Ontario Reporter, 25 Dec 1852, p. 3

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â4 hsOae., a P1UNTER.Alli*o lac to ~te Pritig businm. Whitby, 1ti Dec. 1852L J4'NES UOWE, Enci., Sfîn .-We thse t.ndersigued, rate payors anId blectors of the Village of Whitt&, abd <MUi iyOur puactisal attendancedurn b pagtycar, attise lneto o r Town: Cmi- -cil, aBd hlugbly approving Cf the impartial and efficietf manier La wbich, duidng a, try- in& and exciting season, you. have -perform- cdfîthe duties(c(,y our odice -both- in Town aud cuîty Coquils, without regard Cc sectional lnterest or perseontl feelings,. Re- spectfully requet ycts will allow yourself te b. put in ,Nuation'as a Cadidate at tihe cotaing January Election; and in uthé ievent of your cmpinêwîth -onr Itequis ition, cordially Troiheounr boat exertions ant inl- fluece no u eéÏriiug your rettsrn, confident, fi-ou your Weil kncwn businerms habits, ycur tksorouaghs kîîwlodge cf tse wants and <isli- * es nlf the 'cwîshlip, anti vour energy anti i sâiduity in aailsuat relate% te ilSý inicrests, that you ~vll diicîarge the dutie% el Côun- ctilor wiiis credit ta youraclf, and with înmuch bencfit ta o rconstituents. V care, Sir, Y our obît servantx. Wm. (,'doîî,".Yowlph Pierson. Zeplianiali Jomn Cor'uet, Jo0suWVeIahy John Waîtscn aid . iL. Lawtier. REPLY. in sektiowled»(ing Ilite receipt cf yesîr B..qu<sîlioss ci-tise I 1t.h itst, I baeg te a sure you ci *my be.rtfeit thanks forlise kindue-as yeti bave tigereiur diipiayeti, and for tisee cnderatien yeti have sisoviruto- wamds mie, in -graultig yeur aîtprovîil of 11y coîduct. as couniller and Town lee;'e, durin- the exciting»aud dil'cult seasen now Presenteàti wîlï ucisa n uuîncously an-i respectably, i,nted atdreis%, and Ionoreti hy an approuvai tonucit exceedisng suy epecta- tiens;," ati promise e 0 ucs* Cordijal support1 Icannet lseýitabe qus acedip'sg to yoîîr re- 9usuad shoulsd I1lie retut4ited ai. tise ext E1ectson,; ai a Cotnîllor for tliis Township. 1pludge illywlf te -use every.Cexirtii th ie firtuerncne ofîiti inierestt. and inl proinotsg iba prossptrrty. 1 r ctîisn your ob't Serrat. JAMES BOWE. 'ru William Gordon, .Ioseph P>irson,'Ze plîaniah J3lair, .lulii Ctel, John %Weîsh, john Watwiti andi 1t. IL. Lawvder, Esquire's *,sd glt-'e otiser 'Elecetors of Wlaitlsy ,Village and vscinty. 31t J R.xl L[OTTERV. TO 13E DRaN .SAT Th-e TOwvn 1jail V MARIPOSA, on XVOIS tthe 23rd of rcqserly amouuting toe. ) w ill be.drawn ila tise atkore Letteryt ail ar wîct will bc guar- ,antWee qutl te dtcitienin iithe anuexed List of ri zes! A TAVI3ELg1STAN» DO C 16 baîf Acre buîklîtg Lots,£6.O I <ariage rigg4 fohr 1 oi 2 Nursets, 15 Large pîcîniun Butberield allsxIsg Miii 6 - 5 ilesteal, , 4 10 4'tbl(fdé g. Chairts,2 1o 1 U CIpheIl, 2 10 2<Tabkgt 1 20 6 Kegai, 0I1l 1 stands 2810 ,3j0oîrseî rte, - 2 O 338 pitjZE$ - OTAL, £4i75 TheaboYO List, amouxting <o M 8 rizes, ii W. drawll Of' a âslîsbe Plan; ihere heing U< nuomùeied ticketi put into a wlieel No. 1, cotres- pôndiLt CD the ntuasber of Ticket.* sold ; and 1900' :lsîîp. lt. a al-mîar wbeel Nu. 2, 338 uof which beiug marktd wîIb te tanes ni tue .evrprrzeâ havIng DonunIhers on istetn. ou ibat acit number bas au equal chance, as a perso chosen -on the svlu yu attend euch witeel, first dîawiu; frocu wetl No 1 a numbered.Tîckt!t, ihien froini h Yu' 2 will be dt'awn a sllip wlsieh will tell the taje Of each numt.ei, wlsetbet a llank or a Prize. and Lbth Cbwiii be checked and nx.'iîaged by rés- .. Iloe n hoO0ifri <buse 1,.esut holding er4eCat t hYiC Olcid<ii{iig. T% ri'rbt lPrize on tlie it.,tODuSWSt cf An ACILE of LAND- at the ToWà Hall. IWARIPOSA, ou wblcb 's ereeted a FRA,&Ed MO8,. 2 by,1U Let, notrcecslpie'l as a Taverti with a Erokeille Ait r 'VibbCooking Stve, a Lirge Sar-rooesn Bx Stove 4 leed long, andi s 511. tii; Roonm Stove. Also 35 rods of Land on the opostesie et' the sireet Ou which is, rrecied a rIyin; îsu nnd Shpd, 451>y 52. 'rtire in an .e4t1e1 ~;îcd Vhet sud pufap on.e ýccof Uval'~ t.tc v4.l cd hiCh cuml.riseU One Tisfe. wil L l OU ickets, at i D41hut VRAWING TO COMMENCE AT lIN 4MO All'a57'Oft the.aca@t'OPlazu n *sa ienn0c application THo A AKS Ma~saa,8tis oc t-1852. 36-tf. S e. No.* 51Commeri"l itiock i Présh Arrivais'of ýWïier'Goods, whe FIT FOR THE SL-A$ON, CONSITING 1iN PART 0F CLOTIIS, Canadias C loi is, S.'atînnettes, Fruils, Spices of ail kindo, Pot, Barley, Wush- RIed sud IVîse anncls, Si ripedl Sîirtin; ail ing Soda,.Gjeîi feld SIt teh. Tobatc. rôm 10d. prices aud quaiîlies. * 'inegar, trale Seul Oit, 1Wltinig, Bath Prhek; Cobourgte NMuulin de Lanes, Stove, Sboe and Scrulit; Itruiibes Lufster jirinl3st'rm i piarls, Shaw..' celtebrated Axes. Buck-saws GalaPlaids from 9d. Wullen Shawla ftom 4s Od. .ooking Glasses, Winelow Glfss,Pssty. White Ilieachei Shirting, lirel do. Juoru 21-,2<. Lead. A largeisasortment ofi Fur, Sill. Plurh aud Cod Fiais an4-lHerring,' Patent Fait snd Corn eloth'Caps huom lu 3d. Itabies bilk ajid Feit Hais, Broues&C. Pur ba's Vitorities C'uir», sud auntlts, COIEY~vre u xesv Buickskin Mitts, R C E Yi nreadExtsve Bonno-. libbon al ilkfrom T id, _ contîsining many new paterus. Artiicial Flowers, <Jires :iniias;s, C (M S ositgofPru SmiliWnrcs. &c., Wollen Polkas, ail-sîzes.-tud F AN.î(00Scîsîtu0o e qîlalicis, * D îs ' SiJe Combs«, Bronches, Contes- L1,%tton Batting.JlcmpBfaxintr 1wîllrd sud plain. hia ansd <t.ýd RifIt:s Spectarles, Cotton Sheetint, Hrse Blanket.q, &c. I'trse Ta'iînings, ý'iulins from 3 1-2. A large Stock ,fready made ciothirit. Clocka, Sîcigit Behh,-Oil Cloto, Table Covers. IN GI~CERIESwilI be féund a large &. Stock of choice Tetas, Coffrec, Loaf citiohed aid Pcrforatcd Carde sud Beylihu WooI. Muscavudo Sugar.I IÙi Stock havingbce.n purclhased.ninder favorable circum,4tanceq the Subseriber la en- abled totell itaIPriées wîsicîs cannot failt ta rove aatisfaclory t iepîcasr W. L. MALONE. kv, nies CON-SITMI>TION!!I! AUSTRAUR LUNE 0F A 1 PACKET AND -<ry îiil itw a. atnî.,lsae <rom- - CLPPER SHIPS1 tees nid rucreev s s nsidiottsly, ltiaI ef tison a sJiden expns<jurta» or cha4içetrorn bhe4t té cold. ptodtiaeis an i4a;aiun aidini a <e-w dtys or weeks, il ass.di.fie or sIte di-duf haut Y Conue lien. For ailtnouled wîlh cntsah or lurtg ci'- plaint, we woutd telet lt te ads'crtisemerît oi tIlie oîs5sîe oft hiq p', per oftl nisns 1h.riÎtal Extract of - Cherry ant i"nc wort," whîihas 4d ta be a certain cure for this a W(uî disease. Cauion.-Ait noflte alove aame rticlu.'es are mld onlg ly Cwtutïkrk & lrother' 9John etu,, New York, to w' horn ail ordets must he direr ed. w lits uî 1V THE12c~:D RAND; TRUNK TELEGRAPH ,COMPANY tIAS oîîened an ofire inî the VXillage of sitby un.ilo-r he direction-ot the Sn!*etiber. at s offire nexi dont Io lthe lhust Olfitre. A superi- -9jpaintor a.tlays ini atteildaiice. B. FRAY BALI.., IIurrWfrr ut Law,. NOTICE* EuV~Kl Notice ttiat any pc'nxon or persens ~'Who may, have aiîy Acinunts a;ziiiuiat Sljle 'er,à1retîsttcd t themrnir; liv tîetrt ivuFelruay e xi, aà ijetida 11àClo- iug ula bu businltpai[ce Alîseut lîy ihtIday. Andl also tlke $Noire tisa',ail Nomles utBaud, anda Book Accotsli 'a iili be orteilt rl th ie fillt lsay of Febiuary itei,- anda aler tItat date it wilt net. h.1 lkek. thaI S TLisuer will have sîîy .more tii do %vith ltiitri asit Airienda lea%;inq Caniada se ii t ul.rtht-se t'dt'umnsaresa hose Whio aie ti. iewed'io hiru had better do as uley agîce, as l..iiiy is eut tsf ibequestion îaîder present circum- sîiee' ST E P Il E ASN E IL Prince Mjbent Reach, De.. i10. 1852., 316-f ~ing B3usiness. Apj.ly t the Sùb cri- bier iminediately. N. W.BROWN. Wbyitby Dec. 1S8 1852. 37-tf. Shoemaking. TUIlE Subscribcr. lbegi fa acqîîaint the . People oflVbitl.y atid riei-tthbmrhood, that hé, haî commenced the u4ove busineiss i. <ie liespi- ses on Brock-si. onposfiie Btyati'a lt. Front bis thorongh experietnce he t6 sure of giving satis- facton, sud Iroti hâ puleclual atîlition, kte trn.ts he wîil iceive custetm. leOSEPH NIWBUIIY. Whitby, Dec, 181< 1852. 6t. Pl S-Repa îriog ni-atly exevuled and done icUh Promptnms LOXTTEIY. Te be'Drawn at the TLOWN H4LL O' Februaàry the 1li1 3 Property aonSgt 80PO UND-,8i, C'Y! AIl of wyhirh wili lise guaranteeti qua. bu description sînnexeti, LIST OPFPRIZE S!!. ist Peize, A FARMeIf 100 Acres!. East Hall, Lot No. 16, lotis Cen, NIA- RI-OSA, 61 Acres cleareti, and inl a good1 state et cultivatiors, wîth a geot Fraine iliuse, a gnodWel andi a large nuuÉber of Fruit Trees on tish nies.al eof wfsicis will hc luclutiedinl one GRAND PR:z E! T'fhasiiu ahine 'aitit separater £40 'o Plessturo leigb, ne%,,10 Mîrkliam sPlougis, - O Scotch Ploilgh,30. Fanuîius'hl, 510 gchSlei, (raoi shees,) * -4-0 Set single Hamneau, braa mottnted, 5 o Ho14rs., leur ypsrs eld, 201 0< Buggy tsesly uew, 1GI Btinstaui, few, * = iborglasu dooto, 31 Beseahigla Pesta, *1I10 fû lty invited lu lte folos<'au; Lester, Irocrî DA NI- EL itt)S, Eicq., nof Quobec, as an assurance that the New Lune os P.acketa andl Clippers rmiKew York in usatalia, aclvertiaed by Mr.usas. CROCKEII & B'AII EN, of 28 BtoAO)war N. Y-, are equtal lu bhe statensersts made l'ythei lJaî.s anîd Cîctlarm. Nevv Yack, 19 Nov. M25. I)rAitS Sm -Ha'izsg visitcdse,%eral Shîi c. teport nof Ncu-Yotk. lotind tu ' Aîsslralia," aswetl as a [Oew nîheis, which have »ahled for 1liti quarier. 1 have inu esiati >nrit"state nons ut' taîse fine -1Crarced-up<' sbipsa tttracted m y au- l.'ntion more tbaislte noble shsp --ALI11T." ah s thse finr'st spcyîimen ut N..vtl Arcritecture tIsat 1 bave seen h in 1, ort ;--lI do 1.01 meaus y.ur farte Clhp-per Ships whit.h are %nore calculated for f. 1huaut îar, atiyti4tiz ~e!se. 'j*ilm'.. ALER1T" is a 'a mttuibetween thit CLIPI'lbQ' and 'ý l'A (KET'I"<adis withoui arty Pxc'pl)iort, te lavaifasteredu4tisiteslsad fur- ii-bed resaite1 Ihave cver spen. rhelt!ngth 9fhier ponp (Jerk and valahu. analte iseigit Ï lcl<ee.1- decks, %wVh hber '.eneral fiîir.;-uult, are ver>' lu- pet houail ut themnsca iprosred plans forcoîfoi anal veptilatiott. The *AE T"î,n my eaitiation a muaI guipeTinr vessa'1 lot tbe eonveyance ot'Passengers «a thse Gold-11ihn% oail" Atisîîlia," snd 1 wousid recnmOierd arîy ofour Canitul.sliend,4 i examine this veI e liore they 5-rgage passage elsewhere. Y4rira v'eny truly. DAXI EL ROISS,of Queb,-c, C- E. For Tassagre, address CItOCKER & ~VARRLN.28 I3roadway, N. Y., or l101 IN MACDONALD, (lu Canada,) or at 167 Broadway, Newv-York or FL- J. (YUMMJGr, Agent 'Nertiscrn Railroati Ce. 167 Broadway. ' 33-1-m LOTTERV!!!t Te lie Drewu at P. JEW'ETT'S, ini PORtT ?ERRY, un FRJDAY, 2181' JANO &3 'The property helongs te Robert Alîman, J. w P. M 1&Co. and amsusts to £641.15. hti,1 pti< up nt tite lo%çes dat figeure,and the whoie or n/ part of' It may l)ýinispected by calling on te DRAWING TO COMMENCE AT ONE P.Ma 'LIST 0F PRIZES! Four prize £12 10 ecdi 5 'raâltusig machse, 6 0 Ilise, 25 o 17 0 16 O 'a,12 10 Waggon, -15 0 44 . 12 0 44 12 0 1210Q Buggy,200a 3prizes ut une sot barnesa earbf 9 10 a Prles of thfflSldles, 6O(0 Ridel- Io waleb,' 4 10, Sleigbr 2 10 Gun, - 1 10, 400 uthet prizes urfb50 O 1 Maie, ire years nid, 20 1 Mare, ehgtt yèars uilé, 16 6: 1 Cuit, twu years pasu; 13 15, A htree yemn old Colt, 16 1 Double Wagwon, 11 A broud Mire (lame) six yeas olti, 8e A Buggy - 7 10 1 Mare, seven years old, 20 '0 Oue sigle Wagon, 3 15 Oas. uingie set uf Haraes.., 2 5 3 sets Doublie arnea'sin tIre. prîtes, 18 o 3 Srd.ies, in ttre. prizas, - 9 0 3 Bridies, in tbree prine 2 ô 1-Tisrashiitic Msceuei wag ,ou, 9 0 1 Double tVag,&ous, 1 2579 Zckcta, 453 Frize8s, Tihe abeve Lettery will be, drawa on a s*iple an4 fait -plau. - Ni'ANAGERS te bcheIis - y ~tisL d.çWs at tise -iane of uIa Jrossa siýi, d6iiamesîlea paties. LMW PRICE OPTCXFT IY,1l1tLLÏiik#, Portpwr %ý e lit lu. N~I~ T~JWEL ira !Noo 1 co meri aal.,*uilding's,, 1, J)ROCK STREET. WILLIAM BOONE CLARK, & Ce., take Ibis metlîpti of informing tise cou. munsty of Whitby and surroundîng ceuiltrY that ttaeY iave.î6peîed a select STOCK 0F OLOTI4INC9 .AND. DRY GODIS, cnsisting cf Boots- sud Siioea; WOmen ,Cloth snd Pmisefla Fowked Boots, together with evi.ry arile forthe. cuîufotf tb< bbdy mnade u pin tieseat fashiorsal styles. W. Rý C.:& Ce., weuld invite lfamiles te cane andi try their,.Sýtock of Ti - , Colice, ChoolteSunr,&c .Als-Facyplipes Cigt5 'I5he b.box or tti;FrCaps. Cilecks,Toilet and Frarne Looking Glasses, &c. A: TObontO PfictiilJetC&Ah or Pmndaîce. biov. 4,105tf DisoiutiOfl Of PaI-tncruslilip N OTICE ti; terebygvnflthotthe frm Brewery' is titis dgy dissnlved l'y muluil cousent, and ail debî., due te saidrini inmuIt be paid te T. SHERLIDAN iiumediately -. - - - --IL Wbhiîhy, Sept. 23, il& Attorney at- Law, convcyaner te., 1111ITOY VILLAGE. ;1>1 ice i he room inrmerly uccupied as a Law .JD. ÎOS1TRF La .JIlai. The busintjs heretofore camfed on by tb. above Firm in the whthy Brewery yl bc ber«ele carrieod n by T. SEERIDAN. VERY IMPORTANT*.; RELIEF I "NIIN'UTES, CURE IN A F EN1)A YS, IN -5U ItF.D 1W 'l'îE CB.EAT FOR- EIGN ItIEMEIJY. DR. LOCOCK'S. 1PIIE ûým; For te Cure of Cotigitý al ds, Aithas, Bron- chilis, Pulmonaîy C'oriumption. and aIl Affec- tiorsthe ttBrtst and Llngg.' ,Nanufacttaîced Ily J ANIE SJ 0HNS;TUDN, Rech- ester. N. Y., sole popîion fonrte United States and Buttîsit NoitAmerica. l'ItLISELOCOCK'S Tlilt:BUiI'iti WAqF ÉR S.. A ccrtain cure for .Menaiîim Suppressin.ot' Sup. pnessed Menses ;Heon hlaýggis Ditflleiis, Or Painful Mensîttion- 'menarrhoea, an Partîal Obstlairtiors of Meusea; Ubiorois, or Green Sickt- ies ; elicirltoea, Fli'r A lbus, Ilçbites, and ait Female tkcs-. THE :GRÉAtT 'rCtTABLr *MAGIC PAIN DESTROYER1, Monufactured ity JAMES JOHINSTON,Reoches- ber, N. Y. Sole Propiiîetor. ,For ite cure of Ague in the Face and.._Beast. Abrasions ôf the Skin, Blitens of cveny kînd, Buinî, lBroken Breaits, Cilblains, Curis, Erytsîpelas, Feleni, Feyer Sures, Sore Eyes, Sait Rheum. Scurqy.. Ulces,, Piles, &C. ]PILES, ]PIES, -PILE z, DR. UPRIX'S VEGETABLE ELEUTUARY, On lnterîal Remedy for the Piles; prepared by A UP HA M, M. D.. 196 Bowery, New York, atee- ularly edttated Physicion,:mwho devotes bis atlen- iqu almnostenthrely lu ibisdisease. Dr. Uphsm's Eict.uary in a cerisin cure, wbeîher llîcedimàr on BlindI Pie,[tenao tensmnasiue- en diseases whlch arxet'req'sealy focnilijî con- jonction with Piles. TO IIJRRIE D LIDIES. Ladies, aud tlit: t,,ast useftul Catharthc ltaI eau possibîy be sised<has il iolinul u»ly veroo;e t ilsand ail inflamnmatury Disea.tes, witheot Pinsl oir rilalion, bul whll enïure is eay timne,a "sd d.lilîcy, and a sound constitualio in the uMpninjK Jew David Izqs rleturlcd. aM ATX re utal iin the edadready the hrtest noticel1aViu;added more marhine- ry, and their estahliçhment having gone thr o'i b ,a tborun;-h ropair, ýthey solicit a ihare of public Tliry will exehenge Clotk for; WooI on011 sonoble termi.% Manifczcziring List cf Pricos. Saitinetn, %arp included, 1 10 1-2 Flannel, do. -do. I 0 *Tweed, de, d). 1 3 Blankets,, 1 -Full Cloth, 2 0 Wool Cuîding, per pour.d, 0 2 1-2 Splnuing, (10u. O07 1-2 Other work dune in proportioni. Oshawa Wol Cardinq aud Cloth Dressia will, he carried on by the ubove Fi. J. t, BOWERMAN & c hiyMy12, 18,32, -f PROVINCIAL MMTAL-A.4. ON(1HMAL IMERANCE COMPANIY. 4 ronto.. CANITAL..-£10,000. DIP.ECTORS. . .CLÂISK, Preçidrul. J. S.:HcwsAo, Vice Presidtenl, W. 1. PXxaaî. J. LuiiRoatix. i1. G. woai7s, J-C. Mo1axisoje. %Y. ATiclx$ss Wu. GOO»DsMU.,U home office, Church Street, Toronto, and at ita several'Agencies. The NIutuat Departnient dues net exceed £b0S on any unt risik., and beinir coflned lu detached bujildin9r, il is thetehy rendered the muet sait-and deuirablo o ares The Prop.-itatryDePaStmtUiirlude General Risks in Fire. Lite, Mariner Iuland àud Octan; daud its openithmons hein; aise ecuflned witbfn pru- dent imit, tueattetionoftbe iPublié .eo4 cletly r-illed thereto. ByOrdier, £.DWARD G. O'BRIENI Tono.Oct.. 14 1831 The uude-roigned bavinz been appointed Agent Pf the above eompany, will cive personiJ at1en- toten te partes desirotis of ellerling Insuinep. JAMES WALLACE. Whitliy, Pcb. 14, 1821. 44' NOTICE OF. CO-PARTNRS$IP,. r.UUEbusiness--heretofor elâlied one t" BowtANVlLLJ" P0TTPRY, byý J.41.5T. .sIBYwill hericeforthlibe carajiep bythe irt1of ]O&UMY & B8OWN. J1AMES T. BA1LEY, WILLIAM BROWN. The Subcribrs in returninc; thanks tle the public for pôst lavore, *ou Idta kt th is -ppcrsq tuiyt nei hn h aVinc inceàôuédtheir busnes, ud mpoye anumber of compefeui wnrmen thv iten temanuraetur tise Fait ONT-ý THIE Subscrfiers would call the attentioni of ifet ME W ANVD SPLEXDKDà Fancg 4* Stapleas, W'nter wbjch thry feel confident willbp found well wortby of attention style and widtb, Gey Cottons, Striped Situg sliiS mc ""an plain sad figured, a large aesortsnent of8arf and WeoleD ties, Oingbamg, Rleached Cottans, Recett2s Satinetts, Full Cloîlb Tbey wounll aho cati especial attention ta tbeit stlendid ASSOUT MENT 4 lu evcrY shape. Cloaks, Bonnetwc &C. &C. Thcy aleo continue to krep on band, their unuiu..lly large and READ'liMi!L is, Caps, GJotws, J-C., 4. C. ontiring rvery reg ,A large assortment of î1ieir w<ll known B,»OOTS 'AND Mens and womn.s Indian R uiibcrs, &c. constantly h-eept on ha] bein t manula ctureil by theniselv#eoi, lbey ledl satiulicd mil; conl of which they offlet :o Ibe public at sucb prices as %vill de(y cour THOINPS< Ontario Ilouse, Late Red 8S Wbitby, Nov. 18tI,, 1852. 18-52 IFALL- ID* CRAWl IEGS te cail tise attention cf lais numerous elistoi .-' xteniveAssortuscut cf FAL I Ai1WINflT Juat reeetred direct frem lte Britisht and Amnerien Mfankets gala Plaid#, Lion Clotit, Cassimneres, Cohauirgir, Emnbossed 1> noîS.51,SiJk Velivela, Pîsishes, Ribhous, Ficwers, Laces, Ht. A SPLENI)ID ASSOW]l Long aridSquarc SI Alef wbtch wîli be suid ceep, as D, C iit debermuascd ta adI quick acurns 'a ll be bis motto, 10 that those cutSorn'ie GREA T- BIR4 Berges, utnîped Stîrting, Fact.ury Cotton, Cotton and k Just recelyti a large supply cf ai1 kincis cOf Coats,' deteniuused net lo be uudersold by any othier bouse in the aisesa lange Aisculment ol Fuir, ailk Plushs, Clotis Caps eftht D. C. keeps always on hand a poilAssortmena Moineyand cal[ sud see D, Grawlend's stock, as b. is sali find ît le their aow p advatimage :Ioda su. Wilby Ortber 27, 1 852. .E-W AR R GJEORGE .Wý rplESuseriberbegste anneunce that be bas r '-ESTAPLE and ÉFÀNCY DRY GOODS, cnsittiu; inup Woolen Shawls, Galapliits, Ermise, Cheueys,,Càbotà#s u ut unasil wares is cary cotuplurte, andi will b. e ondtz ate îattention te bis Stoék ci clollis whicb us tbe largesila îbis Cheaper ibian, he' Heavy1 HMS Ia large mui tlewly apot a - earetmtsy gratified Io leaun tisait Ibis' eohs4 aid the c l'rsbed petto na e lias Avin appeaied in ourarmîdst, theuselir sud suppiied'bis agent i in every' tawn whith a àaifaci< tresit supply ut hi, faicus Hebreut Plaster, that' eiders;,s hasbieen smucitsougst after. Noue, uow,need attentiona suifetr-any lon-,er siti Ilain -or Weakuess, who pèb tic p. wbu wiil olatxin a bao t ils excellent plaster, udaply a portion of its contente otbe puastdis- Bew 7: a ia pain s.scarcely ever "k a o e xss wlscre Ibistaster is known. Wauted InlInediately 1' Lifteen Thsousasd Cases of Riteuni Wmtjitss. Back s, Weak i1esLamsseor Siii' joutj pf , 1 l~ ie in CotupJalns, Cwrào,$Welsspç, Tumuo*a, à1ksï aw iià &C., sit-of wbieh We rouie mmediste érli by applyina; toJ iw DAviI>for a Helirew ter. : wib case,. 7 - W.L ALONE, VLT OUD cpetuliy in,iiate te t iteIhbants cf Wbitby, and vecusity tisaeI .ba V cmmecet Buinss-u M. SAWS NEW STORE Brock Street ýWistby, Ire ho bau for sale a careflly Selected Siockuf DRT GOODS 1 1: L Te- 1 et 1

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