Ontario Reporter, 11 Sep 1852, p. 4

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-A Womaa.D i gbts' Convention talies plàce at Syracuse on thse Sh, Pth, and -Otis of September4 Tise Cali as signed izia - beti C. Stanton., Paulhna W. Datis, WM. H. LChanning, Luȍy Stone, and Samuel J.. MIY. Tise prozrkIme 15so0 made hp of generalitles thit t puzzles us to tel! what Ae are aiter.' 'L'bere s sonie grmit _ý',ong bein; done bylv vîimtere ta calict,,bu: Vwhat that wrong is, they. nowhîere stop ta tell uq.. Mrs. St&neýon tmy, ,'thse women are ground to deatk, bat as she dots net .or ciy the> manner, Wb are* left entirely in the dark as ta thse means nccessary ta cf- ecet their lilicration. Our feinale hrethern »Ilonl4demiè leis ini parables-they shnuld leava to speak out. If tbey wish ta join 1 he' militis, or nigbt police, let (hem say so. Th-Ataiking about notbing -in particular, aat nalienabIe rights. and the blaaul of aurfariaise~,is decedly clap-trepish. und sidils offe rsuye1y ai buncomb. AaZgmin -oc ssay, tshnw 4 aur colours.-Ainerican à llair-rtutting solo -U. A t St. Louis, in tise I'nitéd Stite4,_a sa- loon, 10 feet long and 72 leed wide, lias <l-en fitted up for hair cutting 1 Arounti tise sides are placed hutis witlsin iow en- -c'osures. Tihe flaor is aof white marbie, wîh mierbie fountoins and flower %tond§s thse ceilitig and woi-word are whîite 'andi golîl, Tie doors-oi tihe bathu are af look- ion-glass; thse battis 'plated milver, set in marbie : (beliaX ýe bot and cold water andl a large jet for uny part af tise body. Thte sbàving-cbaira are carvcd ;nahogany, andi there ore crimson velvet ottomans; abovî' ts aoan is tise billiard roomn, with tsvelve tables;-, undernPath, a bowling saoan. Tt eost 40 000, 1ilW;ssbuîilding. andthe1 %Qn for furnishinx. 'The cis2rge for sbaving andi skmamp onîng the headIo lu5d., bair-cotting M., und for bath 12&di. Eiglbteen years since this town was nothirtg but an aiýsem- blageanilobg itutM andiwieam:now il con- tains 100,000 ,nhbauîtrnts. wiso h-ove thoî-ir biir tut in a. p3latiai 'aloon. Weil don, A félow, iioocounîenance sws Uglv ecnogh t() scare thse eVlaone. -'ras 1f" »eeflouritihesin a pbs-hu , Irh l.- wai obc*'rted 'sy a yankéïe vwbo aked Win. if he didn't lu mb aà ditc- b w.n lie %y.% youtg. 4" What d-o you înnei. v'oîs im:er- nnul i,1i IV 1'qVe "rto Nvîl an . -erüoketi:i fl. I i uu..)ît as btvyn iîu Ittre failets ni tthe brook îshen you vra.sa baby, and your- mothber bang yau ,ip y the' mou h ta dry."- Tiserashîoppers on Long «isanti vert' Jrowned by suudrcds af tisausands in t he profuse raies ai Wedneady. Tise 1>ft tell% a btory a.bout a Bock of turkeys whi bg not long inrftCe, wPre turne'd usto a field af gras%, mand - clenred ir of Iraâmboppers in a very short tîttie. Tise> walked'front- ane end af the, field to thse otier sin a -row af tiventy or more, niearly abreast. snapping up tihe gra-scisap)ers us tbty went. Wben tlwy isad cleareti "trip oai cansiderable breadtb ounitis lnminer, tiîey wvalked back again on- i bat portion ni t4 e liti e%îtatiste space- ilmady rirared, repttating thse r cie roc s -. Urasbopprs~il. is saitiarc as ea'iiîy driveii as geew. At Sln-,bonona place ilat ai à rel fiLsrser ckvared a field of them l'y drivisng 4w into a sort, of pen, wlîere W, sec ired tbrre peck% af themn, vhicb were giveîs to bis tsrkeys.' * Tise YanJ.r BJJaïlc lias tise followin- caution against ovcv lnscdling - vou't r ! lilaw tise oflise dayý entered a churcis n;tl took hb:$ sert witl hi., bat an. Au fJid ý .in fI ai eoiagement-sucb a iqa is a Do' RP~LPo ly wo are bles- Pol'ke-bàk5 recollipied tiov and then. [châd 'O'f ooking up with oîîvy, yoîî siould look dcown with gratitude. lFs- cvery dozen better Af Ttisau you are, Liera are te -hom o bo are worse. :l ww eTLÂ15RIoPY." J -ane, put b... b ta sien vtb laudanum, mand vade&d JUST ASRIVi.» PRNaMMONTREIAL, _' Cûnsiting in part or W1iillteCrape & Ex1îibitdoî Sh-awls îtmieAeLaines, 'Mcusin tdc Laif es, Siik & Satin Parasols, - Prints, ZébmTwr reed.4, Suannier Clothi, Amnerican CaLtons,, - &.. &C. &C. Prices a shade lower ihan any %WhoIe«aI" Store within tise limits of tise County Town THOMAS DOW. May QS1tla, 1852. 7-tf. KOSSUTHI HATS! KOSSUTHU BATS3"! N Extensive supp¶y 1sa.' just arriveti. froni 6j. 3d. upwartis. New is yaur tlune ielsys are daieroilit THONPSON, PEARSON & CO). __Whilby. May 12, 1852. 5-f- PORT WHITBY 13A1ERY. 7[LÃŽE tîndersigneti wi,%lses ta be noticed by tt 1iithah*îsîe nd the surrotmneiing Vilito;ero, and the, country at large,' that-he bas coamtltlth un tanti,- * Ilead, Pilot J3ead, Boston Gr-ack- ers, Butter 6'ackcers, 'Ind ait intis ai'C R.1 OK F R 9, with a vadtict 'if1 cjKp.iÊ. sncbh as TEA CAKESI;'oîrîý f -I'SPONGE JUMBLES, , CAKES; .ROCK CAKES, GINGER BREAD, _ 3PR&NDY SUIFS, PIElS k-TARTE, Party Cakes and Wetddiigc Cakes '1at41 teouler, andi on tise shor1tte notce, Alo aiet i <"a(hI#-itaEsAIîAND RETAIL 1f illi a Lar-ge itock of (Poceries %Vliitby, Doc. 19,18351. JAMES BATES. St; Pl#.afc'r for sale by JO-UN MAR'rlN &Co. W 0 )(Y1).'TPL Forisiarn 301b Wod portJOIEN SIARTI'N. THE ~N'"W WU FIST $1Rî,M; STf,,UEF Hllt'iCîîlS1toLX, 4MASITFit, WIllaL leave Linds-ty. for Part Perry. cIlin-, at intetnîediare tndiîtes. a-tr>' -Motîntv, WEINSusua antdVî~' orra on thse arrivai ai' the SlazoF f',n 'rcnarot srrivsnnr ait Port i'erry ilieil.a'tlaine Ile SIti;u go infRiTIhi r1lwr: Wîli fraî'.sPart Petr>' "yTi-dy iuta andi Saiturday MoIrfjilng'on Ibe auri i' tisSIr#!!', front Port Wdb; air inir i itlime tu take thse Stagte (or IPetes boran;h.- For Frjtor 1'aseage, aply lu lite Ceplasni on board, ar la tise oi#cq gr f orrax n&IRawr Part %V.hitby. Port Perry. -Mav 7, 1832.-1Z BO0OKS! B00KS!! ,r 1Xaoliri, wjiaro fie iiesk mz,~ rorstatliy anhaUui a X%<,>l asitl weli stlIert.-d mitneln o OOs, S,4'rIONARY. FAINCY (;11)(f)', anti PATEINT ;NIDII- IN ES, w Lieblit- wiil 44-11 V ry Iow-lar ca*h. an ready tua>' Articles net an ha d, oblaisîtti ou atturt n?)lire D. S. STAILR %Whilhy 24t. iai1 l». - l-y F011 SAIjI IITY T-J' liE Subserib rfe rs for S ailea jout o n whfichlis eet-iaN; WLI( ,i-iars. viih tsnery rt'ees£itry arranrlenunrlt t0t caaaffart andi casvivsience. For parieulaîs as ta Pr'ms, &c., appiy te iLOiT. GARTIHORE. WbIitby, Jusne 19,1R5i2. WESTERN FIE INURArNCE COMPANY.' r IIE Subseriber alesirea wot respectfnily 1~ ta.annouaeo th ie natm,,ji,5», and the îsttrrautanineeT diypattdAc kNTb it-, ' estern Assurarsce Company. lately or4alnizL.d ina Torontiu.I takie tiais atcainitt Pire anithte mail reasonable ternis. Alto, pait-ies wihitg a gate arîd remnuiserativ.e il- meiment or mno>' b ave now an opartunity fo an ri gio e-xeeaispg One i*itndred Siares ni MRS. KAY *& MR8. 8UCHAXAN1 jt(ý respectl'117 ta inform thse Laties Sof W hitby and Vicinity, tîjtt they have *pened a 't-hop for tise above biliness' in tise 00itoaml er Mit. WILKINSON'S WATCHMAKING é; >ÉWELRV SIIOPï M iblj o9iiî of Lthe*L)3oîb, Twio Doors bctow 31r. $Chofeds Store. M as. ICAY livin g served lier apprentice- -.lip ta tihe NMilinary bueinemss, in noth Ie p)rincipal Isouses of Mauchester. En,,land, hopes tîsat they %Vil bSe enabiei ta *gtve satisfaction ta -ail tisose wiso may favor them with ttiteîr patronage. Vie Laf estt Pushimis constan1y rOn /utll4. »NR$. KAY ANI) 31 RS. BUCIINAN WjOlL'D respectfnliy annasînce ta tie SLatlisea.that the'y have procuted tht servi- rra af colle i' the rnt)sr skitlîÇul 'rorters in thse .Stliqw bonnet tîneoaix tom tIete Li ai'Taronîtfs «0 thiaItho e ab elidta dean arui alter .stzaw Bint)(PS ta the Newesi Style aof Pashiati Wilitby, Marci 27, 1852. 50-tf. M ILLINfltY &Dl <ESS-M AKING. [IEGS ta inforin lier Friendi and ( us- tomersa t aI se haotaeneed a"n t hm ahave fine <i;ht iau t he New $iiophfill b> Moss. Biaes. is East Windso>)r. heîe mite lhupça ra r ceive a voilliîtuance i. 1Ihrir PatronaÏe. BURGESS & LIEISILMAN,- COtER-OF KIN~G & CRURCII STREETSI JOIIÇING THE COURT MOUSE, grORZoaTO hlave on kand the Lezrgest, the Cheapest, anfd the Beat assortmcut of IN C!ANADA WEST. WHOLESALE AND RETA IL. WiE have naw received aur complete asiortlùent of NEW srira&SMMUGos wbzch. unIspIl(ton, Our customcrâ will fini to bc campasd aofthe Newest andl most Fash- enable matelia, ai îhgréat variety. Havin4 Ucen splécced wiîh great carc, and imporied direct frein the b.tst RBitish, French, andi Aniericasn Markelîe, by outielves, we can conldenty suiit~ thero to the inspection of our esutomeis andtthe pnotic, as heing t lt moat ahionale, dusabte, serviceable ind i7heilt assnrtment af Renady-Mýade Clothin; and Dry Goodu in Canada West. NOUaRNIG8 PUaMSIUJD ON TE& SEOIUII8T fOIIOE, 1rÃŽig £ouù0[ti r 1rw e îr kitMîoIi crudl 3aîtl. READ IIDECLOTHINU Men'. l3own lialianti Coats, Do Check'd do, Do Bliack Alpara do Do Ritssell Curdi (tua Do i'rtnc-s o l do Do Cafaula Tvet-de tl0 D.) BFr4unul ('luth do o C...~n~re do Do(tc'1du du Do Tvo,,,t't do Doel3rnatd Cfilih di) D)o llusitIlt Ceril do Mn1'ns lMark (leti Vcesîs, )1>.lEat.dtSalut do Do i- 'î atin <la t>o Illotiatîd (do î;'r, ry dn Du ,Mars'tlk's idu Do Piiîrathra do .MetteàiCloitrCaps, l)u"a du frat» di- Vi.2 6 1i -2 9 4 1-2 2 G " 1105-2 Bay's Fancy 1'cslt, Dua Silk do Du 'Satin do Do Cloili ti0 Du Tweede tdo Do ttr l .Mer,'S o 31t.kifit rotîstri, M> L nen Drîil dô .lChek'd do DoCoîdîsouy tl0 D)u Sgiuer t fo Du lîttek.4kju - do Doa Docsalti d l3uyeâDrill (lO Do >1rlrfh'îd, d) Du t(Utuda Tu cede 41() D)O (,(Io,'e D)o 'f weedr- do Whî.Shirts, Linen Frottis, Redt Fiatin.r bittis, Utîdetr Shirt, *and Diaweîs, M e ' IaîsS'afin I-l -ack andi Nei' Si yle ('lrancil and tnrned intite nt'wt-tttan irttist>syje. 1 - 77c Livft at i?< is oî s çon cand. MîLUNERY &ORESS MAKINGU Mitt oets hes furtiser ta acquaisît tIhe Ladies or %Whithy anal Vilinil>'. that aiselisas iakerijnîa Partitershp rit the abave lino, Laite of lie Cit y ofLmd ,Enlad rawnf'n fCtrtt t- h bp"s thte T,adtr'as il, d(let ve 'ry sats'frcisnn, iu Isle sîrperrr tyt,'a <4 ftnaab aifi t-r> article, buth es Cap;î, Noanotu, &c. Mlass ;awtees bas juldt îereivk,iOthe Lateast l"amhtanp fire nm Ltson, tle hite attention oai tlire Ladies ài inito4I. Whitisy, Aprîl 10, 18,52.4-f STORE TO lIENT. 'J'0 entiii ftic Town af Whitby far ane, or a terni of veatls,tlite- lîli,(rlultaeyotC' pied b>' R. E. Ili-ry .as141il rt',td as a-raI storim. 'trie ltfsntî:sealrvr t lîrau iteair, locatiot', favatrabî, ara W vthy te ,cati:ty 'Townuoai'tise nsewi <3usty, of1er1;, supenr iidnet'rents Ia thusa- itettduîig Io pititt ea tter'eartiilucii witby Stis Apri ls152. T.l g1lrcisafl 0laie aof ÃŽiart frivin; uurisahaed thse l3rr-wervfrtisis Vii. ualCti tîk'a Ytspfe, hua' asti I ta JOHIN wonld rcs-4cttilyiy îimalc tuta ia.public that r ey tiiliaae n-)s ttin te prepaîtanffloidf'tli, J3eer, ta mikie r if aervîgtha jhigtestteîn b 't w',tio-u, nnd ni,;I ii l lets dtaîny tui tJoliVm'erei ntt ilit Brewery. -1Il onders. preÂol r-.1 attenidedt l. Afidretsa SH1EMII)AN & FOs$TER', T. . ( SIIE 1AL W'hithy, 251h Pub., 185-1 46-11. ONTAIII-OlHOUtSE, (L-ATE JRAYS.) YiT b e rîiri 1 e rs11a v é a sed th4a bov e Fj.e m l I anti are nawprepariat: lin a siperior style ion accommodation *1 the Puie, b>' large îiprove mntns iii tise Btting andi fuçniîure. Alto, by est fargeen mtnsl ndLsporsetlsin thse sibliog;se- eý,Mîawdaticen.&, a a<tei .,.. , ,--1. fraîn BRiinebs Conlejisfi f, eq'-iaI'ç. DR y G 0-71-21 0 71-21 13j Si ltiifn D,-Lnenrs rs i',,<ant IiIotîi thotuetRiblis, Lc* Edi;inra%. Attificial Fiowersi,- Shot. Cbcck'd anrf Ptain Aliy;nreas-, Table Linens. Qtuifs. (3tiierparne, Bed Tîcit, anrd 'faw,, Cras î id nlMaeiltfurrI-iar'njtr, fintns*liobeq' Capo ar.d FrOankBut-ttC-t, 1voi.3- 1.1 Mm aH AM, Attorney and-Barrister at Law, AND S01.WTTOR t[N- C1iANCETIYy NOTARY PuBlic, & CONvI?.A %Cut Air TIIE OFF1Ct. OF J. Ili-PIRRY, EsO., l'Uroi \'trert l ' Ç'Di onr; o f h t ing Strert, rieuri'lt'I'tlePLA-r-'s i O-rF, aai Withiat hall tnainutls walk ai $,Fttt!irt. To'ranto, Aprîl 10, 18532. 52-~y I subzcriher hiaving 'bren l jteti AG; =G~T f astis theuroe Cunuýjrny, wvili, t ,111 liest u~. îpyl necterreappl:eaîioïtti J. B LACK. Çoînnibus, A pril *29. ,%24-> IIRPÃ"RTANT l'armer, Parrler& Stage ?roprctor. GEO. W. MERCIIANT CEEBRLATEDGI&ARLXNG OIL ès _*O. moat mr. 11ê3to.mll siIetlao 't 4 4 1-2 4 0 5' 0 -dé 4 4 1-2 4 -41-2 Stîeltit titi,, Wap,.-p Cap FotMtts Ne-ts, Orîvçts, COIuurLs DL9 iras $ith' Wzrp Apru 2 1-2 3,1-2 4' 1-2 4 1-2 6 (uethr r'rffi!trt) tiser,- auj hé ri'aly taor !Slaia ise IITIy & Oi~1 RC YARDS ii Wiirtsy Vîctr,. 1200,03 oau M30,00 SLci't&fi mon Bricks1 aor First rtQtuaîiqýtty, ant! i àta LsrrPrit-e. P.t- tiie-sahouât fitiiltngiusfle ViitaCze wsr Is -a oa te drawn rsfI>' ashocrt dftn i. il sd Il frslty as Chf,$ '-) l tuitfl %itrickaitb For uurprîeînap>'a WM G ior JAMES LL F. 100Co~s D~ -lIlMLOCK- C0rlD W » Waîîîondat tise Bfac YAROS, fir wbicb- ~o ta ur iliitrrzl t-ji jsi V M~Davy&smj Brocli.lxbniidze antiSSoat' PawsiIptattey have Otpe Unoîl), occulpied Ib>' EZRA ».P Offer for sale 14, sheir i'iends, n Qvasr them %vwslh if ta h cte Dry GOOds, Gîcoeeries I'aints, Oiis, Tui Varuishl, &C,. -Tfv-y %wo,)j tiîd arn<iii re fr u CON, the phi %rinw ieh Cre aleu 8 ta m ilb d %ielly, lit- liese thet ecsuçh and assii ulatre ta eprl trom Il, Il em ail dimensed maier hy expectoatlion, produtlc4îog a deligiitfui change in the br#alh j ai d rheet, a nd ibis, after the very best medkIJmcui and the inventiioris of kînti andbsorr;>witig frie1s and titrses, have falied te give the smnalleut reliel ta the ouipie5J0W TIIOUSAr4DSIO 05$VV pe r:10 n have been decciviLd rieptaîeidly iii buying medinfirs which were 8aiti ta 1w iîfaliW'!e cureu, but wich ihave proved auily pualliaiitàve, but Ihis medirine i.% îs nil only a pallilative but turc/or ul. ccrcded Zwvadi. li contains no Jeleterious EDruga ,antd one trIai i Iiprove îs ast&nuahint! elflcae4r o- ter thi a ayaseîosrcriaein cuiti; icoli- somptimi and i al diseasci' of the luings, sticb s,% Slsltting f blood, Vougits, pain in the tide anad C/lesi, nig/lI-sweat'Ç, 4.c.4c About 10WX) ofailmnatvmira-culoux etires perfarm- ed b>' tais medicine,liram tome of' the fit st Doetors. Clegymen and Merchants, have beenk sent us lia tbis ruedicine, but the pohlicatino fltbem laaks ton ffiucIï take Quaekery. fwil( show 1ihem tosny P rs'n cailing; nt aur oircet.] Thtis medicine will sjîeak for itseifand enough in ils own lavaut uhere- ever it la r ieti. Ctutin.-Tbis. medieine is put n p in a large botte, atud you musti (md the name of Comstuick 4. Broher PopretasNew York, on the splendid oI rapper arnond the botule. Ait urders muai Ipe add-resicil to Cauuloc/ 4. Brother, No, 9, John St., New Yark,. Itemeruber andi neyer buy il uinIe» you find the name an the wrapper. C IUUTJON. liewilire ai' a iIingtroux Cunirfdit of thi- CHlERRiY 4 UG O7,andi the J(INO C'ORDLqL and (LIRLTON'$ FOUNDEIt 0KlV7ý;TEN'aîîd RING IIONE CURE, ulr dI lw dCil aI ht! ),i_,Store-, aild rewnîîera itever lI»y-the-se amictc ju WhbM.y, i' W a! bit ,. 1 îïDry CGod4ýi ,aîtVîidittî Ccatln- on wrfi Levi j wroama cal le tracte prsetars, N ibeir name DR. Ki any inijitry CAPAT1 'P., Owners af) milDealers iiBJorgses.tonmber £ FOU D, oî reerta insl y 2A R L'ON 'S F teltaitidliYi IM oN' V ,Ies3 whel F.or lte cure i Foitîsder. Sflit 1hio, Ilof-b)oun« e' hP in Hm ~ ',amitittrat,îed and rever iah Feet , %Wottnd'- For Di $rnises j', the Finish, Gatlird Bav ks. Crackol ie iael ai oncei. SevitrlteLs.Cu!c, Kit-r.&c.ouHnssSîcllil ('~ttjut- Ftsdth tta~î (if J. Car/ton ori - IhCînt atukoo'hr wajterrneerlluy C4. ti,'é Ilorte diale ea& CA TLTON 'S iIG O E CTTIE. Croup For the tiure ai' Rin,r-Botle, Bl(od spavini, EBan c T h $aiwinthîaiis. and Sjuint-a certain remedy i ou CAR I'N'$ CONDITION l'>0W- Som~ DERîS FORtIL RSS AND standingý CAI-17LE'Its agio CATTLE.inu riteni 'Te chtanges at wveafter antd seasoqn, wilh the tightness ,-n'itise and fe(d, lhave a s'ery rreatt effie: has been grpeu'the ltoiana sinuoss luid a' of rsous. Il il, Mon remu ilt th.'e cart.they ,-eqinen)aseistant ta natufins-. ta f) thrmV oir anîydisartter ai Ihe ilids aof the bad% piease ar tuai4 tvavr have hepru imbibed, and w'hieh, if net at- at t rtdrd ftu. will iscsult t the Yeliw watcr, Ileaves qsimile Si4 Wur'.e t3tts&c.aioaf'which avili bc prevented tors, cn I ,rY :ivn1111an1C o ai tes owers, arsd wîll ai any - tm itu <re, wthetiia nv s mptomns ai'diseasseappears. if nsed in tifine, 'rhey puirufy the M04ot, retnov' * so UII ati îrtlanmalioand (suver, bfosco îthtea'is ien Placer rteé -watrr,asscinvigoratethe %bie liïy,enah)lin.u taveen B1 ther n ta u a or vi kwitla the samie feed. "ri,,dag. tanc act On ifts-qe pawtters is dirct lupon ul tiserie- to wvita -. auti-,au hi-rerore have tue - ame s fiet l Fa-r nsr'oiî 11ieiortt Ox, tise Aîssanti ail lHerpiver- M'bit by- 0111% an 1irul-id l 1 t-iisesaia a riz train or pracincinc tin. a ha aaî'ai u. loi re npeedîty enr-rd hy ibein. SONO Remnember-and aik for CrtoDsCadtya' uxGo( der*., ands!take no 'dhert, - i'l $tort CAR'LTVON'ýS NERVE A D BO-NE UCréfk, 1'N01 ' %,OR 10RSES, aU Wss ani far the»,curre a!(i eeases tayi, aor beasti hat i H requise externat lieloiand for contrarie.i coaitrd musclnd , rean--Iîbets wea/.climbluanie FI x 7 aIsra used ifor sj'radns. b)-iiicq, add/le &alls, aiccll« a re SoId lgtoes oai41 ailintisor ases. ilatpe, h) Carlton'sa unitles (for basses anid caitte arc pre- Hat-t isas panrc r.i ar1m1th et, r ie cipef ;aLv e ry cetepbria ted E I Sfi Ii4 » ter Farties, arvtili-aitrat, nintety-nre limfes o00 ÙI nada. 1 ane h'înfireil. auy ai' tiseahove eunsplainlts, Til iey sienfor isnave hrxeneuns&. by f lnnn.ives y-riîeri,stfa-,,p ro- Itoemb ' ri-.amni 1)otheï3,, 'villa the wr ma mi-d udd de- cines nl '-ited aieces. ar2ppe,ý CVUTO>.-u r au ilt g-enurins »uties$ yoilttever bu, tlid the nraaîeof J, Cai-lton m oan thse wrap- a» t bey h, pe!r ai' iactr itre. in Canad Titey dai Th i ixsihe mast exitraanrdjaay remedy for Worme 'le n 1t;i eTcuiy rdcIs om rnAGRICI bath a'lultsauti ehilt¶rctr. 1< c-iOntt istrrthe moel de0liesî it-fani- stýýron:ZM5 atifili, and never fai!t b c mpet oatoltiao.d cettoyail lkîndutti %arrr. Trhe eet. 25 t-ns.per batte, ptio it wilbiîî reavh it i ail,arend ail parenit.iviho are wUtholi it dre wvantanly 711 expoiicm; the Ilves of thr itlirosi fo thae e rl car rtîroyerm ai y ttthb,1- lVi rrm." Loaak for thse lort.icuîi nine i' Cf tock4BrotheLr, proprietary, on the maost app TO Tjim OLD AIND YOUNG!! Fa ocyPl Irage.- aesniuthe s cottn e gibctsr pro as ut home Iefîap tis-'- Ti M1o Secondl P rtce. BR-SS & !ESI1ÇM AN, cornr o Kin 4 '/wrl, S't eel.ta.JO1 llt 1e C')ýrr1 T 0e. 110î 4 ý,

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