fPYBLIS1IED EVERY SÂTURtDAYiNIOBNlNGO T-tINIRILLINGI PEUA!UMIAlVNE '0 a= a tmsnanaa4 "taoliag lau TWELVE La&iS~r*nt te 9~rese.. VOLe 3o WJITBY, CANADA WESTý"< , SPTEMB-E1i 18, 1852.s m ly lie conoultmi aiy (or any discase affetîng the At[ fi!111 Tfîn"htued onCod Pn'e or Pvot, Frun& mir to a(m<ntre SaÊ. Ofce ()Ver M IL.. t u'a S vOitL, corner or Kî,c andti S.scoc sirtt. Ostawa, ov. a,, ~31.304t. * Nerwoo4, Ott; 25tîh, 185 1. 283-iy NO'PýARVYPUBLIC, Comn'1ý%tontr of thec (ourt o!f qureti'slneh, Contveyantcer, Dratighfsman,- I.SSU-ER OF MARRtAGE IF. ACENSES AND) 1ACCOUNTANT. Office near lte Court Itou.", Village of IANetisT£tTownship of ItEAcu, W. 4214f L. C. THOM AS, C ON V EY A NC E R~ A 141) Go»Mmsioner of Quete~s Beizch For :aking Affidavits. Al. IMj DNEL £ttorno'iao oundo-a-LW SOLICITOR-lN-CHANCERYt, &c. &c. & C. C ANARDA WEST? LrOMQice 'tib stJiri.avlr hPClit.lifPdSimm~.j ti ~4#'raiJll'y Yr 4Law 13RCK.TRETWIIITBY. NSIJRkNCE- OFFICE. JNM'ES ALAEle to intîmate * that hhc biibe~n apperti>d A.#ni forthe io, 36 Riea as.p orI laed To. ai tnzsnrY WORKAN 3ROUEU& Co. cliLl~vro LbY N 1DE, I1OLF-SALE AND RETAIL IAK INTF1ý- T08Cf 0ÃŽ, LICE, PIER ,4ANUF ACT[-RtR Or SOLE.. 1JPlEK. ANI) 11AAINE.Ss LEATHER. &c. Cash pt-4dfor Jlialcs auJSkias. fIrhe«t. Ou lu, Pot8 and! Pearf dsmhes. Wiitby Vihiri;e, 7tliîJane. 1 S«30. 11F 'Sboirier s Pepaedtua make ,ADVA ,RCES ý)IN4CASH ona POT » ROIBERT U. LAWDER. prt:Wlaitayu lat Auçasi, 15. i KJf13ARRETIS %uT DOV'ERWhs toifurSal1e. vareiy b. 1OliN NIAIITIN & Co. Port Whltta ly 31,1851. TI-D13Ã" ¶ItA 1.rîto 4Ns#,t~.e.I1iab4rlita fr res.an. ea WFîbuufi H1rsa.B - Y XIDDLE. 114919M, rOLLAR. A2Y0 TRUNI à etiy ofl-bad te1 'mi lI cbeap ftui GARTSIIORE. i(; LE BITilAOI.NAY »EVL0P1IMLNT81. TIHE CULEBRATED COMSTOCK MFDICINES CIIMICAL PREPARATION, S0well kîaewn in Canada,, bave been ahmmertilly ceunterl'eitrd sud ulltribuied inl Canada. b,' the very parins jao, ea'.r their own uiaaiurca, lhave admiiîed thait Dr. Luvciuas.5 Ceo.çg cf,New York, klafilie ouy ?îpruier. 1'llese. artieîri are tut-The GNl,4T PA*IX PEX'r)CTOR, (Carila)aiirigilBîrns,andalI Externat Pains and Son"s. 2nd-B.*LM OF COLUMBIA. fur Sayin; ad lla-,ioraythe ilituan flair. 3rd-IJE il$' NER VE & IOELINVIMENT. and I.VDI.4N 7VEGI3,T4fBLE JLIXIR, a rrranii ,t aaraîsma.i ,l-WI y$ LINIMENT, a wèll Lkîîýwu cure t'or the . iltt&e, &r'. r)th-TaR. .S'OIN'8 I0YHIF-DACIIE Ji f FI D y. 7th-3f0'UVV.ÇRELIEF<. for ail Wonueaam tile lrniV w0y~. 8 th-L ON O i.P, -S CREJ-4'r 1tVIýqTRIV [,%D IN I.N'3L.1 For C7êida and fe'va.rîih fteelioga anti preveuing fevei.- 2. For Aeirlma. Liaitr ('Conrplaini aund ;ilis affrijoua. 3. For Diarlhoea, ilc.?o midiis.oaa aIAppetite. 4. Vr<oîvns in fe-mal.-s id m;tiea;.and nerauucempîrair)ts- 5.lirStoruru'-h .ifeciiunsl>yspepsia, l'ilem. llheauraluaro, &rThae crarl l,'nîuiaar, ' ist i<t iî uiknyrcvspain.arnd eý- Ver ler l-oaa-ti'. Qla-.R.IRTIiOIOMJiIS PINK SRIRUP fo.r ail Cotiizhq or Caaasuamalaorî. I (>,I-K<)L.VS7TOf7KS i'IMFCGE (Wormn Kilif-r) for 4chatiretî or !Zrowia er.raîs. -- KirLE . aotieaciare ha-s eeoa diro-r- lr o i a4 'i hi;t dap)cia-Iotuse- but rria1b il'Sa. rat)%1-0taiIetait eno, i il yt ipe foi rm sua.-ilu wnlaiwna;r;riid <z fernally as an stuh <r battu by frirfion. ,%IlIe ittîrieriies aie tuily drscaibed inluPauih- 1-t, t, t1ÃV9 tam al '-v lA)it a- iA J3qiecrthe ýiîopvi-tl ige tame'i at-swtilch aveîy famnily ahntril ir..-1aaitaar .~u~eradtie aniierrf aaa.ag thktm l'y whi-hm ail nzriaaftîry $ar'knesam say bc rti p"ayrra. el vjhoî ire exfwfpa- e f th, £very famlv shnld",arefully presaer ili orA ta raile la invtaiany remp.iy i.s %&te'tfý-hoih Si. in fhp particuîrar arfille indiraladyth is'e oîîîpliriî al hiîgwhere mrch zaeedty uMay awar- lie' hlld.- î; -z o c r .1 rLo zer ,-,Za'F'- l'% t çw c-l%6 -v ~ M -~Fr - I ami' y 31 ai lifi = IIIATOCHIE-S BA.0 A C UES ari Thât ndStoab.C.gt Cnid. Coli Paft*, Couh, ruu or Ratie, ke _ IY UATV Cue alPan!!- giri4,Nmbift c0( th ac N vu i' adToli ce,-Ãt-i uns &c %WE ET'S KFALLIBLE EVE WATER,] Cures Suie, Inflaneti or Wca Ye ye. comek ceti rcctaîmualad. Tay t. TUE ICING'0F OIL'S, Cures à rai lraratet Sot-as, Chulliiit, &c,aid la îutmililte for manyaxternal diataasars. 'Jry it yeai wsiI1nut regret hi. THE UNLtib U£aQÃœAuýtD MEDICIN'.. ()ILS FOR. -OtIS E",&, CAT'TILE Il The hast anti a'hapesiaui rlirirri-nowsi. ant iI -s'ait reromaîaetd ly urenilemn f-ri oroi l ia ,ry. . kil Uihaire use aa. s seak it welOf il. Puii teaîmimoiais. t-ail for a pampshlet. The iolloaviaî reartihla'sîe il fronta F. W.Sehemuns.a. ef St. Caihseince, Canada W-tc for uaany yetrse sel Saccil Mark Oiltafor HIgees anti cati afariy recmeinat it in the Public as a fittu tte pieparaliln fer ia'atchess. sraite, ciii., blia-i-se s praina, and,in tat, soeéofehail t ias. lu i§- thouat mat avI chf in ilium cnuutry, a lte deama is itmcvasslar. 1 bavea1ass araty urparatilifa. for harses. but tle prafarpnare I givie unh"nitatiiuglyila tle celebratad iaeWitlu,mamufa:tored la W C. Saveet, lRodletei. N. Y. 1 woul ada-ise ev-cty herse ownar te keep sa boiute et the ahoVc Oilh ca, baud, (or is tief' an aili Save ttme sud tnoney. Touirsresp!actftsly, F..W. STEP>HENSON. ti-p erSae v . 4.Si,e Rs'wmeevilta, NEW HAiS I Tnr,ýrnhaitansorWhitby an fiel£h' hourhc re mre fomed iih îl.;Oabsfl4r has noie bo aud MtWWe igttcc o. iaiuir.f ail ihe New Syles ilii. and A -m K icMA i IA T 5-A130, the alebrated Koss'Iltil ta TaWli sai-li reatifdanaîni. VGentleme-nvirj-tiiit tiis -loat Etpoalunt, vill er the greatCei ason- trent in Canada. cT1' Torormi", Apail bai- în52- GOLa"a lIA?. 5!'1 ru. 0 à .TARI-lO WOLTENDEN Ik G0.î {AIÇIUFArURI nt DrALE.RS lu Wlîiie Gren.JBlue - Viariegated iMarble, Centre 'Tal-es. :arTrsChuiy-et çinks, %,bdi ,s Saaaa ls, Paint Soeuet.-&&c. ,verlv vnriaty o -&..113 f,' wO1ztK aone ina qupevi r tyte. of 1t'sa BIut aterial. aînd, N-W&Co. l'ez ta rar th«4,lihev i v n%, - import tlair MarIr!e[rom the c ell f.uat'J ittia QurtJarse, veliropt. PcstxAS Svtaniir,Wib- SrV Imiaîti. 1IS. 21-if PIlRE iNsuliAci. or Tu£ "J ~fen".1q.surwwce Company. 11-liMa OFFICE - TORONTO. 1'~lb î.z- 4oYua As roaas a dat-ut t')Uutd b"c. An 11tr dru i-d ihalt î<'r dt % Hasasn Belir ed va-maes te the eon. Ras til.I bei wpen lan-icd tf Jeaity, lî.r in.-d mvih .ilv.-r tim, Ru lest 1% va's ofrrrnsel Dawte oils an net Dcwen tlà lis bern lte ou eaa, DBo of t eanzieid maria. Aad - eblota t ioi taredI %irtan- Ai .11drearne t taidieaavaâgaan. Sai a rot4-a lumy var !lie-,Danuabe Alid l ,<hiai. l4raretS n fair, Bil tht-a - % ,- Ai'ts ip %waters, Ai ýbu i4ri 0O bis air. Tht-v sic criataa'n" i th Fliampn lab-ter; Tîsay or-- amiee hi - .a fe.i r flifa;» Ait 1.~î ~t-aer 'an l'. i-. îîtihîer Wîaerethie huilbmnd mrsi aias waie; And thlia, aliien wraii fer the mnthera Tmi.y las-lin tlza'm br.-elde tlite utherit Saveaty, or four score. Fol 5arit- victigna. murdeiesl, Nit y the iright of statits Bt s'aira by the powear cf ieann Aud agamn i dreamed tisat dremmnd O, Mvatmrn'n'v à a mi,!ta'y i't.'rii, leelmts can ait ananielat ihr'.e, And' fae aiipîs-"1i ue the nationt, BruW tal sinew mid botuae.- 1 epi-".- and 1 il hp ît a m ankal i hrealse andi axy taeluî lrearh, Dia . i.' tlaif a1--' a l'eopies the vaulîs cal Dercd." Aiain i dr-ntel of île Hudsn, - Andi, 'val m»real couti ha, ltisfe-srfaîî avaves feu i euawaîpl Tu [ilie'Loseuothe tse ib. Antd vanrse iliaSu the Indimn mar.ahoop; A ci-y roi'- shîtilanad drep~ Il isok# te lidiautitar .'r -, Front lIter ancient ulissied i eep. Aîad alun tie t-ny resoundeai A iloneth i ha 1.1tuaisi aoie, a. Vve bih w malita per at aohaawk, As out laitiers a akw lafore. q n it hi y 1.4 SE/AIl-e oPT£%'i2 PUND Aiilai' the- zold ai mi.ai'e ri4 baud, - l'~e akem ite a mway.a ru îrtîti7o4-l. a'a"-dtne in thé. ît'nia or ita tnhiaair-ta y' r ' uere b14. Chiai, a-peia r-ira- POLICILS rai'.mra' t-W liai adi, ta bl sL lIîs i4S DA.%IA<;F In FillJ7. rarl11EAl or Wtier're vly roaundiides lh Ãn grave, P Tueoi» osa mtra'rîlanîls 'îiiramre thé- B(ai rtif DiarLniçitIr)rank taith era-eras, t fls'-etca, ioeuiniaar iîfia'eni L r'uaaiilee Aaaî $vmiia kîiawiih tîles. h;î timisaifwaviritstlravtoîctf the- Comprrîhiy lWo aay Ihti e ir i t-ela.tala.*I.ip, l a'ili bar coulied a il la.l se trust honrîaable-i ii ic- Aird m. ea ýewt leiu les"if taa'CGiimr. liit a1iir, dreamedmatireaan of lýcHiaalsous,à rhntarHaatorih. I M. P. haVP. .1aru disaJrattuiile e-crec Mut-MLcie, Wm. Ilfliiaoe. Anali 1dreameri- ttaai Itéoitliy Hudson Jantes Beaiv. Rire Lewis. aad - RsrI'-ivau.iira~ JohnbuHow'ui. l'4aîaairs. ____-i_%4_____tu__e_____ luane C. Gilinai.-- -- -- ---r - Pieideis. - Pecteueà Fhoma lîracrth .------- . .tsh .t P . . u.e'gll tar Rcl'. Sauucia Eî.-------Sc. nti'ris.. Once, in Sai-dinia, ai a Village iigli up inaa Tht- untieofiuned haviaile en a ppGeinrl At!enithliisîîcuuaiuns, a pe-ilar, whoarî ae airer- ni the tove 'Cornilrany. mvi l a-e ;îei.eiia alit- aarda uimet in Genou, arriveti about chr-ist- b lioni lo parties deeilotiiî ofe;ffactiibi lniraîcîre. JAS WAIVALLACE, mais durng very bevcee eaber. à lai-mer, Vire. Lifiý, antid slIisuîsaee Ut-ut. avbobir data6lstei- masabout te gel niarried, n t'r'brti-ary 5, I%ý52. 43-tf. kitsdly inaitei bimt t uake r-cîne sitiy ai bi Inguruce!Tflrr2t O'! us-e. '[le pediar acceptued t1le inaitatien à . '11E Subseribers haviug been app-ne nd remaineat elght or ten days, kifpt a pis- AGltfrlsealcrt-i cer-as IL avre, by thse hleîatituy eofi. I~fa iui. nF rtwpnyo! 'lin. y,~1ultauan a eî'patusd ±ucceb,înof etsucw-j -are ç.rep-ai-'d 1inia'caive a f-jliraaiiorns fori- tfotlra't ota rs. U was pi-ebeni à at r îe mvctding t Frons me hihiilitl io;hie aiea-e lnaiitiin and ti athe merry-ut'akiozsgivaen by the Ibm- anid tht. low raies of Preirriîm, sac are coniviarceeil>- in teh eia, veel elct mla mai supeliir Inac'lil:t-a are noma cifa-i ifor luaiiai-esgr hreh nfcd mn dote-a thie Iîsiabitinsrthtie New Gouliîy ofts, uat cu u.uc ahreltnien Ontrino. 1p.a-atc a-utti-sctetittuch atienLion THOMPSON, PEARSON & Cty. ]bY Lbc ;00018Y lierueema ciflis inaniir. - Onrluio flousre,. ? ~'Lowa. <d3 tiiosi îeraenb lie ,preservt da-isul.- Wtailvv.Nov.12 I51 -33-t. titnsine ; lut lie treh-sai ilib ite jactler.1 W i d i..,ud o Le~ t. IsauLieti, andi takei ngrcat di-i l t iuquimti - - I1 chat route lie meant -(0 LaIke, andi bcw Iune rHE Subseriher last A FFAV THOITSANKD il aas, ikely te be burlore lte would be T AC RE> of WllLaindi taleasr ite foltow- 4,amortirtireraan . ing Townrships. >ieacli. Uxbridge. N'urhGwcffim- CI >-ar, Bras k. Thornfas/a ma rWiar. 2'fl ay utiliiluluielite petiler quittedth te farm-i V'otawULgU.Ohiflil~VdMff'iO5dEid.PFelf.boueandi proceeded on lits way, ' Ihe ion, and iOpir. , Thé test cf t ile1adsart-of e Ct cenl jNtie av hnyibb- has qnality. anti wiitbleleasea foe aterm i-irae ut 3rUaIte.a i -sytanyil~ 6li .oa'nvnsieiuuaipt ib oiuainuled, &bc aaeeda requ:nt, andutiof aons3idcrabt i ,ots tzeipn 20o 100 a-erdeema'ho nysiuaioc tanditere aiid îlie.-e aere caveras of. wiIi chap. tanalfence. in a ioo anmua t k - ailouï dimens4lon!s. in ot nof these lte m ait tsanerwititih-5i'~ itt~a taattiypetiler one snowy nigbî found himsetf <e>m- Ifni Icsihona 20) aceson u aie A1U eterni, pt-pnid. leiiirlni!tiifontyaraiio n - prîhledt t tke t efuage.ilie bail thie prenait- c'arninavo tf tise tarir'uimr lotlt-ib er nif îrliontîaItetake stus foodi witk lm ; anad, the aiese ~~~~sism--li e as"aereat anihotus ada7. -coibeing jai.cing la.cuecteut a qumnt.ty Wh 1,850, 16T oSI 'f avouti, kindiet a bs-e, and mut down toeni- - .107bis %ulrper beside t. Ut ebadti ene PA G E' S Iuainy mothfbuls hefore b. obsried aa mp enter thte cd# rn eatC>ercd wit inowf wht4 PATENT THRASIIING MACHINES. jha stscek trom b hu'as he asvac4 Xb_*a1re 141" 'LESubucribers hbavingbeeinuippointed I as an immnediaenrecon-Dtitrn -it W"ui ù m intrToironpto-for thse sale of ibercse orbea' tIraithde furer'. wetltlg- îus-t - bëm£MmW ATS.,1 ---------- 1- ips sbould the petler aceede to bis re- juest. ~ Thbe Freteiman iiaurally, feIt exceedingý-3 If uncomfortable ; ter, frein the >aurige as- r pect of bis guesl, lue diti net dc-ubt lie bafl Mson to dreati thé--woist. fi 7h. eSardinian continucd: .-Sudyouc te e to oi-li as te re'ue nie, 1 sEa 1h lt yen aket ahi your pro ?eily. marry andi mak e use ofit. Bu".because I1 in an honest man. I wiaaIî yow n tisaicase te tellnie wlaois your nearest ci kin lu France, mince- lit will lie iny aiost carueât endeavor to repay bu the raoney as soen as Previdence shait have put it in my power.' Ilere lie paused, te eliserve wttat effeci bia worde had produceti on the pedler, Whbo t-ar zomutallie was foon>uch terriIied'te Wcell,' reiztedth ie gaiest, to r n cer7 naturat. .Iîoweyer'. I wîtt -tay att tila wiîb> uthtyen ray have, tinte for t refectien; becià e J.vweuh rather net illI 'ou if 1 Coulti lilp il. :Stil, 1I have matieo p nay uind 10 le imartieti îext week, antid 1wouid kilt fifty pe-diers, rather lIait post- pone te ceremeny.' 4Uaider îhesec crclimah.ances,' re1ihieallte 'rencbman,' I itau leuil !eU thse mecey. !à ce 1 have lno coe 'ou i-cadre wiseiv:- ert lave ne choice.i one observationa mole, howtver, Iîn îaiake, andti len we tvill Sit deuilt coaTainil., ly. to saipper. it ii iise: wiaau you t. Z_ core te our village, Yeu will 01 CiIiAi'e lie andi îxy vifîe, andi yen vvaut taLe ut) Yri.- îeidence with tas in loceferenca to aîîy o.lie r Pl-sens. You wili say îinlo.v. il tie prest ttraneaction, ucîithr troli lfr "De an u ic uWii; nt et ~4 araiJ Ditnme, âas inieed you Uneifuot b li. f. viibe merry, andi recLQncothex eno eugrejîaid the sum it ih whicl Ye014ofi lecouaîneiate tue.' Ah ibhis the peiar prontisei., 'Now,' exe-laitmedthet ycun - man,' give 41ie yeîî1r band;.we are friena; *Ici U6Sit jre.tr S upper. Afierwartis you cau >eCken me out .îte meney -1ave unît keep up Ord tire, and chat u)y ihail night; andi 'là lieanrnîig e wili aetperate, cacit LO lUr- sue lais ea nway.' in fise nuorning, ns tibeyý were about to aid each où,a-adieu, -the Sardiau oteck oui as daggcr, audJculîing ýoù, eue et the but- nus truin bis cuat, luanti it te tbe'French- Inan sayiug-,, ý i'rr.e ltatandi keep ilttil ei>tere )1yoar uîoney. Observe, it lis et hiver, andi lias beePn bandet i own in rMY fatnity fbv many eetes.Ioudno part uaitiL oi-er attsou pss anad heit I ontendto terepa Yeuyoai e hundr,-d 'Io1ams, ti. tis te course I shiailpursase - I vili say b ave lest niy button, anti wsll olfer a bu!i- dreti dollars te eay one Who shail find anti bring it le me. î ou witt presant y<aursetf : you witî preduce the butien ; anti 1, as in houe boulot!, ailI give yOU tle -su'n agreetid on. Do e part frienis tV The pc-tuer, whO nueîwitîlstaiadine hilasba, couhd net but be amnubed b&îesiag ia racter anti ideas of the ,«irdwuian, gata. btt bis baud, andti tey parted i fienâi. Neit yeai lle passed Ille samne way ag-ain aund sure tnoîga founti bis friend i narried we at velry Paeity voman, vlao nad i arcady Abroubt bita a sont. lie seeniet very hap - py; ,*but centag up te tthe Frencata, i said,' NOW, 1have lest a buon I an o yet rice euuih te baay cisc te te lace it:- 1 nsay be merelukneiJr. 'Vite pediter undersîoti. andt afier havinc ben madle very avelcowe nt bis hOL1te, ven-t bis way. A second anti a third y'ear lie retur-neti, anti every tinte feunti a Yotang $01) or dauýb' ter atdaitiIo the family. At, lesacth- tyIebtd %wiil the receptien, wîtl theto-en ,tant I)bsitality ,llown him, aviit te phea>- aul _j_ u nti ,6erifll inr-roasiqnÉr familV-be do litlon to allord it. I have w;zde muth w0u! t f!ah tc recc MoneVe in yeur cOuntry, a-ýj itnJn P Q; detie an rear te marry, and retire La Provence, in' &wiJi eiÀre, ce native tand!' upon bis wuflerings dudi The present wau accepted ; but the far- suit of bis !oes. F1kg iner. not to be outdone in génerosity, forcea land-oiten sat ail aigb on him next merning a handboiùe horse ni bentatb the driving sio; considraby grr-ater value. ab.ave daughtCr, iMbo Tueihuiau Iuand. ler tilit -skiîrfnder co The lioelii lsillutx.-,be i3 nmarried and4 iveu But thi poor ol4 ma Pr«m the Literariy <em net afraidet, d;e. M&n Many of Our western readers bave beard sty ha s t is b- e of the ïbe husand Islands. but bave net SeOtI admired bis kmn& U bheni. 'l e eïaitet nunrbei'r of tbese Islands bi we1I-nzighi& pe ai netknown. 'fkey are ejitte4 the thou- inclined plain of momat %and Iiiands9 because they are compara!ive- To whicb the 'New- y Ceunîtless, extenrlirîg frein the casteru n( Advertiser adds of lakeOntario above Kin,,Ston te Brock- "h niofLlI vila distance ef about 70 mites, ini tlic or a litile incident that ake and river $St. Lawvrenc.e. We p,!ýi ago, Mhute we werepa bhrougb them ini a laie riait ro Preacot.t andi Tbonitnd Jslands, in il [Weý.ckvilte, and amply wo'11d il, repay anyIeLke.W a one te do .se. e, must coule." that 'v Party of eigbty permae :eusîder îbeîn as iwerih secing as ihie Fails vicinity, Whio were il .ïianara.i le ecar blue water of ilk: tzaraFaIts ASter iver, ther variely of Scenery pre3eý(nted 0_ - -,ad isexlot but Islands-their diti,_e et -h',pea and ti it.ofetronvorsatiqn. and im raryîng lromta a!>pot the 512v et e b;'rtj i tiht !le 1a 'e in ,Acre, and h ii a ta . niýe and i m,, 1o oorï wlicl li»e raidt Sa.tei in exteut. i 0> uj.i O1i' , , cAe'. riuiledaIo t i h ýd:,tt.w-, 111,oe ~VerarC.n1 . I MT k a d IAo. i eateis of tk h .s y it v-the 0 -1 ~ get !suppïieî andt( re.îezvoir of the hals, --ut;h mighty m e~ bi- " Asse W 4iranite Io a wes cru man lek nfl. A knewv that J'ohnson vwas eýd ol'ibix kind i oîrock exten1a aciosa i ditrYs a gene:aI rusýhand riverh.. near a huendrei mile-s in widLblio in. ' hitev'er Joba- rurs.ng ouha vai t asICIIUet~, aiu noe ustains the clu wsestward we are*ttd to the 'ManLîtc 1,e-hhu ue i lande. crosintbe 1Uideau canail;near %whîcb eglbu aiCuita 0hir [ea~'itmarss aecnsa th îe Queen of the J, imremi0ences of ail shapes, a hundreti feet ue epcat l hi hb or leas. Borderin, ih ean be founti The. Suma4I ine ier. Mati of thite tioou!'and 18- W:e bave newsfron itsa'se eti, liau more of theni are left 1,nà ; te the lO-tb of Ji te the s;tIeiae cf nature.. A majerîty of PrÃŽimtwai proreci theni belong 10 dÙ2 Britiali. î he last darethat *nentb. Captala vre saw are ju"î eppeaite Breckvitte and ibee acknoiwtedged as dorrt,,town--nztend4n- in a line near acrOas andI Norway, at the ,jv lie river. At a grTeat eypenue a .lipe- -wedibb barque Sur= sion Bridgfe coulti le buil: frein lNîand 1*) dîd andi forty passengý Islnd, te connect île Britishwith t à an rancisco, IIad pui Ainerican ide. itsýprospecttve -constru-Islnsbot fpzi tion is evea aked of ow-inB-okilTê-1sa grste 01« WVe think the thing-quite feasibte. Ont of Leicdnsad-ilë the, bridges, of course, would bave tp+be ai' b asog ulee draw.bridue to atlow ef the passa'ge of ves- s p-k sae ut eon am seIc. TrIeIstandsa 'are famouni fromem anbeà 1 ad ter fiv expiloîts of BittlJohnson ihe Canadian potit- on thte 21st of NIay icnt Buccaneer andi bis beatitiful datxghter. gedy-was euacted on b lie is stiti tiving cil the American side ont by the name of Wooet on of the Isitioda andi she is mnarrieti of age, froin Kentiel there. naedJohnison, ttirnu, lia pasain- îbrough the Isiands in sorne orlin Cif thateeqdy b phlaýebes îl Iat cornes wît5in a few feet ef abe'ùt a tba cup, of wbhi the granite wvalls, The rock or sheres at and tue Cr Ba orie. Kingzton, ii Uiva on f Brockvilir, and i Icutio,thehidc waz Gdananojtue, and on the Rideau canal. con-lfr4ew bis- re'f ,i l alno t entire y of ýr.aniw beda. l-~ ,,t.~ i A a en iver bai a quiet yet a cempaatijr swilt ýna:t n t;it h; .oreu mn -tbje ljantis. Subjoined IL ic1a jjed 1"ý ù ,bort -ac<court 1ef Dilii jobeston, taketafi omn gl9aSt iyaxul ib&re Aimerican papers of 18-1j, whieh inay L» jati: wca !p te connectioza with titese Islands, be interts- P;Wekýs ; tha trt>n tinz. We would reimark tuat i.4Ill i»u-de.adellne