Ontario Reporter, 4 Dec 1852, p. 1

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~jr ~ -v l1%-IX-ÂDVÂO1 iT ils a ils mAud B- Y --- 3 tJCo 3R4.8~ wa VI S 1 Pli ,PUB LIC, rLrauglsmcuz, 0?9_ 14ARRIG ie ENSES 4 M~ e wa the Court 1Homme, Village of e *ýa "- EtTtiwaiship o!f ItACti C L I N V E Y . A ,E I 4ýý ýr -f Qu4eensBel'iCh k iki, Sept:I3,18S,0. Zf UM:b CDOONE LL, ~t~A9yand& ppuoUor-t-"L. 8OLICITOR-IN-CIIANCEJtY, &c. &c. &c. 3O**up stairi ottr ie Cliýjequeofe.: ~,îa1c mud tlorey et Law IRROlC-çPREET,_WHITIY._- 1I%14MANCE OFfICE. that h. li been appeir.Ied Agent lurtte -andti b4iI pripar.d intake riait' at te rdutary ares, in the NlvTVA.L PosITft Alf Itainces c(aid Corinpainyv 8eplemurrby, lut M1. f1 WORI)121N BROTHrERS & Co No, 36, ling street Toronto, Wffvirz'3Y,0. W. BRITISH IIANUFAOT£URES? A*) i ê"o -.-LAND, EOR SA LER ludrdAcres 1of'Land, being 1 hjjf4t b th Co.r. ciW!=t"s, ioffered ti sle yth sa scb lérôn tsae 4 h. 'The m l W t~ff~dntli faorale itation, beif,,gwitbddthtf wmlleserf teCunty Town and if a ileofa lluring lailllvo , i hs w lat dand Fîfty--<iveAr"itO 191C r di Tbee ina £ ood Frame Barn and 0lqDwetl- Sem itng li4seou he premiaca aand also a yoauç or- brer o! .Ktîso ebard. lOt Itimi apply (if by let fer peut git,) to, thet pTorîletor nthe prerrnLse. 30-ti. W. BAKI.~ or (o FERRY &% DRNAN, Wb.tf'y, NbW OR NEVER! -- R. E. PJERBY rnbe foistd au t i o1k nr the C iiquaai>*,ToaE kévrqday tmtil $OtiurdAy 281 ia*stt lie bgst a ot~iy &H perrooa iau. dt!led tob 1d, ibat-ali aurls debitin%tit-fiafier 1hu1 date W-111 ho left wlth the Cieik of the Ve'i wtthout apy diishei<,n. As h. le lntendi Io qave the ploige, for a 1rnir, l, witthef .0 ettl1hi% hlenaz i oit 101>M, FORALEOR ÃŽO LEAS£., o n would bie Exhanged for a Form, 1n ai CodSittin, Rcomn, Kitrben and two lIed. ronnms; a ijeo( <.Cear 2() by Y), Store Houlié ami the o 9,I f &rauri4.Tbc Pi alieiy isaane4e aniWe éiauteilfoi buasîîe j iite village cà Coluîmbus. Po-ssesXion can ;je giVen on the 2Oîh ALSO-An adeiig Fam for Sale. N. B.;-MONZY to Leur. J'oint Notes or mortâ" boght.Terms tetuy. É TROMA-SCLABIK. Çolumba, Nov. 13,1l852, 31 -tf JAMESILGEIUiIE, Drugi4,Whithy, - 11ibmjus, reccivrel a frosli sisîsrly'ef J1$N~CIERR i ND LUINGYWR N» x IOTHRr!. s RELIEF. AI%", al ite ottlret uitie CormulocitMedlct*nes. Wild Land to ]Loase. ,'tlIrF Subteeriber lbas A I'JW T1I0(3'AN' hiiry- Brock, 1Yurh! Mosre. Orillia. 7ïaty, Tay ion anid Op$. Ttec most of thete Iartds aie cf t)' tes*t quatity, ani will hé leeseti for a 1teit f fiOr Ç ev y.sueedtiçpori teitualîonit Int; net ircïm *2oto 100 acresta c.to any ri vilil chop, clear.l0d fen<cein a utoot at-bdwork, Milnlike manner,-itti le tbc su a ' I limne4, a iluattil nolisas thon 20 acres on earli lot. AUi leter, rat.paid.tlteifig ¶information cri't cernang any üo the paYtirw4t.hi e 5 In 1,10fr Oni utcii~eownsiPi ti il> a J.erT. ihttîea r- fi n o 1~ c, i ABrY.LAW To ~ imp0.s e -it speciul rate, oitth C Rrzfrableprprty of the Tomo- s1&4É of P= 71Iîg, (o di8charge- anp id baiv ce ýOf 00 cur' retray, part of.£3OO curency,19 bce païd (o Jorn Simcn, Esq., Licensed Sùirveyjor, for tlhe sur- vey 4tý., of the Toumislip lines arnd f3onces6ion Lineî in Jlàc*aid Townsu'hip. IXII REAS the M~îîA.CouzNCft. of the Tnwfluhip of iclerfflgbare engogeii t le . nrti, El#q., Licenueti Prvincial So#v.ty- a nr, ta Surý,ey andi Report upnthetOeTwn-~ uhi-p Vies, and alilthc o .ncesion lin"..of the uad Townihiiit for ilite purpuse or etablisini thé saie in' a permnntt annter, chlùttbyt thle piovisioti5 of the Statute 12 Vic- cap. 33, t and pIirengctmoitu Iinii -hebse madie andipro- V1îdttht w d %work Iote t tonefor ndin oni- tidera-:ion of the soin of£3f1 eurreney, or whleb £Cm0 eurrency i. ta lie levieti andtl olletied (bil pmeict tveut, mnid- t4obaance, £100 eutI<, ta br let nie adebtta b. paltiin the year l8530 ' And wbeea,,in.accofjiànce mwitb thé proviai- enai ni thé Siatute 14 aid15 V te., càp. 100t ii. requitile to tnake provision lot the due paymeflt *f îh. ýanid i balnceai the une when the snid And wlhg~1nittb whole rateabit prcperty o0 , 1heTovî,tldp oIi 1eîg aity-ar I8M2 i'vzl YAur Ilustcired and T w nt, lit houind One lieindrvd endi ivety4t unds.1 Anti w1e*rea., it vMli req'uire d apeqçi rate 09 1 -11 7h of, a penny in the lPound aon the a bgve aum to provide fithe paytntetof te sid lei 0of £101), 1d#,etIief -%%ilh ftrier cent Coeth ae exftefi<f remll«etioniandtfildetien.. BIe it therefore enacteA by ibe Mitniciml Catin- ci ,l te Towiuahip of Piekprîlg, Ibat the a îid ievied, îuified. atti rlcmtet oýn al the raiealleI propaa¶y nithe taiti 'eowitnaip ickekiele uweî andi .tlttweait othcr ralci Ud aoesnei*k4.the year 1953. aloi~i" d 1 laIae aoil 'le ilthe sid a'imef £100, or the jîrbret-e 1i sithsddrie sabalîho rn-duoli 1se paiti to ilie e tînaîurer or 1aie siid Tewnubâilp, ble Ili-et- l.v h kicu,qI m.l.1rnqtiréed w opuy for-;h%% it I tô 1hit4 aiti Jdhn !hier or h ig 1ezal represetfieetv on hie et their demati therefoi, thee subI sin . f due to tirn aia uoroaîd. filE~huv lta truc r, a rooe By-Law aio kn in enIeuinby the Nittcpity ife'avrnship cf Pickering; in the toitvof Qtlai i,.ïen f tcfutiitdCounitic of Volk, '( Intt.to znîtj tri l, nI Lu,icr Tttmper- cilce busîe In thé, eiid Towilthip. on the' 31s1 'lau ci LWecetnher it"XIt.it thatix of Teno'ctock tu 'tcfc at rhwich timntcîd place lte -Metnbers or ite 4Nt ticilpalty are hereby reqîsîreti ta attend for the lptil pcee -afibleaîtt. IlECT0rU -q Pii~kcifl~.2gtls up ,C e2.2 -m -whitby Vilae, ine, lîli> s- u CE fflcfotpwtaliN. -C X-1)liY l L E' - r-t r.VAUG HAN. 2Q acieî_improcd!lun- t4rtrod fenre. and in a hit lioctlsîflttnn,i WHOiliLESALE ANIDRETAîL -WVî1IITBY AGENCY Uith a.ecifortabe Fi,& meDwellinv lolutseai DANGIýuloSt L.C, &t i T, es<1V l IIisrne lise y is 0 tré téfront or lot Ne. 58, Ist con. A iýs 0VAUGHAN,65 acres iinproirtd wilh 2 Pw.liinq - flougee eut liitditup, young rchardin lut a.o- M AU FATUREI IF O~L17, iVprrn ' ND 110W E OFFICE. TOI'OiNTO.- înx. god vel of Wu1tî &v.,, 4 AR E LATIlER, &C. th- - usax Jittuted on Yn?4rE-sTztl Cas pidLfor MdsadSi,_kacptl£1000 17 toïiles frm of Troitto, su the vicinlty of RICI - 4 atuh P i r ind e A . W0at 81.8JMOND HIL. Qq< ~P~< (f1d acrl ske. e tstu85 <i NIOUNDS LCU -1Aise, 100 uaees lb. outh baîf f <Int No, 4. 101h -on ff ReUl$kin thenew , 7oth Ontauio150 - nel rganized s'rerdinsl te Ile. trimsof ils andi barnî, yoiiiOrchurti, a nboirfailihg Spjrs& maeChtter, lu'pernti eisautPOL ICI F-5apas!ta< ~%ê¶ta4he eard', to' aNi)f YSoRAAfl IE pnfEALor Aîa>loarthe wthalîof lot No.7,l2tean. usCN IIonPT, AD EISONAL rRPRO TYof I ait is, on as of the sai4 Township of *EACH, î15 acres i.- ÉÀLASý lS enslmi!neti te Montreril favoable>enu as ther responaltie comiti,%. preveti, a permanl4Streamu of wator crosses raid s-RUBFR<T 1H. LAWDVER. IThefoliowjig getleaien empSeetlheBorof lot. a ýy s ts,1ý, 0it,7ir5e-c - s , ,ose ar ae a s,îfflcent gualuîîlee A lsa -tht weatliïalf oflot No. 7',2d-. con. 1K-' Ilhat 'the business ijanragàctiot)5 of' the Cqrpny BRIDGE, 3a acr1,impt-evd, with DweliW W-iISH IIWII%-VI itî i beronticedto'the ttoNt honorabr pTlnnP' r19115e arid barn on the premises. Tleia ga boBAIME ORTl sDovea Whis- £cCraÃ". e f ~w~o4rwthe nihoas Hawrorthi, M. P. Rays, - tme'ate uulzhbashue4 ad .u' ithin 19iiiul & CC>M À.ortitXcb(7, Wnn. Uendeison, - Q 4'Pf*3 i5Y 31 18bi. Jamsu 8eaî.r HoreiceLvitad teei el aLsb i>,raâI l e r~ÇReŽl. Stantofi , %q -- -- -- -- sec. ahd Treais. WH.11Y.o ba4rm etAWA,-il)the> rwiutpfW HTBY'. - " h~ am~ ~ of et he above Luparly. will cive rr* alen- roprielof ~e~1oru. Geeti Il TION BE-I v ON HlMffl are go tew IWbGkg mnt Ciiungfrot* sr# t>o sqIr ~ h4o ,ppessessor te b: ireategr chng'rs>, ee4 f we giW. terday. Iu Our ni taiily Yey siprob ~it it is 10 provre ti the Latin adage, ~ind to -inite tYSYE *whee tiiOTar( .5;otm foui QorT i on~e ii the afte'rna jOli befuV4cP4 t aie. -Ii the jnte wi ta ti el s le and bo P -w ibeatb m aon la li x3dor i5 a senti- .-atha f olory antitd e à ihe the arm' jWn'i Oifrd-,Ile/f 04,andi witlîetjbreak., Englisli- Itoe wi a bullet, adj o (ed, tuge 1ter,, Md e*c.ÃŽbch diti n4t, Itoweever, injure ber. ili of Mr. ÂIl4rt Speyers lfoat inta iiaffair ye4. noflin4>ultbis watch and nme meney, de- 051u~ j ied im th e. diig ence, te ild w hich be diii 1irnot aim, bavig Io arias tb back bis de- mar ro nd. ýdc --We hge beeinfored tbatMr.SpeL- tho ers is a i c *nt eabishi ât w York, ,g à t a n di a c ï iâo ie d to fra v l i n ca ra v a n s a m orn g .jïip the Indians ofthie North, and cmon eeocca- Mion, bebiad bi% wagons, with ten compati- .pas¶ tons5 vtaineud aguunst 75 s.avaige3 a combat ail #hikb1asted from smeri*e to suaiet,lleavîng 7' n sa oro e"n 25 of thero at etcled on ÃŽe 1h11, ground. . n ir IL. wold be well thit there were in MXà- dud0Whero, mr. àbe' ty, eatymercbpntpG, F1m=a h.b tIt itIl were three àMexicas.s Ail th passengers at the. time oft tie at- îc ere tireanling erujnytiuiý but dan- ,er,;n 31 tbe f6rst new4 ftise arrvuiO ê( be obbers-was tbe insertion, :lrotîgh oDeo le wvindtows ofate cous, of a pis.tol, andi Ie ery~, 14Give up yourkàrms tor yoU tiré 01 dpad2'"YttsIl answete d ttCV, Jean- îgc forw;trd'ý u bpllets anti #Il," and be*dtow- 4 libe robiter aismiai1 two-barrelled piste). D)à -seeing dîthmterobler croucbeil dcwn te bet iiefbebinti bis, horst'. Spe7ers wie ad talut aiam, 4weaigO penlf0l u'hile tihe robbr. %çith fs>'e otiiers statieneti on the.otiier aide of thé vebieck, tidthé-b fumne. The' dimeharge wsn happily iithont etTect ou cubher sicle. Speyertq, upen, Ibis, ltecdless ef the, en- Ireatiefs of the passeugers,, who siougIi t er an hlm, <Ipe nus the deor àof e! htcoeact leapa to tW grenti, a ' d,çpistol in band, pur- sues tihe robberz ihai bhail freti ati-hlmandl whe, n, cernpamy wtriatheifivc alriendy meni- tîoned, bati gene to jein si% more, wbo were staiioned ait semejitile distancae on the ivoati. I(*eg;riless of mlmbers, Speyers, witti lits tilr pisýtoe ,rires jute Lbegroly, and then returas te (lhe coach lu qtiest oi more wea- po. W be* he réaeed. h. 'b.h fourid al niotbeoMO et nivai.a Ille encourages thnni, but in vain. lie ý tien lakes eOUtbiç wateb, antial1l the> mqoe-11i his pockets, anti lays the wbole ua4tur thse cîîîhioiie, wlien h. draws bis other Lav-bar- reliai!, ondee ix-barreied pistol, with wbich he-'prolîose4 te pur>u"7ie cam'paegn. The former wealiou ho preseats te pao of the pussengers, ')tIbe trembles %o with féar ttehc çcinot /grap,. .On seeing 4ji4q, Speytrs hewm~es tit, more 3îeii1# clasims, il Sipée you a.e ~ii cowadsdsIl de.fendI- myself alone; remain wbere you arec Qui1y-$n4n1gpet xbey teserve tiaily, not'. *bhst-.di the.philanthropie tentierness of 4we honoral represeatative wbo, nt moat, preseiib.i a change eof climate for the cure 'fwbat thry decia a local iufirinity. Imu'.esUug- isk4I4Wtes lu per nia. uiem. dry elotes açîug r iricea DY DeV liberality of the Çaptain, nd4passeucgersir ti wbo refuseti a*y recoippeuse for.thesa er- qu vices fhey -rendered. Tee muchi praise Pr cannot be awartled to the brave mou who G~ tius riskod ibeir ovn ies te rescu.e t4e, to Eag;e's crewy from thse fate wich trecaten- TJ ed (hem. To Capt. Holowooê& exertiens ré priucipally, we are informed, are the' peer K -fellews iutinbted for1 their escaipe from lx deabh, and fer bis -noble c<onct hc Weli tc deserves ail the praiuq that can'be-bestowed 'oa upn i4 -B f. 7 -, rP WuVr AT Virnau£T is coon roxi.--The tl Lynhburp, Eztpress states that two gens ofai the late tHuzExlnsÂH-FvquA eofl3edfbrd, w (near Liberty, i Vrgiia,)_togetier wibh a'ti hit negre boy, a few days since, were se- verely bitten by a snake. The. lads went ouit bupting, andi baving starteda rabit, rah, him ito a boltow log, wleS one of the papor, of îustenuug to a ltier written in t.bor feu ablke Persia, te a gntleman in ibis City, hichth oerUo gveit samt or MObl rcent and Most as Cimur) tri4 iuterostsno' discoveries un ihai country. f.w pmomentst ,rhêý %vmter ia sCientifie gentleman, of the et <Weli Wghet stdin, anAmercan andonemediralai rerneu ofhisdetils Th l e tween ntil ieut-pa Persia and i'ni4key bas béen derisned with toi cateti, and that exactesa whizb peace and1 secity ete fI e 44un1fd, aM sehier.sh ave. by bL~h Goveru- ed, andi we ar [ments, becu placet upea ise disputed terri- ne'w tonvae tory to t fend thteigstr f Ttrkcy andi ~ at C pn adt Febi N'ir 0 T ý I C, whilllyýlful%71 l"I'.

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