Ontario Reporter, 13 Nov 1852, p. 1

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PtBDX.ISKED EVERY SATTJRDÂY MORNING. ftN S8HILLING8 P» Ârrn-,.ADVÎMICIt. mmmaiNkU dI*nmtle m."-Ttena. ,ATf WIITB, ANADA WE -NOY0EIV 18, 18b2. *q beconsutd4ifyto. ysesateu«gthe ~IftileiaI7oetkilesgutg.m la Ite orIiV'o, e... om .oan éntire Sett. bMeover Ma. Ltlaîo . Toott, cornera( i Kîw en in tc. Str ei. M r. bvM l TÙ'Okss C-ILLEOC, DUBLIN, P SIi sugStloigM Apip Acoouclictia ~"Netood, ORWOOD, Pîçacàtirwo. NOTARY PUJBLIC,' Comal.sI.ucr oft he court cf tueoa'ls Beach, - Convegancoer, Draugliaim MUER II0F lMAgIRKAGRý LiC1é<St.S:AI"D ACCOUSTANT. Om.. seu the Çourt lieus, Vlltge ef MAiCIîmiDtit, Townàbip of RÊxcn, C. W.'4 L. Co. TIIOMAS,* -Conimissioner- of Queen's Beitch pot' taking Affidait. BROOKLYN. Brook1 in, sept. 13., 850. 211 « Att«ae.v mai G@UMaIIow-tSem SOLICITUR-IN-CHIANCERY, &. &C. &C. -WHI'Y. CAMADP WEST, 1b'Oflce Up stairu aver flic Chequered Store. INkt 1st1cratil i tnvy St .Lw BROCLSTREET, WIIITBY. IMBUANCE OFFICE.- YAmFs VWALLACE bcgsto intimatc 'uhat be bu boita appcir.tgekgent for the. end that be io prupared to take rnaki at lhe nrdinary ratea.inthe ?IL aasAw&>utm b lranches cf .ad Company. Wbutbhy, 1 st Sepcmber, 1 ML 1-f WORKIMAN BROTIIETS & Co No. as, KibuStnet Tofontoi waI'r»i'u, 0. w. L. IL SCF[OFIEILD & Co-, IMPORTERS 0F it w%t fi= LtI M 29 WIIGLElLB 'AND" IBlAIL. Whitby Village, lune, 18WO, WMOLESÂLE AND MEAIL IIlU 194?I%, ISIACie, iCEPIPER IAà6lG 4 c,te. &1 b4N<JFACTURER 0F SOLE, UPPER, AND .HARXESS LECATHER, &c. Cash paid i Hde# and Skùl*, WAeat, OutiPotsd<IPearl 4skes. Whitby Village, 71bJuue, 1850. fdalotes -it, Coiusîlmemlm .1 shcs te 'CAH oPM AND no ERT H . A4TDER. P*a Whttby, lut Auguut, I85. 1, WHISK!Y 1IWHISkEY ,50U BARftELS PORT D)Orpa WIuis- JQII7MURTIN i CO>. poet Whitby, May 31,1851. zs.Usmt ae"mn"dgUo W Iaw t*velmn. Geed 5ubaifor ma1. TOIC M-33RATED COMSTOCK MEDICINES, & CHWEMICAL PREPARATION, welknown in Canada, bave bho.» Sshameullyr counîcrfeited mend distribuled-In caulaia, by thevr, persons wiio, over their ewn 1111111tues, bave admitted tht Dr. Ir.vî S . Cons et rniNew York, la the ony Proprlier. Tii.. aticlecS are lit-The 'GREAT P.rEJ' X2TRUCTOR. - nt> cu<îî411Burns,and aiExternat Sw-uzeôp K0FCOUUIU, for Si.yint end jm igteHumeu a.v 3r-' W, E EI BONE LINIMVENT, and ININ VFG.ET4BLE -ELIXIR, saecure lor ail Rhlimatio.m.. 4th-McUIR'SOIttire ai1 Dent Persona.. âth4f4y5' L IJMFNTg a w.i'koownureU1 for the. Pale., &c. &c. Otb-D k. 8 P OMIN, 8 sr ic; JE.D.CIE thM Te p lr'SRLEfr iaecî Sî-LO0NGô L E7,8SORE.E T WB$TERN INDI4N P1gtCE-.L-l- For Cclii.aiud Êevorasb feelings and preretn; fever.- .2. For>Aotha, LverCôntplaint and Silicium affection.. 3.For -Diaithoea ' Indigestion and Les. or Appetite. 4- For Casticenes. 5. Foi btefth affect ions. Oypepsia #piles$ Rheums;usm, &é. The gTerni p ninim arc, if is net baa Io<ete, uterr givet pain, snd ne- ver Iceseoe cestuve., 9th-DR. BRTP LM IVSPNK S.VRV for ailiCnutlu or Céonptuon. - lth-KIOLM'STOCK'S VE£RMIFU<E (Worm Iiler) for children or grown'persous. 1tth-MR S. 2 R 0 WIV-*S' GRZA T PAIN ktLLER.-No medîcîne bas been dusiover. cd that tsue liappity sdapted to osi steml,4 In bs.nsntc talien, aind yet porteîm surb wedeswhcu appi externally as a warnb or bath by friction. Ailtheii.Remedie arec ullytleacîibed linl'ampli- ets,to0 li vWte ilmai,ôcbcat a Jr.IL EWIWU »mr % lors. Enuefor the GEN'ERAL FAMI1LIIIRKEC.TORY Showiînir the Rcmeiiea which evcry family obnolîl ke..p in îheirhe<uscs,and the mantier nt noing uhem., t>y which Rit ordinary Sickîues may tic prcventedl et speetity rcmoved, mithout the expenre oiflhe Famil y ibycia, and Severe Dangermus Diseass Cured, Every famiiyshouldeare(uliypreservcthis book, te relerIo wte n auy remedy isffanted-.both s t the partieular artivc indicated by the~ compiaint. anî slîewing wiiere adeh remnedy may ailwayi be lied. Main Street, WMd&byVilage, Who is appeiuted Whciemale à Refait Alvent. W. C. SWEET'S CELEBRATED- -Faznily M edic 1ýines'# IIVATO CMINE-SE B1ALSA-M C ! garS e Thunat sud Stomach, Ceuglus, or R~te, &c. s WýýET'$ FAMTLY CUflATIVE Cureé ail Paoit .Coamps, Numbâes, Ague ln tbc Face, Nerveuus Headaund Toohl Ache, Vatsaqrr NFALLIBLEIY-WVATEft, CuresBore, Jlaasi or Wemk Eyes.Il cotais vctl rouxuended. Tq ait TUE KING O0OIS, Cures al Uteated Sors, Chilblias, &c., mndisa infallilulefor usauîy .«t.,te" liesse. ivyi;ý you rili not regre it.. SWEET'S CEL1EBRATED BLACK OCILS FOR MRUES & GTTLE t! 1 M, flATI bas nov te hpli i. w homqw tU tainir.c *Il hoejv stlmM nlu5M, 'AV<C snd 4meaticAi HA IS. Aise, tbe *eIt.ebratm'd Kossuth HatM nov in sncb grealdonsuîd. ,Oentrma.àVuu ltitig 'big !"C£0mpeluai, Wilttsecthe guset " asort- meut in Canada. ~ ~ A 1Toronto, Aprii lt, 1852. 01W 1 J2-11um. 1 'UEO MARBL1EWRS ]ATWtFCTURERS and DEALERS in 7tc ' Gren, Blue 4- Vrafgate-d MarNél, CenU*e Tables, Etand-Tep., Chiney-PiecCs, Evcry va'iety ofKA U I OKdonc in a Uqror 9 y. of thi e at Xaturlmtandi Termi Liheral.11 IVB.-W. & Cc. bIn nsy thmtthcy haie rna eeiiiectmon wjub at>y th er tsblishmentrand they import their Marble (rom the weIi faînei Rutlasid 7imo. Wilson, Markham Village, Agent. September lif, 1851.. 21-if W'JIITI3Y AGENCY "Western". ./Assurance C'ompany. HOME OFFICE .... .TORONTO.' Capital- 10,000, A IN SJIARLIS or TEN POVIND5 LAC!!. rilITs c(>NIPANy hoving i)cen dtî!y -o rganized, Pecordiog te the tema c. f its Chattr..rç reprérd ta ssue POLICJES agaînat. LON. orCA MGE yFIBE, open fREAL or1 PERSONAL PROPERTYor ailt kinJo, on as favorable termfin as ouiier resporaibieCompmnies. The follewing gentlemen compose the. Boarid of Pirectors, whose nomes are a aollcient sruatantee <bai flie bueineut fuanaaaclionm of <the Company ai lie cond,.cied on the. mcmi bonorable puines- sc Ç' Gilm r,. Hueiter, ThomnaIlawort, M.«P. Hakyu, Georce Mieche,J Wm. tlesuderson, James Bca:j , I Rire Lewis; and 1onHotret~, £quurem. Isaac C, Gilmor. -- - -ý-- - --pleident. Thomas -law'whh, - - - - - - --V re.eiàent. Relit. stanton, Esq.- -- -- - - --e. and TVent. The uonderoig'ned baviini been appo)infed AgentJ ni the &ave £ompaDy, Witpgve perSoni sten- tion te parties derous neffecin tutone. Fire, Life, and Guin'laIsarance Aget. Febrvary 5, 1852.'48tf 1l"F Subcribrshaving been appointed ffit a imsaute Compuwy ef tia !. arc prepar.dl eceiveapplctOi o rsrne Po the liigchauaef of the above Institution,' end.the low rate& of Pr.,sdusm, w. are onvinuei that supetizor acà1ji le are nnw offered foerInsur. ane te ic Iabltanu sof the New Gouuty of TROMPSON, PEARSON& Co, Whiby. NeJt 151.Ç it IWildLand to ILeDS.. 1 t-joueph ce die on.. mry N iin" ,iutil tiel B.t just VIIF. NAÏN opi;iu T*0 AbTVNe. Being destissai ë*1y, Ir eu.uWap*î pmreiu, wu clt ii, ,q#dtof' Ç- teca or isjxteen' iore.a n eider te mequire ibue knowlêdge.;-eqate for vny pro- POSAd pu ifs, iha ti ecounting-b@hiuse on.u ef tise firaàt étmblisbmWents or diat aient City. Tiese iai! of tlii. roi, whikb w» Wa e*treinely fwealW ouei as M., Parmne, a gentleman Who, fiofttàn old (nendshi~p (or MI mufer, lock Me Inéo:lis ova hou",d was Most pareatuI!ykIuito 'Me. M. Du- rance vas Weil in ,rond sdM,ârU tu alqpect, UociiE1 bw ,41andpou âsd oc or othe y rtS. He ýbsd es ble o là ~ lie he seul a1ietintwùlnm-Nea bd had condu bdh1CaelUW 1 >ai 'cf 'B o u Mi if. %eb foY once Iec t luis bt that M 'Was eiouh. On 94L~ QéCCSW4bc ,M wtb twi àbansreî-. Oh, Mie &two .dvenfý 1 Tongoue Caboot fteU, nsr brain Coener, the delt itelh tht, wcrtby man tock, inarreig fiei in cident. -H-lafrends were -kept'tbéeby tn a stato of perpetual alaren. Tbey nover lîcard lb. words,,14 DU yeu evor hear me frfla.<or ev'en -Diô you v -cie<o M1. Duùrance'. lips, wiùîut an îtlernal chud* 4crî, ond an instant retrea4~ if P"ibte £Diii yoo," itseoif ,FASepou b tte bring out a COol p ioin. ]FOr i Jthsgood old m. crrbant once began, «-- - îest WU ont of the question for <ho qemiédig compte of ijours. IIoi oflea havt I been ceaipolleti after dirner to liàten tDo buc, twq eterna adventures! It vas neot diaitbey.wvu o. in ter1ti.. iii tlienldves. On <liecentra- ry, y tey vere.et a ver>' remarkable enter, and sfili more remarkable as haviugococur- iri! at eue and the sanie ime. Blut who cam lisien-even te godtlwforever,! Neyer- tbcless, as ît is àot lily'tfb. readcr cae ver have suffered (rom'M. Durance 'perp tui'- tics,- we ahail repeat themn once more, vit l a lifle more brevity -than it was the houca&t mau's practice ta emle>'.1 I. Durance b.d eccasion te go te Par!IS, opon business. 1le W.d a'arriage or chariot in vlicli lie prnposed to travel, but at the time viiem he found it'convenient te set out, tins vehicle required a sliglit repair, andýtiUe mouchant, then comparativelï en u active, thoughtut better to ride aIowly for- ward oun borseback for a- cuuple of stages, leaving bis servant te living the cariage af- ter bilm. M. Durance thue hoped te eutjey, fou- some part of <ho wmy, a more leixuruly vîew of thse country, wb~icbho ebail scarcel>' ever scen iucyouud a fo'mv miles distance frein- bis oîn lbouse. Accordingiy, a(ter givwng full, iusfruc tions to, t> servant 3L Drasce set eut, rospectably meunt.-d,sand veli rm cd, for lie càrried. alarge muanbi llst;And nîeney. '- o do hitu justitc, lie bad mïstt, spint and a -(air àhave of courage ; but net niocl or cither was requiredti le rave! alone at tbae peried, -eingto lte adirable 'île grec of efflciency into with thse apous Fouclue lad'-brugit thie police of tite coun- try, M. Dàraneel's Lut day'.. trarel vas un- pro uCth. f, awy womderfiul evesit. He- stopt beOre aîghfall nt a village ion, rust- cd comfortalily, snd dim. Dot morning pur- sned bis route. WblIe ndiag ulowlym long the borudereof a large woo4Igii the forenoon of thec second day, lie- bierf el a poety i f ment, mIeon horsebae a short ov er d 9i tt wu ~ficrnun- eomtortably surprimed inu the end to observe theMi freqisenti>' toreiarnd, one, 'm#t,ý asether Wpmenly16lo h tin,. M.»DU. Ibev."yune7s. TWaeroad Dow struck la- to the wod airedy. nm i t vis -en ina aed w the Ini t togetiter, ecm te trust Itise -d. thenâ mgrg 1ittmediate prepareul bj d. Durance ibis boedy ;s < -state, fer, au could lied open, fise c instant the M M&s of justil , the b.d-r( ýpened, andil Il had becs ir the relief je eleueders. 1P' M. Dus ating theé of My 5çcot stili thbn lb ver Masy ho hbvieusl>'- lem nt1 titan la ti ydegr-e of cime resultel liavmng wnl anuouucing h as cota luclît that a ode for M.- szure of tbe 1o e tlu serve Iis chant vit fe.o Ita bctq blots o il Wlitby, lu - J'fITBY I.4 'AUlorders in hi& Iinep2?9ptlIy oeeq(. Wbitby, April 19,,1850. - J. F08TERe 0.8. @sel ýs i iidI go In t vasaiu1" " m.? mib e rcbmntsec vifiomi "it 'y, i J ýew mm wy " meo evbeitelil une toue e0 vOce1,am4. Utiitheutmost-eivility, tern, andie, thse gemstpan v.pIieè," Yeu- villpermiit me thetam rda tei bave the.Iuonoy, uir',o(eoeitmung yowte thre pertaa M., toru411 " ý ii. Foucla. 1".ejuated bis itorror, Durauc e, imnoutstual sien,, at tise Ilotiglt ents of hi, et wbatthe-fafl9us-bead ofthte police could Thbe ist ai vaut vitb is ia; bave commiitteul no of- ride tie Pos re ,e, 'bae broken ne law, and I caunot. -doing se tï uhdent~a in t Ih. .sioutd hI Î ent for b '9 Seemingiy %J!b trù. ut s" lipt$speech by rance leart say i itave-'en wz!tiunïfor nmre <jse cf Ideovu- aon y U, sir, !ipg instruîeted tisai you the menus would arre lu a carrdageIie thisu ad :uceour, MI yoeur peronI pertmanneau, and ever>' tbing horet upen an sweî4 the demcriptio-n given te me. I cmi- long in this net therefore be mistaken lu the part>', anti pertmnautea Yeui viii lave lte geedocass te attend.see te. durr bu-at M. Fouche, wvIe-viii blînself ex an i handaud nii htusilucas sith yoît, vîleli lamore îMani 1can i<ine liai doe?' Therut vas n ne rsithi s18porem- ceming cut toiiy Civil request. 13y the stranu;,es di-lime vas ci rection, M. Durance sent on his servant te iiig that mil' the bote! wbere lie proposeti te letige, and, pareti for seeing Qn aternative, foliowed the messen- capture titi ger to tlfimclee of(lie <eadof tise police., Ah, ail M. Feucle recèived our liere. itit the wMen nanr utmost peliîénes4 ou ad aller rc4tustinug lias tinir You tn be -seated, entereit immediately on a de- venderfut taul of cértain mattonsil hicit made the eyes Whatey of M. Durauce gro" as-reund as fiti1mouns, tier. la el sud led tise geed niais teh conclusion tht last idetl Fouche - and-glie otiereontlemnin léblack traordinary vere thinga synoaymous.- by M-Feu( "0Yen are >Li Durance ef Bourdeaux, <lieDemaray 1 bead o e -extczensive- mercantile lieuse te Pari%, à vitiel bears your name ; yeu bave tn yor prize viliel Portiniateau lie suitnf (inniug lthle et-ma>' be tit Set as) ini specip. and Ilie suas'0 - In a erous Mo hUila; yen are about te reside attise hl ioIr the sel p. eur the Boulevards; and t ii s your b. linpat costeta te retire te rest about eloyen o'- that the M~ -clock." These are but a-Jew of thse parti- veu- bave culars regardimg M. Durance's - ituatuîon,- mara>', and purposes aud lhabita, vbicm tb. police func. ail probabi tienay seemed to be avare M,. Thle mer- vIe thoug chant ust if. mute astoisishutont. detectiou M. Fouiché evidentiy emjoyed the v'Litor*s points, m uodrand before any r.neul i dbe made, afrod Aleat 1 1 1 .1

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