Ontario Reporter, 2 Oct 1852, p. 2

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N E ADVERT1SEMENIS. 'lrO I>RINTEtL8 A B Y 4jA 1V 4 001) (ompcsto want'd ut <lbis office, immdatel alt, ai anAppreulIiuslaeIbo, 7'o iètaecial rate on th.e tPrining businfl, ail intelligent lait fri 15 to 18 RatLeble property o the Town- . e se aship of Picherîng, to diocluarge WiilyOc.,182 du unpaid balanlice ,of e100 cur- r~cpart of£300 curreàcjv,if I-Ci RtE'O B T E R* - be paid Io Joýir;Siucn, Esq., WMilT5Y1, ýATU.RDAY, OCT. 2, M82. Liccnsed Suùrv4iý,or orthe sur- ...... ....... veuy &c., o! the ToSwuhip fines * Theo Late, Dispatches. ant3d Concession intcs in the èid wve bnve hefore n% a despntch froni tic 'Towrahip. - Colonia~l Office [o <lhe Governor General on W~1{ErE1_AS the M'UICIPAL COVNCIL [lie subject of the Provincial curency, but of et he TnwttsttlpofPickerinug have engmei'd isgetlaiiu rî Jette; Ssaecq.. ideenteul Provisirial Suivry. t getleg precludes u rongiving it or, tu ur andRepotuponen 1< itre.Tomn- sip lin",. aA a<IthelisConre'uion lineof thelb. sai, aninsertion. Towflsii;',, fmr the.urpmcf <,tahluhi»n the , Suffice it te suy -tîit thtecColonial Office sanie 111 a peimanent niannen, colii ummabiy ta the, provlsuons or-te Statut. 1-2 Vie., csp. 35, Biatl> refuses toc lut uit count otan cunrene>' suid cter enaetmro nta scb ce at. d ndPire. dkcoraotnsithmoe' ik vixi.d, the. salulwork le bo clone fer ant inb on- ndkeP oracut nt oeeti alîteratiDn othet auni of £30 currenro chb best.. 'MO eîureney la te 1w levieti and el.cted this pi ement vear, andth le balanre.- £10(0 coirencv, i!lowevor, [hat is net of se mucli impor- t, ý efî as dl adurblta lie paiti in the. year 1853.'Itnemtpee Andi wheteas. ilii 'rcordanuo sitb lte proviaistati'ews t mw[i or',s niut ie Sta le 14 and 15 Vie., cap, 100. it la attention cf cur rcadcrs' te tie highly im- yequitiinW ntuk< provision fort he dus payment orfh -.i ubalance et the time when thé sait portant tespatieq on the Clergy Reserve AfnsI 'ieea:l. the whle rateallsPiO-MYOfin>'e Question, wbicli wiltic found lin our col- the Tnwroliip ofPickerng l or ihbm >t 52 *,&#aunistc.ul.> Ileur tred an Twentj-fi on.Ttoi&dOu. Tho ist us a' espateti front Sïm John A inrrds I wîtty4 uire ou t AntIwheesiIl illrequt. airae f akingon te itle Govornor General, an- I l lih cfapenny i lie <uurd onte above surn î~provitle fici te paynient cf th. ainid debdotaf' nounciuig the determitiation cf [thc Der-by ex,. j fu nt ccvi tt bnt stt ntroduCe a Bill eprî Be ilu hereurt osnactellhy ithe Muruic1iol rouri. Canadian leu'islalien ; the tecônji>i a lutter ,il of îi1c odii f Pickoringt, that the. a #id-1 *îoetaliiI.i'o c a penny lai tha Pounduttlp from the TIen. F. Ilincks, acLknnvledrin,- levied, ,aisee. and roeleied on aIl the afattie le tanyI atheisiTownshup iet PictIcui ig crer the reccipt cf uliis Du'patclu. andtienterisrîg sr aleure :1l ther ratesti a rneutsil Ibo u> neacniirlo fii Vosb y.ar 1853. AIu-,tliea 1ftitule-enacler!uthé>' ttt.,hn;.ity pe:. ' i tt2tare qtîtu nunil- sfrr.s i -a ii lmî ai I-te il t'ufi a~l clil «t itlv 'y ;1il ilot 01i i ' ud -lreitilu y i l, h ru ý -atun ,ithe h id btJohn uii o bii i is WI telllu' . "': j t ,1' .'c 5 u-t, ~r iiui hi. or ilivir îfrnatovi llurieloi - 'kW Ç,;' "or~' ynertit of the lt#i48il' ni Vl4 1, NO0TIC E. 11 Eabove b a, [rue ccipy of à prop-oicd I 1v.Lukw : in Wtaken lin consiul<îatlun h>' the of rpi il lhe Towloip of Pic keririt i hi TI )t )aîitio an Ft, a*'. a:Ltrcrr<'i T *mt- lihce tîir li the s&nidTomiîibp. on ihe ir lsi ilay ni ihircînhber nvxi, utilté-hoa ofTeiî onçlnci& in the <rrîîoi, M whicb lime alni plarr liât Mnmwri!ps rfihie 53ltcî1,iliy are hcety rqiîrrd te attend fur llie puiiîoe feinsd. HIECTORt BEATC>N, leickei ing. 29îh Sept., 1852. 2-fi TO L ET. NEn- STORE in theTown of Whit- tly favourabty oiialud on Bioc k Street, - ~joiviig fixe Gomm..rrial Buildings bl1«k, and tin îbie very entre of louuines. fTie front Stolp j, :C~ by 2 fret, uitulia l*rge and rii6imoious Sior. 1 oie 1 n ith e r .The. tiole Prnises ai. ivd1 t.ui ur en cri yîng 0,IL aver> eJmtite 'ERCANTILE. BnsIES ,o h.;eu tno haek rotnti>' seillenexit rnow takil&K-l te,. ewCounty Town of0<Onatmo i.14 pnincipol place tif Il"sir'euThese tpremises ~1kr siiieli t pilcîtwaîty t persona dksirua of ;oaliri:: Iv-e. Tl),IlJIM. Lbm~~ieioa .maie knowlî l'y spplicatton tg) the l>itprftor in. sil AIw IlhyOc.2ni, 1852i. t IIONEY TO LENDU i"'. 'ib--ritbr is preparedtoomn a, lRea I lu> ~.1ited pn.ainon uit i p -te; Nîeî1,f:-d -d 41y 1li hlie %Il w0hrait lut uuhl Eat Witid,.or Whif-by. Oi<tnler 2îîîl, lYub2. Distiolutioa of PartnerS1mI p. niçlFPýIA 01th" ilh yî Brewetry la hW diy d elk (y mu'Un1 rolâm-lit anr id "el,î.due the saîd Firm uai [t w w pid Io T. $13*RIDAN, Whithy, Sept. 23, 18.32. 25-tf -Thbiâîr"osinei tretnfore carrieti onîby <tie above- Firn>-i t" WithV ýyBewo'ry wili b. hertafîcrr carticd on l'y T. SEEIIIDAN. CASH FOR BUTTER.' THiE~ Subsen-ibr will puy cash' for an>' Aqua.flîty u of d Mercliatat.ie Butter in liegs or oitierwite, delivciri tl:Ib.oCtiquereit SioitWbtby 1OBTý1I. LAWDRR. WiVItby Oct. 2ntI, 1852. 2-f Eilerprizê la the Fouu4datIom of Iucuw. 1111 cf tblui.abtan[a cf [ho *,lthe F'ncprbet of <te onlcn Fattory ,>rie$ witil C S. Jewetand1 rcOpi ieieutefom ilrCt1011 pie th Y . itd ' t: ouvo àiuirebsaandti tenoue culuors. "l'lie j %e.nd tas clir&uly showçs," nte qtot, . rn thie 1%i'siuolui lcrald"-6wlutl iare 'tît îi an tliis coiiiuu-y an ru'fýrce tu thus diuiiii, anti 'A buat <lhe uons'-qlluceb QI surh istlèIo t a collibsbiînt beturuen the Leë>lâlattu e. i f fi-l t wo tOutitrietu. Yonrif' (leue b une tub-j ject more ILhan anathi.'tiat thi> couintry Luis unadu ua)i> ts mîd ouii t iW the serularizatioîi oiIlhe le r y lee'e;and Unleuts thé Eaîl cf Derby eMire te 'sue it arn>' icît in hoàtuilty ta bngiaud, lie wiII allow it Ic ma - nage as àt înay deei best its own affaîs.- >1 lit noble andi candîd sentimients i MNr. -line-'ki are.[luose of Canada, andi if [liii ht tillit>' ensues, uthe han cof Derbyi>' nint not' cotnplaÎi o f net being fore-warne-; îfor, jui.t so burcl>' m the sun shines dem .on uts and runs lis dai>'cuus, t s0urel>' 'iii [bis country nutl subiuit te have lier local affairý, nianagcd b>' ain lit Caianet. It is bcrst te lie understoit on titi bat. <lc ory Go71vernmnt inlingland mS« t Iar th lat Canada is a frer cauntry, andti lai an>' ut- te.mpt <o incerferovith hler intercîts usililibe inet witlî a feeling cf fiee indignation. In coanection wilh Ibis ire ucidertuttani Resoluitions itnicuedoient tc tiwt ete lie cf- teredi b>' teIlon. Mr. llincks are te lie jropied-by irlosu tliink yen i .Cf alilmeut in the leuse, fleulion, orf Tor oto. The To0ries. il.is i.es.ion, are efeuL ortl urî- nate t le>clioite of ti-ie leutders; tii-tt, oa Ëmi debale ocn tte .Addres, lieut>'*Sîuilli. j ol), of Frontenar, led oil-nowv, on the CILérgy Beservemi, Wiliam Bt13dlton, cb'To-' ronlo! heur iiumenietcîy îituenîl muat (liat <'alwC luewliuch lias livsch advotates un ils loéreunoit ruuk." The Provincial Fiir. 'fhe Pirincial Fuir helt iniu'o-nehs s-teck sa a triiumnliant illusiration of Ca- maanprc'pu-i-ily anti naterprise uu that b t lu-f indut r>' whiîcîIlbas ever ueetiel lItei .obtefung came cf govr<aîrwnt.ant siu t îîrvs .~t, ternis thie sole anki only battis et Canatian wcah.7-Aricultum u-.nr uait- Uracturea urbicti are ostill in <in r infane>', i-nd kept f lere liT the non reciprocal andi sil polie>'ocfithe. Coiteti $tate, virte pecessanily amail, andti oc 1iecompared te tiie gu-at State Shbows etf te Uniteti States, as enterpnise in [bis source cf wealtli is 'cenfiined te thse local deutanti cf neigli. borliced aaait-a pouerfai non reciprecal Amnerican competition; but tlie specimens 'ofiect for exhibition 'veOcf the most sut- stintiai Jescril-tion, anti manifesteit in a bigj degrce, [lie latent talent of ear peeple fer [the artu,. W. hbave selecteti froini [le premueuts. awandeul at tItis Exhibition the recepicnts cf prizeli in Wlitby atd Pickering, the oui>' Towrnshipsi n[lie Couraf>'of On[ario repuesetedl on the occasion, aIse a conu- pendJ of the am( w it of pi izes neccir,ýed b>' duterent 'I ewnst.. Citles, anti "o'tvn~ps icn Cinida. Prou i;i. ' it AIlbc souritIthâat FIWS ataenu te aieLl ural ctaIi- Planborn Weet Gueiph. E tobicoke ?Hope lm1cDrral Port Hoepe Trafakr' Vatughan W~eîel nnS-quare Rtichmond Hia1 Se. Cathonines Dumfries 17 12 -12 1 12 10 Lorndon £9 15 0. Wdmnot' £9 10 0. 15 o. 10 -o. o o. 10 0. Io- o. 0O. 5 o. 5 0. 10 0. An. ?ýrd best 3 jeur oIJ Bull, .U )owv, % W.bb,.1 1~u benst .w-grade catitr, .L>,rn.Wbitby,. ei , I.year OdtCw vJoî Cadte, %Wbitti>',' . 111eut 1 year eîd Uilene, J. Peartson, %ý'hitbv, Q- 13id iet de do. John Cade do. 1 IJest Ileifer Caîf cf 185124 wifiamu Dow, do.. . O 3rd beist dra<ught Staîlien, J. Vu iUon, %'liitby, . 2 l3est 2 year olti Stallion, -W. Waddell, Pickering, . . 5 Best 2 year oIt vmîî', 'r. Luiîniden, %Wliitby, - . '3 2nd boit spin di-aug1 loHrses vmn. Miller, Pickering . 3 end beat ram, tive ibears J. Mîliler Pkrkening, - . . 2 liest 2 Lures, ['vo iteas W. Mýllkr, Pîckeninoe .4 .nd test do. de. VV. iller 3rd besi 2 Ewe Lambi, John Çade, Wliitby .-.-0 15 0 10 0 5 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 "Wd heât Il an. 2 sticara, Join, ýSpenCer, Whitbv . . . 2 0 Sh btt eauing lam.-John %pnertlliîby,. 0 O15 esian,(Lindi) do. do. 2 '10 3rd liest do.. do. John Spencer ' WVbithli--------- - 10' 3rd boit 2 Ewes . . . 1 10 uztxts ANSti AxXs. lIest ['o vore Lamba, tD. Kno'vie.tý. Picker-ing, . . 1 10 iý'T 5ulELP.' B3enu 2 fat W ethers, W. Md.- 1cr, Pickening......3 O Ilett 42 fut Ewes, W.' Miller, Pickt:riueg, . . . é 3 0 2nd best do. do. James Peau- son', W lhitby -..-2 O Beust Sow, 1852, %V. Linton, .Pickering.......2 0 >.OICVLTUMIAL PRO»VCTIOZ4S. Bet 2,btasheis Pea, W. Gor- Ieon, W itb '. . .. 1 10 3rd beit buishol lImp sceul, J. lewsten, do. .é O10 Beat baie of 11ep5, J. Ritson, WVliitby ........2 10- 2nd beat, 112 blN. Fiai, J. Feuriter, Wtitby,. . 3 10 Beât 112 tbias. lemp, do. do. 4 0 2dt do. do. J, Fewmoer, Wit- b>' ..............2 10 AG RICULTU5<AL IRIPLEXMKTS. 3nd test Iron Phmugh Wmu. Dunbtar, Pickerng, . . 1 O Beat trtaw Cuttun, L. Bat- terilteld, Oshawa, . . . 1 0 3rd best do. P. IL. Huele do. 0 1 10 service Iyt>' esing herrinto peut, otleiew frointh <lesoutÉ w'ind blouving aut the [lune Shi wonilinu're du'iu'e sii ore iitti serions lait liot t te le oat anud cerge. - affords us muur ipisuu'e te lenrato tthtit Opeutinâ lcctutre cf[lie lInstitute (or thi.4 sea- son is te lie tiehivered- b>' Ber. Thora. [on, on Monda>' Eveninw -neit. Strbject, Gooy. We hope [o se'ç a crewrde-1 GLOVEsTE, Sa'r~nn-27. 'The fl.ihing Schoonlers roltn Jants and ilary S. ILbstoet frointhe 0tlsltiîg groutid report sei'eral atdiîtienai interruptionsb >' tie Englim'i, but'n" furtber arrestis inctîr tti Caroline Knigkt I Nwburypert. On Tue*lt u at tire-mon quarrelleti ai Pont Dalhousie, and one cf [hem seizinga stable foi-k plunigeit it into [lie other. One preng paîsit [liroagl bis-ainc, ene thtrougli bis, lung andthe[ cotton hetureen tii arinandit bcd>'. "f heu- ee no neopes entertained oci [ho',,man's recorer>. The scrîiiual va.' fouand concenIesi under.a bundlc of lin>' By [lie Cunard tsteamer '61.&trmpd we luana fliat Louis <uçeieon adad atan in. tervtiewr ith lwo 0fte Roman Ça[boiu i3isbops fi-onu LowççýCimda, and -tliat bail expresseti gr'at intei-et in the aiTairs cf itatseto-oOu Province,and as amark cf bis sympalis>' 'ittith[le sunilrenu b>' t lat. fie at Montieul bc hadmudu, a doua~. 50 the pens-ons qtiiliIieCt o vote at the keiec- tien of ïMeinbers cf [lie Lé iatve'Ms"n bu' ini ench Division Io elect oee roper person qualified&iu thse maunner b<resuatn mnutioned to ftit in lte Legisslative Ceuncil, which shituid be coutpoiie4 of siîty pers.ons seu clected, cue-ulsmrd cf w bon; hoîzld tic re- quired to retire inrotation every threeý years., 3. Thaith[e pensons qualified tote c lect- edMeuubens-of tW, Legisiatii'e Council sbould be all Suîbjects cf HerMNajesty by birtb or ,raturalization, Oif thte full tige o1, twe nîy-one yeans, and reuiding in tItis ['ro- vince, wlîoma bave been Mcniberýs-of the, LegisIative nCIouncil cf trpFer or Lower, Canada, or of tis Province, or wboshî bave been eluected Members of- the Leiris- lati/e Assembi>' cf this Province, on of ciîtl- en cf [lie said late Provinces, or are or bave bet Watvdeni- or Mayoirs of-'a Municipal DWntict or County, or of a Union or Divi- isien cf Ceunties, or of a.n> City or royn j0 eliii province ;> ngpersen who is ut. pres- ent disqualified b y law te be elected NIein. ber of the Legisiative Assenubly bcizîg ehi- giblc for the said Legî-Wative Council. 4.. That for the betten workinS, of Coný ýtituuieiiaI Goverurnent the LohusIativ, Cosncil se coni.tituted oujgitt te licl'able te d&solution and re-election in flic, sainiemni- ner as the. Le giblative ilssembl>' noir is,- and [liat under -lie prcposed chia nge, it aliould bie opiional tç tIseGoernor Gen- eral to dibsolve betti or eithen cf the ieusesç cf Parliarnent wbenever advised so te do. 5.- Ihat it being inexpedifnt unden -dte amcndcd Constitution cf Parliamnnt to re- quire an>' pccuniarp qualificalinn froiniI:i .IiLlnl)er- ; tîtat now iniposed for beiunr ttlertil tei or sititur in tbe Loegisl.utive Ali- ,eîiblvought talic abolî,shed. li. li. the Legilâtive Coan, il ko cou i it îed'slioul d elect ils owmin ptkîri O.Iitt lù pos.Kesi' the etclusiive potvvr 0cf ad-t judica.in'; upoti aillIinpeachincnts lprc!*eritti i F,î unctilonarirs, andthetut iii ail etlieri !*Vsr'cîs i11w pectiiar powere andt privile,pe n.ir jposess~d rad exerciied by eacli ofthile tsmo tiou-,es of Pailianient should ble main- lnctiinsiiolato in se fan as Uic>' -,yy-,,r beepugnant to the roruigoiiig resolution. 7. That thec folletving Territorial Diii- siens art fit and jreper [o bu adoptetd for the sait! 1iurpnses. 'vit: (Ilere ýfOi1OtI 1te (0 ta bejil/cd up> PTacts and Soraps. ~~iItAT M u~cn~.-Weare informeti tîrat during muhe peo¶ent week bctwreen 18 anti 20,000 bushéls cof Whest, baye bern purcbased in tijis Trown. The pnice paid here 1lor good saunples is 3%. and 8d. Port 'Hope. 3s. and 6dI. Botvmanville, 3s. 61.Oh'va 3s. and 7d. per bu5hiel. STIA MOOAT AccwcrNr.-As the? steauî-. er Boston belonging tg thc ~e îtu R~ al ltoad Company,, was leaving- thib port ci XVcdnes.,day Evening, lier walkin bcam broke coinpletely off near tlie centre. -For1 tuiiatci>' tlw Propelier Lord Elgin was riear b>' and rrcndcre>d [le llojion iînportani clamatiom. NIvr. iuorrisuwilnîgîvéws sup. port tu the prctient Goirernmnent. Tite ýVhiby Towihip Fait takes place at Osiiawa on Wednesday tIbe -3tJs juiL1 Prom the splenJid succes.s iatattendei tihe exhibition of the produreo f (hi town'bip al, the Provùiai Fair, otir fomers wifl feel encouraged tuo make a goo& tur uit on ti occasion. zîueting hielti in Troronto, it wus resolved hit on the -occasion of the World's Fair at îNew York, the Woods, Minerais, Furs, nid-other raw material of Canadla aliulti be cepreiieutad, togeibe r wsth specinien* of offi' agriculttîral produce and wanufaettirers,,for thie purpose of. drawing th~e attention of' Aisncrican Capitulists t.0 Our Ceuntry. 'Thle sum tofthrée thousantipoundà sterl;nq a been tranns.mitted to M'-oàtreal, b>' ominittee iti London; for the relîef of'tim 4ufférers l'y (lie late ire.. DeaLàai cf eiuke of wVcliugioa. The iiuoirnful task devolves upon.us Ii norîîig,, of annouin ing the 'deati on thie L4tlh imitant, of tbe greatest Captain'of (ie aire. [is Grace the linke of WVeliingsen. li1w newvs was received1 here ycýterdav by~ l'elegrali frein Halifax, on tlie arrivai al hat port of [lhe r.egular Mail SteanIer from~ 1,vetrpoul. Artimi-rVeltesley, Puke of Wrellin.rton, .a.it.c% of DJucro, AIarque4%s and E'arl oi i 'aio f '7. lingtois Counly .-iotner- ieï mont. Weluo f Wli;o aluav&eri, .ud .L$runu rO, et Vi elle%- tcun(y ýojnItSct, was iboro F4 .stay, [&,9 ; n&ried, lO&.&,Îrii, l8LhJ, Cathetrine hiýrd dauiu.hter of Ldtrard. >ýicbtwl. ,Secoîîd tLas'd Le,Ï-fut-d, who died 2âth April 183 1. T he iSàute by tbis marriage nus, first, A r- nur. .àIarquïs of. Douro;,NI. P., bort> 2d vcr' ý,1807;, C>IOnic4 in-th,ariy ; Fniirf led, ISuli April, 1839, Lady Elizabeth 'b>', daugliter of theiNlMarçluets of Tweedi- dlie. AdCisarles, boro- l16th Januar>', 1808 JOouel ili the ami>'; IM. P. ; snarried, 91 h uy.1tAugSsta Sophia Anne, only latiglter of i(vle Jutlight lion,. leîîry Münuver% Fierrepont, b>' whom bliclds'CVC- *al île. T 1he Mlarques% of floîào, Who lias nq)w ucceetled tu Ithe Dukedoni, bas no fuily. IJiï ("race the Îilutricus deceased, was te tbîrd son of Gaàrrett, int Earl of Nlo4m- ington.Ile comunencecl lbi miitar>' cen- ])I in 1794, ut lte liead of a brigade, un- 1cr the f:te Duke oif)Cork, in Ilou and;: lie tt~aiirwaih~enggedii n dia wbere li :xillib:teltrait* cftlitit transcenîdaoi nt liary %Yni~,îhich at ne distant peried 'vas dem» Liid tue levate hkm [g the nrauk of orit. iie firstandi greatesi. Capmaini c f hi, ame î ta 1808, lie îitered o~[wgeaand go;i- lU1s L'enîiiular %Vnr, anlJ, i 1815, acliiev- A the victory of Waterloc. 'Sir Airtiur ,'. etleJey (hL.4 osily title %vîlejticlietook (ti *QiltniiS ain) wvas cre.ared Bia:,.noa D o0 of %Velesley, cotnty : oînursýet, and VIN- (In, i the :saine ceuni>',1 41 l ', et)[>~ vaï of % 'A llan toit, Eet 1821 1 Uaeques )f Welî~oiîiA~s,11;and oIrus f -Douro and .Uuke of Wln vlay3;,dx1v1 C~. isleý T 4rv "waima ;)ukt; cf Cuidcd Roeurigro, and a Gýr-,ntice of lic: firit clsin :Spaiiiz Duke cf 1Vitte,-ia, Mkarquis of Torres Vedras, and Couint Vi- njiera. in P'ortuigal ; and, uteit illustrionis or di. P rince of W,%attrloo,a priocipaliiy con- trred by. the Kinz cf the NetherInlauinu- j TH£ MLi& oIfU~T Thse despatceiswbich (Whoi, and jiw lai corresýpondence etitween Mr. Ulooke aitd'qf thc Colonial miniliter, bave been 1Wd before the Provincial Parliament, in aswuer [o au addncss cof the Bouse. The firstt i aLotiL-ek nitilication from Ir5 John'5akingtou te tise el Governor General, unuler date '22uid &pri/, ph 19852. The second cormunication iii frm ut the Inspe4tor General te the Colonial "Se-c- th, relar>', datcd London, 3rd May, 1852-I thj ~The docutments tbat fol/ow su ffCie cz e- plain' thcuielre5. 'vil ~My Lpn),-13y a despatth cf My> prie- dece-sor, Eanl Grey', cf [lie 11 thJ uly last, î >'ou 'vore iîfonmed thait lier M\ajesty's p Iten servants fourni tlems5elves compeleil od to pustpone tu another session the introduc- i tIi tio oPar"iment of a bill giviug toefequi Canadilan Legisîtuire authorit>' [o alter tlie ate cx1in rsgarraingeent witisregard [o the Clergy Resorves. 2. %Vit1, refèrence [o [bat intimation, 1 have ucw [c inforni jeu, tata it is oct flic lintcnti 'on ofcf HeîMujcty's present adriserîs te Propose audIt a msasure te Panliainent Icil 3. Tb'ey have m ie tiiutplace taken in e to. consiueraticn that since any opnoti upon tIi <ilis dîfficlî subject was% expressei b>' tle ter Legisl§ature of Canaida, a gesneral electien bas taken place un the. Province, and it is as -et uncerté* wliatare Ith e c f [lie new -i ssenibly, us [otu thedisposai of tb. Clcergy 4. Buit independent>' of [Isat cii-cuti- e %tance, U-er : Ga~y' sovernment fetrl se-th rioui e~utts, hotyr fan îbcy wotuld be able te o give their consent and support te an arrange-t i meLnt, tlie relsîlt cf "hidi would tee proba- of lily ut [the divtrrion ineottuer purpescecf thecbjj onu>'- public funit. exreîîý (bat deroteâ te tbe qui endowinettcf [i the nianCarlolie Chuncht, wbuî:lît ncw exk4.ýs for thie support cf Divine wnràbup and reli-io!us insî r, c Ànti i th[e Col-, 5. Wlii[e it appears teIler Mejesty's Covernunent that unu ltte distribution, au- 'tluenized by lte Clcrgy ILeserve .Act, 3 undt 4-. Vic', chap. 78, el' <lue prQ.edc# f fthe sales of [he reserv-ed 1îaids, ne grouni i.4 leit for nca-sonable jealons>'or eeiuipLaint or uhitue fav-Our te particular Religious lienomnita- th' ~tion5, thc>' LIink,itinia>' te dttsirile, on D count ofthue changes iilMay ticeffecteti in tUe cliaracter of the population [lirouli ia exteuîsive Immigration os-othenoamu,îla the aistritution in tiention slieuld fron tlimetite be reconsî.5derei. ci 6.- An>' propo.ss ucti a nature, lie-r f J MNajesty'a Goermuoent 'vould ut iwillini t ls entertain. But tbey are of opinion, that 'I !bey could ol>' regard any meutentwhicmb would place it ini the power cf an acciden-, tai majorit>' of [ho Colonial L.gi-lature,'w hoei.vr sunali, [o divert forever from its * àat.red abject thie fund ani4ing fi-et [bhat por- n tion cf îbe pùitlic lunid!iof Canada, which l" aimoit l'rom thle peniod tof tlw .Britishi cou- quesît cf <bat Provinli a!§beeu >et apart Ion the religicus instruction cf the people, t .ht the Most s seubdoulit andi tesitatîon î mi boiv far (bey bsunt bue juîiiied in advi.in~ lli Ia' [1 o guru lier cort.ent [ t h a 7. ýite.ie rieurs oui tlicpatcof hon Ma- " (el .ipv-emuîmreî sitli re;smer [o a nu-o- I- cso $ 10 0 Paris £8 10 0 Der-eliii £7 10'0. Chingaccus>' M 7 6 WVeton £7 100. Prummondr'ile £7 1O0 Toi-en- te Gare £7 5 0. Yorkrille £G 5 0 Clarke £5 15 0, Bruckrille £5 0 O Eaqueesing £1. 1M. taitît Darids £-1 10 0. Sidney £4O 0 03ul.- £3 10 0. Sajt Fleut £3 5 0 Bathurst £a 5 0.- Flamboro Eas[ £3 S0. Burelord X2 10 0, Voodstock £2 10 Yenge* Street £2 5 0, West Guillimubury .2 0 0, Cliurclivdle£10O 0, Osbaw £ 1 IC# Prescott £1 140O, Picton £1 10 0, Bidon £15S 0, Waterloo £1 5 0? Daveupont £1- 5 0, Elizabethtown £1 5 0, Enin £ 1 O0, Oi-c £ 1 0, Thorald £ 1 0 0, Dundas 'Struet£U 17 6, Chippaura £0 15 0, Ceoke . ville £0 15 0, ("ait £Î) 15 0. PItIr1ms AwAUDLD To 1iZlttitTOIts PIOM WiI<'ViiY ANDIiWu.flG

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