Ontario Reporter, 8 Jan 1853, p. 1

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p P Urý, -Wit)ICVIL STUUI)AY IMORtNING. a aiamaisa>"d1 ~WHIBYCANADýA ~, miy >' lëd4a.yW &d affetiog Lb. Front e, toa aps ntare ScUt. - te oyez X@m L.imal STOsa, corner of Ks<a (>hawsa, N.lit,11.80. NOTAR4Y J'LBLICq,ý c4mlal&erofthtur or qucews Ieehf eýppcyanc 1er, Draughtsmmn, MsUER O F MARUUAUE LClEN8ES Aà'.D Olge ner ýthe Cort flouse, Village of mA ww0nTas14 Town!liip*ot tieACi, C. W.ý 24tf L~ C., THOMAS, CÏN VEYA.NC R -AND Cm4aoner of Queen's Bench For takta% Afidatits. LAW OFVZOD.w Atrnar and Oosmn.tovm-aMW SOLCTUOI4?JCHANCEKyi koc. &c. &C. c A A DA W r8T , -tOice up stuiri over thSe C.q<aered Store BROKESTWH ,WTBY. IN8UftANCE OFFICE. sndit thaeu ~pared ta ta4 ,riakuat lb. oerimary- tares, in tISe M ufru4,sI..f-xi KirtAir& MAKÉN i, brambes ofialti Cu<nipanry. WORKNIAN ROTrlýIE1 & Co -30.36, Xkiag âtrdi'?oronto, '. ..1SCIIOFIELI3 &Co.o tMPÙRTERS OF ARTStEND ZA'Âo'tUaIN ~U1~îft I~TIAS 1'Iýi. WO, ICE, PIPER 8MtINGS, ici. kt. MAN$UFACTUREF SOV 5LE, tPPER. ANI) URIUiï.8 LATIER, &c. Ca* pidfor Uidef sand Skins9, Wkeat, 0ais ots7and earl 4:/ts. ladances on consIguIlhlts of iti l Su*rbr im preparitti té nake l JV IN (CASH oIPOT A»I RO E 1FRT H. LAW»ER, y y *#IIT VWLGE. Àlod«kin,$,s inoprop 1 ctet F aloP B»zt .4 li ci d -A VIOL# 3o ' rni p4 ci*arin; t. iith m o uandi barn, youtîg Orchard, a nefY(iig5rn bOSS or I hA A IR llE,, upon REALo<r Alis* 10.arst4w wst haJfolNo. 7,121bcon, PÈR.SONAL PROPËýRTY aoaf O&uJi U o f the jaÇiu 4Townshitp aofJ1EAÇH, Mtaces m- favoratble tertngse 8 theT t'Opolli bie Cqon es. pIro vc,à enansA*irea of waer croosiuaiti The f!oowing genlemen0 compote the Bordof loIt, Dinctr, honaiutwiarc a stufficpn t!bnlPtftj i. ~i'<7 S& con.x tISaI the buinttesstsocios a tE U1517BRQ .uArog. iproved, with Dwli wtt 1 lie eoudlced on the mobt henori»l< Ptitfl iHoiia &Wbarn naiuipremiées..TIsere iw a <sI mieC. <.iisar, Rgi ,illert of x t'p~l a at#lr.iib4an%#i in l*U h Thomtas flwonih, M. Il. lMayg, m ialo Wen oibIýhOï d, awilhIs jq_ il"-$ç Gporgê Mhchie, Wm. îlgeudraon, I a.msil'WCParysg k nui, dwb JamM eai, ice Lewisad brelîsre yacr y io 4 iai fSign Jae oBa~0hnoiwtutl, 1zqtffits. 15Âip, es on h 4d )n lt-l iùr Tisoaasi Uaçtoi, - -------Vice..pfesidnt.t, Mup, malt hO"i i t5i *ltit a Robi. Stutoi, £64.,------ée. a d'frn#.VILLAQFg.* RO itn.bTQMjý1 W ilTS?4' The uneto ai the abai* tinisto ptartiet SP~1I# . 8.iale. onienfmext b bries Iiomi 1 vasa! orWellid the Prendi royul Sgo. cero!a Touttl ciaujt Ativer ýItaly, M. 1 *pafl-a lmec S-C. mie Pa IlIftoIl bas beeu speaking cf the LAND FOR SÂIK- A BYLAW. Hundcd cre ofLan, bingTo impose i0 Fpeèiaj raoe -onI ther om oai oi <th boit, et lot NO. 30. i RateabIe propemtY/o01 < own e4th Cat ai Whthy, lit ffrew loi sale b>' te si o8ideig,'dic ,âg tl>criber o, nao -nublît.*The tend 1 à10a cr- N aelahie al'ntiin, twilig WiTiIJO reir miles of an unpa:a ocuce ofj£10 . uo li onyTown andliia toilutif ia flouriîn% c pr t f£300 currencyj-Io Wllt. isWei'l watted anl Vilyfilve AcesIin nypat ci. There Ië; a good Fr<mo Born and ogxl b, e paid 10 JQfn vSHrngî, ESQ., 8 fl; ouae oi tlbui prentîis and also a ynun4 O0 ~aLi, brd. For teris appt>' (if by letter Pouensu ureyo, ortues P- , » Lb. propiastor on the premauta. ey 4'c., of the Tolrmhîsp Unes W. 1BAKER or to FERRY à DORNAN, 1Rbiti. and Conaesion Uneç inm the said ai, Wihy, July 31, 1852. Touwhipo, Pa Pd W f' tLEÂS the Mut;nCfPaL COUNcIL 84, 0 EVEýR 1 otthe Townshipof Pikrini bave .npged iN OW OR N EtousSuitv.y. uendPonialSre-M R. E. PERRY cto bit und Sthai i. of erfhpOf , Sud .1 b.an etualfln .. otre uown- the CfIK<tIASED ',ýORa:very'day uni Saturday TOwnahýcip, (.the parpiia of .sîabliahungthe! ZRib insaaît, ani b.begs ib aotify a&8perrbaie li .e a a eneitimanme, confumbyI n lbted to fln, #bat &ali urIS delis iitfttie<lIfrtihe provuuaans ot te ftatute 12 Vie., cap. 25, Tn [bat date will b. left with-the Clerk of the Court and otiier euactte 5in uelà cmse mad and pro- i etvteta>yds to. uh aitniçoviâed, te uuid %work ta Ii.clone for alid ln do ev l. làuefor a-fit", lie wiahe.o sttlê,his oajJ.mion of th iiai t t4m, ofwbicb business beforc Iin .soat h id 1 lets ii Whiiby, Auçuat 12. 1852. 18-n eprn cy ~a tb e viand ct £100csreilcyi FOR SALJE '#0v OLEASE. nd waereas, n accordance with 'te rorii? on . Ite t nakoisi on forltheCduelp.l en (RwouW dbe Ficlrnngel for a Form, a rqui.iial epoiinlrieie~ms ofitadbalance st lte tisa. when the sSud very deirable Mercbnnt btore 37 by 30, *ItK debi la inetiimd. a good Siltin ,Roon, Iilciten ad two B.d. Ami -wb.reasthe wholehu*.table roDety 01 -coma ; a gool., Cellar 20 by 30, Store Hoùse ahdi the Towr.8hîp o1IPickleringfor they"r1 M2 wa he lot of grounti. The Propber it'Us aconter LeFour kinttreti'andi Twet-eoseuiad One andi wett situÃŽted for busitnesin thSe ville': l 'l nr ïnt wiyI kuflds. columbus. IPosesion tan b. 'jiven on h And wbrea;i t wilreqiire t.#p~ei ate ai or Mday nexr. 'I4ihoaoayîîbFi.p 9oooc ALSO-An adjoiiîing Farm for Sale.'. ta, provicle finitIe, payuient'ai the suid tebt of N. B,-MONEY to Loa. Joint Nota or '£100, tnagothei wjIih !0orptc cnt .t ou eUt Morthagea bought. Termise my. éanse of collection M d efaléolion. -,F- L TIT0MAS CLAJXK. - hSe tiierefore oimict.'y tIe MiticipsiCoufl- Columbsus, N*V. 13, 1852. 31 -tf -cil of the,wtO*bip Of, Picketù, 'al the. sais _____________________________ peci»1lrate of 1-71bt ' a penri n te 1'nnd ha leviet ialflaandi rolletimon &Itl te ràtriable AINES11 -+ERI, ropimy in thed Towxahjilof.IickeuO;ac ver and avo ail othler rates and a,,siifeilis in the Druggisf, Ff'hil1' 1 And ha it fürther enacteil by te au~toiy ha jus received a fehspl f aférea'id l isaIta0 0n1 as te said %ii sof 100, or JUDJ~'~rdiEKr ~B LNGIVRT h lb prececlaof-the sit rate shah l b in dite colii'l MOTJ!ERS RE~LIEF. herel'y asîthorste& a--, - i' ni 49pay for-bwitb- Alg, *l te oherGetieine amaock M<dî a tISe sa idiJohn $Sier or l 1rtpregeIiitvr on hi. 'or their tleond tîherefor, the *aaid o 1M et, A l,,lt, 0eOnih r2195. 28-1 f £100bautk MitIIin ment of thSe blaance t tit Wmiuid L.and to Lceasc. u o i l frst -lfn'AFEW TilfTANP E Tt ?ei.i'tt.f h <t n g'ie. KtrMG ilitifl 1 1 bove is a true copyd a proposd !oadoi.The ilotut 011a-i' hittîda or1tîîy teoi.pair Pj'f hi.n< hec t~ hi1wte,-dta t ~ %1 tif'ofOeiOuaiît. ftne a! thea usjitîrd Cut.e aif five t'w""' Yl,6,q sittlttVIPa tiait tif;ahce Htiouaein tIeSa aid Tom-riilip, an tISâ t ens lear.af)t cacîrein, tod t'y ill 1 fi- 0i- aiY iwiex, atthe holer of Tenolclarla wtt enp. .a...in thSe (arefvMOn.ai whieh lmtineaid 1tar,ýtbt au ii i,e.withistlhe £aa JIfti ii) Memleets atihe Misticipaliiy are hereb>' tequircd fltI le, han 20 a<ea a n e;àf' 10 . tuatti~d tl- tthe pusj'oite aforeair. AIlleter, a$il~t'~ d'âîîs ,0~~î1uî,n ~ 1C011-1ATN, cp nnt n y,,,-, thSe îari>iclafirtt siih ler 01the bbnc,!Tuwén Clark.. ^^oeiaiihia %ilIbeasswrd iiîutdeay SeCd~ J/r BUH.20t pt. 1852. -3m WhityJuI, 150.' 1 \ALLABLE- FARMS FOR. SALE- 1 ht o r.VUHA.2 arsimprove.d un- w%rIT3Y M Nwt AO CY wiba,-'nxrt4abl prame Dwél nz IIo*1e and " estern" Rsuac Orpn, cAton fOaer*4e (rosit oflot No. 58, lot coný V IVGH N,'95 creus irolred with 3 welling lijI- OFF?1 C FORNTlou15se <out btildhtis, .youang ofthard in fullieu in,,, gond Wel f water&C., rîte. Fanms are sitassted as YOMGCTttltl, Capial-£100,00,17 mite* frnm Toranto, in lthe'viciiy ofIVIIC. 1f LSÂIE F 7i N 5SMONID Mik, -At. Mo, 10ts he5 ubbaOl lotNo. 4, loih rgi US CO PAS Ykavi~ leC ttllY a rea e culnathe n w CS og »tu ngttioue I 32-tfL noble t trial[U of '54, coaseq c1ýircunt prehwa fo ue ii pragresa, wbo 50 itWêtg 5. rep. th e I " a p ir t a f th e a g e " a s t h e g n fi essfi labour at the. ubrone of!ee i a t s ti a g e rn e u as t ia it a nid e n - toil 1 T r tins n c , the g re t indus- rumpb of Ã"W e l- uExhbiion pawed it. introductry Suceua nd. 4.iènt pros~?iiëHV dbsequentlyr, ta the utsnce f 11r. Pco,>M. P,* for Nor- e z rL È t è i n t g ,É 0 ,0 0 0 o w a r d 4 t he ýPaq exj)tse% *ak> 1$-suie, wlsen, but, 4 inity, ail the. pyoopter.,oaihe Western A»8Ur"8 e C, VUPeluYg 1)gt C»AÂfT£Rrî-D ET4CT OF PAL(ME;Tj twnj Capital £1Q00000;jio sbires of £10 cadi. ,o, 11O0(E OFFICE, TORON, par&q Oh WdtUington Streit oppq#t# amc0I- iol ~me4alBankt. -,it Lail President, . J. C. GIz.MOR, Esq. which Vice-President, THSOMAS IHAWORTH, Eý 1Ï. Georgre Miehie, Williat Iendersone, loyal -James Bcaty; Bio*&Levws, ", " 1fugh Miller,' .1t"' .at th Ln. P. Hayes,. JoubufoweiittEsqs. QI' the S" and ýTr,e ', oW~ T TOIÇ, Esq.* »cf Si AxGuts MorrusoxEsoq. as- -'7 ru id ans- suppoied ir, equal, erstuttir mes, Toronto. N~ov. 6.0 1S~ leur tbe.SubseriberlÏmi& ut V ÇFE EAs TOFFrCCS CODFISH'&kMERRINGS, LONG UI.CU SUA WLS, MV~4ISIAflDE LAINES, FIGTJRED LUSTRESP À. NEW% LOT OF CAILP, TERIS TOOLS, 1&c. ~VbtbylSL oNi. 152. CÀAA EN-

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