mi~wbw ang, dded iniS3 1 agaV ,sajd Wbitby,c 4EA pro- sh01', ana >~ioure~aa leud t ier.]Âpplyt iL-by lait be I' nid tise tailor IPs.iç ~qu Dulêy,1abot tttIt r,o t1Cm r. irW rmrnere4liait 1the Biietrd loC4tio by M -ru Mr. Jackson, wrben the for- imiion to ettelaaad on sai- je SSSScicOwathth Ie laspec- of Caumda_ nanhirmgemeai the à ûà oftê6ê lime goLà arantecte loan desird o LJalfa1 id Imlton ie- eIorneerSWSs ad servey- iary araemnsrecevçed ýfj Lsegslatreb.he grec- 1 à @mr WWY ad m dtssethe if- l'the provinlce, Legasuaturs bus alM sucioned. ad to ire built- 70 miles, Thse mi deben- to itusar Li t gq port Kffeovlrt t.11 lgà 2. 27.4in o t'le attenîion orbis c .1toineanad the publiel a fariedl Stock or JUOT 11IUIVtD 8 J$ ON iOgRiA 1 consùinin PartIf Wh ite Cmpe & Exhibition Shawis Bra &Lanet, b talin de Laijiest Mwina Dresses, s ati&S~n Parasois Sommer Cois prices a aiade I.wer than a nyWoiae ,W~ it he itBtotëeCq<atTowaa. TL éeMÀM¶R D LrýJE ulmibe ispreplrld W bai # - e t vaaIndsî esnI oudsonScriY urari of [oçr4s pproedcmat - In~sta.~ Gt. 55EtWindsor MWlitby'. ; re 1.-} CASIh FOR -I3UTTER- "$naiec. 1 -for BUtte I. Cbs¶qusrd LA lJ'DER 25-ltrn 'y I &"» of Wtbty and 1vicinity, thait rais have eOed a Sbap, for tlae above basigues uthe ais over -Mit. W!LIK1NSONI.4 WATCHMAKING & J~WEUy $Hop, K a.IA -t having iwrved berappreice.- shp Î thre Millinary bu.-inesa, ini ont of the prîncipà aý bouses of Mancbester, EmgIaod, fiopes (at tlrey wiIl bIre eabied to pgve sabs(aCgtion ino aal 4&ï ubý =y aty vor tlrem witia tb.ir patrouag. 17lae Lttext Faslii0ss oendiay ~on haid. MUS. KAT AND> M$S. ImclïItÂN W oULD resectfuly annoice ta tbe ens ni one of the murt sk,111ral worke-rfin îbe Sti aw bonnet busifess fiowmil the Ctl n(Toronto, »0 that îhey ae enaV&ed 1* otanà &M ter Straw Bonnets Io tas e.?ýev Stylo of suhioii Wliubty, marela27, m8)2. 60-tf. STOUIt TO RENT. 'LIoratsmof rers te bféuidin fae8y oru n0 »mW y .n.iadue.nents to ilw. Jl*ndiniIéI. urmeUU B rti~frie5à îj Ni à Bqwn loiand Conts,' (romn 4 41-2,Boy% 1 Cièk d- -do " 5b0O Do~ ¶. Bà k Alpua do "10 '0 Do DnII]sl C to 1 2 f; - Do ý Dorinse do do "12.6 -DO, Do Cariadla wMee 410 't17 6 C Do tlroa latoib do " 30 0O Xtenli Do 0a55110re do "25 0 DO BO Yu . 3,onn lallant in " 4 41-2 Do 1) check'd do do 5 0 O Do ~ Ds.Aol5k do4 6 3 D Da Treedle do " 10 0 --Do Broad Clotb -do "17 6 Do Da)oRusselICord do " 89 D -Men's BtaO&CIOh Vff5 "id 7 "6 OO yDo glekai5%ot do - aE' De Do.u«ilI&U 40 8_9 R6n Do. doae Da De ranc4 1 . D Do, Bamoth o-2 [Ra BVB do . * 440fltrder Fitey -Veste, siIk do tln do Cloua do Tweed do MooknTroasero, JLissewDrill do Check'd do Çordluroy do Sà tinett do Cauaimeres -dO Biickskin do DEs"kin 6Ai Dl itt do ('eck'd do Moleykm do Canada Tiacede de <'augimËe ê do eTweed. do eShirts, Linet rn t rIan,,e!it, rShits mad Drawere, BlIack and *roDl g, 55 4' '4 's g' 'j 1. 5' 'g n '4 n E' Di Neiw Style Diliesa CoAf , iAil11teft ,S -9 CHERRY LC 5 0 C.ORDIL Land4 ô O0 OJN7tuENTail 5 0 ed for baeat the 4 0 llver. buy thmese ai 5 0 LAxe.tas DrY 7 - ritasryorawou 5 t To Oitnerso 7 6 Il3 RT9I For the cure'of 4 -ý Braises itithe 1'Ie- 4 41-2 slockirn the wrapj ,Mpeicne&. Il Nlit'in DOL#snes,' yard wide, froua 0 10 1-2 Fafirtory Conion, ou pritats, last colots do duo dé 7 1-2 W te do ffosvyUinghaiu#, c 0da9 id 0 7 1-2 StriMd Shirting, ~straw lanumsl' id 1 3 Lad iesl Siys, -(tiaes, Hot' r ibQti s L ac0e . sha s Ih n fkjrrh im-b anà i Keck-li , Edgiîaaçs, s*i iciFowes, car Pronis, mssljnsl, NMu, Sbn, hekd ad lan lpmCola"s, &lki, trtc, Tablte ie s, Quilt, Co<an Wepmne., (Q lean, CObOarc,DeLamnes, Be4 Tik, aid Tow *l, Fring;esGiMP.,Trirm inga, cra pes anti MmfteiVllsfer 1ourniig,%t r#o 1,luat'Robes, Caps and Frock Dlodies, il % lac» .*Vo SecondI Prîce. Corner BURGESS & LEISMMAI SsjoiniOf the COUr fos r 1w 8W ,@TWKOJJ BRICKS it BýI1cK, BON MWRe M'A M. y PY the begwunor mwpr Attorasey an4d arriétor at Law, S#e t ie wqnýhrdwl AND SOLICITOR 13 £tIAW C iaIV, Y A R D n ,ns haW ft Vay Lz 4 r 3crTÂIIy PUBLIC, & COISvEyhflCE1, AT THE OPVIOF OJ. MAIS P£fRE*RT, IOJO ê8~C~O tok" MzOn Bricks, ab. T Ti21 4 1- 6 t ~ J4