4- - R" 'D~rW~KKL thIaTtS 1rioPdotbt in U -i stoietu. Mr McQueen of Oxen for, Somblyais, breechyuer iluth. haitf e pt'.tnises of their owner, iaerning asat Ltey were ,ann-that fthe pate ai ,tewuie let on tise prit. rioset andthie feutia al een outside ise funce, the ifouni, andi altitoui-t di- heen madie no clu. to the 4, been dtllcoveret-frem &tl mising it lias beau ýrlWtare probably er1anized ,rating to carry offçattie, ts oF concetdnient for the dui'ng the uifht. - e h sysemalié vllauy la in ntioms what vre have heard caut4 o tetakecutre of 15 nurneralts, or jeu s4p o thse numbes- of nt or~ the (so calleti) n- the fate presidçts- for Lnouis NýApeOeo I19 ; and wiitrs plateti mnark [tg iuîidte in For MUX.-Againt. 7119791'l 11l19 wi, if reveried aità interprned betweett the spetator and te lrt, tortu the. pro. Phete word Empereur!1 ,, Comninç ývrnts'çast their ahatiows befnre," Printinte ýtype do Anetw lte wav t vcry cleuty, but, J-t the reader capy tise fipres wîth a bas- to dîtui thtie înanonty f.ooe the tnajo,îy, O;a pioce of tîrin paperr. and rend frin mthe revers. siaidc anti Ille effect intendeti wili bet Most api)- We arc reqiîtcstî;J testite tait te Rev 'Nr. horn>toii wi defiver a Lecture ber- foe.tho e eitant'N Institute in ltht Frec Churten Mondray evening ncxt--at 7 0% clon. Su½ ect, FoOY MARRIEDP On the 25'ittnat.,thte reicnc#)fLewis linîs h Eaq.. by(te Rev. James ,*T. Ilyrtue-, GeorçePlaile;- son Metlville, of Mai khart, ta Jatte Marrîsdt)tt, ut Whihly. 1 CO0N S TIP TI1ON!I micriees andiporeuss iattttsy at liefore one io aware f- itilthit ban, r rt';% Masslfdrrî then s utien tvpttîreor chance flrofroheal lteolti, ptodiceu an '.1-1a fie aiti 3a few tavs or weeki, il idsti he or sil t irti ofh îiy <'onlurt- - lon, For ail îriitikttl %Nth tuaitnt ttgcoirs- plain, we woîilreter tla thtlerl nt n th outlshrle(ii p1îe1tJuisn n tciral Exl;al'l or à ! Cherry antl i V stçwot") i lih is à alti la certtiutcure (or 1th aw-fuil iesase. - - Ca4lo.- ()fai'heove nati lanrties are >aot4euly liy Corrtto et< lrotheor, ').luhn di., New York, towburnait orders mmitl'e directed. BY tnd PlCKER1 111 t l' bth tIiyear a1 nieao e niviteti îlatitt. înrta ie Ott Il table prerisri , at ioOok,.' A. MPIRCN PORT I1IITBY BAKE RY. HI~wdesîg ""lises to bc noticit Theln snthsuromft1igtit and these eountry nt large, that h. itas comlutty on bandi,- Bead, Pilot Bead, Boston Crà ck- - rs, Buffer Caekers,. andi ait kins Of (,,R4 j CKE,*R 8, wiîis avuity 01 CAKlr,4.stchM ai p CAAC ES~~ CAK CAE .t GItI $> B DKN E BRANUDT $NfiPS, PIES k TARTS Party Cake ad Wedding*,Cakes msadet order, anti on thé sitortest noîrce. 'Also, CW S,-W119ol.SA LIE AIM RTAt W-â gLare took *of arocerie JAMES BATES. Whtby, Dot. 19,1851. - 36. £XECU1'ORe &JILÀE. I. <tot the Estate of thp la?.'Rey. CH ARLES WINSTANLEY. y. r w~tk AUC- - - - w.-~ -,~ ~ Fai Winter, Fiy~ ti>eG~d 't ~.'.AT THE OÃ"NTRIO'IjO Late Rd Store 1 (aRA ir o.A~kbtb 'nu-I THE Sabseribers -woutd cai the aittention oS intendingjirchofsers, te tisair-' I A'-"-' JU-i" 'j- IU>-, ----- -... %--. - mm- rrowsdmig ceunI!>' tb&'they bave epeucti selectt XEW dJXD SPLEXDKD STOCK OF - F~QOMN~ Fancy '4e Stap-les,'- Wi nier - Fail Good& N» lV .O' WviIcL titeytreltconflident wllihe totuni weilIworîty orifatention, camps'isicg in pat-;Prdntèi mevary A N DW-NG ' ' - ý style antid stUryCtos Stripeti Shirting, »rillsngs, S nockin-itii, Dentiu huC Or*rt50r-"se' Vt u ruel ele [taris p kits:1. a large ures:rnlf.-t .aif anilti lfoionShttls Plaid inail siyles antiqýis- Cotssisting of Brietta S li o e" Cohr rnel m e ots,- îogether They wojtldcl." catI especial attctin to bheiriîîlendid eir ril i iemua alinit tls ASSORITIVIENT 0FFIJI11, In every shape. Cloaki, Bonnel ci , cC. 'They alma rotîtitue rto klcenaihianti, ihcir utalty large 8s41 ineqiall4 usotorit 4)fPJ tt13 o, woud 'wyte fairndies tocotise and ts'y (hais'Stock cf Teas, Coffee, - Chocilate, Sti-.,r, ê&r. &-Fnc-ipç iaahY lb.lbox or irtail;- Fur, Caps. Cloces, Toilet --andi Frame iokiing Glaaib,?&c., At "oio ida PtCi5for Cets os' Psoduret R1~Afhi4W E CL}TiIN(~,Wbby, Noa-4,18ô2.3-f A large assorlseut of ite'tr Weil k.or B»OOTS ANID SIJOUS, Mensu anti womt's foilan Rutîlieus, &cr. consanty Iceept on hanti,ThirCotm. otstISte beissg nanufsctureti by îhersetvrcs itey féretsalituti ss ill continus&ia gtve evety *asi»fncti<.. Ait of whlcrh they oft'et ti, the public ai muit priceis as will deey compet ition. TIIOMPSON 'E ARSON & CO. - Ont ario HouseLaie Red storeJV. 1. 334f, NOTICE. ABY-I AW 1s4 o th~tqna e <iflc Slrçrilwerq sai,n de, lettnilied lo close theit IhnItiness an the lot of DE- 0oipse t peiiraie on -thre :1BE flxi, heyarc Jetirous Ihat ail aç- ; ýoI buit epiiby iti date, ad lyic y Ruleahir property of Ihe Town- <iv soîae ha aI sîd reAai of PJ>ckering, b d hreý Cr'oeorL'sy an unpaid baânce of £100 cur- On tai .lay, wilIl bc pu in tuilfor coliti. rincy, 1part of £300 currcncy Io JOH M RTI &o. bc puid Io Joii SiiiERt , Bsq., 4 _N ov hL15.Iicensed Nrregor, for the sur- UNEIV 1300hKvy S&c., of! Me ToLMISip lines1 and (,Jonces.s ioiinejfinhZe 8U2d' hn lln y M. %V. N$lvace, Erq. 1 journal o aSummer Tour,ly stweiI. X IEPEAS flIteMVXICIPAL CovuicL North wootl, or Lille Norîhfi.- ta io$utu1, lyMro..' f i Iboownhip of llck'idtleg have engsiged S. liIt. Joux ii Suti, Esq.. Liceiiseti Provincial Su vey- Conlentment botter tItan 111léaltb, by Ale B1. or. Io $uîvey -niRport upon thethiree Town- scat.,. ship lhuer. atid ail1 he Con cession linll.A of the saidI Live4 of lWellington and Peel. xl uti a permancn¶ ittanner, cetîfurmably Io- Sper*âa ati Surrenne's lronoune-igciîî; 1)<1 o thî rtvistonii of Ille StaIu*e 12 Vit. r ap. 3.5, the French -andi Engtisli Lantguagres, 1 volumXe Iai other tritîc ansuich case made andi pro- royal 5o.vidtdi, the said tvork obc ale nfor otnd in t?0fl- Gcros Tustulain Disputati tsAthn. .iderai,>n ofIlle Sannli <£~1a urreney.,oW Irh Pt'soital Adveiu res u4totïOur ;orresponmenro"in 1£20à iicurý'nÇv ji Io ilvved and col lecteti this Blalv.'tl. 1 rioskc ulu-tin. trsent a,141 llehtbalatire, £100 currenry, $apan-an arrnnt, G'eoraiphicaI andti iistaricut,: to behe tas a.ltbt t bc aid inithe year 1853. C. MathIrlanle. Ati wlýef,-vt. i n acrrtwe w1ih the provisi- Mrmoirs eft $e Life ati Writiflge of Dr. CItaimn- on5 of Itle Sialute 1 . andi 15 Vic.. eap. 100, it lu eté, voli. 4. rcqi.ie ta malte provif ion (for the due payment Thc Ladies' New Book of Cookery, by SaaliJ. cf tit ýai, balancre at te tinte tvheil the satti Hlei. drlit is iiietr;wd. ]1le Sclhoni for Fashprs, T. Gwynne. Ati whiýee, thevhr r teable property of, jTtîe C'îlord Family, by onte oi hcr dau4itteîu the Towrstwipofltce.tntlg (tor thbc year 1852 was' îV;stuis ani d I s y Thormas floodi. Four iiirurldani 'rentl'-oui i totu s int 1 lie Eautte Pîfs or Lite onl-te lloîdqr, lty Clora Iliitittiand ti etty4uivt ounds, Mar~lonu*y. Ati Whereail, il w'îtl require a'speetil rate ai A New lEnrizaridTl 7ale, ani>isceilanies, l'y Catit-!t1-171h of .a p-novinIe lu tateforni nllet iove sum arilléM. $e'w(rk)toprovide foi Ile pt yment of the saidti io i. saune's FIcI'f ofu the Revolutuon, No. 28. £1140.ille1er it fout <-ver ci-nt la cover the Prtgrnîte Jickle, hy 'robins $o l:.expent ti f tottection and defilcalion.. i3akso'i, Hrîier's, (;Odev's andi Grahatn'u De it therefore ,relli-4 v ttMncplCoon- Ma~z[ns-ltt urnItet. cil of thm' Uowît.ltiip of Piçketunrg, thut thesti THOMAS NIACLEAR, spccialfrat-e, ni'l711, o' a penny , iulî-hi Ptnid ie 45, Vtl trat ev-i.'tau*t<t, anti trtIlei On ait thét able Toronto. Nov. 6, l1852. 30-Im 1toptlrty in tht laidl Towntship ci Ptçketing over andi almot'crattother ru ts aett foenotin lte N U ~ UIAndi tlie t furibcer enachied y t he th tiorily ofores-'id itiat .ýn so<tn asIllte tiielîm of £100, or of Mrtit1 1 n, letii f,Medg of Ile said ti ratehah llie in due couirse cosvune fMrnautî paidto the I.qrrof tiieCaltlTou-tihip, ttc ie tratde arran;egîmîtent$ 10b rre front batîes hrely authirised anti reqttirrelto lutpy4or;hwitli 1 hï4 part of tîto connl;y, tht$ulacilrs hfiave bo tht'e iî John $hier or lis lezal represetruatve t eerrindoneosin; Iheir businesq at oni big or their dernasnd tberefor, the Iuu1id Oum of Jfkib Vi1a~ aî: Pot Peri' £100 curreîncy, in uajment of the, balance then j lýib Vla e ador tty-ýue lu hifm as aloreaid1 And wuoîld iufornlte Pulic aIt te istteir- istent)o t tîiifse cfrlIbe futlowirîg îtropeýrles, N O T IC KE TUE T(Câ 1W 600,08 AT JIFT FEIIf WII.h the laterestIin the Business. 3'JiIE aboveais a truecocpy of a proposed "'rl t es have tîcen aaue £3,),lcurrcnt'y, pee -*By-Lawlauta lttkent ieooierallout by Jhe rrîorth sirseic m 's.Alan, vtinnecte'I M utleipnltv-ôt thé-Tow nslii Ilof lt'ckeringin thte ith ilta s lise fti;warding buisIness aif the ilcat on Cointfy or <nttarin, ont (if Ih.eUrditetiCosuillea e01 i.tke cutoi. urnshe s'oot,&c.Tht'ti-kofYik, Omifatîiandi l'eeî, a uitIK.I's 'rmper- Gond i- t Vitb)Y Village witlh te tI aif lIi of ntsc. flousie in lte sait Towanship, un 14s Blat the buin sa, sales bav-c Iteen about £400 currrn- ilay ci Decembtit' next, at thhloir et Ten alcloeit ry per rfrsntit Sha'îld lise ablve nto4. lieis. iln the forenioornt whit lime anti place lte 1tosed orb f l iy re u eto I»ore the Firot day of Membfers Of tise -%1 laltya're beeby requireti Deelur hqy wîll ts'i iesoell oS liyM b e1tottentdtifor thise urpout fir&rsaid.. bc dCTOR BEATOof Auclin. Al wilii' Yo1 atlIte ;sn.etHEtTOR'fuEAT Çirk, s nmbw'b iIresWhaoa, Selitu Hanest i>cketini-, 2ath Sai., 1852.25m Oxan itnd cossu,&c. -P Tht iterctuin th., lot of Lma,2o0i't, FOR FA8M l01 ALE known ilu Lot No, 27 if)thet itirciConceimuon r of WIithy, on lie wesf i ai.ea c~rR0a't - sucrie ro thePo The féeesimple oS 5fl ACRf',TèSoflc frtie t-tpast fot No. 57 arre or %iith a1 "tst cor.. VAtUIA N,20 acres ru tprovetiumn- COTTAGE & STABLES tî<der gondi fpnce, ant n i îh statv oCcuttivalioti, 1n the Vllzaf %tlWitby. Alao,a Watts' Lot wilhi' itb teomriortalile FrameêDweliing Iouse andi 'a toti!dweilirg iltuse th<s'eon. Alitwill lie sold ~barre, a troo'lsseill water. Pnvr(lbs teu an tbrLems whieh wdl lie madie tnownî croyses the lot, ut ti" ofs ale. Any liformation tiis t may bet Afllt0acres, the frOnt e0rtt < 81.on, reii.ile in thei.meanlîmc, rane be obtainieti atj VAUJGHAN, 65 acesuivnproveti with aDel: tise 1thcriber'u slorpdoeithes' ut NWitilay or port ï Ilouse oui builintgs, yotg erci i n ti bear- Perry,' or ai lte Officetai Jaumes CtoTo- utire, gondiwelof watuîr &c.,, soto, i,<tiler of w>fausare preparedti tatent rîmes. Flae arceistarted -on Yoxuat'-Ssr, wilbparles:17 nmi es frotteiToronto, istise vicbnlty o! ?RteCH- wstb partteN MARTIN & Co. MOND IIILL.- :Whiiby, 2tb Qtober, 18j2. u'-fAlso, 100-acres lite south-lalf a luit No. 4; lOti _________________con.__ ofReac, e t bctin e w ~C<sity of Ontaio<, 50 arsundicu cul vation, wth a log DwiginHobs tIis.. EXCELLEJ4T O EM M lni arn, youig Orch ad, a nover silitg Sps'lng Foraun EoterpritJagperson tof ¶rnIti li, CkrektI<Mehiw0.f4u(;kIieu tofiie sail Townsitip nt RlACH.15-tatresins- IR) LET.-Itu thse Torwns 0 Wlitby, te 8k» spro1'et, a permatnsent strcasst-of- wate;«oafes saisi and l)weltihu a*en Main street, occupit dfo lot. thse laut twbyesro aà aGroceryStore. Appy to1 AIetise ; astt fattoÛfst No.-7, bdcon. UX. - ..tA -,. .tr /10121311V 10OM aetwrv. W ith"nwv.tling )î1ý' iIereby given thait the firin AtLoracy a LLCntAE. c~ Nof S111.ilDAN & FOs'IEBRof the Whilby IWMBJLAE Brcwcry il this day diwlyerl y molual 0001, fOfficin lte 'rn ieriy occupied au a Law T. SHERID)AN inmedixiei> T . sRIDM4MONEY IsPOWEIR. W'hitby, Sept. 23, Mt2. ej't. "FI11 Company cf lte -Wilrrr Woïi- The bahint.ts hereloforc carriedon 11Y Lth bOvceLEM FACoiAY aret ili t ite field, and ready ~Firm in the Whiîty Jrewery wilU be berrICT tu emeente ai «'4yg in tf1irjline of bosinhhh oen earrsto n iy T SEEI fAN.ttrf isbiem notice. Haviin;aldeti more maehlite. - 17,andi tffir esfalItlli,*e avlng gorte hrougb VERYTMPORTPAN'T.' A tlifluh repjir, they sIoU4Cibêr ie of publlfr 1 N A FI 1,W iDAy IN1JU 13Y THEG Av oit- DR. LOCOCK'S. For lte Cîure of Cotsç,Coltis, Asthnia, Bron- ehit'li, Pulmorsary Consumptioit, sud aIl Affec- tiorsa if tbe Bretand tiLnge. Man'sfactrsred tily JMEJO1$TN, ch-' ester, N. Y-. soie pioprietor for te Unitedl Stales ant i tilisit North America., FE.I JLE WA~ F ER tS. VIEtI iTIStHSPECtFIC. A cetain cure for Menilunt Supprr-sio,onr Su'P- prfesdeti enues; IIernorrisaggia Diticli, or tîairsful euttato;Arenortbioa, or Partial Olistiuîctiouî ci Menues (filcrobis, or Greea Sick- TIIE GREAT VEGTMILE MAGIO PAIN DEST ROYER, iNonîttacturrtidhy JANIES JH$ORoches- ter,, N.- Y. Sofle l'rprieto)r. Fat thse cuire origue in the lFace and Breat, Abrasions oi the Skia, Blistera of every kili, 1uin., IBroken Bremsu, Chîlblains, Corns, Ery.sipelas, Feinsi, lever $ores, Sot#-Lryeus aILt ieura. &urîry. U!cerg, Pilies, Ire. PILUS, PILES, IP1LES, ' Or Iternat Remedy for' the Piles ; prepareit byAD.UUISV6TIL kBf IY UPIIAM, X. D., 196 Bowvery, New Yotk,arte- ulaly ditate Pl yfieiv, hodevoteslsi4 attelu. lion almnost entirety to iblis diea.se. Dr). Upharni, Etectuaty iuancecrtaini cuire, wtuether iieedlintor Blindt Pi es, nternatlor Externa,uand aiso fer oth- er duatases wieh tare freq.utunhtly forutrai in cois- junctictsl .th Films 0" r 2 %, I "71.I I. r1<e 'lh. Eleetiuart ruses i tiruiu uairistry isea 'es, wtuot urrasi or 600ttirs but wsl eissqre an easy limse, a. stfo derivery, anti a soiunt!conattion l ia tuffhp'jsu., NO. 1. -»v avidhaS- rehitrlned»" IV« art tsulv rtîfiai' la e rn i atr tWisl sonabl trrn. 1W4nfactufing List qf J7rioes. Saîit, Warr i.euded, 1 10 1-2 Ttveéd, db. do. 1 3 Fu l tit, 2 0 %Vool Catding, pet poand, 2 1,2 Sginruing, edo- O7 1-2~ -Oib# wortc <oue in proportion. Oshtawa Woot farding and Cloth Dressing wili be tasried on by lte stove Firm. J. C. 130W E RM A N 3cCo. Wbithy, May 12, 1852. 54IL PROVINCIAL. MUTUALA Nfl GMRAI INSIJEAICE coltfl(NT. rouito. CAPITAL-.. -£1001000. - rRECTORS. A. M.CLAAKL, Presideat . 3. S. 11oW~AR, vicepJrcsidetil, J. G, Boivx,. J. J . HÂYEs, M. D). W. L. Pzizai N. ILtrscîsRoarasoit. J, G. Woatrs, IJC. MoitniloN. W.ATxizgalq IWic. ;GouztHAs.N <s:ot CRAwroftu. rHIS COMPANY efPcsln*utacance atth T hone Ofrice, Chiureti Street, Toronto', and i- its séecsi Acencies. The . Mytial i>ipartnient dtos nnt P eee 1£5 btidtines, it is îhereby rendee te rrost sale anti itesirble for l'armera. The ?rop.-ietat-y -tepartmnents hîchude Geucrai Riait. in Fire, Lite, Marline, IZlarti and Oeean, adisoeatloosns ei lon ôn.iwd within pru- dl>nt limi s, h ttetntiont o[ lte Pubie ie aconfi- deistly caltird therelo.- ]3y 0r4eri nMc, a n- 1t%" "ý MiVhtly, l'eb. 14, Il MOTICE OF 1 una ra IlatsUl 'UI .suec, Lonubsiotg, .uuU)tsà ntikSikVeivets, Piusies, Rlibiens, Fiom-ers, Lace Long ai-i Squa-re AUlorfwtsici will lie saI cheaap, as 1. C l ii truîe quick. teturnu 54511 be hli. 111011, 80 thist L0a*custom, r ecpectatim #f GREA7 Ii- Stoek-of Clot$s,Castinmre, Satis, Berges, urpeiShirtinsg, I. t'try Cett Juat receivet a- large supply of ail kis determned nul Inlie tsndousold by any olliei -algo a large Asyorttnent-ni Fur',uik-ltIuâhlr et ts, C'anadla CIct't M'col ton and tW0nnio s of (oa hoaein1 D. C. keeps alwayso n lianti a ,-ood zl-,sortinent uf al Meoney and catitandi sec JD, Uatodstock, ai,ýLe ii satitilep ini Il to their own a<ieantaje ta deonso Whithy Oetotter 27, 1852, AT THE1 'rR GEORGIE w-lu TuE Sùb""eri esi nont'tiat ls'bs 'rèe'd--hs STAP LE arnd FACY Y TRY00i$ oaîn s~ato a Woolen Sha wvls,-Gaia plalià ,e Friteige. Ctsorevs, . Ã~ I r reana nt mrnait wares lu very complefe, and i w itli onI extrêelty eheap. attention ta hie .Stock of etoths witich is tht t.îia LîI iis rua [et andi a Checaper tîluIle Uhea- F() 1E ),A M P 1, E HIS -STOCK 0F CROÇ%* k large andt newly insporteti and il! 51 lie sid at prires le G EOI Jrssi receuived direct f'romt New Yortt an immetute SIe Shitneltra, lteachtii Shirligi antli <hy Cilrhi, whitiîl hetuoltlojwej If ilbîy, Octoher 21êt, 1852. CJJ-EQJJERED -SiJ -ROBE- liHi, 'H.LÂA, 1? ESPECTFLLLY begs announice (o bis eu.-iimers and t ""Pickering, and the rouir Towshipr, tliéb bas Y,' (uromtslr Curistes 44 -' W t tliy 'V ids, 1.1 1 .., il -'l:rtl--,1.1-l-lýýy f - 1 1