU19AL LCUiy i-> ~beSîi~îubut , ~ l'Or 1V l1:ir(frth-inl es;pepTarfti bA Ti1 utîîtv rcfîi<4aît'htybïiati, m hd evote" litsaller)- 1>ti- pa ail- î-t t ient y>p tîd ti'lihn i onret-)bylat -o n irtw ehrH edîs'o Apr' (ii ~ pî- 1,00 CT1Oî 1. Wldi V s. i tit. iiial or E>iterfiaf, alii. lisofr o Ch- Gininoi:Iici;e t;or 'bc lt~ -:er dtýe;îC1 Wtfrýh areIre -înlly foiii in Co,- t.ilh~ W - ' ';'înSet ITiio7O MiLik IE D .)L.iDIEiS. Pc-"--Jiîly 21. 1ýt>. The Dfl c 2et-aary lis pefccily afé for Pitizaîit -~ - ---- Udt> ait tht uttut-t.îl Qaihartic Iliant c'Il e-VY)>.itty bulic.d, as il.%ili liot oly icinove the Fit . i ida IîîhiatnI40 )itea -e, AitqioVi Pain -of- lit iij mit butt n If enai ire an caity gtmp, a Sï$iip rL ~irhî~i~d~1w~110 ue~riacrh-r U i>t çoiatott lcuittltoni iiiIlle uiEAprin;,. lier X,)NIe or ID004 Arcotî . iehi'ei n is utsFp-r:~BrRi it ,e) I t e(n ltt- rolî-c-îisepîî. of n ineiSO a:;. TO , IEN l- N 0.~ 'i - ~tri h!i A DISTILLERY Uni i't-ta - .- >-, iU't c 'b T t L t L' nI. N- 0 H l, t'4ttî J, ;' ban -; t-- a.tinappt tiirttutuit ciurtt uio t 4i ii;,.iaut tiI lf'hià excel!ln ti.ttrt- -Aî -pout a a;tat tio'ileiliuutt-tià * lu it b' Iali di.-- t-au- mliit h,, l' ir-i' t'5<'t tltoui la exta t t i.i 'tt~ rn i s t îtO ilî. NO0. 7. ,ii';o%(' t ran LtCi iI l- lX 'u -rd Clill -t ileIt - ti-te tc.FLUEM,lit I C t-tt l'N. itrci 8 W i'> e .iame of bl baim , m ~ -'t l't-kc. Jtatav 24, Is 2, .r13--u C"~jhf~t , -nes tîitta rnlî,ljiaî NOlîICI;. o, ty ajet>Yé1 Io Jita' )t, tii fr 1 lirwils Vilh Aj,ý1'45 , M . u-lt-r.s * i l.îîî iixee't )liut!t 1,'l~e , i h' tt n -.-'1- " 11IEDJY (CUVE N(OTICE, r1jluin oîsquîr f p-t-ejmoririn - sîructitos tahi-h thflvhave ereit-al',-î hui z:erta i%,e (.uveiimenl. îSrqiIi1îf, Iir; tle conrif - titî crx priii-e fri Ir t-niii lie elIt-ii.- 1 fil sors tA îlifihe limita o!ai 1the Plliamnina a' (.>*ant for irai t îrosc. tiaey arce cimpclctd l'a c oi'e the dtint>of lte A,-vluri agâîi11 i i. alm;$- oftiti ati >teitea, CXeiéplir-g 0à cf as ý4avo mIte it clbeariiî, '" ir 'ttouari at- - o0t-fi c-z L-AN1) 1 0-1SALE, IltEindred At-re e f Landi beuisg omnoseil of 1110 eutih hait 01 lut iNcs. , in mtte 4th cut i ut Whitlhy, as ffatretifoi salae iy 1the Suibucriber oisreaisonairle tleimi. Tite tend is ini a ta-aitliitaiufl, leitse within tloce mdies rtf the Courtiv Ton anti hrtf a oSe t a t1ouriiitr MilI. is t -lwatc-i l F I-iv.e AcIre> Obîritv f-1. Thele is q odFate.îiîit t- Ilat flirg Rlotas011 ihrt uid î-nîiiP* ani Ia rsa i'Or- chard. ror lt-tc appatîtvc(if !)v 4qlitx ta'jiai ) ho the paieô a li-teîtrt or h ta I-L &DONA ,11tîly. BOO0KS! I300KS! 1n(t>K 3ToJ~:lites peneti ýa new ii W1-1'>1VVIL- LAGE, onie tirtr E t of Mr. 1IlIýtRl GEI- Ril.'SDflUG STOREý, wheêh. inteusirs lte-. iog ceiatantly onsbà n<J a t<oixl tentd w%,electpd stix-k et BOOKf4, S"'O~AY ~. will seli v., ry low for cash, or ready pay'. Articles net on1,lai id, obtai ledi cti short notice. whitay 2lst. , LEAOCH & PAULI'$ te tepublic by ilie Oflicerm oftthe Provin- ci al Agrictultur-aI Association, ni a great numaber of otiser gentlemen, fer Sale by JA.MES Il. Gzun Druggist, Wldhtby, and MABK ROBINSON, 1Breokliîn Wbîtby, M-ay 28, tg-,2. 7-tW :1 f F, trwi ûùd beg- ho eal tie attention ie hi§ carefaliy tufcted Stock of and PURE AMEDICINES, Pan,4- Oit,,Pe4,ýwr*e, t4/,e &q Hma,se 4- Catte .3,eiclts, FRENCGH RAT.EXTEÊRMINATO.. IM OFjF. T.MAcaNjR) ion~ i,, rsrrawýethtoExîxertînale 1cter-d of ahr.-îanrtoyi n it. lit urse iapet- f-cîly adc ili ani place andti .11aillimes, ta ich i --uot ille %vit-iiinary ierjliesl'or ibis CVi. Bewcare oC(ounlerfeits. - Tlu- exrauidîutiîccess or M. Dîiboy's lRat Exteiminaier bas exciled th1e cupîîlity ofsmre- diîbntiest andi irrespon-ible, per-sona t0 counterfeiî' il. lJtîîuire lur M. Dulioy's leiench Rat Ezter- muriator, andi take ne other.-LArce boxes ut 25 cents. LYX DE & OSBtJRN.. Rochester? N. Y-. soie A mer ican Agenats. riTl orclers addîeswt postjat Iite JAMES -JINSO.Rochester, NM. Y., Generai Agent tom the [Uitedi States andti British North America, wsiU y#tii/-r-th tp jrompijt attetmitoni. TUE A BOVE M EUtiEFOR SALE WHVlOLESALIE ANU RETAILBY Drugçtst flifb!,. Aibn Iay R. Dartictittoo, and Mark Robinsoni, 13~li.J. Mantias, & V'. Port Pet-iy, a.,I3ecg, rettotA. Lepper, Dufa's Ci-cdc, J. Par- ker. Ilicheing. IL. Pliayler, Rouge,_ Lapmtey, Ilig-laanior oeek, W. Suittet.Oà liawa. i'. Siitirn, aînd 9~. Pacitisa, & snile >. 'Ie COy, and Dr, Ilefr- Pewcastie, auJ !'oble csb Naru ville.- Wlitby, 1 ly IflGîh, 1859-14-11. toisis cou cou TARý Whi +8f &Stin 'aasols, Zebra T%*eeds, Sifianer Iotbs,, ÀmiaiCottons, ,WC. &C. S&C. Prices a -i*bndëlower tbaà sny Wholouale Store witlain tlie'limit*df tteiC6ftnty Town. TITIMÂS DOV May 28th, 1852.7tf TO BUILDERS. Tj'1E Subscribtér zè pecétflafty informs par- Sties Bttiltlmuç, ihat he id prepared te suppiy any qtaantiry or lia Iunulles of thec usual Length. Th-e Laîh wilile tonnai cbrapercan be mnre r-apsdjly leîii on. and will i-ive beuer salsfactiou 'haint t-ornrnoa Siilit Boardi Lath beretotore in ose j[()PERTWIGMORE, Ç Ni. 4. ffr1h Con. Picktering, ý 1 i ile Eosîofthoo-ipan'.'Hotel. Arply tb R. il. L4wnts, Wbsîbyi l'krîi~ une 16. 1K)2. 1O-r. N01.(ICI-F',is hereby giveù that thei PART-ý * FEsitap hiiheîlo exî#tinîlieiweeh P. A. 11(JRt) Drt!jOSIJVA W R IGIT, unter the Fit-n oful it r) M %Wa iGuiT, bas this day dissoived by mulîjai conset. Prince AltierI, lune 7, 1852. P. A HURD, J. WRIGIIT 1 P-S-The bus>inîesis wji be. eontinui'd ly J.; PROVINCIAL MUÃŽUAL -ANO GENERAL Cffi-c--Church eit,*cct DIflEC'rORS. 1.S. lHOWARtD, Prirerrîidnut. To'- J. G,. BowEg. IJ. .lir .D. IV. L. ie.t .Lteiu'-cRontisom. J, G. %Vt~i-.ç..C Miusa Ti A'KI smr I Vt 2).,sîîM î>> i1S C<>I'ANY etTfcia tii-tiatnce ai the' I lomct)Olicc, Churelh tStrect,'rorunto, and ai se attl Agi.rcS. The Mîîil iiai ) lt tînri ntexceeti £,>U oni dty ont- rî-st, and taanitcontineil lu îletactied IlîîiîlgnÃs, ii ai ilhy rocndcre the nMo-$(sale andi it-41.tale lt(ai ,ri, it1ie tiinn:itary l)epurtineuls oluîe Girnerai l~taii lic. Ltî'.. Marine, litîaitîl and' Ocean. riri-iîa opc-'aiî3onshein4 uio sotîfinrd wilbij prix- il,-fi litoit,, thoe tttrttîiîîîî the- Publie- is court. 17,tCtw AyRt- (;.-01B iti É "Ç TorontolOcG. til 183 1 The iinde'si;oed havinghften appoiuteul Agent oif the above coînpany, wili give persoel' atten- i1ouî li partiesdaesitons ocirn uirnp JAME$ WALLACE. Whîitby, Pet,. 14, 18*21. 44 TYPE FOUNDRY PRINTERS' ýWAREHOUSE, (ES~TASLlSHED IN îR2a.) - Four I)oors below William Street. S~t i bscribers are prep~red te foruish ibeir wt-ll-.knowvn a#d sspe4orBa-Jook aud New>îer)r ' tlnizoTIypesin tous tomir 1bs in 12.00 1b,4. Aleoi Or iraîentiai Types, ýýrcek, lieï hcew, M t isic, Orîiamnns, Bras# RRule, &é., mat-- fatc'ured un<ler their own-supervrisiou, oet e!sl t-quai to uny iii ibis cotlry, and llnishestin t1ie Muost accurate.matsoer. The aise fîarassh Presses, Chase, .Composing- Sticks, Staùds,ý Cases, Ftw-« Biture, &c. Mct;al and Wood Typaivi (îà m oiher Fo:îndiia, sud eCeyrtie nzqufied iu aPinig(fie at, i@lwest pi-cemi, fa, cab et-approved paper. 014 Type received ai Bcaaja a piiiud in ekcbarize for new. COttTELOU & GIFFING, P.GCOaRTLTou, Ofthte .lafi! irm of GaiIrUe & Cosliiste troneof bs rcs.& Ihe abeve, inciadnult Note, three lim#*b:etire Sept, lait, 1852, a'oasendtfi-a opy et îhe sanietIo in, utii b.paid foti î mieriis on purcags; tour hutne> the aaiëÙMei their bill. 15. Il'za'r(a;. coaT *èý:T ,1 WILLIAM IL .Gis-WÃŽNio. -" 1857. 55~2 t- 8'1 . <b 34 1859, ,518 i U 1860. 498 " 1861, 480 1862. 444 id " 1864. 172 it- 9et ffl. AnIl Wheià brthe #«6 tnt <freabl. »pr-rin thie sai Cýatnfr 1 9it:/[oamarons<otfliessoin Or Oua Mlillioi on 06lrîdrai4r nd P1fy.qfit-dm Thout- saw Sevenihadred&Sikly FPôunda4à #ed alue f/or the year utr n-LoId One thousuand ]Rislitlauu- dreti, and it will astlfire ttie-<fjrerpl rites in the poiuid mmin thbdedtbte. t. s*itsed êmit-hea A (aadîýformintrut o til By-Law), uron sud, tstemleprpety s a ai"- themoton f,,,ýÙkint fnd-or hepaygoenf ef lte prinf P1cil cf sncbiosa, 'eédin te (fixe t-e- quîreus.nltdiof1he e Ohutred andtsea'enty..aeenîh sertion of the Upper Canada liitruiùipal Corpora- tions Act -of 1819, us t9ltsd by th.eLppea ca- nada Municipal Corporaîien's Law amniieif Act of- jSil,- - B. it îherefsa'. euaated-lay the Protilsional. 2u- uicipai Coiincii cf the Couuîy of Ontario, I *.-That it shah muid intay h. lawfult teand rt thea Pa'oaitlon2t Wai-den o etidatProvieienal, Municipal Couueil, Io raise by' w.>'of lban, ai a rats of întfres net exceeding six pcf r cutilin pcr- unnuan, frotri an>' pet-son or persans, body cor-pc-t rtae or pollue. ta ho may b. s Ion;tailatance :11. same upon l th retifte bedebeninres hereioafi er mentionetl, a am of money tact exceednin thie wbule thre iurrt ot Six Tkious»uid P.,îiuJs. andta t caoscte b.smre tohoie paid juitthhlndai t fhe Pcua'ii-u-al Treaaiuterot the sîai roa-isioiaai Mu- /icipal Coutu ' il, '- 2nild.-Tt it i4l biianti May b. lawfui lu mnd for tire said Pt-or'iâiinal Watden lIo cause or ilirpe stny number ordceemureï Ioteberi-a-.iteout for aiach 4giams or oim ni morte> net excpeetlîpin t-be %% ute îheuony of ,ir 1'fius.tid Pouarits, ns ary Pets--o pemtaiuvcorj>oateeor pouii. stiait aZre lîr advnce n,1the cs-rtit ttich aebenoi.rea, wjsiçh shail ne isueti under the ccmnson seat etf the saiil Previticraal Nlunicipal CÃ"sorit, at-d signed b>' tie Prcovi'-ioitait Wartienai Provisionai Trea.turea, arai muhfe cr o su stitanner antd fcai aulpaya- ble ai suub periotis nuti ceeaing twepty yeaua, bs tire said Proathsienai Wardeu abaii decan expecieni; previdied alwayas'e seiessthe lasaiai deiter- tiares shallmmcl ire nadae payable any so»e.r tiran ibis Usr-Law prcs'itiea for ralgismoney for- heir cedennptîcn. 3ra.-'inatthe itper-eston 4mchidebontsareslail 4ea payable à t tire office of tire said flroaisieil 'rreasier-, on the Ss-vetith day 0t Septeariber inl each at every vent atter the saine ore isstaed. 4t.-Ttaut ire surn ci Tht-utc Hndr clPotinais, one-twaeniieth, part et theras id 4à a tmnxbý Irhotanat roundus, aiaItbé pait i h e. *id Prou1' sienai 'TieMosrtr's office in cadi and i cvety vrau, tht it-s p 8' e'.'t-e tpe madie on th1e Sévcnitb day et epîml.rýci le i-ycarot oui- Lord ontý icuund ciiti hnIu<d andi fiy-ttrpe. 1 ôb.-That the suni of Six Thouasvnd P'ouut wiren sa paid iith e hairntsofthle saiti Proviaional Treasaagrer,isuat 6e applieti towards defrsying bhc expenfaiesor ea'ecting a Court Hous ad Gue for itte saidisanrty o etuario,aud et puirasing asile therefer. Orb-Thaî ils. spechal rat-e ensamerated ti intue scixeule hereloannexed, artkett Asbaht ae rais- eu, tai rates I able M e #,pasi 25O iot,)1710O 20 0 17-10 5 0 5 10 2D 40 2WLveruft( c5k<e, > pped jew- 400 ,otlierPrizE 50prime,....... ....... 7%0ir abnv. List amoýzpîiug Ie 550 Prizes, lé iii be diawn on a simple pi hered Tickets put inîena Wbeeî No. 1, errespcniîlîng te the Tic=etsoslde,a Wbet No. 2;i 550 Of theasipas being; markeal witta Ili. sverai Crizest bay that ac a)be lhas an «Anal chance, as a pet-son chosen ou the staô'w di to;' Whel o. a nmiped ickt, heaifiomraWeel Tso. respetifthefaie ome ea umiiereshenta Pize oaBlunk.,wbieh wilit reepecable en cb*en fim iboe p hetnt-dirug Tickets s: huie tins.o oan 'b isef contiétse o a LOotcfLAND, oan wbiclr i3 erecied a Tw ior e1' tire oder par-t cf wbielras fittei np us a :aerchaos's Sbp)p. Aiso, n 32jfee.aluith)rpu5t- repair. AJso,a Stabe 24m l8ft, Wood Shed excellent Wet lli* ei salaajmo tire preanises, anti a nuuaber of Fruit T saili compils' cneptlice.- Zliere iU l bc39.64 Tickets at Osn DOLLARl edda. -Dra- 10 ololocki AA.Nprejse1- Alil or ny of tfie above 1Prm.s 0sy >e teen'on sappliration te liftby, 14th Jsaty, 1852, tOBRfeE WALLA( CHEAP c ODz V ÃŽE, Subscribin teuderifag thais for the liberal patrt lâithe r¶a ý tree years, be," ,oe i;tmiate tirailie bau Just rteteircd direci t e-m Kogiot 'ria f - the lar-gest anmi be,5t assortcd &cck tt STAPLE 'AND- FAIVORY D-RV ver ius»)-t-d intà this 1-ke.1W S&iaeft t D'yGoueds consista in Bonnets, IParasols, RiJbone, Pihited Mutslins,1 Poplins, lloýIe's arege of thse Latesi Hi# Stock et Doruaeetic Dry Gôerl.s ii very eîrsr im ower ihan à ti 36 inch I.Uazy Grcy (Jottons 5d.-pc o-,Go Gintalupro po tioni e.. iy-i(A alto ce-il Iacfratelo 1 bi STOCK 01" CLOTIIS, Consistiug in part OJf Tweed, Doe-sklins and whjch ivere aul itared .4this Spîiugandi witi be sotd lexi-eusely écbi& ilà [dirsue & Cuoekeay ih veiy eomplie, rend 'atilIheii etl ý1-- iîesl esti Whi:by, April 1852. IL< L da Iled f Theg Referred to 1872 1818 ÃŽiwi 1710 I121?7 16Msj 6Q4 MO\EY ig POWER. u TI IE Comapany ofthtie ViNtT WooL- di Lrw Faevoxr are sf111 tin tire Seltiand reai>' da le exatute ail orders ui their lin.etfbusiness on On tbaal6res noic. lsHaiî;adtled more mairmne- - r>'- ansd their esailoslinet liavilu;gene thrsiutra fi therougli repais', tire>'solIit sa sbire ot publie praae. Thcy il! exchucgr lotl for WooI aun a- 1 soiuable tcrm.s. 2lauauin s fPrices- Sattirwf-ýt, Warp iaetisded, 1 101-2 Ftwpnel, d o. <l. IO0 'Twed,t4 du,.