hilliemcational onships Io albtand tbe'fla they re4- klnow their îibts ed he.,. %Iat I{er! aî W0 à mt1 t .rene . - . Governnaenb sâili second Otar efiftctS ho main- i or 1 S. RIovet, Thit thue cebssin f the tain tin.-(thsaieCheers.) el Àgreealaly ho the %mnoye notice, a large1 Aroostoojk 'Ierritory. andJ(lie frc naui-iý,a- Aftcr ai lier conversation the resolaibions., asaemblageibjf, the citizens of i tifa,0to'Ma ion Mr f bb St. J ohn. It ri-uit cf ltitr wre put awidipassed anantmcuay--tie ad- of lalsonet tho Hlit Gfthe Provanie iiu!irll ngancolciiiial Porits, and uh-frekt- aisiMar ca,'f tdfire-s to e I(-Governor aise; andthejwmemo- al là t the.hour, natuad. tliei'pr oftcui t'ti-r ' ,iîî'J An:U110tl;rital fo-the t.(ien, vmas zagreca to b>'thbbcf The meeting iras anost reipectf Ully aa 3'it ~ad 11-41alt Ra.'ut-a -fduti, Ucaly '- metiiný4 ivitia a dtiepandiïs)Iemnntaurstcf -fil influetioily'abtIienddAongaheose.peitcCr'ch have bta. u» d >'ttal") v'ui i r-acclamation ci wene the llon. $peaakcr of the As a'mal, ti~hon o' Uic ceaaîarcial syxterniof' tbe '-"'-'------'------'--.-.-in 11-s Woa'slip the-' NrlIt enibtc4 for itîd tate~i ielihwoud jaisatYa furtier 1- N E W AD V E RTISE MEN TS. tlhe Toiwn ast Coyut>' of lilifas, [[uta. J. s'acriti;ra. of C~ut thr'î.- !"'" -" 14,Jolnston, G. l.~ug aq,&c. 9, îcoî'-i 'liat uvIiaç,itJe rtlian One- STOLEN 0OR STRAYED. -W. . 1 aii'bmnkos, Esq., noî'ed thitlias bitf ci'ofthe' sert co-at of the fUepubii-a bolinds- %Vbesbw the Mayur, t ike ftie Chair,-te- l Alve Suie.W1hoe laboutimag populinma rom tbe Suberiber, a %maiîl Ccir, four contieti Iq JohntaEbbon, EsL., . 'P., and 40 n tit tm',ed atlaoli t~s; he r cil as h ei 01d, aofa redaIcoluinmixed uifia urbi passei nanInoUusy. cof liWeh Ae£rneica Ãc battfotaeuloi à 1 iît tiortas. Ait>peison rfiiliimt Oihe Said - J. . OkI>', Eq., ras a-bo-.eîi $ecrt:t'ira', at.' okcai) Laic'. ter ri ih îtaî:Atlanatic tO a i.iîtsd atamiuî~saiifnlh e Ris worslaip bbc 2iaY'or lavln1, bLe'utbc tt~- abo'.mfi( lac Iiiterl "tlites. 'laTir 'i- ecotcty, sa, it e sltatly rIlaià ded,- Chair, opeaiedthe« A . -RSX tie ltequ'tition, anal situteal Iliat it 1)Itoc i ~ro»,lcaIIe'.t-Iois ' iltie Aiovrienwî mut-'i IVîtly 23P . -î the pocredingfiltu-day moul icbau of tLialt r taita4 tthicn t'iomltiuey provokie lîuti- 1lIih.S'1 i I. - eourgette clleartti:er, '*as tvouid ett'ise1tc irtie, :bomuad', al-Lbhe ino-à Ots"a potWints. RIOCK. hritibb G ovcrniaeaab tripanse e îfoeebatara- Pw'o amiionas ofta e-ndr ttîtlin1U ýtm ius .. iugawa bte 'i~lt ~file lrit-l :%î Il peoOple aîreaîls iîtmtatat tiacse l'rov nî.,ai-i1 1%~iutTCAt.ETreasurr iii lcount -Auterican Colonies. lHe tien dcact tht'aIa.cititteaiif 1 Ilalitfax wtîuil ideer la-plora. rlatlcMncpa 2o!il'"J~c oflagopn .ubstoeie,'*. lat-ur-iaaecfbi it nrrits, IiY any con- ~sî- il, bu'ou Dg. 'n *sa c - ej0a to a1jîra lili "ver t'rontis tIli- Inecessiht' cf bbc mIee auaý. it avan Itle a cs" aOt-tï f ltr i ~ te iipijity vlivajlpail t o tîar I-r ou>' cf bbeniinfortnatioia p -(Ybur U .:~rc i' blair 1mopi'. time f'#!l fora-e criR s l lb. rea. 1v caimtet luUc tto'~i.ht t',hui lie' it' aibc:au it'k,'i 'l io 'a'timcintgranitt par thrce or four moiis in Engl- nilin p:p:- tota, titi iii a juil toits- amIltet'ai-J Pf oa-sbprae .. 8s 1 ing a book on thf qiqu-stiona. 'l'lie ota ie u1tr- 'laaî l-tieha , bo'-ACUgmt tIxî~ banc 80 84 tion qpezabetiect eare o¶v';RiisiaGr \'a lorialîeere ajlk-anýý- £9 that cf tiree une froîn lIaalîtnatid. s tiraaîic.~iauiQ Me.Voug. vita n'iîtars 'aîi~ tai-L- ~ .~la-ct ~ î~1a~tîai ~ I oarmoislip fund, in couple cf resoiutiouas CauîiumI1-YI l." he mtu" inruuatIiliL Ifte ýqUtisot it av i t cc 'ett-i Gos'ernmient aigatamt rrctur Ére~: r uil tîtty r1rn-îuaaîaa Il)' h N ta. do ï-4"-a A fter tome ccna'cr.-ation, iÃŽ v-t ar -,i imiiaoli Ul(îuý t ritmc tret', î 'i tc c/9l14!ec- d . do o ICHetfl that M. ounif Shtoulal bave fî piil i. axs--------'5i wib vhic tcepeedhnrl' al'ucl î Uq. tP.1. -rnl'itmm i Township filu'm . . . 153 '2 8ý pcoeeet-da'iild t" - -£210 3 r tio» %vilha Lord tSîranlfye> on tîicm illîa('-11- atar' î1aa ,tvp .â oi "tc t 214 l, n i tut it as'.s- à bovedt t i li (ri t - r i < ii ata it as cu r o r tt o jrirït.t. i t tî :' o e go t'enta' t about iU 1S$'5 Iteimltinclta fhth lac at a -tamn t 'a i t ati m sr .tulbr V'u 1i f~t- s biadatiiid-,setreards ,dm i i aaî u i.ti c (l tut -r:~î r t-ihavsî't r ie 1 , . rtrs'ibt~ ~rrî. i tt.t u mv -r:îta '~ilji ~ ash jwii 'h'eaben ; 168 9 1 intntrn toal.oatiîetu ai, "rm - rrt rtmta-m .' ~'ri xitenc a la ice firjund n rid -6 5 2 Baiy cf k- tata h. talocll la .d b-rital i Jy .;1e C ;a11wtîeî oft m' i ' nta f(;ri'aL Bni- poia-l.Ucdr'ciemi thai it e ~" m - 'miin-Tty ll rete.'m-etr îi clum£195,- 4 4 v'ernintn ti anl> titan; t at .d ;ili tbil, pro -'a ii' i ,r r ' er icu1rîr ,aIe tsew Brttums - C oeiîr.t tection 0i'thie Fi-Iiî'nie.-it b 1)4o îum ica - a vv ic 7~t pa'; utus t a c arnifaceit-i~rtdo ed b>' lt-iw' ana-i ili-t'-, tîntr-1 h aris m1rt 1% asi ata ecame tolnohr. Oultlrii'.-87 3~ onfairne» trmte Uitpon im lu aIme i Y rrit (10 \\'iŽ' i ou t -. i a t.pe it> lauire, blini Wr c nuld al't t v a tiîtu' '-t:mrrmi m au'aid;tit a o je t Unthjournal-I. iîa i .n.'ev :~ini epr ail the otier .ias bring resaura-vc j la>' itri' uC'cuati ' é o tro it o M12 mrito ionoti il .rpar <hate tile Stipulation. Re naittt lâ a; Lu caabetismct[o mfr t'the!e coloiltta. , o Fi k riO'I..O1 tInt flac quetition aras -,ettlëd.ua c lL I'a. la'vmri - ta: v -i1tiat i)I.. (loer loyfý,iti turc10ar scen by bbcelateà t Loatton Tintes, i-llagJ~pbIt sfeîa thety vati"J ( i I"k"otna-rag M1 That If iLt wre eacbualu-ilc. ->t! amhoit'êi'i ttit ctrctîmcaruarii"mr1a1La- *-.tbt ;taas Asriso .121j( t6he citaof the tieri Icitcsc'ti:bt--itt---aa- ~lwltaelrru a îîîiri >cin ovsaj e ticlaIltIiatas na cîr-ml mtla vu~ht - (lcrk an roa L'lasurer 17 10 0 Siin. NO tasai flt abiangcloniakcq mr ý- -lr. ecahia.-Illeioichert lion thai hii-cV. 'btoeurin, li ýr e tlî-av a 1<rI-tj;t.ne frthe, tr5 C <'%"t.-it b>' Lord heryiaN a direct riil Q' la;fni-- rthe rm'tiag.s. t e b îî-acof t- 1.......... O7- b t. 'i Trersurer 10r cenhage tbe pledge vsshthh l i ai l gia ,te fýýlicolan. jaoeojtrit;~a~iii î iegvaîmtut n£7 is.Si ,5' self1 aud the ofluer Ianenabers of thaber>c1ut;t- faroumc mt tAtmuml ja' înirerviv.uit 'tabl neTovn 11 tionhiçho sXV .Is laordsi tt 4e' t-imi cîic-~ aie îtrc liaio asato le ave -ral........O" OiEicein ÙI.-.Il.le metl 1uh!!lItt'ai'brrr idrci -ibsatntri ' ýsIi 'Sonse4sahtdbb ciinrfllc'--fte L;mma*x.t-cremLaru!ltr ti ra J ainLdand found correct. If-se, let aCnmtctea!aa-i e timal tc t: ila,:ttu1%;'tL ntJa- A UWujr'r 4 tor- sbtate tr tte q uetaon. Il ai b li irtu-tM- b~sr otir ths iwrnaagLudîgan itdar' ljçm. .- ~..ir mu ~tVILLAtGE ît LOTS FOR SALE. rectlit. Adjcura b etna- 1:- -n~aa-qn' u rnth 'cr-u>cI ViAG algain ibis eareain at 5G jo rk,antrei'a1; Uuaiul!'.n 'I~ a tatlai'ap ritalcaf I Ii ilesNorih -lf oulthinrd'if'urn,,rà - cecessar>' papers trprd~ If M\1 - 1î!in ý r r r, , i a. 'nial ;ï ttùà sla Islil ber1nr j Werr ta o ttu alan1otaîo io V ' u. alia- C ir"t ieOF eXîurt uor 1LV andi quarter acre bats un ior queetion, abIt andatttigent mfs-tou a;«1 te.,- iiilr tl- r. .aia~titiit:taau~ ai",te grrit aaoea;afe tiet"en(ibia- a<c<itattty bina frori;l Ie îhree (vi t le c;.mn I tiu' JUlia amra-.'a a ai Beai ~mo ai ocl no nain anircrt-' lat ; u . ii- 1- .tatnîea vii s-- t;;îi-a fi)Mm.r m anioaaain. caaaalen 1 ,dte*minatîon to , -remove ail à itut acr-stt adU ac tn rscn L5TliVJED1C. -'Cetpiant on the part af' ýColonies" -iiicoa- tainw i:bC tana - l'r a- xdyanti decided achta. IWitby, 161ba Sqeptb. l. 2$3i» te ie nce cf thce encroachments cf the fisling osaraiale f the Ceý1mUnity, anti a mett- - ýveSselsof the Uniteti States upon t i-e - ýjber of a dlisýtanït douit>', epre.sentinw other 7'<.ke .71OEICC ' 'servei ua'g grotande of Britisb Amenrieanineaais intCai(ts a!s mcVli aP*' lis cwn, 1e pro. .ex%res-zed in the Despatela cf tbbc RiýJïLtea>te iazinit iitra nconýessoisà eng ai Tae£5,lyiqpsaila utcc ra-o n lon. thae Secretar>' cf Stato for ibbc Colo- Jar waa si but a mickea'y of anae~quva. Pousaîodstuaianad eiiaoit lo No.20 ii the 3ni safrs, dateti 22wad <of May-. ' ct-;andl if it %mec-e jtaeat apch a cotes-coatsb.inie wslpcfIttt>, ar 2. iceohv'dTht hCihizena of iil- tai n hart lacet nmade, lante facee cf aeclar*a- itt hi t aals#a as hitie spotieualHefer ,fa h~ ave remartitd witb int i-eýt ani -a '- ions of su.ucaivec (a1veraors of Sova Seo- 2 yenis oim wi e tIi# &Y ,aina tresjpaaç u; fpol faction the »aduîCteUs measures a. p d ay ltnt the opeuin, of oua' reserireal fislmg tht al ai MAmbres Moatimain f1a said Toraiship, ~ .Mnaral klir Gorge cls'te cria-> l lts vould bc 1 û w P d b'y i -de(ip -ot et ý oUtbat detcrmixaatioma -ivitIa arai nd issal(ar4 if«c$i-of our i- copié, iesa, inreed bvppa ng theait 4Sgo anda4<lia toithe tPound the poptlation of Nov c"araotia could -net be Kermpur 1 shalh proie-a toieitt a1 l> tha SResolved, ['bt secaîrel>' relynr' tpon tee mtauac itr..(Cen) le couldai raucn oti Wos'4ay iath y Qetshr n2 ewf ltb. justice and matenual car- ocf ttair sv-not beli-çe tbat th', joverauinent at home at3ya.sHuiW AiyaLaEX.BouroIL2'to '~p ithtizens <of lialifeza r rleatjha-J jadiepb a sacrifce in deflaaace of thecPoud kge - e. eve. shat iscatnse a few exrehiner I eareït riý1ît5 f 3r0 aI A merica. Ilie Wblaby, êibiiIt 27ih 185Z - 2,in. refing reseaircesç,,wbicl b t o- bce s oulyfnrcd, wîyiil' iînéï* 6W 1fl l ntho vils attendlant tipoti veiaity, .Drawing being au imitation oif the works af ature, forins se .Idse a connection witb ail creahian bliat the contemplation caiirot fait ta influence Our iiutèilectaal ulure, and rt us for the reimrted position me occuply as creattires progressing te, a state, of bigaer ntelligence.- 1 coulai gladly enlarge on this subject, but mit net indulge the wish, trushing irbat. 1bave wnitten wIll bct kiradl>' receiçeai b> the patrons of the Re7porter. Yours re*pcetfulîy, i'REPORTER. iteportcd lReal of ]Lord lgins The -Coloxiii of' 'edtaesilay mornirag gia'es a rumour ifbat Lord Élgin lias been 'ecaîlea b>' Lord Dierby, and that Lorti ilarri% taas been, appointe d to Canada in biç stead. ThlacC010,nist is rathler celcbrated for î'umours tint tairaiout premahure. TteLxotnihcr'anJ Leaer of the saine dte m"dcs no mn,n of such a reort. 'lCLERGY WSWV>AND) IMNPEIlAb DICTA'IION. T he aonAld aratuous contention arisino- rroin tuhe Clerjry Resre question wiriel bas for i-cars agatateal the effntry andi been thie frceat -cî-teeriaa cf political tas bas suddenly ~a*t-mied a nets' anal hîiglly interestirglhs -otie hua wbich mIll procluce feelings cf sine anîd ind -ignation bliat wiilsink Jeep i the oaat f uany a truc anal loyal tîutject. We refer tu the despateti from Sir J.Pack-- iwnto telord ElIgin, te tbc founia in the Extra accomrpaaying this dey's issue, refais- ing tilt people of Can-ada the ri-lit to Le- g'asIate upen the Iteseni'cs or in an>' satisfac-, tory man rier alter their present arrangement. On thme rc'al motives for sucb a conclusion iL is quihe unncccsary ho comment.,'l'Iey are oîl wh'at tic might cxpect (rom any il.- laaîL o-ýctnmeflt under the guidancê of a ýe1fîfta anal tigoted pricathocil, whose otaject i.. to -builai up ut gi-ct ecclesiaïtical hi=rrchy andi al'wne to dictate sncb religrions sentimenits ,wac artiela fur thc peopile tas willu mnta Iroiti thcir own narroir miaula. W'e cotalî aaevt'r exnect tliose, Whbo, «f ah tgis litateiiea arecttîe most obtuse andl tniîiformî- ed cfihue popular svill, te m.iake an>' conccs- ,ionr untit actuatly coun1'ellt'J La doso- 'flaair vicis andi polia'y, tacref'ore, in thais in- stance, are netither rsîarprising ortnepet sud. But tbe sitigtdar audacity taey htavei naanifeed in itaus denyîng, our riglat t le- gistatc upon al aur otwn local alfi..a de- rniadb a an than oralinar>' attention. Ia i!' -,cldoiia auach au, cient occuris anid srhc it ect b Amu a'etrhor condeanilin tueomea- 1ýUî'e tct'ins, iti errencous adoption. In the lýrcaseit inntaîce svrlat k ýtiare Lu jixxîifY the fiaperuaî ;Os'ertitnent 'inithé course tlley hâei' pîa-,ucd. Haie ttiey -e readily fongottot the al-'pl9)rable events of '37 1 Do tiaey yet tiare tu noppose andÙ discouniteaance thte popîn Ia' iill of flira ioat devotet d itvfu coý c redit as an itndqpendent statesmanand Coli hpletely l!,r'Ill atbç .crtions cof bis oppi ucats as to ýeeatinieauts upoa tus questioi of questions. N1re have ever bath per-fec confidence in the lbontat>of the preseat nmi larizatien of ihe I'esrves. W. bave neyer 'y of' cf in, e generally nitowvs ber te keep out Aveut the -prospet t f'aa egis'oeut in ba,ýrà -fP*à bis bouse, ,Coiok bis footi, ake care Of 'i the shape oif reciprocity or auything eJs,141 ig yOUT- à aichittirea andi mend ibis clotJacsr (,nerou.s b<bohhumain't to th e peopfr's rpaide a$ Ç~ti SProtector1 Yen ay 'tbati rigbts oriiate o h, -my mzn m the Constitution ofou tr nature.Now, it Brtish sufiects ad productive af Uic wor'st a<it the conistititon of tatmaap natuire univer- c*usequesces te their in .tevest#.. Comng We aereuete -alter. r11n andL destroy the cauecheypretend tol neîther fairness nov arponwt. it % oe Is ~$ advocate. ~~~~~~Yours, &e. 1ir4 ottif0$ 13 a1voF. e{.P. 1 M S . W~aan'ARI~htsr___________the bM t irp' 7b tMe Edïtor of t1S Repo ter: eet0ilor ~Tathedtor of the Nortli AmerfCan. nu heRfeporter" of thé iitb inst, is a BROOKLU ig ?it, . tetter of Mr. 1IL Micheil, il) whieh be r e MR. EDITOR ',--- It is flot liecause I think capitulates a number of charges wbhie 4 that there J's any Ilpoint,"1 in ),Our ireply! bas seen male against him in that paper, thei I3otuzwa=dL Mess<rnf which Ilrequires elucidation," that, 1 take and then.he gives tileul -a %holesale denial the Peoide o(>liani the trouble of answering it ; for to ma it and.not only then but any chrirges that may tîyhv aii~fr~J seems auite ilpointies," aud as far " cluci- bav, been macle against lin» u'hick. k e bas i)ro ý-re t datîngl saîclgga mass. of iirepresentatîons not seen he says"IlAil whieb 1I bereby Jj ilta £apro ~r~t and flase statements, 1 confess it is beyondj tinelly and unequivocally deny to be trae." 1Court [[u.coutiladdgie;a my ablty. Yo nu are âware that this con-1 Now wiitb rsp= t le the fint charge whicl ieuî l r o c h )O troverby is one of your oswn provokhaig. 1, bc aays 1 al againît hîim at tafrteualoa eJttepol wroîe YO u tpon a subjeet whicfr Jil not at ý meeting of the ProviliionaL Council. that-1nrs" rc-joC ici the vi( ail iiîvoive the question whatwoman's rights 1ba% already been prcûveil tobe. true, andi f r gaiaed;. I1k Says4, $let Il were ; anilyenu pretended te undtr*tand it: mor proof were wantina, I coîîld find seve- sle-hywl ths Ias a challenge to a. controversy tipon tta Ilrat tI ost hj iesae h aes tsibjeet. ÃVota tvieled nme Il u spedify th(t!!l >ali sate te m Jail is an cmbîcri ftlteil ru it c wîiltwoanisatpr~et epri- As to the fourth charge, ai] T have fo Court 1 ouse a vIrtaton ofd, before 1 had said thlat she--isdc!priveid 1'4 aï te awrt dî4'imctly'ande , euzvo- these huililin-,s thare at Ica of ay, nd equetedsueto ly dwn y «t, h-alwi4 Iytatc'din (z formr lettr'M propoiinsbe(r allen epressti ai, bit had ,cddtom e il Preriy trlcIbi% de- vanif y and a vexation of Opinioni. And you furtlier represetil'ne niail ige crintrary notwithistancinr, nmime- the people If iowmanvill as asking yoaar v %v, lien I nwrely C(il- ly ît iÇti they wonvll let bim draw lip those cspccîaîîy te tne lattera v deinrted youriremarks. 'The saule spirit of t e.*4lîîtions bec ould do it better or m~ore to untirne,.s andl miseprceentation pervades the ptirpose," butas 1 eau bring ý'1prof ation of spiit --- in a pce ail yLur productions. of Ibis it is open te denial andi muiitrà nainas view. In my se cond letter, 1 atatead tlat 1 bc- it iii. I do not know wlîether he menis-te [eved tite suq.a;e toe c m i- ulit, accuse mec of chqroing bitta witb artîng Ou.r neighour Ui alid oave, as a riaaon for thatý belicf, the i nler the dictation and miaspicies of Osha- ýswc ail adept 'ri gcttiuice foîîrn- r'aeîtva a. but cone tbinZ appeartaininirrto the camwasea aýtsuctdi ltim.1cn righîs originate in the factiltieN, f tbink I do know. tlaat it ivas at tige insýti. Ild-icee i (that is tire mental attributies.) of ma«nkiud. gathan of parties from Oaba-wa that lie took of thaings a ievr onths, à Thot faculties are the saine in ail inaît8- , n rh pains andl trouble t.e commerce even years., before tbcy ac kind; therefore their righits înia'41, bc I p IIC n 'saain.,t-me inithe Quleeu's [[ul "4aine. 1 admnitted, huwevir.r. iat lhoaîi'l, Bench whactî are. stit pending after lie badi t n i~~gti r~r~ re esintilly te .sane~ eeatcally said tirai be woîîld bave nu h ani l inwa lowdmpo tli r>s -nttîaseetyio ,*clor bSn-in it. andl that le 't ' " j4 rryp innoncwe of thltmotl .d, JI. our reply yoj brou9,ht foriçaiil r îipliroa onoyr not to art aanainat me iisvlich , k miy Prince a) the Sl<ulk of n mâie andl a fenanle heal, sta- aîhi<t case.> I treno douht th~e L"estleinananlhsai"ter so r îirgg thlit - thesaine'b.nips ivere tllereq ,anl feels fil(-position he bas plareà hlimself in, j#li as. he i,11 th ai aîli~undegI'thèa ' but lé differ- j aricl he pontstiiteformecr part of hi;shre1 Traaly, we k».c entlv îuodifiedl' and iii that- difference, YO'tI, letter. bait lie is net going to reinstate bita- avl-0olia,« liveal so long said "Ieial Uca1îret"This iras yOur' if by pulling me clown, and encreavouring brfr lÃ" niul only re;ily te r rcraik tpon my y ar-; ho fasten on mie an accusation oftahinî guinetît. 1 met tînt objection by shoi'it whà t is not trime "ca eot 0ttCJ LIant the saine *îdýfiJcncc$' cxisted bettve<'îî I regret very inucb being obligeaI te get ARCLUA it tiio mnale headâiscf difrrient clîaracters.- 11mbt newspaper colliion with nay collea-oee The cascs wa're parallel, 'andl thleore i', fIni the Coutîcil, 1 bail boped tint wc uight uilifics to the peojPle < Icoîild not deprk'e ivoman ni' rigiat unies% it hAave had a breatliný(spd1t after the ordeal autendiiig the Provincial dial ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w in i,. Vahusagngttmaireha ve pa*sed throiîghbut hai ren an grently increascd Ib>'(th Ms tvoinan and iwoman ks man? '?lVe ierc î attairk is madie on me, s"lf iefence imust bce fspeakinar alen eiclubiv0'y of the-~ fai-utics. my ajîoloo' Nr.I. 1t ~elr b Yon t rént on hoc-Sevr, (0 advance thîe ab. 'YOums,&e f tic Fair, %%rill place tu -sur'iden that circiir;n.sa aczan Oigi att'PTRTvLn oah eienWib in'ic>abe iahs;and 1 i auJnot feel cali ' rote 1 Pickerini taMn, llh 82 iving Passenogersi upnn, or ual înciîîed tn folloir voit (xi ' notice vour irlert.uale-ornda Facto andl Scraps. til l ha'sith d'd1icate n marks.- thcm tu ruturn the sanie In veair laà taMost ]loýica1 çprodiuction. vol' TUiE OSHlAWA FACTION. a-rn'that a niinacannot be a legistator-"ar"Mnc - I i'lottnéectî lis d ti duiie'r. An individual restioinhiOshLa 11 ned ectng ecic; again resiumîeIs ber rouit 'Ilis a4sîînylioli am 10 abstard to nce J ~.. IL Gresn as published a letter in anal Ilociie,,ter dlirect il fuaution.", Catïnot a m'tantbc absent fiorai ý,<-i 1 Iis~, t'arailrr a f.'w veeks îvîîlout bliair 'sufier- ucF'r.nsaigiia ti h pno ortborougbhly repair-ed- iuig~~~ nekr?.I t ant dire - a'Mor.Wko nlMrt>,tn ftent. 'flibcofficers <of '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ý url 'u oü o, atanatieaa rv' esrs. Taylor and MeIDonougb mitre 1un- ;reiametdsre ia!iota anake h;s dorncstic ctatti!s [lais frtand aala eld.re "featlest. crescatet], the natm f0 Çancîin iWhiai ithe pieole L»of this aeigb Now ve on eteonly sembl lire cafiiey t->ok lpant çvooiil inequitable and 1 genltlemralty rbaauty iw a a lafional arg-ument containeil in tlaut pro- vii. hssae ntkuedflefrrbeweejc-.tt> daciaon, and this tapon exainination proies bt oyin fth 1enlme awbc h iteroneI rie theAdmi Io ta onîy a- semblance ; for besitloes the h, pno r1ccgetemnbsbe b , u i redtcdr prois bertgassimei iithut rooth' tniiied decidedly Io the revertse of thim ; but tconclusion does net nilcCi;arilY frillo-.Y, ter '- er<w depnde of r Taylor fome wthaeget fore. your yl~s"is a4-'falseloue. epend-1t3yUaylor anal tan r~îL ci suhra~e~ . f~ .IMcI)onough and/ rotin fg licjr. roies ai-j leriglaht of haamnity; anal rt firstVerat. of Mr., Michell. gwve a working inajority of J Wallace, the constrat é noffher words, -a5 'thie ri"gt 'If sel-pro- iTWfJ te the Cou cI owtsadu l enaMleil tesetbis amen1 anlst-ora w't zic on hvt faleliod(s wbichlishusletter contains, cav'atioui fer tic feaini Iinvols'es alil ,,erj, lfor'if ive pssi in -on1Th- elk g~e rghîltintgenertes aothe , , the calcuatate t ebrin- iisecredit on the-Couta-t buildings. Thm lki i i4lt ho rote t it ; ntI if deprived of tî cil, Mie mim e (f o l i uer as uIi.eni t to W allace giveza asu raci tri, , t, ir ecau poèlseis >no other, but are Ite destroy an>' influence ib mi-lhb have On the this County,l that the lia - ancre crecatures of privilege by sufferance. inindof bue people. eti forward with rapidity you eall ilman the natural protector of