Ontario Reporter, 9 Oct 1852, p. 2

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niake amfiramellts with the Secretary-at W~a r, 1 imporarîly ;erforming the fuucfioni* Indian adicee froin Calcultta are t owliue 7tla of .Atgust, and i fe Io > on h 23rd juIly. heu principal part of the intel- ligence iV§aau ak on Promes by lte i g lt steamers, whicm ended in the guni of 1litI fort bcbng carn;et off, andâ peatqosu- tained by thte, enemy. The ilotilla met iith a larg body cf Bui mes. troops on the way Io relieve Prornea, wbonî t.7y attacked andi tapttire&- witb considerable ao upon boti iota andi boat*. AUSTIIÂLI.-Ad vices (roui Sydney one moetb later. Gold lati risen at Sydney te i 5.1.5. per ounce. AccouaI: fronilte mines continuîe favourable. Anli-conviet move- ment %vas xtili carrieti on witit energy, anti a public meeéting ivas lheld at Sydney. FlbAr<V.-Tb'C Paris jonrunals co3tinu te be filetiwitb tclegraph anneuncemem froin the lprmnarépctgLoiN- poleon's pregress iài ilIme outb.lm.ifwc îay crthdese amn-ofil blletinslâisrecep- lin have been very e.nthmuiaïatic. 'ie varlis îowns t1'roiîg h iiidihét pass0d 'I' u'n d h.ylfamiv. arc L" ~r. briehi ~ buiith s ai pren sct3- journ.ng- ii J;elait) las been inviteti by thte friendLI> 'î ra4-de. le n-banquet --t Bel- Ltr.il". itis - -i'îî- B-ilîlias utîdertaken the. lour. i ý.h v ' ~striîlvîng inifi îde- wLî :*it e.i% s e'cilite ciitake-a tomnnt part l 1)n i t itil.esion of tariamntn. 14 'nc arinrw tendu'4î hI 1 ct ul itherer>aile,] Ironi Lonmdon aloîîc, eighit ships 10 Port i'hihip, M1e to -ydney, anti one to Ilobart low-ef ai eteaccpciyc 5,000 tons. Th '1tleme week, enn cuigrant. ship sihd frei--n nderland, lanLtme prescscte cf 12-000 persons with 147 passengers, 116 adult3 anti 13 ciiltren. "Éli princèipal por- * tien cf the passengers are p ersoîls in- (ie will settle down to their ordînary occupa-] The potato crop says te S&oUid/ .ecss, j'ScotianiaI ast , bu, faileti t0 a mucIli grater citent thias emsnthan illias cvc'r yot done siirce lte ycar in which (lie dksase firat coinnittedil s ravages. Tite isat tire weekt, bave firni*liet a lampentable confir- mation cf tbc-rumours wlich we lhave iîîîb- erto been înclinedtat attribute to apprt-en-j sion (cunded. en partial reports ocf lalure.-- Ttc progress 01 the potate bhight bail be-I CXome eotewhat 4f a cr7. or at least an erer xëady tpjic f conversation. . he blacken.I ing cf a sbaw Ivàs consadereti a stifficient -proof of ttc disse lwiaîn& ajpeared ulw1 Iielti, andi wit.îtr it madu pro,,ress or not, ih fiiIeld %vas pronouncedt i e lost. A- great deal cf iis wax tte resùÙlt cf a panic J wlii ie sîrove to îrithsanti, or cutîtter- sat, by as oach eviJrnce cf a sati3factory- chaater as coule. b. obtained. WVe re- gret tuo amy laIt te fears cf Ithe most fore- boduîng are noir beiugt realuzeti day by day. and -tlust Proofs of the rmîptdprogreis madie làyte diwsaarc only, bu abundant.. Ia Wmuost eîc'ry disýtrict of the. country', the lig uSs tee a b.. ieec,. ytai t>o urivi, twt 1ati fteitm. ati we have resouu ta knuw thit ~,tie ihr.er:htlîj w'ere screteie ae ted by tb igiat a ft)rtnigl>î u go,- are nuis a oma"s Of ptrsesc. 'rsnal obsrva. -&3 feet lon-1)y 3 2injciwi square, andi con- tp.inetd 5151 cuicf-t. i18 lollage irougb 1he.a' ,Ca-i wefi - A..iii'o ~ubr.;1.1 a rdj aî. 35'3!allter Ixai iie> c.idrily idlu LoweIi. 1Ttc 44 i-a» lras rV, -sriken, nti, Of course, ver>' grâtefal 10 the man» ivh hati corne ail -- thle ira>' us br-ýisg tm the. neis. T ms f,,n,,er Yns obligA t> o rrowv-tnoney of the. o14 man>, to gel bock. The- l'aller went to Loeie, Worked a long imto fti(ld out sVglSe 143s son %waa nnd aI. last met hima le an a grîy. 'lLte cesie was an aflectilîg- one.., 1'>c- Ieartless rana, wito perîsetra- tid 1bit solcmn swindle bau soI.b..,, de- Licensed Surveyor, for the sur- ve~&e., ofýet I&e owmihip lineg aceX6û~s 10ÀIre î hésu Tofflship. wHREAS tbe MUNI~CIPAL COVNCIL V fthe TownsbPof Pickerinlg have engageti Joix Sn Fa sq.. Licenacti Provincial Survey- or, te Survey and Report u pon the thrce Town- ship lines., ant! ail the Concession inea of tbe said Township, (or the purpose of establishing ithe saminn a 'permanent manner, couifurmably 10 tbe provisions of the Statule 12 Vic., csp. 35, an&othe ease niGubie mMde and, Ppro- videti, the laidi work le be donc for andtin bn sideration ifl e suai of £300 cutrr.nny, or whieh £20 crrtncý.y latebe .levict i ndollecteti ibis pi esent vetir, anti the -balance,; £100 corrency, te lefi as amdciiital>. pait inbth e ar 1853. Anti whpea. in accortiance wîxth lihe provisi-ý ons ni uhe Slatule 14 anti 15 Vie., cap. 100. itlu( requiitte 10 miakte provision for the due linyment of il,;-%'gAsaittaihsgcuttthe lime %when the' etid Mn>j iii iceurrrft 1-t Ami h.tralii'w w le raieat.l.' prnperty oftý !hf-.4 luw ehip of Picker ipt n~r or 11v..ar 12 W34 rour 1liuererit l Twenîy,.otw 'rtniond ne, H'ndredand l'wetiy-ive Pound*s. A ad wbereas, ilt will require ii açecial tateof -1 .llsh of a penny ini the 1pouid on the abovi. sum- l'O pi6vie (athe paymenb cf . at tlebt cfi £100. torether wilh foukjper cenit 16cover the expense 'of cohhetion'and defakation. lie il therefore esiactedbysibm Municipal Coun- cil et the Townahip cf Pikering. tual lhe s îld sp.ihrt.of'i1 1 c ' Ispenny lu ithé Pound ieb teviei, talac4. antdlecition,11ditlthératà4ble proparty 1,In the aitiTownshxip tof Pickes inz omer anti atove aIl other raies. andi assesurneni.a in the Vear 1853. Ant ie i ifurier enacleti by lIhe authority a (oresa -id1 bthalo soon ai-the saiti s'lm of £100, or the procectis of the saiti rate shail be in due c'o*s p Id 10 the Treasurer of lhe sai Townahip, be, le hereliy nuuiioripeil and requiredti bpsy fôrihwith 10 the said John Suier or bis legs1 represmtaiive on his or ibeir deman t terefor. the saiti sainof £100 currercy, in payaient of the balsneetheui due te hlm, as aforesai4. NO0TI1C E mEabove i3 a true copy of a -propoxed ¶I-aw ta 11taenluconiueiii>b i lMuttaci lit , 'tb.eTowensbip cf Pi'ckering in ti Lonnty orf1niarlo ocf ithe unitettCnnes of Yoik. Ontarin anti PecI, *atLcorx",#Tirnper- ahce losc in the sait! Township, onuithe 3lat day, ci tiecernier nexi, ai the hoeur cf Ten octock in the foreiuoon, ai wbich ie andi place the MermIers of the Nlutircimlity arc b.rcby requireel lU atltnd for the puî pose aforesaic. IIECT0lI BEATON, Tun wnCek.. TO LETIR NE W STORE in the 'Potvn of Whit- tiy favourtiply sitiaicd on Brock t Sreot, ad.ý jiîitîg the Uômmorc'tal Btiidin,-o block, and ln 1 ie vcry --entie afluisiinees. Thte front Store ila 3l7 hy 2-2 feet, witlî a large andi comrodîcus Store flouse intbe rear. Tie whot, preinises aie wel suited for carrying nif a very e.'asnsive M FRCANTILE BUVSUHESS. F#Wumthe greut exlenmoai hack cuntry selement n"or making the îîew Cotinly Town of Ontario iWspincipoi -place of bulsiness. Tiese preinias eIr pieiti ppoîtiliily 10 perlons tteaireiia cf Iocaîinr borte. TERMS, Li4,ra--siiieh may be matie known lîY application le the Proprielor. JVM. siIAw. Weliitby, OCt. 2i, 1852. 25-41 F thstthefirmWbùy Vft9e1w h# ST-APJLAJ ,:ewyLadin daolvedlIy mulueacnsent, - 'hamsenIver îrnp i e inlto tisMari, anti aitdli. dcthesatiNewnut . aChe0~ -l T. SHERIDAN, Corner of Br.4k and ingSreuzolis J. D. POSTER. ~ Le- jarr n~,n ,tetPpîs Witiîb',Sep. ~s,1852.2>-i. Wbi W ,n addition lu tie entire Stocks (rom beti is îd slangs, hi a pnu n ag soietDtisiO' Of Ne 1i03 ml Thsbouslnoe es: carriemby tiesuboWe D odaGoere;Jev çn 4e arwrRits4 Ye, irG onds in proportion. vilom inab ah, itIlbwey wih11 ercIftI carrled on by T. 81&IIIDANLiquos, Drugs, &C- 4<ai4i,..vîidat lparlicti - wuw'~whmW'aaAil of vblch b. stillî-Sel]at L oier Piices ha = cr F S ~~IINII51IU& H ~ ýWbilby VillÉge, 7ub Àtu"usi, 1862. 14.Cisiri M S1 abscriber woiul-i ll tih. attention VIERY IMPORTANT.MON V [ pyJE whcier mP>îdbs cv F bis customera andt tt public te itis M - s O ER Hrwr & Crockery ivcry varieti 1Îý,:oékcf T Ecumpany of lte Wmny WOOL- .i~,u G.ds- LXI; FACTORYagrestill un te Ueld,and readY' Whîîby, April 20, 1652 10 exe1cule ail urders ijn ujeirine of business on JUST**RIET) fe-.%l ONTieLsiorteat notice. Havitîj atidtmore marhine- UbsÀitîVi> vn ro t ofTA, Y, andti r estabteshbment having gone ubrougla' Moilig rpai, tiysolpart har ofpuli White Crape & Exhibition Shawls 5rghrprtysocta'brcfpbi kre de Lainfe,- Tley1!41l cchaure ClotifrL ol01ra M'*ousin de Uanes, RELIEF 1LNUNTN C - -1' i SGItbf r i o r T- W I~ Mola Dremss,- .FE ISU D Silk &Sàin Paraolq, <LIs-ATEWDpY , N:cu. Priats,BYTEGIAFR SatliaÎtitWarp inetuded, j . Zebra Tweeds, EIGN EREMEDY. Fl0n.1,do.uo. O -âm. Tweed, do. de. 1 3, Amenican CuItons, DR.L OCOCK$. BFaiftaCo, o >0 1 sltdr inform tte:r sre. Itte. u&c. m â:o 1f 21= WOeh Catdiiug, perpound, O 21-2 OJt8$Q1îbat bey pricea a simd. lewer titan any, Wtolesale - ortcCre c0 Cougbi, CcIa simBo- spînnint, do.- 0 7 1-2 Store iriitin thelimils of Ibe County Town.-chitis, Pouîeary Consumptuon, anti mli Afec- Oiiicr stoorlurdn, ia pop0ton>0, - ~THOMAS 1)0W. lio f the lresst anti Longs.- OhaWolCrngnd Ctlh àDrcssing wmli Ma2tb11.2-7-tf. e Martufaci5u e ' ÂEJOIINSTON, Roch- ibc carrieti on by tie above Firm, Mmy~~~~J 2t,12.efrNYsoeporeofrth jcciSae . C. BOWERMAN &Co. anti Btiiai Noil> Anirica. 1hiy, :18Y 12, 15. - SW LAND) FOR SALE - SPRUNC Ol tO JLET IPUlcliASL.*LOCOGK'S PROVINIM UTUAL'AND 6!NEUAL ¶1 "ôdîartof Lîeinîlue FEM'LE W.IPIERSý. IIlaR 'ZCNPW OCon. ofth Township of DARLIN'.G- -TUE IîTr5i 8PECIIC. caz2em--- Charcb Street To'- Ladies' Plain t-Fie TON, cuniainfn; 120 ,Acres, witb A certain cure for 1%enuium Suppressin, or Stip- ~> ~ ~ Lresscd AMenaca; tletorthaggia -Difficîtta, or ran lt enstruatlion; AmernnrriSoa, or Partial 1 ' andi Penecut a 1.« fBouse, andi Pruie Barm 0 Inadà ,*ï î £- . Q . m feep 3, wth ineArr orFAt Whfeat. TENMStsitpüh5nrs. Apply te he Sub- scriber on LotNo. 17, 2n4 Cou. Whithy, or by letter, ppal paiti, b Othawa. JO-UN DUNDAS. Sept. 1511,, 1832, 23.3in, I îv th dy iuipounded in the ic ommis Poud Atua an béiron ot-No.20 in the 3td eonecsie. in the. Townshiip of Whilby, a Marte Colt -rWisig 2 years odW isa blackt witboitt a wLiîe hae; & aiso a ied anti white spoiled Houfer 2 yeaïs *Id wete ibis daf forjnd îrspaning tpon the land i otAmrbros Morris in the' saiti Townàhip, ,4" u- he obb wleer or uwnera îbereofshall flfe4.-n tiaysfimskis datem4dem lbhesameal the aforeuait by Pa)ing thé dtamag àand charges ot the Pourîi Keeper 1i hall prnce d\îo seli the saie by publie aueion ononda y lb.1lth <Lyôt Ocîober oeil. ai Bryari's Bord Witby, ai ithe bour cf 12 n'clock. ALEX. BAI.MER. .Pound keeper. Wfitby, .4ugua-t 27îh 1852. 23-3in. NOTICE. 1 hereby forbiti any person or peraons (rom pur- chsing à note (or £9açpinst me.drawn in favor of Benjtuin Brym, MWsthe tbc'2i dayof Aigus:, 1852. ihree montba afltndate, as 1I-will siot b. arcootable for the saine. -SAMUEL WIXSOff. Broch. Aut'îrt2l1852,. 19-t. MONEY TO LENDICIciodKula opy - ~m ESubcàr is hprepare t te oan a few 1lundreti ¶'onnds on aecurity upon Preat -U'ee Persortat applio's:iortu onhy attled 10. Ns'nc neertia ppiy but thoue Who can lurnisi accuriies of approveti characlet. A plytIo Ortber 21idl, 1652, Eai ssTEr. Essi Windaor Whitby. 23-4t cOdLE 0F TOWX LOTS ¶1ESubscribr-will cfier for $aie by A c- tion, o mWvuIyiie 2Sth day fo! c- tobar 0«-,, t' airCaLYE ccnck noon on t1je presnisc. a nunîber cf Town Lois in the Caunîy' Towe cf the Counly of Ontario, colaining s quarter of an acere *n.h; sitmlLhîd on tie Plank Roati leatiing from WTin)dsor llanbor b Iogt Lakte; anti ajoniff ,1t6e Sieof etheJait and Court tioeuse now iiprogres. of erection. TERIS. one filfsh cfiuc prchage mopey cown, tiie remnrintier in four eqntal anniuai inaîalmenlg witb loterest. For further particutars apply to the sulecrilmer ut Oqoo te flat, Toronto, otJamne Rowe Esq' , lWin4sor, whecplans cf lhe prope!- ty înay bé em ci J. RADENIiURST, Toronto Sept., 20;h 182. 24-S.5n CASH FOR BUTTER. Suhmcribtr îvill pay en.s for àny quanly of gindj Merchantable. Boîtter la kegsor nifirrie, tulilvered act [Le Cbequer-ed storer, Wiuthiy. WhibyOcI 2dKOBT, . 1.LAWDF4I. WhLyOt a,1852, ~ u TO SUD.4XINTRACTORS. MESRS.JACKSON BRÂ1SSEY, M eTO,Isud BETTS, Coi>tractors lor the. Works on the Line cf RaiIway from Quele ti Richmond, are pscpsred- toreceive Ptoposals for CHOPPINU, GRUBONG, EXC"AVAI£INGO MASONRY, anti varions descriptimo f Wi>rk wili 6e madie in cash every fortnicbb. xtr REc "le (Resident Agent) wiho b iin ai- teneance aI the Railway Cornpany's Office Que!,- bee, afc belt epteniber, le recee'rpropo- Tremaynio & enderson, Aliouiieym al La% , Ceaiaaoenkt., WIJITBY VILLAGE. <Ifire in tbhercom formerhy occupieti as a Law OSe, byH.L itcDonald, Fsq. VALUAI3LE' FARMS FOR SALE ACRES-I onst part of lot No. 571 Obsuti nitUU ti.'enses; e.,tooigJlt, o r;en Zou'u- tic's ; LellcroertS, FIwr A lbub, IWbites, andi ail Female Wcaknesues. TUE GIREAT VXGETADLE MAGIC PAIN DESTROYER- Menufaturdbhy- JAMES JOIINSTON, Rectps- uer, N. Y.!Nolceptiitô. Foi the cure ofA:ue in tic lace and Blreasi. -Abrasions nc*itic 5kîn, Blistera et every kinti, Burns, Broken Breuls, Chutblains, Cornir, E rysÎielas, Felons, Fever' Sores, Sure Eyea, SaI li Reun. &urry. Vlcero, Piles, &C.- PILES, PILES, PILES, Or internnl Remnedy fibr lie Piles; rreti ly A mlarly etiucated'Pbysicimn,,wbo derotea bis atten- Elechiuary is a certain cure, whiether Blecditingor Blindi Pi e, InternaI or External, and mlio far cii- et disasca wiîhare freq#seàtty founti in coti- junctin with Piles. TO-MJJRRJED LALDIES. The Éîctertnry i pefécily safe fer Pm'cÇnap Ladies, andther "tit nsefilI Calhartic liaI can p841ibty b. nued, assil stiI iot nly Yrmove ithe Piles antiahi nfamaanaory..Dîsea4«, wiluou Pain or Irritation, but wlli easure mn easy time, a suie delivery, antia sonai cenatltttion la teofflsprng.ý Jew David ias returned. W. ate truty gpatifie t 10 (carn a i i cee-1 blaed periouags'lffa aiitippeai'eîlin oui otitist anti supphiet i î sagents in every îewn mii a Titb Iresi supply ut biz fanions Hebrew PIosier, tinat lte puistl bâasbeen su mucb pougitiafter. None, now,netýd tuitli toil sufTr an y longer witlhain or W'eaknesu, Who bu1nu, i who w milai a bete o iruexcelIenu plaster, wi.tkîîenu att py a portion cf iacontentsIo te cpaî t ia- ow ia pain ifsscarcehy ever known, goexiat B stierre iii. plasier iknown. and thec4c NO. 7. Wanted lina :nedlattly 1 Lifteen Tiensandi Casnel c Rbeurnatidm, Laine Daclu, Weak sides, Luuuuc or SttI Joints, Spinal Complainu, Cui ns, SwellIinqs, Tumsors, ,Spramns, &kc., ail of wih w '1 vîoauliriiter reli,?f, by appii.t tylw;for aliirecials- 1er.p 55 DIR ECTORS. A.M.iaRK, Prelidel. J. S. HowAXm, Vice I-recrident. J. G. Bowri. . J. txs. M. Di. W. L. Pritaîx -. Lvirig; Ronvisox. J.G. Wo*781 J. C. MembaîisOy. T H-IS COMPANY cffoçts Inaniance ali te Home Office. Chan-ci Street, Toronto, anti ai its several- Agenciez. Tice iMutuail kpartment dates noî e>xceet £b00 on any one nit, anti beinc contlneth to detacheti buildings, lu lû îicreby rendere t lermoat sale anti iesirable fon Fariners.. The Propaietar-y Departnaenta itictuee Generat Rtsksma ir e. Lige, NMarineIad andi Ocec, anti its operauionu b.ing aise vonfinedti bin prut- denti limita, tic attenstioin of the Public is conS-. deîîlly caltei tiereto. £yOdr DWARD G. O'BRIEN, Toronta. Ot., 14 1851. S re r. Tle unatersigneti haeing been appoinleti Agent cf tie aboe.company, ill give persnil atten- dios te parties desirFou orf céccrint Insirace. JAMES WALLACE. Wbiby, Feb. 14, 1821,. 44 NOME O0F -CO-PARTNEmwIPl T beuý'litinessbertofrccarried on aI ine 3OWN NVILLE I>TT «Ygby- J*uts T. BÀîtzt, mli luchiucqefl b.e arrnmdun by thc Fi rmof gDT *OWM lleavy Grey .ured Black >8 TS A Ofeverydriscripion, rWiranlei tic v<ry besi, be qualîcti for L'icapncss, Yariely anmd Qulity. 'Pie.extensive patronagTe anti succegs expi bas inm'reaseu *our anxiety btrj.iaintain liI supem We caîî amure oîmr Iriends tual,-il possible, nt bÎ,higiciaracwe, and tilui eàwrve tie valueti supi state ste have openeti an Eittablishrmc.nt ai PRINC Anti trast our filend.s wili find i-at ýOntarjio House, la .4q fresli sui COFFEE, ýWHII Ci TT1 f'-N tnemselves sali4faction orr; andi attention là pubic patte PaOR lte benefit, 3.4 ýTomnubipeu TH' subu for the 1"t

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