Ontario Reporter, 27 Nov 1852, p. 1

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s-. D..Y MORNING. -li A»VA&NCE. 'Zamanaa~,su* WIIITBY, 'CANADA as R279 1852# 'so Sroas Cerner of King po s $triffl. I.8*il.i 1853. 281 11ca ri o NOT-A-RY PUBLIC, té mlulouiet r o heCour of quofl Bah, Conceyanccr, Drc&ugimarn, MU&ERt 0F MÀRRIAGE LICENSES AND ACCOIJNTÂNT. .Offce near tihe Court 11osa, Village of MA2'qciit-gsTx, Township of lxct C. W. 244f -L. C. THOM AS, C ON VEY k Eft AND- Cozniioerof QuMecns Bench For iakiog AI(îdamviU. BIIOOKLIN.' »rooicliti, SePt. 13, 180,. 221f ]LAW OPFiOB. Il, JeMACOONE-ILL, £tt.Pb*v and qsusas.IlSe-ZjS SOLICITOR-IN-CliANCEIYo kc. &c. C. 2uil i Canada, bave been ilerteited snd listrbut,d in persozis wbo, over their own mited Usat Dr. fLucias S. ork, in the O-:y IP orictor. -P41Y XTR4CTO'R, OJLUNA, for Staganti lumanlilasr. L MET VE & JJONELIMET VZET4dBLEEIIR 5th-HU VS' LINIMENT, a Weil kuown cure for the Pile*, &C. &C. 6:h-D R. 8 P 0IHN'1S SICiK HEJD.*CBIE REMED Y. 7th-jOItIIE-IVS RELIEF, for ai Vomner in the Famllty w9y. 19th-L 0) N G L JE Y' 8 G R&4Tl WES TERN INDLEN P4N.ICR.-J. For Colts ait feverish freligigi andi prevening férer.- 2. For Aoitbma, Liver Comrplaint andi Billons afifectlonsa. 3. For DiairbeSa, lndiestion and, Loas cf -Appetite.- 4. For Cotvenoto, In femaati n alosand nervouscomplaints. 6. For Stomach affections. Dyspepuia, Pikes,- Rlseumatismn, &r. The great points aie, it la pot bad Io taIre, neyer givce pain, anti ne- -ver lest e m ilive. 9th-DR; BAR THOLOMEWl'8 PINK SYR UP -for ail Cnughs o nupln lOth-K.OL3fÇ8TOCIS VERMIFUGE (Mormn Killer) for cbsîdren or erown persons'. ý -~ Blh-R R 0 WN' S GREAT PAIN KILLER.-NO niedliciine bus lwen discovçr- tl tbatiîsso happily udaptecti ttise ntrnallii as &rops ta lbc takein, aniyel perloim sucb wondera when alifleti czternala'ir àua ab or bath by friction. Ailtbo Remédties are Aillfy escsibod ln Pamapi- et», te b. aeste ail %ý l'O (csl al 3.. . GDRID ])mrg Store. E ?quire fer ite GIINRAL FA3IILY DIRECTORI WIIITB Y. jShowinç Useé ItemetIies which ov" yfamity shouil tcAiM A v a s 1-trkeopîn ther boetis, and thie manîjerof usiisg theqi. trOffie up sairs aen Uste Chequeneti Store. >y, which ail ordinary Sickness suay be preveutei ______ _______________ or spetiily removeti, withouit he expenve of the FaiyPhyeician, and Severe Dassgrrois Discases Isaitiesd oIr.y et 18 Every family.sbotltic*refully pmrnvethbis book, .. ,BflOCLSTUIEÉýT, WIIITBY. to refen le wu any ro-meily is waniel-bosh as to thse particular article indicateti by.- 11 complaint. I NSU RANCE 0F F10M anti showing where such-i emedy may always be JAMES -3WALLACIE egste intinate1hati. thât lhobabu en apèoicted Agent for the antd tisat héiitprompared in etaire rieis at the nrtinany e * C 2W 0O *rtes, in thé MU1UL, PatoiaIatAa&% tiAlusie U- hmac<Ieof laihlCompanly. ,ZZo Wh iby, 1et Septe m ber, 1851. 21 -tf. p* jUi. WORKMAN BROTHERS & Cole 1inVUi --no. 36,KRig Stx4- ýToroutoi s P«,- W-H1Ir B y, C. W. E - t - - 0isr IMPORTERS OFrP EEITISII UANUTÂOCTURESl zs-.2-tc<0 A%)DC5ALIj J if B WLtSIL9 AN<D ITAIL.ifu hlitby Village, Juns-, 185.--l -CARLETON L YN 1)P., JA.MES i. Gu. IE Wfl0LESALFE AN-»RETAIL Maiin $treet, fWhitby llage, ?lIEIE Tt,%.TODACtê3, 11CI, PAPER j Whil iappeiuzted WislueI & etal Agen. IANI!G, k., ~ - j W C.sNWE'1"CELEBBATED »-AUFACTUBRER 0F SOLE,, UPPER, AND' UiAlUESS LEATkIER, &c. iash pai4 for HJides and Skie-e, W/seal, Quis, Pot# andi Perl dhhes. Whitby Village, 7tis lune, 1850. s Busrerrsis preparedti temaIre PEARL ASIf..Sonsined ta Monteal. U0BERT H. LAWDER. Pet WlslUsy, l tAugut, 18. l1 *00 BR EL OT? DoVER Wis. kee fo Sâte veHlow, . 1 Port Wb Farnily Médicies. UIIVÂTO CIIINESE BALSAM fiURES Srt Thrnat AMnt tmacis, COetsgbs cel Cholt lic l'aine, Whoeping Cough,Cre'4 or Rattle, &c. SWEET'S FAmILY CULATIU1 CâteeaIl Paine*! ClamsPs, Nmuma gein tbe Fe, )téryous ead ani Tootis Ache, Cata'qtn Quians, &e. vois r-a ,*Aqpdft il] TIE ha)itants oand ba ho are O~<if-formtit hat th 4us ba owt and bi$sqwS)ig sok ol tainir.; ait the New Styl"iflsdL!a, Faz)ctf andi AssacAN HATr S. AUso, the mow in sucb gréat demantl.- GentleTWD visflflg tisis Hot Etnporium, wdl sete the greM<taS.o- mnentin-Canadai. *JrL 62-1m. Toronto, OtIlT01,IO "WPee"d.ýsuran~ce Compang. HOM 4ýE OFFICE:.. .ToUONTO. Capftal-OOOOOs IN SIARES Ur TEN PVUU%115 £ACH. Charter, isprepareti ta isolue POLICIESapnat LOSS or D'MfAGE lby FIE uponI<AL or PERS7SAL PRPIIER-TY o al kintis, on as farorable tenus as ai ber respenaibtleCotnies.*t$ The fllowing gentlemen cmoethse Boariof Directors, whose namea r- us efi.~a5I< ihat the budînen tranasactioiia of -the Company will be condutteti on the most honsorable Prmnci- T hom ** llaw r h , DI. P . H a )!s. - = Mîchie, Wm'. lietiderson, G eore îhi, ice Lewis, andi Jae et.Lh 4ow rt, 'Esquires. Apard i cf osor Ancient hall, Ansd gat endi sui shail'spail Thse mneaur'd tlysa spce May tell How solemnly Ilb. 1neé; But in the gpardt madbesidoethe Mar-, . >a gloionutlayl bon lio w , ' e a tb t h e r eo g m a ul g , b eo w e o u 0 s" Britain I4- etTbongh now tfoi hims" tise vtoan nid: 44Il"t ~u An di trnly may Us. ioltiiei saY bis PrSouvel s er o gave, A ouisance tb the m oet ass ro i, an dti navyM 1.16. la 'r brv, .ftre 1ris prudteneetempr'd valoPT-.bis mqfr shçtd b And cnlm rmsoves, Ibe measuus of a hero went tb th air Fprtine flew belre him-'wss ontiacat juilt where he came, solk For Viclry-wovo6e bse lin the mogic ni bis Un glume,1" Ut; while bis samc tbus glids th. put, tihe pro- poui soent w sk "s a i h, tr TO ser bis Il.; e glory s.ew--but drooplsç bait' usaitILi;h: . plains he twoncluno W bere er that fla, he lant W io pre ztn5M S be rtmi C I n ilOf As Terres Vediras, bights bavre l nghUtersng cle a t s l a n d aas l a m fe , u s e ttic i s i gutiet dtown, Andi from bis giant grasp retrivedthetli< cient Ibsindereil Spau sh clown W bere __sa % lie- irove hissa o'er tise Pyrenes witls Vict'ry's I*That intrel siwelling cry; amntt J3efore tise red-trosa lg-tsat now is dmopine gse i balf.must high. 1"eTdid nn hA tnp. Thoen Ha oîh.- - - - - - -- V -rs Anti whe, on~ce m rt rom Elba's shrt the Gi. W Jtobt. staulsa14 e.----- Sec. and. Treas.. (romChtisa calecf duo The undars f d iavisa 'en appoiqtd Agent Anti1l"trte lens taarn] of the above ornpany' Mill cire personalt atan- In foremosîi ponît the Britisl hast s»on spiang te bcfo lion topsparitasticairous offttTt-tiiit niiuranée. arM# aýainy IA.WLAE Anti Fait, s inainal ance, beldth ie woilll'a tyro Pire. Life, anti Gen 1 Insurant-e Agent. oerrtoit men. ver Febraary,5, 183243-tf. Tne ehiefgaillit wain uigist neer againbave noti vî -- ~~---- ~ ~ fur îtight to â th <iletglrit S hi 1 l1 'Sulsacriîers having been appoititeti erîco.t T A ent-fo th ~Tise w rkwas d e , a d W elington iss avinu r. di Etn lèleite ompny f UIC1, NY.-Anti no* i gtieft*lto orti otîChiet, oui U vas are 3prpar-d Io receiveaipliations for nsurance i al.iu iI From ise high chaiacter o! the above Inistitut ion. 9, tbvps. and ibte low riaes of Prernium, "'e are envl*iiced that superiar iacslities are nnw offerei for isun.th ance 1<, bbe luhalitastcfthe New GOutIy ofThe "014 Gu 'Ètd 'w aft e. m'. Ontari. -. - Tl10).%I'SON, PEABtSON & Ce: l10w Ontario flouse, ThsefoUol࣠desocription f e lastIo Whitby, !4oa'. 12, 1851. 31 -tf. cbare of te 02 F'rench G-uard at Wster- ba deived êf4SY-e.i bworkenuiled WViId Lanld tO Loa0e "flistoire Populaire de la GIarde lusperWae," ,oililSubscris*r bas A PEW TJIOISAND ilsinrPtga iepee, m- IACRFSoi Wl utl esembcflo-ment. M mgTWhP.Recch. Urbridge, MariA Gsilmn During tbe,'day, tise artillery of thse L bury- Br-.Tosr er.(ihln, To,(uard, under tiruur, inaintained "iSiold re- b,ý Snôtyn, andi thé Guard itseif' bail fttquenily th on, and Gps.: Thet, oat c f these landsaiae of tht enue oîetr h at- nvrosD biotquality, ant i wll belpeStifor a tst!m of from beau ilW sor is aute la vasionsL yetevnyesara4detsnduit iLJ uonthe situation, in ?Tt f tise fléUe an iwyswisuceao. lots offions 2o te 100 acres each, t eany on. vWhe fisc E nglias uçre fast Ob corin; ebated, li will'cisop, <les-ranti fence, inla gecti anti venr. and in an bour more voulil deubtleu hIave à nimantlle mariner, wit hîi thsesi ate1lîimse, a quantlty beesi ferceil ino a isatrfr 1etreate but notles thn 2 aceson'acl lo. ralioncon- for tise tisncty 4rriv;aloet nciser. Butir-ben cerin ay f he aricla lts n iteroithe tbcy sav bim *ilb -30,000 rruaiaans r lai aboetoasbpsWit bcansere wihotâ@ela. proaebing, iAb'ir- courage revived, visile tîs Witby, Joly, 185"D. T. 6 Napoleon vas'fied with amazemnt..-A î PA G '~br4te eodly fl sabout to formua j!oction P__ A__1__G __E ____S__ its thse lies, wvitie Grouchy, *bo bail PATENT THRASHIKG MACHIUNES. hure to beaceti. Ains! visat great plnsP 'JHE55bcibnavig en uoinitedl a single - ieffics#llt commtsander' can' a r i rAge nts tToronte for the sale of 1iese ne Ilo. ~ aset chines r iWpeard 10 terctte ordele for -10 a moment Nplensasy tisat 1w culil the. samms Tisey tW Oývt k d sY tisO hOasus, - t sutain this# tta ck of 5 es , <rosi; à IBLE EYE WÂ1TER, nuti «r Weak Eyes. t cIl s d. Try il. KtNG OF OILS, itiBones, Chitlblaitis, &c.. and is* gy#t sldlmae.Try h t ÀAL ound .be- rose and ,Anoth- I prel sbip lises ri«ht At ycharl nisised- l .i lât- 1952. 1 1 lic Me 1 ým -L -

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