Ontario Reporter, 8 Jan 1853, p. 2

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t' _ A mare .ttvrii - adYaoceUlOt b.iog imade b> Cani a i n >o biction coull4 senreel> be maide -thau tbat ~Col wieb i seoted in the- Toronto umarket.pris Tii. show or botebers' ueat migbt ebalen 0 REil" .1I ,T P£ rnaparisoa wkb ibat or &Dy place onjc IN<oth A»m osiss tiDnt: sud ittMay Weilt.r b. doubt.d if il& equsi would b. found.'o .la*n C&" MEDI CAL HALL! F lcuat» oerrinatheotonofte Eonn- codthe âisplay uasad by thi. Iing Street, Wkitby, Lately _occupie d by R. Er PeMrjeti TtoBinto bOut"IS, 7ester4tay, 1>. eualed ini Nfw York, Pil:adlpisi,or any-other iity7 MÈPI Subscribers beg to annouafCte o the. Jhabitauts of Wbitby and sur- îuti mted Statasm ete ei ,arotnding Townshîps, ltat they have opeued the aboya Store, where uway Wb h e (h Mciig mtatou, or vel, it would b. frapoessîble tO )lticlet.8t OxttemelY Low Plicas. prodcZ ;yw ee e vetaken thé DuR>Y GrO ODSGR O (J3RIES, M exat an"- 'tpf beef and tuotton on sale byC_-a the uteei yesterday, ls in m arket-Ilardwaret v &c.& ' The. resuit is as (ollows - it 164;W oo , .A~ large and wveil asiortedi St ck )f Drugo, Me. B aggregate amiut lis. MtY MuttonQ0do. dirines, Paitt, Oil., -&CO c &c. Tu Mti. wokinda -20 1,00 Ibm. Ini the DYGWOxIs)epartment wililb. foud a varsty of upan sd VFîy 0 d *W ti flo If the amouat of beef lb. iii eîntons, ras.Colors, Gala via: CoandrC lsud Otls4a4iBrowna- c we bave the. enormeus quatit t 1uinet & 8'P 11Silng.B. ,ckFa n l.D" eds, Cia dQlt$ tmà4Wie ton8s of dres.d beef 'exposeil for 5le M is BROAU CLOTES ac ok*,TedCnda ltu aie*,Wie se niaiie b>lie . îRd !uels. Wbhite »ou yFacto'y do. makt bth lta e bu re½agOl~l Wbite.wDamaIk Table ChridpdntO e Iove a cored Daruk do., Towelinp, - F one day. The. stali ranged front 1,000 to iN li ARD W A VEWill b. alw*ys ou band a variety of uselul Artitlesuuc1bi.M ar com- 0o 9,000 lbs. of beef oacii; andtifroni 200 to mnlynîros.dbytam'!lîes; &lx)oi01lajmpecfd dffmint knd, (a f.w Vio lins Very Cb4eP.) 2000 li. eadiMoftutton.if ire talc. the 0au R ST K 0F Git0caIES wi"!befoundtoto osiat of Teas, Coffosa, Supra, population f the. City' ai 30 000o 4b&i « Spicts, Tobaçcco, & ol" racionssudotit tbusmas-ad dide Âil cf Which. tvll Warrant fresb asdud nadoitena1d. W. wootd invift a ti o< ofoui y.uann ogfmtiem ad dthe oun s-aInd staivieon Hy e& t a 2j,6d. er lb.--.&alo ouinfrelh grofsWd coflfec a lui pur lb. amn SILO he aday of haef anlb.. fo lx Chenils, p3I~G depertptent vil ble fou0d Englisb,reUCh and Auutricau Drap and hemîais Perumiey, ancy Goda, Dye 8W. Pt, i lt ,1ushew, vanuii.rof Tmmo lm in habitant, men, women and cbidren ; whicli Pstepit :eiie c e hlué'n ea beoef aand i eiuble iuto e 51us, c f 'N. B -llM1W5JP I DH l thill. of muutton for eaci inhabi- scarci eceeded tat on Wdnesday ; ofj I N T F F I J!~ *hc very larýe proportion vas sili on T N O R C 8 tha"da. 'D'oe butébers having thèbehavi- ?hYsiciaan sd Duggitg, Win be supplieiS a *est amoant on Weduesday, so1d out aintst aI tte hd u b.zn-kt that day. The Ckcap, as at anyf wloleaale kous M Ii Torn o eider luhbitants, on wYitnessing tbis di%play, are apt 10 carry te Wemor> bacc tn former FY~7S.mcitoi Idfi,4TCpScz<il'jUv tintes, vien the show orbutcheWs ineat vas OS u ateMdile falkn tvery- diminutive andthie description very in-DO L -DCK T different, and ta inthe comparisons biglily 9OE f IK Y gratifying f0 thei. ut ptide tit swells st M eaClit eTkmP lt nd e" "f the idea of Canadian prorèss., and anticti 1->aea<i it e.rai tr u eja al p2tea a future ofciinl greaier productive Dc Qd ~2 and niaserial ,irospeity.-Lc(tdcr. 7. completion of the9cgdeuiburg 1Iaîilroad the1, ST orS O E HE - P R E . priee, of'aýriculura1 pr$>u.e utts Ma.rket NO1,E.. id b Ceý ihon ---ATJDA, At 1 88 bave im-iably. rannged niuch higiter thàa nWiT3.STRAJ&>- ,15 (ha ow'tîs:ion l tîit mpor-APtdu noieiee en Willion or beÂrer. itn teV ______________________ prevo4tt h ti tion f txtluipot-shbillings snd nome 1w <W WCi I To Io% 5.r ant wvoric; aud we find that proJace nt ai- Nunt, iti 'The Oc. 1lo. ayabe lethne o most cvery kil i i -teadily ritng in price fivedays sfter diýe- Ail Pausons u. heeby for- It wiii be seec by the. followiug import-. a«Cii suconniding yuar. Formueri> Brock- bîd pitîchatit ssidSnte. ville Mas the. best market- for grain, &c., in _jASUER WILL.SON. uat prceedin8is ite Brtish Housa of the. District; -bat surb ik not Dow the case, iki~3l6, as 3-34t.Cossons,abat the. Dpoiug-stret Pa uar yl ltlprob3bly_ -«veÎ bc "lnac 'i0r ~of -orty-tuo laits bas taken "po-biusslf is nov ecarcely su artice.which lb. fa;-muer I AIND FOR 8 A [LE# the grave 'respousibility or denyiùg to the <ai~~~~~~ ~ ~ euetttb antoti u~c p-eople of Canada titi ciercise of that rightt price for in cash in Priesott. lÎêy w1itîh inu1111E Undersiged offers for Bae.,tii. Brock villé s h ny WQrtLt font $ (Q 1),.1 ssi hall of Lot No. 3. in the 6tb Colle 1wvieili the> actons the. iiit muiedi@f hit readily b ings $121 per ton lu Prescoit, and priieges, vis.: tiigtt of local -Sef go>- fourtren rdollars art oftoti.r ivcn titan 0F BR G ternment. -That rigiiL guarsnte*d inthe i twelie et tbri presêt lime.-Oats e.are, aid d 48AAc,*#of LoIi Éo. 18inthe irestC.a. .1 vorth t1%. 6d». as tie Iewest priceJvwhile l OORINA Mý eople. b> the.soleumu promiseof, 1ier Ma. Brot laillttey only bri; IL ad. Butter WY iet hronglu4bue lais Colonial S.crotary, 181014Itui iadl> t 011 byti. GIda ~ P. B.-Any penson fi.nnd Tnuspassing eîn 'bdl-a ut ta ol breredil a 11 y he fik n.teabove Landa. viii bc proseccutcd W"the t~b. in tttmost sirogi t noWlby Sir Jro&duîs9d. is.the hîibe5tt-ci,.1- Pot-k v tc be law.A.' JonPkgtsa i bsauab is wortii hall. dollar Par cuot., lui iiUXbridýe, Lot Neo. 8, 711i ý#1 Preacott tita n , B rockie, and mai> otiiur iCon.,,Dec. SOh, 195. HOI'JCof commems.' ardew as t.sa= disproportioaatevain. in i .to plau.a TTe tanuers of Lceds r.M e ze SUADc r 8 the uSIgbe ia.;cisrn e cêcin incbt. e onmu ~-THE CLERGY BRESERVES IN OuaCLuAT. nat article by Caj), kin.tty puîroniWe ber. disnine bersisyin WhbiibY. Sfr W. mokiwswrhein la ptiusg te thse psdual b nob> e as slew huprovmaaent b7Wlithy, on the f6Tt mmuw inlbuthmhy net.v bBest(q*w -t s'climat., go litiid oearauticipate saithb 4sr atTen.eok41.Ciu iSaiitsi ImTmile. tIse la. vit. lii seveecof" or viner or sipfflidcd fatin the chauaW ty)&Gosluw.at, mi leiirhô> hý Utbes ets ie ~banged for c#pmtively 'dWÂLLAjrî I ý e 1, mZ« JÀbaia1LCZ ment the emi3 eret &s?. U Pasa . Psvmos II ÂUSTRIA. , Wltby, Der. 2Sttt, IBN. qatiso1e -B'tmlast secouaIs the. uricis of urovi- btod nte1"i' u~savst etti. zreeusof~ TELEGR&P1H STOMK cto the condition-wItich heb. bd 3ut 4Wt ad irýt)jîèr 1,,-su4thatif Pck _l5¶y ~ [ru ce~oi.c.*e 11-6.iake îO0 3ýî'1ock W, 'roM' r lie mw ~:s gona ~n brn the' flot t a; Yoi4 apply tIllîe WbItby Çoî~l . ar IomU~.crttrYl s it~#coe.y .. i11. e 6in if 1hey wolild do sI. 1 White sal oudosai 13. ei i, beraute ~ig ppilI~lI arIy#sa.Im ult tii, ToIYusht4twould, n., tak,* stock lu lie lte present Cuties o! York, Ontario Freucbifian'# Bsy. and i ter the mattpr ieu- d're , ould b. prassdho tii ban dai.]d, tie stan whicb I proposedl would per- Oww,, aitern ob.swpo, md X lebars ie mile of -te road, a ltl j fnntfroià,azing thebo.T sip g1ontke_ Litait b. pruiede, ould const.> iték t te îvrbole tengti. No 0doubt Trunta 1r a foo orte; tbouethe febleColo ia "ite feelar tii. eceseity cof saying souse- t kwmei o Oft mnpoeceo tiigte toI. the 'attenti-ons f of Ibe electors I kuoviàedne .LT of i. jon snc',front -bu entîduet to tient Ait is lait eiec- svuig4teet Tiit tttibas ongsaue -tin, at the. sante tint -e . h <uid not eni-I >ne by; anid to a sitteed sud partiaiyIlditavnur te çritnî,sate any peusMn un *justly, aettrcd rural Population bssc.dd~ nbr shuille thte odium' cf îuaking bad ap- ftay »damintlligent- rnmity o .1 oien4n6 f soivn shôailders onila 1h.ii Other memb tis te Cquncilt; viici lbc rlion of p.oyib, uspjdlY deeioping thir does at the c<ontneiceinent of b i$ ad'dresc. toli resources of future grasneas, and &e., . twàtmmbat over. TA YLOR. M wgh iprbi@sia ofoÇliber. -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r Md el.govaruuet vititt ti.>brougbt Tacts ad Scrp. fîtats froin iii. pw"at land to, adora ad mke bappy til nev htIeinM o. s-Toi&o0my.-On MNonday eveing sUadjabaek voms. Bit John paking. - exte at .aeven 1 - -th..,e. ae 4M i bis ,nlcvcourue uit ibUs peopie, is Finley, vill deliver a lecture en ÂStroIIQIWJ ,mablf a eairy o-m - bndtbi age. li theFr.. Chtcia. [Ej aumutar> tmode of dictation conciC'lig - Ts iya )ïr vauls, sud uuakiag thosq conseuct on Tihe bolydmys at-e nov ôter, it ail tteir b.e religions tenets of tb mjovities ln axcitentents, amittemenUs and -laiettes, and itbar province titrougis vilci t uu arc ix- w-e are recoiked at it; alitttugii ve would pressed, uaigbt have pd uicrrent for the. sotf; wiiiout a stru.ggle, part withsO pies. ciifamr' .ilbra ofaa M*'a s t"eaship saut s seanuon of ptysical and mental relut:- Nome fifty lcars mao, but viii mulefecarful-. slIon (roilthe arduotas routine o1 da 1 ly toile r ;a po1* AbrameowitL tii coloial aS fori 1h1"portion of ourananal calendar. mstiuenof Casastain 18.53. - ÂÀa.esatcit Odr printers, after enjoyiper tiie festivities fro Sir John Pa.kigtoi esbodyiig tic of the meason havre euried to their 4-ober eetsu s aprised , to,0frW. Moles donis, and ritiitheassistance o! titeir in. jeii wçCuld bc i ld onof !a' Camfnad dispensable co-Iabourer, tiie deilbar,e ena- gEiau of p&bieot, baving su> respect bled us titis veek 10 wishi our numercui rueitaif r Is clRSitUtuu he a jaeci of teaders aliÂrn TNzv Yz.%n, viti aill ub r-ve. Ti. Îeagy Es,,vesvasblessingi spiritual and temporal that cheered y-*$e paier 1 1andconsoled tihe iours of 185r2. parlerei qwti, -" Lik. mai> otiier papers in the country iL sisiopf ueftion,' butsmqdy on. ,ss- behucigiwiejualâ idt-tie rigbt of va vire obfiged te drop a crack in our reg huepioleo! isa crn# h leisstenular ~iau0; for printers, viiou. labor sud manar htwows affairs, in a »Y suit- aeicsat iimiio hubld able ta their local cfrcumetancei aud ace«r. rcreation. dingte ise iiief ise ~jeity;aniw-e Providence, during the year Ibat busjus d.mly te regbf Mysu> ccidental Britsi passed into bustory, bas bicasci our counItr M 0 .stty of (b. daqr, hic ttiot vlîicu breugit vitu more titan usual abundance, and t ont tic re<loubatle Sir Jobs sCier aRip vtntia usaddasii uepi Vms~ ~ ~ O Waiuoio!hall a enterr, te as@ng 1*ppelai dcoernt preveut tbern. eut local rrces nvcSucer eqssalled lWan .Ti people cf titis cost> viiiltok otbier pcriOd of ',ur _Colonîial existence xuioul for tiu fate of 8ir W. Moils- Proçperity, pr"nt auIposetve ls vortbt'.Bill, as veti as for the. proceeduugs nifest on nil aides vitit an sicrease of daté ýon u 'IAgislaturi on this subject in ligecetirougitout thel and ; ami wî trw Februat eat. Should the Derby Minis.. the day as Dot distant viien Our valuai try tate bicii it, canot for aiy leugtit of rivets viii b. lined i vti busy machtiner im e w ioniis>te Pur legislstert, PrO giving esployoeent ho sas intelligent ai, ceed by bât am once, for ouli Iis question happy opatio n ; vile te introduction i î. settled 'gti people cannot look forvard l>i. ril i nl every part, .specilly Iroi vitt cmidiici e nyutmj1d ries.orPort Whiiby te, Sturgeon Bay> on Lat satiai prosperty j bat shouli titi Derby Huron, vill quadruple tic vaalîh of tV N li u s t ry b . b r o k a n U p b1 e or e é b u a y , c o u t r y '. 1and it la presuned b> v tit L iii, v itavi ~ . tie"mYe ~ Titis is a most propitiolls séon'i lt] try viii -do jiuaié e te Canada tander t 1 e yat in irbicish o reuneuber tise Prnte heaiperate toe assaumedi tiss far b> he wbs o sat lio rc roct Caisdiw rerount. - veau> Magalhieng uni spreading intel .~ ILE IAP . - - enc, ai WC trut-m %fva i ere wi BY T£LEG.RAPHOassund-tbat thos. wig atil t miv». is 161 09»Ofice 11Hdicbarge ltait .duty lo'e e . ciarlulnsorsdMmlanity tie 27111,~ctrOr a Ërthren of the Conspaiè .oe ;f it 3U Ordel a Mscry -~bitby,, united aith it titeir Bretbren of Mlount Zioa Lodge, B. and yïls#, Recaci, in tise celcisratlan-Of thé au-'~ n;frensarsy or St. John tib a Sngeist, tf Br. Titomas Co e'à Commnercial 1-ote..pa .After the. due observa nce oftheic ncient,,d creenoies peculiar to tic Or der, ant . fire c ù'ctock tie bretireit and gisss at down t i via a simptuons §dunner, most ezcelieptly' got iaký fl3 r, Carey, ana wlici va% graýceti ik si thse preaence af a gotly uabet-co! '- Ma- n sons vvesaidMasn½bairute," uriose the cienfailcointenlOIcei added gjeattt 0he me~ ~tut gaiety and~ pletutura of the. occasion. The tia festi-ities of tiae day coacluded wit -a Wbail bc in tbc ercain; t ybaic vras laeartiiy enjoyed 5a ,by ail. -P Previous to tie bout for refresautn fie te Bretbren openei thtir T.odge douas tae.V visato , weaiter thse i5Jies sér-Pseated tgh lBr. the Rte. V. P. Mayernioffer, M>L l Chapain of Couposite Lodger Wiiuiy, e delivered lie follouviug excellent aditese, Pr> 1vhcb was înanunalousy reque.-teti .'or pui- ilctointhe. Ontario Reporter. lWuuastIPFUL N1.ssT»aitND 3cTiR.>» It appears soinewiial unu-suat, lthat a body * of mnslaiireliilfort- îir sleep seci'étly li q -tic dark ant i glony shades' of the iliît, b 9 assemblse togbler io conïnit ansong tis- r selves for ttleir PrOsPeritY as ivell-as- for o.tabers. 'ri<>y look by many dangeroius and, di fearfil, by altiers IIaey appear sing-«ular and B w onderful, a1l front iuiside tink tiait m ba suiti01, for if tbey aire once inilt e1 lé tiociety, anti strictly perlais ils tenets, F? t uey appear quite attereti indiviîluals. Ali whlat tisé vorit laIes notice of-is, they v.riaiio know it, l aaybi.he cos. oflteir , sisa;uiarity, and sersy, tiiy vishsto peik barb of those-liat iieloîg la its Society for 2 Fi te strict Etlence tiey leep inîurteriaig Stii. object- of Lt, and hecause tbey- cannet kY conipreisuti nor dive lato il, tii.> ut once pas. 3udginset or condemuation. But tiis aht :Society, s veil as oticrn wmitaderiv. teir eûtlence fron ti, lW but a chtaritable luisti- I rY tution foxuded th isBible, square aid to compasses, vb.reby uiicy rccomuteud tiet- ze seires by teir outvard performance ; aisd of hougii religion eouid stbasist vrithout il, yei '~by titis as a bantinaiti, it is prosaoted and ii n7 elevated iotu iLs proper dignity and pre- -e eminence. If tbey cannt vicrever they l-are diepertsed on tise fae.-vf tic eastlb eut- cale te 1-lI teneis cf the. ChriatianiReli- el- gion, tii> at lewit itavaniabiy enfonce te Lt- maintain tb. moral lav of. notural religion, wi ýicb commandse uer> inartal vitente 'su- rives aitlite age cf discretion' te love God- rY as-is Maler. tb love ibsis oly voî d,, W love LB4 bis hbgiiour, especially îthe brother of the. < $ceyas Itiasell. antd gives ordin3 to caci of .*bit t leada molral, godly. sud relagiotas Dm liiM 1 ac.cordLsag to tise iceles-0 divine rvie- oe lation. Titis huisjects ec-ver> individus! ta Lh b uat huée vtflbipper, of te gisï Jeo u hi, au obedient subject te bis L;oirem1Sett, and a~~ ~~ ustluebr socety abrad. It la a Shl--ociety isot of litb i;it and yvedifnlloftiti cr e a ti alaie, but to 5aâ9 p ool padi ûfe ror. *n ;subjecs of titi realin t6o. - It levatçstbl n umbl imd faitiifnl stab«e.,0 ositwt u là -... L I*15Vktiis Ti Theni 3.vr, <Jas. O

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