Ontario Reporter, 23 Oct 1852, p. 2

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}lsving recernved papers by Ibthe cie fI I aei' v ~ . et ber ml'ws. hebuin&s dates frein Ln,,bîctd tu Ille Political cirent.. art quiet. Itis i, moured _that Lord Fitzroy Souier- set wil succed Lai-I Dstihousic as Goveruor -General of India. In the meatttau-aLorti Fittroy i. appoinitdi %atcr General of Ordnanee.. It la stated that Baron Bottis- cili ini en-is fo tuke hi. -seat andi vote iu the. lluse of Coaminurs, on thc occasion of ehecting a Speaker. >llic Cabinet iaishetrs are expeetoti to meet ini T..ondon atout flie l4th of the present moatît, for the puipose of aettlinj the periud for-the meeting oh' thtr îîew P'rlaaent.- 'Ulhe ship'4 Mcdvaiy, at Lotion tür 1\lei- baurne, Port 'hillip, brougat 1,500 ouncces of goldl valued at £2 -70,OOIY.- 'on 'l'ursday last, a deputâtimJrafroi a vcriy inlueittil conupanyjust fortract hadn n interview at bbc Board of 'lrade, ho present a peition fora royal charter Ia establishi a direct corani- uuiaian by meuns of iteaméhiis, iroan tlh ceait andi west coast of Eraglandti WCana andi thmeUnitecd States. -Louid-uai lIIIproh- ably bc the Cftbtern port, andi Livcrpool the -eser, h.e- ac -1-1. i %f liti'u> t V anoutha anti Bristol being cansitiercd i isui- cient for thecaIas.of steamners Pro1îoseti. The deputaticua referre t a nisite o M%,rssr. Ro-lt, M.P.,.MtcacilP,.rira- cep, I3rooking, W'oollridge, Cýarter, Gilles- pue- anti'Nelson. NuauTm.-Tkue Queheif ,&3 amroral on the '2nti instant, oui ier refui-n teo iior. l]n course of ber route, lier Majesty passeti over the Sirewsbury anti Stour Valley fines, whieh lae - aethte th te S*oiereigii a glimpse of the busiest senti of tlae hardware manufacture, as well as bhe greaf miner-ai fieldis of StfaAordslire andJ Worcebtesiliire. nhe iroyal parby, siotlti, if was expçcted, 5-- - d ,oithwyarl, via, Cariule, f Caîfr ad thence te Bangor. Th'b folloiing day, efter inapccting the bridg~es, ghe corauiu;uet ber-> proirs.alangthue Chteater nnfl lloly- bmed,. the sbrew5bi-ry mncI Clacetr, anti Sbrewshîury ant irm3irnghsa Rilay, o Woclverlitiopton ; theujie, a tvareflicnforui- cud, ccr flie $touar Valley Itailisisite Bir- mimgbsni, anti auoen os'cr théue awly oli'ne Il I3iritmgbamn andi Oxfordi amati;reai a'tei ltailways to Windsor.1 'rite îost extensve Condflictoli tiflit Lu' - liappened tih fimmtropolià for u osilra hNe perioti colmnaceti lest esarirg, (ui diy) abortlyàciter 7 o'elock, am at iuaîhyt midriglîf was bar fa cira being cxhanguisliedu. The acene of fuis iera4'bhet aiba-sier ývas a immense space of grotînti. iilera:on sva'na erecteti a va»t nurrber of housva., 3liae Cock's Squâre, 1'etfîco"il-latue anid Saidi-y other thoroughfares lciuting out f cf Sital-- fieldi imte Bisaosgate. Aungit filic ino.-t- 'promileent lùinii were tlie c Jetas rne :Scbool, andthlce tensive pi-rniâie baluug- ing te MIN-. Diriudaie, thai builtie anticou- tracteribTe piemiwes of Nlr. 1)imwlcle were somttehing lîke 250 feefit i dsth. 'The seain swinlg departeirta was ahmoât as la,r whist sundry piles ci hunier fihîctithe j t.- & . tp are sci- eraI l defe. III~' dlock the firemen adtisucceeded ï-lageffiaîg the. coatrol, haut fLore appe detuno chance af the. fi-e himg entiriely ubdued for znai.y heurs te corne. Tii. los wilh amount te several bttsant potanti-lor, independent- i y of the. destruction of Mi-. 1imt4dile's .premisc, many oifie cor.tiguions-bouses are damaged. t is confidentUy ltaiei, li cii-nIes likely te he well ititoruteti on the suljecf, that thie î1îaeraI cf bbtheLâe Duke of Wehlington wili tak# plaçe ona Saturdaye tie l3tiu or No- vemuber.- Colonel Sir thgiy Mackyorti, lBart., expia'ed on tho 23r-uhlt., i bis seat Gien Usil, Couefy Monmnouth, ageti 62. lc iras for many years on flic steatiof the iafe Lord Hiih, with abom lie sers-ci-at Water- làiu, asndpreviouualy luriiig fliePerainsula War. In poliica, Sir Digby aas a stuung Cc ervatve; as suclu, lue cuatesteti Lia-er- pool la 1847. Ile aras tsuiceusariled, anti lcas'es, wlfth ether issue, a son, 3)igiy, atm offiter in tIhe SQthu 1oof. 'fli famiy is cf Derbyshire gtractiusa. Four inemierace- tati as esqaires toflic Black Prince, et Pai- 'tiers, andi, by a uirang-3 eoincidenee, 4, of tiiru descendants acturd on the staff cf Loi-i IiU sicWaterlew- - - Tii sLip i'Medtvay,' et Lontion from Melbournie, Port Pliilip, braught 61;500 Oumnées et goldtudalai£1f-170,000. Thoras TliomsoA of Eiiigg, a cuai- juter of Jeffrcy, Sidniey Smith anti Lard B3routghamu, in tice estabislaimtent ohfflic Edin- burgh'4gica; ti', ied th e i2nd inst. 1He was a promanent member ifluhe' Scottcah bar. limafisExonus.-'hhe: CIa,'.Journal of a la"i date, drus meuras ir- fthc Exodus- of th. people of Ireleuit ug their -faces tt .t ai-wet-tie home betud thre deep. Old, middie ageti, and yotisg are os the movo, leasing fhee aid cmutry, wwrc tacrmiseems-te bu nehope for th.yotutg, wber i-c e is.-buddiar wimu thweprtalaty, ti tbeir tmaguiati, ofhuai-- iq$gOod fruit. jý 1, really distrcssiiig te - cODMO e tIre changes tta feir yeAW.' wmDt tin.Olal lrelamid. fbre.hre for #-£W AOVEfTIEMENTS4 NEWA-R R IVAL S AT TIHE STORE 0F GE~RE WALLACE. V~lESubseaflier bejrs to announce that lie lias receiveti bis FaIl anti Winter Stoci T'u STPE, nl A(Y DRlY GOnDS, tov.ihng in part ofsi large aussOltment of longz and sqi Woolera Shalwls, Jaiapluialm, Erise, ChenOyO, CobOurgs andi Ortedns, plain andi fîaared. i#Si ot .mull warvs i. very comptete, andal wlit l oundexremii.IYcheap. 11e wnuld 8190 uiteshl l atientiora Io tilt stock oS Clotho wliich is the largeut li ibis ma rtel and nt pfices Clhea,«per iithanthie Clwipest! 3 1 cb , OU EXAMPL.E: peyurl 36ichRuvy CGrey (iothî.... .. .... . Peyad fient y stuleal Sthing (ion 4d...... .4J li 1-2J. S.tinettso%.JTfy ad Faisty . - - - 2..4.1 lt, 3s, 94 HIS 0-ST OCK 0F CROCERIE@'S 14 laurge anti ucslY IPaud teiandi vili ho m»iiai Pirreslower ilian bcreht«ore, GEORGE W'ALLACE, XiVà 2, Corennerduýl Buii~ .Ttaa rêc ivet drect Çri-im'New Xu rk an imieiniîîe Stock or Grey anti Fa salinettil; Bloebeti Sbittings anal Gtny Clotho islich wiil bc solti iower thian any in l.maîrket lhlit l)Y, Ochoher 21s1, 1 8-52- JEXCELLEVYTOPPEXI'YG .if îuaay bli uferrdttiat thacouuntry ' Pur n E1crrltn~ ersn 0 ~mlî apial.Mr- Jackmon or atny aber forigt cnpii Foran ntePrllno Prs OfýM31 CPItl-Whoa is able adwilling.to -undertaik TO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ LEi b oî tWth.a.hprondtofabritig on liii Engineer, bi% aior, sud Dwelling ht'iuse on %.laiii l'eett occupied for lus iiione£y withîout da'ijy. With-tbc Ilile labt two yeais; un a tuleiyîi. Ap;îiy ho trol thaf iaif flic <irectiona will give, 1 j» : i (EfuE, Dr tîggist. -wiitflue St. Lawvrence anti American1 Wilillby, October 21, 18*2. 28-3t matis alang aide of îh ire have no fear f he1Public vrîllic eimpas-et i siaby E~ ' l l fareb an ti chlargt.s. 81uid nt is rea ly th e Nl -ýj 1polint. aicooseiqamen(.e i he wlîohe iii flrugbgi.ql, W/tiilby, lHurrahl1bheu,, for Nlr. .Jacksona and~ JUDihoNi chERRY ANO11 LU1161TOR AND) ,Alpo, al hie other Genuine Cniock blediacsnci. %Vitby, Ortober 21, 1852- 28-tf M RS..MeKENZIE will give lessols, in Ol PîntngMotiochrairiati(, Crayon Japariisig, Eaamelinic arid Pnaîninç on VeIie.- Te~rnus made. knc>wn on application at uIc leiitby liAJies,.-' S'mnary. TlHEREJL9j51'. Tlite Grand Trunk IaiItvaIi. One oi! ihc u"t4nobile Çiturtês jilthe s'hninielratioç of lhe 11(m. Mr. l inc bi the qurce"fful iç- of 4 bis great PI>cvinci;%J radrontf ch ne, (,and i w,:<h, iîcncor,sunnan- t,1 by tc comp1leîon of the lirt. froan Qufo- hep- IoHamnilton, wil jplace Uallida on îsurb t oofîni, of staiity, npriroarliainîme t(o itiiotiai grc:-afne"ss hban ivre Caoîs-ial pao gress, ai wiI uis'al aay.oflier portion cf this coiatimet.-ý- tI s iianlcsýilîh' to picture ftlithé mÎnd Uihnultituie rof intercists tatlii coran - try imisol ed l inhit, u-gles project-tuaa lai-s itîmk ira flacgi-et iran beit thaf ahI ul- timiately connuc e icAîantic n'iîh fthePaci- ic ceai aci-asatîis coaftinent oittite shart. est Cireogrcaphîctl Une bctwocen Eur-qn contractai-s, %Me"sm.Jackson, 1'ato. J-irasy aenti Ca., b.ave atipulafeti1wifh Oui- gavern. ment (0 buiId the hine freni Quelic ta 1Ham- ilton oui cf ticir carr resources, teceivinti merei> flac guaiaratec of the goyearnidul for thmemu bonds te the extent cf £3,000 per itilIe. 13Y flie arrangearient of 'Mm. hlinciu fthc municijîi-ihitis ahothflineliasrc-erelies'. c d fiai the neccisa-y lialiites thaf aould othertrise acrue tfe lci; andt inhe, be- ing býuilt with JIiti'ali capital warul Ic flue i-ouurces cf the peaople fee tuflic un- tiertaking ciflice trioisbuancli lines sihiel wil! lié reqîmimet from flhe main trirak tr theiteitui. W. couy the folloNving toucîairi thi.s au rangemnt, frein the Quebec Currces.pontien ai the Nor-thi Amemican: Mi-%,1. J ackson lias, flierefore, cerne dosa teO the la'cmt f'gur-e proposeti, anti 1 bas-e n douit tIsai. li as donc bu in consurquence o flic obstructions îhrown l ic ha'ay b., MNessrs. litun & Co., of the. Monta-ca and 1ijÀgsfon Company. If sic have gain cd acytîiing l'y Mr. Jacsou'ti accepta»cý of oui' guiratc for £3,000 per mile, ian steat i c £3,.5~00, Hahtera & Ce., sbouid ge sonie cf fliccreditforci-timisresuit. IThe Ac iuuoiporating flic-mica Comrapany is bii htiraied tuiganlaorder f 1mb the contrat nia> be finally closet as soan as posmibla andI stops takain ta begiai the irai-k. Th parties in 1%clntreal h ro acre interested ii jmreranting any arrangement %yi Mr-. Jack son are rais*ng erery spocies cf- ciap-tra objection to the ucdertaking, andti t thi poarers-arai pririhegos propasea! te lie girc Le tic new Comipany.- The Moati-eeh .EJe aid Icadu off linttis obstructve mevemear But as Ithz aboie oethtie reasonmgproceea upan a taise fissumptioD, t is wertliyf, etr litt enotice.- - raft. '4ckstin & .,q rme nu building a ried foir lui Goveremeat, or f( the. peopleetftuis'ro-Vine, a S 1a Pmmb soe*. lic is to ail intenta-anti purposes -private undertakiuug as iuci s uslie irei Western or the Torouio, iSincee, amatiLa H Iuron Road. -M-r. JaWks n td ise' partuers e 'xMet te rmale a lm)rofit fi-cm ti road wmiem itlis i nidSId, or tltey oula in siak -theircapilhin it. - If tbey eeuhd btd tise roïs for'£3,O00 per radie in tise stVy ansd e f the. claracter agi-ced upon, and muai l'a poettout of ic. tbaiit maiglt bha a con. mid hi." h -only natter. h flie Thle iînk between Qinebcc an-d flue N ews Brunswick line will mia dcuîbt speediy fol- how, anti themi we sbahl have ciii inter-cola- aiai, or Grand Trîamk ltilway, froin Port Sarmia ho lia!iiax,anti no thariks to 1hlan D)erbiy or 'Sir Joaln Pakiaiglora!"' cah-utî~Cl t j,-olg morestit anflu îîotîle' raid , t i nilticie tlîem to vote ta a ananu int. 'or thle coiity apjroprialuîi lit any li.uata Frr indr, ntioe c li thue wclh kuew i rîuit;ti')flm airal our court-i of tlic mcii u Satuie Lu thellu. t", he Rqiurtcr.- What is a Gentleman? Anotiter 6" Mare'-s Nt,s ta*" I v i -iagWrlen faC wercto take lItIlle ita l nctni;î riflihei-ords, salei Mei. (ibbs, Grie'sn, î I4 1 l,& îut eonî1,uuuidrt, titis fernai woul.1suif, Co., hl-t > t0e tc Il0-iasia Fratiing Conapa- Mrc-ch »I ie tilrtio>nua l i itans ny or 'ý i (1,n ca iiiiil al aure-s vert. itant danti iîy ' l~'T>ur-aac~iin, (,:a[iuîi, umrin - legitie, iy- fuut sih#iiclit oite cati p o otirdi'ftiaiilu-'jA l iiu fluer arc nai-. tuaui part ;irslaeii ftru?,Ï,cqîuîpage, kiat'wn 1» ilroiglithe V,iluantilrî-radialu ,i cu<at i-ettti.h.1i d tiia I .rie a'tl I tti% -111111ausoia~ta-1- cf tui* ( .uti, htâve al. lî-nqthi, aftfrr c1liicrb l oi.Ikto frl1Iuîiecaivcurs ferutoforc, butf just ar- m. itcrui le furtiestrlnairo I nnî po:. ltu! h uat muait qauaîLtiii .£60W) By. î- lr traurlIyuncîme laui suffices f0 lolow rthae îichatc!s of cu>tiiiiî, or acqimire 1«.cuss'. 'l'ite urc-augfemlire flibat so w)1 ilss-ay5ýauti lalcnfor dtusPLaY ; ina fac., loci lui- -ciutird their dilii t rigil-ueceant i nic tt:s iuduutii oi.f ajetto ih l ico I~~~~~~~~~~~ iwnî niricrle m u-Qtau' torkilid a6f (lt lîaclui".IL lý4a aprouluct 0 'fart. tuuoghu nature miglît blaive mn enhadCourt of ceycoulh ual, th. oundtioi, as somec asserf, yet il, lias- hoaetrsr, clwaysî be expechedti f ascape fila> ccbt-e fiflet uutih il lia-% lobt ils lîîmanify, ixryiig eye of one isumu bas been lîctofore (ilur y flue bye iiurnuauliiffs too Valguiîr (fir su %uces,-sful lanlis ejec.tuicuit t sui aectiha- e'l-uit,)cîiIrte gisi'ntr lied any Lling Lu du sitih it, 'tvrws onhy aout fions. Tbis auîporfanit discos'ery lias, at -out inicid!Sltup for lier si$Îer, fa shion fthc flus- laelînur, when thc. fouuiatioîa of the fhing wiuhhly behuuagfs. -Couaîfy luiidingý,s are isa' flihegi-otuiîî anti - ecoýt pjart i., matie of th'c Luest fali- thie other svoi-k.iina corspouiu i ste îrc,?u aofassorebfliflcaijeo a nian s bif; tilioli iWitt' suil'acieult fdilr- - orwerdaieîs by thc - different uuechanars, en ele'cit-t by pincbiti-, stutYurgaîîd purck- rtkrorigb the enea-gy ai flic enterpri!,ing rcOn- ering ta tiitinguit-h if, from 'that vu/'gar pro- fractar, been pronturIgted by thie indufati- dutiuhora oi nature. Tfhe armas fcrwni&uet la - gaie eomnany ,t,,,,nct~itti ioa t Ica nnz. sli.nalr, fine pairited_ ex reuutnces ; F gablewilte. pafc ..-i-lz"bi. 8 butcci--IC Lutan ior- ltule paper of flic Qlst inst., ta the utter iScally Lundi.; anti ef 5se-delicafe c structure -consternation of flac people of Ontario, wbo a.s f0 lie u!iiahy cnca.si lanki. Tite îîants arc now r irafenet i trouch titis duacîsery %whicb li obedience 1to tIthiiam of the Mo- ssif ah flc ceseqe.nes taf cbep ich-liktc goaldes-, of -ashion, art of--ail dî- t wih al te cnseue-nce tht i cha iensions broan rolui»iriotts- etiUtlctnc> fi. r srlîikey" in liée i-car Toîs-rshijis failettitro- cuiping t1igbtnems ; tuanlose iat tfeic btiona 3 hriui'r about ast suinuuacr. A nti 'i- at is tiis pair of lrio tsly recýpicie iiet boots, 11 far -ei ai d iscor-, that îke 50 Many of ifs pi-- o<>,,oodbsu frecitiaapatli of c:ot's aiaking. decssrs lasfo ficfotufl fmeglti -Abus-e tis toggcr!, nal deartethlere- decesor, lis fr tL fotiet tie gld- rom iy an eleg aitemavat, whosie tic i,,, the *deiidthle hecris oiflice wartlîy genry of knottiest problen-fiie brains of tIae c O!Suawa! Wliy, f bat Obîtara h not rateuri lmage (for it "um brains) eicr lsnit'd, in- -high cnou-h on flic aggregate asscsrrnnh tea lI~os trhcihnm e ui M tas an ecxce5ssîveiy taîury, grcaseti, curlti, cmi aupor Wich lte By-Laws is basedT Thuati scerileu protuberance cacleul a ieai, 'one bidu i:, Llaaf-iiicge is rateticf £6 1,666, insteati cfi-idi is partiahhy frec fron t -ir;of au I m5()o inetvliitiih color, whicla stranigy sumggcst aj', ccorlira ta he rccran, 90 50 fhe icea of unripeess. 1Jpon tIitlcti i - .o1 r I~sfa9ga btOuaw hi-rdai a ghouomy bai, wiiclî is kept -baunt ini t auo reaSon ta complaira of tflic liebtilerî of perpetuah petualties never f0 di:fuu iàcfhair in licr taxes, nerertiacless if ajpeau-ss a. But tue Ytraricus evolutionîs hto wblcii Lisujc 'n the cream-aor Uns joke is, thai accaraimng ta ted liy the workîîig of the mar'liiie. 'lie " fe uqitsrinabe et Ioi-iy f ie ilniage bais acho otlacir numa;rouis aduaruaanent-t if iqup to flic l7thonai f themam-f U ~i~~'ciai, rufilestW- ! 1 antian )fpay, I pt hint [-h Mot h seperable_ 0' appurte .nance flicreutnfabe al Prot'isioneh Council Lad tinte t reilitenu ifs 1loagini-," s a cane ~ uiui ruha - cirot by passing anoflier yLcu" but of btrange tie-vices." 0 i Blut you may o, f wbat %uxs If; tiei tkey idnut kvow enoug&t todo tLiis; m) a4 Itek'aqd elaîorafely foritidthing 1,W'liYý if à"cemtainly ans nof oui- (flhe mpcy')if, not otiii embrnaces, by coufra.%t, ihe nttc t place f0 tell then." Wria erich funti cfiencaao iUchms.fc iie h bg humor there is lier. in thus rescryla" flits it dues happen to cuacr a soul ; but like the ~ fhmnter iapuntl te ay ws c ear spider, ifliîelps te iid ftho woi-l4 aofliter ct tondr éap nti th sk wa elarso hbat nuisances, 5uck. as cigurs, rini, bransdy, ju- cl ifs sbock would lie flicmore overwlamingt!ePp &c- ;,but its, ceistiiniig Propenlsity lia n But wliaf a funtiofcf Cance-ry expeasosantiifs teuh salto, for ift destroy-s gi-omt quantitit! Lawyer's fos would hatve hen Il o f foodi designeti for the subsitemce of nar, h nI I eyer perforais useful -lalor ; but ls al- 1POshawa had our gimJI.-t-cyedý friend- cf the ways parabiticah, anid .ometisuesjnvqfrssioaý "ruefuh countenauice" but w-hispereti' tuis a r rieics L sl ae~iha r- fefbetoe nir, afo fli <cs cf~ t~-finies aggralatcd. 1Dy themiawfuh deciclen 0 syucis, briied oar pouseamiaag tht s aine fait. ~'frea, or even hinteti tIi. samçe-t-fle Char.- uIT likenursu, consamnmatê ignoramnce ami ..coi-y jutige oi tise farnous injubietion case ; baseness, (1 do not spciak of piofcs.iott nt but we ýare left in tlw<lai-k wili regzard te un ot~nkes a- tzueiwt i kir his i-casons for nef 50 deing,. label of privilege ; aîd-a legal ricrt acquslre( ýifM t hjdrain, vantip i 4 ke, the life-îcl ehf so a- Tihe writer in the. Freentan, I"regrets, ciefy-.amsup-by Iow cuamuli-thre fouuual m at ie lc an't go fuither into theamte" Liens o1jujitice andtrmuh-to usurp and Moi 'C~~matr1 bu i sue ~ ~~nopelise the. rigbls of minakitid--to- iifl!pi a.bt. eatre i edr ts hy(h upon honesteredulq---to nid ail oppresbici cempmny) are auew as m£er on themi rgkt and Ti n-znç li>ýur oueof correc ioi trak" Surely -the. apirit of HumBiJG, r , 4 dbýMj r8 ibJ lutle sl4 5lumeai Id~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~9 1ieha t"coawuke, iîitoai 'd.iid ,w"è1"r" , peçiaens o humai rie They are on tii. saine triek noW as whea 4r-b1u p iuely kmfr snpcf rste ' lO ie . gem c aTurli uti an asuIyc1e t4seg a4 4~ -rertîwaelnet, bliat Ouîr enertretic tawnsaoau, Mr. Ua'O. Wala ims recelscd Ilui% Ucil ,.tack cf (îînd%. '1'hîe enterprise of our unrclîsnhs lias lu-Iade \Vhîithy the gi-caf \art of trathe, nuî'l t1icy were nes'cr more active un- ratuilan hleir stock withi neiv varieý- tues tlice et hrescut. %Wc waultI atvise Quai reaatrsiniiihelicrear Towvnsiprtagive ?Ilr.. Wa*.llare a call anti jutige for thetraseivtes of liii large a-.sortufieiit. î, W. NFrs.- cwuilhreiluin uirlit reuiaji:s ou salr. of n-I*,u, n jiruitice l h!othr Ci- GrasS eeds,, 8uîsle'ýs (C'a rro t à :4an>eI WtrtyLl j3cans Tn li lax & leoi' Lots, )lt!ouIcff oniMouiley text. M~l 3gra 3 p iublic ir cetiui is lcr ii. ii b lh"-tlle>d fih V l rouiti, ;anti a rrrmîite appinba±l(Lu iaise Lin lîy susiiumnasmui uîicieni to creci'a Famnil , imontimrnuii tiat rity Lu)fIai'mernury afftle %'-r .%~D jctae i)tke of Baluîgau.Iulis,&cheu - - Milcb Cows 11111- i -rt ~of Beilviulie lais Cstar- 4- baifrs' reecdcd fliriuurh a iasî-'îif on aut t taprep- lonnes urty tg fliceuîat- .mt 1001,000 bruni )tflu.ec- ,lhcep fatetiflii falunu. ai'c.ati.If iust lic inci»t '1Tur Board of Trctie oai routa arc ou due greafe:r- jpart cm] î1a¶îlcy 'fM-.o acs f htuse cf the boirai na ra-m:iuing -arc, comnpeteiy uuier the 1 hîumb c(Prflue great 'New 'ork houses, aut dem-: oi do otherwvsse than purbue tht-ir. mnsc-sinfti-ct. I s îuniffaftng Ita e- lieve tliat suatire of Our mercbants,or huiitems, couaparea fo rhia t tbey migit bc untder a difféa-ratent -suomlibc-,u far utîuier --the influence of, New l oi-k, but it-aralid appear se. The pi-ices of Pearl street can- tant taIcrate fheè plan af Mi-. hliaclis, aliacl would fend to placefu Canadians ce ana indepenie.nt footing. 'lover tbui>iss, t»t. people ai Canada, flue fcrnimg cemmuaiîfy, Wlîo arecflue suffererci tlirougb the îmreqtiah price of tbeir pi-ruce, andtihle rearard aif flt- i ior silil support, ho c mantieflui- spcrctorG nifls -ciy paîuular îIieaure. Anythbng thai wili tend to place fthe price of Canadien Prortice onu an eqîmai footing wilmi thaf th fhc a mere imagInai-y line of latitude, andt h icît every farmer in loi-k caunty is am iruacl eifitlti as any taimer in York Sturfe,wi liebliailaiti rlît-mniu, iiot- wtlîsfantiing flic arroaence ci the Toronto ?Boardt, sîbu thirak anly ci theur oaa ati fLeur ei»ployei-5 irtercst, 'r.,CMMsseLrOFr ir PF.Cz.-Por an acre ; ad a 'P poASîî'5C5licthelargve' acrels is York irdl Cotumtv lias likctwi-e! lcres li ahicat, ru:z 1'. di,09 9.0 -~returncd w the pro vNQflal county cle'k by and evera the Pa. ion contimL. deUtCIiUIICC astrde . .1- 34.- 42095 tbe clerks of the vnriQus tmunicipalities are tells of laumis nature, tC .ideraon d G a d . b1,25,509 0?.20f thoe uon hic tu 134awlu uesion,~ eeIl y. But ties,.e cretutulrca wear uvro Wld ani.612,O .Q3$ii is thiostC iliaI thr inhartei nchuging visages the saine vacant Acres in 'whent 782,115 7,1 ria baîed na s-okcse und mudlilnile 4lîe âaiel sily tone ]3ylas n Uc rcvi(e'unertheaend- sud serpent çance 1» theirs; and tbey PU.s OCCUPILIte M Ua"aR u.NADAO of f ed municipSi Act of 181.Adf si constantly Ilirough the saine round of evo- Total1.OCCUIpiers inu1 . C. fi * 9es 6 0 truti awa -aie-an error, it does not -eet jutions a uvary;neg as . mnhiryf Oe OOarsccl. ......o Iu thesiit i ue ctof heProison licl'k. Can tbey be inet? them-rational 100-1. 0200 _. . 18 ,4*21 lette k h _spri ofteAto hPrvsoa be 'gsendowed iwitb Gxod-like attrihulteâfr 5Q _ t150 18.,.0.1.278,02 Ti ba.Couneil, hbut tracyif needi bc, set ri,îtbywih apahilities for enjoyrnent as bnmdles4s 20 :-Co . . .1 $,67 ft S tZ eh preserat or any subsequient Cauncil. 'The ns the univrse-,witlI powe r ea Cson in :1.0 in20 " . ..189hf By.haw carnaot lc rrcpcalet, or sat aside by proges-ion cuandevljcmfta rfnt s1 niiie ,7>Il ajny jnforrranhty, but anustbe carried oi ..Diy~.~ ataybt ieoutercrtaue a'i( t intetion.'ioaiGoti, by the haws of thîcir bing; l'y Ucthe I»t 1)'ERC? t~ r~ LOW%'R cortira t % tLe r r-y %press commnands of thei )t t netonahr r yr àlaker ; antid A .the -feLw if any, By-laws of this nature iii the t1ar r vry hopee af existecelCCta exercie Ars utel. xrg r proviite thiat is pcrfectly frce front inifortiti- i hose farulsies ini ble-,siticg inankind ti nd glar- WbcIlat, (!.C. 782, .1.0 lifies. Muncipal Iege4uitive bodiesa are not Viyng 31niaoealae lc r ,,~ I .$0588 ~Qnt ove~st1,leî wili ~WW¶,andil iszhoc-countable toi Itilan woenlîcuu ook uw»n hem Barhegti e o î16.-257 208PO VvthlaYC11 ndà s hec-1wit h no all9watice for the ianner in wlîil ' ..12,927. k6.15.00 1 fore tile intentionl of the act, whctiher iL lbc Jthey fulfil these obligations'? Tell nie, yc>e IyX 39,968. 479,651-. 3-11iBg fraudulent or not,that is hooked Înmb by at dailtireu i ofbýis wo-fd, wlîo bosv orly andi . Lî.C. 16,007 .3-1.,H443 .7 ter rns~liger tribunal. '.rhci sotinti leon adinin- ever at the ssurine af mammon andi fashiom- leaS C.192l10o 2.S73,39-ý. 14.901) 11 C m-hîosc lieartî risc ouly ibI selhlslî oblatlion% at L."., 165.192. 1, 182,190 .7. 16 Mr strt t hs ron wrhesb haac-that unholy aitai-; pause ainiti your seWaish oa t s uV. .2 1.681. 11,191,4 4. 2 6.54y. Dr. anlcy lie Blk<' 011 tlit 5nmininaiter <iii alrerut piirsuits andi seusual revel.4, andi tell me ; i%.6 L.C.590412-2. 6,94 .1 5.u00 s-rI c~î',Carlot surely be îorgrntten. The ('od your 'Meer.-Arc lis your duties; B'kL^wbcat u.c 41;265. 639 ,3S41451l Byla lci îucýion lins been subinittedti b andi thi your deNtiny 1 U 51,781 .5,30,148. 10.2,1 f wauts reiî1 aît tB~Jrookiin, Q55th -Sept., 1852inra .. 70,571 . 1,696,613. 24,05! ta talis the ee 1 ic L..22,669,. 00,2S7 17.60 abt Iltle Fal('. and7-. 4,81,45 .1.00 ter, ast h eduVeny alitlority uimifcaclînble. FciadSrp~T~~~~ 00 e Poaie7,6 a, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 anti1 71i211-11~ iin airetia imte Canada Gi 4-2,-fiG 18,91 tQuîebec, Oc 17 1,P9:- S2,338 ' 1:1 ic7 at 3 CleockP. 18,109 2 CC t it, lii0bro .ï('o,-,8*4in iahfe 1au-ianieat v u le3 5 ,%6371152, 01uiars tht e icid4stiv aseiîl i xelelc' 67176- 5~ Coinnanal thicathienfrice c Illc fclowiig Bills wcrc ae ;99,9 1. -13.976 Majsty' t ade, by-lis Eà 5't,~55 61906!4 verrior u(,ieraî, riA &TL ~ Ai lE.AaActfofr avoiirg ti 727,.66 80,8 1 o hcr -,,(' ise frominUI-C A 4 F21,!P S 80,850()canada bavine cotie into ~ çrog liqîs sGenerai É1?, ectioa. 193,8.L ! ~89-~ Aua Act to reael tti ef-f 2 9 6 9 2 4 9 ; t ( i s o f U c Itai w a y ' (C % 25-1. ~ ~ ~ A 9"' 8,1 0Acft aodcias'e ite 9G-~,22 62.S"7lait'or üln te e 56937 -2 9 I siLlirctiect b t t l-riy, ibr,-elthat ttrî)tîi n Act ficciufter ccria ite I wmC.ntilt 1k uipal (Corporation sand t. a4 Ille bilesmiots. mara-rias a -pair rctads. crue-M:ientbih t.,sIhin An db oauthorizar the ilot abuton-ilîi ', tne.wotiaie a Loan of Oni 'ilue Coanty 'hihjcannd rids te Ccnsclid i 9C,525 ; tlie si-ure An-Actt Ioproanilan an- Ilue Largest nuimlb!rer iaanf n aoyntn< u~ 011,proftiucing ,ïiltfroin tbe dilcsfruictiosii 139 ,aJStuistcr-s ni mît - - uu-a'iecLî_iiuauuuL- Cv. ihr-e only 4-9 crs re cultis'atcd for tluis crop ; but as tlhise acrres 1iiodure 6!796 bushls, or an average cf 420 30-100 hush- cis per acre, Brutce ha7it0w honotir f elin" iy ai triflele ue mouiffertile iwb"ýaL coiucty mli (lie 'i-ormnc r. )C irk cor e ncx t sai t averafe <of 17-O usec per acre; anti audf Actwrt, 5w U a prortuca witt a fi-action marc or leis oaiiair ien busfle1 te -h ucacre. 'l'lie eourity sihlieshbis) tnem snua.llest pe.sejer acre ih Femmes, s~fi~O6acre,-,p roïticing 30 _-M baisheLs -litthe mor ai-l ier» iutels t) the acre. 'fli ave'ra- u. Oi tht uole af Upper Cla di i149..U brhiSper acre. - TIho counir la Loarer Geuixla wlich P0o5 ;ssses the lai-gesi qtrriity of cultivatcd landiti hDorebecter, sidu - 4,79,712 acres-î andti lat srituithe. grcatc-st qaantity in wtaet is liihuito, iif 40 '139 acres, andt 211,171 'îsh l'b c strnmdiest nurner of cultirate tersacrscein (apviz ~9,10? pi-oduc;ng aise thte smnailest quanityifyc %vbeat, or (641 acime, antI 3,41,9 bubliels- Stansteat gi-ows maost açheaftt te acte of eny Counfy cf Lcrer Canaa,hasinc 48.51 mat ta et anec ianimiouiAthte poace for 1, Net, fi, this section, but tuclu as lic is tuietie, wîthi- ecr--&67, ouf ffeet. Tberc is not cf preésCet, nor candTuer ce lus tiiee bcezi for many years pacat à Ma- fics ia wi i trate -vithin five miles of the Town'r of 12 50-1-00 WViithr, sind in many instanîces ini cobise- Iet wil qîmemce petty crimes anti trespases are ci- ocls flie inttedti aim upuniy; but tliiotagb the on.- lieat coti ergetie exetrioii of oui- morthy Repreemi- countitta h tmihivei Amos Wright- Esq., tuis tiefiency ite 4. aboUtfi> be supilid, asti me ire -le bepes TI Scot ri- lait %e tumai hinilly r.-cottl Die Coni ir suppoul fali Go r and i-e 1; -i m ils - AS.

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