Ontario Reporter, 20 Nov 1852, p. 5

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0. Lot Sry- was wth- tbev lerti Dlwaukev, nd. ponganr o uth essnes. W» t wu reeked at --,ew Bull du- r4g ýhe I.te gale, and lbas proveti a total ies' WC ver, attable Io procure partie- WêViIears by a-sgrvate dkp*th trointSant- dt»ir-thttbebri " eynow" suak on or sr, e andandproves a to- We leam s lthe o ffieers of the s-.teirer 'NooiceruIndiana, that aiarge vcssel pain- ted>blak, 1is'sbore ohi a slitken Sitoal twO mileas nort of the East. Sse.-.ouut aud tianiast gone.-Bufcrto i.ommerdl y to lie proprietor 31-ti ys. T1m' fôDGE, of the uncient or- gce andi acceptcd 137 permisbion of aa Lodre 'thtI il. C. 'ili Ib. betll RLSLT,&cg badbee '- NOTICE. and orm.î = of..<iii.Suh..rlbet' hmvin de" toe er, u d e<Inteir bîui# u hetics is o conpÀder- <WCIMSER next, tlwy ae detirous that ait se- break ff 1 hounIldb. pal! ,y thst dite, and hirby 1bvo e e byc e t &iI li matItas rernain unsieted elb t consola--Xot-_ r ont tiav day, viii b. put hn Suit fer eoiieetlou. s.--'lcerc OHN MART1IN &Co. eat seu r oI Whtby, Wr>' 8th. 1812. 3141t. nigo. end} N EÀ W 'LOOKSO> RUIN E1D LICOTT, or the Coin- *b igtnbym. W. Savmgee, F94. Journal cifas umier Tour, 1»' SeWelt. North\wood, or LA rNerth rnid Seu, ty Mr#.15. t8. hale.t, b Neai. Lives of lVeilîihugornd Peel. SpIîe's and Sistnret!le'> 1rocuucicr% 1ictiontry o the Frenchb sud Eiili hLatîî.uîae, I Volaile, royal sic. Gîcero utièu an flhsputati scls, Anthon. Pcimcîctal Adrenlures oetidOur crtestinul nii Bîuy t.Jukefilonan. - lSapait-at cacculenlt, Geojrapicai ant iHictrical, ¶rbe,î. 'r1q~h Ln., alk th Meoar cfibe i Le and Writingt ofai ). Chalnn- d~ Trtink' froma Quebelcte'ý Detroit, Î5Ile ~L-,di&-, New Book of Ceoket y, by Sarah J. progrsnug %te adily iu con-truetien. Lest HleI. weekttte ubmariue vire was laid dowu titr' Tc'heel (anur Pallirs, T. Gwynne. tb*~~~ TIc CiilhrIamily, by gQiî< 1 oirc.a~hes th yQuinte, andi work, aidairally. tWi'ad(iiebThAUfo. was miiade in Louidout, Messes. tnow and 1 ieitu Ragie Pis, onLireun otue hoier, by Clora ])%Ygbit bave recived burn ildes of it, foc MorIýnf eiy.a varioul portions of îtew lhue. It weigit% a' c c~adTlat helalslyCt- ttm t themile ]3eyee ',ýoieiand - ssing's Fieidl 0 1 thLe 1leoottto, Ne. 28. i Qlic.ere the line ix (0 ian bIy o lil-perýe by P k 1'loblas t sibond, andi there tte.ic* é ln oBat ds iler's, Gdey'jsan riio Porland and ,i3esto(i. -Mslgazinssî-lutest ntlniber.. -Souw »Zq DATHii N iTi: IL PLIT.-tl)fl T et.Nocve 6, 185 2.30-1lm $oaday e renîag week, thi.e ottregation ai tbe Wésleran chapel, Nurros, Cataraiugu' NOTIO E. thce slatpuin and *u 11ctiniîC of',%rMd Jouies alerof iisu.iub iwli treadl: iX1 «eq lis,\1r itî hvn -' 1Macle anigeIo laretire frewI) ,cte8lum 1 iug the lccîctifui ;ithabieg~i tii i te15t1>hîhs part -of th ctiic, .Siacitihave bchl«F f: $t , .Ukc*s go îc . Tlit:vyer(-. irterucincd n disiu Ie uîremai UWtciin,),g ithit bbcdteqce:t altentt an, cri- fP7iîby Villag~e andPorltFerrjy. defitiy moied with ftesitple and ofcibie rasueàesof »Seripturtuc-cnittied in te i IlIir t f qubin hoaLru-îteriiutg the in wsr;daA "iwlarise and go to ny" TUIE '>TCK OF COUDS AT I'!RT )'EUI tbe preacbrr aelititned 6Oh! ttuy dear With thie Interest In the Business friendslti sud tlldodesvainuthe pîtipit wd l-Thei'hniaes bave hast> alecît £3fl cuisssuncy e r tso3t nPhiately ca1tpied ' tîonth sht>ce rorruîacice'entt. AIse, emmsseted- mytliti lthe ferwardii iiin e wao f dtheUt ou GSIYD i'z.--~h1, N Y.Mirc'rLate Scuctcu. (urnîshes wod Thc 'e stock eof mya, iota I ort tillte ,zti ayouuIg ?an a G(;"lm i ibly Viltsçewiti lb.e%'ctod wl:iiof< <teIr"V iamn the bIuginles, sale have been atmhieo1 _40Ocr;.u- le u ina bolisé i ni ranciscolivg c fprMontla. thelieetve pot lie éis&- $5Ot<> BjSttiparr.-ent lt to Chinaand inl- pierd cf b>'priv'ite salo e he .Fonît daY of. irested it in lice. H sli i$>ti<.cargo (teo Dccewber, tixey whltItra le d7sPoSed of I)Y arrive.) at 212 cents per pound, andi t. dc>Acîtietu, Ale) will li eici aIutbchem aiietre, the lîanItsointe siti of $35,00O b>'thse oper- a îOf l.edr cf ers, c. utScgitsri~, aion. ft to tiippenetteiitthé-, cat(go arr;- mi! tt .îcî ciqsthelb.lot i[Larcd, 2(Y) acres, ted te ver>' day allier il wta pîîrcbniîed. Ica wn &xLet No. 27in thie thiri Colicetilucî The Cuiarninade $6i,000 on lte bar- aof Iiîty, ci théwes1tie o c Scge; Ront rite large ~ ~ ~ IW 1unof ,0 bý ar alw c $12Pr utata ori. Vie foc simple et an galn. Cl lrg ý%ailui$12,00ha cf been cleared onnuanvus iru f'COITTAGE & STABLES - EltIl~ .eh 9.-Thin gac~idlc ; tif %îstîteîc. A .*uti viii l'e th troaIunMettrrc Buff3iiao, aprung ln, ul fhbers.i Teris, wbiclt vii. . sLe 40kDiievît, ilde anti broce lber langine. 'I'licu tipabled, 1ai lime cf sasle. Aruy nfoniatoa'Ihgtt cuy tnt slic. îirew;owu4uQsrd bM or 600f) Iî-els of 1reqîluiteith#,,ii ieantha tie, can ý, be oblitiet at i téesciuni~ct5 mprs ethrr i hittzy or Port fgour, cauîignd oe1Weedi & Co., BUfaici. '. cry, ion ai l,#- Office of Jameio-- 'ttonTo- Site is nowiv >jgat thle dock,. iav;ng becu saiYto,' ticer of wioîn ,»rne:preparedti b'> ret toe ni b>' ite lnited S.is"aepirIwiili ?»parties.' ~ IlIc..at."hyonntnced- eour MA1'rî lier',ttnd lte wate r ut llis lime is Etai-lIv_______________ o~XE ut XJLLLEXT OP.M,ýl7XG MARR[ED, For a blerprlismipersea of II ttçal. bomsE or ffenry' Major ]£sq.. ic Pickering, NMr TO LET.-lthde onfwhtyAi8p Sidt.y . ~ Wu sspret Juaîlmou, and Dweliitg boumaon Main tet, OccuPi.d 1f« ___ ,l iuM "toyer sa Gor##s'loi t. .Ap&y lW be paidl1 0 orNiSIIER,, Esq., IBRO0CK T, Liclrnsed u rhs#- vey !çc., it1iÎ O~OMMz ie its and Concession fines in the.-salad 7 Wbit yo 884 Wh tbundng couotrý' til;41s0 orLteWA te UIIA uNL0F L T I [fhIN T twnhîe Peroncal e %,y Ap geN 1 J.» ; tIonl~' a ni POt t Op4n lie uhrée Town. 0 (s ~ Wte" j lillws, tinil th4111 els Ilnedt( li tait WM; itvnxhii, forjb0pîie Y<rsurm f mhi4isbn tr h> h c vry ,as~. t lrih cott of4 il body 1D1d4 ltliUthe if@i Me in a perMfn-"ntai i~et0' b&rably - te , Pl oviio nis of tin $o x i v4 itc a p. 35~, i oz, etatmnftsP~dI4.U .i jed, the muid wrct& 4Gfr tàdd p o- Mo currency te êbe tevied and ca iected tbis W. iV <, . &ç6., would invite fiaun'lies to comen ié y t<èJf, r e t si the ha nsfi, £100 ée Q y, jCh&-olitte,1Sucar, k t. $1 O .uy p e saI i#bY th .e i ~ r iimi r akbwt beépâid ilI <the yetr:1853. sd~an ofo ls' lrllt1lf P4J ".n wboèreas, in accordane witth tbe proviit- quiuite to make çpàvitiolotiMthe due .paYim*>t ,the maid balanct etmithe time When the màid w iîn1nof -partfl<érghip . tXU -1h is incorred. w JJ APd4wbeteaf2 thewhole ratlaI* property ci;- i tonya a je ýëàjpo etPicering for the yent 1952 wus 0 Il C 1 is itreby giveilfinit thé fin IOIy ila our landrW d LITw -toneTý haugd4 0neI 1 oS>ERI DAX & fflEI of the Whlby WJIB andr sdTweflty4five i>oun4ds. 13cwery hà iiisday dim1etvd by'iuu&l ~constit, 0fij m « And, wlicrca; il iý'iI1require à specia1 rate 0et snd ailts1ebi* dehie esahd Firmmst b.paid têo Uce, Hf I 17b fs puy ti e P,'ttnd <0, be *boyrstti1T u IEtDA riedany providrter payment, f lthewd d iebIfit ai'D 100, togirther with fau-prfcetlt caver the. > uii. O.L Ir ne o(colltna hefiIcatin Whi tby, Sept',,23, l.b2. 2*41i. ithrfr -atlby the Mtrmiehcl'"' ~l <~~ ilhai tte Townshipiof Pickeringrthaarited q ebd F 1bCompany of I en'ab Twiip Pcenyg, '4nild liuihereinfre cawtidonb. th b.rSlv e L FAcTroxytU iniathet#Pound bcd peualuini theWhithy Bee W'b er el xctite mit orders fi -%,W, saisti, andi colld ont ail the ;ateahle ewrîcod n i4y T. SE~ERIDA t.ihe. I ýoparty ini tbo said TOwnbip of rickei iç over et",r> ad aý»V' 01ailiuur rate$s mut asqseî#melts 11jin the~ pmir h car 1863., 8 LI IMomilh rN.. i, te Andjt'it furtber enacted by the ncithority Tue>.'IMPORTAN forers'dtbat c.a soon 3s the taid&M f l£100,,«t te pr oot auid miir&W ha Il b. in due course *id tahe'raue Itesaiti Towisbip, li s SMeby autUoired d rejciired ta pay fpnbwhlh Ma nlifactui a the said Johtn Sliier or h si legal eïsfhtV n bis or their 4letand therefnir, ile taid âsuinof ,10, cturreîny, ini paytncriiofthei balance then Tw lad le ta litaias afi iat'Sjc. l kfs N 0. T 1 C E.I 1-fJ EF TN Tp 1 1, N 1 N f 7 FoC' 1d1 L -INidrIif bOr ht E(C4WEME.YY Iciru~ipaitY ftheTwnshp b.cerried on by the..' I-Law te lhe taken-in rl'certiosnç 'n the bî.,ia auîcùty of, O;ittarin, one of the united utitiof - DR JOÇOCKMay 12, 1 e,Ïk, Ontati, andi Pret. az LcKr<'# 4mpe@ he lisîhi lie said Twaion îthe 31ilt I 3,âMQ PROVINCIAL M ay 01 liecember ncvxl, nAtftic item'uf 'Tenco'tioek m inîtle tnl'aita whîch tinte tand pljace the For the Cure of Coughi, Clds, Asîbima, Bron- ilîis, Put monury CoiisurnptiOîl, and ait AiTcei- NemrnT* o f the Mî,ciipalty ara hereity reqtltiens h 3eu n in'.- to attend fur the pOIffe foisaMd. I i ftBruactndyJ#tM0JOH; I To wn Bt eAtON, ester, N. Y., scle prrpitor for zbc United Statesr Pizkciiîg, 291h ept., 18 Î. U andwt otBîish i îh Aincrica. DlIR frntarol0NO PEX. LE W.FERS. .50 AOIE or the f3.8. HWoASI N l i enr. VA17GHAN, 20 acres inIpovedun TEEt'[f' PcJt... . BOWum. der gondi fençe, tandtina a.hi-t l OraiculiuVat.ion, AeeTilBIV PSFIJ .Bw with a lopf0btFraee'jwelliug Houa,, and 1 cetin cureWrn'ualtSuPPresmlOOt SuP-1W. L. Ptaaie- Larna~~ gtc eîfwtr ever railcig tream npreose'id1ne~ Ltnrb~' ith or j. G. WOST> :roit, milie lat. [îPalinfol ; n At8t~ trw thecîoSa, or Par1til l ATISON ,A kI so80facres, the frent ô<W ot ?N'o. 5,Q. 1astcon. iObstructioat t3eitii horbi, Greea Sicli- V 1j.ý Nti .5 rirrirqiutproved witha2 bWe-limng i$le ;Leurilc baa, Fiwt Albiis, FWbitsSM it ill w ltoiie tat hbuildincgs, youa-, orchard lu fulI bear- }emaie WliPt55meg. IiQ~* ineTood af wIer rl. VEeseTÀII Âlelb Forme arency Tooite citi Ctrd Ycf TLPrIC}i- M HA GI C AITN DCETJIO E Ti up1ýea 17 mIt> tHIlL ioeo nteviiiy(fRclon" n iè,A AiSG, 1111e ie ochhloti o ,L« itMAGIfC Prdli, A.IW$ (rnsTROY, bociics, ~Vii ý!ee Aeia ufO ea le tiont naw Conity ofOuîrl41 510h N. Sl1piy AES Roerie ces-pe ii. PtOptrYi cn. of ticli' eiinathe newtht of et n Otaio, 5) e luN.iY.VSole4tutt 'BtSt FeAtheaure of i et 'The k;u, R$km z. Vre L sd l.a onfico uivO*in itca g*wellb~filug. titg Bihinthelers<"a td 1tI -Abrasi oke 1mii, M u i4 rLie an rn i COheulb wVý aligspig laitga i ki, Burns,MIBoen BS uts ad nts e-tatos Creto k. rshwshtffC o ,11 cet>Soans, Comnêys, -,slt peins,,&'urvy. 1JJix«wdont iioti le ote at ewicpo tC,15ar s - les, sre &C. ltRu4.Suy. it,-lttlynlitrt poie d a permnentoftrKAun .1 iî acreà sid 'j Ples, c..DY... r piet a permanentPStreamPof Salee r4oues 82td14 lo th P]LES11 fPILES,7,24ILESUX 8fl1)te 0 e iuîrofedlot No. Dw7, iuM Jfln )X-fiTat YK1bto-0 BLOeCU14 BRouDaEap1bacrnsliepred tt itire i eOr DtR. Ma1i UeThe edy ft $11-MistadLhar pnesieni oruler whhisamui UA g" O ierilleey e h ilspeae b o h..bvecma c4cnt .;pp1LyL "ewrkineaider "f ma sin .leBwr, e oka lm t atesdt imrelit % e'iiyo nlatu ea îi ir i e in ary dIlleiYs' a bs tiu reg- ~ e. (romr a Sh ngmuPori en Lakc. 0Ontrio, toavct tOill5 *%% i>~é Xrpît tfcpe s ea>'~essté~¶o4ro4 ýfrsonx. Ic, ýctijî%y 1 9 $cIPdi cré, hlieer 13W"4 ,AIe,' 15 acres n t4île hfnttail iu i gttVdWnot Pt es , tntciral or Ëtertt alaia o. for >- and Wel tenced er disettes whicit are trccq'cetitly foutin i coni Aise, a sumal i Dcpltu% l4'>ue irgi latin the ,4unctlou wilbPilas. ,,L~Ra,»' URQOKLANin lttle f svotliip l O04JEr~ uéus Aise aguildtiz oo it hje VILT AG 1t s- AWAIUi)554T.d5IP~waT~Y. The £tecttwq As pef4e<tly aaf for pr#uao Ail h.poeedirrwotei'yc ftrqulily.îd JaIhetid ht uies6,tei (bbar#cîhsj'as Ie ii thce ifV 1 - i sund rmdy tus"on uo..Lst o - 2 0 pe, pôhnd., U'2 1 2 do. 'O 7-2 lcme inproplttofl. )ug anud Cal Dressiugwill bpte Finm., (,.8OW£RiANW&to., 852. ______ J. FIA Y u, 1%f. D. C. keepsà Mouneyand cat ftmif li te 1 bhilltby Dc TAPLE n Wooleu ' bawts, et mutalitwares ha atteuthea to liii.St

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