VAIRIE TY-. VALUABli BST 13' 'îo>Wh r ~ Ãz ou donj Uow 1" "Audiuna Mlral th s o. ry*9" déAiting natural bîtory-wbat do p-u mean by bt I'?"lW by, every -tarse tihe Kangaroo jumpi over Ld.m, Mkeyo, I Lotit bis tat-i bilng lW à churcis wbere the eolI.etiom j> paratas resembloti election boxes, on ifs lteing lsauded te hlm, wispered in <b. cajr. rier'xecar tilat be wua not nat=Uralisa m sd caulti cal vote!, QUITE I>Abw.-If travellers don't lie, ttsey have iununense showers at Panamna.. - During - October, a friend iuforms us, the mn camne down iu mach quantities, that ducks iîad t0 dive to gel eout of tbc vct. - - WNY11s o t$Heu1-A contewporary adier- tises fsir a banc "1for a lady of a "ar coinu-, a. goad trotter, and of styliai se-_ tion 1' MYBiAY IN CoUBT AT $ACftl>tENTO. ---A tmt unfortunate affaW bappée at a thse court bouse tlià moruig at about 11 o'- dlock. Th'ie Court isat adjourued, and as Jutige Wilson,-une of tihe Justices efthtia Court, wax leaying, ho was assaulted wiIh a cent ity Joit I-. Mcue, a member of the- bar. Judge Wilmou isumediately drew bis siword cane sud stabbed tise aasailant, enlating tise labo of tise lui'gs' Mr. Jleîtryý Caél'tecld, e fricuti of Mr. ÇMeKise, uiereupon drew a p'îstol, sud fljéd at Jutige NV ilbos, rnisingLr im anti litfing Mr. Me- Ponald, the ke;cuier af thse prisois-brig, Whoa was et tise lime nupparting Mr-. McKuuîe, Who was' failng. 2Nr. McDoutdd wa.s i-f t b a ~ u t is e id e , a n d i is d a ig e re u bly p e - - ha1ss uortally wvuuded. -W. learu thse ai- tack tîpo Iùd« tie %Wilson bas*iseen preina. ditaseti - oà (ýral days, andt hat tihe Judge ivas ctniuas oftcs f lac. Caulfieti à sup- posed-to bith ie îritbne nover andtinisLiýat- - of the sulule'diflii;ulty. kMr. .i.s-- rnort-iliy îsoaudd. Lise atoitd 'à ic: catsl'sidtoo idç hc-t on .)udg~e a îùsorsjL. flicing ouïlv a Ikais b vound. Jud--e int- tise reauttisstu lia-i draîvu a revoTV-er, aAJ fired tîvice a(suth iaailant, but on accoutat of beinig held l'y parties in thse room, hi* sint secs ton eleruited ta do auy injury.-- -1mninuedi-ately after tie news etftthe Irage- g>-, became kuasen, a crier passed Ilirougis tise Street$ advertising a1 meeting of the citizen, at ise, New Ornrs hotel. Dr. $5taidsuoemi»u ad tise robtrusansd atated ta tise meeting tise tbject for seiici it waà canreutoul, ail conchudeti by iuoving tise ap- pointusento a i nittee of iliree toa tai n thse particulars of thse tragedy of tise inorltîng,. t beiîsg annonceed te thse mcc- tiîug tisat Cztullîed hati been remandedt tes prisoti-brig, a cotniitaatee af ifteen seas ap- poiîu--te opuoccelta act as a guard, to prit- venrt th-e ecape of the.~ pr6oueri Csuulfied enbetained an aid grutige agaiu:st .ud9fWîlonanti hat bten for saune lime jaaas eakîn.rau opportonity af takiug revetige. Médzune aise isat a mii.o ixnderstaiiduîg wittJudige IN"., tise latter liavia imt ansaie occasion, applied tise eli- thetofai antoMNclc. aul- lied sutîi NMcKune eelectcd- tis! ccson tus conîcert to take %beugcauce Upoïs tise .l.sge. Thley etttred tIhe Cîr-tor i util %Wi1ýori lefti IJii, i î;-a- a~t Wilsoln s1aidt,c tvr euatauyîit ba "T'reutnj a cKurte stmuçk ibîîu wîtï a bludgeon selsci bu heli iiii:§s inif.-- Il-son îînmediately dnow tise bic le fl-a,;is bis cane and decit hlm tise LhruaL tia >" i Fraiethie poeition*of tise parties, il la cer- I ta*: à tis Catillldd'a irist suot wooJd bav'e j killiud Jutige WVillson, if bce lad not -becm coî-eîed l'y tise peuson of Mni. Mc.Uonad.j It bas long been auppasiisai tise Bari of Derby aa inuit favoauby dîspoeed ta-. - aards t'!ILIAUdX and Qab ltaîiwvay.- kisLoi-L i-î lu -poeer 1ha5s not toce came feeling as- iii opastiu LÃŽi, e expreseti biimeeifaâ tise staaacliioi of tLie qutbpc and i Hallifaz %ira, biut, as Firut rr (il tise Trcasiry, if thetre bu aiy tu-udt îi ie TorontoWUltLdkhjr a-t - b. km OffI> î;i . i l;' a,-i goaranceu i/0. ;iat' i ta -'4LU tise a>Âsii.,yadfe Do le e dai' ee.nulu thse peopfele i, Ei#aud tO iuveaL seven or in Englim4 vebave Ibec mmre lterait uia i.4 ccne lalîv178 1 >One 1 h n.tieîîm f Wen tnîllîouu 01, so.erei-ius deends upon it, for tree. trade and colom"ilde iedeuee in impos- sibl, sud on tbe probec uultcae o colonial dependence lrfthtb tImhpérial gus- ntte for tho payamnt of tbe interutof the n" ir equW At. etoubet a rildd thro!oh the Provices of 14ortb Âreu.i If <h. United En » eN uîw <a stub are Lord DerbY's viewrs, of courte tiare -l no hope to b. eutsrtâwoe0f Mr. ilhucis icdlate ucees, no£witsadfat hemnY assrabe-o wbicb we bave lad, m8d 1h.ess- suranc-P îth whicb sncb assranes have bemn putfortb. This trly là tu b. rqrt. ted. It ,s a fai sc W eftCanada .ndqwodenitb:eB# ritU upitaW# would co hotate, withott agurantee, tu corne ober aid,,and it la lamentable t. t"ia that ber ptesent couuection witb a powerful com- try in a barrier, insome messie to ber' pro- gresmQueboe 0/srorne. KOSSUTH{ IIATS f KOSUTI LiATS I AN Extensive supply bus jut arrivetl, .trous 6..o pwards. Nusw la your tir delsys are diançou,. THfO'mpsozq, lRO &C. Whitby, May 12, 1852. 5- CAUTION.- 4LL parties arm bereby forbud purcbastup a- NOTEmatie 'b me in-la ar of $on' 1 rLLovox, ou thelIoîb ni Matreh lsst,fo 13«. 3 1-2di., no thesaîi Note ii over-pasd. ALEXANDER McDOIIELL. Wittby, June 17, 1852. 10-3. PORT WI-ITBY 13AKERY. iEundersigned wisbes to be noticed h., the lulashi:sios ensd the surroîningVllacel.. #Pd 4h.' cfpntrir ai larqe, that lie bas routa-i' ?-ia f, Pilot Bteadl, Ioston C'racl.- ers, Butter Grackers, *ii il kintisol CR.ECCERS, witb a variei% -ý%K P <',Isucb s TEA AKE45oi 1 farP NGE f= CAMISICAKS, BSALET 81908, ?IBS à TARtTE Part/ Cakes and Weddîîîg Cakes matie taortier, and on the shartest ntice. Alto, a Variety of Creae-VHoLIÂ1LE AN<D RETAtL. (1'ilk a Large Stock of Groceries JAMES BATES. WVbitby, Dec. 19, 185. 36. TO COOPERS1 MILLERS, AND OTHEIRS. ;Tare ctatu Mniactuinr t uer i)a a actorýyenu Lot Noa. 7, iu the 9th Cou. 1Pickering 5large quantiy 01 FLOUR BARREL STAVES. ar a superior quslity, whirb tbey are preparedti o oeil very low for carsh or spprved credof. - .lttrîvte nllthe SPRINC STOCK, 0F GOODS, -CO156aTtlvaOF D)ry Goods, Groperiea, Crockery, 1 Hardware, &c, - Alai wbkts havp rsaently bren purthaseion the- mrit atangtgentas lemnim; and ubey are dptwrmnii. Pdl swtoI S unîlîîstnll 5 -;. hIte t efrai!. 8. B-Tbt-v c,,' 'dîîvi-a4--xua aargn ti if-n. iîs villsiFY, 31.a large bupaply of Pi< Tanlt-t Cita-tOAL (iii Ilarkigniîlis. - UI CJT HCDISHOLU, MÀSTZB, WIL lBave Lindsay for Port Perry. caliri; ut interoeedle Iandirgs. eve ry moMvDAT, WituvspAv sd ammr Mosoiwo, on the arrIvaI of thse Stage from Peterboerough- arriving nt Port Ferry in ime to take Ue buqe Iteebdnrul foeToronto. Will leavi. Port POerryv ver y Tuesdasy. Tbtgrsdav a M. MziîiiyYuri e a arrivaI 0itlp$ta&e ireini Pari hiy;arrivin; ine <o 1ake the Sua-,e for "<"" ' ',rb r" 'qb For Freigh! or Passage. apiy to tt.e Captin on board,. or bu thi.e reo oN & o*wz# Part Wttilby. POrt P-rry. 'Msty 7. 1852. -4f T ~ uc 1 CMd<Pi, er pi i> ds N*f.v Dbv ls>utilironseuft, AIl J1- max idu a<aluu: Mid Pirm in Ilit dsclargeti lv D. Nlclétacutx, Who isaroospaaihic-or lie aurs. sand à Il &.t dets heas aid nM -OS...... k- gEGrepettully <o infom t- te Ladies of Whitby sud niiit1, tbat <bey havi oped a $bop for b thbove busies m mover4 M1. WILK1NqSON'S WATI»NAIONe& JWELRY 8Hp, Tmo Doors bdow Mr. Sk ofieid'sStore. Mas. Kaà Y baviag served ber appreufic- sbip <o tise Millinar business, in one of Ie ani alses cf'manchester, EugIan 1,1 îoe htibey swiIllie enabled to giie satisfaction tg ail those -wboë may favori Ummn wict br patonage. 2%e LatesiPasioniSoemtant1, on Iand. MRS. LY AND MR8. BUJCHANAN W~OULD respetfully anuonince to th.e Ladies, that tbey bave procure th ie servi- ce oi mie of tbe m sur kîlil vrl krr in the- Stîaw bonnet bmsiness froua the City oi Toro4jo. we tiat tltey aie éuabtedt o alcanaenti alter StWas Bonnets t Ic heNewest Style oif asbieu WibMarcb 21, 1852. 50-tf. 1j3EGs ta inforni ber Frieudsansd Cus- tomera bnats$bd bas cammenae.l anew in ihé. ibove line of business in the NeW -4oP buiît bý %tri. Bates. in' laut WVInds-ar wherc &be hopes to reteve a coiiuuancê of ibeir patronage. Cleausetianti lurneti in the uewest anti ueatesîsityle. Thze LAIPsi Fadshwns ,always on hand. Whiîhy. Marais 25,1852.-15u- C MIWNERY &OMRES MAKING. M'IS -ftoe bega firthier ta acquaint the 'Ladlies of Whltby anti viisity. that ah. bas taken inicPartuersiip iu the sbove lhue, LaU e tCity of lkndim, ng1and, rom ieboae expericuce ah. hopM e bLadies lvii dtuve every satisaction, ini tbc susperior styles oi finish ni eves-y article, $Uchiýâ Miss Gowîssos bas juat icreivedth ie Latest Vashlons from Lond4on, to wicb the attention of j lie lAdie% is tt:vtipd. rit-.. Apai10,. 1M2.4t. p) Rent i-)thtie Towil of Whitby for one, or a Icirm ofa 111 liaus la. ' igî;d:ng nîel ara- -ie4l liv K.E, t'a.rv. antidst as a gpeirtl i'r- f L'he promises beirsçin lhuisanaî repair, location, fer ourabie. snd Whitby tise CouSiv Town af thc t.ew Couaîy, o5'îts, auperiot iutiuc;mentt Io lias. artenifisnila pursue a mercantile busirness. - JOHN A PRY Whitiy tb hAptil 1852. F*baviax pufehu-d t he Brewery ini ibis VIL- LAiOp. ciued by Cuas. Cr.,ssg. ati hlred sati-IClarke as Brelfr, bas sott o JOHN 0. POSTER, tic onie un.ivi<led hall ni rai,! Br*ewery, sud îIbis day taiceis saii Fef-r&s jutain Partnersbip. Tcrerfoie, tie Firin ni wouid resPectiusliy sutiinate te bhe psiblic that hein; dleirous of Ext ending thei,' Business, lbey avilI spare no cit in bie preperatinaofIhet*r Deer, té nuake it âaaerving thLb bsesteenu 1y sehich Pu-~ H :ave wr LIU~hI1 VIi IN CANADA IVESI WHOLESALE AND RI have nase receli eur complete as-aortment of Nus 'hich, upo Iusptîou, our customers wil inut ta lue compoi ulstel, end tIgreut varieuy. lavint.;becu selecteti sitl beut Builsh French, anti Americun Markels, by altirelve pection of our customets andthe:5 public, as iieinq the Mail ipssoruacut Of flady-Made Clothing anti Dry Gouds su Ci iEorLs:tg, in ailt tmr Branchea, exe NOUNKN8 PIJRNISHED ON THE 8BRU 4 a Goans, id Mosut Fash- nported direct s tihmit thent e, servfccble Tas t -, Iltrit btî& îu'9rfuIii rfir 3IotI. READYmMADE GLOTHINC Mien's B;own fiollauti Coata, Do Cecak'd do Do Black Alpara do Do Russell Cord do Do Prînesu do do Do Canada Tweed. do Do Broarl ClatS do Do cassimere do BayIs Btno nHollil nd o Mo Check't do do lia Mnleskmn do lDa Taeede do Do Broati Chais do Do Russell Carl de 1eu's lack Cloth Yeats, Do Blac'k Satin do Do Fanc.y Satin doa Do Hoiland do Do Faucy do Do Vevt -' Doa %Iaraeilles do Do SursISe. de tiene, latis Caps, Buv's do Men's 1-98Parse friu di D. 4 1-2 0 0 6 4 1-2 .# 26 B3oyle Fancy Vefs, Do 'i*- do Do Satin do -Do Clatis do Do Tweede do Do Cassimeredo Meris .Malriin rrousero, Du Lunen Drill do Do Cbeck.-J do Du <orîlsroy do Do Satirteit do Do C'aauimeres do Do Bscksikiu do Dn Doeskiu t&J Boy's-I)rjll <to Do ('hecketl do [o10 Moletkir1 - do DO C-ruadea Tweede do tDiO 'scmoo do DIa 'fweccht' do White Shis, Linacis ronts,, Stritei lu0 jlied Flannel Sl-ijs, Undcr Stirîs ant i Dawers, (romu il 4 1-2 t) (i -I 1-2 " .1 - a 2 I t. 4 t41-21 41-2 Satin Haîts, BI-UIk andti Oiab New Style. Biisness Coat.s, ln ail a'Il - DRY GOODS. -lus'in DeLpistes, yardJ witie, tram 0 SrinUs, lust caloit do do di f0 evy Giaghams. un de " 0f Èpl eudiciBonnet RisSons, " f Sîraw Bonnats, 1 t Gboves, liosiery. Ribhanu, Laces, Etiginîrs, Arti ficial Fioseers, Shat, Clueck'd,anti Piain-Ipacas, "ible Lineus, Qsilts, Couberpanes, Beti 'ick. iantiToweis, Crapes anti Materials for 10moitrictg Infants' Robes, Caps anti Frock Badica, vol.3-l.] 7 1-2 7 1-2 7 1-2 3 - asctry Ca)ftan, White <ldora C'otton %tVarp, Shawls, IHaudkerchieî,, anti Neck-tiez, Cap Frontsx, Miîslins,Ne, Collea, Silk.î S.ins, &. OIrleanus. Cb DrsteLainea, Fningts, Cip,lrmin g>, Baiet-e, 'ýmnn3 Silk Warp à i pata,. 2 1-2 31-2 41-2 4 f-Q 6i .iro Secont- rice. 1B U R C rP5, & L ELS HM N, C'orner of King 4. Gturr/i St> rets jot >ung Ille colrt JJou.,e. 'foroniao IlAR DWARE. Aki IK K> 44, IiNG. srREET. TORONTO. ByIls egiit i or ruidie ai J utssnex- - j -(~eatherPOrmi4nin.') iberaitl Se reaily pmi ?Ull~ Saii.wîl, r s to b inform lus SalIe nettht- WItirBy & ONTAIIIo BRICK ACuttmers 1ibat lue is recesu-ing tais YRSisWrrvVL. 1WUZG;T--.1 olr RBaZDW&RD j1200,o U13)01000 il stock c& om- lY variatus Ve~sela fam seu, viz -Lorrt George i-cntick, Anîne Croîtper, $1. Andrew, Niaizzra,' mon Bricks, baitZephyr, anti several alliera tram Liver- a Ftr.te Q'lIaluty, and tia e mnwPrice. - Iter. ,,-il anand nn; auid in a lew ticy4 he seili havei tics about lmtildiatg in the Villagwe 1eBila romrleîe assartment ni Heavy asnti Shelf liard-. aetobehadrawil oauly a sotdistance, wil IndIhtI i wuîe ready (or Seîe, anti ai prices usi îow s any in fully as clcaP tt uitd sith Brick as Timber. the Trade. or Cu rther partiecularsi appty Io - ~T. 11AWORTH.- WMGI<Eo Toronto, May 22nd 1851. 8 ti. JA M[IVALLACL:.. WH,.AT 1WHEAT!-! PIHE sariei will tay the, higluest puce ain J.Cash for -Ai Gont FALL WIIJAT, deliveret at PORT WH ITBY Htarbor, on or belore thie lUth day of Oriaber na'xt. He is aduo preparedti ti4 usa Dv At#CE@,on Wheat, ?Iour andi Lumber, i'onsigned ta lNew Yotk or /ironlreal. c.Ailu for any quatitity of BARLEY anti CATS.* JAMES WALLACE. Wliby,21*t,%uçuat, 18b1. 1-f larrarrier A Stage Proqret*. () IL lias ever hme noteti, sud is preparet tapsy ib. " est price in Cash for cgond à Meréhaat4able Darley, delivereti at theireBrewery. Ail orders pramnptly atteudeti ta..1Atires SHRDN& POSTER, WH1ITBY EBREWÉRY. J. D. FrOt'TEIl Wbithy, 2Ubb b, 1852, 46-t. ONTARJTO flOUSEI (LATE RAYS.) Tanti are nese preparir ii<titua suîperior style fi, aà ceomnmodabion ni the Puliic hy large iuuprevr a nimba iu the fittin; and furiture. Aloo, by cen, largements andi iprovcmeuts in tic Stsblisi<aet. a cfulnowtiîop s0 as te place if Mon an equal fuotin for cqnvenelceand i'<infort %%,ishasiy otber liaýi. 5 in, Ibis New Couriry.. His Der snddrTables ivillI sivay-e b.suppki-- nv wilh the besu fbar can b. procure intsithe 'Ni a;k., siei anti Pery attentionpai t 10 lietravoetîiu0 crnu,, "' ,sior liai eau possilblv make thé-ri féel comtasra' edet bomne. BRYAN&~ 100 CORDS DRY LîILOCK Comn lVonD WVauîit ut the BaIca YAanDs, for whicli Cash seili Se paiti-. %Vbiby, May 8, 1852.4-. 1m0k ho ypur in terest antd lave your sh lllius., ,M3UsrO Davy I& SMIth bt-g i-ave te iYS ( Orm flise ihaitants ai Wiby, Rrascl, Brack, Ulxirid!:e aud Scort, anti starrounding. l'ownships, tsait sbey bave apene th ie oire for- tuttrly occupieti hy PZRA BATEs, - a Cote. WiIraY, <BurLr.ale CORNERs.) Wh Ac~hy wifl aller for sale to-tlseir frietid-, andi ali wfia may fa- Vour tbi i i a cuit, a chouce Stock of Di-y GoodS, Groceries, Hardware, Paiîîts, 0i18, Turpentin:, Varnish, &e. &c. They ivoîsîti particutady invite attention 1* tie I'îllowînç ýsrieflie, whicb wi I lie launti cbeap anti vé-ry dessrable, ass hey have iseen 4sefected %vitis gcreat calte: P1rinis. Grey 4- Wlidtc Cottons, Shirfieg, Twceed,, Brcad Clothe &ztinetis, - BONNETS, MATS7, Tens, -Stîgarse,Tow~eo, $Lpicct, Viîsegar, A complee asis<rteiltcf Calocztsy lflkewtse Fussia E .s.andATi *5'. ar. - .---__A__- fJOUG18 4D <JNSUMPION theicchildi lish I p i m miki, yetelllcscious; if osuaDII.LAR tépignwhich ereates go much dliculy, fle- cTea*i; lieves thet co" ,h andi assiotà nature o excpel from tîve in rare the syotem alidiseetiatterl>y expectoration,1 sud ail h prodelngadelghtfl chngeli ebreanlhgianti professest ehést, auJ ibis, aller thet very hast medicl men 1 a reuiedy1 snd the inventions of kind and sorrrow ,ng findut, spritg, fi andi nurseat,have falledt i ve tbe smalIcstirelief (veups i D to the (.onsumpttve wfferer.Oras OFUS U VCONSUMPTIVZ IW persona bave been deceiveti repeaedly in boyingunirîlet, mrdicines which were said I o e infllible cures, Ãioml but which have proved oitly pallialives, but tbis Çy' Phy» m edirine-is w o t onily a palliative ut cure or -tii. f ii. al cerated Ings. lb couaira na deletrious Dru p othoe ab andi une trialwill prove ,ts astonià hing teilicacy b. ter thanony assetiois or certificates iii ruring con- Ca U e -on semplion and ait diseasesof tihe leings, sucb as 8 < liai 9 bloud, Coug, pain ini the utide and A coate cAa nigI-sweats, 4,. Ic e issUec About IOtOO'falmoui ,airacutous ettres M.rform- on wrappe ed by rais medidune, trom zanme of tib--Ijiat Doetora Rernerni Clergymen andi 3erchants, have been sgent us tiLvi nJud this modicine, but the pîîhliration ci' îhem lok> wrepp)er, ton much like Qrîackery. [wull u!hnw ihiem te anjý person calling t ai aur office.] This meilicine wi; On/y .Ag speak foritseffand eniough in îtsowrîiavoug %wber-- e vr it ln tîied. Caution -This mpdaiine is PittupVi. a largg lettle, audfynu must fonîd the name a o4tuc lIroher, Prop)rietor,,New York, on tue saplendii" edtà -cure e tapper around the botle. Ail orders-MUsi f,, tracied Cori ddressrd fi> Cu;nslock 4- R rother, No.9, Joehun st.ens WVIeak1 New york,, pied b se Remember andi neyer buy it unless you flti tpieos name on the wrapper. theïr name C A lTI1ON.,DR. XI Beseare of a dini;rous £'ounlerfeit of tho ce I CHERRY 4. LUNGWtORT, aud the- JIINC er fa CORDIAL andi C.RLTONS FOU.NDEk i a ON'lJJENT.itid RING BONVE CURE_,, ff,,-. "'Y njury e te fr Sale atthe tij"e Store. nti remembjler aitd fiever hr.y tisese articles iu lVIiitbyi ortly of Wm. C.ARLTI LAî bis Dry, anti avoiti the Cours- tericit asyou wouid Poisoà v. -It w rDow 110 Olirers of anid Dealers p lri, nibr of! C AUL'ON'S FOUNDER. OINT- cerfa'nly f NI ENT, fert4dvely i lIrss wbçre For thecureul Foilnder, Splitf iot, lHo-boutiuthie followil Hurses, and cnracieilarif Feverish Fert, Woundî. For Droi Bruiseas i the Flesuh, ()elied Baeks. Crached Brcels ai once. $icrstrhes,, 'C'urs, Kickti, &CI, on, Ilorçes. Bîcdlintý Cauton.-Fîud the nanie of J. Citrton Cain- Jleunsc stcknu the wrapper,ornever bouy <Jrltouî*s Boist diate ease. Mîudici. , ý:Soar 2ý CMILLTON'"S L N -O E CURE. Croup e For the cure ar Rin-Bolle, Bloind Spavin, Poli.over theCh Spat-in, Wind±talls, and Splint-_a ce rtuitsreinedy -w11 Boui C.4 R NS CONDITION POU-- Srr" a DERS 5FOR IIIIE AND]) 1dnZ 'l.he ch of.sniweatherandi season. itilîh 1i, c heua e ang.' of lise andi iee hbav"e a very gîeat effkr izteso ltion th u 10 blnun sîinissfluidâ nr hors.. I ilas ;ou rit.a .îi these chanre' 4 îh'y r.'qrîitean açatriftota ialii n e ha !0ts hrow off at-1iorarolth--Ildeniahrtti vuat may have lteen im iibed.and ifbv'b, tiit ues u ieddî,Wittlesasîlt ilthieYellow seater. 1Iteaca mie ie Wurmis, Botta, &c,.alli ch willIt b.imite te n, 1by gi'.in; onse of tbpie< poseders, andi will ai ai, -s . h limýe cure,wshen any symptom idfis.eae appezy Ci<km/vf', if useil in lime. They purify tbhe bond. rem,-> ý, rold oit/y1 ail intlarrmation andi fever, lbosco ithe sn ea, Place, diro the water,and invigotate :5e whnle bud<y, eusabliruI t weeul Bar t(hem to do more work with the eurne fred. lJ'h, 403f. and o action of these pnwders ie direct upon ailIlle a.-- o whoma rretive glanda, andi therefore bave thbe rame t-ff,.. Fo 8 _upnn the« Horse,the 0%, the Asa. aniail l eri bve A«hithy an oria anima"-aldiseasea aiiug froiu or pro)diciri ïil. a badr#ltiai tht..tua , aurt,-cdily clrej by I15cm Remnember and ask for Carlito', Conition 1'oic Day oon. derif, andi take no qer, is t;oe CARLTON'S3 NERVE ANI) 1BON E (;r,,k, LINIMEN""'T FOR 1IORSIiS. t W.%' and for the cure of ai tfriIeeaI&eoî man or bea,ýtt~W .G reqtire externat applic-atioll,. anti for coritrcttrî rarda ai n lu4reletreuzlhens svek limas, and i,,F xT1f ritain utr'd loi apiraiina, braiees, aadilde le o1, va/led ar SotiX lege. sores <ai ait kint,. <tn horses. eHOeob Carlinîi'articlair oiat ni ttle areclpré- Harriso parefi roun the rec sonvr~e.baedEgtS îu~' iFagsrier. anî iWit cure, njineîy-nine tilurci sr ti ad E one h'îi,<tred, au y nithe ai>cive opns ht-y nscîorEn bav-e bî.eri ued by far"seraç, lives-uurieu.sîtage Pv'- - acmfor prietor* and ti Iers, with ts sthe aka i Pd, tR. ies utlef cide suceas -.wrapper,j CdUTON- a it Fcen eenujine Uniras yoî neYer bey, liait thse name ofi. .Carton ~raokou the wraji- aelheybav per ofi ach article. iu Canada, bhey dare COM-STIOCK'ýS VERLMFtGE iug ent ic Thiii»ti>. uoît extraorcliiary remedv ir'r Wurm7. <riard,*and ever useti; i etl'ictually erati cales WoVrnis irat bath alitlsandi cilrlrers. Ieno ar h îA; RCU delicate ir'Iant or sfrougest adtît. ani. nlever failei, 1 TO T Hot Ye PIIENOYM F. OLI AND We Heads a, H!1AT$ adrt- Butler,#