tige, higis cretui hîci tlIse Province enjn)y- nmore lib.inotls %labour. If ilwii Canidians -, - - -ST ALAI ed. Ater latiing tise soheine t'onrtbtain- eassld 1101at,et. intoillil.enof athe Unitedi A SAAIJ U TA II 6,,t1%lii. e of team,;ehip4 1frosn'Europe la Stgteî,W . e rsassibuitti op a asarket to con- Dtpln lune of ('lipppr ?atells Quebec, he praceed tietashowritat -tseuiglis mne aur Qwn proclusce.'T'ise capital of ~Ille rate Of taxatiosn on tise inhasssbits othe tiseh ks ini Caniadt i s £3,3601,000, in- T'rENEWAN FiS&A'1 CIP tanada wlixigis, llsey sniplt f icse cousmfrt eludtisg fltc Eaiks of lirilisti NantlitAniei- PEUrsit.uo .t.CL tram -the fact'u tistai al ftruc ~vtssnsCwlicls Iai etli.hci aos c6lo- *itsre dean, mîsti ail tlespatie uescidiehap--- nies. '11,a! t ', $7ý per titan ai banking tâch elletidto ç stivlisatifi 'nsWorth.- capitai, wtbl ' sa1siutstse st3, 'r'i-ilspoint be illitrateti by su Estiti>w000,000 lskigcapital-or $37 pér mani. taxes paid *by tise intivituauieujrts-oi eà c e li sau-also uesceetairsed wheïre Canada gai "DOLPEIN.' oiftise ebief lalom in th i orlti,anti vent the i fs!>se1s00.li()u IsiIi $'TONSIU TfNviisi ton Io %Peak int faveof Iltie aboiionni't site importei £05,05'4,antifrein tise Britisls i 00ePat9f E YOK o ilttt-is$vgsiiic aseire on tenssîs equitabie Provinces aslv £3,G3 oinIsle Unitedi ~ ta iePr tN.YII a Io ail liarties On (lise wlsole lie.,believeti $latesS, (Mni. ~Iivseks sait i "ftise boInty.") On th- l$IF anof SEPEidnrvj DrCapt, G tise presient gavernuinetît wassld tua'foituttl to Wcl1lsy tnt have, a iîosîty tîcre 1 Tise 2n b. FFTHCorîmanePTr. h atanG talvanid, lik th tnaeriil ad plite'- t oriticr is he ru-itet i teslcscsPloy 20,000 The naomndatiots lu ihiÈs ew and beautiful sroz iinteresis ai tise l)ecpil». Il,. essuirlu- iimu -as, opiulatiosnif1 00,0Ã"00, mers, %vo- Vessel ane vuuuy sssperiusn la anly osltsr vesfte tsowi de * ciei yiosvin; ise ssttress s iallsisci tIoIsle ruel, assit!citren.life wivas wîltl-snta talce isu pon, lueing open, aimy, anti lsavioneunusst tise'i'srcsc rîsi-lusua'ah5% iseceoas.rs.îumn sstisa irnsii ?tc ut-heià thtot l>ulween ieck.s. s1~l frssens ssse'csisli s tie ~ *Parties pîcetsntaIoAuuinatinasare speeially in- U511al, aifer c-io.tr,- y, b v,1ile att fgdcrteý c tedte) oexamine-th1s.fisne sip belote engut M~r. Chr-ic aié di etittuvantlit rcoletl i osld tikt' te knauw visat uere tîssir vaill e.w~'e auil ià ensfïdetly i'xpécced tisai, aise thse motion. Hes mtîtteti licotuiciuioti (isai It.etiout,lit tise lc'îst eîtts wuvre I16per suifS mae Ilise shortess passageon record. '1 ia.u$lie itbu> .ahsndststly supplieult -sProvisions tise nsssîssiry wu'rc tssusecIy us'soficar- cans iltut lac- valite t il o nw Blsese i ls ,asiSevesry- à teilaiure. rying out Ile uiliuiplcs cnassiils i lt fCaîsaadinasdbisurihs:st fsy csrrcst iar- -it Expcrienced fisaîgeon wil bc an hboard. regofufios before tise Ifauase, arsitlit e - kutvalue inIle Londonas tas- tIlarîssg, FR RRTS yod tise pritieiple% coiu>tucl iicsd in oudfinii w irr if i ias traie asuIi- edti ts bc appros-cul Iuythme gns-t asaiauve illa.t- îîse e>a'aauitie s tooi, ai tIeigesezud r(Stihsa15s1 .4t '-'.l$200 IMid s s $125 jso lof aitoi asry. ÃŽliisie bad a laii'l:t dueil),e of ~catislt [sifseal Sties ;îofio a,.s~ ptv !us Isle asîs~,rtcnsallac lu'a iletcanasdsnuss 'eau: îaenitcily saj irise-i f-i) j UR i ROTI fERS, tisec oluntry 0wed Insucisttisfl-ic an. .t;tisi a-ir dbxîusswcasî iaa itt lus No. 118 & 163, Soulte bireldf, Nniu'yauk. eliiitiesni k-ltis.,Inîcetasr tn-a.coutli rod, il-ann t 1sttisase duleturns lait Or W utidisoreg,ýrettetI thiaa lit! iiiia icsI-ir4 :îniv asvrakçî vluias ansuaL-. NATINGACIeriF. bebei- oellerecogiisuxusi. tit 1 e o-a Xt l ail a f rl n t «l AcitChtci ,SrrtTrw Lecinal etsrLcsscy uuidtruted 1111t: th'Lid Jr.IL nn - Iloeyu ai hort tie, G1'h1%vll-lere Ile rect, rntao %Ahleli s l c popauseî%qd ti sl i., ~;ait ia:a g'ý 1(tj pear iat. '11Vi f Vt-aaual ifltairqaualIo tiis advcrtiserent. *veto a>s tist eiaît.t d . iel t1s i i %,- Itt ç 'aatiulunktli i»il1 ageeoi oasiaAsuu5,1 .2 tuas hntitroatisi-cusisi tue c-atisav iv ta a it itfa.d-bei-saua> ni aad4,ce-tsI] lu t t velp tssalie I5tua -S 4's-ai a4 - - el las s: iik,,fuir trisaic Iliai sls' fNa:w osusc, 27il> A's;uit, 18552. 'l'tuc p1acing aof ti. i a'au-~lc -aaI :- - aae~ Now i liaditseaa-i l lk cx- XI N ur RM u'sEqTorniao citas aiseser unsai,.aaa: l' p- j- -a iaalilltul ire IUls w-a, Ifluai 1$asn i vcre tisa, Dnt si r -As masuuyenor uifriu.nahs ludif'uures' ia i>luse uuuî svasl vc.ui iii t ad S - ta g5-vJlat feoCsarinda-bcustsjvýand ssitiat a aru it rCunt.s ar;e ah-tutu emigraii t eAuptrs. woutiît()i lnt i t lu i ev pta.aaoa t a y vî-r. odIuidY y a aui ias- f i ecae'fut -isllit attus'nhi i. ik- ce rary.- Ili Outi'to fw q-,wtiij it,ý si a pi-r ent, tll)IÃŽsi-aaatIlia1 1'd h81e elit'>d it Il'? vl tiott no n-in eNe tue i vJrqr s'arv di iti', lae î,td a si lu a dis> ays Io 't kep "litise rd rier'.iN oir1 Voikfor tisnt patusi tt a îeius aainc the s the lu sccr. le Statedai t 1h tisa' peiat, i £1,00,000 b liai sst t isaa aid c ii c f A t 11,arrir'tisaa5dlationg it the 1 au;lar aie muid nid1slà , r(.î]s -sast sxv" ss saiaaLfpasuuteItu rs îsupiti fatsoi, oal D'a- 61 costu-1%entence Itanselaiecr ustil cu> uuaa sita(i a eii-lad Nr. Iu.lslMiJnckx saiti aiaul nuit at ithit >t .sri fln) the aussers (Mu'ssru. Bust, su-ientt wa tinse issuay e-Ilit, tia'lay reu. ttu'sugaut NO li's ast, iuszuauehuiAt tise osa. Broliers> Ibt atewre agent foi îluem iii'Toton- grettedlthie declsinuun o ilhe 11)lasîial (tu%'- mentt uvîcu tbey were soldti riy realizeai 11, ranti'ri case amy omuir ltainsrz'o s i isyole for a crnuaeut, anti lue lapi'l IsiaIt tat tu,re a rtit uaiun aadoffcIie 1lugisest current rate'u P ja9ý7,tellwc a.5uauîaa e ei hu ta th rDot asert tise igiat ci i ausaa L i acis a.coul avre lisen cxpect îtinand lssitiv etuir ecomthetpic peasanti owvnn afoirm.. 'lat.svass a assuItitatuîauii cd fia- selarge au anouat, tiisrovn at-once asbo wlit La ail wso may rail 'uou nyeu. rigisi wiiise coula1 neyer conseaut te g i ionflicaa ssrk-et. - ouirs testwrtiuîlSy. up. îHe ias preaas. i.r, taO ay t hat irs" tIa- i iib. NAiriaSsaÃŽdiat1 pîra-sperity ivas Sh> .T Edausue s <si an r,îf ToS.~ihrones worst - îtu-'v aortise cv-(uuaa:woaul Iit 1bu feuaiiagaic lti.e, sasuiatuD,,li.iavid Ir. Morpîisin& uifn. Uamilous. qusbngiîtIoa aviolastiorn(tf lisenruttaiausiîi aia, and cosuaucrre. Ilow ècoul i ilÃŽlue aI- (.'onze Taylor tend faiiy, ai' do. riiiglit tuIs lcpe 5r atVu 0îaosa'ls tata fî î .-gse su u:si1s tIll ie CcIu, lisait Jw---.oseph lvjuateu-s uitGairîboto, -Jasperiai G*ove-a-ssnent, tSia55 .'usjeuss tisa-canada?-a vnnas'TVa- taond onilc-0 sttitonl runwihot tf iat tid It-o>pcr, isc coiei-d a-is caspaan- ThorsiaisiPierre i1*elS if Losadoit. wauld bc doute wt-susthe powter I ta'lI i -t1aliaass- vars, zassi, uritji ,itieluiestîAlexr. Lo-aus ai Las-tile. whien tisai paser -sýId ilibc granit.A îi. ' i.1 cuses e aus'a1,'sadmaîprp--.a- ____- ta tisis qass'soss su-waisislaireiatiîssg te Io! re <':d-pi f 1ay gv: itaan . liat4twea ; us( L OaS'7'!/1 LJ,08 "~. rentolts. 'lhis vÃŽtlIly aitecieal St anit-arasas iri le ca la-- :eaarýcs. îe tiio-e ter th ie conutry, tifor1j lac -iir ' afae-a-.WIaat w'as îvçstls 2 rer cet-st flA lt)hm %Visuby Village ais tien auas aI -pre;ýa-rst sott ius-'qaaîtaubtý,a- -ti-' tansla fiia:s in the 1, 'uiîe laav, on NMUNDAY 24id unis., a ltagtsr- ra-ngc4, ana lise betaua t -av &-:il(liea' la -ler lai \sthé aîcaî as bu Uetr Iieas tisa(, 4it 1vould sotroilbl ss4 mu sîtî 1na , I ~ll, a iiiausîarLa-t. s"as.co- Id1oti baL e-ai'[ BROW N \I\ (31 VV caasryu -[ttibt- 5iIt tiIl u-a sil, - . trsnktias staî-iuaS nQ~aisad Any person -asving informuation, (ilear, f lio l tasuaa) A t pt-e -s-e e.ua-tste tiats tai taatebalancii- uasi nt fua-iaahrasst Olrau us aeuu I sulle usautarded. ùiany indumrininaiw aasei sliigus arnur- .e-d eCaaa-'la-uaubei tit I-'1lVîIssly, Auigus 31t, 1852. 21-i1. tiebar-recifrotp t':iasctc wseîuc a apon tisa'!aatsisdiar tste srade Up a charge r h2dssiot a fir-Iýb l;i i wer Caualis, lae t nilu a hart-el aasatCanaada;. N\ov tiside tatfl e7 Çenélrion, .lie%. coulai vJtot e t aacssïuun tt'I-i! ùntcnioo v'de Tsaagt -il n tick t- jaîO ion of pr wood esai is ri o IN iLit'v, Canmryaoccrs kt.# L , wor promesse (ed eie Tiuag - isy uleaple of En-atti1te btiere.tlisai WClisaiWITYVLA jir6ving of aillott ili 1 sc5efasail -a S ni îeîin ta lsisandt. le twassu-d in avaiiO tild in tise îoom armerSy occsspiedau a Lawit- biles, su-hre Ille *saa-iaaseasýrlttIoa a hutte acltc" adtelaration au tisis.le e îauted- tatOiéie. by J. If. McDonaiei, F.sq. tiseir ciuiaeîstas IrJasnw wis.d-t!aaaj-dit sý_iso'.visât ainsi r ftisec susa-calPclicy of lue hilisly. uîîtalal ie hultfor ipal-a i -taî. aCunadti svc'n caual ibeoa i at- BJLACKS1MIVJ7lS COAL. 1 .e 4eciaDm. - Il tisailat-tivlu'iiusry ftlo ii t uIai-qt:tIity wuitiî lise ta.iiIted-:States.ilc b5textiaa ýpf'3i- allSI (n1tcir u u er- 41 î us- a.jio -Iui ; bat. lie adirn US F Prereis-edl, lien Steanier Oitari, -)0 di ningtuilusiiratir loati, & C.. ec1 I -siatand te a tacl. aniion, isliirls h taiidrynibeau NXeýu-causslNus Coaisu, for sait aise ihankei tc- 1 1'Jl -farilkatriatie--s.t vvis cdean tiaey iI tiont do, or Sir Joias ROBERT IL LAWUSýR. concurrence ivitlir ti.s ast 1ortis of i ttt thsdd;-e,,ss frei oua lnnto. Sir J. P'., Wiu!YSpty, $.)lçt1852. a21-Ill. tpeeb, tisat AAiuihtl1 GM m.y t'arsi-:ais.itauivatsreui'Ocitte bat we Cana-at __ putr efonts eil:cuoos ina. -tise pqubIlc go--. - l.give à iyai, f-is. i«-glai;~îe U. S. il.(Nr >Ir. W11'ui. zaiter dsouaic i-estsas s jilM.) rsdlaslî~dcoutl gise iL, byITH E R E aQ{STi R Jezpncssi1v oi lis kii'e alacar MI-. -1- îî axii'ltî 1 Ia îu'odsetonai oer naticas w as t Y EPI , M ç-tY bevatioissilis Fs-rte s re'i c -t uie - ial h-rai. 'le tilt-ilpoisieti eut Isle- --- te revicw t tth di 1 ~îr'~- ssr'.stsui aaceaise a i iitnî-s-, betwepn Canatia . VL0 T M IA çsîjntio - i ah- VIli5it~asi i là itu Sîses ;butiviule ar trde menû fr't lycifh>sporeJtiîR -i s leASmericanu, hast ml. Jîsat- li sau rna svatueopnpsaytise A sus uniLanS pais bonaties ta in tiseshapfa ia the country>, tisougîcli ouagistcane- aofnraf-artadrive the Ainer'icans off. -E PLY TO 'THE SPEECU. t MIfilv riL lie u'ýipased tfisetenn asi usas-il' ii net of v i ante bat ise - used auaivty nril u.t' un, tseaînp nio 'otutti aiaspîtiseni asa reb;iialony polit>'. ris? rail' tatise Gana'spec- wa.id o wîba rrse;ib.-iîa'a n-v tu' ta- Vie les- l iat abssa i bIiýls protectivc cotnmenestou the 244h uit.,sa siiul t i ii îia at'a- -:--a~ Sat'aai1114b - evai-ti by sanuggiis>g; but b.bdioletieNsi.dme -ports wv e r1.1 r --' - u -s-u-, a - ",I-ra- an s Le . a a'1 lie, hITo s 4,ek,>'tise ialnieW iang as wauu p.a<5V Jb>'>ita-',a î 'a1 r tratei no tIltiies anal di-cet talxatiaus pst eue svuk ie ia ot'ien th I 149tia .'~ura -1-:"' 1a-t ~ ia- -s an ir uiesia asit-taken ai Q o'cloc on tisa tssmn- gof thse por'ts b> abou n ii a tsusis'a-t tat flsiy ui-en away iras» Canada. Sise dIsat s insat w iirs'1 Ie t tuvo io>liing ),eans takes e Ii tor t..ts XJ- sen)t C1,000,000 on tise St. Lawèeniedefibroulb tehedba wsocpdL 5176OO. 'iï bi <114 lasiv ussucispro.- Caruats,ant i te>' aere aa iead tailure, al Msu iewbl lhaeirs çspe p#ei$y ; tilongislic irvas net a ca caker.-anal bccausts Cbeasp ercan ireigstis took tise ixuas- yle posto, iosgs tis iole 0ftis did glot proicas t'> conYider tisis a rery ba'l inierce froîn aur aira shores.- faction toigetisetnumbers ntô~-br M- f tUhiusgt%. Tse United -,Statùs unujur- Sï, A. M3aY-4a hare. maved' the acjounîs- of tise sesber.s, antd evea they -cmtnott W mscti utorti tisas tioyexjorted, but Ilutinment aIfthse dtiet, akin-, occasion Ioudly act on an>' ane particuilas' questioun, unîess tky ba the remosirçees of -alifornua goti, arepudi. te ise serisseat iutit > betb tc tna'îs Massyaa - 1ud n aiierrasusee bt tse isi- .r Win.Baultun, -wiicislie aaid, wire po bit inQsuIuwe, and tisai was iacîi.ueai , tisaste aitise hoa. icMbvs& fT~u-oroato - two divisions s#ere eaited for on thIe, nmn,- Thee 'icmot d net p tisa' NEW ued s to hope that saine practieabie legis-libe!, siander,-#"ntdiliws proseuation, nci TjiFi:P An at ToRptNT6 u~u.U lative acion, wili , mmedatly engaeIlle peraonal violence of any k. CIIMi. gx, oExtensive arrangcssiar o g 'inde for tii9 ""Il'O' 1 _zeniOt,* oe beig3)50.4,iiLandis. attention ci0 te- Mini4ry, te devise "erve *r'itten notice of1 the caueor action. thse comnIg exhiibition, ta be Il~~ noot wvays andi mean% by wlhichî tbose lands tnaY Partie, oppear on an appointeil day ta on the 2l14 202nd 23rd, and 2 Itb of the pre- off* sbl a in ho f bneft t sow ne efoo tse isoe eard in prirsste before tihe jntdge, mhiei 1TWnt )tL isquassdered 1>7 opr'InciP dpltca a edne if both prWIIJae'g cablsl. eex, tiLê ~tiel rg- W snt lie 1ï. pieupôiilci9is rIrLYbe d paries re areeaieest gatisering for tbe.populton of ft rer"e le andi politicai sbarks. In thse geiseral sciam- witbout summong* No witn.çýestabcex. -ttreadiaîttir e eerbelii CRoa.iîapil, wisa lin bicof ariesafer he avs atifiises, aminci or sattorneys or agents allowed ta bc Tli-,e ' inufacture e 'r d aad.a i, cori tuis subject seema tê,be tit sig l.t Of by the1 pr'eent. If- a Teronciliatian is elTectei the 1l10111J have their Stock on tihe grouati and! tisait Ihr ritî. peapie, and ive jog aIong asdc0 ltentedly as ýju4ig naken a minute ta tîsat eff#ect jin a enteretil hefare 8 o'clozk on 'Tuesday en- 1joever, peanrîîf if we really Isacino public ln tZ ipoe0 propýr book, ta whiclî bail parties attaci îng tise 2 lst, for, frein tirait tM!ne titi 9 o'>nek;;0 back tO Ille Il (except tise clergy reserves) or no interest their eignatures bto ieenrr fWedlnesay morni1g ive shillings extra wiil mne, andti ti1 il% holding out inducements for cmýig-ra nts ta duit i5- not eflfctett, an(i the parties are wilî- bc eliargeti, andi after 9 o'clock ail articles faveur of IEiegkil Canainsilnrfrncm eti aa vo t ie ucgrs ce eewil only bc allosvcd ta compete for for-the Refornm select Cnda ofnpreeec a -ig ôlaeil hejutige, leg ha de tredlie approveti of1 Southi of lune 4.5; -and if we hiat i otlsing but cision Wlich is properly entereti in bis iooLnyIdsrt nr rîssîs Ts sa rag-(oeaetu tise ansaunt of revenue tisai stands yearly ta a cëopy of, wlicb in fyled iin thse Cauntymni13ebe ai ibts ii~etsuesn ft Steam Boaat Plroprieîor'm, ta carry ta andi meut of Canada. tise credit of tihe Province, as the procedà lrk~office', andi bas tise samne etTect, andIo is srfo fpeu nitselot ait] in conclu.sio of sale%*af tiiose landis, ta recal aur inenso- snay be entorced in thse saine manner as any keesi iect aeareiio ar ist tcs, and couldi ry ta titis itcm'fminsmsianagcsnent aind e x. jutignent of -a County Court. If tihe de- tiseir charge overthie vustoimary rae 1-cneui<su llIr. Chaire( travagance, we iwauld long reminnin f fendant refuse ta 'appear on tisesummonïs Air ic'îrlade~sae iett ab rses u r blisaful ignorance of anc of tise surest mes.ns- of tise pl-ititl, or if,-thet partie-, appcaring "évered-on tise eveClissOa tie '22d ant1 23d I was iscard distini D reprter'5 box. îithin caur awn r . sels-of making Casiada onc are not reconeileti or refusse ta ieave it ta andi sioulc tise wcatlser prove favorable, tise fn ts nr af tise finit nations afIlle eartis. tise tiecision aftise juige, an entryatiewte iltnusiabe eatim sr-Ian ablac Tise course atioptei iseretofore for tIhe tact is.matie, and tise case, for thse tinte tion svortliy aitise province.ti'ittseis sale and dispasal ofai wlclland lisbeen te. being, draps. rrNooFr, )ccnx ý cCambcehon til taily ivang, andi requires a titrouigli.ressa- j EponuIltie whlthie plan aispears simple, îrwsiplatetsatse arietintriyutseU vation irom thse foistatiot' up by desîrovïng ,citeap anti expediiious, anti, as'sucis, is wveli j Greenwaod on tise let in«., ivas mosît !uc-1 tihe preeent system ëai iigb pjrices andi pubs- 'wartliy of a test; anti astiedfdatar csslivigaosrpofaiie ia-I. Last nigist x lic rabbery, under tite garb af Provincial! net obIiýed ta nsppear -unleus they ore satws. tage ta ail partirs, bath buyer and seller, fonplc fleV.-IUe, ta tisroving te al pe e fie ris umode af slttiing the dispute in ofairegulas stateti Pairs in wealtity andti hick vaîsce 1 ë f Suti âctusal set tiers uto iQqoacres cacis, frc deetis question, we -sec no goond reasan ilîy it setîleti Towishlips. On tisis occasion ile rest saisceliane( ta be given an making certaini improrements. sisoulai uaL become Iaw, wisen ils îsractica. Toronto bisteeswere well reprcscentedt he eta tioeni Atiopt titis principle, andi, as if by magie, lilit> wouid soon bc deterasiati. Memsrs. Mullansey. Hutteiinson, Blang,tiel.Lwn aur fore.sts 'uit give tray hefere tise rapitijTise position wtsici tise laiTyers on î1he i(a-ulti, Clark, Connelly & Ca., wlis col- andi ta increans ativance af tise emigrant, our %wild laitîts.f Ilosiso taok last esw- aBanlr 311lcieyîsrlae toko>ts ganiIisk of Montre wisicis arc naw neitiBellof use ta us, tise gar.tockooantheci ta a -whchar nw eilir o ue a syhc90^lwas under discussion, is gooti presumptive amntinin vainet tlstree tîsandt dollare. tn>e ieS ersînsent or thie peaple, vili becomef evitience tisat it woîlaeill rt'ise number prescrit Were variously estimaz-RilyCmp setict ; n ativ wil fl tsos Uss* acktsforof ixî meber prsen, td Ihoni tweive ta filteenlisundreti. Up- rhPie. debate population -activr poulatiancwisuntiretci seteiriawnktsa firnofsi Aydmembeq anti tsi tracts wisere tise voice of mon or tisé sasnt i ciheeen tyr vl' r ishe nmea- rdsoonhurestdivt inrtlIiesadt lsiwycrsh J. .oStrlingaIo insthe iere taken. 'T of woodnsans3axe isseiiom i isard, antiou tre Wdlvc ai wlom rcpresei.sted Upper peaei.iyJ1.Strig o io iecarrict i unanilno peuple of Pickernngore nncis indtecd for grratis, on tise (C scqvsently tise.businevs of tise country, and Canadiats e anstituencies. Tshbinalt: faci, ts sasilies a iaeJc0deiVar.rai ieIo~ rcvnuccf13wUcrrnen~wosidineeae i a 'trn a srgumsent tisat the 1meaisîrbaye redousîdeti s0 muchsta tis e-difj' Brwss, Camlerat in tise iamc ratio, tisereby creatingý a pro- twortls utleasi a fair anti impartial trial. uiil aec tCîm (su at aioftisat 'Towns~sip.p dudtirc rcreMwe isy tiseir settlement antid--- PnatDrtmsnc improvcatent, out, af wlist irs tsOivan war- FactoL and4 EiN.--A ublc s. >gi$ Fl ortier, dudAivc artic1e andtioa no eanilsly benefit to TUE CLERGY R1ESERVEM. 'il was lielul in- t. Lawrence Ilall, ' l'n- kRa L alirin, Leinieu ani livîig being. 0f wisat advantagc lais tts aemeiga iesns itieri~ nieta at aics iseat N Iarrhîlou ta li pler Canada ta Isold, witin iser bar- tagCs oi a back or front route, for a rail LMa~,M n UntdIsyera hrh elli in Torn- tP~rince, IRichard tiers ten millions ai aerçs ai unappropria- UntetaPrshyereisCisircsKingstaon andTi rropt.- Site;Sen fta usnl'une iast, a senies oai resalutions wert, * one ni uie alwrepeen oVaos, ted lands 1I have they ,yieldied a revenuea rf ogradJdeli %r pesnict, li>,i af Ruy allsount ta cieîray -.o11É expensïes n asof repets is leg tccv s dteputation frain -.ieterbo-o, wlt adat- NRiti ork, au Gavernnent tiar tiseprocetis bc ai nsîci iînprtan 1, o tressalth ie meeting in faveur ai tise nerthi- I Ny.Bt Gvriet1Iap tepoed en eatteîgo ht oyo ti ia Gambie, Le]3oti judiciously, appiiesi for tise ativarcement a of felnga istboyantnsvt l me. A eiesof resolutions nusei'pass- itoMalih questsofi. This~ subject ba.% been sa long eiifvuaits -trboro route, follow- sons, Shaw, Sni publc imroveeut I-lve tsey een pward-s cofa quarter of a ceniuar-beîore ed by a resalutian requ etn ts imbers tre, igr specahl setapat tapayaur oloialtie Canadian people, il iq almost,netls for tise Cily to urse tiseir influience wviti tise din- oaiïYok,-' on cacis aveth'Lise tw pacelonibc debi1 Orhavetiseaniassit plaeti ta rc-exatuse tihe imaportant principles invaîr- Gaverament in favoun--of tisait une.grplseear ta adapt Canada for tiseîn home 1 Exactly . RzVI'ROCT'r--A gentleman froîn Nex 1anti state is pte on tise oan leînt *ondat tenuire. tise contraryare tise plans tbat bave been piYdiati gss ork lately steppeti inta- a store it Mnn- 3(jr. uis pusuti nc i lae i bseuspotuci e inerai educatin, anti public imprevements telt ucss snesaîatcewnettstai i purliued, and in placeaos tIse ailiutîeonte ter, anti on wisicls rropasitsan tise landsa being dîspas.ed of, for tîsese abjects, or eleosaitstie laie d srosisrc %vais tise ssI absarbusg ard for" ble i province foa the gahnrtsd tapie ofôconuontaoio<,Ater --ieeiing tise jutrgltofa agai givn thir vrdic forthetis tereof. ste éouforytseben aeitadeod fnrov sn i aangvn iervric o ielat t e, ireidartiefe, learning tise price, thse Y A- tis eonir, tse ai siadufoti or uansgreatly preiersag aur -revenue froni public s>otnamecastesuiw tneei, Teltbi ant aderimat t au aivacees atiland.% ta be apliedti t general isaprovemnent, wlsen the lady iii tise tore -mii, "No sir, 1 %wcre thessagreei psasonit. Nov, bat s tie corseandativaaceeetoi intcllîgenceol'thceuntry cantsot tuike apy tlsing for sa sinaîll an arts- adopetiI AfsewTowsisp intis wi ti aî a t proju up -anti support a dominant cie tram a New Venkar, wliore ssi inucish aela ej Canada, hc>qondI present settlement, is suir- churcis. ibu ben eoac -for- ourelf!1 works of thmePr reyecl, a pnice of eigbî ýbillirgi per acrej:1 QOn Iiss above ail ailienrquestion. s, w I placeti -on-, &'--1sd, -sa l ti-n -tbf t;goyeraasant expect settlens ta corne frielyl' fonavard, tumprovaè, esltivate ansicit ictis b tisuir aura labour anti enterpnise, tiseir farsa ,s,! assaifor"tise privilege ai seodoîng-, anti raistg, tisat valusabte «Intchs iati beicre no ,nrinsiv valuc in iteif, ise GoverumentipJvies a tux et aid>' eiglst shilings peracre, antanr a 200 acre 1o' ot 50lem s 51515thtriee isndreti 'UtIersoodth ie coisulinations of the prent i minws'y ta be ba.eci, and ive truly hope, as Pl.. lIolph iissatudtifat ho anti hi. cal- - leagssen are, wilinr ta stand or fail ais the isecusaissnautioa ai tisairescres, tluat the mtin- L iatry iil take a firsa anti deetidec postion for speeti>' ettietient in accordance ivili tise Atrepeaitet uisises ai the penple. \We "ire tise resolution in full, neqsaesting an n-I anti tventy dol ,lars. Again, a large portion1 tentiv ermusai ai tise laind.falis iniseis anuis ai specuiato.& iris alito bave tiseir profits bis th- ransac- tion, and cncloîya .Toslîbiip is saine twentye, ans! ireq-.eni tlïrty ni'or fort), yeare«, belone it 'is ail taises up anti setileal, andl during aviicis tiise itheexpeases canniecteti ailis Isle>ale uandlco!leetoms ea-is44)juthe .wisoie af thspe .1ainA tenost. Now %UÉPpabe tor a nuamei îbuîsauneTo'wnlship] ta bave be-n di.tibuted on thse prncipi.et frce grants te -setusal setlLers; in- place ot tihe squandcnig's ani ssisinanagemsent we~ have bad, tise siuluT 1ovisslslp uroulul quick- 1>' be settisti wiîis a tbniviag, isurstious pepuiatioi,, aiding t'> MeproduLt1M#ns, andi C3i4 f/& manufactur ftheit sŽêun- tia tinis-ay pu s>', Tis londay>, ý thec inisabil Thte Synoel of tMie Unilcd Presbtjtenzan C/turc/t i Canada, assembied in To. rritoa. on tite 160Îè ofJAne, 1852, adopt- rd Ite fWlouuing Bc"w*ioits, on "'te Ciergy Reerî'es and Rectorurs: .flesc4'd, 1. l bat, iriereas a certain teu