Ontario Reporter, 11 Dec 1852, p. 1

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~I1t ut o PULBf4H1!l, IERY SATUUD4YMORtNING. 'tgI( SHILLINGS F511 ÂI<NiYN-IN 4DVANCIE. VOLe 8. ib -- .-0, p- i ,y. - *s boeonuittaululaly lor anydlacse affetlngithe '1EETIL eogU('MS, Artificial l'sttl1se rte4uOold P1a1 cor Il Tel, From ne anc (m an tire Sem 1 Oterver MaL. Lmals STos,ceorneroet Lr<a# anti Smetb.a 8trujeL*. NO TA RY P UBL IC, Céamluitter 011lth our el quec's Benr h. Coc1neancer, Daug&tsman, iUgRi OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A ND ACCOUNTANT. Olsce àeas "tisa Court Rlouse, Village ef MMrxcutinTsno Township eof ACI CI.W. . 21-f L. C. THIOMAS Oomnioer of Q?,reen's Rendh -For takiig -ffida vils. brunlclin, Spt. 1'31850. 21-)i LAW OFOI --&C. &.C. &c. WIII TIY. CANADA WysT, 13-'Oflle up stan rs r the Cisequereti Store. LA.ND FOR SALE. 0%.;È Ilundreti Acres net Lanti, hcing crmeacofetlb. Souuh bll 01 lot'No. 30, i tbe 4tb Côti. of Whirby, lo offered ioruae by the. favorable sItisation, liin; witbin tun, mîtes of th ounl1r Town andi hali a i'lle 01 a «Müngra Mil swl ateretautiFifty--tiveLCeil!rOv eti. There ià a uooti Frame Barna andti ; Del-l filit ueon tbe preniiseuani a1a0 ayourttr Or- a-ard. For terni# apply, (if by letttr poetba) ta thse proplieicor une thepromiss.' W. BAKER or la PERRY &, DORàNAN, Witby. JIVithy, Joly ?1, 1852. l-l ýN(-)W O 01 E VER! R. E. T'E tl~y*cai Lce <uuîd ai. bi's office over thse Cil .ueSCI evcry tay until Saturduy 2*ih instant, xaaz liebo pta n ify a1l perraonî in- debteti to.hîmTý-ba %Il , ich debtu unse#tîkal afier: abat date will Iýe 1,11 wiîb itheClc;k of ahe Court witheait ary duînciion.- As hle sjntendinut ta boiveth ipav~e for a linir, lbc isehet .o0aglle lis Ijutines sciafre <lin; mo. Whîïbyt, Auguht 12, i1832. 18-n F01R SALE OR TO LEASFJ. ()R avotîlti ho E;hanged for a Faîrm, ri vrry-k1e*irabie Mera-hanti tore "7 by 30, wîîhg a ,toott Stlara Itourra Kilçhen arid tise Bed- roonch; a gtn4 : eclar 20 by 30, Store House "êad thf- lot of Erolhênd. The llv'ryciy a corrner Lo andS wisitaiaed for lbumaaeuira bhe vilt;airen (-*hîtibuii. Posaseion catiulie civera un the 201h AL i-rsimjoilliaag Farnisfoi Sale. N. 8,-MONlEY ta Luaa. Joifit Notes Or MouaLaàaobt>taglh. Termeç eawry. TtIOMMS CLARK. JAMES 11, -GEIiRI-E, Druggist, WhFitby, RamStes s*rd Ateoy *ut au l iis usrecv&l a resl sauîpl ycit BROCL-1STREF.T,_WIIITIIY. î,n N -INÀIR INSURANCE OFFICE§..410TTR BS LI . JAMES 1VALILACE lep l toitimate IAtaa, ail tise dia-r t;eruamir-eneraestrack Medaicine#. tht h,'bbase appoi .ta Aent. fortlime iitlîy, Orteber. 21, 11RO. 2$-tf rMIINCIIL, MUJ[UA L k GNEKîL IifSUIAU[E -----~ - Wîld Laid to Loasea "dsa tisaIise laprepaned a 1tak ise nt-at tisa-narainary taras, lne isa urise araizt-ray &àM>maaiz rrllz Sniscrilber hli ~A FEW TIlOUSANI' branches af s*md Companmy. IL ACEI,'oi Wild Luaat ara east- iratise fallais Whitby, jat Septa-ier, t8-I - 2-tf. ine Toaisiip-i-, 11<-ac i brg, %'rth Gtuî1iir ________________________________ ibu»rock, 'i7akr, JMiri, Orliti, Ting, Tay WORKM AN1]BROTHIERS & Co Nuta saga,CunrudfGiUaEdFa No. 3, KI-ig atet. Tone, aimd op$. Thme masat or tiese ande are of tis 30.36,ELn Steet TOont0o, besi qaalt>'.andl will bu- muascatfor a a e!m ofaon aW'IKI1'EY, ~ . ilse su ,etrayear6,depildiaiap tise sîlaaalinîm, i laits o ol I 20mto la0airfe oiAnY one M'h L. ~a ~CllFlELt & ca., iill choap, eear, tisI fcuce'ir a agond ai nd isr -imanli kei naaarnfr, 1Wihnrahe siam 1Itiii,iaquaniti TINMVORTEICS OP -flot le-u lisan D1) aeres ons eacbl ot. luB IS I N 1 A, Nur.& A O <u R ES, Ail 1-. Ual'! ~f tUI~I. (l-Cu> Ivo Qwnbih, sille bc mîdsnthoaît deliy -ab. T. BUSH. WIOLKE f*AND)RETIlL. ht',Jt>,15.1 Whtby Village, 3asre, 1850. - - - -- - ---- -NÂL Y N-L1) E, lII 1I CI C-ÏÏL _frL %_ WIlOLESALE AND RETAIL WIT3 GNY IgL NTË. rI< , %Cf'î, RIrcePERo-rt RIAN1GIiNI etc.,te. "Western,71 l ssurance Comtpany, MAN,%UFACTURER 0FOrSOLE, UPPER, AND 101WE OFFICE...-TORONTO. IQSRiNEFS$ LE,ÂTU-ER, &C.- 1. . Cash pazd for IHides ansd Skis, leet, O0apltal-lOO,OOO. Qotsj, Pot# and Pear eles. uN sittRES OF TE',% Pl<D5 ACI Whithy Village, 7ts Jane, 1850. - ~1*~.OI1~OlgllECflS et sbrs o p NYhvisg lkenedual 1 loconied, ,ccndingta tise terniS of i X eteal charter, is prema re tioi r.POLICIPS agîain T HF, Ssibscriber la pra-panea toamak1e LQSS or ]DAMNAGE 1,Y IRE, upon 1&F.AL a SAU'VNCF*S- IN CASHI on POT ANDI PER$O:AI. 11POEUY cf alil kinmls, on à ,PALAHScosge oMonirei. favorable ternit as euher reapoasible Ctsaiu RR T IL . aA WDER. -Tise folosiq enieenm Ptse hearal-d -otWulhlit AucusI, lSSti. 1 IPrectois, wbasse camearsstcin uiu ______________________________ - iai hebiii.baness aDsactiaes ai thse Compas WIIISEI IWMISKEY 1 aii lihecontcaidun tise mot Ihnoralelaprinc lest C Gbao, I ui LVln BARRILLS PeORT usia a hi r -i- - 1hMilr ,5 okey for Sale, very loa, iy Thoai ia.so1s, iM. P. Haye, JOHN MARTINU' CO~. -rge Mia-bIe, -lWm. Hendelo5, Por witb, ay3l'181.Jamies Dealt1 . 1 i te Lewis,5and >-nois tinv t, EsQqiires. . IacC. Gilanor, ------Pritnt TROA LRea, Stanton, Esq.- -- -- ---Sec. andi Trac 0T5h aeders nfedlhavirai-cen appointiil Agi ofteaboie àoanani ailliviepersona[altae tio inparties dù s fefeii isrne SCÂRIORO. -vire, Lia, anal Gen'luiraere A;. ~.sta,.aîiasfer tra.velera. (a _____________ AL~ LE. GÊ. y ,xecatted "f on Aanrf. a= a = I8lanMdâ thank u.fhf ýiag "rDo"t teJU*."-Tkrfncp. ATJiY~ WIITB, CTNDAWEST, DECEM1BER 1l, 52 i.SrwHITetkeBY ,c -dr,_.cibe aes7 t bnkbr1V.Jst e A BYwLAW GolNlh.the t impose t special rate Olt the Coot iîçl ut i ttghbefrt,£ Rateable, property bi/the Towon- And fliat outhgnl lnie4ar slup of Pickering, to dischargc Like, wponItecaf,. 1Lov10 ,Cti'farwne teiloifi ailnderraeas - -v an unpatid balance o£ 'O Ur- lji» ffa icra's i, rcncy, part of £300 currenCy 10 The rlasp that knits thea 4ailZ chae be pàtd 10 JOur SUER,-ES q., OkOcou5a85< aoL iîcensed Survcyor, for the sur-, A vera4us l oive.braasch ofpase cd ~q he 'owtshr' nes Upon aur prlIaw# preit, and Vey/ rC., ofth Tw sipliâ Shedurs; ils gracetul fratuance round, th and Concession linei in tMe staid Belote; w. amis te testh Township. IIELI ~L Y&LI4OU.le$' WJHEMBAS tei tIse pumîvÀCOU CtL - -tha alb assîhio iaknn;hv eaie InJetise o fetCommette on tie 4th, et Joi<i< Sîumaz, Esq Liaene rvncial Survey- thse Obsequien oethtie Ilke etf1Velinon l or, ta Survey anti Report 0so h three Tow n- obip liaseanti aIit th*conceusion ins af the sali beini the order ofttie daY, tise chair-gr Townasipi, for the M."pue of esiabllii¶ thse cellor efthtie Esciequer rose, andi amai lbi, tu»5 ir aapermanent mannor, cohîtorinaby 1 rte unislec. tirsei ieleue-a thse provisionit of the Stature 12 Vu., cap. 35,# Çîîu ieneidresî he - se.a andi other enaettnints in sc'b cease made anti pro- vksti, tise sali work 1tee doabne, for ant inirCo-n- AMia. S AKli3ir,--The lHeu" ofet sialration ufthe surraamoa £300 ,cua'rna-* of wlaich Communiaý is calleti upen ît-night te perfeens sai £"0 cutrrnoy istaelas levieti anti reTected Ibisa rewubtanolduy Ltasef-W paessant jcar$ ani thse balance, £100 currenesyt. a tse < u anb e l.I u 10# fet tl to e h o a daebi ta lie pai irathe year 18953 .' P-c uIl flt rteCunr n ft Anti istereair. ina aca-ordarace with lb. provisi- thtselli;ed averlul, tIse-lesa et tieseapt <is- ta 0155 of irliaStatlt t 4anti 15 Vie., cap. Mi U il le tinuithed uf our citizens; IM, at a oof- %P4 rea1uiitc tIoa-malte provisionfo fr thse due paTinent fer lu theu ars oethtie greaï daeparteti the et af th*se atibalanceli tishe timse ihen tise saîd sl -n;Lit fabrai nto. ld dehire lencaiu t ooîr r) il tabrearotici- utis wasirPa 'AndIwlseteale, thé wlaole raalae propehty ni thse pi n 1lcmdY a«cg a s lcft.u-vs the Towîe.hip of Piecering; lot the y car 1852 a ain oinan noge more truitful ef grant everats el Four lluraared an wrma -v;tý:one Tisous.and Orhe ths 1a 0 tie pelrierlkif recordoti timte. Of ti H'ainilred and ' Twenty,-fai-c 1 canas.anu' ode MAnd whea, il ivill reqaire Aseciab fate et ils vast in'derat-'rtisée' at -npcuasaere t! t -l7thaofa penny ira rt4 Poundt on tise sboOasim bis own deeds--deOd5/acbiea'ed witis the Pa ta provclîr-fomithe paymrrcrt rf aheid dli ebl cf sallest moias anti ugaillut tise greatetat ob- to, £100. tareilier %wluh fou; per cera tl o con the StacIcs. 1eas îeooentoî rn erwan% riîo!collicrtnand rmideflaation.0 1ra le il Ia-rfore enractr"l hy ahe Muanicipail Court- mais,but flic greatest main et a --mat age. pr cil ai ah. Township of Pickering.- tisetah. s qid Ami the ch-.os, andi conflagration aisteb nu sperialfrae of *1-5711> 0' a penny lIlime Paunai atenaied tise close efthtie hast eentury tiscre sa levieti st, andi ctilcccisýiaitaIltise ata-chIc ara:e une out ilose beinge Whio Sem nte 1* In Ijrropary in théisesaaTowiisbip -et Pi-kea inn ray- anti aluveailtuiter rate,'amt assesienis in tahe ban teanaster mankinTt i tsenet tai-sô nusu year 1853. ta10 ay tisait Napuleon coisineti tise Tpa- hi Anoes d la lt osiaris e sa tairyte .tof rs00,"' aaarder aof Alexaanler avitistise strata.Igi slaes d Ima aa mssas is saticamn t£IOof H tannibalî. The lRinces et tIseeartis feil 9 thse yrecee& ofai lhe slai raie i al4in edaue Couîrse 0 pui ta tbe Treasurer ofthie sAW l Tawnisip, he if bel ure bis fiery anti subt e gntils, antile- si -rety aaahhariidd and rarqu4iira l>Pay -rh-it eîoncdtesictiara again4 tise oaly lied Il ta tielaid1 John Siier or lis legat répresentative tisat daredto itdsotey 1dmn. Tise providen- ti -on hie or aheir dernairt i îerefor,tIle s$&isa tom a rmtnlec t îofvra aes £10due o - in s.c Y, ira il t ) e i tse l i a c i n sc rce y cicr m ore m ani est tîa ra ah m -n A <lm ulis saoea.recollecitiseb disîs-ensatiolls of our dar-that N 0 T 1 C E tise s:ine year, . wicis gave fxance Napo- leon aIse produéeth ie Dsike of - XWeling- ton ; tlaati t h tise nycar ties iotalti havea 111~U1E above is -a truc copy et a prePOseti emba-aceti the same prutessiea ; andthtia. -E- !y.Latv-te lac taken in eonuderaiairaby telise - of disant landis, tieshoulai botls - - ancpua of thejrawnsi af Pickering an ahe aie I lomtaity ofmlnario oasefthlIe unitedi Countie et have repaireti for tiseir miitaqyedueation te ý1Ybik. O>ntario anti Fuel, az Lîcazmç's T rmp- tsait illastrieus land i h aciscain bis tira I in aisce Hoce lasintise sait!Townasip, on thé 3151 avas destineti te 1uug t.Drw ht 10 'lay of Decerraber nexI, et tishe au ai fTara o1lork -, Ur ? te . i rîjs tiou --iranln tagl e the aieforenoon, ai. whîauh ime antilae hiü tises s f r o~ u4 3) Mesbsra of te Mauriipatty are hcreby rcqlaired i i 1 say our casec-.,s i t tisSesr toaunalor tsnunOaaJQT-Ii4..-.. ' i tlh ise hiestclams, concluding aith one - eTotmn Clerk.. eft tiosa croavrirag - victories that &Îve a ce-t Piakean;,t9tI S5p., 112. 54m or antuins ommtalistory. Antidurin Âhat VALïABILï, FARNIS FOR SALE periotbiat eauebe saisi of lin w4l¶' a be saîd of no otîser ýcaptain-that ise captu-t 50 A RESf tie font artet lt N. 57 rîod <bre tiseassanti cannon fraie tise neiny lot con. VAliUR.,20 acres imreved unr- . adn-aver lot a single gun. But tise gi-eat- dfer enoti fera. auîi ir a ahigis ihaà cf cqwliatirW ine- ' fA'lis epoits was perisaps even sur-. with a..oasaortabie Fraime Dweliing Hanse nuit l pîsseal by ise dit7icaluica i isicis ie hadtg î Imara ageulisei taatr.A neyer failla; sitrienouinter. IiFor he sadti t eneounter a crotssestheIrai. f. Aise 80 acres. tise front of lot No. 58, li con. feeble Goveernte;at, a factious opposition, VAUGHAIN, 65 acres improveal iitisà a Din l;a distrasstul people, scandaleus alihez, aid lienul bttldiit, yaun rag ard inlefi bea- hemot poaverful enemy in tlhe world. le ira;, g«oM waelI f ai ver &c.,- Tisse aria ae ataulot oa ToaeiiTAcrwon victaries aitis starving treeps, 'ad ho 17 mtss fransToreauta, inth ie vlcînilyo AICU: carrncd -onsiegea aitisut muaitios, .To .MbOND iILL. 1cemplete tise fatality aviicis attendeti hies AlIo, 100 acietise soath hlait ort No. 4, 1ltt througiseut liCe in tisis respeet, aben b. ba y cre n M l eculysira li ii s w a log Y et Onn lea ouse at lst ucceedeti in c seating an anny w ortby Il8 an-I bain, yousig Orcisart, a nover fatira;g Spriig etftIhe Joialogions anti war#by of -iues at Crack. scaît, tisis invincible.boit wua broer-p onp~s ®r AlsolO acres tise weât halfaf lot No. 7, 2tiscon tie-esc of isegreatest conjectutre etbis as ofti saiti Toçnstsip of RE ACHi, 15 acres aus-lieanlhistteneriefel eWte- of lot. - be aiLis raw bevies anti disco mfitedi allies. i»eAa tise wast liaIt of loi Nob. 7, 2d. con. UX- But tise star ef Wellington iseyer "uiledo îy BRIDG;E, 30 acres irnprassal, avilis Daelîhtil; le bas been calied fortuatê,e butF'oKêBse ci- Il oue adsbarn not the promises. Tbcre is agootih i hla se aos-t hs SsW-»IILL un peofrctwolie< orer iils a sufi- i iiity a.v.ich a vrfvue h chit u pply eofaater, abai4ace ofpie inte h ho areet tise saas-tiii'e Sagacous and ini irnw.Uieate usaI;hborbiuata , a-dwtli>n 18 mtle% têepid, inventive anti patieut. ' *~i eprolonred andi illustrius liteè of the hi ice of 1a7clington, "te h surprised how m i ail a ;ace .eteupid ty that tnilitary DJ treer 0t bis wlîich fiMs se large a space in Je to r y . O n y e . t y a r s c l àîP s e 4 fro m g i u»ira o Wtero*,and (rom the date of pi & nCMision te thse W lestesnon-shot Web k l ite rd on th é field o rbattie 20 yia -s o f iild xcéIy be COUate4. ÇI&was destin- Va 1 or anotber profession, andi the greatpt th id most suceusfail' etwarriors-f net hin'* )e prime, nt litast in t31e poiftiction of mnan- té ot -connènced a civil career scarcely oi 15 sIIccOSSIU, scarelyl lem splendid, thaiiti t lat rnilitary one 'w'ich lirts in the memory ut fme. le wias tbrie the embassador eft t is S.ove; elgi at those grat hikteric con- rses that settîtiedtbeffairq ot Europe ; ews twice Secretarref State ; ho was b ice Commaader4-C ief of the Forces ;b nc he was Prime rihaister of E nglanti, id te the lat heur of bis lité hbcrnay ho id te have laboredi for bif country. [t ru only a fewmotitha before we lest buii [t b. {favored wit'b isg rceUnsel and assis- ace thse presmnt d visert et thse Crown re- pctatIgLl*t wais ieelliat of wicihno ê* tb o *4 ee b,*-f j dge a h e 5 m r w t i p b i v e w i o w t hl a t ffi b j e t i n a s t a t e a per wrthy ot lis g iuai; andi, indeed, ei be dié,tdied titi tthe active itiief- in ot that illisrius arimy te whiehe left ,etrditisn oflihi'fanse. 'Sir, there is one assitaein-he dieef thse Dalcèetof ellig-ý 10 hcIt t' place, and *à tissocca Sion, Feught-not te lt pum unnotieed. R Itis Our ride that he was oe of eurselves-4t is ir glry that Sir Artisor Mrlleley once Lon thse isenches. If ave viow bi.- career in thse Ilo, tCeimosby the tests ot ucces wluicb are applicdti t comanon mn, bs ' c r , altbough bref , suas silI dstin- ;nisbed. lie entereth ie Royal Councals and file 1ii l l fices of state. iBut thée uecet f r Arthnr Wellesley ini the ieuse ef Commens mnut net be teïted by hé tact -that bo wss a Privy Councillor' or a Secretary of a Lord Lieutenant. lie chived here a sucesa wich thse groatest mîiniîer andtithe Mot brilliant orator miglit voyr hopt to accmlimh. 'riat vas a grat parliamèntary triumpl, wben ho rose in bis place to receive the tiseks of thse spaker for a brilliant ictory ; andi stili iàter when at that bar lie reccireti frein one of y o ur pre -decessur ,in m nem orab 'e * o rd % thse îisaks of a gratefuISenate for aeeumu- lateti triumplis. Sir, there is oeaseurce ef reavement over whicls-tbey njon-it ie.- tiwiir inlîmnate arquainta 'nce witbthe eber3c- ter, andi even îbe persoiief this get nn Trie nover -aeua gréât iiaù w yn ivd $0o loc, so imuch sintthe public eyc. fIavilI be beutd there is n t a ,-tntntI*Iic tbisl oSeîs Whbo bas reut seen hiWP , a- 'yth r#li avîng given directions for a pbiin ter- rnt of tie mprtal remnains ef bis Grace tise )ulie et Well$agten, and -to assure ber Ma- sty ef our coriail aid anti concurrence te ive te tise solemnity a lltting degree et un- ti irtanxce. --s Lord 3e1uq 3ussell-I ask the permihiion op >U yeti,-Sir, and th ie Heu", to second thse na nation -of the- rigbt honorable gentleman, e ,hé Chineler etthe Exebeqaser. I do net ly mis te adal a single word to tliose cloquent :erins wiih have talion from the nigbt lbon- ne )rble ge -ntl emran. 1 visis only te say that Ale Whoie lieuse is, 1 befieve, preparei- to Si 4nitei ho otTring this testimony ef respect te th mfetnory ef thse late illustrious Duke.$ Tise addreia isas thain agreoti te. TaLADYFaa re E-on liza- eth ts SL 'Leger, %vas tise enly temale whe ý,- was. e,.rer initiated io th ie ancient andi hon- Drable, nsystory et Freensaionry. liow ase in obtainedth iis bonter, ave shahi ay botare our raters, premising that our information isp derîved frein tise hst sources. LeId )eneraiio, Misa Si. Lieger's fat-ber. a verym zealous iMason, hlia. y$arrçnàt ,aDd oca- 0e iîonally oened l ldge at Doneraile lieuse, ei ais sons anti soine intimate frientis ssisting jý andi it is saidtihat ànýçr'jvere mnsonic dut- el ties_ iore rigidly p K cd tIsai by the Il brethren of No. 150, tise aumber eft tieir P, wsarrant. It appears that previomily te thse e; inihiation ef a gentleman te thse finit stepsof ti raôunry, NMiss St. Leger, avise aas a Young ti girl, isappenct t be in an apartinent adjoia- ing tise reem, generally usoti as a loetia ýroie but whIether the yeung- lady wws there by design or accident, we cannot con- fidently istate. Tise reoow at the Urne aae undergeing nomne alteration ; amengît ethera things e -tie vali as coasiticrably redued4ins onepart, for the purpo.eseoet making a saloeon Tiseyoung lady, Isaving banew vaines ef tise froomasopi, andi bei by thse curiosity catural te al,t*i ~ yt se long anti se secretlT Jeck ~frain pub- lic vieav, Iat tise courag, e foi à brick1 fram tis ai val witb ber se . au ibiu wîtnessed tIse t:oefirst step-, ef thsecere- meay.. Curiity gratifieti, -ear at once teok possession of ber inid, ant i tow wvIs> sol0ution) way, ai tise banc - r k -

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