Ontario Reporter, 18 Dec 1852, p. 3

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DoxIIT ANilAi,4Oif TH?, SAEDwCb« tWI~*WD/I~b8 sire estînzttteIto ha = the Saud*icb' Iands 40,700 bead of cet- ilir (12,00.wl ln h Hawaii,)>11 7olVb#raèa u 10,2W %beep. ConactcwceýUTh1 %m1of ha r.e iling "d rnmnd tf enn-a rnrce ÂUUVÂL E TU ÂfA-TC "Yw Yonir, tý,c.15,1852. The 1 Arctic" arrdved about hal( put 11I Tise «I fqica"arrived ut Liverpeo1 on the 19th ultimo. i LIVCOL MA1C&Tàlç, I Flour advaticed 6d., 'Wbeut 2K, iîlî good demond. Cornl yà. flm. Consol* closed 10 a100 ,Trade at, blaocbeiter more firin. PNGLAND. Tris.cOw#eý% or Lov.lacec,ithésole agltrortôrd YByron, died on Saturday. A ngoiitonbetween France and Eng- land, for a iudflcali<>n of thse larr, lwu* Noticulailbep Orn in' Panliament or m Act le amesud thse Statnp Act. Thae fLta,ag que-stion ILad lsepe LaoughItup mtheis lioms.of Lord-,, andi Lord ,1ln- bury i'eferred te uhe negotiations- pendîunù. and thse prolbd>ilsîy of ati iisneitc 4djust'- Thes tream eof g4,41 rom Ausiralisi con- " tu 4few s ie Ews-'ngand as fritly a&%er - It wa* itltefldestu lsajourii Parlinunent on 15 lGtls, fur a recess of, iune weeks tili thetoiiddk cof Febs uary- 'rbe. Chancedîr of te Esicheguer would bringtortlu isbi:bdgtet on Friulas. 1 tA NCE. T~h msjority on ftaver o tihe'Empire woId rrucb eiglst milUon*. 'l'ise Empire wouldecnim'y e proclaîisactlon tise 2nd (kneral Arnaud, j!mus ?riJ4, woulsi bc j amai Gransd Nlarshul of thse Palace. INl'>A Adri.ces by thse Orerlassd Mail rep ort (Le capturae of['roie, wîttsbut lutile lois on, cither ide. -1-1 Tise steamer"&4 urojia-1' ailed at, stoon to-day for LCivr01. itb 3) passcnDger* md $2.~.,74 is UOVIE' Det5 >r. 17. Casal uiarazatîin haà bs.S rCýi l ierp, lans boaLsare laid ssp. The canal was eoiereti wstis a t1itis coftt of iVp tiis ,msrniss0: tise vrater wiIliecdrawsi tti iLu a «'w davs. Tise arrivaI of tht: blic-" l-ile :ue ves sroeIter Metis'an întis!Iî lig iri. .WeIna'ss tbat thse ciiy et"lan !!c sî jr4uut"in aenoftsscotu FiTegrsap ReOrt 1te IFitty, Che G Grandm'1'rsvrk Linc svmpte teo NEw ~otDt:c. 16--G P. M. Tisa werkmnsis n tise Navy Yard bsrtsu4 yebterday, osn accossu' Lorte. <ni)er is-~.~ ing thse lenctivttsftheir das labor, ansi Ilusý still ebustssuse uproaiýU-su. Vs'e have y1àss - tread tcsattthe wot'kusneis ut tiseclir.d 'Nasy Yard hitie rcy>liveiit;gi thse 'SaMv <oursîe uztil tise orsier a rlà ssl Tbie. C. Vassme, foseir io vernor ef Vearmsont and t«niter Le i p iu. ed ai Thea board eof lue snlait evcnîn~ a&rerad tu pti.:base a besI 'tf tue laie ~ts ry Clay, ac-uiiil iby U. % u 'ne u. g.uzlgrt ss-5 .j nc eb.ies iwe 00,1:'- b1n. K'ing, tSe Vic-presideni ceci, n. rgbelyhoer ths P. M. If alte flie wU ia~da~el -rpmirw îl< îrp3ai il tjgldçr la*eis caanaioti a-5 tise rebeau Preasîdeit. et of t*1 st ody. Mr. Atés:in awill 1bc eev4atedteli i eated scat. New York MtkesEnin-, 16. AalesP~rIst.,et~e,$.75. tour in xood requst in 1)ond, sls700bairro'13 at $*5 1s a 5 31 in botL. Grain, Whtat9-ýa1-S 1500on fine Canadinsi i:1 store $~1T) a 4 17-Prime P'o-k$1 ,odNe$5 25 a 15 »-, prime t 1 50,prtrne nie!îis,$'l 9 per eutr mex% 16 per tiew primeWbinglit ià1 MARRIEDP On the61h inst. in Pickerip, by tbc Rev.J. A"., ut Whithy, by the llev. j. T*. BWne, A*vblISWReid; i lili len4it >is0 0 bit- TO VLIXE ELECTOR$ VOF WAUC Ni<. 3. - I'S TRIE T W SII>O PICKERING. AS the titei.f[ut approa-ing isi mi ou'w &gs enthe eketionof a Be irenatiirc inheMuniiçpal C$uccil, for th, emming year, i feel èalled upon to thani y# ou W Use Jior befowed Iposn mea10 tbe lad t tw,years. 'ytetihavea 4aw1n ieai 30Sfr rreeativeand11 wbile 1 trust wj .odut bas met yeur approval, Iibeg Io 1 (rMýth* geot1aien or th1-uab6fveWati thet I i.tmwaêto rotire et ýhe clou of lî eawr..t ycar. I1twdibftboryoa. ilnIen to q*d4 (rom amoiigst yosraelves à itau( pMr p praGon orepreseiut 7011for til 1 bar.thehonoO4Wtu be No.S Sômme4aJok Fresh -Arrivais Ã"f Wititer Goods, i W- -HALONE, ~ OYL» in tis e éInhabitausie ofWitby, and vecîinit)' tit he bus commncedBuins>*i MP-SHAW'S NE WbroSTORE3Bk Str'eet whitby, visera h. bas for Sale a eareftly Slec te si Stekof - DRY GOODS No. 1,Comu~çcW Iùildingt ILLA~ ~o6 -BROHWCKSTREE~T. ILLIA M OONE CL Co., tAre Ibis umbthof disforming Ctis. munîtj. of Whit4y aniurrouiinfg countrt t ibls have opmned a select A NI) DitY GIOJ)S,-. Coeiïhaýzof &4hs ad Sma; WO "Clous iand Prou*la Forked IBottolet FI i'7i' THEI i'1 E nASUN CUS Jî NPAT0 L0Uwjih .VtTy articlejtIWfMor ls.tsii 0 1 1 tS JU MJil UP nIeISUIîIMau11uJsjlN N. SpirIs oG aNlPAUT OF . Pot Srjl- h $a71« Re MWhite Fiannela, Striped bitîn; ail M piiea andi q#ailtices. Vnegar,,ra'e séeul hI. WRbluing, Beai stBick ; C.sbarp. Motis sic Lanceeoer, tiS,î.,~Brhses; Luster p)ilnissorm lbd ispmatis. Sow' sçele>rated A xes. lnrk-swt Gala Pla"d. rosi 11, Woliestbhatls tror 4a9d., Lookuntg Glatsses, Wîeidew GasPuty, Wbite, W. B. C. &Ce, wuld invite fauii to 0colie an try titer Stock of 'leus, Cff Ble che Siii iti, G ey (1, foin21-d- Ledt hyte box oir s îd, ur#, L!sha. Cioeks,Toitet A lurge'guoartmfw<sî elfFur, 14! tn.h m ed tôsi loh and, iieriiuc, pai i£tand i en and ralme t4oOqt k sar*!,tàJC rb.c jtue <Iolb'C*Pé sn M %la . .Babies 51kSuftad Fe l His! roo&, bt~. tb ;13.- 0f Fer B5qsits itirissea CUÃŽ0, and Cawtitts, ____________________ 13*;kkin Miuta. C11($ERV h varicd an! E xtensive rt ru ip Boswrgibos ll.llk 'sem72-i. - containiig -mony new paîcrus. ~o w _A itiliriai Floverm, (j ;oves, :r imsisl&s, 1~OCEjvgbtts rl Atrye w ovyut t ?gnaillWats.s,&e., Wolien Polkas, nil sIm' end FA en<l LYbcoat theo Prf-f ,ir,>.ràJITY.VILAE qusîjiiestleR fth %,bb niely l)stand 'lSide Ceiu tsUurbes, Corcne- -of$F0 1!tî lhc'bi re'ËTBerILLAGsE. La t'llnBatss, ep ain ~ lkdandi plain. liha ~, q. 1».~.~~-e, ~ er i sns, f Olrtttilçbe ,..... utioccupuedad -,a; a iBr.,-.visiis a"-îîFýdmrmnira b al sne' ie J DWy iet t eing, Hoie a le Tf&c is. îsttr, Vs.sùs, tri 'om 3 l--Z.ands01 sdi lcbst c ise esaÃŽ-i qÀ-i bu? J tana , . q. A lrg Stckai r.ad rnd~e1t1sn~ - lek1 Beit Ucil dCi* ts., Table Cuvera T. SHIEIIIIAN intimediialtY. IN1~GR1~wi li e foind a largé i .T.SfltRJDA 1 ON1 Stock of deke reasCoffie, ["f ruitdand îi'erfora5.cJCardsa idIDe, lin Woei. J i (T ja J D 7OvYJL4t E . M4ts5avad tipi. IWiO tSp. 23, ir. -Ir'tt Tise b)' tl~><>' are ti tIs lesnd rca4y- l'bIis Stock bas ing eeu-urease6Unitr favorablec ireuzn.îatsics the: Subseriber is an-, usoa eeneearr abled t-o mli a-t Pz.ice, whicb canne' fait te prove sîii'c:ry hepurc1sa*lgr. Frn 1 tseWi*yB wety W.L.MALONE. caru"hy r~b'T. ERlA.- Wbilby, Decernber1ilh. 12. 35-tf £XATENSI VE I L OTTERVO ,re ie Drawrn ai lite TOWNY HALL MÂARI1PO0SA 011 rcjWulaýy Ille lûtia1h3 Property ansouting te Ail eof wliî wiIlH be gulr« fteed equ,. LIST 0F PRJZjES!! NOTICEu tîjis Feini . uIL n trrlly, use SIÂWSt>etcs bave WhiIby fi a nd miport. Perry. An! Svîd î,Srmn 1e île tisa!il leta leir 1 inlciiSmon IoJiàispof etthe fr.>own; ,propeiltcs, Viz: 'fIi TI C~ i O G- siIS AT PURT PELIl With the Iuterest lu 1th8 Bu3ines5. T...-4 ..... ,havc t ..,,44,i£3 ctierrt.-iv, rper çviq t :j tli& ICI' IlE L I E F EN'TEN M11NUT -fE ,C EJ 1$ A F'EWI)li*S, JZÇSUEU X. 'IE /'i FoR.- aEIGN IU, M c a i> t où uh i!nDR OCOCK'S. x iiwuh tilt-, i!n.l wi!i cf:C> lie~~ . For thse Clire eo'Cougis,Colds, Asslsssa, Bot b f.'re the Fin.! day -ïf biis, Pulrnonsary Conuuption, ansi ail Affec- * . * liens otilir reasr antl iL'ngs. .i lI Peiïé, A FARM eof 100 Acres!:. Asit.Ali)Iis dl b1>55 aiasthe ssne14ifnsc, ester. N . Y., sole propietor fer ls thsiled Staie E*at liait, Leti. 1.6I, lOtisCo , x -i s luI-V i trins , I' ç,siiî;lssî iavuess, and i Uiîiab Noraitisrea.- 111 O S,%u G A rr î 1 , iLdand<ina w I1I1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !j_îî *,,< c.skaeat uaçou Jeî.t O ;lit -,f Lin. ,20J> cres. 1. PURCHASE % c~u sltivaluois sti gei I an Isiowrui asLo:. ,.27 iniilise slird Colictasson llieu e, a gs>od %Vt-ll.-and a làr cn'uilîer of (,i ~oni Se &' i!ê of ScssC4e; Reasi Fruit T'l'r'on te ,-Preuni t'altof wiîicls -swo rîil l 1.ý .il, 'f ~ ile Le,.asimple 0alan FE7f. fdF RS willlieincîti.1 itas QRXD 'RIJS'- ~~ j qfM IIlT Il SPECII'IC. Th i ilarmarlie ~i ftt1sel*xisr r £'l0 f)!à COTT..XGE & SrABLFSer sàp r sle4h. new, iii js tt: i ul îà,eof Wîlutisy. Ai.', a %% afriLot wtih Acrancrfr Vittu 'oirghî, 10 .Alw>iefi jao ol el l ltie1i t vessed 3anîts; lsrnotiaggia Diliiitor ctfriPuuus -o o'u hueradi T"nu. hu h vvill ti ade kuiown îaînu'i Messtuoatton Ansienirîha or partial agiiur Misl,, atsu itn m ime &f.'. Anyi.-y uirsatuan us.!trnay te 1 Obstrsartsen of Menseli ehlov<so, or Green Sick ,ciu-,lei, (Iraol, cî.)4 o i'j:I0 luts esuinlsthetian ie ained ai 1~ eSOioa I r bs iiaat l ai- 1b.ais.ttersasfeiie r iiWiby >o- PortiFemnaleÃŽ'anias i~ie Ilamue's, b aeîsuutti, ~ o e t o i '!g,1- (ffier ef .l.nitaCssn 'rG É Ttru'al. - A Il )re,f n ysars ocdi, 2 iîtrn u-oiacpcet a i ,leo- Bngg<y meiiy fuw, 17ie of10 i r p"edtu el T1.PRA tI -TB 4 Lttjletiasd, clams door 6 JU3MAGj AI > i I-£R B"dx tss ,liu 's, a" c.N '.itî rpm.n Ptthe cure ofAtUeý Atn Cha.11 2 5JCL inutha l"aee and i BeaM. A brauions ni tisaSkin, flun(nc IA atch doube Cas, .0BI'ttersot ave ry kian~ is, Brekor'en i LIE6 nib Waitnue s, SoYN5 /7.Chl8îiî , sis ryatpeîas, Pelons, Lever -Braisite .f7, FOV Souci'j. aSo#r erefo, Salt Rseun. Scurvy. UtcersT, Bisilt Ciark - 2 0 ts at aeonaIDca uipsuiPl,&c- - O hjnihe skateni .2 10 Av - -tslklpaeàle e.i Ogrte lires. rer, Pa 3JitlI(ii'srnatC . ARTIN & Co- PILES, -PILES, PILES, 31o Ilier prizea> £1)3?l5 . Totali. D300 Nov. 26,1852.______ .uin'sfAIB LEUI, 'l'h,'alîovc Liit asnnutijsu Iote hre DR# Wiisassi IlA Tultieie i 'rt, nitmehe d rti <' on a j.5¶l r LI LIT Or fterral RettlY fçw thé him prepae o Tu!tg.t l >iiatelis-2» il lîee d wi crid a ttlin Ip e j1 IG i UPH AM. M-., 9 oe sewiok' e t heel NX0, >eerns o ethTriu' l'i iilàlar ly esluraied Plysielian11Whodtvolesbis atlattr' 'FiUN ile igt';r .t y e , r ille )US15step lto nmy LAMP STORE l ien umi iieyohsdsae r p.' qu I ! the gwv, ssu psi rst 'isit Undliei it o dý i i1;leDutore) .) a d eei S !ri- iý'er todi s a e rtIs e an t ite wh 5y l*Beosding ori îîîrns.edh at*0hî j". -ulT N. îil CsrsttPig t esfhie, lsîlusuarnçnlani or wileh ii it5 ft e cLee of@feibnurut.,r, sîi wi1 sut iPa; lisuti,paror statid, and i.éttrgotI TO .MARR1ED LAID1E SI. ht' ltii, ci ail nîallacosd by 1 vsperlîhttiMen rho" jLuîMpcaAs ifîy o psirtle>re îl arr nos*afî*sild geîa' .~ d o Se $or que ltcsegtatte imt> Daoîn. i hte cofoet aý tt ecfOfny ouf-te jlampeon TisVear e psssciy 4efr Pr,.,h ses tirs it~, Iiset e i., rneci >ras'su' î u h gvç sîsv Uiy î Ladies, andth5e ,tost U1îîesiesCatbsrtlc usat îe 3~!t. ~I~ektt s.5. Eael~iral1> ~~ i,île y ed, ai iwilI not oîsîy remov 'th CiitdtAu are sIeur ans i drs7, piles le at i Aai nsmatory Dises .---, wil bout PaIn A L PîZS~ -NI U ~ oitC Lampi aîs a Ul P'st, - or Inîtituen, but î nr ii man-easy lt*e, 4 #are DRAWNG TO COMMEEE ,AT 9 I A. yil, otm firiitïth ttig.-- -- .41 rasyofhaslsvasi.2'ansylees>on ai- ncy, e pesnicom)j Iî, ctnsut liOe¶liei. JAZut ltS fi. UER JE. Jew DavidJsaY returncd. BENJMINJA<3115 JVitl>y. 25h '4Nov. li$2,. 33-t,' itisaDrc. 1ifish, 1952, 35-t1.ae.isygails t ~u iaiili se AUSIlRUA'UN E 0F A iPACKETAND lis atuytif.ed aPP["ru b is celei ý)I O T E R ! teteluPE SIPi r-esissupply ti bis timOu.f lerwIlit lue Driva ut F. JEWETT'S, ~1IeTatte~ntion of- thesu (natla Pilits il;respect.li besWOPt fc'Xs0hwie '--.a be Pown t F. EY, Os", ufiilinvilesi ie-the aloliwngLet ter, Irom DAN I- auffrr any Iousr wil - l'in 09lPekne, e*Ii POR PERYonEL.R094. Ea., of Qiebe, uss ais assurance thai hwl5iili taiu abaiothu exrel!tgj1aerj e New Litre ci ?ackeîa antd Olppsars IroiuNew andappil apri«oftil$moeti<tsl te (at di* York isc - Aus$ti. - , lvertised by Nltes. aaa an..oray 'rOtwas ui F 1-- y ROCKERR& W..RtFl,of28 Bs.&aw N. wierulh tli as .'*kQW-ýg F l iiIII A , Y., areae ral tetise slattitenta sadé iy-tlseir r'tcuflFtT 1Or~) Carssa ri elare.,-NO el 2 SIT KJ) .ltit. -r.wYerk, 19 Nov. 1832. -Te roéd blop o obcr Alian lit !St $maUvinc viiud"caaraiShips W4 I IteIt* Tie roey e1i~steIMb,'tAiusn thue novt (et NwYîbourd ot, Auàtrâ1ti il ]iftecttThctuiissd Cam 1aeuatisssas, Lamo b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a wei wr.i&Castasumîtst£84. ta~fias a ltsw csessa, wiscibav.. salesl4fer Bat1.5 ai 4 -eorStiff 1i i& pist up sutt 1he o#.st su iUi iurr. and ttie le olaor ýol on)y part oeUt May [b. insjtecied lby calliriz 011 the 1is 01ehestai .u'iae ot#e V*, î T' Subsnibe. -tisose fine -1Cr.sckes-up" sipigstts'cied fil fr s ttiinmîoe a tho dzscnbla ahip l"ALE Re.» Yr eAW 10! 'DVÃŽ fr it - r sa D DRAWING TO COMMENCE AT ONE P.Ms She is ile fnestspeiasetoNavl Archiecrltef, . ~ - LIST 0F .RIZ'ESI - file Ciiîer S'ipaiviich aort alasated*u for - Is i ze cias£2SO fas! satincçibar iinytlhipg elée- -- an Pousr ie £12 10 eat~h AET>s *pdaué~nts - 4 liesse,.2530aiexc.iton, tiesabt p: euiluiN4ii~-~~ k 'Y- J- a, - id la t0,e x.eé'te ait olders in sheir une of' buitisi or; ih.abs)te>et notice,.-Ravin .'rIdeul moresssarhinr- ry, amsitbeir eablishmesî! bavin&g Cole tbro'sis thçy wilt reuhange 1101h ifor Wool on rca. Marnufaèluriing Lut of 1'rsez. Sattinpiti, WArp iul usled, 'l 101-2 FýLAnne;, sdm. , <le. 1IQO 'tweed, do. M. I pull Clous, 2 0 WOMlCasôing, perprond, f)C21 -2 ;4phittî,0, do. 7 1-2 *bier work doue iii proposion. 041mwWssei Caring anti C'iolh Dvessingrmu b. rarriesi on L-7 tise alove Fiim. J'le. BOVERMAN& Co. ,W iîb fl ayr12, 1852. St PROVINCIAL MUTUAL ÀA *4f3 GVIRAL, 15NSL1JÀ&NE çnAT fft*-Charch l3t:oet rontO To. I DIJIECTORS. J. S.r, J, Vùeei J &t, D W. L. PNaSiK j Ji. Lurxtx RosiszMao. J. G. Wogars, J.Muio T HtS COMPANY ffsects Isuinne at te oiçnqUflie,.Cburcb Street, Toronto, asud ai its "everni AL-ences. The Matiol >er-atment dries nPot .'xceed £5W0 on ny re ri-, as4. being cprlined to detacbed bidngs, il ih îherelby orend t4 he M03t saleand citrsirable for Fars. The Propietary Departmna iurtude General and its operati'ns beingatio tonfirird ilbin pru-. de.nt limitt;tlhe suýn;i0n orfthe Publie ilçc>ufi. drÃœtly eaIIed¶ tbi.eto. E DIff A£D R D 0. 0't i1 F, ofthe above camvsny, W11I(i p P atten- tioti to parties desMroulmor elfectingeInsisane. p 3A.MVS.WALLIÀJ.. HE buine9sbeeft5.q carried one » T the 90W'9 WILI#oe1PIIh 1P erzjg1ýbv The Su,iribers ini returmin<,tbauh tô 1flh8ICe5, an vin o *pumýd e<r l ni- Wssrkaen. tha? isitend te manuflActure tbe TRIE Subscribera-ivoùht câi the ÏMail 1VEW 4JVD SÃŽ4EA Paie .Nala / n- YtA 4@ 181V7 I! 'w-t111 nti wi1 XKgMkdwelvrh 1r*thx p C gole, %9owo1W- e Thry ise o inftiuê1kéep O.uatwbrihirtlulw.Il3 biid le rrs T-HO Ontado', Houseç, L4C ft CAL eES f ailthebeitn6oof b1k Immé rque t~Jiztemir Mrtmiitof FALL ANDil il, Jus!t re<,elved iie à mte'B 1 tf- %m ti;f CylIa Plaids,-Lion CIothVsre, Cotw-mirgy. Egixx ns! Siks,S'ilk VeIvols,.Pl usbes, RibbPon& Iw5 . E1ew ac' ASPLENDID ASS Long ai iq 4 AUofwhieh vilii Ie soli cheop, as D, C ileiermine4 iid quick is-tiarrs witi b. _hi» mot ta, sta! issisce cu!$;etMuiiW expectatteP bf < i Sýtock of ClotsCashueres, SatineWr, CanadaC- Sui e w6ivd41i arge iuipply of ý) $4 e f Colts" .dei<rxuinasi no! Io baundescoli by any setter hanse in thisi aise a large Assortnettof Yitru .1k PlusbCIQ4C'aj3 1the IXC. ep always on lsnnd a good AmSrtmi1tof Mon y anlt <il and &te D, Vrawlford's stock, she isiatie ,i. lr ier ewn udrasitage te do-i0. WVhiiby 0ctober-27, 1832. -I I ~ .17 a Waçgost, 's j' At - 4, lA - nid ensi lspcrior s tobe GUI one aqharne each -j ý -mm iney te i lvle ànd widt dtil

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