U.ews by thei ueui. 4espatuh adja (bat tire ÃDais'95Stits firh- ery wmr a lfitire. Up te August oiy. six PIRODAILE INVASION OP BNGLAND. frsh bird been taken betwoen A the strips. Thre Iêgulia, et Kircaldylmd beeûilet;; W. lately tateti in tie Colonst tirat alse an America. wlsaler, natie net stated. tbn. wu a itroag probabliy tirat Loluis A fcmrful disaster teok place recentiy on *iae occasion uofaaIigb Jewisir festival at Na4poleos miglît havetise teiment>' te invadenlo iroui, raalicia., Some tbousand Jews JgIïad. Tbe acws by thre Enropa bern were assemblodth ie Synagogue, wlren a us eut in t t a iaementj. and thre folluwing 1 -M- cf ire vas naised inn dur wcînen"s gai- ler>'. -la (ho rus irat feilowed to thenr- fitter frein the well-aaformed correspondent ruw staircase, in.att> were thrown down andi o< the Lomdoâ Chrorriciet ai Paris, is wortlry thirty-six ladies, several cf wlîoia were cf ~r.o.consineration. Itix not à pary ii rnnk, wcrc crnsbed to deatîs.'l'ise Cire expemonofopninbut erre foundetipe wax tire work of a gang of tiseres whlî up,~ien t opnion rîpn .vailed t bemselves of tihe cunftîiioii to1 personai elservation, andi uponrthie opinion siratei tire pearl andi diannid ornameirts 11ise ef minent Erenebîfinn orn b> san>'of tise laties.---Austrùzn Paris, WVel. Evenissg, Oce. G. ' r 10 Ip.-Tî taMer "Altugb tire triuinphisn îards of L- lIatdiiîgten,.from India, ut ,uuttliatiiiuton) Noroleon atracted alsrrost the exclusive ut- for -esains, briisgs dates frinstise Cape of, 4a oft 1 ie publie, botb irere and on yoir. Gond Ilope to Augnt QO 2th, 'several dayâ' lai* of tire chairnel, and alîlsougli tha public later than tbat receivetl b> tise previots la geeai, are dazzieti witi tise pros,Iert, irai. TIhe uewstfront Kallinlaurt is scant',. and seeîincline teL put faitîs in t1 isti ie, but important, if (nue. It k s taied oîr ru- prqtessîens ef tire fulune Liînpernr, tirere aire mnors brorîglit b>' natives, tlita tise Caffre aut-whnting tien in belli cournes who look Cif Kreli, lias retired frora lus id Greast rponea tre guat ébange Lu be ettecteti witls Place," into tise coast country, 150 ties; rio ordinar>' appreirensiou. 1 observe thn irt ilani, wlsere tlterç.are cxtensive form.ts, in Englandsthctreabruit-1 ;i4it :lmost eny suiteul toc ocena1 ruent and taTta eTrn issulting-continct cf thre Fré~ireis (hivcrsî. intheurs several sisiie in otlssur part-i meut, .witb respect tu Beliiisis, haï mo'rnetl if -tie disL ici, 6brtwîcen tise bur-îcrsanaid tihe, eynoofsan>', andt ttiriisoriý clerir- C(atirvti. sightcd of opt ctisntrytnten blin u at -fles t hi% r(portil flitigoldi ,isasecrn dsscoç- te dujeover tiraulfliougbli te Ifrriisns. ol a eretl miitire(, îe nuoiast specinrersa of Mreocommrrercial treity' is tiie- lrettat, tIse he esand suppîoxed tro t i it, an'beers rail object of tise recesat mea-sures mioîe ent t Chpïe Town for anailyzation. Criai bFranco, wiib re.ýpect (o 1Belgiurn imptrs1iad l ieers fonnta Natal. A joint btock are -malai politicai. lu Ib is country tire coniipanis15forming to cuntrnct a slip for imupressionr i. stiu more decint .d on tire sul» tise repair et f sipping, ai- 'Table Bn>'. Twe jt.Tire war uf Las-ifèp , cornnereed in ships are loading in tire Bay for Australia. Bolgiunr, is luoketi upu» as tire first step te- flsSCOrnn Un OPGui.»A TirUE CAr'sr OP wards olittsa propagandismn ; and political Coni OPE1Ir.- --We have jirt huiard Smie meCa il ook upu pa"in- events witb 1w- news, wbici, if it prove truc, wili smoni partialit>', aud Who Tentu re to speak tireir thr!ow everytbing ito tise sbante; yes even mînda iradidi>', do et nulcceal thlat iisey tise Catre wrsr. GeInt, it %wosîld alircar Isaà look u)on tire sutide rup-ijturerouf tise negoti- bren fousrd in-tire %Wterkioof, tirrt cedc aLon -f0r tise rcuewai 'of tliete -aL> of 1814iratrsneiidence of Chief MNaccsno. $ironid ms an attempt unth Ie part of France tIo gainî tiere ire an>' (uiin tire tatement, and a part>' ii Mlum, byconvincinsgtlsern dsrm t fice fart siroulsi be venifreti, Macoinu ami iris trr aterial ierest ant ficsenational linos-. prele ili be nrîven ont in mucb lesiste, petit>' ar e îepesadant upon France. ' we guesis, tabrniy aIl tise soldiens and Ir- 1 ceult esil>' give tIre naies cfsoutre rof Jgler gihsat usa>'bc sent o gaiss.st him. Tiiene tire first statesmnen in Franrce, whlo do nul will lie no lack uf volusrts.ers for suds a prur- Isesitate (o,çiie it us tirrdecilled otrùîioi n o%. lruJwo1. < ..i #bat war limmiwnent, andi go su far as tu îliisk of huyîtsg pick-axes ant shsuvels. o s art tire>'du net Lbmuk it ran bc nrvoideti furn s we eain akie riytisiug of iL, tire ac- beyoinltire apprcaciring year. 1 have su irstu iî -isnicr1 5sent tiuwn deubt thsai, tire names of tliese uýtrsotagt!s frein tirs Waterklriuf a slîecimen o rsror from tieri great expenience undler formrîtu owir cIî erains mm>' sirirl giittering sovcreigrns, an dtircîr Eý.uniiteà n reit'Lsîmaîîiiî, pirtiiles, aiTirmeui b>' io-w wIro bave izesi would.add rvlt eigi t 'rscriioia.-,to tish ie eie- lu ba r caily riul tsst. Wo, impression bore ; but -I fé-el tisaitisi. nee- have net -scen it ourruivc;a, kit have con- serve is necessr>'inîrti t ing - nai. It v,ýret ritb Lisose wlishave. It isko is te ire regr-etted tlisaI Lisernact of tise goiV- iodgued, wbere wc believe iL rvas origjnaui> ernsacat, itself, anti tiselanLguage t of sv nit i iei et yiitorr -io sWho ans snpposed te sp)crk tseNnti osr oftise.Joutrnarl. lî [isi a new c-n pessîn et pensons bigl>'placentare net calcisiatet ssjrîrflice fîtune.s uf tîsi% cî'ony S ai l iie te inri-econfidence. Ven are rlrte:sd(v .a1"fecl fte îttcn'sof n gotit mansîia ? Wiîii awaleo f thre nature of tire Xl rnlîis de h v- criail its' r est eut ugelis ths rsîat, Fshah alette'â iision l CI rtts1ln;o e*LuISI %e nu ent bhi.issdpilent of ail tire rri mariner in wlicir Lise Tunkiîsiverrcsis e iilec. wtt forcod Lu aiiew tise Chlsemagnse l(t rlN.-Iie rettrn of tise Pnesideni paas que -Dardanselles; and tih ie necent ltel'ariîaftcîfer tise 17111 ira., rvhisn il I blusterinr cxpeditiour te "iîh-osa>' ispropos e u ivt» iisa grand receîiîioss, imotbing about tire ment exitreibsioi rsscd itiat sIsal! orrvie tire meent dcwrinstratio)n b> ouis Napoleon Iiignspilf, lst lie hiend ât Strasburg. Liast Jiccounts, lie wrss ai te reilim e ttreat of brilaX1 V, ti) 'rouw~, beinW ererywlsere reccived b>' usajr tire Menitenrassean a Frenchs Lake. siroutrý cf Vive V'iiempeneirr, exn-ept at Mûrit- Certansi, none of ibese allais necesas-il>' paier, - vlsere tise cries were Vive ' ÀArn- inspi> war; but tire>, ah ail -evett, show nestil, iritl whiclii Ir was mucb oftennlcî.. iJiat tucr e s t no--disosition -to avoui ilt. At-Viii.rneuvt-îîe, ire was preserstei b> tire Thre art ether csrewnsiances wbicls mît Mayor of tise Commune with thre folewing- be looked uipon (aecnrtiing tintire Frenich abbuird addrcss.- term] as sigsiicant.'T'ise lîresasations for Ouna li'rNct-wbo in rigbt of uirts and Skie inecabce oftire ar>- are on a griganiie b> tire acclamations of tire pç-np.'-yola scaie, and as yen sue fi-ain « dtcrce recesstil>' naine i-usm Y. ouÈe kirgdoincoine anti qued ~ jmhaNplritise fortilis'atlrsirbe lier uateti b>'tIre irmediate accîrptitnce oflToà lon, (ais-cati> known as'tire Gibraltar of the Im'peniit C(rein of the Gi-caL Napo- ot France] am e luc eextesideti ls1etbose tcen1. Veur wii, farsa ant i wle, iredone an ef t-I -at t1 - etirdusar n rrseas1 -r. ..u.ii na' u for- tire cremun>' cf curo"tialirin s saifLo itangu ti inîsýelfeon Saitray eruîig, 'week, hrave boots givea te " bii Ilolinessa" b>'tai in a fit of inunity.-GallR(Imvtèr. fuithftnai on ofth ib urcir îirougr W-ne of thre- lxNrtt.->tIre Burmese war is waiting fer imeraIs of tire asrn> uf ucccupation, in con- Gc.rnenaI Godwin, whoiseus net seemn at al mqumace cof wiieithe- Pope embarketi on- itrcined ta falloir Op tire capture of- Prýomoli board s steamer at Porto 1'Anzio ; but tilii br nu> is reinfirced to 20,000 mecn. ri îndiog bimsei!elosel>' fo)iuwet b>' a Frencis In Lhese meantime, we learsi tiat tIre fever ti steamer. determinedt4 n show ils respiect for ewsgnation is breakiîg ont awersgtire sol-' J 'thse Iol>' Patser," b>' funing upon Iim tuer>'ut Boiba>',150 of baem Majest>'!wsStia tise honori-oan oseunt-, the medîtaleti flîi,ýirt l avu ppiient fur'tliser disebange witîs tirera vas eeusverted inte a pleasu'tie tr-sp. vierv cf plit ngt ie rsrlindg Five Popisi rlcates fros» Irelanti, Pau tt îS~. "Primate cf alil I-caud" John, 4- Asc- i. AUS-rtAIA.-Tb17e accounts fromntire r bsop of Tuasi,"1 and "4tise J3istbnpst of guiti digi-gi increase tn importance evr> j»w and Convor, Clonferl and tois.," are arrivai, anti th s satemeut -uf a prirrate let- a smçot tem already at, Parts%, anti soute ter of sece nt.ormous, yield-s- of Lb', juin "s y espeeted to arr-ve ther~e sirorti>'. The os-.ibaspiaceti îvery cite on thre qui-vi* for i te"l obect of tbiai-joumi-n'l a viitation tIre next adysces. In thre ieanwiile tire t] to tsilshCoilege in that cit>'; but in adt- Tiiiis remarku Liat sucb arrivaI may nut Ire'fi d" to is, it i isadesstoodto cte irtIer for some ime yet, ewing te tire impessibili- t( iùiÃitMa to siait upnte Prince Pi-cident t>'o! maising tire vesls, os bis return. That thoue mon abattît ie SPà t.-TIS oPoe4ays tlat theQueen " elioveti toeerscise autiron-t>'ti Hon Maj- bas crderont that aliltihe 1onout-. due ta a di ssty' domuliins,, wbile arowedIl- owing un Marshi cf tihe Spauisir airn>'shaH bu paîi ic *Ije*mm ois. Pope'., wlrkh ovesriles Lu tthe memor'ofethtie Duke of Wellinsgton, hi .4SglPS due ( rom tiss em to eir law, wuth tire exception caf a- religiousa service, a eWi $ a bd eatorgh. But tiroir mincIr canirot taIt. piace on accoant cf i i reitllied with t tat au- iraving becs> a Protestanrt. ci Wi ~ (.ptise ruereofanetiror country, AusTutA. -Field-Marai-ha Raetzky,b gt,%d tht tis te Dietatr et France and tire votes-an Aurin commander in Ital>, 6 N ,prMe.ttpRoine, is whsoiiy intolerable. said te bave becns> s eleted b>'tihe noms of 'V bit teatioabe purposes te wbicit sucir a the deatb ofthtie Duke of Wellingtonr tut t pvsotce urigt b. turneni, are tee obvions ho bas determined upon retiiniirnto.pa-sate h ta vaà -utIfo st do more tisais eal attention tif.. Tire valuant seldies-, 1ke theq Duke, la ri t. tw et--ioà .s &.flhan oetonnar 1 n. Thre demelistnatons hm TuÂasrc xmsinoa-ATlt fg r Hyau' la Beigluns and-cI*ëwhrse -. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 18b2FALL 'GOODSO. PCRAWFOR-D B F (l 1 t cail tise attention of bis numenrons cnstomers andth ie publicgnrî> ell Ixnnsîre Aqsortinent of F~LLAND lWINTE1 OOD Jui reî-red îdirect from tise British andî Amersrin NMarkets consisting s at tinti lokcg Galia Plaids, Lion clorh, (jasmimerq eis mse hîteiks, salins, satin Turque, le net Siiks, Silk Velvets, Plusses, Ribins, Fiorrers, Laces, I-biser>', Glove-s, &#-., &r. A SPLENDPID ASSORTMENT 0F Long andI Square Shawls, -Clks Alil of mincir mlilie tolt cheap, ase , C le determinedt tri sîreotai rte casisysuem, Surai Profits andî qnick tisurns wM W iiie rsmollo, se tIral base ustouseo w ili tnulic dtsupltostitelhooiseralin tire expecratien rit Ilia Stock ut Clouhs, Cassimrti-rs, Satinetta, Cati'tdm Gloibi, Witr-teF, Paîrnels, 13lauikcts Bergesq, sifipect shirtinig, Fitsry Cuitn, Cottonssaud IF'oulen Tsr.sisllargo and i cete. Jnsst neceiveni a large supîri>'of icli kints of CrinaIs, Vests anti Pmntaions, iramlicb lue i dets-rrytntint uluidrenestt1hy another boisein utl,#-etraite. Frr, 1B5fa, Victuriri« amnd u>. alto a large AsitorLuisnt ut Fuir, oitk t'liiissh, Cloth Caps of ttir newest ansi most tastionabie styles,. alirryson ranî a eos Assrtrlrt of ail kintLs cf Ga-ecrsîs. Sr ns ftlîîney and tai f ie D, (Jrawtard'a stock, auh s i s ifis t tisaiParties wmur a 5cm Doitans wili fonita ntitheironn svantage ta sté an. Wîly Ocber2, 2.29 N OTICE. larrsy, dontlerrve ce tilt 1ham dnead; Tises, as if !speaking b -bimfeif, lie ic conseqrncce of Mr. i'nartiss iavinîg ilOnritise 21tir of Oct'rier, ail -tiratig loaies- moe r nlmetet rtnufrm more."i tiofDai - 1 ihie Peartci' Ils tise Sul),4cishersehave l q n W sel rsN aturbc oi re, dvtermincdna c closing their business ai i o rydi i aulvie V11Y t(i and Port Pr streng, full att clear, ending witr, s'Iles- rage ie1~ry. veni>' Fnîlser, Fos-give sur>'sitnnaid reccire And moult ïinsorm tite public htisiit Isetheîr ite te tlisysf." intenation ru dispose of tir oilowîni; rprri:ses, Atbfprse'noclkD-J.M viz: - Warren ariivcifs-om Bosant, ta nelierre Dr ThllE STOCK OF1W G0DS AT PtilT PEUR Y jeffries andtihie istus aeihi-nn'iirc1.attend- Wlth La -rssir t he Duslness. ant. Shsorti>' aftcie recourt-casen miii IDr. Thseir sales lieienaot £3-))cnrs-eno-y,Per Jffri, miro sait-lae couîtdu nnîling maere, montu rince cincrm..A - .s r. ~nta.~ it~4s caîoriy e with ir uth ie formas-dise bigincs et the nt onOi imtveiîirj à oai at Witr)y Vilaetthsg iregw, girisi of- uîiti Mr Wcbs.tcr, i mt tire iîrirsal aes Ihavs-,icsn absoru £100 currc- ii es-s' paticntlly trutise, end. If il, hie 0u r>' pe-r morsîti. Stjnuéfsire at,,vmnrsntt1).liens- niy it le -ni ont." itunse cîf l iîy p ti ilo hi Iefore rishel-irrt day of At10o ic, Ii! asstili iowcr, liot 11c1ssiîrs, isay ii hen lie dimposc-d rif b>' î-î cetcn- eIirtnastimts iA'mnîiun. Aira usiti te' s-ilt at tire sanie tignes re, flîy cl s-s fwa amdwti lu îrmiss-ut f-re-sirî~girs, icgls, tsniîrsrlira slit or lîearisg MPeni anîd cîws, &r. ls-..ef-> sniorrbvettisrc- Tisse aniectNr r t in ina rittofLatnds, 2(X) arns-s Dmis. ltiltsatiaitian:diorntte case cfii lIel knout naLot No. 27 luishthisînîrnî-,-r-soîmiat nOiil la htinldaecu ,tr of WîryOun Ilis- West sis, f cit srg Reoît ti."»-i'uw-as a rncs-nis ntlertion cf sotie cf tit rns-st'etlise lPors., li e ile ciiri t mis s trs- erîah--intitines. à scre Lot Mwisurfia Sitouicilite die in tire cours,:cf tise irigut COTTIAGE & STýABLE-iS mir exlre's§ivili instand ti> -art fsr>n Bostton ini the village ot Wirrtby. Alà n,a W'rter Lot uihW11mis tlliigenace- »I grtstun-eIlllrgîlrrilse thercon.jAil w-ilS ibecasi Bri-erov.,.Sunt'Msniu,2- 01s titrerai Ti',tim, nuis- Mle resiade knuwn Oîsr n'tjress frein Mansilietld lais just mn- nt time uft ais-. Asîy information thitra i u> ie - rnqtrisile irnlire urs-asîttrite, rau ilie ulsise ri ii, mani brnsgrn-tise îrssmfs stlie tire suîiscrituere lus a- esiiher aiWhithy or Par-t ritflsa ie*',*ûcetary' cf State cieti it tirent>' Ferry, or ntitht' Oirice et Jameîs Cotsîri, T-1 o iita t uvfueeliree o'eicck ibis mos- senue, i- hr cr f mirnare pîraaredd lel-cjt log. wil prlis: JOII N MARtTIN & Co. Ilus ha& t isus ias perfeeti>' peacefisi, anti Whithy, 20th Octohecr, 1852. 29-tf lie extinrdsu qîuietl>- tiat -it iras difficult te fx Lire psris-vsmoenetef Iris tuatir. TH E R E POR lTE R. Onsawa and s tt. Champion,, WH ri îY AUUAOT. 0 852 Our respecteti village barber is detes-mia- Death eS -'Daniel Webstesr t'd trot ta lht Mr. G rtu of O:sbawa have cs-cr>'tliicglise -orvu ira> he liimaLter The great Arnenican sitatesinan is nu more. of liter ryritin", f ýj rprjtefl ()ne b>- oue tire bnigist li lits uof us-r a0are 'illys-e1ly ta lf. iersopr;ai tIre oi( il- lr t. L -t- is M.Girunsirtots uepar uîîg aim usitsearine horizon; bt aitO Llsis continent, beyouc l al comîîarisori, Dan.e. %Webytcn w-auLthe alMIeaL ass of lis Cotin hs-y atut me utfailsfIAIpublic nsrant. The CiaSlsistginttrestâ Of the iBaltimnore Conren- don bu-ougirt ontScot as the Whig Cari- dîiate fer IPrcsidnut, but utqsesîionabl>' Webster rrrastIse nailss ciieice,-jiersrips irisý ingratitude utfIris pas-t>' Iastenet hm te the tomir. It is a proverb tiat Rlejieblies are ringi-aheful. We cep>' ti follominir iccommt t Iris thertise(nous tire Rocirester Deqi.u,rat, for i-hilci, andJ tIre atest New- Yoerk paliers, u acknuwlelge ur thsanka ,te IL J. Mactioneil, Esq'., mIoilias recenîl>'1 retus-ned (romn,(bat cit>'., By i e Mluse Jintiag Liae. Bosrors, Oct. 21~, 2 A. Mx. Our' express mes*,enger iras jutat usrivet,' iay 'iu hett Maraîrfielti aI 10 lest nigbt, ni visicir ime Mnr. Webster rvas net expectot te sus-vive mure tIsait ne-ions-. Dr. James Johinson ieft tire patient at ý2 iclecklas tire ftenooa. Dunng the eri> part ufthéIr afternoon, tireewas aulne.deci-ease lu Use Iweiiu ut Mn 31. Webster's abdomen, and feen s>'sptunnofetnausea, but tire rere ne sife u sallyiug. hiepeately> in>tIre course cf tire forenoun and the earl>' part efthtie altes-neon, ie con- 'erseti treel>' anti mitirgreat cleanee cf Ictail, in relation te iris private afatirs anti Ihe conition cafiris fams, statirrg is plaaaî fhil , and tire manner in wmicis eir siet oe baýve tîset carniet eut. About laf past fveo ecieck Mn. Webster was apin ueized witi iolent narisea, ant d rietid consiniciablo t. p m t - ..,- é L- - - tragenstle-men are perv f.ciniy pitteti igrinst cacliroîiîcr, andl re isua>'expect some cuttl'rg wurk. té Men gs-eek mecîs greýk," &-C. 1h is (o ire Isoptrd tire>' miilnet mettile mith oac rit irssprica-rh laracter, but test LIre great Oshama questioisou itýs orrn menitu. To t/te Edlitor oj Ille Outar-iesIlq»rcr. "Quasianr" the J3y.Lawf- mm rcman cf tire -70,birtrt., a letton siget. IL l. tsoN'," lcore>'ing iformation sucir asbas lies, anxions> ex- pectetih>' a large majorit>' of tIre lulabit- ant' "as tiree dtur uofildatpaper un>' teuciriug:tîne, .1juaslsing," 1procesa b>'tire dicbeap mliiskeyl' company>'oetai that ba been donc, or may bc edune, b>tise Ps-ovin- cal tIroir pNçvnsion sire qurotelq frour,...uy mess widi rrsurr1,i-ains tisonîgirlet,%sair.ý'osthîîr begs ibian lire h-ln I 0a i iitetters lire ras. aet'silews,- miereits the eia,-sl lies sales in bis ewn assertien,,tie substance ut wliiéh i., hia tire clerk of thé sehlawa Mttniciptlity dit! Det mnke'a coi-i-cet relus-n cf ti auss- ment cf tint tow LtIrte Provisionai Coun- (y Cierk ; bu t even aboulti tis iresu, iL is nuot a eiasiring mur tire municipal Ady as er'ery une rnst sec ir is aies Le ce lu-.tire rigbt lilht. liat puzzles us>'fnient asti rival inosi, Irorer-er, is tIre clause in te ameuded Municipal Act, rvbich enacts t!iat etise Mnniciparity mIncir passes a B>'-Law mwiici à hallibe aflenivrdns quasbeti sial be' nespousuble for luinga doeue r tiatB3r- Law until it 'Ire quasised." Tis .lu preci.el> unr #ositrorr, cul>'thiat tireBy- Lai n questionp i act quiasbed, and ncr Ca i c -, the& oonts-aots uides- iL 'are bieng cannrictiPont satisfac tuniiy---tb debentures are sching at par, and upon tire ubule "üthre work goes bravel> on" secondii b>' a mna- four, I harve no mono lime at pi-usent, but an>' Oîhter corresponsience of tire O)s-brua chsam- pion, Mn. Grienson, trosigi tire Osiaraa papen, mii phenue be atItiresuct o iris litera- ry admsirseranti Uum ble ýServant,, Tise Wiritby' Barber, JAJ,,-l'JEFFBItSON. Vactsanazd Boi-s. At a meeting ofthtIe douncil of tire Uni- ted. Cotunties of Pertltand Bruce, last-mweek a iry-iam mas atoptet ir>'-a large stajuril>', taking stock *itire Branrtfordi antiiBuffalo llaicunad ot te anroint ufLI25,000. Thre lino citenit-s LJGutes-icb. MuxïriCar-r.--Xe heeg -fr*M a Boston panpr .i.'..Wlr. lBates, Ot tiselbous.e t a- ing, Birothrers & -Ce., Londen, Iras made a donaution cf tire prinecl>'stitusolfy t1u- sijel/ du/lais for tire IurchtaSe cf books for lise 13rton City' Librar>'. Ms-. Bates- la sai tbIr a native of Mascstclandi Isas4 evinceti by ibis gitt i,%i love for la is ta- tir-e Sa At n tenuperausce suas-ce c, dat B lenheim wesnk befrne last, tbe I11ev. A. Icegborns- qruesheti a vote upen tIse intouctson et -thre MNairie Lirjuor Lisiv tt Canada-Isan evins-> man, rrruau, anti chilt mn tire miolo "semnbloge, irelti up tbe-ir Isants in iii favor. Se Says tIrelParia Star. Il> telegrapît froun Boston, on tise 2O0tb mve notice titat accountu bave ircea neenrvet frein Prince Etirards Iiarit, mincirStautes tInt a tremnendons, gale b at occunredti irre, b>' mlricb 34 fisbiag voas ere driien auboe on tIreeat endi of-tire islant, anti (bat tire ot tient sank uwtSit onboas-d.- CssOLV,. i.N IluelEaTEIL -Wii notice b>- a reprn t ftIre ayor iin tIre Bocister 'fenpcrancc Journal, thrat 454 persoss huave tient et cholera dunrugtire sesýon--of miaicit396 ermoi-euttireforeigt population, iii .58JIAnnenicans. ThIscgreateatnumbru cf deaibu mes-e on Suntinys anti Moadays auseng tIre iaborirag classes. Tire Toronto Lcadler, et Fnida>' hast, Say$ Altroushi tise local Papers are slent on tire subject, ire believe iL la a faet tint ciroîcra iras for sente time been in Queirce." tirat tire tIi-st rail ut sueirfer thue seasen caine on Suinta>' mut-iingîthe l7tb iuI., and continueil natil tire tmiddle et theo ta>'. 'tie Globe ritates Liant inthtie preseait Ca- ronto for the sanîe year, and £2,000 leu titan t buse of Hamiton. The 4stPOrts and exports of St. Catharines plat~es it amung the. Most important ports of the Province, The action against George fejmn h ilegistrar of flashgm, and E. IL Benja- min, bis deputy, for not. registering two me- morials, one of a deed, andl the other of a molrtgage, in the order in wbich tbcy werec received, came on at the late A.,4ize.-5for tbat county. The jury remained in ail nîllt, and tîli the Court rose, about 2 urclock, P. lm., iwitbout agreéjng, and were discbarged. ON ADVkWLSIN . 1 Frorn the Gle. 'WC e ed make nu apoîogy for cbioosiner a brancb of dur own bu>ine.%. as a subjeet for consideration, for; in i tnîth, advertis-ing lia% becorne-unecof the forces' of the worlj, uone Of -thre engines by' wlîick comnunities advance,*,i wvealil andcomfort. Âdvertising la pubiiity-pulrlicity, Lu thre trader, k4 weaith. le is not necessar>' that thre man wbo advertisces sbould lia re an>' grcater advantages titan bis nelibbur Lu of- ter, tu thre public. There la, in general, ver>' littie -ditterence in traders iiwdtatiTâ, pect. The advanta,,e of thre ailver-ti!ser is that bce makes knuwn Lu a large arimber of person.s that, ib aq certain articles for sale. Take thre patent meines as an instance. Every one knows tbtit tIre>'are in genural ver>'sml eeie r rsimplu disîsee. TIre' arc just wbait almost twery meilical ,ma ýprîp*res -for those complais, y'et by adrertlaing, tbey obtaia suvir a sale tirat uiii- lins bave hecen realised front theni. Peu- ptie, often use wlren tbey dû trot really need them ; tbey 'have been pressed irpon tireir attention- and irnmagination dors the rest. Iluw mucbi more eficetiral sbould advertîising bc in producing large iaies, when ttise arti- cle tu be.di>npmue t i une of untiil1eýticn- able utilit>' and genuineas. Adveùrtiiing sà Ve-ý tîîne. TIhe purchase Icara wlere tihe article lie reqîsires la Lu ibc liad; lie liaâ nuL the trouble cf searcbînag. But advrrtis§- îng dues mtre, it sgetawnsand l-ad-1 tô their stippi'.- A nianjulacturer lutroduce; a ociv article, wlncb adds tô the conmfort or thre means of bealtir. Thre anriruncermtent thiron;ls thre new5papersgg"esti tire wnnt of tIre article and i Is purdiase. Thre outla tends to exertion on tise part of tl.e pur- chaser to, pay for it ; anrd a communiication is oltened lip between buyer and seller wbich mighît neyver bave exlatcd switblouit thec adver- tisrne t-V'ryoften the aletsmn bui; not on inimediate etfec t, perhap tlire lper-. son aflected by it does not know that ita.%a influenced -bmwn. A wnnt starts up) in tIre blouse 4~r the place of busine.s, anil imme- diatel>' tbcre is an idea in the mmnd tbat tIre article required is (o ire bad from sucb and sucb a, perso%. PrObrrbly thre ilndividual could not-leil ilseretithe impression came from; iL lax an idva ariquîred fruin reading an advertisemnent rnontbs or year,; ago ; the result la founded ; site circusunstance wbicb led to it il forgotten. WitI an- advertise- ment constanil>' before thre eyes in tire news- paper, thre naine of a business frn hecomes perfecil>' farniiar ; graduarlly, even if you bave never ..seen tisem.,thre îpartners take a bodil>' forn cethre uind, and yen are prepar. ee to inake a far readier acquaintance witht tIrem thà n if yeu lbad neyer seen tiroir trames coection witb ibeir naesadifaat la snggesie"d, it la the srrust natûral tiring i thie iorld t, contient it witl herom, if it as onre wlrich tire>' an suppi>'. 'fo keep tIre-nante of the seller' and the nrof as lr iL~ard fi-ma> &Lsa>' bureia elet a l tr 0 bee-ftas~tr putre etretr belet aclar'oio adetmira mgy ti vannae. r [et beuses. la oron bav e cn«rllen1 tell ais>' rerhiu tielailui fses ba iirrehorveXmentrs, bu insmndeo maî t liduver>' eas- ily b ant lu!'0 conrnt in.t bous as irena eo sureco sheixer "t h mords ncheluewmîhi stepuw§ ben Ise i-ati lietaj larerick ho tances-fotentm b11ics ie o uirres ver>'l uit street interr is ac no» t bt»p, att esle ad m4artyrLugoetbrkt!ri tuencs efmor areo fiy ne. t-tet cerrerecl aes the~L anuc ads-temet, biirgs business te t marerta o thuité titins oftchic awr nceeleet " tiratIIt &î-. ia5 eclln bepousnsteoîtht ofiýi. tInrlng dinLi oun' baettssn-waufttr tineutaird t Ise cor i- refer t 10ni b th oftI giongceaned nte tIimen of tihe presu.' fiow Progretis t Buti There s Ptuq onai Couucii et ins Counat>; aund as irne tcat, Seema inclinedto.t notice il, fer Use reason, I Te e 'spIose, thuat Meaïrs. Gtbirs anti Farewell, after dteinCmisat ire> ceussichenedth ie" dcean fUp tliig" for tirur itde bei-engi, bave tuneti$..O ervrer th ir ut>' meriinte ver>' dirt>' batda, Ficîê: and - as I consiter myseif thre ahuove geirtle- tint thse J maurs unatural rival, profesWrna1dlgspeakimg, onLise 22i as mllas iravingirasi tihebouteur ot centcîstin r'essa'ted m a paniameatany seat antIs lit» Lut electipl, Moidably 1 parpose answcring al Iris publizcoçrrea- hopç a lia pence seriaùnM, as soonan ~s myieaitiswai-ted t