Ontario Reporter, 8 Jan 1853, p. 4

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'ME TIUATY I3TEEN GMEAI -the New York Ilcijuictof the 3Othi iâit. The. treuly now on tb eo beir cn cludedi between lte Untited t&iteiàanud (;ret W,*., W t$ . s presmed, settie tb. ques tiIi 4bich" have of late attractei go Mucb of Public sattnion in this. country, aca ada - OI ,4J .teegraphie detpatiches froua Valigton' haveconimunicated I ous the inormatio tlat the .negotiatioà ~be- tweeii ie- and Craiapton, on t11hlery %.t4o, ltve resultetin uthe. dralt of a treay, anti that it now reqllires to bu senccLioned by [lie lritiimbgoçeri-Snent to Snake à :tiàpnîcte 80 far as Englaod is coiene, ser that, it will bc subritt- cd ta îLe consideratii o outhe sonate of thie L nited tatuîo for rejection or raufica- tien. SOur respondet leae îCBhI5at Bot sfly the subject of the Norb Amerie4anfisihLrit-s but the question of reciprocity snd the fre6 navigattion Pf the St. Lawrenîce, enaged th a111i ft hé lie.gotiators. It s a - UatWer (re n nport.ance teo ur coiuer- dat iztreu !ha4t ii. olti.restrictive_ poliey * betweea the. United -States anti the I3ritisb Colonies in North Americà aho uld be undi- led, and', iuerstýded by a tuberai systein, more consonat to tbe. f elnr andi wants of tepr,,,t aj; ïandthtecconclu*ion and ra- tifiction of a tl.eaty tendng, Io wards reei. prociy wîth the. Eroviucep. Would, undout.t ediy b. haileti ivitli satÙ4lctioa by the. me.rcantile classes of ba:th Co'untries.- But- will Ibis nlueaty itwier the purposel It i. also Lat >i thitthe question betwveeîî 1111. 1overraent anid the Hudson's Bay. Coulpmfiy bas beèéêItaken up by.M~r. Ever-- ett. [t la known 'that the lHuduon's Bay Company are entitled4 o cetrtain pouucssaorr ! ights ini Oregon, extendingtu la point witb- in uurteritory, aud cmbratingeeveral forts andtei eants ail of wbichhilîey have pro. rposed ti ng tiitheUnited $tates, in con. oideration of the. round supot a million tif dollars., Some yearo sinèe, Degotiatinu wore opeae4'-on the. subject:- but the, de- manti of. aup'lwas conueetiexo- bitant, and the. mait<tr was permiteud ta lâlu to the grouad. . Itu a mater %blely be- tween our governinent anti the 1îmdson "a Bay Coânpany, If the. terma aofisale and- transter lieagreed on -b.tween the company and cour govertmeut, it needodaot that -lie terms taet the approbation of tihe Britîjli governpimt,- e:cept to reqtiire ubeir oiýcial recognian and endorseent of the trans,- fer .iéjacwo, ýofar m the E t are interestei. - u,,Wê aatilIook iwli soine imnpafiexre to' the promugation of (lie. trnisuof the new treaty. Atter its -atificatÎon hy the Britis.h g overnmnent,,it will be liud belrtta îtaSe- nate of the 1-nitctl Sýtaîte3, ivb;n the coin- try witt bave an opj.ortunity of jtud,-in0 aio i> meet, an~d wliwn we wuill probably be mui hedtrifid b>'the i~tioswlicl î il take plae in that dv as 11 iL* tiaLadeili- tion. me<:ilu e Segialte ratify it within ïIc fcww,*h ekïOf tt, ad'-euit Of a new adiiS- I PORT HOMAM) Â~DP£TtRBOnO' RAIL- stos..-TheIic -' er<of tuis ruad repor-ý, bliat tire.i5 a Wt in the, route where lu,, expecli toama ~cuivo in thes int, bym wliicii the length of tie roatdl be relazcd- fram 49 1-1"à miles. The lWatchmItxan inforiAýu% mh11I4 wo Contractoru iraun tlht- United :StateIr ast %wetk weutovthe î.rpro- postint~,-and epe1dthtnselvca greut- t>' ricased ti tihthe 4wkale route. 'Vire>' bave expresciîbniJ 1ewilting, if reqttin- cdi, ta take ý1O,ý.k in ýil I a large amounit, $,d bindtiitemïelrecs to comitruct it in an * elEcient ma oner. TL1i, 1?RELNCI-I EMPIRE. CÂST1IG ilOF TUE VOMTE-TRE.MIEDOUS, Tht vote for flic Emnpire was cast on tie 2t kt 4,~2û of Noeaner.Bah rrbliC &A - )d pîvate acroints agree tluat lie cre- mouyAw4i co4iiete1 tlvorqualy, but with- 'out any - .h îw of eêjis Fromth ie -pains-btaeata biiou,4îu) te voters, the.t- * turuis mil ,xiilt a 1 Int 'rî-~cae probably- thad o aiy p- Uîalppeal1 the peoite. , b rky ajItwo blara tiat,- ---up ta the mariné ofc~ the- 27th, tie latest, retuîrus, inuluding .igbîy-hret departments,- andthe tic rny -andi ua.sty, ere ;-Yes%, 7, 200,9PO ; »N, 250t0O0.- . - Piýis ptic nuaber of voters who ah.-__ -stainet i (ont otin; in Deccuibes', 184.8, amorintei ta ancef oiu'ttaof the wiolc ; in Deceinier, 18.5l, to on- ffth ; anti do Ibis occasion bIo que-%ecb Thire âak..Jo thie depautmnt of the Seine wu proclaiiuidonuWrý jmgrning -,u)brber wvould calit bie attention of:hisclitom-rsanti the lpubliec, o bis vajried Stock o *1ewGoovs7 auST AÂRKVED FR011 MONTItIÂL Conisting inpatf WhiteCrape & Echibition ýShawls I3raige <lit aines, -àdouslin de Laïnes, Muslin Dreses, - Sillc & Satin Parasols, Printa,. Zebra Tweeds, - Sununer Clouus, AercnCottons,: -Pricesî a ilînde la'wer than aruy hlae Store withiu. the limita of the Cnunty Town.. TIIOMAS UDOW. May28h 18-12. 74t. TO BUILDERS.- i1'1' Suboacriber rcapectfulty informia par- T Ue Bluilding, tuh i idpreparetite spl any qumntty of fdWED Lui mTHm L Bunrles of thc sual Lengtkî. -rtse.Lathtwill tleond ebeaper, eau b. nvrc 3cuy laid net, and. wil1 #ive botter stWâcfm rin the vommon Split Boardi Latli heretoforé lu RtOBERT WIGMORE, SNo. 14. 5th Cou, Pickpring. 1 mi]ls Eut of Tlumpsu's iotel. Âpply ta R. H. LAwna,Whithy, Pickecring( lune 16, 1852. 1-m IIOU"[SE & LOT FOR -SALE.-IN W}IITI3Y. 'ru ['Esubscruber offers for Sale à L ot, on wh ich recteti sal'zw Dwmr.uwao Hlou.;, with every necu.mry arrangment <or comrort ant eonvenicnc. For partflens as te terme, &c., appiy te WbIt1<, hue 19, 1852. 1.w PURIEMEI>ICINES,- paints 4-, Ojis, 1'rUmmr es, murest, . ' Morss 4- caMe fdWcne, .Scboot Booke, Stationery, &c. For Sale at Le w P Ricsas, WB 0'tsii.z & lirTAiL. *JAMES il. ERRIE, M4ain St, Town af Whîby. Oth Jlaly, 1862. 1-f Whuî.yth ~ JA ; H1. GERRIE. WilY1 Jl 18U.. 13-1f. iNEW RATS'.,, 4&NEW RATS! [' iE nhabitantrit %v iîithb ni e~u bounhOCatl are illitîrniedtilth <ha ubtcrubet hasri la boandt liiiNew springtoock+ Cou- t.îinir.ç *Il tic Newt.'yles tri }NXG&ldl,FAEiCH ani AMar»RCArH A T3, Miao, <re sAe brateil KossnltlîIlat, now ~n suitiu-ademand. Gcntemuu visitine <bis Ha inpoii ts, i"sc'ueraeset met luCanada - - JOHN SALT. Taronta, Aplil lit, 18592.. 52-1 M. PATENT THfASHING MACHINES§ '[Nl rïSubacribera bs-rin; been appointeti - Agensin Torrnuo for the sale oftue Ma- -ctiiucs;are noua'lraparedta joexertîîe ai-ties Jar the anmfe. They rÀ!yî worlued hy twa -bioses, re- vtire onl, ive atteiidants, andi will <Irastianti cicaîr 2" > Ilsels W1 est lu s day. TbcacMa- chines are îrneuralleut by any'inî rse, anti whoe itîey- becorneknw they taice the. place of a&H - ttiers. Prire 27-5 Dollars - WORK-MAN, WOOSIDE k CO. -raana.13 hlîy, 852. 14-1 ru -STORE TO liENT. 1'0 Rent in the Town of Wbitby for onc, oaaterniai yearia tb Building iatelyoacen- p biedLb- R.E. Perry. andi iset i as genrti store. 'flue promises beingin <hsoougb repair, teaition, favourable, au-d Whnthy 'h, Ccuty Town of tire rics' County, offera, suiperior iuduceenls taîthose inteuriug ta purluea smesuiile business, JOHN IIAM ?ERY. Whitby 8tb Apil 1852. New Book StoTe. -Jbiî,A pril2e, 1852. 11 1 3-tjJ SA IllIj &ci For 'Sale. THE Subserîber offera for Wae bis pro- * perty aîtuated ina PICKERING, silsmiles trom Frenchmiau's Bay and twenty-five <rom To- rontocoihirl% o1f 1 ONE HUtdDRED ACRES 0F LANO, on, wih is a Fiet-rate 8mw Mill, 74. tact long, iii. uaribt.anid.a gang or Circuler 8mwo for eut- ogLt,&c., uriven by an oversbot- wheel with met Shfts andi earing, al fitteut up in the beit nianner with abundance of wster the. yemr round. There lta goodý COtTAGE HOUISE, 118Wyes Houses, Stables kt., on the premises. .4,Ibl h.buildiln; are Framesnttltaulial 1 and bave been erecteti within the lait two y.art. Tbere is Il large' quantity of fie on ibie lmndi, sud mny quaatily ta be obtainet i n the neighberhood on rafy tern3l. TIME *&,-TERMS of paymeut. moit iberal, as tihe flscriber bas other matters requirin ifl his tuffe snd attention. Apply n tic rremiigss laROBT. WIGM4ORE, Greenwood, Pickering, or Io the tollowing gen- tlemen, Via: R. I.L LWDER, Whitlby, andi Wý IL FEL- 1Lo WS, Wellinigton Street, Turnnta. Picering, July 24, 1852. 16.11. ADVERTISEMENT. W IfBE SOL]) by Privat Bar- glaîn (bat port of Lot 17, in the 2nd roncesa- Moan of W t he <icPr*lwuty aof -the ste -James r. $omervillIe, Etaq.. heau<îftrlly tltoatet oo thé-- Kinguton Rosti, usîuly midway thc <hriviugr t*ounty 'Town ofai Wtuhy-, anti Oshawa, aud 'coin. pr)i*IOZ a couveunient Frame Hause, Outhîuildngs, Barn,' 13 Acres 0f1 geW Landi, andail iatraie Orchard. Offers for purchatte will bc rceëiredut ntilt I 11 a January, 1853. ý by R.. W.CL ARZK M-.) WhitbyiTillage, Aetiri; Trustee for the Eslate. Wlby,'Nov. 13, 15à2. 31-til Oâlawa Preemaan, ta copy util lat.Jan., 1853 CARDR C &. tL DWELL IIOWl, COIIVEYANCIýR ACCOUjNTAI5T, làuI si M,,a.P!tA&:AO*Lrczaasi, Orcnera I gcni. me bis Qoiùrb.' Ofie ihisirctdEne South anti ofC Murch Street, n ucr Mr. Jas. GOUI4118 Grist ýMiii. UI lotir Ige, 1911 Ailguit, 1952. 20. NOTICE* A Lthose baviag chmsà ta hing forwaid the mmebyti enu'lina «w liauidatosaAndali the Et- MUSLLMUCED A~Taiveeîn~~r ~cPnrt Whitby andl Company 4th fut.,Ilt RmiVed That froin TueÏday tIc 4th of J anuary ,Ii Mou- day- the' 71h afi Match, 1853, the TIols on the Road ai the Pori Whutby îrudLakeS tcugoç, Sint- cue .nd iluron iload Ctiiipany, be rc-durect toùu JIlffhe prellenttRaina. ÂLSOI-Resolved TIint the. Harbor Toits on Lumber b. reducedt t One, hhui!ig per Tb9uiand feet frata sud aller the. openlé; of Navigation 1853. -,J. HAM PERRY, WhItuby,Oat.16,1852. 27 2i WEAIN-FIRE IýNSURAtCECOMPANY,- TRESubsribrldoiremost respectiully - oannotipçatthe nbé1àtitn'à t Ut1ir, andt h. surroindii,,TownSlihip.t liehobas beeu d uly appointcd Aos N t bX 1h.e Western A ssurance Company, iately orpxniied in Ta*rante, ta talc. Riâka against Fire on the moit reasonable teurms. Aïsc, parti"e wihmn a gare antird uuralein- vestinent of tuiuey bave. noan s opporronity to 'In amunt uot excciîng Ont H und retiShares of TollnePotis per *lbmre9, Ibile only Pive per cent or Ten Shillings ur hâre re requifré4 e tra it!i down, The robblity isthatlhe divldenrls sil I tioàs ta Lité anr Marine lnsurancc. But abtild It b. founti necessary ta c*mlinl a furtiier peu cent- age of the Stock subacribed, sixty tisys' uoticc w111 Ib. given proviens to the datp ar payment . Ail *bwb is re#p.ritly subsc ribed, TIIOMAS BOLSTR. ironi 't 'i ut 't su t' 41-2] 41-2 41-2 Drab.' New style Buisntui Coats, la ali Materlals. DRYUGOODSO ,Nus'in Du»Linee, yard wide, tram O 10 1-2 Fe-tory Cotton, froni O 2 1-r2 Printsfait colora do do " 0 71.2 White du di q*%3 1-2 ffeavy Ginehu*us, do do 0' 7 1-2 Stripoti Shirtiîug, idO 4 1-2 Spleudîdu Bonnet Riblion, u 0 o 7 1-2 Cotttin- Warp, 40' 4 4 1-2 Straw, Bonnet#, -1 3 Laties' St»yai,.di 2 6- Gloires, H-osiery, Ribbons, Laces, Shaiwls. HsndÎercîiefie sud Necli-ties, Etiginga $, Arti6cflm Flowers. Cap Fronto, Milliiîîs, Netts, Shot,C' heck'd, andi Plain Alpaças, Col lard, Silkia, Satins, &c.. TablelÂnens, Qiilta, Coonterpanies, Orlesaus. Cahaures. D»Luines, Bcd 'ric k, aud Towels. Fringes. Gimpi, Tniinning4, CrapIés aud ateriala for MIournitie, Bareze Dresses, Infant' Robes, Caps andi Frocli Bodiea, Sit kWarp Alpacas. *ro second Prce- BURGESS & L1EISHMAN, vol 3-1.1 Corner aiKin g 4- Citurl&, Street .sjoinin,,z t/te Corr I014c Trntu NLEw LftW OrricI Attorney and Barrister at Lawo AND SOLICITOR 11 CIIANCeI<y, NOTAfly PUBLICe, &QVEAC AT flI1. OFFICE OrYJ. . tPEnnY, ESQ, nearly oppoite Pt-rr-s'H orEL, and within hall a minuoe's walk afi Svsoizns. Toronto, A pri! 1o, 1852. 51-1 Y. Caitada IfVest farmer'a flial 4, 6tiock Jneuranrr TUEý Subseriber having been appointati AGENT for theaovea'n Capy, %WJ, it ai tniqs, be mait happy ho recriv applucatonts AprIl 29, 1852. BdICk~ B i el BCK~ ~ lYte begrininr cor iît utof .1 ux znex t ,%2ew eaîi, urnurî. i,) rher.,i0iltw r.a Ily <..r Sale antthe WiIlfl3'r çox rAlo oulK 200,000 tu 3>0,000 jStock" & O Mon Bricks, or F-rat rare Qtali fy. ami t -. a Luw Pre. par- ui-sboaut lmjfî.lj, lelite Vl<aze. .% ere wte Bricks$ ae ta be drawu uuily a iboru d1iaface, wili fint il fully as chritp <o tiuilti wiib Brick a. 'rimber. Fer tuither paiticular. apply Io WvM.OAI<E ou- JAMIES WALLACE. 10CoRDS JDR Y, IIEMýLoCKC C *WonDWanted ti t he J3aîcxYu, yAj.,forwhîieh -Cash wvill lie pali. Wbitby, May 8, 1852. 4-tf. ,s Ii M) YI BUIRGESS &LEISIIMÂ9 OR-NEROF RING & VHURCH STREET4,. JOINING THE COURT UIOUSIE, Tii OwTO -Have on band the Largest, the C'heapc8t, and lte BIJ es 1' orlou3nt of UEA1~~[ DECLOTH QMs, IN CANADA WeST. WHOLESALE AND RET.A IL. wEL have now receired our cornplete assprment of NEW SPlilNG & Fit znGoOnS, "wbich,, up@u inspection, eur eustotiae'g will ifnd tn be ieomlWned orfib. Neweit and mnst Fash- onable mateiilit dind great vAriety. 11avlnig been selected with greal care, and ýimport. direct from tive beit British, Frenich, and* American Markets, by ouirselves, we cani confidently sîîbmà,t hem to tbe inopectlui of our cuitometi anid the puhlic, as being the fmotinihionablte, durable, serviceable andi cheap eiottlnt of Ready-Made Clothing and DIry Goods in Canada West. TaUtorln»g, En alli sBranche ,executed ýwitha T<ate NOflùtIIGlg 1W1I1D 09 TEII OXEST NOTICE. ~aciitnnba & ~ ~J~nkfuio ri,3i tI$ READ-YmIYADE, OLOTHINC nivtee ne sa u fl , i .p: 'It -the .ÇV,4etn alhllaene-u115er by experloralîin. *prodticirug a delighll rliaîie inîl4e bruabilai- che.st, anUis,,ei jWI1$çry bitmr*Fr en ant itire iîîventrautr of kindt anti sors-ouiug (ku-Iesd *andl nipa, havp e îIO1ta gii'é the smalletircliel t6the ouiite 4err V- ,rltisÂflnB 0 F . oxNhIJMpTivZ. peu-sou have beeti deceiv#d repentetiIy in<huryi; Medicine« which were saiiti ta4ut ùf4Iible cuIre#, but which have proyeti 011<4 palliiatives-, but riais metlritue lis uaiteniya pmlli8tiVe but curefer id. crrateulIi&s It routaius no deleteriaust Drnsi anti one triai wilI prove $ f Miling eficscy bc- ter tIssu any oasscrtia<.sosin curiug con- sumpion andt iI iseatesal <the bngm, si;ch 1as0 .9ptuirlg >f btood, C011elhs, pdin in the side and. ChWa, uigld-swent», c: . r-i Alaut 1O<X .ia<) of rir olucures peu-rin- cd by laiu medicine, (rom somauofatbe fitst Dortors, Clergymen and Merchants, have been sent os for this tredicîne, tut the publication of theru look@ to ch sblike Qujackcry. [will sbaw thenu t nu persan callirig -si nir olfice.J This mediclne wi I ipeak tarilse!fâaùd enough inuis own favout where- ever il lu tîjeul. CoÀution.-This niedîcine in pnt np in a large atille, ati you inuit finti the naine of C«mstuck 4- Brother, ProprielnrA, New York~, on the splendid a tapper araund the houle. Alil orders must h. aidre.sed ta Camstock 4 Brother, No.»9, John St., New York. . Iememher andl never buy it unlesi ynu i fi.dîte naine ou the wrap-ucr. - CAUTION.- Buiwrre Of a doawsrraffCa7mterfeil of the CHERRY Ef LUNG WOR T, sud the htINO CORDIAL and CA.RL TON'S OUNIYER OINVT#[FNTatid. RING BCiNE CURE, affei- tii for'Sale at the Drrug Store? anti remember anti never ha.y thesse articles in Whttê, ,uly of Wis. ,LAtmo.at bis Dry Godstore,s nduavoid theicaun-, <crtcitasa you woold Poisori. Imis the prià To Otoners of and Dealers in Bories. îoyt- CAR.LTrN,'S r.OUNDER OIT-11si For the cure aof oujndPr, Splitlicol, Hoof-bouri tbe'& Horsea,and coutracteti andi Pcvetlsh Fet, Wonnds - For Bruimsei,hi Flesb,Gatied Bacica Cracked eeule, al ouc Scratchei, Cuti, Kicks, &e., on Hitrsci SuL Cauts-Fiud the naine-'Of J. îCIuton Cons- Rhe siockon thewrapperor n.v.n buy Cau-ftoneHorse dite Medicinei. -Sec CARLTON'S RING-EONE CURE.Cri For the cure ai Ring-Bon., Blond Spavîn, Bae oe Spavini,Windigali, snd Splt-. certain remedy', Ç.wb CAReLTON'S CONDITION 1>0W- Sin D)EUS FOR HORSES AND stand! CATTLE. lis iiie th The changes nf wemîber and naaon, wilb the tightn rhange cI use anti feti, have à very q.rem[ effécr bus bi iîpuiî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii mon roisnalnn Iado bis -ai [lbeue ebaaî<t-li <bey requirean affistault tonature cde. Ith 1.rew araiy difiarder o0< hiefluide cf the boudy Ipleael ria: may bave been iinblhed,aist whic, if iutat- Cit lentiedt' a, will iesit iiit th Yellow water, Jica-ves. 4i mi f Worms, ]Botis,&.,llt of'wbich wiIli e preventeiti bu,1 hy giving oae f uheje pawders, muid wit l a a1 ime c-ure, whecîi urrv symptoinisof liseaie appear's, C if useti in limre. They inriiy<ihm blond, remave SOUd aIlîîalarmauorandlever, looacu the mliii,, eleanse l'lac tlue water, sud invigoraté tic whot. body,euiabliue <wcel thein ta dor more work -with the autre feeti. The ClaYj aciiou i ftilese powders h dtret upon ail the. se- Io0 W creulve glandits, andt terefore have-Ihe siaine efeci J n pan the Hiorse, the Ox, the Aa, anti ail Herl.ivet- Wl olia auiinaLr-ill diseags araisinq (rom or praducîn; lin. a bati state cf lio blond, are speedily cured by <hem., so Remnemtiertanti skitfor Currtit"s Coiudiirpou'- Di y 1ers, andt sie %n t Crs. bisS C A 11, S NE IL VF1 ,A N?D ] ýN E C ref lI ME TFOft HORSE.S, -1 tIW doit f«r t uencrtte nfn l i seses o0< insueo r teist ibha tW. req'dire external applirauhoti. ati for coiiracpu. torilsand mu4res. wenaeîsieak 11mb..auod i,- F, ,elsO uedfor 4spraitis- brisesiaeddle gais. suueltei- ,,ar% Iegi. liiso.nsaitaIlkints ie , osas. flo (Žjiliu'l articles fier khOrea a ilcale au-e<re- "an p-areul <roa th.rerip,. of a very elt-ased rulii.unt rallien. ami< wilt'irf-. niuiety-îiiue limes oeit ai nada ha ve b tea set! hy farmers. tivee y-nen, stage Y(,-Renre prieioreaid.i hers, wîthr thro mairkdud-ide- aiee -eided Lsuece,s. wrar C,IUTIONV.-'Nnue tan licgenuinruunlesyau neve Cwlutrhe niame ot'J. Carlton :ointockoth îe wrap- asti Per of enact artîcte. i n Ci The) COMSTQCK'S VERLMIFUJGE. nel Thb4 sth mosi exrdinary retivfcr Wùorma " utver tuaei-A'laffuetiallv aradicairus Woaruus folaut - ou'2 luouri le i i." -' l,75 d>byz M H. J. BL~ACK. - 4-1) andi oi- ýold -T. "fl dn4 in tthose withe .Caution t A coîrnteri 1,een risfituedt, ou wrappeu'. Remember Levi Juuisos wyapipeî, onZly Agen ComsLockla .4 ta cluresai tracieti Cords euse rtesk Ltl pied ta wuttu prietors, Nei iheir uaine or DR. XlLN ache. -Iis menti il asai any ujury te CAIILTO" -Do Cekâ- d DO Black AIp a do Do Ruil Cord do Do Frîncie do do Do canada Twued do Do Broati Clatir do- Do Caisimere- do #oy ,î%a Ulntienit do DoCheik'd do do Do Mtuieokiq ide Do Tweede àdî Do Broad Clotb do Do Ruosli L'ord >do: Meu's Btaek Clota Veste, Do Btek Satin de Do Fascyîatia do Do Holla" do Do Faney do Do Velvet do Do Mameilles de Do. Barothes do m enit Cloth Cape, av's do Men's Paris (roin 4 -4 1-2 Bo 'Fancy VernIs, " 10 0 Do Satin do 12 6 I Do Clotb do 12 6. Do Tweede do 17 ô Do Caasiineredo " 30 0 Men'. Moleslcin Trouacri, 26 0 Do Luefl Drill do " 4 41-2 Do Check'd do 5" 0o Do Corduroy do 6 3 Do Satiâait do 10 0 - Do Cimiineres do *a 17 96 -> 1)o Buckeiiu do 8 9 Do Docikin doi 7 6 'E%8sDrill ' do -:8~ 9 10Ceck'd do 1 e Do NlolePkini do 't 4 Do Canada Tweed. do 4 4 4-2 Dô Cassimers do Do Tweeu<e do iWhbite Sbirtù, Linen Fronuts, Strîpet i o " 2 f Redi FiannelShuaîtu, 1 101.ý2 Under Shirts aud Drawero,, Satinl Hats,, Black and ý Il ý ýl . - . , , > ý ým,, ý ý 1 1 .ài- , ti

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