Ontario Reporter, 11 Sep 1852, p. 3

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UCÇt Mnwm i rato o&.C., iOuewhat b4afard.ss, aastt Dot* U ftesa .noyi.Thse Plia, as we e s'4".IIit, is to contruet a sturbO a.teI.gràýh let"en Ogdenàburgb and Prescott; or-to n itsl lcoaaetoi be. _10W, on tb. ulms4s.-di. Wirest or course, bsing hig$saboie ,the Baste ef craft on lte river. Tbieie would connect witb tise Cu~adian Grand 'e!uok '1feegrph Compa-1 rsfy. 'ie dv of m t ucb a Une would b. equal1tiste busess su en On elîher ide undilu wtii wortb*ihinkiusg ori It î% prOpý.I sedt o use two wres. whicleilitbsrwg g- j densburgis in thse main circuit, Wisicis weuid gg usi dire« Cotaunicatisjn wiîb al Pro- anesif points*- CALIFOIRNIA. By a late arrivai at NeW York, wt.- have Uew t§ ros» California, tu tise- 3 let .J uly . "bcisc n:eiicncc frein tise mines is lsy nu mntens ,clierinig, yet -wtt art -tutti goi ss soeansfouuselins thu bedit Of Many Of the river, in greit abundance. As usual ire. chiet chWraceristic of tthe news titis tinte k crime efthtie muaI revolting desritin- Ilorriti murecrs are et daily, almoât Iseurly * ccurr enre, antI theu the Iynchifl; oethtie sîurderers 10110w, tisus dtublith lihdeou4 crine. 'Thie inOst sic".nin.- tenture of I:hu -newsq, lsojwe'er; î4tise atrticies crusclty witl iuiich îhg wiitcs, use tise îian - Tis. e whitie% nîpear te fancy tisat tihe Idi- atseare piutîsng thcir destruction, an-i ta1k. ig autrantage thcerore, of titis pour ci- cuse, ýwliseuever uisey find a titraggling reut sin, teimmedia elý tie hilanup andI lynei hlim,. aitiougi t hiy ;nay -have no"ciiarge vvhalever leu tre ,_,atiint hur. Iodeed we- are tub!' dtlisaI aparîýy of white$ met an In- dian boy alule,'ini Yuba Valley, on tise 21lst July, wisopi îhqy 'wtssedateiy seireti a-nd- iaaeiun aul adjoininx t rec. TJhe ont)' - -way ilat Susidtty . je diIù%îisuiabIe troi othier dasisthaI on that day a s .ýW aineunt or'crimne, ot ail kiuds, ta commnittei.' Titia je figitfui pictire ot Society ; and tise local paliers assure us thit Itise aws of te eouttsry are tjcite irtoperatiVe: ýbeintd cumnpktely spercetied by tihe codcoi' ud,e~ urnsare oftàa oure favorable cluriter. tLtig ii »tise Soutioernsdig toa.oisgl thse advinced r.raiInnro v#ýius', tand un' Nre. tise n'î;s ii wshedys -oen euurliptsg. li siis tale Of tise wdtt'riï, Iltwet'er, bad pîartiIy given ay, an,-] 1ls loruspects eoft tisemiRer1* outhie river ietis wers' bettrr. -(,ilthtie W1hoe thse acctnt.s -are very satf lsîi~y sd ti i yill oQ!Lihe --preeisus iitul duroj it L ueit folur'ecký' - wll dioubtck sie very Ilavy. $.ve-als' j4u~era haut b-tec;î a bv the iwaier cisl àls itigiantuts acmTa' theiI"Iait4Wrir ise> haut us wihitt)sian>' ilicitie>. Tflh - itu iteiiosrjrrlîa;i , ni ud'ou ais quleD 4r, -i' îs furîtL'rr'4snt ,ti" b meninide vm i te pnt oSthis nis.dtants. - Troules seiththtie Jndi-tsst ' %veeuoralino-el 4laii, Occurrence ; ue .r.1i aSdîtiasnintirtls-rb hâ.il bretiicommitteti b>' tbem5 snit believceut hat isse>' sere aitt truaii a ge- iscrasi *ar a,asist lte wiitîý%i A deattt nîirek î.d u ur- l ut t rdtr CcI, s in li si,ý any' iserotisne-c waa tsdraeurm ~oquel11 tisedlrlau. - - Eiort< ivere beini- uuedo fkr a içenerrai clolir of tise utoreas- ountise Saitialis, ---- Tise crolpc îI)rorie an aliassîdasit hiarveast. 'iTh sie nt theîià cablieitmeut,, of aneleCtric tel4*graisin Califorîsia swab i kel>' Mu trder of ais Indian. tebys he jsi. fi dut>' lu record an- ustermun'.'r, %ultituek jîî'a c ii 'ls - s-arora, un XWsii.dy lt, b>' eVlscli an lusuian froun - unce>' 'us-is ur s 1 i'te.- - s-tipears Itlit t;1nuint et r lisdians es-ts- iected a aloggitstgbee. 'lWu ur tihe parI>' 4îsssgrsred, %bïwlslqr (ln tie Io e, anti cemmenceti a tearful ftgiti. Wisile onc uf' tIse two w:ks dosen, isas-tier of tise psu îy camne up ;ied strusck tise'on"e tiat heIs.!tisea otiser doten awyeralî iAus sors isthe iati wiîi a - ansilaIpie, affi kickted hlm un lise brea-tt a ivyeritîsse.Af4sôoàas lttr u-_ ueized ise s aille lsbausdsîuke, whsich va'a tisrown diyw,, andtoîîtowedth ie Itidian, anstdt Jutait hum une blotw »pun tlia ieaut, wicls had thtise'ctet fIe inai iaeau'tsly ce r> rsntise evsrniuo«thtie sie dri>.- Th'ie Indian who perpe(trateut té duei, sec aînderxand, is ludigtd li liamillo;n jail,ý ttis aseait iis triail.- ra tfaetl C tier. Co$a~Mpîuzs-'t'woor tlree yearst age, Sap tie &ieftlC .merrican, cexperinsenîs were maoe by gîembers efthtie London fa- reulty- ef P-ispieins, un diffrentisospitals, for -Y tise cure et diseasies efthtie lungs, b>' breati- -ing ins warin iedicateti vapors. Tire sue- cesefth ie expérimentes ws gratifyin1g tisat an institution, tise Bronipton 1lOnusisîal, for tise cure et breurchlt'ns andi consuneptioît, - ,as wîmetitattly ertabl*uied, ant i u favora- ble bas been-t4c respt. o e t sreâtunent," tlset thre nutisisr oL.patients admnitteti during tise pat is lebebw4eotwe and itiree hbs- r < dre 0 auithehopit4 re-porth show tisaI fuli j 8 vOlty4ve in overy lbuadredi bave bcoeu compîetely cureti, JGA$ PROU WOOD.-In experinsentà Iu ,u -propoied te secure -tse ien-des y <rit morirge on~ th~e property of each par- 17 te- wbOnadimno., s ay b. snadeand for thein te g*veth aralce of thse Cîty of Montre,! 1netise rwsî place. andt iat ofthtie V'rovincial Goverament ii tise next, for tIqe paysnent of thse principal andi interest due. Acvm»-tDs.-On Monday IssI a sipan of herses belonginç to Mr. Samuel Magon, of titis village- while left standing in tihe roati for a few minutes, gel ailarme.t andi started oÎT at full s4peed down King $treet, andi sehen oppoiîte Me1ssrs. Cowie'a tore came in contact with a horse -belon, ing to Mr- John WMerr, drivinr tise tongçue efthtie wngos 11,10 the dtissk ethtie homse, kiliing hum talinust-in%t.ntiy. Thise ore klled was valued nI £25. We lhope t1ls circuin- âtatite m:sy bc a wa;riiing lut otls.rs noi lu -ilIuw tiseir team. tu stisii i tie strcet-for one m'>Mt!nt Wiîlioti: hein r plope>-ly s:rd MARIRIED, On Thssssdlay Ille 28th Auscsst, utthle uasirenre of Ilble le 'a Ç.,:ler, Iy tihe ev. Sarnssiei Arrnowsr, I{ertor of 4 *aVsrs. M 1. %Wlliam reiéctonM.cft, eit, lu Anisu zsele.ttiduzhtir ofC. Lijew1- sois, £E.q., %I-.c-ili, County ofVictoi ia. At B a 1 îe, Ilastituraî, ot i e I7ili Jily Lis, G..ore, eldest soin ut' E. W. !Ut-Ttons'o, JSs., Qsoebec, 301h& jul, 1h52.- NOTICElis Iserebv giien. tisatishe Scisool 11Lssds in thse Cosuties of Bruce, Grey andi hulron, are now opeil for sl eatta eîeaon T 'he price tob N. Teis hiliirss per acre. payabie i f 'rut) eflual AnlisaIl litileiti. witis inierest: li" I frut sstalment 'e b. pa'sd 4iipon rcceivinq ait- thuity tIocter tapon thse land,. Aclussl occupa- tioi te hie itfnediaiteanti ccotinhse; the 1asd Io lie cieatrt at thse rate of rive acres ann'îalylor every hnn.tred arres sl.rir the <irst i valyoars; a ilwelljn-- bouse, ai teas .iut ei> rwtort hy t #eilty- six, in l#e erertmsi; d th-sstev luereeerved snti the- landl lis te;paidt lui liflltand patesiteJ ati ti 19, %r4lject ainy ri.rit tittis ev ti'ef~ j,;j~ otu he s.u-sn the- iSalo, -a1Jtlîhti"na roi ocs'wpiti luIoe nîill in'l va,'l in 'aneeo neulo-ct or vîol<siïm or tsy ot-tho, cnndttuui ; tis srlr'reta b li ett dtuolîbtait a iPaitenst suns1"oTi. îslyilsz it ish aitils-e oitioni; net i mre tisen Sein hiiiîdîed ttres te bc-*rildIotaany vite person nms ghi-de ternis. 5-Aliai.s is thre Pioviusce te copy for onec m'nitls. 19. V ALUABLE FARNIS FOR SALE lit Bellev~ile, on tise 701s Ait,i nstat, in thse5o AC P, 1.ý of tise trou part etilot No. 5'7 21d ye-ar <f lb#r Fiec, Mai>'.ftis e lovetilvteeof * t ror. VAUGý;I1AN. 20.acres imnptnvect un- lt*ilsauss 1lsrriltîo Ptu ra$Etî., antd only 1itî'r der zooS riluve, asdin las hi,1559eocln'los lof tire lion. John 141s-0. wîtlt a ,'ornlîrtable Fraiue l)Wrllliir loeuse andi At iiatisîltnr. thse 231h As.ai tise îeriltleeA Ian.acm' ci ltae A neyer laills hSream hortriirîzIw (t%'iltîant Il 3ilsuJIsi1> tirs~es he lot. Francis Mary. yosinem-est diu'tilter of JobInsB.u- Abins 80 nt'rpt's he lroni*of- lot No. 58. lot con. mats, }<'q .riord t.9 >earx. jVA UG;II \N. 6)> a'reu improved virl'saDeto In Mlotsrersais utiss- 260%instant,.ly tise 1ev. Hoteossieît 6liiihltssiti yulsnc oawbard ti'sisIlbear, M M GîI, J..AlitzirtNelson. to Misa L'altne 1t12. 000 we'li ai Watei &C., Scott, alv casscltteu ai thse late Williaàmfi. Scott. "Thep Paris are siiu:-ted on Yns'eGt-STAv P.T. lCsq. ftP. ur tise coîsstyoi Two Mouustisse. 17 mits irnm Toinitio, mnUse vicinity ofRtCII- -CON S1M P<PION !!! Algo, 100 actas lise soistir all lot No. 4. 10th cois. Of IUpt-t, in tise new Cntsnty of Ontario.,6(j Evet buyleowu s ail.iîero~îisesc, tru- tacres un'let cult'atioii, wiSb a tlog Dwellinir loius rueoces aîd prostresbes bu îniil0IaîStItt halIelre aniud i-ain. uiuik OicisarJ, a siiei l ailing Spring urge iaie-l 5, the 1ungja art a Wir,- t(cerir,- crtek. tisen a stsdls'rs exîroare or chte-gf irntleat b Io W, - Ais> 100 arrtsfile wext l italuilot No. 7, 121h cons 5uoditres rui ailtrotsind inîan nfew daya ar of ilie *Ntd 'r)wihîi oi EACH-. 1.5 acres tm- Weectil,il klqSi, P the 1 41 Ofsiw sl usY COngui)js s%,ctIsa e1.rminetiîîstrt'ïnxi f atcr cruses sait lion, For ait lr<oiesrulil witiàcotiiti r isur i nrm lut. jI#Iittt, wiv walrt l it# i l avert liacreolt'O"i tis Alto, the 'w,'àt I"e-f aiflI Nu. 7, 2d. con. IlX- '(b" -clsciuyandiI.us'ris."iis"L tit lt' i 011qalirs) tison i l-e premnîrSe. I'lefe lf a oS c-ertaintu )cuisletn 1sis t dîs-atF-, ' 1W'tLf. -lu eb eteofinst.)ilter selS a5 iâ (7tiiiir4>,i-- ali 4of !fi(hit*ii ile n'I5lii>tar 4-itcEl brssli'y of fe -tPulihi le mnuroiý u y lv ,ttitork à i o lsher. ' J .hr' jst,, Nevv ri"ats' ui; ilsof- and %0k1 lliii 18mil#-'« Yor>sk, Iol eronsail Orrîns ii i i !trteil, fioa i i isitiii Pioreusn1Lake (htîlooinisiri 'rreusra »c utntjcson, litre is reilmat- ci'ess l adaal iSeisoîti Ilentfr'sr,, 15 arta saa tise aljsiitiîin Io', -%Iliniproveti ÀAIlifnrsy nit LiIt's:Vyllr st, Alo,< a s 1)iii Dtliiti" linsise and lotin btisa IVlITIl'Y VILLAGE. V LAGrt o! WWOKLIN, in thse Towsh~1ip of (>lrie u is le rotiqns ir-ss-nî.-uIly oegruspied as a Lais Wt llY Ohfsîe. h>Il0)uiait1,sq IAis> s IliWri-s rF n ll Ie VIILAGE of OSII. U îI(;'K.N1 S ITIL'S CO.I<. -. A 1 il îl ;, Psi ief ty fo 6r quality and Io- t-at ion,r sth ie sirtun 'sirtsl;ia cisar',cter aSd il -~~~~~~~ eit- 114 srnt-ii j' IL t u.t'. l ijt tssruhaers. 'il- US F' te reiied, îe p e-riiiie-r iirio, .50 - sirttiss spirvaioaî C: . .Krtu.- l'y ýwatr iit the V LLtAGE ni tJ.sIIAWA. Ali li d -rrp - iï- r. i F. IKELLER. ilari>' sf.t t 1~2-2-t Obià 9 rriî, S218-Il. --____________________________N"tfâ!k .¶)r-îreng-r l0 ccpy. AO\PUBLIC MEFI"'I'ING I-_ 111til 4li ltid iii rte i.Tî-nànhup s-it' St*EA l inosthse CROWN LANDS DEPARIMEN-T, '1,lt' N lltLL o Is:: 1-SDAYîits' lit ci> ' ti1 Sesniisi rxIt ttht Sinus i'I1">si'sck l the Qucbrc Git Aleln$4ltrise ppish! of laklirg lt, CoriI!elsii litir-ilaC proets: ut b .r clrrnrïu a lu. thre N 1 ' s ereby givesi t'fat fut're ofit la t ise-01unrtsthis er-nia ,se4ý.-o-in thse iespcctis'c local. C04Iqem OF EOLi4 5 ies"iiettoase' b~ ~~~~~ Ilîcven f sc<tg ssdidOccFinit ~ ~Six Petintepet acre,. pays- aile' -P"Per tu-Iil lî ivit buris h ; isthfiis i t aiuegiti Illei enannisal istalnenîs;, s.t'iîin itel esït, erre cri al fie aàiS meeliist.t tua elect a commint i-eeloi thi e tSiaisurenrî [qirsot-Ër-oofcarcyitir.r itanetlert te uesilionrits ol h îm-ofae aisnilnsp-îiît arS atis srste îmela aie ara~ Eit a tse t~usstof Oliîtsnis, ittiui Upper ";i mf.tifi. aid l te é4tie lme n fke voe auadi, FtsîurStriliiîîis er ace. In lte he Court- of isleparte.'ebetlil, ai s t Ilcfitity in wlis'li'e t lîiaTre hlnusprae;rm swiais cf c.si) o llaerei-t"d, bahouls ie i i.o$ ty Of Ottawy-au-id eSouîh ilsn- ettj. aesrcc inti intae %seiâîtai-thse waîiàaundtasrîioî Îl' ie thecsc',notisof tise St. Larwres-rc'c o tis etnty '1'uevîrunip .1 ianfu. ,,,, c it IleCtirutiere River %Manchcsier iteacis, 26th Asnz. 1852. 21-2v. f411.1F. F ET/., wosid zespettilv ssstorm ie liata .keî i t aI n nt r)t 'uÎoT i., fi ilie ve-ct FfhIt djp>ý. u whi. e ss I e çr)ale.ýl tn ex ~ DAGUF;i{lhi(JT I<ELKk.NE'ýNE iiithe. Miwtate ~of ;etctuliod a* priccf; mll i-Il .slti1 everv 5.uy to cmrbrafie th t ulpoittun- y 11Wo1ertd. No ,ntures takln rs-4y utlets g-tr'cion~veil.No regarsd ijul t,,)Wemalher, R4xjnts open firom s A. !AI., te 5 P. M. lVtntby. 2îîd $iitenr,,$M2, 12ti oi l~'EIENEN Ti~tlluI $~ SEAr E 1"II 'NseSlenidid Upper Cabon StanrOenWave À.LMWSN WRIGH V', Cou waiSr l pi>',s.;ularly bieiweeti HAXJLT Off and - 30 ý4I'R?-ÂLI O-tc. a Week titring tiisý,tâ ia ( s iNîsvi.ouuiou IcavitusHaîrsltoa te/ety 'I'uor-tDAT Jor .Mutfy.',lat I eeiin.u, caiing e aictntlur squate, Oak- ville and port Creuit. a m. t;lcilliW a uSý1111B rOeouiÈa, tPeortkr hbustteu, BondS Head.S Port lnoc. CoPbtitnir, Kinstoner andti ntammeiie Port4nn tise River St.'Lawieitee, <wueaîhiseupermaitlits; Ranttlq tlro)uçhthe îdsalu ýf the RasiJe.and arivingt-Mnt rsueal int le for Pasuenge-ri for Quebee, te leave by Lise Mail Linor Boals. - aRettnrnlti;-SO wilI leeve Noutreal for Ifaut- i1fon on Thuiroday al-noom, and iLsetsisiauron tise arrivsl ortîhe 4 ot-loek CJARS firssn>WNI'RE- -a-dieneir nad ri, (lise tir aistiSix l'encee pe-r rte-.eIlui tie Di strict ut Qitel>,ec, t oiw t River Cisaudicre sîni Késrnele us' Rss. Tw( Shil- ling.sumr actec-.r tht' Districts' nf TSrre-fDe'ere, ,SI, Fr a nd is s i M,,trai, sauts ni' tise St. Lase-> entre,Tie iilue per acre:.u ieI)uuro ;ijspe art Couly ni s.utueiay., Sie Shiilling; pur 'scie, iiitilt caus&payable inurive rs-rnuai ustal. irstfit, wiils itttastu se flitis ai tise îiîue o Fos- bauds chassres in1value bysperial icumn ,Inc istb tri extra prieris-tit4i'4 Si ié('5t Bis Ilexcs'tlency te Gu'erssvr Gurîss-ratlusn Cettcil May' lcitt't. ruîcupr5tmunletabc immediale anti rontî. tr.osî, eLaidte ta liceares i aIthse cae -aifrvte -incas aliiostsll: for every biindrret acres slturii 'V"s years, ansd a dwellisic ig iteserteCiedtinet r ruiafit eitteuti ted lîy twenty-soix lecu. Th isa imlpcr Io e ibjeciteoais>'certeral tl.mlier 'lstv it- ra>' le impoord. 'Sst - SaIelea1 iersînre nniant ialuin case ai sîeuei ot r tio-lttiiiorl sny oflthe Conditionis, lhti c titléi taelise e.îtatlt'dteobahia sPatent r lulinc seitsail the candtiina. Nut siore thaïsîlIwo IrunitrC ci c ectWsCid te sus>' - Z7-AlI jitpers ii hie Provincec tu eopy for one -Wis;i,Au;. I4th, 1852.1-ln SANW MJLL, &C,, For Sale 1.11IE SIscrberoffers for sale bis pro- 'perty itualiftin PifiKERlNG, six miles (rosm rnebsnati*s Bity artel twenty-ftve from Tc- roio coisiutisg or . ONE BUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, on wieb lis a Vjrt-rat sw Mil, 74 lent lon,< '~Ep C FULLYZCsan hcm eannounce te hie customcz5 and tise iababis~f isIiptisaIe bas. o<Whftbl rrom bis (armer Sltopa bis port Wsittsy andl CocnorerialBuilihsnlaWistiiy villa, otise NwChequered 8t.ore, Cornr ofBrork and KngStreet$, Wisere, in adiditions te ithe ntira'stocks frein bath bis aid stands, hi bas opeuset ont a large amsorîment ot New, in Dry Goods, Gc eèeJIavy and Shei Hardware,i Boots,4 S/ies, Liquors, Drugs, 4-c. É4'C- rc. AI! or wlich lte will SdIl at Lowrer Price. tta:, Ever. Wbîîby Village, 7tit Auzust, 1852' 7-f VEYIMPORTANT. IfMO0EY isPO-VER. 7r1 1 C m' ny of th ise uî'r y %V O ý Lxx PAC'ruaire 51is tise f th ulend ready Iotuext.rciîîg ssiturdeis bin htir tife of bultiness eus tis. *torfat sosIe.LasVit.iadesimutare shinie. r ry. asudtheir e'iaheti utbaviig Cane tbro',sis' t thn"runuis repair, tbî'y soliit a 'hanre of public Tlsey willi clban,«c rnous for Wool on rcn. ~E~ï~ LN~îNUVIC IUsonable ternis.1. P. J E LI 1--S T LSURED 1 Mansfactring .tsof Prices., BYIME G11IATF013.. EIGN RENIEDY. DR. LOCOÇK'S. Pur tise Culé of Coss4i, CulJ5, Agîbuna, Braos- e'liljis, Pultiis.sîîry Cuuissmptiosi, andi ait Af-c- tîors of lise reasttandI Losssbe. .%n;t:ut5.sctitred- hy J ANl1 ESJOFINSTO.N, RochI- ester. IN. Y., sole Pli"Plietror uhelb.uiteti Staief and D BriibNes ts America, PUR3CIIASE LOCOCK'S FJM.4L FW.d1FER S. TiltBi?. isahsîl spci.- A certain C'ure fur 4McnsisutmSsspprr'5io, or'Seip' iires"sesiMent'.; lemorîhsrgua »flisor Passfs-a Mentruîst iyi Aen,,,fli, or Parti.1 t)hqtrisrtioo uat 3cise htoro6is,ur Greens Sick- îree ; L,îoulo',Fuwi- AJhUSj, Viitea, andri a THE Glîl T VEGETA'BLE MAGIC PAIN DESTROYER§ ter, N. Y. sole Il>ra;ielau. ]Fin ihecure .,Azuea' in tire l'aie amsi Bietait. M 'uî ii ise tSkîn, -, Bliitous iev esy iiS. iBuuns, Bibken Breasis, 1 CI'.ilbilaurî. C oitsu *,Eisipe5u.,Fp!locis, I'avcr- >S"$s. soie Lytas, Salit 1Reutam. &lrey. UICCis, PIE ,PILES, PILES, Dt 'iAi VEOkiTbDLFELECTUAPit,' Or Internatl Remetly fuir tha- Piles;, prepareti lu>'A U-PIIAM 31 . ID., 1916 Buweu .New Yok, aieg- ulariy edlisated Pisy«is'an w o devoles Sus stent. F leetti 1 y ts acertai cure.ts'ieiterfilleedimc zor- BJlindIe,l >o tsrsl or Externatslandlss is a . tm. er Sie.ires ti:ll Isare iseicllll-,y 1 i4sin a-ot Jialiisetio ith is i. TO ./IRRIED LALDIES. 'rie Fert.îrsry is pt.lecî!y sale fau PreCnta- Lîdrea. andi tir s.'--t uftlil Cstbartic tisaIcan c ;iaa.ntsly isu ue- .asuail ilnflt oeus>' movetise.i Pl'er, afs -i t int lianmatury Dasea &s, witisout'Pairs or ititation, tit wslosue an vscy lime, a talles Jew David has returned. - Sattinetî, Warp iticelttit, I1 12 pianuseiu do. ide. i1O Fuitl lth,2O Spinning, du. 0 7 1-2 Other work dene'in popttin. 061 a-ça WooI Cardn;and =oD tressing wit bu carti euso by thse ahovir ins. J. C. 8OWERMAN C o. WityMv12. 1852. 5.tf. GRAMMAR SCHOOLU r 'IL dutûi et fiheabuve Instituttion will breâur-ned on IONIY>4Y Ch, 30thAu get iasut. Yuusî Gentlemen arc prepareti for tîtsnmercat raersuis, &r, aien for comçgencrtti Liclor Mesuriai studie,, and ler etiisri Sthe r Ui vlai>'. JAMES IIODGSON, Prinscipal. Prt-tOr-lTiuitiiis, Board, &c. pet Quarter, isipty tu tise Plîtripal. %Vtrinisy. Atiuat 1 h, 1852. J.- 1 . PROVICI-AL MUJUAL AND GENEBAL INSCRIANCE COMPANY. Cffl;o--.ChurCk 'St*-ot Tom routuà. DIftECTOIiS. J. G. 13wzs. .J.AY.M.D W. t. Ptitoij<. J.Lsul0J8N j . G. W op. i J. C. INOaazSON. V.ATICs%So.,î 1 Wm. GoouzstsiAx. - ;Ze5flsca&wîoRp. a HoeOifice. Charceb Street, Toronto, ansd ai ais neveral Agericies. The Mutissi D'-partsnent dr*s non:.xCeed £500 on atty ont risk, anid beirsecosîfinedta w setacise<, btildinge. it is i fiei eby renticredt tN moat sale anti <eiabie for Farinerim. Thoe fropu-ieary Departsn.nls -iuclutl, Genesil1 Riikâ in Fire. Lité, Nfariine, Ilancl anti Ocn-n. and ts ote prati.îus beiot alto vonesfhîd wPbin pru- liont limite, the .tt<rsti5us01 et cPublic ià cossu. By iterto DyO £r DWARD G. O'BRIEN, Wuî are îruly gr-aibfied tu e becstisat, tiiscele- iscateul peaouragd lias agaiin sppea*red ineout midiS, I Tronts>, Oct, 14't*5I. anS sippbied isis nsyests i every lewis witiba~ The ussda-ri;nest bavise been appeinted Agent sieesi supply ci hibaraoua Jkbrriu -'rat.tisat ofîlseabovecompsn>', %-llt givû Ierson-1 atten- lis icu a irui sugiaias.Notse, ssae, neet iiteprisderu uueu niuraiep. suifer an>' longer- wiîh l'in ot W'eanktess, wlo aJAMES %WALLACE. e..ho isili ullais-sa box af[i bu xrelhus)t plaâter, W1hiilsy, rcb. 14. 1821., 44 as.st ~ ip1ii>a portious ai' its îcentents tu the uai is- _________ ase p îain lu scarcely es'er kisowr tu10exist NOTICE OF CO-PARTNERSHIPO .la'ltspltà>tr isa kuvwli. - rUE busincss lsheretofoe<carrieti on w NO.. 7. te- ;T-,Y9b Wantcd lin~eIti 1y i by tl Br faameIT& 1 UÎOWWr tir Frme - JxMES T. BAlLEY. Lîfteen Tb(suaanel Cases e1 Rhieumatisun, Lame ~WL.AM I1ON $acksa1 Wcak vaides, Lacus e O t t8 t int*,u Sjit.tilj Cotrshlauiiur, Cas nsa, Sweltinqs, Tunris, *îpraitj6, Ts u~scie &ceS il oI f wbicir WC promise mtieaste reliefr; e _u-îlies nreturising.thanlc tu- b>' 'pplyit te Jew Dàvi» fo#r a klbeov Pluts-:tise public for past lavure, wutatiCulke ihis oppur- *tunily C t n thersn im aI basin; igrerec their buiiisess,-andi .mployeu a n'uuunhet of compeleuit -w,"rkmaeo, tise>' iîtentta mansufacture the K5I.U9OYS' Bomavie ËéHoiwEarthenware, FRENOH &Attise common Ras , Waxsandt ie>' lutter t Chsevs Iat ils.,>'wVilis- abile e ive entir, asîlefacto bfihs ose eleay aver thesu»wltb orders; andt esy hoe, by puats-ilty and strirt inis ntse lvinus, Io metit a e.niînusisce o! 1 S11ALLBUS$ 3 PlLIQY & . - ~o sswbIe,$enc4, BROWN.5- Hoiu$ and,1401, 0 0 0 2 larg;e 1tigiisiWatrrhef& BuîlJdu;sloeo. 50 0O0O 1iDobohle Cassta ltit Ht< trtu l*, kHànWAùe le uscy bMare, 5 yetrs elM, 25 0O0O J Lepiuse Watcls, <lood licrse, 1 yrarse 1d5(fait trotter,) 17 10 0 1f Wbeelpaiew, 00w,- Boi; Y, oeally ilew, 20) 0 0 6 Husey', PIasit <.»ser*s', Double Wadicon,ne*, Il 10 1U là16FUI cap$, Murs.- Casi, ssew, 10 0 O0 12 Machot'd Warraa.ted Axes, Cute,6 5601 3ZSteel es 'slnittle lWa&grn, <iorn asies,) bàt>0O0i3 Steel spedeià, set"l fi;< arnes,, uuw, b OO1) 24 Steel Foi ls, %t Carl Haroi., 115 0 10Clotha nd Fancy VretU,- ,DoustleBarreS Gns& Malse-gany Case, 5 10 0O 6 811k Mat$ sd dcas"s, Sinql. Beritet O'us,,2 00 O 6O Tbiîfy heur Irais CI.4s, NewPlacu;I, 4 0--0 t oîn leasurss hýbauisel questoe atyHrrews, uscw, 3 0 0 35 Te& ta L 1 ieAsiel Tis, Wli Desk, iO 4 00 other Prkzes iud'at 6 2 Lbvier Wtriseo, cappei àjew- .20 0o0o i e lle ti, <- e1'-)8 0 1 550 Prizes, T*............ .-....' otal£ 0 The abnve Lisst amnouriting tw 55(j Prizes, tilS tc dîawn oui a ximple Flin; slseiebcing Z3 isered T ickets nut usa oa Wlieei No. 1 , correipediiig Iu tht. Tic kets s&olsl, aisi S2)0slips jute WIserl-No. 2,-550 of lte slip-. bcb m tasi ed with tis ce1 a 1 P.izc's havîiq ui-0c tliber un tisat éaels nl.er bas an <quaI lsîhsice, us a peiou choseitnui)tise fspot wilt stterd catitWb dtaiwlsit fsnm WhesavI Nu. 1 a nunsisrei-#Ticket, then trom Wksetf No. 2 wili bW trait-osi il wil l the lise at e arisnumrber, whether a l'ut. ora lianâk. wiviiswill W e lieckd soitumai resectuble miens ciaseoi'fi<tutus tse preacait hoidi.<'tk- ketsi t Ie time of drisse irs;. Thse f orn thse liat consista of à LoT of LA4it» etn wh-ich ta ereclerl-a 'ruNta Sioiy Bïicx Hera, 42, thetinouer part or wbilàsije tte.t up ras a Xprv'banilâs Siop Alto, a Two Stes'y Psts, 32,'24(eetall rtis'sitough repair. Alse.a Stable 24ar 18 lu., M'mri zlsed 26tt18 (t.; tb.,'. exellcîst W.l eit îsc w Purrsp on the e imî, ati a numberef Fruit Tre6s. 71'.whoie will.rompilse one Puize. T/are u91 lU 3200 2ïcketà at Os£ DoLLk n.etach. Drasriff to con 10 oC#lock 1 A.jOL, preciul. A it or atiy ol the albovePrisms usssy le sceu on liPplication Io C. G. ANDERSI lm-ly, l4th Juty, 186'2. - t~EOR~ WU.IÀACE, C1EAiP GROOD&S~ rjESbiecriber, lun tcnderiij-,,thtis-or îte liberal patrontage ho bas1 .l'or the Itamt hrte yearis, begs ta lîtîmate tb t bc bas 7Jusil evttL l lrret trom EnZlandi via New York t/se larçetand Ibc t auuorictc'I&c1c of STAPLE AND FANOYIýDRY 0001 Ve sri>tdI itO this 4tuadet. Iliit Stoc-k ao f>L" 'O scosiîs ini parte Bonnets, Parasols, Ribbons, Printed Muslî)s,-,Muis Popls, Hoyle's Barege of the Latest St 1%li Stock oiflDonjixtî ry Guetta h ver>' extesivîe. atdlotwer lisai s iayevei 36 inch Ifeavy Grey Coltons 5d. per ya iher GnouttaInpropoýrtion, &v .IAisec.-1iparticuir ratiWntsul e is -STOCK 0F 'LOTil, C c1.sistiî:g inport of Tweed, Doe-skins aidCmz seisicis were ail itnperted iliia- Sprinàr and i bli be sois- extramel>' cheaP. Mi 4ardýware &Creckery is veiy reanplete, anti es'il bcsois) aI Pi0l. so rnef> coMI Whitby, Apnit 20, l8à2. TI W lt-s t ints-M t i Ladies' Pkin 4 or e-Ver>' It qualleet fer 1

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