Ontario Reporter, 15 Jan 1853, p. 1

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DAY MORNING. -11 &DVÂ1ICD. '~Z arna ma~ ~n6 thlak I*ri~mt4s ~$-2#not, WIIITBY,y CN A DAW ÂANIUIIAY 8,5 88 5ma ail fat yd*Ùaffecogth A4MhI Teesibi red0 a Déi P Re et fiete * - F 0«on to an entire &tit. OU. avec >Ma. Laîmqo'@S oas. corner of gîxa end Sncot Str-retu._ *ssaNOVI 1lt, 18501. OU If 0 TA AYPUB LICo Vuuainufe? et the tour of queou's Seuhc, ComlyaWer, Draug&tman,. 151 0OF MARRIA.UE LICEI4SES A'ND ACCOUI4TANT. MBe-star the Cout flouset Villige of - MÂWcHwrIEa, Township of REAcu, C. W. 24tf L. C. TI{OMASY C ON VV YA?t C E 9 Commâuioner, of Queen's Bench For taLklmg Afldavts. Brooklin, Sept. 13, 185. 22 tf LA.W orri'ZO. se JeMACDONELL, SOLI C TUR-1 N-C1ANCERY, WITBY.- 53'offce up stairg *Ver the Chequeîed Store. NS,' 1er Sad At*o~r."y -ALaw BRUcK.SrEiWIIITBY. INSUlIANCE 0OFFICE. JA ES WALLACE tug ( intinate ts ehb ,e.n appuir.tee Âýntfuor the and that h. apreparetio -,ta1e riks aIthe <rdinarv tares. in the N¶ruêL. PlOPSIETASY&MR braneiceof said C-i.upanly, Whltby, 1LIt uhr15. 21tf WORKMANBROTHERS & Co No., 36,- Kirig stet, Toronto, IMPORTERS 0F BIII 8RNA&UFAOTUKES, AilsD tALEZLL WKDLBSILE AND) RETAIL. W'hitby Village, June, 1850. C AR L Ero N L YN D E, WIIQLESALE AND- RETAIL YMANUFACTURE R 0 FSOLE, UIPPER, AND dfARSESS LEATIIEIi,&. Cash po44 for HUdes and Skins, Wkeat, Ã"a, Pots and .Pearl ,.s/es. Whltby Villaqe, 1tb lune, 1850. S ÃŽ. es ciC.gsigomltats t siâhes lu irJ ussriber io prepared to make ADVANCu S N CASH on -POT AN» Pfl.AGIES cossignet n Montresl. ROBERTI-1. IiAWDER. reo« WhijtbY.lai Ataguit, I8&0. 1 WuHI8KEY 1WdISKEY-1 00BARB.ELS PORtT Dovzî WI;is- "~k.% for Sale, rery low, by JOHNý MARTIN & CO. Port Whitiby. May 31, 1831. :eslieslt sel AL NOW OR NE VER!1 R. Ë-. PtIUtY eau b. (oùnd at bie office over 291b instant, andi bc bep to ottry au lsrrso n. debted tob hl, tht ail surh debti unietli fter that date will b. ieft eitI t he CierI of thse Coti witbois apy distinction. As lie Je intonding 10 le h Pac fora Uir, h. wimbee;0o tlle bis buines. belon. dom; sem. Wb,.by, Auet 12, 1852. 19-a FOR SALE OR 'I.O LEASE. OR wquid b. Exchanged- for a Form) a very droirableMerchanr tore 27 by 3(1,with Sgood s8jin; Ren, ia.lîrben ed two B.. moonsa sgoo< Voler W0by 30, Store Homse and the 1oYo trund. Tbeh Property je a corner Lot end weli s*tuateid (orjusaaeu ln(the viliap et Columbus. Possession eau be -pven on the 201 of Maey nexi. 1- 1 ALSO-An ajoining Permi for Sale. N. a.-MONEY to Loan. Joint Note. or Menu;.. esbotaght. Tee asy TIIM CLARK. CoiubusNov.13,182.8f Wâid Land to Loaess r'5Hl, Sbscriher bas A FEW:;THOefSAND IACRES,,ïot Wil<I Land to lease in the foilow- igTowauhipe. ReýcA, Uzbrige, NorthA <oUiin- bury, Brock, Thora/s, >fara! ùrilhial , Tay,q Nottauwa5gOCli;wr Mryua ldcee IamOp.The mosott Qese lande are oftise ,boit qualiiy, and will bc Ioased for aterm i freai 1ave toseeCQyero4epesidini.upifthesituation, in lots et itoin20 to 100 aces each,to &Dy one Wbo will chop, cléar.and fenc,in a igood and-'worlt. manlike manier, withinî (ho mae tunme,a queuiy flot iessithan 20 ares ontosci oi Ail letters, post.paid,Jeiing informtou con- cernnng any ofr the îarticular lots in cubher of tbe above towueipm, wil lb.anaweredwithout delay. Whilby,SJuly . 195t). TBU16 WVIIITI3Y AGENCY Or Tiuat cieV.tern" .Assurarnce Gornpany. H1iM-r OFFICE - .'. .TORONTO. Oaffital-1O.OOO, INsIlAUES op TEN POUN<DS 1LACII. rj¶ths COML'ANY hniving 1m'en '1111Y onganized, Peccording toihe ternta of ils Chanter, ià prepar«I tn issue POLICIES aaiunst LOSS or- DA3¶AGE b y FIRE, upon i<EAL or' i'ERS'ONA L PROPERTY of al kinJe, on as favorable.termâ as éther responsible Companiee. The followiâ;gentlemen compose the Board et Dîrectors, whtse narnes are a aufficient guayantee tisai tbe busines mrnaecieons of-thse Company %viil boe onducted on.tise mcethonorable pyisci 3sac C. Gilmor, H g b Miller, TisusmalHaworth, M. -P. Maya, George Mîchie, fWus. Heuïderson, James Beatv - IRice Lewis, sud ÃŽobniiowcutt, Esquirts. Isaac C. Gîlmnor,- -- - ------Preidost. Thomas Ilawnîbh, -- -- -- -- vice-pesident. liobi. Stanton, Esq - -- - -~ - - We. andI Trea.. .The underaigntsl bavsug beesi appointent Agent ot the ebove Comspany, vi ,Il eive pereonitatten- tien te parties desîrous n(efftetissg lnrance. JAS.7 WALLACE, Fine, Life, snd Gen'iI nsurance Agent. Fcbruary 5,1852. 4-f VAL UM3LE AUNtIS -FOe -SALE 50ACRIES of tise front part of lot No..57- let torn. VA&UUiAN,*Gacr151UT nu- der <Ced fence, and in a bigis ste le of csststots, witb a r.omfortalcleFramo DwoIli' ' Buesand1 barn, sa;oo'l ellofvater. A neyer tuiigsres ce is e lot. 1 Also-80 acres, the front of lot No. 58, lot con. VAUGH AN, 65 acres improved witb a »wetllng Houte out buildinsgs, young orciard in u al l bes- ing, good veilIof waton &c., 1 Tisese Farmm are situs'ted on Yoso-Txtzly, 17 mjtes (nom Toronto, in thse viciaiy of RIC H- MON D HILL. .Aise, 100 acres the sostbhSait oiet No. 4, 10t5 Son. of Rescis, in tise new Coinnty of Ontario, 50 acres tandon culvetion, wvuS alog Dwellinc Houte anM barn, yo.smg Orcltesi, s nover aliing Spring~ Creek. Aise 100 acrea the west half of lot No. 7, 12th con- of the saiti Township of RF-ACH, 1.5 acres lus- proved, a peruanejtreataot water erues nid ot.; .Als tise west Issif of lo No. 7, 2d. con. UX- NEW BOOKS in i b M.W.Sa"eýEo .Co- JounalcfaSumeTTurb $ewel tiorthwood, or LireoI<ortb fiadSouth, l'y Mrt. 6. a. Hale. Contontcmne btter tItan Wéafth, by Aite B. Stories (ni fi Blackwod." Lives of Welington and Peel. Spien'. and Surrenne's Pronounciî.g Dictionery o theFrentb and Engi.b Lusguges-,1 volume GiceroisTusculmn Ilisputati mes, Anthon. Personui Adrentures of e Our Correspondent" in ltaly, M. Burke Hfonte. Sapin-a«n *ccoosnt, Qe.grapicet sud Ilistorieel, Memoirs of thse Lite snd Wrtiuat of Dr. Chalai- ers# vol. 4. Thse Ladies' New Book of Cookery, by Sans J. Hale. Thse Erhool for Fathars, T. Gwyane. The Clifford FamÃŽly, by ont ef bern daughters. WhImosud Oddities, b y Thonsaï Hoo. 1ise Es;le Pas., or LîIe- en the Border,by Clora Montgomery. À New England Taie, and Miscellanies, by Catis- armne M. Sedgck. Loasing's Field I ook of 'the Revolntson, Né. 28. Peregrne Piekle, l'y Tobias Smollett, Biac kwood'a, flrper's, Godey's and Grahami' Magazu.-ategt flamber. THOMAS tMAC;LEAR, 45, Yongp Street. Tooto. Nov. 6,1852. 30I, NEW GOOIDS. In addition to former extensive importa. tions theSubseriber lias just recivcd FRFSH TEAS, COFFEE$, TOBACCO.i, CODFISII & 1WRRJNGS, A.LSO LONG flICIIl SIIAWýLS, MUSL.IN DE T,,ANES9 FIGI.RED LV.-3'1'RES, PRINTS, ALSO. A NE\VLOTI'OF CARPE-N- TE R'Z TUOLS. &c., THIOMAS DOW.- Wlîitbv 1,SîhiNov. 1852.- 32-tf CANADA Weîtera Assjurance Comupany, CIIARTEILED BT ACT OF PÂRLtÂMRST, Capital £100,000; in shares of £10 eacb. HUME OFFICE, TORONTO, on Weliington Street, oppoWe ite teCoi7- mcrcal l3ank ,Presieftt,. J. C. GILM01R, ESQ. Vice-Preident, THoMÂ,S IÂAWolrTH, Esq. DIRECTORS. George Miche, William H-enderson, Janmes Beaty, fiée Lewis, lubMUter,A lî M. . Hayes, John l{owciitt, Eiqs. Scey and Treasr, ROE'T STsrlçTO.N,1 Esq. Sotw4eor, A2ýiGVSf MonsusoNý, Esq. <CIIESTERt DRAPER, Agent, Brooklyn. Det. 4, 1852.,f 34.y NOTICEu N consequeucle of Mr. 'Martin havîng ruade -arrassgmenuta t retlre frocs business in this part of thseceuntiy, thse Subactubers bave detemmissed ons closiusgzicir business'at .Whitby ViUl<ge and -Port P"rr. Avd wouid intorra thse Publie thint il mtheir intention ta dispose of tise followîng propectme,. rit Tog "DaC OFCOflt AT PORT PEIIY laith the. Iuterpat la the, »usbww, Their sales have ken about £300 cuûoenty, per montli ince.comnmencemsent. Also, connected vith is i.tise torwarding buines of Uic Botoen Lake8euseg. furni5ises woed, &c. The Stock of Gonds taBbtby Villa. vithSthb. ;oçd wli o> tis buuinmfsa sle« have been about £400 carres- y In oth. Slsoufl4 :lsiabove not b. dis! Li d kbv .snivte silo bc(bre the First day o- kh wbseïas the bu obeuita em.rlt sfokeai And mot l'ent quicker wuîh P.a ent ove, For i., wboee bsrtb this.4r" commnimates, .Who dwellswii be Etteruai od aboya. Oh 'iia 11017 pesie d fs cmlis oua, Speïki te, the besto< pente, and jendiiiblis, Wkrms into action a1l out nob1ler fersflfl5, LMoechrity and (a"t, and wby il ibis 1 Bfflmîeotmeigbta.em hurdred yetrso, Tb*ebuigist God ooflhsdirfdavs -nadni" mi lepeople hm .beiow, AMi ut* »0 onw.. bot s avior <1155 'Twason Ibo holy ievelme;og 0 a Tb& Shepherds seutbey Watcoisedibor *oc. b( Beacîlpeace proel&iWs n'd oowll towaids men, And, fields of UBelebecmvert Iloodedwith lhe*- -Venly ibaht Tin ilsreebrassee of ibishaiwdi, ,Ail saided wsaos f roi 0outs atore bon'4 AndI cliasityfor t" he%" day ai iemit~ waiko pen hpusded tbrough ttheoltltlwold, Shoddsug a rsy of giadne round ïsne-wetcbea b orne Wbée'olaes ud wasted, pale and gaunt, 1Ttilof 111e trialsi by povaty endured, -Whle ait aroius4d 'peakaý,.ietr and want. And oh! bow littitcit requîtes otbo, Who insthe Coudent of uis lid.e bound, To scatteromsiles of joy atd ha ppslse, Where teasa4 î etgho. are tb, tee often ftend. Whitby, Jan. loth 1852. A. Bf. Tihrillling Zarrative 1 STECAMBRIP PCVC Inl thse Channel? DeC. Io-, 1852. W. have had a very long- passage, and a very rouigis and boisterous one, witi tomne instances connected wil t h ihch mill -make us remeînber it as long as we live.1 Ou Thursday morning, Dec. 2nd, we foitnd the weat.ber ha& cbanged decidedly for the worse, tise wiod blowing a gale and the ship rolliug fearfully., As soon as I uýt-. temptedi te- rise, 1I beraffig very sea-sick, aid inoxt of tise passengers were in tise sstme Toprc condition. There was nly siroutat break- t' R fast. From that tim1 until Sunvday I as B.O oblioed to keep my lerth. mmd suiTered very Wlïh iti mui in many ways. Tise gale încreased14 , on Thursday, and on Friday moruing it was shall b terrifir. Then occurred à scenie wbich I W hjsl shahl neirer forot. lu thee Srmt place, my kep husband came sluietiste state rons, on bis Out I return froin breakfast, and informed me tisat foJr thi a poor sailor-had (allen fros tise rigging, in 8aR1fin the aigit, ud broken bis le- 11v«b rj.. quit. senseless, and -wttWhtle hope of re wo covery ; and tisai tise ead steward, tisat Fire mornîntf, had a narrow escape ('nom being coverl washed 1overboard'. -tise Pe Sisortly attecî, ise came in -a-gain, and said th@*.1l1 tierewas a wreck in sigist, and that iL vas Ireusi thse Msaawful ecene ho over witessed.- Or perl Tise vessel was.entirel>' dismastd, the se& hou»e wnshag ompetey over it; while tise orew er 'Il :le cu en iue-wore on te dock, if nO< wamging 10thos, aud crying to tisese on amu board thstbeamuer for asistance. 7lse bark corni was se rear, part of lier anme could be rend; twet but tise ses. vas runniug mountains higli, fine it Sand tise captaîns and otisers feared it %vouaIt to tisa be-impossible I0 render suy assistance.- lu ti Tliey, boweyer, as soon as possible, sent thetec <out rockets vits topes attacised, but tbey 110 did not reacli the slip. The-poor seilorsa lye- tisen cried out- --1 Send us your life boat,"' Pas whieli, (romth ie first, tras thotaglit Iobe in- pra ticab le . .T Tise third officer iu command tisa offer-R.T Pd to ~o in a lire boat, anidthree of tise ssi- 'ors Vo tsnterod log5o vith imi. 0f course OP TEIt MUTNCIIALITY 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY. BYE-LÂW No. 61. BYE..LAW No. 62. BYE4ÂLW No. 63., T-O require applicants obt*éing Cet f~z /or TGV.5-Li-. cense tofurnimh Boeidsfor puipwern mentiowd, and bo repeai Bye-Lawu No. 50. 1. Be il cuaoted by the Municipality of thse Townasip of Whit- by;, Tint (roiand sîter thse paseing of tisis Bye-Law, tisat no cetiflates fer Tavera Licous.,shah Ib. rmted, utiless tise parties apply ing for theo»Mme, shail vus two 1;ooa sud sufficient sureties ini tise smtaof Fifty Pounds ecan d hitnsseif or hersoif ini tise flm of On.- Hunla"e Pounds, for làs ood hebaviour, ansd thse observance of ali the, Bye-Laws and Regulations tisat are or ay be passcd by Ibis Municipslity, thse said Bonds te b. deposited in tho. Townsip Clerk's Office by the Itspectors 0*f Liceases. 12i Be it furtiser enacd, That Bye-Law No. 60 sb*U beb, &mmd tise mmmc 15 hcueby repeae. ?aased, Februaq. 17, 1852. (Signed> JAMES ROWEI Town Recve. R. T. HARRISON, Towa Clerk. BYE-LAW No. 64,. [r;MPORA&RT.] BYE-LAW No. 65. [ TEMPOEART.] BYE-LAW NO. 66. BYE-LAW Ne. 67. [TZrePOPaRtT-.] BYE-LAW No. 68. vent the Sale of Spirituous Liqâors zwoa Licence, and Repeal Bys-Law No. 62. 1 1t enacted by the Municipulity of the Township of by, f bat ('rom aud aSter thse paseing of this Bye- no person withîn the limita of tisis Muaicipality be allow.d btI, i', endl, or retâïl, Ale, Beer, Wice, tey, Rusin, Brandy, or any ôîiser S 'Inituons Liquors, or a l101se of Estertainnneuî for vend ing thoe sme,,with- Licoee had'sud. obtainied frout the uroner anthority suin seconuU . and 24, No. 32.-Ottho North 1 'Nu. 1, 2, 3, 4 m Concession of Lao, N43...2.-Of tise whsole J -South haif ini tht 2, 3 and 4. No. 50.-.-Of thse North half in tise eigit and 5, and'tise Lois No. 2 and 3 No. 51.---Of the Norih half in the eigisi 10Oand Il! ýR. T.HRION Town ClerIt. BYE-LÂW '4 To RepeaZBye-Law No. 4. Be it euaeted by the Muiiéip Whitby, Thut Bye-Law No. 4 Iserehy repeuled. - Passed, June 21, 1852. (Signed) R. T. HAURISON, To 1 - 1a jWhitb Ssme, ýpciu,', eluer.. Good ,LIE. aecuted m an. - Oshas 01.8. I * 1' il

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