O-PiopesitEl Y TUEI BOX*OIIAI r3A14C1S tlC VeNTIL *OUÇOT e9 THEILIOLunerszuvca, Ors -Tt.YetDAY, 5nI'TEmBar, T j;iz>' tg Ussanrc lier 'Majt.ty thii tis ljouft &t. ily reg.els in larn fruintIhe Despatcli sgt ion ble ýiv Johnt'kn tl, 1t*r tlaeîy'à Principal tbecretary oa State for ltseColoncies, tisaitIler ilajsty*,# litiperial Minubtera arc oct preparci te un trdccte a Bill to repeal tise Itpenial Act '3 anti .1 Vie.,a.1 ýP7,intituleti, 16An Act tl provitie for tis, saie of h~ie Ciergy Re- "perve- inbuthte Province of Canada, anc 'for thse <Lsribution eft is proceda tisere. 2. Rfeolvd,-Tiat mîtatever difféece toleopiniosi tnal *ist among tise people of Canada .% to Isle Sut mode cf dispeaing ,of th tcrevenues derivetifronom ise Lindi kuosea as Clorgy Beserves, tise, reat mass of the people wuli cicr musiltalu tise principle re- eogiae~.te~Rigisi Honorable tise Earl L~fny ttcz ler- Mjeî>~sPrincipal Secrgo l ar>' of îttfor tise'Colonies, iu bis Des- PateS of 27îis Jaauary, 18M1, te tise Rigis' lionorable thse ari oflM'gin ant i Rncar- dine, (t it e question misetiser tise, eisting * -arran11gement 16is t e b.miintaintid-or mter. "cd 1% one do exelubivel>' aftecùtgtise peo- pli. of Caisada, tisaI its decision ougisi not "te Sd mitissrair fromt tbe Prerincial ULegitlattie te -sehichi ilpreperlp beiengï -te re-ouae ail natters costcerninir tise d'à - - inetie inîtreste cf tise Province.,! - 3 '. ReCVIsd,-,Vitat ibile tise ppople ofl Canada are deîotetily at tacisedt ta en Ma- - Jetr's lersea ami overumneltt, anti ino..i n axieils Lt6 sitaintabu invielate thse connexion sehicîs Sinsîs tise tti tite great Empîre crr Wlsbclî he rîl s et tiis leuseis bond b ly a lur. b etiscoflduir b iînfortn lier Majes- ty tisait Lifse efUal et n tise part cf tse iLape- niailahîues ta colsîpir iritis the jgSt de- of nti fîw ltt;yrcittatis'nes of tise C4ni- - dian pî on alc- itt ür excl.siveil m!fs. t,-cr110 tlieir owî nîcet, ilbc vîewedtia.% avio- lation of ts Constitutional ri -lits, -andti mi 'lent! Co dcvp atut! aitle.pread i dusati.4aetîia awnong lier .\beî' asaiu ubjects.. 4. Resoled,- I'batt ibis House Îin:wtel « aetsa tesit ae buon maJe Le is. dite Jiur .lîjsyaIuperial Mýintaters ta believe Lh.att iseiesen ±epreà etaivez om the pe~poi)C 1ntisla emflerîos oinsonus on lbq:e!subçct ciltise repecal Of tise Clergy nei- serves Art, sdifférent lfroin tîso3e exjres3t-d b> tise late l'ns-iamcuî. .,- 5..&sl'dTst tisa liuse coati-- tissitl>'isjsthitrhen Lier .acsrsMin- lieras bbà îl bou conîtrncedt iaIt the o pinion-) ci thea eopi!e of Canada anti of tises' ep- rescnitataves- on tiiaubject are wsaltereti and unalterable, tise>' mih consent te glre -efeot go tise promisbe.madc S>' tieir prede- cessors; andt iis floe .iscouîfirane i in tis lipc S>' tte sUggetion in tise De-%patlî of tise Rigis: Hunoucable $lur Johin Pakingtoc #btisI er 'Mjesty's .Linistors are 'prero t,) recommenti asacutdmenits te tise Imperial Clergy lReberves Actmitt a iiwtesalis- 1>' tise iii of tise Canadian oepil. 6. Reso/ved-T1bat tisHomeueacu sereely doubt tia, tise pinciple et amen- --dine tise prenuia:Act ising admittesi, Uer M.aestr's M11itvra mmili yielti te tuestroug~ feeling mieis retride Ille Canadiw e îcple tsai gany nevLgiblative ettac inenîs riegar- ding thse Clu-zy Et crvesiseialti be (ramti l'y i heir (,wu 'ieplresecntatives, isteat cf by 1*5* Jtnperiul Pariament, wseîis eing ne- .rseeii>'usacquainteti mitis tise %tate ol iniu- hi:ci;isaolii Cantada, cannot bce expecteti te coneur in a isaaro isa i mli gie pernîaneuitsuilî ttiv It%1 t nslinxs 7. Rge lc-iaiettlit i lu'-istJe*iret asuelier 'Majvtuy, 1tist at n iîus "givst orý of -piO th't e.sspu, Commea the Polock Rip [ , ad one oftise1 a boat-icati of fi -captain cf tise emas aâketib>' ti r uefih Outikeyou Cao go loto thse is thepro rf offthe Jritisbbave lt broisht, ouIdu e icofdesnarcatioanmd tise. take 'It on berd wisisout violaling thie trea.1 'y. You arte now 1rid for tb is lh Yeu! brougit ouboar4 su with th6sativice you May go." Iam,. Sir.ypuris re spectrolly, ROI >R FIED'K FINLAy. NEW ADVERTI8E MENT8.O quebcv ad £itbunnd ahiwly Company. To SUB.CONTaPACTORtS. luESSRS. JACKSON DflAISEyt- Works on tb.eLUne of IRilwey (rom Quebec te Riehmoid. art ps'epmred ta recve rpo4us for Cilopi';N, GRUBBNO, EXAAIU Mý,ASOYRY. and vaous deacipi.caof KWork concectard with Raiiway Congtruc:ion. paymeat wîIl b. mde in cash eviry fo tsîjght. Mr. Rtexta (Realdent AçenÎ) will h. in et- tendance et the Raiiway <CnMpany's Office Ques- bec, mtr thse lbth Septeaibet rte rev propo. Sept. 4, 1852, NOTICE, NOTICE i. bereby- gien tisat thse Fi Ile,11ent upon the fteck held in';the Pick. esing 'Harbor and. Rosi J 'ici Stock Co. la calte't in and piayablhi the -Su bueibr's office, bette oit the iras day of Octoher nest., IV),. DUNBÀR.Treaaurer. .0. Arreara cf Stock art reapettfuil te*. quratite t . paid up by tbat urne. Dyosier 09 ibm Dtectote, DAVID CLARK, Chairman. ~ VUNGLADY (rom Toronto, wil' l imit 5VIITBY on Strh yÀthe là th fut.. whb.rese wilI Cive :natructioni n vasieus tathien. ais.,- style-s eLDtawani; sod Pmà inisaç. 'rew.ia &r., rnay6bcaftestaitied a% Mra. Mc- Keglzir,4 or at i. a.i;eziceal, Druggiât. WIiitby, etis Septembur 1352. 22-2in fIlE REPORTER. WIHITBY,SA-rURDAV, SEPT. il, 1852. Tu- rflcr nisNrÂTTrO.x or OhITÂie., MIr. Ilistek* isasirodunetaial 11te remoe deubts us t e ie fut of tise lite Territo- riaI Divisions Sbill cetise represeutation of Ontario anti Peel, sehicis provides, tisat Xr. Wright siali Se iselsi te nepreacut tihe Ceuni>' of Ontario, Mesera. Iiartmmu anti Gasiise, Ceont>' of York; anti Mn. G. WsrighI, Ceunty ef*Feel. NIr. Caucin bas introduet a bill for Setter secnnistg tise indepeà denc P.cf tise -Legisistive Aifembl>', iniwmichis i is pro- videdti ta ne J'ustice of tise Peace, 3lagus- trate. Superisitentieut et Polie.-, Ciarmait of tise Quarter sessions of-tise1 Peste for an> District, Cotat>, Cit>' orT'ren; uor an>' penson ismving, or holding tandem' appoint. meut freintise Cromui, an>'offilce or place oif profit, sisill Se membors of tishegixia.' tiV4,.sen y atd*ilsahb. disqualifieti (rosit vetiing for tis ane. :'I. Brown breugbt lu a blil on tise 3 1st ultime- te nipiI>'tise Ussir>'Lamaî. It ta propoes-d -te miseli1tise -penAty for issury, ecl tisat thetigb more-sait ix per centina>' bc. agniet on ansfpaual, stili net abi'e .tis4t ea sun a e cullecettirou.is a eou.'s of lase. Ou Tuc*da>' tise 79b Is. iseerorîson-- ai Mîuicipal Couuebîl of thse Count>' of On - tarin met at the Free dCirciî l0 tis sTown, tise members present being, Joszsn G-ort %ý ,'arsen,a& 2Nes=rmnicbat'lDry- den. Rase, Taylor, Rlobinson, AMcDoriugis, Paxtoit, anti Emens. Tise Warden adIresseti the Couniciliers a %rosent, ou tise mati>'-obstacles tisai isat iena !'ren inuthseiralof tise suceessful wo iing 0! tise Municipal isse ia ibis coun- - L hC*tiat wrU rr ah14 ilÈtt i eU. S. tiei rirola."s andi vexations eharacter, bu lore PC an>'-otise Muolri$'it is e province.-. tis fi lHe here directed t e lerk toread asmn- fi*iernuen ber oet bp1 documnents mmwhcli atibeen "alceserserretiupouhim ince. tieir 1)utses"On, sU b.Ct-if seiicis haitfaled in a entiig tises>front Ile an- meeting it day ta trapamet tise £Ceu*t> mas thon busines. -No later titan yesterday tise ibQt d not tCourtof Cisanceq mwas oceupies inbuans- the>0 tiseueto bchwst li , grumgielit on an '41,nlueiosescssn toit! hlm bave beaseved upea tisen t tisa i ng. waet* u Ssiic erb ou- altsgud before tise Chan- ,d thet it cellon b>' tis ablest Ckuscer>' laseyers la fby as&et thse province, t"tihlWtchamce asiedte W ii THE BY-LAW PABSEDt sa attached iis signature tisereto. The ebureis ias fiied with - people rom larices parts or the Ccuà t>-, Annýthé is atmouncement of tise Mardcm, s tremcn- does round or applause fllhored-e but ibis expressinn of popular, approbation was promptl 'quchleti by tise 4ortier"<frontishe Thse Council (heu adjourneti for d<muer. lmmedistely atter tise pmssing of tise 1y-law, tise MWarden-was directei te issue tise Debentures efthtie Count>', miiciswax donc, aud à ver>' large amount ai once bougisi KT PAIS, an t ie-moue>' paiti dowi. During tise atterneon tise Council ws oecepiet isetis routine business, amiong -hc mmw as tise report etfLis, building Coin- mittee on tise choice of a site. Atter soe marin discussion b> tise friends1sof twe sites, situateti respecliveély o est cNorths snd Seuthsaide of Kiniç street, WI cioice mas made ef a ver>' eligible site on tise seulli sîde. antd seuth ths ie Grssme.r Sciool.- Titis is an excellent situation atýd gîvea gen- cral sati,,factien. On tisi teninence -tise buildings miii have ant mmposng appearauce frein erer>'-,venue te tise ton.t Tris subject of tise grcat Nortiseru cen- Ire roati iras breugisî up, on t.ha-petitiou cf Kemstetis Cameron Esq., of Tiserais, ferin- formation as te uhetisar it ireulsi be itam. diatel>' completesi ; anditise missle referresi to a committee. Tis ilaà asubjeet et greai isuporanse t tthe rear tewnships,7 as tise roati is tiseir natural outl'.t to tise fr-ont, anti nom tisai our eouit>' machincry isi full *,'uratien, tlfère is no doubt that measurei vwili seon Se adepteti ivitis' Lie ssit.sce ofl tise liSera andi enterprisin- presîdeut of tise comopati>,Capt. foire, te pus it ilspeedil>' Ibrosugli tis completion. . t requires cime to liserouglily acremplisis an>' usdertahing et thi, nature, but uewAtiat se suan>' obsta- cles have Secu -remoreti, e are ml ns- sureti thit ne aigre titueîlI l lib te matter.- 1 A Môs'cment sens mat .te autborize tise Warden te sue eut in-its e! mandaumus aannt Gis andth ie tisrce otiser refrac- tory Counciliors, but ou the suggestion e! Mn. Miciseil tisat Se tee un that. caseougbt te be alike scrvcd, andi on tii. suggestio et otisers tisait teir services seere net seortis Uic trouble, andth ie proper ira>' mesmîti h< te a e sir punilisment in tise bauds et teir eonstiîuents, thse metion mas drop- peti. Velunterscouiti bave been fouustiamostg Ceunclhlers, te represent, for tise rensaindcr of Lb.- Municipal year,-thse intercala 0oftise Tomus4is_ iat tise Inuant .BIeeves- Mr Eseers meulti match erer Scottansi Gerr- gina boîli, if -ussetibc, anti ie is ablie for tise task, but net ont. coulti Se feunti, itl la un- ders:od mise meulti take chsarge cf tiserer>' important interests of tise notten borongi of Cuiai. Tise Ceuncil, oter Lie day-s of active andi wearisome labor, adjouructi o1 WVedneAdhyevnsg Tu dus Edtior of 1aur Ostsril Rspurter. Sii -iaving on a foi-mer! ozua»ionea e b>' contemptueus silence deuic t tis ediuma os pubiiyi[à ffrdeti 51 yotir paper, I cx- peet nothmng frein ,yen tisough moutives of courtes>' - i îierci'ore appeal te y%>51n-seuse of commun justice, takin,- loto conider iîîcsm-1 tise fact tisai pulîcation bas been given S>' j>ou te statements.miicis, if eredired, seouli' bave uades mueS te tise dispanageinent cf ut> reputation, both as a public man sud as a privaite individual - anti I tbers.fire put it - te y-ou seietiser thse journal micis bas g-iven currene>' te such statemeuts is sot atoral>' boundt tepermit is comumuas te bc avallable1 for tisherüt) inetis efeceeof tise part>' miso eocies- hinself to e bterebis ijured' or aauoy-qd, pncsuded tisati* uichner.*tate- meuas e ioderate botS as regards leogti andi tont cf expression. 'lI ortier Io obviate tise pessibila>' et objections betug madie on this score, 1 bave colndensodth ie present bte tise mosl brief shape tisat 1 oceipve te lue jcssible, cciiiusg ny-aehf (o a sim lie re- capitiulation of tieseme ntlainr. erence to aie, auid subijititig thencto m»> distinct denual of tiscir truitfulness; but for thse 'ake of brevity witiseni adusciag auj province of nmkbngan>' contient titereon. 1 arn a se- erer, suipi>.prepseçal to prove tise (ruth'of ni> pusition on reqsaireunent ebtiien publici>' or prsvstely, i tisereforé reqmsest y-oîsr lser. ion hereof : Finstly, it lsasadertedti bat su>' pposition te tise Jivision oui>. oniguuatedl tramn persoual pique agimsitishe lamentei Mr'. P. I.erry. zSccondtly, 'S'at 1I s electeit as ev in 1851 and 52 aïsbeing avouraisle to (att mensure, netwithstanding yogu lana;as- t srdinjmUar>' 1852, tisât 1 vas Dot te Ita Lw ,G"rammar Sebool boys.,' Being My>. self a Granisar Sciseol boy., 1 have solvesi tise probîan eoralibis tise follewhng is tihe 'A sl travel 5 35-41 miles, B 13 27"41 fandi C 20-41 #loue. Tse isole.tirneisa10ý heurs 1715-41 maintes., A. il. Alleir me (o troble. youi- uth tise ol. lowring PaoISLZ*.-Tme oCourions i tartesi from tire teirs. lu a Certain nutitbir ofl <laya tisey met, wien it iras .foundti iaI tiseý ont b* ltraveleti 84 tuiles ;uore Iban th.s otiser, and eontinuiog tu ti-avel at-tbe sain.- rate lis helee, tiseon. miii finish bis journeyin 9 <laya, tise otiter lu 16. Wh-i was tise rate atwi mule acis travehîcti, anti tise distance Selmeen tise toivos? A. IL. Tpacto aud Scraps. Oua EXTD.*.-Thc proprictots ciltise! Oaario Reponter, ever luxions te keesp ahead of tise tumes, arc determninedti t give tise readers cf theïr paper tise Panliameuta- r>' debates in fuil durlng tise sestion, in a supplen, frec. Th'iis wiii be founti mortS bal tise subseription te tise paper. Tisey hope tise people of tisis CeunI'yseul appre.1 ciate this nese preel of tiseir'dexire Le, merit auppoi f. Tise>'Seller. tiie readers cf lte Rfeporter wiii preter ibis to tise let.ters or a cerre.speideuit;misicis, of course, wouiti be leas expensivc. Tise IsutJuuctloeas e Y# Who b ave leurs te alitepremae t:0a*hW lisetnom "Il M 1ontay' nigist lait, mas a nigist ef joyous cipeetatien iu Oshawa. At an carl>' heur lit tise evcfing a croird o! musions faces besieges tise Telegrapît Office in expecla- ieu of iseu.iisg tiseitems o! tise injulfiction frein tic Cuurt of Cisaucery, tisaiiras te put an ccd,-nom and- tererer. ta tise ispes of Wisitb>' as a Count>' Towen. Tise thîing mas s&0 certain-Mn. Gibsa andtihie Mau sntis tise benevolctt ceuntenauüce isad assureti them so, andi it couti sttbS otiserwise.-- PiLci, barrels anti pomyder isat been pur:' cisasoti largel>' 50 as 10 enfiliL e»ansd carry' tise r"nrtof tise important facit tiste ver>' doors of tise poor people et Wisitb>' four Mtiles off. Ai lengitisch insibJous fliti set tise litle macisine a tickiug, andi bore tise ope- -mratecyca moulti have answeicth ie purpose jof bat pins, as Se reati off the folloeing: -NO INJ UNCTION ! !l"IlBut' again, a (civ auppicmentary mords of consolation felloseeti : -1 ut wc can qitash IU Bg-law." .,,^A e sio isappointsnenî arese tit made c igist bideosas---it iras fearful te hasten te, u. 'richeuais of tise Souss ere ist dangrer o( sbaning tise fate oet tue walla et Jeriche. ansi seien if suissideti Oshawa mas in a floodi of trars. Whit a contrasit tiste "Dry Cor- ners." Titçma iitistisebienei'oent çossa- testance arrivetilfnrnis 'Toronto tise saso uigist,--a perfect Niobe, ivitislte- excep- tien of isis bearul. Il. lied liveti man>' y-crsoubis muà <sn. -Tise 6"littie river, rose aEmazin gly bu a bilort spaee of tbme--so aucis se as te parthtie machiner>' of Gi;bi Milii mb a more tbao usual petti h .atter. rise IeneveléetCountestance ai lenglis mripeti bis eyes, ansi saisi te tise peuple " 6if y. mtiii furosis m'Ie îa 11W. more moueii' I miii-. "quads I/le DîLs Mas, peer Oals.ssa, you have quasset yoursell'. . bare are -thseisundreti- poundu j tisai tis suit-m'a -6 estyou 1 Wis.re are tise otiser large amonts that it est y-owu wsork unnoyance te lise progrress eftis cotant>' aime tise pasge efthtie Ceuni.> Divisions Bill 1 -As wlmcieugit.it b.c"in the, deep -besoinofeth.e man bunied".-4or certes yen cannot lny your finger on a siaugie point George Drown'rn1* Noticésq," Mods.sty ashorus talent as i doesthie Vin-ý tctea, anti lfllincg its dut>' tu botis, bose bshsshiag>' it sts upon tise front of tise ment- ber fUr Kent. Altitongis but te'n ycans lint tise Province, anti a' (cmdays in tise fouse of Parliament,ise iba prodi;y et a poli acian. kis great talent didovena tise tvnnts af tise neforni part>'i à lu a ' i~crior degrce tuo tise mise mere eduscateti aniong thse people, -andi mise have battieti fer tisent adeu bu iras i inacrdie ; but svien great inteu-est:s ame at wtake,. misy sioulti le net £ive mnsslmatva Telogra»Ia Loisam lumtis(Ymed 1814;- Intbii year thse iist liste ofelec- tric telecgrap4 iwas built in tise- United Slate, andi ettcnded from Wa r tot Baltimore, 40 miecongrcssi havi g made -a giauit of $30,O00to enible LIS-am to go In Ilis year a litie ias construet- cd bitwecij, Sciv Yoris, 'l>iladelpisia andi *Wilnýington. andi early in18141 the lhue frolnt Výiltinffton te IBaltimnore was coin1- pIcted. 1184 :.hIite spring of this year a line ivas opericil rom New £*1ork te BtîlUeo, andi in this year a hîi ws ais openesi bctwceu New i ocrk aýnti I3osîôn, 11817î: Lices ivere bstlît bet-we-en Phila- delpl1a, 1'itsbtirgis and ,ti ei.natti, andi frore-bi-S latter point hlses were built cx- terslîng to k3t. Louis. andJ from thencc isn otber directions one of whiciî extentsed to Galena, la., and iùjils cour8e înterio.lked seUls an extesnsive in'tcrlacicg cof Lake liner. Troy' and Montreal liste sas buit tisis year; it was aise luthis year and. carl>' in the fol- lewiusg that* Quebec, MfNostreal andi Toronto ieerea put in c ommunication, and isow in 185,2 listes are 'constructeti ail ou eadî .ýtatc ln tise Union, andi on ail intpertaut routes-tisere art (rom '2 b7 senTes, exceps Ici New. Orleans by way of Cisaîleston as.d *iavannas omjîetin- lhues to a considerïà - Il isatent increase îelegra-,bing, ai bur-ines-, men rel>' witb mort conftience upon liîaviu," tiseir messages transiiech. -Two ines upon thse saue route are ras-el>' out of order attse samle ime. Thse three listes seith 2 wires tacis between New *k ork and B.uffalo ainti Nes York and Boston, do thîrec tintes te business that wa.s don e wsen tbere irasý btone liée. 0f one thi*ng ail M.iy feus assureti, tisat tis he lctric e wheraph ta ysrt in is istfancy, Thse lumeeamust coule wsen ail the procceslîngs in Parliament andi Congrei#s wrill bc transitteti in ezt enso to ail parts et tise Province andi ail over.tise Union dail>'. l'be tiine will corne wben .*,iuw O. leans,- tise City of Mlexico, ýSan Frasocico, ad Astoria on thse Pacifie wili be in a constant, steady andi dasi>' communtication seit Mon- treal Nese York and Bo3ston. Andi Ille; turne weul arrive ee great telegrapi unes seul unite ail parts of the c ivîlizati seorldinii dm11>' communicaion. %VWlesttise Tlegrapis is eltcak'ti to Lise Pacifie il trihi bc practicabie ici euieuti i nortis-essi to J3eirine's Strait.s, ssbichis l Iosity about 30 miles wjtle an i s latbonar tdeep. Once carrîed into Asia acrosi tisc.e dtrits, tbey couid 1bce.arriedti te &.Peters.. burgis, andi frein tience to Gerrnany, seiere I sstersecting witiste present fines betireen Londion andi Paris andi othier iLuropean cap- itals, they would bu put înto commaunications wri'Nese York. AIl idea cf-costnes1in- Eunrope sntis iAmerica b4' lises exteailin <lrerîl>' across tise Atlantic à u u.Urly lus- Ipracticabie andi abâurd. ,IL is h>)und in, land seisn seîî.in; mc»aý,es ore,- a circlui, ciloùl four, or ive-isunired.imiles, necesa- r>' te Itave relays of batterie's andi magnets -to kcep ul> or x enes thse carrent andi itsa an- tiont. llow ttis te be ti.>e in Lise occan for a distance of 300 mile.. 1%t b>' way of- Berine's Straits' tie liole thing tae practicable and ils accomrplisbnieneb el ise brougist about seitisia very f(civ en.- Thtis donc' andth ie political moyements andti dascusinsa, thse state ani condition of tra4e andi commerce, thse up5 andi dgsens c(J d;il>' lifc weul be dwly 'anti sînsultan-eoubly pub- liâ,heti in Paris, Vienna, London, -New ,York, 1Jo.sîen, and Montreal. lu Euglâand tise eleetrie telegrapb lbas béCome a moostrous monopoiy, hein-cisief-î 1'workcd b4 railway stozk jobbers.Tisei ry> passage betiveen Cap landi, anti Galway', Irea The contpany baitishe e! Ne.voundandfor 30 yi a bonus of 30 square $30,000. Wituus- live years j predici that tise Euro Pubisiseon tise Amei ized for a. cîpai lase, a se eousider tise elnrý,çeâ at Ilociseter sufd elsewlîcre it sefll le seen that tisps ternis are liberaI, taking into co-isleratioi, toy ithte enorinou,, ex-pen.-a to mmi tise>'go, ta~ P; Ovide ,èr- te com<ort of tlicr guestas.- - 'e. M neniiun tItis noi s.tlisat parties May' bu aivare of tise regulair charge ai ail thse iraI chaoï itousews. 'hiit W E5T 'nxluQTE1f-AinoIrth ie elegant anti convenicnt armranenti beinoe mAdu for tise comfort of guests durin; tise Fair days ilu 'root, hbth irs rl asa -lotels, tisere are noue tîtat-wliI surpais tisose of J. ,Mlrphy & Co., of theA' 'aVe «t'1t 1 .Aircai>'nearl>' enotîgh mone>' bas been ecx- pended in a ttting up'tis* well-kwoo suse, wviîl a nuinier tf ethers in connection wits it for the occasion, to ercet, a cornfortable isotel. Tise arrangements for private fai- lles bere are excellent; tise rooms are large, aîry anti ricbli>' furnisiset, andi ever>' part of tise bouse is -itteti up seitis a correiponding gooti taste. Tise table andi attendances la unexeeplionable. 'Amnt otiser va]ubl arrangements, ;we îtoticed «tlargo> reading room in tise course of erectue'n.. Our friesid f.-or titis couni>', intending te- vis tishe Fair,I ivoulti do seeli te suke au -carl>' application b>' sending up tiseir naines, as tise cncUr of peopile in Toronto7on those <laya seul bc greater tItan ever ioek place beIure *ao .,imîlcr occation.kum PricKdwtaiLiAiiitU, comnsioitl>' as Frechta's [Bay, is now ini full occupa- t'on as a liarbour of refuge mnd- Fort of ecIr>' for schooners -anti otiser craft sailing on Lake Ointanbo-, wsec are dail>' enterîig andi heavîcoe il; ou Wýedneailay hast tiscv isac a vi>it froi tise steamer Dà -wn, insus) sisippeti (rom thte Company"s store-bouse t 338 barrels fleur'for Montreal. Tise worksj ut tise openinsa imb thse .Bay, are not yet~ <pille fanislieti, but are fast progreasing untier! tise abIî superîntelndcnce of F. Cumbserland, Fn4iudtr and-, Nessrs Cotton & liosr ,~ çontractors for tise work, Tise channel or entrnncéý basi aine ecet of -uater, antd titere aiesix feseLup Ltise bCoin pany's marcheuser, wblis liai for isoute Ilne pat ben reasi>' fo1r tule rc*ceptioen of preisice.i AS IlICtDFlNT.-Wbhile tise etiltor of t! e Ositasea Iice m<us wa5 takingi notes in the Ceuncil roi, tise niesober for Mhra andi It-aia, (directi>' b4îlind Jiviseun ise IVaI nai tise- Lime «iLn~ as ad.IrcssLsg te Coun-j cil, selten bzhaispjened t3 ay'tisat 16tises? ivas a ra,, got u;) in OItawa, temporaril>', .iiled %vitis a tisbue of lies andtinmurepresen- tatienI5, W rthe purpose e f' misguiding tise l>.o?)!e ofltise rear townshps" Tise editosi jicked opii notes anti mps immediately oni bib ira> -home. Titi, accotants for tise bortnvs of bis report andth ie tact tisat lie nerer even tolt i bisreadds's that thse Dg- SL*W /ladaPaaedl,thse mnaimportant ne. Se coulti couve>'. -NIÂCÂ-RÂ-a.-An élection for 'Nia-,,ara wiii take place inmediately. WVe uder-i stand tise Ilou. F. Ulincki itendà t repre- sent Oxford, for botis of seiicisconstittieu- 1 ces lie mas retureacta tise Lat eleciion. IL is rumouredti iat Josephs C. iMorrisoa,t rise sel sne et O atsemn progneas ani tise res jte a select Cosomit1#_ MIr. B.Llli'iSib j force iras tisrosçu ou I isoént.- Mr. Gnmble's bill companirs te kerp t6 reati a Second lime. .Also a bill et Dr. nele tise chsaritable la ced Ili. Mr. Bilia CenUbtî ast 10 tiseî Jud-es of Cuniy C da. Mr lion. r.Camerc manufacture, importa catin- iquors in tis 'Tulie luse ment i hiou of Mr. Lanigton fprmalities inthtie h Councils in Upper Cý M1r. IHinckg suted s§it for Oxford. A n, 1 e isà ueti for Nia-ara l'ie leuse la nei jeeT o! retrenebruer lioniton. DY TELE Tise steamer Rei River, mas Stomn un to-day-, î.ear Bristol, scaiding ,25etiser. Tise toilowisc ad& receiveti relative te 1About 1ri menbar tatci prisoners lilh -of Hlaarnais. Se: tia one of tise prise:, MNally ausjecei pen I'nited Sac.'i rni fortications ans :- era. Tire huntIJre caîîturcsait.Vuelta Hiavaniais. TIse>' w ia mantflactsînfia baa c. nti w"maaisefon ici bave becu Iittd %scen onsthte coast. cd in tise Conspinacy A Cesînci[.of star. butI noilin rdefluite pire. TIl- cens'piracy se