Ontario Reporter, 4 Dec 1852, p. 3

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p 14 iItte, a»ong piped i4be inter'tal ;00& lé"* for Isse, for fortune, for Plu. hs #e wodli'a tbougJt ad domiionicj ~W~È~t c~ps 'hc beart i,)er ,Wd4iÀ 4 tbere W ambition~ strives for' wm g k ý4Ls thq r avarite tecks for 'bidden*ireww,*., ul e "& lovtb ber Sympa- kison adventur ; sbe embarks ber' wbote- ~Uolinth tb raffk of affecton; and if ship. ACC~I&DIIT'.rhe Maul 'Stage Tends7u urWa oraiuig, the 23r4 instaiNt A, oie at of the vilage~ of Newvcastle,. 'ýÇrj ' Mr. %uapp of t1îis Town anda- 'genleman frein Lockport, U5. S.,!reeived injuries. Tii. fbme~r had bis eollir'boue -hr.I, n t. ltter daiigerously lier4, but ~waâsrtuWW"p artencteitainedtof bis Eiry attntion wu imdiate. t1m mert: instittioîn turn- Wh er in their kind a u% and fOreizeer ad 4'ik9me by the bretiior- boolo t 4'ancîeat fraitrnity. Our 'res- pected frienl)*or Low. of Bowto4nvilIe, .4o» îmmediately ogi tii. read, we u6d<erstaud to reînler bis valuable serrices te a brother of1 là ider ina otraige, laid. D)r. Kerr, *e N.ueas&tle, *% go" i& attendance after tbe.cl4mit Iras iade knowî la the vil- tb& iriaç waa .lark and it was enow- iDg bard at tii. turne of the accident. No blame we ladertaud, ii attacbedý te the' dri- ver.-roi. Elàpe Grnde4. Accounts froni -Ilondurus qte N,%oveiiiber 3r*, are vevy ikpidorabie, bingiig tihe intel- 'igence tlb.theaIndians madie au attack on the town of Peteb ou lb.e 3d-ut., and that the im1atats of that place after-friîg a 1,fw4àoatg at the. avges- B.d lu great con- fuson., '1be sCene_- that ernsued is truly heartreidiu" te iescribe.'Tigee rzrtened citueus, or~alî gra and lreles, ihaTf'claul. and many of thia vitbout food, verteat lait4 açeouutls, ipdncrsiinately bud&at- Le ther; aid, as if te add ta their deplora. be rndi'tion, the rais was pouriug upon theba ln, torrentI. Parents mand cbiidrcu lbc. cagne seperaied ln the excitemezut of tile retret, anid it vas f'ared iat inany had been drowred. At Biacalar, on -tue 3Ouh ()ctobie, the lîdiaus were surrouggdiinzthe townu; lu addi(tio bwbicbi. t bail l)e'en rai- niug l'or itreea days, andi it %was tpposcil tint water liait falcu te tise depth of tea feet 'on'a, level. At Belize it lia:d ato rni.wd ecç,AanL yfer twenty-tlareedaimys- Suuoe roum iu ls a(Idbecs lest, and.Use crops aua4teckthtoughbeut the. country -vere a. numot detroyed. 'Imbe Joadis bld fair ta -complete îhlie worlc of -debtructiont. No tyoider tisa tj pople art i uter ln laiked ofe epedition cof the -United Statený tLiiierninentt.a peri tii.ports ai Japan 1to tbé - opnpcrc-e r f1<le cousitry, -la at tuaI about to stait C r Jeddo, urader -the coin- auand eof Vominrdore M~. C. Perry. We have reccived Ocitvelinermation frein-'an autbestiraid rrlialile source, that the sqdmid- rowdet.aied fer thte epodition i vii sait on or about thse firit of 1)eceuber, preiimoo. *We bave alto receis'ed, fronm the- isaine soureç, tige fi-0110ing exhibit of thse cffective force lof tbe sq udýn:- VeseltC uis. iMen. Vrmont, 3000 11%- 96 800 .Mioiuappi at friýat, 1700 - 37') 'Susquehanna, 0. 250 - 350 - . Pricetr, Co. 11200 - 9 44uegheny, do. 1000 - 190, Saratoga, sloop-of-war, firt class, - - 22 190 -&$t Marah, do. du. 22 _190 Vintcns#, do., do. m 22 19 Ratee,rigrate, àmaeslonian, 22 4.50 3r1g41-'war Porpoitu. - 10 120 Sioresbip Sousthampton, - P2,4b. r£us, - - 4 - do. aiotoi d. 4 d ao. t, do. 4 - - Total neuber ofttue7u 70 tLie sllqve 14k of the ship'S cùompa- îies arc te lbc sdded 7 00 marines, wlicb, aii the.compliment cml the store hi pi, offi- eeS, sientfl corps? and otirersattncbed te the etpediticms, Vil M'ake as effective force tf4,00(1 am, and above 320 guis, mestly heavy ordînamce. lThe steamers are eiuh tga Mot, a ceupI;e pf-Palaibsa beli VMi. be useti for the <lis Ssudi 120 lin,. eac là, g ~22 gpis to eacb êçcd witl tv# brasa b. used for shelas or 24 lb. fie bave t. wbich tb u-tblc atntin lathé ia- rne. t*of es4$sa, kurt.fiTe &et machineryI eig Do M ttenc for, gi'indwgbing willdoubti causefénrr to collect 4antd preserve -them fef the pwfr- pose tir ppiying theta, in a prepared statc,. as mandre Ù; the soïl. -Cdonst. M1EXICO. The affirs of Mexico pprocb the. loigi ânticipated&erises. 'J'be insufrrection inGtir-a âalaar a agatitered atrengtb, aud reslsted ili eIlfortit of overimenitto 0repreu. it, gîtil it niy be regarded as entirely oist of dangr G'ca. Urxaaif the telegrph speak boneit- hi', liais cen$en.çd to bcad i1t; 'fonds >are li- beralli' supphied by Santa Anna and fis friends -,and We may reeken on heariug the. nest thing tlîa the lb oi ctator la once mtore ~at lsoine in Me xico, ard en route for the, capital. With biî appearance, the féderal system, ettablîbed in 18~38, will disappear ; for squcbh the ienljrt or the rev;olutimnry Party. The Newrnarket Zea'aays that tii. po- tates ini the neightbourhood or Newrnarket are ýderayinw fâst. The steamer Bcr is now lin V:nter quartertatt 3arije, living 1-uade ber, last trip for tlhe seamon about & week ago. fUNGor À .Scan,salt.-Abut nin o dcock on the îe igt.of Nedoaday lut, tl.e schooner Elzbrtl&, need hy Mv. Tiornp- Son Smiib, of dakvitle, touk fire at *Port Credît, and 1» spÃŽte or cvery exertion wa% totally conisunied.: 'I4here were or,'hoird sixteen hundrcdl barrets of fleur, the pro~p- erty of M r. J oln A." Torrane, or roron- Vo,, wbich'fe11 a saerifice te the -devourng element, and -we regrêtt W Jean Iithtere was- ne josurailce cither onc ergo or vessel' The. fire, it appears, erlginatd in the iiold of1 the af.-tcLtIIReew Didon toc 181 insitant, a L làrebidenc-e l34mîwtorFt1liculnîatbin of the Ilcant anid Lînn ~ii uy isr$ .iEsq., J. P., ltle Cuptain Hnoorable Enat Iondia Company's -service, Colonel ofthtie Dur- hum Xiliia. Coltecior of Ciistomsi Part l)arlni.iion, Agent of the llowminvlile Ilranch et the 'L'plier Cabada l}1ank, &C, If tise peu of flic gifted bc utiequal to de- tincate tise virtues of departed wortb, boy tîmitl an hauble and aorrowing frieud enter ou the tas1k 1 lic witâaa a epiy attacbed, and tenilerly aflctionute lusband and tath- ar a siniere, uîicbanginî trîenai, an upright imupartimal 'tagestrate, otm uccomplisheid ..clttar, puît.C fhigl intellect" ien- dowtîent, <of punct-ianâ -profound titsi- rie's habits, a perreri genstletommn in tihe t-ne s il e oni(:b'Word, ihonorable, upigtit, truîhtml, tuberalian opùmiaýs. ixed in principte înolerant tw ait, wlaose moral excellencecand srbane milluers gavre toue to the Society in %phicla lie tuoved; but aboire al, sa tru!y pi~in aid devoted Servant and seidipr of Christ,-ae van.6, inided, -a yltar ai- the (liurcb. Ail tiese but fa-utty shadiotN forth bis rate and intrimsie excelecies.-ý 1lis deattu i-, not ouuiy a -publie I-sa, but a public calamiîty., Long, long wiii bc iiisq-ý cd lu the uew lonèly, desolaté home, la tut triendlly circle aid io this'maoy pttblic stitua. tiens ,villlc-i efihed yul so nuchb boor to huniadadiantage tui those vIe eariîel wîtlnn lis stierc. Ileir as a metbçr of the ancient andsi honorable Society of Free Masezmn, aid the bretimrof bis owii Lodgî cao bestt nîîpreeiate ilat utiriug, cuergy and zeai wbitiu wiiie use devoted Ila iîme andi briltanît talents Io the a.dvanceet ans respectabiI;ty ofthtiseOrder. r t oiWe neer shalh boit upeon hi$ lîL-. agin." -But wbo can pour.eîl and- hulm jro "tI' w ounded, icerted hosomnsof bis aIiIabl'ý and justly betoved bereaved widow and cbdl dreu 1 Noue but "'Ibmnwbo cou ive, a1 wilî tan take uway--Iie Wlbosanys,"l- vili be a Fatber te the ftbierless, and a Iluaîbanto the witlow." Wbat cauassuan'e tiie *îdwed baîkruptc-y btte hert it- Nâoîlsnoeb tihe tspirinr, eCrtaia bope of. rcuîo l iiseeena mnions of love, and peace, and blisiasndi joy, and test, where forever live il the saplrits of just mn made, perfvet'-Dowman ville Memcn-. MARRIE.De 'By tii.Rev. Mr. 1Lowe, 2M N14v. 1852, W'ili. arn seuil Eq.,Tswastmip orf ilsitet, (0 Auna 5*11 eldest dsugltcî otTsounasSiOvasmS FuitkTtOi (IlataiQ.bawn.)* CON8UIMPTIQON lit, I4very body ktiows aiaternm4llaflé. It COii- uicecs aM pjroremiso uensidioasty. lIaI uc6m one m aswar.e fit, the lap ar a Oum ofakWw, tbmBaU#.5nepoUi*oflPantI#9(oêh.ttocold, n.oet.d u an 4.a4lrl.aurdhà - (w da"* et Il, adilitiotu ttiirer extensiVe dous the Subsceruber lus jîut treeeîa -CODIS11 & HERlIàGst, -A.LSa-ý FIGURED LUSTi.ES, PRINTS, AtLSO' A NEW LOT 0F CAUPEX- TEt PIS TOOLS, S&c. Wîitby 1811 ev. 1.52. NEW I30O1S« "EUB N U,'.)LIC)T',ertlieCern-ý R%ý nt,ýan,, > 3. W. sovaçe, Esq. settIwboi«, or LRNorlhz* nd Seul, l'by Mrs. 5. S. Hait-. Conielment botter isan Wf'eaith,,by -Alwe B. 1;Neal. Siories hem" si oo. Live ot Wellington undt Peel. Sper'u aid snrrene'>'Pi'enounciui; Dicionsuny 0o tis FentsandEnliisL.uîçnaeu Ivolume royal Svo. Giceros TusculnutsDispufali #ns, Anthou. I'ersoiiiAl elittreïl ol',Our Uorrepeteil" lu lialay, M. Burke Houa». Sapai-an account, Geqrspbical ad Hsto C. MacFàrtane. Memeira etfie Lite and W-rilingu of Dr. Ch* crs, %-Mi. 4. Thme Ladies' New Book otCookeiy, by Sarah The. Schnot tor F.i mes, T. G wynnc. The Ciflord Fnîmity, lyoie et ber tisutlmeru.- Wulnsansd Oddutfies, by Thiomas [bcd. 1 lie Eagle Pa ÃŽs, or Lifeeon tle Border, by Clora A iNew 1mnn4and Taiea.XaiuMselaulca, ly Caths- Lasine's Field Book oiul îe Revoltfion, No. 28. Pere*ritie Picklie, tyrotiassmotieff. Blsck»aad'i, Harucn's, Godewy's and Graha.m's Mqaznrse-lat>t uunnters. 'l'kIMAS M ACLEAR, 45s, Yong. Sut-eet. -NOTICE. IN cncînc of r.Martitu bav*ene mnade. arru»gements-lo relire from buèstiness in tii part of tIn couîntry, îhe Sibsci berls have îletertti»ed on ciesing.Iheir business aI Wklilby VMlage and Port Perry. And -wouid iliîor'tn te Ptnhlic- lIaI itl s Iheif intention te di-4peee of île foiiowitil; propetties, THE ýTC1i 0FGPOUlS AT PRT FEÉR Wlth te Interest in- the Business. rheir sales h-ve c i aiu-it £31) rurreney, per yit tîîtice roinmtrî,emeiit. Also,-eninaeelc4 wi,,h it la te <rwardirî; business of the Ioatoit La ke Sur 1'urn)isheaweu, &c. The Stock cf GocklS aIut y Villagýe with the gond wlj! of îhe 1bhosineq4, i -ls lhave - beeu about £400 curre»- ey pet- montI1. $hotukl te above niai be dis- posed of by l priv tte sala befoie the TIri i ay of Iecenler, they wil ien bc disosca of by Aitcion. Ai, wiUi be sold ut the sametrne, Oxen puîd cmo, &c. Thew interpei4 iiilte lnt ')f Land, 2W< acres# icnowri as Loi No. 271nthetI third Connessen Of Witl'yo OffItte weutbide or Scigoz Reud tomil " 1Iromn the P'ort. -The fee strm pieof an acre Lot wih a -COTTAGE & STABLES -ath ViillaeoiWhi:by. éaWteLowlm a gn~40" welln; fouse uhercon. ýAil wUi e Soid on istierat Te.-ms, whic.wil b. ruade kno«wim ast lme of sale. Anyin uforman i b t may be requisîle in lb. meanlrxe; tan le obtaieai at the atiîÎscriber's tores iher ai Wbitby. or Pot Perfy, or at the Office et James Cotton., To- sonto,,eilher of whomtn re prepared tu treut wiîb partIes, JOHN MARTIN & Ce. Whiiby, 20t1 Octoher, 1852. 21-tif Theel IbaveS&le Adver iied to takom place on let Duc. Is pastpon.4 t iber vieice. nuitJ. MARTIN4 &Go- Nov. 26 18M2. JEXECUTÃ"RY'SAqLE~. ri) closte ic atme ot t le lcRas. CH ARLES By publie 4iiction,, on tONOAZ 22un ov. At 1W.ELYE Q'cloek N00N TheProriperty.e NOTICE iî ereby given Il thte fr ci SIVIU1JAN )krVOeER <of the WhitbY Brewery la ihis day disselveai by mutual een,,eit,! and ail debid duieI skia Firm ,u:li àdte T. $HitRI)A.N imniçdiatty:. Whitby, Sept.-23, I1-L2. T. SH EIDAN, 25-lOTE. o.ebusiness heretofore carriéd on ýbi the aboVe t j the kWhiBrewey wilil b.berrafter RIEIF D4 IN ÇUUE~ URE IA F1£WDAY5INýSUtID 1W TIIE GRE~AT FORt- LICIN REMEDV. DR. LOÇOC 'S. For the Cure af Coughs, Cuidas, A4ihi, liu chiuis, Puimonmry Cisuumioi, and i UAffeis tions of the lrenst undt Lianm s.: NI înu factut-ed iyJ AM ESJOH NWTON . Roeii%- ester, N. Y., soie proprietar for le L'aited .States and BiishtNrt/aei pURcii,:,,$LOCO('K's FEM.qLE W.IFERS. A certain cure for-?Menisium-Saitr sslinor Slip- pre#sed ýýXeesc; cnerlauapffitiw, Or faifulMentîummiîop .Aertrrbesor iPartial ne»s; Leiweirrhoea, ]livr A bus, fl-hiles, afid 81it Female Weakiuetses.- TU£ IMRkT V ÉGÊTÂBLE P MAGIC PAIN DESTROYER, bloruaturedb y JA.%FUSJOQHNS'TON,.Roches. ter N. Y. 84oiPpietll. FOI tIe cureù<fÂue mnîï F~eiace a"4 Bremmat. Ab7asions of the Skin, Bliutera et svery kind,.itnss Brokepn Breasîs, Chsibiains, Coins, Enysipelas. Petans, $'evcr Sores, $.ore £yes,-SaIll Riitou. Seur vy. Ilîcera, Plie4L,3, 1 I -;S, P1L.- îhS DRL PHIIAMS YECETABLE BELECrTUARY9 UPHAM, M. D., 1968 Bowci'y ,NewvYork,a re- uiarty educatesi Pîyakcian, %% ho &-votes lis alten- tion edmait ctir. y tothis di#trmue.Dr.1Uphans'ï viectuary ila aeteiurwheiler lBeedinl,, or Blindi Pi es, Initerniai or 1?xterualiand aise ot~o etr diseases wbiclm are freqitenti' (<undin laccu- jonclioiiwuth PiIéo. TO M.IIRRIED-LAZDIES. Tii. 1fectiary la perectiy sale for Pregnu Ladies, and the uîost ustPlîCatharli tie a x 4 nnzýihlv w d. .La u wi Mf l nt entv e e 1 1WJJITBY VLLAGE. Ofire in theum oimerly ocupiedas a Law Ofie, CozILJa11,1D mile 1 WZBj MÃ"NEY '18 POWE# Tr, ComIpan ofYhe mWirrz WooL- tzm AcToty ae stli thefield, and readyî tr'exrcte aff orders bi heir fin.e fbuoiuýns ofil ry, and thel'r estabiuhieiit aein;g né bb' a thotougb repair, :h.y solieli a chose of public pareimage. They ywl 1 achangc C1oib for WooI on reg- tenatile 4ermi. Man>ufc*tring Lat of .Prices. Fiannel, do. * O1 -Tweed, do. *do. '18 Ful tnh, - i fi Woot Carîling, pet ponnd, 0 2 1,2 Spinning, do. O 71-2 1 Qlbr wark doue in propottiop. Oohawa Woot t iegantCott iýuit.1g *iIl be carried n by the sbove Firru. J. C. BQWD1E'A1i& e. W!hitby, ,%lay 12,1852. -- t PROVINCIAL MUTAI ANMD GM RAL IiIS.IVÂ1 COMIPANY. D;- harcb Sroe CAPIfTAL ...2IOOOOO. A.-DIRECTORS. A.M. CLÂRit, Presid.ts . S HOwyAu, Vice P)Édet, To- Jý . B 3OWES. .3J. ILrs, M. D. W. L. Peamiyr J. Luxiu'ReîîwsoN0. J 0. WensiTa, J. C. moztuio, . W.ATK~I,ÇSO% WM. CGoODZaU.J< T IS COMP'ANY ef-ecta Insistance a the Ilocn. Office, Clilrêts Street, Toronito, andut, misi jeveral Agencies. TIe Mutuiat Departmucut dees ni eXceed £,W0 1>1 any oe nL-, and leing confinedIo te teached boitlinmrs, it is rhercimy resdered the meut slats ad desirabie for Fer-ners. Riisain Pire, Lite, Mrise, luland aid Ocean, aud its eptratl.)no heinç also sosiped vitbîu pro- slenttliuitsittie attentionort heP ublie ila cefi- dtl Cel tterelo. ditTBy Order, D AW.VR1N 't'---..E. (ARI) G. "R~5IENTV Tite uds-rigneid havinebeen applointe - - ét of the above eouiliy, waI giîve 1-*en tiost o parti oirts$o Ofc 1¶ 74rnc, ý buiyt .s 14, 1821.. 44, jFaII kW'îlutel# i'tâncy &Staple «po do ATTI 0lONT411Q OISE M1IE -ubsc'ribers would callthte attention ef iitending purcliaaer-, <01 41.4 MNE W .VD SPUJEXDKD STOCK 0F No& :1 EounmcrciaI Bùi1dings, BROCK0YSTREET.- u~JILtÂj1 j &Co, take this ethodet r i '-te, ea- ~-1,MIUULtKf W1iI4weg rroundtig couitytt iýi '% STOCK 0F CLOTHINO AÂNID*'D itY GO0ID S,' cffliing of l3uotse nd $boes5; Womeitea Cloth anid Mw Pl oAtiBoo>ts~, toe with Svery artilI e cewlort of thebody viade uh t teiou st henabW g.1yt*.'. W.~~~~~~~~a .4. (0~.C.,wot niefaist corne and try thir IStock of'.Tes,ýCoftee Clincolate, Ssuar, $cc. -Alu>- Fancy PiPes Cigais by the box or tetailI;Flur#, Caps. Cloe&, ToilI. and FÏatne Lookingelaos e,&C. Tabtloo iu lia etCkbourode. 18b2 ---ALL4 De CRAJ B E --cte cuilthte attentionr ef bis numeîrous ctu Eztensive Assortinent or Juut4ýbelved direét frsm the Britisii and Atmsafc4 'fàrl Gala Plaida, Liesn Cth, Cassiieres, Colotuag, LÏbasai uatSilks,Sik Vehvetu, Pisali, Rîiboant, FIowerutLaeen, ând S qnrc , htolv wi icbyl-be soid ciièàj, as D, C is determined to quicI returersailtt kbis aueao »lhat those custorrief expc«ratlouo ii Stock of ClotlmüC5 Bees trfped Shiàiiug jugs rçeivel dete#miod 41 aiuo asluge - J &5.5 Pi JewDavi4I has ret Ire arc trlly grtied'i , criby of attentiont, eoiipriicg int paWtâ,;pù 'e stjjnetls, FullClôt h &C. &C.&C., CIn plnid Inrevery sbapri floskg-, Bonnetir, &C. &C. 1 Tlby aise Continiue (o krep on anrd, tWu, ntwosdlly latge s ienfualkd astEeitnrf- A largeaawrt1peli> ofibtitweknown BOOTS, -'AND HF Mens and womeri'sLndian Rulibrs, &r. eonsîntly keept owhand, TirColigB.$ad sbcU beilig manuractnred by lbemselveil, uhey flit*atikhed îA iii continue Io give evrity satisfaciioui. Ait~ of %which they offer!e the public at4uch prirez as wiIf defy conipeitin.' - ,THIOMPSON EEËAISON &(o Ontario Ilouse, Laie Red Store .Mo. I. Wýhitby, Nov. iath, 18i2. 3-f - iv

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