PUB3LIBRED SER3Y $ATUUJDÂY MORNING. 1 v sa uiLM P* u 51W-SN DVà wczo 11 l5 WIFITYCANADIA S mu ttuîY i"raI ar 8fmetMi. Luie'g8T.s, end tgos aSr.. (Im t iwWv. 1, 1851. lwilliam potuzon, rumw i ofthetep.f#1qmags'sIikh, Cmmy.ncr, Drm.ghuaman, 113UER OP MARflIAGFE LICENSES AND ACCOUNTANT. Oice eur the Court' Hou., -Village of XMÀ*iicUsT&R, Townshipof Rià cx, C. W. 24 L. C. TIIOMAS, C ON VE y AIN c ER Czrnîssioar ofQueeen's Bench Fer taliisg- AffiavltIs. Boki.Sept. 13. 1850. 22 tf W. MASPONELLO, atteo asd oounusUorut4.s*,t 80OICITUR-IN-CIIANCEIY, &C. &C. ^&C. WVHJTBY. CÂNADA WrBT, t$'Oice ulap sîirs over the Cliequer.d Store. IfforUrîar ad iMore, et Lsw BROCL-STR.EET,_WIJITBX. INSUBANCE OFFICE. TAME1S WALLACB begs w itimtc .that h. bas bin aspoMd iJAgent (or the PiIN~C1IL, SUIIUAL à kG CERIL lMUINCE andt hat h.o s, -pared Iote terisa t t he nriinary branches eofmud Cornpwiny. Whïtby, UIsopt.uatir, 1851. 2-f WORKMAN BROTKlgRS'& Co' no. a6, x s tot Tornt# L. IL SCIROFIELD &Cv., IMPOlRTEM 0F WROILEEAND MEAIL. CAftLE 0ON L YNJ W110LESALE AND ReTAIL iuskPrI& ,ihat.PIPE MÎNUVACTURER 0F SOL£, IMPElR, AX - ijRNlESS LEATIIER, &ic. <ces atà id fer Rides and Ski,.., W4ea Oats, Pots antd Pearli 4#keâ.I Wbit~TIlfiçC7tb 3110e, 1850. Adult coua lCs itgisI et l'bc' -tg ADVNC-SIN CASHl on POT AND' Ipr ensignd téMontreal. 110 EFRT H. LAWDER. port Whtby. jet Angust, 18». - LAND FOR SALE. the. *13 Cons..01 WW 06 l ausilemi" hy lb. sa U lfdk01a olugi . LPURT eu bho £su41 bitofficeover the camquatisi romm virdu<y UUi TtSy 28tl uatant, mm y à ,,,,e-.,lu debitet.e ", i U dbst tlio uetodaler tbt dat.wlb lft wth the Clhr4OgtheConrt wish.ut Sauy dlsUpU s i e -à ip*oMW4agte 1.sveth lacpIe. lo & 11w, 1e wjsh. lattI. bis bue betr, dulu s» Wbihby, Auquot 12, 1853., 8- FOR SALE OR.'iO LgASE. 0-11 ould b. &ch.aged foras Pipru, a very dWre beMrchsnt Mtore 37 by $0, with a goodSittil Room, %Itebeu and Iwo B.d. Toom, a g<oi.Cel lar 20 by 30, Store Boum And the. lot of <rouind. The Propurty la a corner Le-. and situted for bpus in th rillaçe rd Coluffhbua. Poussion ea»be vivea oen the 20h of May uust>0 ALSO-An udjoling Faim i ~Sais. N. U.-MONËY goLoma. ibît otesor Xorlii-a otiht.Tere.,7 Molaesbogb.THOMAS CLARK. colat!>., Nov. 418,1ion. 1t JAMES IH, GEBII Dnaggist, Wkitby, Ras jnsi teecived a frea!> supply or J#UIDSJNS CIIRT M LUICWflID 1 MOTRRS RELIEF. Abso. ail ibt other Genaine Comntocit Medicine&. >Whu11ty, Ocrtober 21.,1852. 28-tf WiId Land to Leau... bu F EW THOUSANJ) la e let î hefllw NO1y Broc,CW gar,M s i , Fe - lôn, iad Ops. The. motef fiheelands are ofthr .bst quuitY. adaiibtsr oueu S ri fi, to seven yeara401icdiflh tpon the situation, in loiti of 1 rom> Wto 100> acres eaeh, to sny nne Who will ehop, ce, enfd fere, in a good eud wotl,- manitite mantert witiithe#'&aisrntimea quantity -not tes thon 20 acres on ceh lot. cerin an 0 th iarticlalrlots ..In e sif Whitby,JulI,1S- 1 WIUITBY AGENCY 01 rtU We8tern" qgtwtanceCones/ ROME OFFICE....TORONTO. WEE EÂ fte muwscwtaCovnictt 11%; equswn or, to Survey sudReport upon the tiare Town- A imile tub"i shipliisnd h smtailthe .Cmichsain tieaofIt ai And 4iontIs ont TOwuship, for the purpos of etablisbin¶i the 1$Wyesbell gmre n a permanent ianuer, cotifunniabl o For ave isuw the proiions or flic Statule 12 Tic., car 8, snd oîsr ueatu'e>tà jlse!>cmase soand prou- pS gr* vid, th. sait work toube doue for and in con- ei&ifaton of the aisinof £80Gcurreue . a(Wbfrb £$00 eurrency i aobelevieit unitcoUhleç ig P1,00.the 01 Presnjeur, and tb. balance, £100 currr.ncy, tuth t!> olo*il ae t a debt tobli pad in the yasr I8: .li real life, wbaçl And whereas. in accordanca ailtb.heprevis-co in oej obu et the Statute 14 unit16 Vie., cep. l00 ill acnaismr requisate ta make provision for the due payrnuîthree Mondernu ut of th sait balance utthile lime when the sit! Durung thé. fisi de ta la tesd. ef Lous Phitli! ,A t fiwh.Is the whole ruteulile property ofi-fi entol ini the h$o wtrt<for the lx-tl852 was i, ren Pour klwsfIred andi Tweiiî Thiu"nd One net far font fliîndred and lT%%euiy-fivî 1oundo. fortune au jinM AMi wtcreus, il aWittrele pecta asitio '>imec. le 51wM 1 -171b> of u penny in the rund ouonthe stiove aura ta prorite ft thie puymeit ut the said 'lebit f apartinent on t!> or avatt" ith four,Çr cent le cover ,Utheasent '"as decid exei olcinedefitîçation. l ui uf Xiscetirooti, enactesi by the Mujn'ioit Coun* hotel t!>ey we Cci etthe Towuship nof Pickei îng, th4t the s 'id- L pIeiart I-nf111th a pcnny u inte rPound 4' This strange per lev"ie',d", y uîi d dolleciedi ps ail the rgeobte al mid-duy, andi proparty lu the si Township i Potickei iuq .ver aufleroon ; the aud aIne. ai other rates andt aserpritnis uin the ,,wt,,j, i. Ob yer 183. - . t And l'e itýlfirter enacte T by tige.tutborîty or tii thet ex tores-id fit liun is theusa1.mid banu tof£100, r hbati broogbit1 the proceedu ni 1hsaid raie shahl he iu due conrie Ilege--handsomsie pad la the Trtcamurer of the sail Towýnsbip, lie.s as a Saxon. i hmmraty isut«iWunitrequihitu ta>py forhavfth 10 tbtsaid John Shier or bis leçal repregeatative together evcry on hls or'ihAr demand therefor, the m"id sot of thiee ltimani mal dues ta hlm s asaforesai ontéa i ' u seveu 6ï eigt NOTICE. sunay adTt - 1er >of the Plaze ¶l-1E above h a Inie copyo01.5 proposei frora a beautiffnl BY-Law <o be talten lu consideratiou i>y theMari. Sbe alwe , lunîcipâlity of theTonahipof Pikerling ou the, eredthet .gardes lcounîty Or (htar in, Oue Of the wiitet Ceenuie',ci ;Sttntiy, and o& Yoik. Outafin anut Fe a*l, s LcKNzr emTirper-TW tofî s hceie.îcl inte sait Tn'arnhip. 'ou the 3M Thi s tate ftl titaio Decembler ;genxtati bc hour of Ten o'ciock !scbolar avas gri in the toreuiioalhu, u Itîch tignte ud-place the llouis b ad bffl Miemabes om. ore ybvereby reqitoreil and Ëeuh 41e old te attend (or the. pur pose aforeuid, Pîcketlng, 29<1> Set., 1852. 25-3ni wait. VÂALUABLiE ,-FARMVNS F011 SALE ne trutlh la, as a nattai, gre ~'IACRE 57t rn pitoltN.~ strong uN an val lot con. VAUOHAN, Wiatm5uinImwOVdi<un- they founihlmf dear gr00 fenr'e, and ini a hiçi stats r ocultivatioti, CO ie iJ vrith a -i"snrortabit! Fratiiaflllng fBouse and itenri tit Ue b iars, a ;oM weOwatec. A neverfltiug llCetD gestion ofthbe ceosses the lot. sealeti up evryi Mo 80aces1, the,-Ilutolt No. M ie s,teos. VAUGIA N, 65 acres jiproved with a DweUis ng âe t. Hùtlaodt bilditg,yotà i t ochard lalTûli bther- jieç, cgoati eti of wter l&C., Yaa-snz.the upa"trs 'of ti 0...... utnae siturted n o -tT%&,wuil .WfiteîrI l But suppoe.the. oceai avants mr conseot.' ,Certainlr.s E1-i'ytbing la sett led, and the haut eau e, é publshed lo-morrow ifyjou permIast' 'If I peiiît ; rdy i and 1 ould embra ce Culin téba~2 4 Embrace, if tbat-pleassyen, andi then fi à t* Io nme.' 'Say on.' n 'Your intmaded is s4btly your cousin. > ne çomsafreinyour un-i lit, tben-- bri, yeu msutrept b s#a.U Tls cl ICharter, *1 ILOSS or Di PERSONAI Ileraomle to The IWIs Thom" a1worth, M George Mieble, ' Waii Robt. 1toatatt,£Bs ThampuHaavha coî8suom E u. -'«M ù" o Ww~rf ~Z lus o,îWhi !~IN k ~ io 1 with